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! Copyright © 2022-2023 Dynare Team
! This file is part of Dynare.
! Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
! (at your option) any later version.
! Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
! GNU General Public License for more details.
! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
! along with Dynare. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
! Routines and data structures for multithreading over particles in local_state_space_iteration_3
module pparticle_3
use matlab_mex
use partitions
implicit none (type, external)
type tdata_3
integer :: n, m, s, q, numthreads, xx_size, uu_size, xxx_size, uuu_size
real(real64), pointer, contiguous :: e(:,:), ghx(:,:), ghu(:,:), &
&ghxu(:,:), ghxx(:,:), ghuu(:,:), ghs2(:), &
&ghxxx(:,:), ghuuu(:,:), ghxxu(:,:), ghxuu(:,:), ghxss(:,:), ghuss(:,:), &
&ss(:), y3(:,:)
real(real64), pointer :: yhat3(:,:), yhat2(:,:), yhat1(:,:), ylat3(:,:), &
&ylat2(:,:), ylat1(:,:)
type(index), pointer, contiguous :: xx_idcs(:), uu_idcs(:), &
&xxx_idcs(:), uuu_idcs(:)
integer, pointer, contiguous :: xx_nbeq(:)
end type tdata_3
type(tdata_3) :: td3
! Fills y3 as y3 = ybar + ½ghss + ghx·ŷ+ghu·ε + ½ghxx·ŷ⊗ŷ + ½ghuu·ε⊗ε +
! ghxu·ŷ⊗ε + (1/6)·ghxxx ŷ⊗ŷ⊗ŷ + (1/6)·ghuuu·ε⊗ε⊗ε +
! (3/6)·ghxxu·ŷ⊗ŷ⊗ε + (3/6)·ghxuu·ŷ⊗ε⊗ε +
! (3/6)·ghxss·ŷ + (3/6)·ghuss·ε
! in td3
subroutine thread_eval_3(arg) bind(c)
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: arg
integer, pointer :: ithread
integer :: is, im, j, k, start, end, q, r
! Checking that the thread number got passed as argument
if (.not. c_associated(arg)) then
call mexErrMsgTxt("No argument was passed to thread_eval_3")
end if
call c_f_pointer(arg, ithread)
! Specifying bounds for the curent thread
q = td3%s / td3%numthreads
r = mod(td3%s, td3%numthreads)
start = (ithread-1)*q+1
if (ithread < td3%numthreads) then
end = start+q-1
end = td3%s
end if
do is=start,end
do im=1,td3%m
! y3 = ybar + ½ghss
td3%y3(im,is) = td3%ss(im)+0.5_real64*td3%ghs2(im)
! y3 += ghx·ŷ+(3/6)·ghxss·ŷ + first n folded indices for ½ghxx·ŷ⊗ŷ
! + first n folded indices for (1/6)ghxxx·ŷ⊗ŷ⊗ŷ
do j=1,td3%n
td3%y3(im,is) = td3%y3(im,is)+&
&(0.5_real64*td3%ghxx(j,im)+(1._real64/6._real64)*td3%ghxxx(j,im)*td3%yhat3(1, is))*&
&td3%yhat3(1, is)*td3%yhat3(j,is)
! y3 += ghxu·ŷ⊗ε
! + first n*q folded indices of (3/6)·ghxxu·ŷ⊗ŷ⊗ε
do k=1,td3%q
td3%y3(im,is) = td3%y3(im,is) + &
&0.5_real64*td3%ghxxu(td3%q*(j-1)+k,im)*td3%yhat3(1, is))*&
&td3%yhat3(j, is)*td3%e(k, is)
end do
end do
