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\title{The Dynare Macro Processor}
\author[S. Villemot, H.Bastani]{Sébastien Villemot \and Houtan Bastani}
\date{3 June 2022}
\setbeamertemplate{title page}
Copyright © 2008--2022 Dynare Team \\
Licence: \href{}{Creative
Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0}
\item The \textbf{Dynare language} (used in \texttt{.mod} files) is well suited for many economic models
\item It's a markup language that defines models
\item Lacks a programmatic element
\item The \textbf{Dynare macro language} adds a programmatic element to Dynare
\item Introduces conditionals, loops, and other simple programmatic directives
\item Used to speed up model development
\item Useful in various situations
\item Multi-country models
\item Creation of modular \texttt{.mod} files
\item Variable flipping
\item Conditional inclusion of equations
\item ...among others
\frametitle{Design of the macro language}
\item The Dynare macro language provides a set of \textbf{macro commands} that can be used in \texttt{.mod} files
\item The macro processor transforms a \texttt{.mod} file with macro commands into a \texttt{.mod} file without macro commands (doing text expansions/inclusions) and then feeds it to the Dynare parser
\item The key point to understand is that the macro processor only does \textbf{text substitution} (like the C preprocessor or the PHP language)
\frametitle{Dynare Flowchart}
\frametitle{Macro Directives}
\item Directives begin with: \verb+@#+
\item A directive gives instructions to the macro processor
\item Main directives are:
\item file inclusion: \verb+@#include+
\item definition of a macro processor variable or function: \verb+@#define+
\item conditional statements: \verb+@#if/@#ifdef/@#ifndef/@#else/@#elseif/@#endif+
\item loop statements: \verb+@#for/@#endfor+
\item Most directives fit on one line. If needed however, two backslashes (\textit{i.e.} \verb+\\+) at the end of a line indicate that the directive is continued on the next line.
\item Directives are not terminated with a semicolon
\item The macro processor can handle values of 5 different types:
\item boolean (logical value, true or false)
\item real (double precision floating point number)
\item string (of characters)
\item tuple
\item array
\item Values of the types listed above can be cast to other types
\item \texttt{(real) "3.1"} $\rightarrow$ \texttt{3.1}
\item \texttt{(string) 3.1} $\rightarrow$ \texttt{"3.1"}
\item \texttt{(array) 4} $\rightarrow$ \texttt{[4]}
\item \texttt{(real) [5]} $\rightarrow$ \texttt{5}
\item \texttt{(real) [6, 7]} $\rightarrow$ \texttt{error}
\item \texttt{(bool) -1 \&\& (bool) 2} $\rightarrow$ \texttt{true}
\frametitle{Macro-expressions (1/8)}
\item Macro-expressions are constructed using literals (\textit{i.e.} fixed values) of the 5 basic types
described above, macro-variables, standard operators, function calls and comprehensions.
\item Macro-expressions can be used in two places:
\item inside macro directives; no special markup is required
\item in the body of the \texttt{.mod} file, between an ``at''-sign and curly braces (like \verb+@{expr}+); the macro processor will substitute the expression with its value
\frametitle{Macro-expressions (2/8): Boolean}
Boolean literals are \texttt{true} and \texttt{false}.
\begin{block}{Operators on booleans}
\item comparison operators: \texttt{== !=}
\item logical operators:
\item conjunction (“and”): \texttt{\&\&}
\item disjunction (“or”): \texttt{||}
\item negation (“not”): \texttt{!}
\frametitle{Macro-expressions (3/8): Real}
\begin{block}{Operators on reals}
\item arithmetic operators: \texttt{+ - * / \^{}}
\item comparison operators: \texttt{< > <= >= == !=}
\item logical operators: \verb+&& || !+
\item range with unit increment: \texttt{1:4} is equivalent to
real array \texttt{[1, 2, 3, 4]}. (NB: \texttt{[1:4]} is equivalent to an
array containing an array of reals, \textit{i.e.} \texttt{[[1, 2, 3, 4]]})
\item range with user-defined increment: \texttt{4:-1.1:-1} is equivalent to real array \texttt{[4, 2.9, 1.8, 0.7, -0.4]}.
