
957 lines
57 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Dynare Team
* This file is part of Dynare.
* Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Dynare. If not, see <>.
#ifndef _EXPR_NODE_HH
#define _EXPR_NODE_HH
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <ostream>
using namespace std;
#include "SymbolTable.hh"
#include "CodeInterpreter.hh"
#include "ExternalFunctionsTable.hh"
class DataTree;
class VariableNode;
class BinaryOpNode;
typedef class ExprNode *expr_t;
struct Model_Block;
struct ExprNodeLess;
//! Type for set of temporary terms
/*! They are ordered by index number thanks to ExprNodeLess */
typedef set<expr_t, ExprNodeLess> temporary_terms_t;
//! set of temporary terms used in a block
typedef set<int> temporary_terms_inuse_t;
typedef map<int, int> map_idx_t;
//! Type for evaluation contexts
/*! The key is a symbol id. Lags are assumed to be null */
typedef map<int, double> eval_context_t;
//! Type for tracking first/second derivative functions that have already been written as temporary terms
typedef map<pair<int, vector<expr_t> >, int> deriv_node_temp_terms_t;
//! Possible types of output when writing ExprNode(s)
enum ExprNodeOutputType
oMatlabStaticModel, //!< Matlab code, static model
oMatlabDynamicModel, //!< Matlab code, dynamic model
oMatlabStaticModelSparse, //!< Matlab code, static block decomposed model
oMatlabDynamicModelSparse, //!< Matlab code, dynamic block decomposed model
oCDynamicModel, //!< C code, dynamic model
oCStaticModel, //!< C code, static model
oJuliaStaticModel, //!< Julia code, static model
oMatlabOutsideModel, //!< Matlab code, outside model block (for example in initval)
oLatexStaticModel, //!< LaTeX code, static model
oLatexDynamicModel, //!< LaTeX code, dynamic model
oLatexDynamicSteadyStateOperator, //!< LaTeX code, dynamic model, inside a steady state operator
oMatlabDynamicSteadyStateOperator, //!< Matlab code, dynamic model, inside a steady state operator
oMatlabDynamicSparseSteadyStateOperator, //!< Matlab code, dynamic block decomposed model, inside a steady state operator
oCDynamicSteadyStateOperator, //!< C code, dynamic model, inside a steady state operator
oSteadyStateFile, //!< Matlab code, in the generated steady state file
oCSteadyStateFile //!< C code, in the generated steady state file
#define IS_MATLAB(output_type) ((output_type) == oMatlabStaticModel \
|| (output_type) == oMatlabDynamicModel \
|| (output_type) == oMatlabOutsideModel \
|| (output_type) == oMatlabStaticModelSparse \
|| (output_type) == oMatlabDynamicModelSparse \
|| (output_type) == oMatlabDynamicSteadyStateOperator \
|| (output_type) == oMatlabDynamicSparseSteadyStateOperator \
|| (output_type) == oSteadyStateFile)
#define IS_C(output_type) ((output_type) == oCDynamicModel \
|| (output_type) == oCStaticModel \
|| (output_type) == oCDynamicSteadyStateOperator \
|| (output_type) == oCSteadyStateFile)
#define IS_LATEX(output_type) ((output_type) == oLatexStaticModel \
|| (output_type) == oLatexDynamicModel \
|| (output_type) == oLatexDynamicSteadyStateOperator)
/* Equal to 1 for Matlab langage, or to 0 for C language. Not defined for LaTeX.
In Matlab, array indexes begin at 1, while they begin at 0 in C */
#define ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT_OFFSET(output_type) ((int) IS_MATLAB(output_type))
// Left and right array subscript delimiters: '(' and ')' for Matlab, '[' and ']' for C
#define LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) (IS_MATLAB(output_type) ? '(' : '[')
#define RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) (IS_MATLAB(output_type) ? ')' : ']')
// Left and right parentheses
#define LEFT_PAR(output_type) (IS_LATEX(output_type) ? "\\left(" : "(")
#define RIGHT_PAR(output_type) (IS_LATEX(output_type) ? "\\right)" : ")")
// Computing cost above which a node can be declared a temporary term
#define MIN_COST_MATLAB (40*90)
#define MIN_COST_C (40*4)
#define MIN_COST(is_matlab) ((is_matlab) ? MIN_COST_MATLAB : MIN_COST_C)
//! Base class for expression nodes
class ExprNode
friend class DataTree;
friend class DynamicModel;
friend class StaticModel;
friend class ModelTree;
friend struct ExprNodeLess;
friend class NumConstNode;
friend class VariableNode;
friend class UnaryOpNode;
friend class BinaryOpNode;
friend class TrinaryOpNode;
friend class AbstractExternalFunctionNode;
//! Computes derivative w.r. to a derivation ID (but doesn't store it in derivatives map)
/*! You shoud use getDerivative() to get the benefit of symbolic a priori and of caching */
virtual expr_t computeDerivative(int deriv_id) = 0;
//! Reference to the enclosing DataTree
DataTree &datatree;
//! Index number
int idx;
//! Is the data member non_null_derivatives initialized ?