! y3 += ghu·ε+(3/6)·ghuss·ε + first q folded indices of ½ghuu·ε⊗ε
! + first q folded indices for (1/6)·ghuuu·ε⊗ε⊗ε
! + first n*q folded indices of (3/6)·ghxuu·ŷ⊗ε⊗ε
do j=1,td3%q
td3%y3(im,is) = td3%y3(im,is) + &
&(0.5_real64*td3%ghuss(j,im)+td3%ghu(j,im))*td3%e(j,is) + &
&td3%e(1, is))*td3%e(1, is)*td3%e(j, is)
do k=1,td3%n
td3%y3(im,is) = td3%y3(im,is) + &
&td3%yhat3(k, is)*td3%e(1, is)*td3%e(j, is)
end do
end do
! y3 += remaining ½ghxx·ŷ⊗ŷ terms
! + the next terms starting from n+1 up to xx_size
! of (1/6)ghxxx·ŷ⊗ŷ⊗ŷ
! + remaining terms of (3/6)·ghxxu·ŷ⊗ŷ⊗ε
do j=td3%n+1,td3%xx_size
td3%y3(im,is) = td3%y3(im,is) + &
&(0.5_real64*td3%ghxx(j,im)+(1._real64/6._real64)*td3%ghxxx(j,im)*td3%yhat3(1, is))*&
&td3%yhat3(td3%xx_idcs(j)%coor(1), is)*&
&td3%yhat3(td3%xx_idcs(j)%coor(2), is)
do k=1,td3%q
td3%y3(im,is) = td3%y3(im,is)+&
&td3%yhat3(td3%xx_idcs(j)%coor(1), is)*&
&td3%yhat3(td3%xx_idcs(j)%coor(2), is)*&
&td3%e(k, is)
end do
end do
! y3 += remaining ½ghuu·ε⊗ε terms
! + the next uu_size terms starting from q+1
! of (1/6)·ghuuu·ε⊗ε⊗ε
! + remaining terms of (3/6)·ghxuu·ŷ⊗ε⊗ε
do j=td3%q+1,td3%uu_size
td3%y3(im,is) = td3%y3(im,is) + &
&(0.5_real64*td3%ghuu(j,im)+(1._real64/6._real64)*td3%ghuuu(j,im)*td3%e(1, is))*&
&td3%e(td3%uu_idcs(j)%coor(1), is)*&
&td3%e(td3%uu_idcs(j)%coor(2), is)
do k=1,td3%n
td3%y3(im,is) = td3%y3(im,is) + &
&td3%yhat3(k, is)*&
&td3%e(td3%uu_idcs(j)%coor(1), is)*&
&td3%e(td3%uu_idcs(j)%coor(2), is)
end do
end do
! y3 += remaining (1/6)·ghxxx·ŷ⊗ŷ⊗ŷ terms
do j=td3%xx_size+1,td3%xxx_size
td3%y3(im,is) = td3%y3(im,is)+&
&td3%yhat3(td3%xxx_idcs(j)%coor(1), is)*&
&td3%yhat3(td3%xxx_idcs(j)%coor(2), is)*&
&td3%yhat3(td3%xxx_idcs(j)%coor(3), is)
end do
! y3 += remaining (1/6)ghuuu·ε⊗ε⊗ε terms
do j=td3%uu_size+1,td3%uuu_size
td3%y3(im,is) = td3%y3(im,is) + &
&td3%e(td3%uuu_idcs(j)%coor(1), is)*&
&td3%e(td3%uuu_idcs(j)%coor(2), is)*&
&td3%e(td3%uuu_idcs(j)%coor(3), is)
end do
end do
end do
end subroutine thread_eval_3
! Fills ylat1, ylat2, ylat3 and y3 as
! ylat1 = ghx·ŷ1 + ghu·ε
! ylat2 = ½ghss + ghx·ŷ2 + ½ghxx·ŷ1⊗ŷ1 + ½ghuu·ε⊗ε + ghxu·ŷ1⊗ε
! ylat3 = ghx·ŷ3 + ghxx·ŷ1⊗ŷ2 + ghxu·ŷ2⊗ε + (1/6)·ghxxx·ŷ1⊗ŷ1⊗ŷ1
! + (1/6)·ghuuu·ε⊗ε⊗ε + (3/6)·ghxxu·ŷ1⊗ŷ1⊗ε
! + (3/6)·ghxuu·ŷ1⊗ε⊗ε + (3/6)·ghxss·ŷ1 + (3/6)·ghuss·ε
! y3 = ybar + ylat1 + ylat2 + ylat3
! in td3
subroutine thread_eval_3_pruning(arg) bind(c)
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: arg
integer, pointer :: ithread
integer :: is, im, j, k, start, end, q, r, j1, j2
! Checking that the thread number got passed as argument