\begin{block}{Functions for reals}
\item \texttt{min}, \texttt{max}, \texttt{exp}, \texttt{ln} (or \texttt{log}), \texttt{log10}
\item \texttt{sign}, \texttt{floor}, \texttt{ceil}, \texttt{trunc}, \texttt{round}, \texttt{mod}
\item \texttt{sin}, \texttt{cos}, \texttt{tan}, \texttt{asin}, \texttt{acos}, \texttt{atan}
\item \texttt{sqrt}, \texttt{cbrt}, \texttt{erf}, \texttt{erfc}, \texttt{normpdf}, \texttt{normcdf}, \texttt{gamma}, \texttt{lgamma}
\frametitle{Macro-expressions (4/8): String}
String literals have to be declared between \textit{double} quotes, e.g. \texttt{"string"}
\begin{block}{Operators on character strings}
\item comparison operators: \texttt{< > <= >= == !=}
\item concatenation: \texttt{+}
\item string length: \texttt{length()}
\item string emptiness: \texttt{isempty()}
\item extraction of substrings: if \texttt{s} is a string, then one can write \texttt{s[3]} or \texttt{s[4:6]}
\frametitle{Macro-expressions (5/8): Tuple}
Tuples are enclosed by parentheses and elements are separated by commas (like
\texttt{(a,b,c)} or \texttt{(1,2.2,c)}).
\begin{block}{Operators on tuples}
\item comparison operators: \texttt{== !=}
\item functions: \texttt{length()}, \texttt{isempty()}
\item testing membership in tuple: \texttt{in} operator \\ (example:
\texttt{"b" in ("a", "b", "c")} returns \texttt{true})
\frametitle{Macro-expressions (6/8): Array (1/2)}
Arrays are enclosed by brackets, and their elements are separated by commas
(like \texttt{[1,[2,3],4]} or \texttt{["US", "EA"]}).
\begin{block}{Operators on arrays}
\item comparison operators: \texttt{== !=}
\item dereferencing: if \texttt{v} is an array, then \texttt{v[2]} is its $2^{\textrm{nd}}$ element
\item concatenation: \texttt{+}
\item functions: \texttt{sum()}, \texttt{length()}, \texttt{isempty()}
\item extraction of sub-arrays: \textit{e.g.} \texttt{v[4:6]}
\item testing membership of an array: \texttt{in} operator \\ (example:
\texttt{"b" in ["a", "b", "c"]} returns \texttt{true})
\frametitle{Macro-expressions (6/8): Array (2/2)}
Arrays can be seen as representing a set of elements (assuming no element
appears twice in the array). Several set operations can thus be performed on
arrays: union, intersection, difference, Cartesian product and power.
\begin{block}{Set operations on arrays}
\item set union: \texttt{|}
\item set intersection: \texttt{\&}
\item set difference: \texttt{-}
\item Cartesian product of two arrays: \texttt{*}
\item Cartesian power of an array: \texttt{\^}
For example: if \texttt{A} and \texttt{B} are arrays, then the following
set operations are valid: \texttt{A|B}, \texttt{A\&B}, \texttt{A-B},
\texttt{A*B}, \texttt{A\^{}3}.
NB: the array resulting from Cartesian product or power has tuples as its elements.
\frametitle{Macro-expressions (7/8): Comprehension (1/3)}
Comprehensions are a shorthand way of creating arrays from other arrays. This is done by filtering, mapping, or both.
\item Allows one to choose those elements from an array for which a condition holds
\item Syntax: \texttt{[} \textit{variable/tuple} \texttt{in} \textit{array} \texttt{when}
\textit{condition} \texttt{]}
\item Example: Choose even numbers from array
\item Code: \texttt{[ i in 1:5 when mod(i,2) == 0 ]}
\item Result: \texttt{[2, 4]}
\frametitle{Macro-expressions (7/8): Comprehension (2/3)}
\item Allows one to apply a transformation to every element of an array
\item Syntax: \texttt{[} \textit{expr} \texttt{for} \textit{variable/tuple}
\texttt{in} \textit{array} \texttt{]}
\item Example: Square elements in array
\item Code: \texttt{[ i\^{}2 for i in 1:5 ]}
\item Result: \texttt{[1, 4, 9, 16, 25]}
\item Example: Swap pairs of an array
\item Code: \texttt{[ (j,i) for (i,j) in (1:2)\^{}2 ]}
\item Result: \texttt{[(1, 1), (2, 1), (1, 2), (2, 2)]}
\frametitle{Macro-expressions (7/8): Comprehension (3/3)}
\begin{block}{Mapping and Filtering}
\item Allows one to apply a transformation to the elements selected from an array
\item Syntax: \texttt{[} \textit{expr} \texttt{for} \textit{variable/tuple}
\texttt{in} \textit{array} \texttt{when} \textit{condition} \texttt{]}
\item Example: Square of odd numbers between 1 and 5
\item Code: \texttt{[ i\^{}2 for i in 1:5 when mod(i,2) == 1 ]}
\item Result: \texttt{[1, 9, 25]}
\frametitle{Macro-expressions (8/8): Functions}
\item Can take any number of arguments
\item Dynamic binding: is evaluated when invoked during the macroprocessing stage, not when defined
\item Can be included in expressions; valid operators depend on return type
\begin{block}{Declaration syntax}
\verb+@#define +\textit{function\_signature}\verb+ = +\textit{expression}
If we declare the following function:
@#define distance(x, y) = sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
Then \texttt{distance(3, 4)} will be equivalent to \texttt{5}.