bool preparedForDerivation;
//! Set of derivation IDs with respect to which the derivative is potentially non-null
set<int> non_null_derivatives;
//! Used for caching of first order derivatives (when non-null)
map<int, expr_t> derivatives;
//! Cost of computing current node
/*! Nodes included in temporary_terms are considered having a null cost */
virtual int cost(const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, bool is_matlab) const;
ExprNode(DataTree &datatree_arg);
virtual ~ExprNode();
//! Initializes data member non_null_derivatives
virtual void prepareForDerivation() = 0;
//! Returns derivative w.r. to derivation ID
/*! Uses a symbolic a priori to pre-detect null derivatives, and caches the result for other derivatives (to avoid computing it several times)
For an equal node, returns the derivative of lhs minus rhs */
expr_t getDerivative(int deriv_id);
//! Computes derivatives by applying the chain rule for some variables
\param deriv_id The derivation ID with respect to which we are derivating
\param recursive_variables Contains the derivation ID for which chain rules must be applied. Keys are derivation IDs, values are equations of the form x=f(y) where x is the key variable and x doesn't appear in y
virtual expr_t getChainRuleDerivative(int deriv_id, const map<int, expr_t> &recursive_variables) = 0;
//! Returns precedence of node
/*! Equals 100 for constants, variables, unary ops, and temporary terms */
virtual int precedence(ExprNodeOutputType output_t, const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms) const;
//! Fills temporary_terms set, using reference counts
/*! A node will be marked as a temporary term if it is referenced at least two times (i.e. has at least two parents), and has a computing cost (multiplied by reference count) greater to datatree.min_cost */
virtual void computeTemporaryTerms(map<expr_t, int> &reference_count, temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, bool is_matlab) const;
//! Writes output of node, using a Txxx notation for nodes in temporary_terms, and specifiying the set of already written external functions
\param[in] output the output stream
\param[in] output_type the type of output (MATLAB, C, LaTeX...)
\param[in] temporary_terms the nodes that are marked as temporary terms
\param[in,out] tef_terms the set of already written external function nodes
virtual void writeOutput(ostream &output, ExprNodeOutputType output_type, const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const = 0;
//! returns true if the expr node contains an external function
virtual bool containsExternalFunction() const = 0;
//! Writes output of node (with no temporary terms and with "outside model" output type)
void writeOutput(ostream &output) const;
//! Writes output of node (with no temporary terms)
void writeOutput(ostream &output, ExprNodeOutputType output_type) const;
//! Writes output of node, using a Txxx notation for nodes in temporary_terms
void writeOutput(ostream &output, ExprNodeOutputType output_type, const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms) const;
//! Writes the output for an external function, ensuring that the external function is called as few times as possible using temporary terms
virtual void writeExternalFunctionOutput(ostream &output, ExprNodeOutputType output_type,
const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms,
deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const;
virtual void compileExternalFunctionOutput(ostream &CompileCode, unsigned int &instruction_number,
bool lhs_rhs, const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms,
const map_idx_t &map_idx, bool dynamic, bool steady_dynamic,
deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const;
//! Computes the set of all variables of a given symbol type in the expression (with information on lags)
Variables are stored as integer pairs of the form (symb_id, lag).
They are added to the set given in argument.
Note that model local variables are substituted by their expression in the computation
(and added if type_arg = ModelLocalVariable).
virtual void collectDynamicVariables(SymbolType type_arg, set<pair<int, int> > &result) const = 0;
//! Computes the set of all variables of a given symbol type in the expression (without information on lags)
Variables are stored as symb_id.
They are added to the set given in argument.
Note that model local variables are substituted by their expression in the computation
(and added if type_arg = ModelLocalVariable).
void collectVariables(SymbolType type_arg, set<int> &result) const;
//! Computes the set of endogenous variables in the expression
Endogenous are stored as integer pairs of the form (type_specific_id, lag).
They are added to the set given in argument.
Note that model local variables are substituted by their expression in the computation.
virtual void collectEndogenous(set<pair<int, int> > &result) const;
//! Computes the set of exogenous variables in the expression
Exogenous are stored as integer pairs of the form (type_specific_id, lag).
They are added to the set given in argument.
Note that model local variables are substituted by their expression in the computation.
virtual void collectExogenous(set<pair<int, int> > &result) const;
virtual void collectTemporary_terms(const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, temporary_terms_inuse_t &temporary_terms_inuse, int Curr_Block) const = 0;
virtual void computeTemporaryTerms(map<expr_t, int> &reference_count,
temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms,
map<expr_t, pair<int, int> > &first_occurence,
int Curr_block,
vector< vector<temporary_terms_t> > &v_temporary_terms,
int equation) const;
class EvalException
class EvalExternalFunctionException : public EvalException
virtual double eval(const eval_context_t &eval_context) const throw (EvalException, EvalExternalFunctionException) = 0;
virtual void compile(ostream &CompileCode, unsigned int &instruction_number, bool lhs_rhs, const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, const map_idx_t &map_idx, bool dynamic, bool steady_dynamic, deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const = 0;
void compile(ostream &CompileCode, unsigned int &instruction_number, bool lhs_rhs, const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, const map_idx_t &map_idx, bool dynamic, bool steady_dynamic) const;
//! Creates a static version of this node
This method duplicates the current node by creating a similar node from which all leads/lags have been stripped,
adds the result in the static_datatree argument (and not in the original datatree), and returns it.
virtual expr_t toStatic(DataTree &static_datatree) const = 0;
//! Try to normalize an equation linear in its endogenous variable
virtual pair<int, expr_t> normalizeEquation(int symb_id_endo, vector<pair<int, pair<expr_t, expr_t> > > &List_of_Op_RHS) const = 0;
//! Returns the maximum lead of endogenous in this expression
/*! Always returns a non-negative value */
virtual int maxEndoLead() const = 0;
//! Returns the maximum lead of exogenous in this expression
/*! Always returns a non-negative value */
virtual int maxExoLead() const = 0;
//! Returns the maximum lag of endogenous in this expression
/*! Always returns a non-negative value */
virtual int maxEndoLag() const = 0;
//! Returns the maximum lag of exogenous in this expression
/*! Always returns a non-negative value */
virtual int maxExoLag() const = 0;
//! Returns the relative period of the most forward term in this expression
/*! A negative value means that the expression contains only lagged variables */
virtual int maxLead() const = 0;
//! Returns a new expression where all the leads/lags have been shifted backwards by the same amount
Only acts on endogenous, exogenous, exogenous det
\param[in] n The number of lags by which to shift
\return The same expression except that leads/lags have been shifted backwards
virtual expr_t decreaseLeadsLags(int n) const = 0;
//! Type for the substitution map used in the process of creating auxiliary vars for leads >= 2
typedef map<const ExprNode *, const VariableNode *> subst_table_t;
//! Creates auxiliary endo lead variables corresponding to this expression
If maximum endogenous lead >= 3, this method will also create intermediary auxiliary var, and will add the equations of the form aux1 = aux2(+1) to the substitution table.