if (.not. c_associated(arg)) then
call mexErrMsgTxt("No argument was passed to thread_eval")
end if
call c_f_pointer(arg, ithread)
! Specifying bounds for the curent thread
q = td3%s / td3%numthreads
r = mod(td3%s, td3%numthreads)
start = (ithread-1)*q+1
if (ithread < td3%numthreads) then
end = start+q-1
end = td3%s
end if
do is=start,end
do im=1,td3%m
! y1 = 0
! y2 = ½ghss
! y3 = 0
td3%ylat1(im,is) = td3%ss(im)
td3%ylat2(im,is) = td3%ss(im)+0.5_real64*td3%ghs2(im)
td3%ylat3(im,is) = td3%ss(im)
! y1 += ghx·ŷ1
! y2 += ghx·ŷ2 + first n folded indices for ½ghxx·ŷ1⊗ŷ1
! y3 += ghx·ŷ3 +(3/6)·ghxss·ŷ1
! + first n folded indices for (1/6)ghxxx·ŷ1⊗ŷ1⊗ŷ1
do j=1,td3%n
td3%ylat1(im,is) = td3%ylat1(im,is)+&
td3%ylat2(im,is) = td3%ylat2(im,is)+&
&0.5_real64*td3%ghxx(j,im)*td3%yhat1(1, is)*td3%yhat1(j, is)
td3%ylat3(im,is) = td3%ylat3(im,is)+&
&td3%yhat1(1, is)*td3%yhat1(1, is)*td3%yhat1(j,is)
! y2 += + ghxu·ŷ1⊗ε
! y3 += + ghxu·ŷ2⊗ε
! + first n*q folded indices of (3/6)·ghxxu·ŷ1⊗ŷ1⊗ε
do k=1,td3%q
td3%ylat2(im,is) = td3%ylat2(im,is)+&
&td3%yhat1(j, is)*td3%e(k, is)
td3%ylat3(im,is) = td3%ylat3(im,is)+&
&td3%yhat2(j, is)*td3%e(k, is)+&
&td3%yhat1(1, is)*td3%yhat1(j, is)*td3%e(k, is)
end do
end do
! y1 += + ghu·ε
! y2 += + first q folded indices for ½ghuu·ε⊗ε
! y3 += + (3/6)·ghuss·ε
! + first n*q folded indices of (3/6)·ghxuu·ŷ1⊗ε⊗ε
! + first n folded indices of (1/6)·ghuuu·ε⊗ε⊗ε
do j=1,td3%q
td3%ylat1(im,is) = td3%ylat1(im,is) + td3%ghu(j,im)*td3%e(j,is)
td3%ylat2(im,is) = td3%ylat2(im,is) + 0.5_real64*td3%ghuu(j,im)*td3%e(1, is)*td3%e(j, is)
td3%ylat3(im,is) = td3%ylat3(im,is)+&
&td3%e(1, is)*td3%e(1, is)*td3%e(j, is)
do k=1,td3%n
td3%ylat3(im,is) = td3%ylat3(im,is)+&
&td3%yhat1(k, is)*td3%e(1, is)*td3%e(j, is)
end do
end do
! y2 += remaining ½ghxx·ŷ1⊗ŷ1 terms
! y3 += + the next terms starting from n+1 up to xx_size
! of (1/6)ghxxx·ŷ1⊗ŷ1⊗ŷ1
! + remaining terms of (3/6)·ghxxu·ŷ1⊗ŷ1⊗ε
do j=td3%n+1,td3%xx_size
td3%ylat2(im,is) = td3%ylat2(im,is)+&
&td3%yhat1(td3%xx_idcs(j)%coor(1), is)*&
&td3%yhat1(td3%xx_idcs(j)%coor(2), is)
td3%ylat3(im,is) = td3%ylat3(im,is)+&
&td3%yhat1(1, is)*&
&td3%yhat1(td3%xx_idcs(j)%coor(1), is)*&
&td3%yhat1(td3%xx_idcs(j)%coor(2), is)
do k=1,td3%q
td3%ylat3(im,is) = td3%ylat3(im,is)+&
&td3%yhat1(td3%xx_idcs(j)%coor(1), is)*&
&td3%yhat1(td3%xx_idcs(j)%coor(2), is)*&
&td3%e(k, is)
end do
end do
! y2 += remaining ½ghuu·ε⊗ε terms
! y3 += + remaining terms of (3/6)·ghxuu·ŷ⊗ε⊗ε
! + the next uu_size terms starting from q+1
! of (1/6)·ghuuu·ε⊗ε⊗ε
do j=td3%q+1,td3%uu_size
td3%ylat2(im,is) = td3%ylat2(im,is)+&