\frametitle{Defining macro-variables}
The value of a macro-variable can be defined with the \verb+@#define+
The macro processor has its own list of variables, which are different from model variables and MATLAB/Octave variables
\verb+@#define +\textit{variable\_name}\verb+ = +\textit{expression}
@#define x = 5 // Real
@#define y = "US" // String
@#define v = [ 1, 2, 4 ] // Real array
@#define w = [ "US", "EA" ] // String array
@#define z = 3 + v[2] // Equals 5
@#define t = ("US" in w) // Equals true
NB: You can define macro variables on the Dynare command line by using the \texttt{-D} option
\frametitle{Expression substitution}
\framesubtitle{Dummy example}
\begin{block}{Before macro processing}
@#define x = 1
@#define y = [ "B", "C" ]
@#define i = 2
@#define f(x) = x + " + " + y[i]
@#define i = 1
A = @{y[i] + f("D")};
\begin{block}{After macro processing}
A = BD + B;
\frametitle{Include directive (1/2)}
\item This directive simply inserts the text of another file in its place
\verb+@#include "+\textit{filename}\verb+"+
@#include "modelcomponent.mod"
\item Equivalent to a copy/paste of the content of the included file
\item Note that it is possible to nest includes (\textit{i.e.} to include a
file with an included file)
\frametitle{Include directive (2/2)}
\item The filename can be given by a macro-variable (useful in loops):
\begin{block}{Example with variable}
@#define fname = "modelcomponent.mod"
@#include fname
\item Files to include are searched for in the current directory. Other directories can
be added with the
\verb+@#includepath+ directive, the \texttt{-I} command line option, or the
\texttt{[paths]} section in config files.
\frametitle{Loop directive (1/4)}
\begin{block}{Syntax 1: Simple iteration over one variable}
\verb+@#for +\textit{variable\_name}\verb+ in +\textit{array\_expr} \\
\verb+ +\textit{loop\_body} \\
\begin{block}{Syntax 2: Iteration over several variables at the same time}
\verb+@#for +\textit{tuple}\verb+ in +\textit{array\_expr} \\
\verb+ +\textit{loop\_body} \\
\begin{block}{Syntax 3: Iteration with some values excluded}
\verb+@#for +\textit{tuple\_or\_variable}\verb+ in +\textit{array\_expr} \verb+ when +\textit{expr}\\
\verb+ +\textit{loop\_body} \\
\frametitle{Loop directive (2/4)}
\begin{block}{Example: before macro processing}
@#for country in [ "home", "foreign" ]
GDP_@{country} = A * K_@{country}^a * L_@{country}^(1-a);
\begin{block}{Example: after macro processing}
GDP_home = A * K_home^a * L_home^(1-a);
GDP_foreign = A * K_foreign^a * L_foreign^(1-a);
\frametitle{Loop directive (3/4)}
\begin{block}{Example: loop over several variables}
@#define A = [ "X", "Y", "Z"]
@#define B = [ 1, 2, 3]
@#for (i,j) in A*B
e_@{i}_@{j} = …
This will loop over \texttt{e\_X\_1}, \texttt{e\_X\_2}, …, \texttt{e\_Z\_3} (9
variables in total)
\frametitle{Loop directive (4/4)}
\begin{block}{Example: loop over several variables with filtering}
@#for (i,j,k) in (1:10)^3 when i^2+j^2==k^2
e_@{i}_@{j}_@{k} = …
This loop will iterate over only 4 triplets: \texttt{(3,4,5)},
\texttt{(4,3,5)}, \texttt{(6,8,10)}, \texttt{(8,6,10)}.