\pre This expression is assumed to have maximum endogenous lead >= 2
\param[in,out] subst_table The table to which new auxiliary variables and their correspondance will be added
\param[out] neweqs Equations to be added to the model to match the creation of auxiliary variables.
\return The new variable node corresponding to the current expression
VariableNode *createEndoLeadAuxiliaryVarForMyself(subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs) const;
//! Creates auxiliary exo lead variables corresponding to this expression
If maximum exogenous lead >= 2, this method will also create intermediary auxiliary var, and will add the equations of the form aux1 = aux2(+1) to the substitution table.
\pre This expression is assumed to have maximum exogenous lead >= 1
\param[in,out] subst_table The table to which new auxiliary variables and their correspondance will be added
\param[out] neweqs Equations to be added to the model to match the creation of auxiliary variables.
\return The new variable node corresponding to the current expression
VariableNode *createExoLeadAuxiliaryVarForMyself(subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs) const;
//! Constructs a new expression where sub-expressions with max endo lead >= 2 have been replaced by auxiliary variables
\param[in,out] subst_table Map used to store expressions that have already be substituted and their corresponding variable, in order to avoid creating two auxiliary variables for the same sub-expr.
\param[out] neweqs Equations to be added to the model to match the creation of auxiliary variables.
If the method detects a sub-expr which needs to be substituted, two cases are possible:
- if this expr is in the table, then it will use the corresponding variable and return the substituted expression
- if this expr is not in the table, then it will create an auxiliary endogenous variable, add the substitution in the table and return the substituted expression
\return A new equivalent expression where sub-expressions with max endo lead >= 2 have been replaced by auxiliary variables
virtual expr_t substituteEndoLeadGreaterThanTwo(subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs, bool deterministic_model) const = 0;
//! Constructs a new expression where endo variables with max endo lag >= 2 have been replaced by auxiliary variables
\param[in,out] subst_table Map used to store expressions that have already be substituted and their corresponding variable, in order to avoid creating two auxiliary variables for the same sub-expr.
\param[out] neweqs Equations to be added to the model to match the creation of auxiliary variables.
virtual expr_t substituteEndoLagGreaterThanTwo(subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs) const = 0;
//! Constructs a new expression where exogenous variables with a lead have been replaced by auxiliary variables
\param[in,out] subst_table Map used to store expressions that have already be substituted and their corresponding variable, in order to avoid creating two auxiliary variables for the same sub-expr.
\param[out] neweqs Equations to be added to the model to match the creation of auxiliary variables.
virtual expr_t substituteExoLead(subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs, bool deterministic_model) const = 0;
//! Constructs a new expression where exogenous variables with a lag have been replaced by auxiliary variables
\param[in,out] subst_table Map used to store expressions that have already be substituted and their corresponding variable, in order to avoid creating two auxiliary variables for the same sub-expr.
\param[out] neweqs Equations to be added to the model to match the creation of auxiliary variables.
virtual expr_t substituteExoLag(subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs) const = 0;
//! Constructs a new expression where the expectation operator has been replaced by auxiliary variables
\param[in,out] subst_table Map used to store expressions that have already be substituted and their corresponding variable, in order to avoid creating two auxiliary variables for the same sub-expr.
\param[out] neweqs Equations to be added to the model to match the creation of auxiliary variables.
\param[in] partial_information_model Are we substituting in a partial information model?
virtual expr_t substituteExpectation(subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs, bool partial_information_model) const = 0;
virtual expr_t decreaseLeadsLagsPredeterminedVariables() const = 0;
//! Constructs a new expression where forward variables (supposed to be at most in t+1) have been replaced by themselves at t, plus a new aux var representing their (time) differentiate
\param[in] subset variables to which to limit the transformation; transform
all fwrd vars if empty
\param[in,out] subst_table Map used to store mapping between a given
forward variable and the aux var that contains its differentiate
\param[out] neweqs Equations to be added to the model to match the creation of auxiliary variables.