&td3%e(td3%uu_idcs(j)%coor(1), is)*&
&td3%e(td3%uu_idcs(j)%coor(2), is)
td3%ylat3(im,is) = td3%ylat3(im,is)+&
&td3%e(1, is)*&
&td3%e(td3%uu_idcs(j)%coor(1), is)*&
&td3%e(td3%uu_idcs(j)%coor(2), is)
do k=1,td3%n
td3%ylat3(im,is) = td3%ylat3(im,is)+&
&td3%yhat1(k, is)*&
&td3%e(td3%uu_idcs(j)%coor(1), is)*&
&td3%e(td3%uu_idcs(j)%coor(2), is)
end do
end do
! y3 += remaining (1/6)·ghxxx·ŷ⊗ŷ⊗ŷ terms
do j=td3%xx_size+1,td3%xxx_size
td3%ylat3(im,is) = td3%ylat3(im,is)+&
&td3%yhat1(td3%xxx_idcs(j)%coor(1), is)*&
&td3%yhat1(td3%xxx_idcs(j)%coor(2), is)*&
&td3%yhat1(td3%xxx_idcs(j)%coor(3), is)
end do
! y3 += remaining (1/6)ghuuu·ε⊗ε⊗ε terms
do j=td3%uu_size+1,td3%uuu_size
td3%ylat3(im,is) = td3%ylat3(im,is)+&
&td3%e(td3%uuu_idcs(j)%coor(1), is)*&
&td3%e(td3%uuu_idcs(j)%coor(2), is)*&
&td3%e(td3%uuu_idcs(j)%coor(3), is)
end do
! y3 += first n folded indices for ghxx·ŷ1⊗ŷ2
do j=1,td3%xx_size
j1 = td3%xx_idcs(j)%coor(1)
j2 = td3%xx_idcs(j)%coor(2)
if (j1 == j2) then
td3%ylat3(im,is) = td3%ylat3(im,is)+&
td3%ylat3(im,is) = td3%ylat3(im,is)+&
end if
end do
td3%y3(im,is) = td3%ylat1(im,is)+td3%ylat2(im,is)+&
end do
end do
end subroutine thread_eval_3_pruning
end module pparticle_3
! The code of the local_state_space_iteration_3 routine
! Input:
! prhs[1] yhat [double] n×s array, time t particles if pruning is false
! 3n×s array, time t particles if pruning is true
! Rows 1 to n contain the pruned first order.
! Rows n+1 to 2*n contain the pruned second order.
! Rows 2*n+1 to 3*n contain the pruned third order.
! prhs[2] e [double] q×s array, time t innovations.
! prhs[3] ghx [double] m×n array, first order reduced form.
! prhs[4] ghu [double] m×q array, first order reduced form.
! prhs[5] ghxx [double] m×n² array, second order reduced form.
! prhs[6] ghuu [double] m×q² array, second order reduced form.
! prhs[7] ghxu [double] m×nq array, second order reduced form.
! prhs[8] ghs2 [double] m×1 array, second order reduced form.
! prhs[9] ghxxx [double] m×n array, third order reduced form.
! prhs[10] ghuuu [double] m×q array, third order reduced form.
! prhs[11] ghxxu [double] m×n²q array, third order reduced form.
! prhs[12] ghxuu [double] m×nq² array, third order reduced form.
! prhs[13] ghxss [double] m×n array, third order reduced form.
! prhs[14] ghuss [double] m×q array, third order reduced form.
! prhs[15] ss [double] m×1 array, deterministic steady state
! prhs[16] numthreads [double] num of threads
! prhs[17] pruning [double] pruning option
! Output:
! plhs[1] y3 [double] m×s array, time t+1 particles.