\frametitle{Conditional directives (1/3)}
\begin{block}{Syntax 1}
\verb+@#if +\textit{bool\_or\_real\_expr} \\
\verb+ +\textit{body included if expr is true (or != 0)} \\
\begin{block}{Syntax 2}
\verb+@#if +\textit{bool\_or\_real\_expr} \\
\verb+ +\textit{body included if expr is true (or != 0)} \\
\verb+@#else+ \\
\verb+ +\textit{body included if expr is false (or 0)} \\
\frametitle{Conditional directives (2/3)}
\begin{block}{Syntax 3}
\verb+@#if +\textit{bool\_or\_real\_expr1} \\
\verb+ +\textit{body included if expr1 is true (or != 0)} \\
\verb+@#elseif +\textit{bool\_or\_real\_expr2} \\
\verb+ +\textit{body included if expr2 is true (or != 0)} \\
\verb+@#else+ \\
\verb+ +\textit{body included if expr1 and expr2 are false (or 0)} \\
\begin{block}{Example: alternative monetary policy rules}
@#define linear_mon_pol = false // or 0
@#if linear_mon_pol
i = w*i(-1) + (1-w)*i_ss + w2*(pie-piestar);
i = i(-1)^w * i_ss^(1-w) * (pie/piestar)^w2;
\frametitle{Conditional directives (3/3)}
\begin{block}{Syntax 1}
\verb+@#ifdef +\textit{variable\_name} \\
\verb+ +\textit{body included if variable defined} \\
\begin{block}{Syntax 2}
\verb+@#ifdef +\textit{variable\_name} \\
\verb+ +\textit{body included if variable defined} \\
\verb+@#else+ \\
\verb+ +\textit{body included if variable not defined} \\
\item There is also \verb+@#ifndef+, which is the opposite of \verb+@#ifdef+
(\textit{i.e.} it tests whether a variable is \emph{not} defined).
\item NB: There is
\emph{no} \verb+@#elseifdef+ or \verb+@#elseifndef+ directive; use
\verb+elseif defined(variable_name)+ to achieve the desired objective.
\frametitle{Echo directives}
\item The echo directive will simply display a message on standard output
\item The echomacrovars directive will display all of the macro variables (or
those specified) and their values
\item The \texttt{save} option allows saving this information to \texttt{options\_.macrovars\_line\_x}, where \texttt{x} denotes the line number where the statement was encountered
\verb+@#echo +\textit{string\_expr} \\
\verb+@#echomacrovars +\\
\verb+@#echomacrovars +\textit{list\_of\_variables}\\
\verb+@#echomacrovars(save) +\textit{list\_of\_variables}\\
@#echo "Information message."
\frametitle{Error directive}
\item The error directive will display the message and make Dynare stop (only makes sense inside a conditional directive)
\verb+@#error +\textit{string\_expr} \\
@#error "Error message!"
\frametitle{Macro-related command line options}
\item \texttt{savemacro}: Useful for debugging or learning purposes, saves the output of the macro processor. If your \texttt{.mod} file is called \texttt{file.mod}, the output is saved to \texttt{file-macroexp.mod}.
\item NB: \texttt{savemacro=filename} allows a user-defined file name
\item \texttt{linemacro}: In the output of \texttt{savemacro}, print line numbers where the macro directives were placed.
\item \texttt{onlymacro}: Stops processing after the macro processing step.