virtual expr_t differentiateForwardVars(const vector<string> &subset, subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs) const = 0;
//! Return true if the nodeID is a numerical constant equal to value and false otherwise
\param[in] value of the numerical constante
\param[out] the boolean equal to true if NodeId is a constant equal to value
virtual bool isNumConstNodeEqualTo(double value) const = 0;
//! Returns true if the expression contains one or several endogenous variable
virtual bool containsEndogenous(void) const = 0;
//! Return true if the nodeID is a variable withe a type equal to type_arg, a specific variable id aqual to varfiable_id and a lag equal to lag_arg and false otherwise
\param[in] the type (type_arg), specifique variable id (variable_id and the lag (lag_arg)
\param[out] the boolean equal to true if NodeId is the variable
virtual bool isVariableNodeEqualTo(SymbolType type_arg, int variable_id, int lag_arg) const = 0;
//! Replaces the Trend var with datatree.One
virtual expr_t replaceTrendVar() const = 0;
//! Constructs a new expression where the variable indicated by symb_id has been detrended
\param[in] symb_id indicating the variable to be detrended
\param[in] log_trend indicates if the trend is in log
\param[in] trend indicating the trend
\return the new binary op pointing to a detrended variable
virtual expr_t detrend(int symb_id, bool log_trend, expr_t trend) const = 0;
//! Add ExprNodes to the provided datatree
virtual expr_t cloneDynamic(DataTree &dynamic_datatree) const = 0;
//! Move a trend variable with lag/lead to time t by dividing/multiplying by its growth factor
virtual expr_t removeTrendLeadLag(map<int, expr_t> trend_symbols_map) const = 0;
//! Returns true if the expression is in static form (no lead, no lag, no expectation, no STEADY_STATE)
virtual bool isInStaticForm() const = 0;
//! Object used to compare two nodes (using their indexes)
struct ExprNodeLess
operator()(expr_t arg1, expr_t arg2) const
return arg1->idx < arg2->idx;
//! Numerical constant node
/*! The constant is necessarily non-negative (this is enforced at the NumericalConstants class level) */
class NumConstNode : public ExprNode
//! Id from numerical constants table
const int id;
virtual expr_t computeDerivative(int deriv_id);
NumConstNode(DataTree &datatree_arg, int id_arg);
get_id() const
return id;
virtual void prepareForDerivation();
virtual void writeOutput(ostream &output, ExprNodeOutputType output_type, const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const;
virtual bool containsExternalFunction() const;
virtual void collectDynamicVariables(SymbolType type_arg, set<pair<int, int> > &result) const;
virtual void collectTemporary_terms(const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, temporary_terms_inuse_t &temporary_terms_inuse, int Curr_Block) const;
virtual double eval(const eval_context_t &eval_context) const throw (EvalException, EvalExternalFunctionException);
virtual void compile(ostream &CompileCode, unsigned int &instruction_number, bool lhs_rhs, const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, const map_idx_t &map_idx, bool dynamic, bool steady_dynamic, deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const;
virtual expr_t toStatic(DataTree &static_datatree) const;
virtual pair<int, expr_t> normalizeEquation(int symb_id_endo, vector<pair<int, pair<expr_t, expr_t> > > &List_of_Op_RHS) const;
virtual expr_t getChainRuleDerivative(int deriv_id, const map<int, expr_t> &recursive_variables);
virtual int maxEndoLead() const;
virtual int maxExoLead() const;
virtual int maxEndoLag() const;
virtual int maxExoLag() const;
virtual int maxLead() const;
virtual expr_t decreaseLeadsLags(int n) const;
virtual expr_t substituteEndoLeadGreaterThanTwo(subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs, bool deterministic_model) const;
virtual expr_t substituteEndoLagGreaterThanTwo(subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs) const;
virtual expr_t substituteExoLead(subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs, bool deterministic_model) const;
virtual expr_t substituteExoLag(subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs) const;
virtual expr_t substituteExpectation(subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs, bool partial_information_model) const;
virtual expr_t decreaseLeadsLagsPredeterminedVariables() const;
virtual expr_t differentiateForwardVars(const vector<string> &subset, subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs) const;
virtual bool isNumConstNodeEqualTo(double value) const;
virtual bool containsEndogenous(void) const;
virtual bool isVariableNodeEqualTo(SymbolType type_arg, int variable_id, int lag_arg) const;
virtual expr_t replaceTrendVar() const;
virtual expr_t detrend(int symb_id, bool log_trend, expr_t trend) const;
virtual expr_t cloneDynamic(DataTree &dynamic_datatree) const;
virtual expr_t removeTrendLeadLag(map<int, expr_t> trend_symbols_map) const;
virtual bool isInStaticForm() const;
//! Symbol or variable node
class VariableNode : public ExprNode
friend class UnaryOpNode;
//! Id from the symbol table
const int symb_id;
const SymbolType type;
//! A positive value is a lead, a negative is a lag
const int lag;
virtual expr_t computeDerivative(int deriv_id);
VariableNode(DataTree &datatree_arg, int symb_id_arg, int lag_arg);
virtual void prepareForDerivation();
virtual void writeOutput(ostream &output, ExprNodeOutputType output_type, const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const;
virtual bool containsExternalFunction() const;
virtual void collectDynamicVariables(SymbolType type_arg, set<pair<int, int> > &result) const;
virtual void computeTemporaryTerms(map<expr_t, int> &reference_count,
temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms,
map<expr_t, pair<int, int> > &first_occurence,
int Curr_block,
vector< vector<temporary_terms_t> > &v_temporary_terms,
int equation) const;
virtual void collectTemporary_terms(const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, temporary_terms_inuse_t &temporary_terms_inuse, int Curr_Block) const;
virtual double eval(const eval_context_t &eval_context) const throw (EvalException, EvalExternalFunctionException);
virtual void compile(ostream &CompileCode, unsigned int &instruction_number, bool lhs_rhs, const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, const map_idx_t &map_idx, bool dynamic, bool steady_dynamic, deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const;
virtual expr_t toStatic(DataTree &static_datatree) const;
get_type() const
return type;
get_symb_id() const
return symb_id;
int get_lag() const { return lag; };
virtual pair<int, expr_t> normalizeEquation(int symb_id_endo, vector<pair<int, pair<expr_t, expr_t> > > &List_of_Op_RHS) const;