! plhs[2] ylat [double] 3m×s array, time t+1 particles for the
! pruning latent variables up to the 3rd order. Rows 1 to m contain the pruned
! first order. Rows m+1 to 2*m contain the pruned second order. Rows 2*m+1
! to 3*m contain the pruned third order.
subroutine mexFunction(nlhs, plhs, nrhs, prhs) bind(c, name='mexFunction')
use iso_c_binding
use matlab_mex
use pascal
use partitions
use pthread
use pparticle_3
implicit none (type, external)
type(c_ptr), dimension(*), intent(in), target :: prhs
type(c_ptr), dimension(*), intent(out) :: plhs
integer(c_int), intent(in), value :: nlhs, nrhs
integer :: n, m, s, q, numthreads
real(real64), pointer, contiguous :: ghx(:,:), ghu(:,:), ghxx(:,:), &
&ghuu(:,:), ghxu(:,:), ghxxx(:,:), ghuuu(:,:), ghxxu(:,:), &
&ghxuu(:,:), ghxss(:,:), ghuss(:,:), yhatlat(:,:), ylat(:,:)
integer :: i, j, k, xx_size, uu_size, xxx_size, uuu_size, rc
character(kind=c_char, len=10) :: arg_nber
type(pascal_triangle) :: p
integer, allocatable :: xxx_nbeq(:), &
&uu_nbeq(:), uuu_nbeq(:), xx_off(:), uu_off(:), &
&xxx_off(:), uuu_off(:)
integer, allocatable, target :: xx_nbeq(:)
type(c_pthread_t), allocatable :: threads(:)
integer, allocatable, target :: routines(:)
logical :: pruning
! 0. Checking the consistency and validity of input arguments
if (nrhs /= 17) then
call mexErrMsgTxt("Must have exactly 17 inputs")
end if
if (nlhs > 2) then
call mexErrMsgTxt("Too many output arguments.")
end if
do i=1,15
if (.not. (c_associated(prhs(i)) .and. mxIsDouble(prhs(i)) .and. &
(.not. mxIsComplex(prhs(i))) .and. (.not. mxIsSparse(prhs(i))))) then
write (arg_nber,"(i2)") i
call mexErrMsgTxt("Argument " // trim(arg_nber) // " should be a real dense matrix")
end if
end do
if (.not. (c_associated(prhs(16)) .and. mxIsScalar(prhs(16)) .and. &
mxIsNumeric(prhs(16)))) then
call mexErrMsgTxt("Argument 16 should be a numeric scalar")
end if
numthreads = int(mxGetScalar(prhs(16)))
if (numthreads <= 0) then
call mexErrMsgTxt("Argument 16 should be a positive integer")
end if
td3%numthreads = numthreads
if (.not. (c_associated(prhs(17)) .and. mxIsLogicalScalar(prhs(17)))) then
call mexErrMsgTxt("Argument 17 should be a logical scalar")
end if
pruning = mxGetScalar(prhs(17)) == 1._c_double
if (pruning) then
n = int(mxGetM(prhs(1)))/3 ! Number of states.
n = int(mxGetM(prhs(1))) ! Number of states.
end if
s = int(mxGetN(prhs(1))) ! Number of particles.
q = int(mxGetM(prhs(2))) ! Number of innovations.
m = int(mxGetM(prhs(3))) ! Number of elements in the union of states and observed variables.
td3%n = n
td3%s = s
td3%q = q
td3%m = m
if ((s /= mxGetN(prhs(2))) & ! Number of columns for epsilon
&.or. (n /= mxGetN(prhs(3))) & ! Number of columns for ghx
&.or. (m /= mxGetM(prhs(4))) & ! Number of rows for ghu
&.or. (q /= mxGetN(prhs(4))) & ! Number of columns for ghu
&.or. (m /= mxGetM(prhs(5))) & ! Number of rows for ghxx
&.or. (n*n /= mxGetN(prhs(5))) & ! Number of columns for ghxx
&.or. (m /= mxGetM(prhs(6))) & ! Number of rows for ghuu
&.or. (q*q /= mxGetN(prhs(6))) & ! Number of columns for ghuu
&.or. (m /= mxGetM(prhs(7))) & ! Number of rows for ghxu
&.or. (n*q /= mxGetN(prhs(7))) & ! Number of columns for ghxu
&.or. (m /= mxGetM(prhs(8))) & ! Number of rows for ghs2
&.or. (m /= mxGetM(prhs(9))) & ! Number of rows for ghxxx
&.or. (n*n*n /= mxGetN(prhs(9))) & ! Number of columns for ghxxx
&.or. (m /= mxGetM(prhs(10))) & ! Number of rows for ghuuu
&.or. (q*q*q /= mxGetN(prhs(10))) & ! Number of columns for ghuuu
&.or. (m /= mxGetM(prhs(11))) & ! Number of rows for ghxxu
&.or. (n*n*q /= mxGetN(prhs(11))) & ! Number of columns for ghxxu
&.or. (m /= mxGetM(prhs(12))) & ! Number of rows for ghxuu
&.or. (n*q*q /= mxGetN(prhs(12))) & ! Number of columns for ghxuu
&.or. (m /= mxGetM(prhs(13))) & ! Number of rows for ghxss
&.or. (n /= mxGetN(prhs(13))) & ! Number of columns for ghxss
&.or. (m /= mxGetM(prhs(14))) & ! Number of rows for ghuss
&.or. (q /= mxGetN(prhs(14))) & ! Number of columns for ghuss
&.or. (m /= mxGetM(prhs(15))) & ! Number of rows for ss
&) then
call mexErrMsgTxt("Input dimension mismatch")
end if
! 1. Getting relevant information to take advantage of symmetries
! There are symmetries in the ghxx, ghuu, ghxxx, ghuuu, ghxxu and ghxuu terms
! that we may exploit to avoid unnecessarily repeating operations in matrix-vector
! multiplications, e.g in ghxx·ŷ⊗ŷ.