\section{Common uses}
\item The \verb+@#include+ directive can be used to split \texttt{.mod} files into several modular components
\item Example setup:
\item[\texttt{modeldesc.mod}:] contains variable declarations, model equations, and shock declarations
\item[\texttt{simulate.mod}:] includes \texttt{modeldesc.mod}, calibrates parameters, and runs stochastic simulations
\item[\texttt{estim.mod}:] includes \texttt{modeldesc.mod}, declares priors on parameters, and runs Bayesian estimation
\item Dynare can be called on \texttt{simulate.mod} and \texttt{estim.mod}
\item But it makes no sense to run it on \texttt{modeldesc.mod}
\item Advantage: no need to manually copy/paste the whole model (during initial development) or port model changes (during development)
\frametitle{Indexed sums or products}
\framesubtitle{Example: moving average}
\begin{block}{Before macro processing}
@#define window = 2
var x MA_x;
MA_x = @{1/(2*window+1)}*(
@#for i in -window:window
\begin{block}{After macro processing}
var x MA_x;
MA_x = 1/5*(
\frametitle{Multi-country models}
\framesubtitle{\texttt{.mod} file skeleton example}
@#define countries = [ "US", "EA", "AS", "JP", "RC" ]
@#define nth_co = "US"
@#for co in countries
var Y_@{co} K_@{co} L_@{co} i_@{co} E_@{co} ...;
parameters a_@{co} ...;
varexo ...;
@#for co in countries
Y_@{co} = K_@{co}^a_@{co} * L_@{co}^(1-a_@{co});
@# if co != nth_co
(1+i_@{co}) = (1+i_@{nth_co}) * E_@{co}(+1) / E_@{co}; // UIP relation
@# else
E_@{co} = 1;
@# endif
\frametitle{Endogeneizing parameters (1/4)}
\item When calibrating the model, it may be useful to pin down parameters by targeting endogenous objects
\item Example:
y_t = \left(\alpha^{\frac{1}{\xi}} \ell_t^{1-\frac{1}{\xi}} + (1-\alpha)^{\frac{1}{\xi}}k_t^{1-\frac{1}{\xi}}\right)^{\frac{\xi}{\xi - 1}} \\
lab\_rat_t = \frac{w_t \ell_t}{p_t y_t}
\item In the model, $\alpha$ is a (share) parameter, and $lab\_rat_t$ is an endogenous variable
\item We observe that:
\item setting a value for $\alpha$ is not straightforward!
\item but we have real world data for $lab\_rat_t$
\item it is clear that these two objects are economically linked
\frametitle{Endogeneizing parameters (2/4)}
\item Therefore, when computing the steady state by solving the static model:
\item we make $\alpha$ a variable and the steady state value $lab\_rat$ of the dynamic variable $lab\_rat_t$ a parameter
\item we impose an economically sensible value for $lab\_rat$
\item the solution algorithm deduces the implied value for $\alpha$
\item We call this method ``variable flipping'', because it treats $\alpha$ as a variable and $lab\_rat$ as a parameter for the purpose of the static model
\frametitle{Endogeneizing parameters (3/4)}
\framesubtitle{Example implementation}
\item File \texttt{modeqs.mod}:
\item contains variable declarations and model equations
\item For declaration of \texttt{alpha} and \texttt{lab\_rat}:
@#if steady
var alpha;
parameter lab_rat;
parameter alpha;
var lab_rat;
\frametitle{Endogeneizing parameters (4/4)}
\framesubtitle{Example implementation}
\item File \texttt{steadystate.mod}:
\item begins with \verb+@#define steady = true+
\item followed by \verb+@#include "modeqs.mod"+
\item initializes parameters (including \texttt{lab\_rat}, excluding \texttt{alpha})
\item computes steady state (using guess values for endogenous, including \texttt{alpha})
\item saves values of parameters and variables at steady-state in a file, using the \texttt{save\_params\_and\_steady\_state} command
\item File \texttt{simulate.mod}:
\item begins with \verb+@#define steady = false+
\item followed by \verb+@#include "modeqs.mod"+
\item loads values of parameters and variables at steady-state from file, using the \texttt{load\_params\_and\_steady\_state} command
\item computes simulations
\frametitle{MATLAB/Octave loops vs macro processor loops (1/3)}
Suppose you have a model with a parameter $\rho$, and you want to make
simulations for three values: $\rho = 0.8, 0.9, 1$. There are
several ways of doing this:
\begin{block}{With a MATLAB/Octave loop}
rhos = [ 0.8, 0.9, 1];
for i = 1:length(rhos)
if info(1)~=0
error('Simulation failed for parameter draw')
\item The loop is not unrolled
\item MATLAB/Octave manages the iterations
\item NB: always check whether the error flag \texttt{info(1)==0} to prevent erroneously relying on stale results from previous iterations
\frametitle{MATLAB/Octave loops vs macro processor loops (2/3)}
\begin{block}{With a macro processor loop (case 1)}
rhos = [ 0.8, 0.9, 1];
@#for i in 1:3
if info(1)~=0
error('Simulation failed for parameter draw')
\item Very similar to previous example
\item Loop is unrolled
\item Dynare macro processor manages the loop index but not the data array (\texttt{rhos})
\frametitle{MATLAB/Octave loops vs macro processor loops (3/3)}
\begin{block}{With a macro processor loop (case 2)}
@#for rho_val in [ 0.8, 0.9, 1]
if info(1)~=0
error('Simulation failed for parameter draw')
\item Shorter syntax, since list of values directly given in the loop construct
\item NB: Array not stored as MATLAB/Octave variable, hence cannot be used in MATLAB/Octave
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