virtual expr_t getChainRuleDerivative(int deriv_id, const map<int, expr_t> &recursive_variables);
virtual int maxEndoLead() const;
virtual int maxExoLead() const;
virtual int maxEndoLag() const;
virtual int maxExoLag() const;
virtual int maxLead() const;
virtual expr_t decreaseLeadsLags(int n) const;
virtual expr_t substituteEndoLeadGreaterThanTwo(subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs, bool deterministic_model) const;
virtual expr_t substituteEndoLagGreaterThanTwo(subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs) const;
virtual expr_t substituteExoLead(subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs, bool deterministic_model) const;
virtual expr_t substituteExoLag(subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs) const;
virtual expr_t substituteExpectation(subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs, bool partial_information_model) const;
virtual expr_t decreaseLeadsLagsPredeterminedVariables() const;
virtual expr_t differentiateForwardVars(const vector<string> &subset, subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs) const;
virtual bool isNumConstNodeEqualTo(double value) const;
virtual bool containsEndogenous(void) const;
virtual bool isVariableNodeEqualTo(SymbolType type_arg, int variable_id, int lag_arg) const;
virtual expr_t replaceTrendVar() const;
virtual expr_t detrend(int symb_id, bool log_trend, expr_t trend) const;
virtual expr_t cloneDynamic(DataTree &dynamic_datatree) const;
virtual expr_t removeTrendLeadLag(map<int, expr_t> trend_symbols_map) const;
virtual bool isInStaticForm() const;
//! Unary operator node
class UnaryOpNode : public ExprNode
const expr_t arg;
//! Stores the information set. Only used for expectation operator
const int expectation_information_set;
//! Only used for oSteadyStateParamDeriv and oSteadyStateParam2ndDeriv
const int param1_symb_id, param2_symb_id;
const UnaryOpcode op_code;
virtual expr_t computeDerivative(int deriv_id);
virtual int cost(const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, bool is_matlab) const;
//! Returns the derivative of this node if darg is the derivative of the argument
expr_t composeDerivatives(expr_t darg, int deriv_id);
UnaryOpNode(DataTree &datatree_arg, UnaryOpcode op_code_arg, const expr_t arg_arg, int expectation_information_set_arg, int param1_symb_id_arg, int param2_symb_id_arg);
virtual void prepareForDerivation();
virtual void computeTemporaryTerms(map<expr_t, int> &reference_count, temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, bool is_matlab) const;
virtual void writeOutput(ostream &output, ExprNodeOutputType output_type, const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const;
virtual bool containsExternalFunction() const;
virtual void writeExternalFunctionOutput(ostream &output, ExprNodeOutputType output_type,
const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms,
deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const;
virtual void compileExternalFunctionOutput(ostream &CompileCode, unsigned int &instruction_number,
bool lhs_rhs, const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms,
const map_idx_t &map_idx, bool dynamic, bool steady_dynamic,
deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const;
virtual void computeTemporaryTerms(map<expr_t, int> &reference_count,
temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms,
map<expr_t, pair<int, int> > &first_occurence,
int Curr_block,
vector< vector<temporary_terms_t> > &v_temporary_terms,
int equation) const;
virtual void collectDynamicVariables(SymbolType type_arg, set<pair<int, int> > &result) const;
virtual void collectTemporary_terms(const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, temporary_terms_inuse_t &temporary_terms_inuse, int Curr_Block) const;
static double eval_opcode(UnaryOpcode op_code, double v) throw (EvalException, EvalExternalFunctionException);
virtual double eval(const eval_context_t &eval_context) const throw (EvalException, EvalExternalFunctionException);
virtual void compile(ostream &CompileCode, unsigned int &instruction_number, bool lhs_rhs, const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, const map_idx_t &map_idx, bool dynamic, bool steady_dynamic, deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const;
//! Returns operand
get_arg() const
return (arg);
//! Returns op code
get_op_code() const
return (op_code);
virtual expr_t toStatic(DataTree &static_datatree) const;
virtual pair<int, expr_t> normalizeEquation(int symb_id_endo, vector<pair<int, pair<expr_t, expr_t> > > &List_of_Op_RHS) const;
virtual expr_t getChainRuleDerivative(int deriv_id, const map<int, expr_t> &recursive_variables);
virtual int maxEndoLead() const;
virtual int maxExoLead() const;
virtual int maxEndoLag() const;
virtual int maxExoLag() const;
virtual int maxLead() const;
virtual expr_t decreaseLeadsLags(int n) const;
virtual expr_t substituteEndoLeadGreaterThanTwo(subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs, bool deterministic_model) const;
//! Creates another UnaryOpNode with the same opcode, but with a possibly different datatree and argument
expr_t buildSimilarUnaryOpNode(expr_t alt_arg, DataTree &alt_datatree) const;
virtual expr_t substituteEndoLagGreaterThanTwo(subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs) const;
virtual expr_t substituteExoLead(subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs, bool deterministic_model) const;
virtual expr_t substituteExoLag(subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs) const;
virtual expr_t substituteExpectation(subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs, bool partial_information_model) const;
virtual expr_t decreaseLeadsLagsPredeterminedVariables() const;
virtual expr_t differentiateForwardVars(const vector<string> &subset, subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs) const;
virtual bool isNumConstNodeEqualTo(double value) const;
virtual bool containsEndogenous(void) const;
virtual bool isVariableNodeEqualTo(SymbolType type_arg, int variable_id, int lag_arg) const;
virtual expr_t replaceTrendVar() const;
virtual expr_t detrend(int symb_id, bool log_trend, expr_t trend) const;
virtual expr_t cloneDynamic(DataTree &dynamic_datatree) const;
virtual expr_t removeTrendLeadLag(map<int, expr_t> trend_symbols_map) const;
virtual bool isInStaticForm() const;
//! Binary operator node
class BinaryOpNode : public ExprNode
const expr_t arg1, arg2;
const BinaryOpcode op_code;
virtual expr_t computeDerivative(int deriv_id);
virtual int cost(const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, bool is_matlab) const;
//! Returns the derivative of this node if darg1 and darg2 are the derivatives of the arguments
expr_t composeDerivatives(expr_t darg1, expr_t darg2);
const int powerDerivOrder;
BinaryOpNode(DataTree &datatree_arg, const expr_t arg1_arg,