! In matrix-vector multiplications such as ghxx·ŷ⊗ŷ, we loop through all the folded offsets
! and thus need for each one of them :
! (i) the corresponding folded index, e.g (α₁,α₂), α₁≤α₂ for ghxx
! (i) the corresponding offset in the unfolded matrix
! (ii) the corresponding number of equivalent unfolded indices (1 if α₁=α₂, 2 otherwise)
! It is better to compute these beforehand as it avoids repeating the calculation for
! each particle. The `folded_offset_loop` routine carries out this operation.
p = pascal_triangle(max(n,q)+3-1)
xx_size = get(2,n+2-1,p)
uu_size = get(2,q+2-1,p)
xxx_size = get(3,n+3-1,p)
uuu_size = get(3,q+3-1,p)
td3%xx_size = xx_size
td3%uu_size = uu_size
td3%xxx_size = xxx_size
td3%uuu_size = uuu_size
allocate(td3%xx_idcs(xx_size), td3%uu_idcs(uu_size), &
&td3%xxx_idcs(xxx_size), td3%uuu_idcs(uuu_size), &
&xx_off(xx_size), uu_off(uu_size), &
&xxx_off(xxx_size), uuu_off(uuu_size), &
&xx_nbeq(xx_size), uu_nbeq(uu_size), &
&xxx_nbeq(xxx_size), uuu_nbeq(uuu_size))
call folded_offset_loop(td3%xx_idcs, xx_nbeq, &
&xx_off, n, 2, p)
call folded_offset_loop(td3%uu_idcs, uu_nbeq, &
&uu_off, q, 2, p)
call folded_offset_loop(td3%xxx_idcs, xxx_nbeq, &
&xxx_off, n, 3, p)
call folded_offset_loop(td3%uuu_idcs, uuu_nbeq, &
&uuu_off, q, 3, p)
! 1. Storing the relevant input variables in Fortran
if (pruning) then
yhatlat(1:3*n,1:s) => mxGetPr(prhs(1))
td3%yhat1 => yhatlat(1:n,1:s)
td3%yhat2 => yhatlat(n+1:2*n,1:s)
td3%yhat3 => yhatlat(2*n+1:3*n,1:s)
! td3%xx_nbeq => xx_nbeq
td3%yhat3(1:n,1:s) => mxGetPr(prhs(1))
end if
td3%e(1:q,1:s) => mxGetPr(prhs(2))
ghx(1:m,1:n) => mxGetPr(prhs(3))
ghu(1:m,1:q) => mxGetPr(prhs(4))
ghxx(1:m,1:n*n) => mxGetPr(prhs(5))
ghuu(1:m,1:q*q) => mxGetPr(prhs(6))
ghxu(1:m,1:n*q) => mxGetPr(prhs(7))
td3%ghs2 => mxGetPr(prhs(8))
ghxxx(1:m,1:n*n*n) => mxGetPr(prhs(9))
ghuuu(1:m,1:q*q*q) => mxGetPr(prhs(10))
ghxxu(1:m,1:n*n*q) => mxGetPr(prhs(11))
ghxuu(1:m,1:n*q*q) => mxGetPr(prhs(12))
ghxss(1:m,1:n) => mxGetPr(prhs(13))
ghuss(1:m,1:q) => mxGetPr(prhs(14))
td3%ss => mxGetPr(prhs(15))
! Getting a transposed folded copy of the unfolded tensors
! for future loops to be more efficient
allocate(td3%ghx(n,m), td3%ghu(q,m),&
&td3%ghuu(uu_size,m), td3%ghxu(n*q,m), &
&td3%ghxx(xx_size,m), &
&td3%ghxxx(xxx_size,m), td3%ghuuu(uuu_size,m), &