BinaryOpcode op_code_arg, const expr_t arg2_arg);
BinaryOpNode(DataTree &datatree_arg, const expr_t arg1_arg,
BinaryOpcode op_code_arg, const expr_t arg2_arg, int powerDerivOrder);
virtual void prepareForDerivation();
virtual int precedence(ExprNodeOutputType output_type, const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms) const;
virtual void computeTemporaryTerms(map<expr_t, int> &reference_count, temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, bool is_matlab) const;
virtual void writeOutput(ostream &output, ExprNodeOutputType output_type, const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const;
virtual bool containsExternalFunction() const;
virtual void writeExternalFunctionOutput(ostream &output, ExprNodeOutputType output_type,
const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms,
deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const;
virtual void compileExternalFunctionOutput(ostream &CompileCode, unsigned int &instruction_number,
bool lhs_rhs, const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms,
const map_idx_t &map_idx, bool dynamic, bool steady_dynamic,
deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const;
virtual void computeTemporaryTerms(map<expr_t, int> &reference_count,
temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms,
map<expr_t, pair<int, int> > &first_occurence,
int Curr_block,
vector< vector<temporary_terms_t> > &v_temporary_terms,
int equation) const;
virtual void collectDynamicVariables(SymbolType type_arg, set<pair<int, int> > &result) const;
virtual void collectTemporary_terms(const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, temporary_terms_inuse_t &temporary_terms_inuse, int Curr_Block) const;
static double eval_opcode(double v1, BinaryOpcode op_code, double v2, int derivOrder) throw (EvalException, EvalExternalFunctionException);
virtual double eval(const eval_context_t &eval_context) const throw (EvalException, EvalExternalFunctionException);
virtual void compile(ostream &CompileCode, unsigned int &instruction_number, bool lhs_rhs, const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, const map_idx_t &map_idx, bool dynamic, bool steady_dynamic, deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const;
virtual expr_t Compute_RHS(expr_t arg1, expr_t arg2, int op, int op_type) const;
//! Returns first operand
get_arg1() const
return (arg1);
//! Returns second operand
get_arg2() const
return (arg2);
//! Returns op code
get_op_code() const
return (op_code);
get_power_deriv_order() const
return powerDerivOrder;
virtual expr_t toStatic(DataTree &static_datatree) const;
virtual pair<int, expr_t> normalizeEquation(int symb_id_endo, vector<pair<int, pair<expr_t, expr_t> > > &List_of_Op_RHS) const;
virtual expr_t getChainRuleDerivative(int deriv_id, const map<int, expr_t> &recursive_variables);
virtual int maxEndoLead() const;
virtual int maxExoLead() const;
virtual int maxEndoLag() const;
virtual int maxExoLag() const;
virtual int maxLead() const;
virtual expr_t decreaseLeadsLags(int n) const;
virtual expr_t substituteEndoLeadGreaterThanTwo(subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs, bool deterministic_model) const;
//! Creates another BinaryOpNode with the same opcode, but with a possibly different datatree and arguments
expr_t buildSimilarBinaryOpNode(expr_t alt_arg1, expr_t alt_arg2, DataTree &alt_datatree) const;
virtual expr_t substituteEndoLagGreaterThanTwo(subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs) const;
virtual expr_t substituteExoLead(subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs, bool deterministic_model) const;
virtual expr_t substituteExoLag(subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs) const;
virtual expr_t substituteExpectation(subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs, bool partial_information_model) const;
virtual expr_t decreaseLeadsLagsPredeterminedVariables() const;
virtual expr_t differentiateForwardVars(const vector<string> &subset, subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs) const;
virtual bool isNumConstNodeEqualTo(double value) const;
virtual bool containsEndogenous(void) const;
virtual bool isVariableNodeEqualTo(SymbolType type_arg, int variable_id, int lag_arg) const;
virtual expr_t replaceTrendVar() const;
virtual expr_t detrend(int symb_id, bool log_trend, expr_t trend) const;
virtual expr_t cloneDynamic(DataTree &dynamic_datatree) const;
virtual expr_t removeTrendLeadLag(map<int, expr_t> trend_symbols_map) const;
//! Function to write out the oPowerNode in expr_t terms as opposed to writing out the function itself
expr_t unpackPowerDeriv() const;
//! Returns MULT_i*(lhs-rhs) = 0, creating multiplier MULT_i
expr_t addMultipliersToConstraints(int i);
//! Returns the non-zero hand-side of an equation (that must have a hand side equal to zero)
expr_t getNonZeroPartofEquation() const;
virtual bool isInStaticForm() const;
//! Trinary operator node
class TrinaryOpNode : public ExprNode
friend class ModelTree;
const expr_t arg1, arg2, arg3;
const TrinaryOpcode op_code;
virtual expr_t computeDerivative(int deriv_id);
virtual int cost(const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, bool is_matlab) const;
//! Returns the derivative of this node if darg1, darg2 and darg3 are the derivatives of the arguments
expr_t composeDerivatives(expr_t darg1, expr_t darg2, expr_t darg3);
TrinaryOpNode(DataTree &datatree_arg, const expr_t arg1_arg,
TrinaryOpcode op_code_arg, const expr_t arg2_arg, const expr_t arg3_arg);
virtual void prepareForDerivation();
virtual int precedence(ExprNodeOutputType output_type, const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms) const;
virtual void computeTemporaryTerms(map<expr_t, int> &reference_count, temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, bool is_matlab) const;
virtual void writeOutput(ostream &output, ExprNodeOutputType output_type, const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const;
virtual bool containsExternalFunction() const;
virtual void writeExternalFunctionOutput(ostream &output, ExprNodeOutputType output_type,
const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms,
deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const;
virtual void compileExternalFunctionOutput(ostream &CompileCode, unsigned int &instruction_number,
bool lhs_rhs, const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms,
const map_idx_t &map_idx, bool dynamic, bool steady_dynamic,
deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const;
virtual void computeTemporaryTerms(map<expr_t, int> &reference_count,
temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms,
map<expr_t, pair<int, int> > &first_occurence,
int Curr_block,
vector< vector<temporary_terms_t> > &v_temporary_terms,
int equation) const;
virtual void collectDynamicVariables(SymbolType type_arg, set<pair<int, int> > &result) const;
virtual void collectTemporary_terms(const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, temporary_terms_inuse_t &temporary_terms_inuse, int Curr_Block) const;
static double eval_opcode(double v1, TrinaryOpcode op_code, double v2, double v3) throw (EvalException, EvalExternalFunctionException);
virtual double eval(const eval_context_t &eval_context) const throw (EvalException, EvalExternalFunctionException);
virtual void compile(ostream &CompileCode, unsigned int &instruction_number, bool lhs_rhs, const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, const map_idx_t &map_idx, bool dynamic, bool steady_dynamic, deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const;
virtual expr_t toStatic(DataTree &static_datatree) const;
virtual pair<int, expr_t> normalizeEquation(int symb_id_endo, vector<pair<int, pair<expr_t, expr_t> > > &List_of_Op_RHS) const;
virtual expr_t getChainRuleDerivative(int deriv_id, const map<int, expr_t> &recursive_variables);
virtual int maxEndoLead() const;
virtual int maxExoLead() const;
virtual int maxEndoLag() const;
virtual int maxExoLag() const;
virtual int maxLead() const;
virtual expr_t decreaseLeadsLags(int n) const;
virtual expr_t substituteEndoLeadGreaterThanTwo(subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs, bool deterministic_model) const;
//! Creates another TrinaryOpNode with the same opcode, but with a possibly different datatree and arguments
expr_t buildSimilarTrinaryOpNode(expr_t alt_arg1, expr_t alt_arg2, expr_t alt_arg3, DataTree &alt_datatree) const;
virtual expr_t substituteEndoLagGreaterThanTwo(subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs) const;
virtual expr_t substituteExoLead(subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs, bool deterministic_model) const;
virtual expr_t substituteExoLag(subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs) const;
virtual expr_t substituteExpectation(subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs, bool partial_information_model) const;
virtual expr_t decreaseLeadsLagsPredeterminedVariables() const;
virtual expr_t differentiateForwardVars(const vector<string> &subset, subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs) const;
virtual bool isNumConstNodeEqualTo(double value) const;
virtual bool containsEndogenous(void) const;
virtual bool isVariableNodeEqualTo(SymbolType type_arg, int variable_id, int lag_arg) const;
virtual expr_t replaceTrendVar() const;
virtual expr_t detrend(int symb_id, bool log_trend, expr_t trend) const;
virtual expr_t cloneDynamic(DataTree &dynamic_datatree) const;
virtual expr_t removeTrendLeadLag(map<int, expr_t> trend_symbols_map) const;
virtual bool isInStaticForm() const;
//! External function node
class AbstractExternalFunctionNode : public ExprNode
virtual expr_t computeDerivative(int deriv_id);
virtual expr_t composeDerivatives(const vector<expr_t> &dargs) = 0;
//! Thrown when trying to access an unknown entry in external_function_node_map
class UnknownFunctionNameAndArgs
const int symb_id;
const vector<expr_t> arguments;
//! Returns true if the given external function has been written as a temporary term
bool alreadyWrittenAsTefTerm(int the_symb_id, deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const;
//! Returns the index in the tef_terms map of this external function
int getIndxInTefTerms(int the_symb_id, deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const throw (UnknownFunctionNameAndArgs);
//! Helper function to write output arguments of any given external function
void writeExternalFunctionArguments(ostream &output, ExprNodeOutputType output_type, const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const;
AbstractExternalFunctionNode(DataTree &datatree_arg, int symb_id_arg,
const vector<expr_t> &arguments_arg);
virtual void prepareForDerivation();
virtual void computeTemporaryTerms(map<expr_t, int> &reference_count, temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, bool is_matlab) const = 0;
virtual void writeOutput(ostream &output, ExprNodeOutputType output_type, const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const = 0;
virtual bool containsExternalFunction() const;
virtual void writeExternalFunctionOutput(ostream &output, ExprNodeOutputType output_type,
const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms,
deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const = 0;
virtual void compileExternalFunctionOutput(ostream &CompileCode, unsigned int &instruction_number,
bool lhs_rhs, const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms,
const map_idx_t &map_idx, bool dynamic, bool steady_dynamic,
deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const = 0;
virtual void computeTemporaryTerms(map<expr_t, int> &reference_count,
temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms,
map<expr_t, pair<int, int> > &first_occurence,
int Curr_block,
vector< vector<temporary_terms_t> > &v_temporary_terms,
int equation) const = 0;
virtual void collectDynamicVariables(SymbolType type_arg, set<pair<int, int> > &result) const;
virtual void collectTemporary_terms(const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, temporary_terms_inuse_t &temporary_terms_inuse, int Curr_Block) const;
virtual double eval(const eval_context_t &eval_context) const throw (EvalException, EvalExternalFunctionException);
unsigned int compileExternalFunctionArguments(ostream &CompileCode, unsigned int &instruction_number,
bool lhs_rhs, const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms,
const map_idx_t &map_idx, bool dynamic, bool steady_dynamic,
deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const;
virtual void compile(ostream &CompileCode, unsigned int &instruction_number, bool lhs_rhs, const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, const map_idx_t &map_idx, bool dynamic, bool steady_dynamic, deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const = 0;
virtual expr_t toStatic(DataTree &static_datatree) const = 0;
virtual pair<int, expr_t> normalizeEquation(int symb_id_endo, vector<pair<int, pair<expr_t, expr_t> > > &List_of_Op_RHS) const;
virtual expr_t getChainRuleDerivative(int deriv_id, const map<int, expr_t> &recursive_variables);
virtual int maxEndoLead() const;
virtual int maxExoLead() const;
virtual int maxEndoLag() const;
virtual int maxExoLag() const;
virtual int maxLead() const;
virtual expr_t decreaseLeadsLags(int n) const;
virtual expr_t substituteEndoLeadGreaterThanTwo(subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs, bool deterministic_model) const;
virtual expr_t substituteEndoLagGreaterThanTwo(subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs) const;
virtual expr_t substituteExoLead(subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs, bool deterministic_model) const;