&td3%ghxxu(xx_size*q,m), td3%ghxuu(n*uu_size,m), &
&td3%ghxss(n,m), td3%ghuss(q,m))
do i=1,m
do j=1,n
td3%ghx(j,i) = ghx(i,j)
td3%ghxss(j,i) = ghxss(i,j)
td3%ghxx(j,i) = xx_nbeq(j)*ghxx(i,xx_off(j))
td3%ghxxx(j,i) = xxx_nbeq(j)*ghxxx(i,xxx_off(j))
do k=1,q
td3%ghxu(q*(j-1)+k,i) = ghxu(i,q*(j-1)+k)
td3%ghxxu(q*(j-1)+k,i) = xx_nbeq(j)*ghxxu(i,q*(xx_off(j)-1)+k)
end do
end do
do j=n+1,xx_size
td3%ghxx(j,i) = xx_nbeq(j)*ghxx(i,xx_off(j))
td3%ghxxx(j,i) = xxx_nbeq(j)*ghxxx(i,xxx_off(j))
do k=1,q
td3%ghxxu(q*(j-1)+k,i) = xx_nbeq(j)*ghxxu(i,q*(xx_off(j)-1)+k)
end do
end do
do j=xx_size+1,xxx_size
td3%ghxxx(j,i) = xxx_nbeq(j)*ghxxx(i,xxx_off(j))
end do
do j=1,q
td3%ghu(j,i) = ghu(i,j)
td3%ghuss(j,i) = ghuss(i,j)
td3%ghuu(j,i) = uu_nbeq(j)*ghuu(i,uu_off(j))
td3%ghuuu(j,i) = uuu_nbeq(j)*ghuuu(i,uuu_off(j))
do k=1,n
td3%ghxuu(uu_size*(k-1)+j,i) = uu_nbeq(j)*ghxuu(i,q*q*(k-1)+uu_off(j))
end do
end do
do j=q+1,uu_size
td3%ghuu(j,i) = uu_nbeq(j)*ghuu(i,uu_off(j))
td3%ghuuu(j,i) = uuu_nbeq(j)*ghuuu(i,uuu_off(j))
do k=1,n
td3%ghxuu(uu_size*(k-1)+j,i) = uu_nbeq(j)*ghxuu(i,q*q*(k-1)+uu_off(j))
end do
end do
do j=uu_size+1,uuu_size
td3%ghuuu(j,i) = uuu_nbeq(j)*ghuuu(i,uuu_off(j))
end do
end do
! 3. Implementing the calculations:
plhs(1) = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(int(m, mwSize), int(s, mwSize), mxREAL)
td3%y3(1:m,1:s) => mxGetPr(plhs(1))
if (pruning) then
plhs(2) = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(int(3*m, mwSize), int(s, mwSize), mxREAL)
ylat(1:3*m,1:s) => mxGetPr(plhs(2))
td3%ylat1 => ylat(1:m,1:s)
td3%ylat2 => ylat(m+1:2*m,1:s)
td3%ylat3 => ylat(2*m+1:3*m,1:s)
end if
allocate(threads(numthreads), routines(numthreads))
routines = [ (i, i = 1, numthreads) ]
if (numthreads == 1) then
if (pruning) then
call thread_eval_3_pruning(c_loc(routines(1)))
call thread_eval_3(c_loc(routines(1)))
end if
! Creating the threads
if (pruning) then
do i = 1, numthreads
rc = c_pthread_create(threads(i), c_null_ptr, c_funloc(thread_eval_3_pruning), c_loc(routines(i)))
end do
do i = 1, numthreads
rc = c_pthread_create(threads(i), c_null_ptr, c_funloc(thread_eval_3), c_loc(routines(i)))
end do
end if
! Joining the threads
do i = 1, numthreads
rc = c_pthread_join(threads(i), c_loc(routines(i)))
end do
end if
end subroutine mexFunction