virtual expr_t substituteExoLag(subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs) const;
virtual expr_t substituteExpectation(subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs, bool partial_information_model) const;
virtual expr_t buildSimilarExternalFunctionNode(vector<expr_t> &alt_args, DataTree &alt_datatree) const = 0;
virtual expr_t decreaseLeadsLagsPredeterminedVariables() const;
virtual expr_t differentiateForwardVars(const vector<string> &subset, subst_table_t &subst_table, vector<BinaryOpNode *> &neweqs) const;
virtual bool isNumConstNodeEqualTo(double value) const;
virtual bool containsEndogenous(void) const;
virtual bool isVariableNodeEqualTo(SymbolType type_arg, int variable_id, int lag_arg) const;
virtual void writePrhs(ostream &output, ExprNodeOutputType output_type, const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms, const string &ending) const;
virtual expr_t replaceTrendVar() const;
virtual expr_t detrend(int symb_id, bool log_trend, expr_t trend) const;
virtual expr_t cloneDynamic(DataTree &dynamic_datatree) const = 0;
virtual expr_t removeTrendLeadLag(map<int, expr_t> trend_symbols_map) const;
virtual bool isInStaticForm() const;
class ExternalFunctionNode : public AbstractExternalFunctionNode
virtual expr_t composeDerivatives(const vector<expr_t> &dargs);
ExternalFunctionNode(DataTree &datatree_arg, int symb_id_arg,
const vector<expr_t> &arguments_arg);
virtual void computeTemporaryTerms(map<expr_t, int> &reference_count, temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, bool is_matlab) const;
virtual void writeOutput(ostream &output, ExprNodeOutputType output_type, const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const;
virtual void writeExternalFunctionOutput(ostream &output, ExprNodeOutputType output_type,
const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms,
deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const;
virtual void compileExternalFunctionOutput(ostream &CompileCode, unsigned int &instruction_number,
bool lhs_rhs, const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms,
const map_idx_t &map_idx, bool dynamic, bool steady_dynamic,
deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const;
virtual void computeTemporaryTerms(map<expr_t, int> &reference_count,
temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms,
map<expr_t, pair<int, int> > &first_occurence,
int Curr_block,
vector< vector<temporary_terms_t> > &v_temporary_terms,
int equation) const;
virtual void compile(ostream &CompileCode, unsigned int &instruction_number, bool lhs_rhs, const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, const map_idx_t &map_idx, bool dynamic, bool steady_dynamic, deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const;
virtual expr_t toStatic(DataTree &static_datatree) const;
virtual expr_t buildSimilarExternalFunctionNode(vector<expr_t> &alt_args, DataTree &alt_datatree) const;
virtual expr_t cloneDynamic(DataTree &dynamic_datatree) const;
class FirstDerivExternalFunctionNode : public AbstractExternalFunctionNode
const int inputIndex;
virtual expr_t composeDerivatives(const vector<expr_t> &dargs);
FirstDerivExternalFunctionNode(DataTree &datatree_arg,
int top_level_symb_id_arg,
const vector<expr_t> &arguments_arg,
int inputIndex_arg);
virtual void computeTemporaryTerms(map<expr_t, int> &reference_count, temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, bool is_matlab) const;
virtual void computeTemporaryTerms(map<expr_t, int> &reference_count,
temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms,
map<expr_t, pair<int, int> > &first_occurence,
int Curr_block,
vector< vector<temporary_terms_t> > &v_temporary_terms,
int equation) const;
virtual void writeOutput(ostream &output, ExprNodeOutputType output_type, const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const;
virtual void compile(ostream &CompileCode, unsigned int &instruction_number,
bool lhs_rhs, const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms,
const map_idx_t &map_idx, bool dynamic, bool steady_dynamic,
deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const;
virtual void writeExternalFunctionOutput(ostream &output, ExprNodeOutputType output_type,
const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms,
deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const;
virtual void compileExternalFunctionOutput(ostream &CompileCode, unsigned int &instruction_number,
bool lhs_rhs, const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms,
const map_idx_t &map_idx, bool dynamic, bool steady_dynamic,
deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const;
virtual expr_t toStatic(DataTree &static_datatree) const;
virtual expr_t buildSimilarExternalFunctionNode(vector<expr_t> &alt_args, DataTree &alt_datatree) const;
virtual expr_t cloneDynamic(DataTree &dynamic_datatree) const;
class SecondDerivExternalFunctionNode : public AbstractExternalFunctionNode
const int inputIndex1;
const int inputIndex2;
virtual expr_t composeDerivatives(const vector<expr_t> &dargs);
SecondDerivExternalFunctionNode(DataTree &datatree_arg,
int top_level_symb_id_arg,
const vector<expr_t> &arguments_arg,
int inputIndex1_arg,
int inputIndex2_arg);
virtual void computeTemporaryTerms(map<expr_t, int> &reference_count, temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, bool is_matlab) const;
virtual void computeTemporaryTerms(map<expr_t, int> &reference_count,
temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms,
map<expr_t, pair<int, int> > &first_occurence,
int Curr_block,
vector< vector<temporary_terms_t> > &v_temporary_terms,
int equation) const;
virtual void writeOutput(ostream &output, ExprNodeOutputType output_type, const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const;
virtual void compile(ostream &CompileCode, unsigned int &instruction_number,
bool lhs_rhs, const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms,
const map_idx_t &map_idx, bool dynamic, bool steady_dynamic,
deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const;
virtual void writeExternalFunctionOutput(ostream &output, ExprNodeOutputType output_type,
const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms,
deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const;
virtual void compileExternalFunctionOutput(ostream &CompileCode, unsigned int &instruction_number,
bool lhs_rhs, const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms,
const map_idx_t &map_idx, bool dynamic, bool steady_dynamic,
deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const;
virtual expr_t toStatic(DataTree &static_datatree) const;
virtual expr_t buildSimilarExternalFunctionNode(vector<expr_t> &alt_args, DataTree &alt_datatree) const;
virtual expr_t cloneDynamic(DataTree &dynamic_datatree) const;