
424 lines
13 KiB

* Copyright © 2009-2020 Dynare Team
* This file is part of Dynare.
* Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Dynare. If not, see <>.
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include "VariableDependencyGraph.hh"
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wold-style-cast"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wsign-compare"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmaybe-uninitialized"
#include <boost/graph/strong_components.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/topological_sort.hpp>
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
using namespace boost;
VariableDependencyGraph::VariableDependencyGraph(int n) : base(n)
/* It is necessary to manually initialize the vertex_index property since
this graph uses listS and not vecS as underlying vertex container */
auto v_index = get(vertex_index, *this);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
put(v_index, vertex(i, *this), i);
VariableDependencyGraph::suppress(vertex_descriptor vertex_to_eliminate)
clear_vertex(vertex_to_eliminate, *this);
remove_vertex(vertex_to_eliminate, *this);
VariableDependencyGraph::suppress(int vertex_num)
suppress(vertex(vertex_num, *this));
VariableDependencyGraph::eliminate(vertex_descriptor vertex_to_eliminate)
if (in_degree(vertex_to_eliminate, *this) > 0 && out_degree(vertex_to_eliminate, *this) > 0)
in_edge_iterator it_in, in_end;
out_edge_iterator it_out, out_end;
for (tie(it_in, in_end) = in_edges(vertex_to_eliminate, *this); it_in != in_end; ++it_in)
for (tie(it_out, out_end) = out_edges(vertex_to_eliminate, *this); it_out != out_end; ++it_out)
edge_descriptor ed;
bool exist;
tie(ed, exist) = edge(source(*it_in, *this), target(*it_out, *this), *this);
if (!exist)
add_edge(source(*it_in, *this), target(*it_out, *this), *this);
VariableDependencyGraph::hasCycleDFS(vertex_descriptor u, color_t &color, vector<int> &circuit_stack) const
auto v_index = get(vertex_index, *this);
color[u] = gray_color;
out_edge_iterator vi, vi_end;
for (tie(vi, vi_end) = out_edges(u, *this); vi != vi_end; ++vi)
if (color[target(*vi, *this)] == white_color && hasCycleDFS(target(*vi, *this), color, circuit_stack))
// cycle detected, return immediately
circuit_stack.push_back(v_index[target(*vi, *this)]);
return true;
else if (color[target(*vi, *this)] == gray_color)
// *vi is an ancestor!
circuit_stack.push_back(v_index[target(*vi, *this)]);
return true;
color[u] = black_color;
return false;
VariableDependencyGraph::hasCycle() const
// Initialize color map to white
color_t color;
vector<int> circuit_stack;
vertex_iterator vi, vi_end;
for (tie(vi, vi_end) = vertices(*this); vi != vi_end; ++vi)
color[*vi] = white_color;
// Perform depth-first search
for (tie(vi, vi_end) = vertices(*this); vi != vi_end; ++vi)
if (color[*vi] == white_color && hasCycleDFS(*vi, color, circuit_stack))
return true;
return false;
VariableDependencyGraph::print() const
vertex_iterator it, it_end;
auto v_index = get(vertex_index, *this);
cout << "Graph\n"
<< "-----\n";
for (tie(it, it_end) = vertices(*this); it != it_end; ++it)
cout << "vertex[" << v_index[*it] + 1 << "] <-";
in_edge_iterator it_in, in_end;
for (tie(it_in, in_end) = in_edges(*it, *this); it_in != in_end; ++it_in)
cout << v_index[source(*it_in, *this)] + 1 << " ";
cout << "\n ->";
out_edge_iterator it_out, out_end;
for (tie(it_out, out_end) = out_edges(*it, *this); it_out != out_end; ++it_out)
cout << v_index[target(*it_out, *this)] + 1 << " ";
cout << "\n";
VariableDependencyGraph::extractSubgraph(const set<int> &select_index) const
int n = select_index.size();
VariableDependencyGraph G(n);
auto v_index = get(vertex_index, *this);
auto v_index1_G = get(vertex_index1, G); // Maps new vertices to original indices
map<int, int> reverse_index; // Maps orig indices to new ones
set<int>::iterator it;
int i;
for (it = select_index.begin(), i = 0; i < n; i++, ++it)
reverse_index[get(v_index, vertex(*it, *this))] = i;
put(v_index1_G, vertex(i, G), get(v_index, vertex(*it, *this)));
for (it = select_index.begin(), i = 0; i < n; i++, ++it)
out_edge_iterator it_out, out_end;
auto vi = vertex(*it, *this);
for (tie(it_out, out_end) = out_edges(vi, *this); it_out != out_end; ++it_out)
int ii = v_index[target(*it_out, *this)];
if (select_index.find(ii) != select_index.end())
add_edge(vertex(reverse_index[get(v_index, source(*it_out, *this))], G),
vertex(reverse_index[get(v_index, target(*it_out, *this))], G), G);
return G;
VariableDependencyGraph::vertexBelongsToAClique(vertex_descriptor vertex) const
vector<vertex_descriptor> liste;
bool agree = true;
in_edge_iterator it_in, in_end;
out_edge_iterator it_out, out_end;
tie(it_in, in_end) = in_edges(vertex, *this);
tie(it_out, out_end) = out_edges(vertex, *this);
while (it_in != in_end && it_out != out_end && agree)
agree = (source(*it_in, *this) == target(*it_out, *this)
&& source(*it_in, *this) != target(*it_in, *this)); //not a loop
liste.push_back(source(*it_in, *this));
if (agree)
if (it_in != in_end || it_out != out_end)
agree = false;
int i = 1;
while (i < static_cast<int>(liste.size()) && agree)
int j = i + 1;
while (j < static_cast<int>(liste.size()) && agree)
edge_descriptor ed;
bool exist1, exist2;
tie(ed, exist1) = edge(liste[i], liste[j], *this);
tie(ed, exist2) = edge(liste[j], liste[i], *this);
agree = exist1 && exist2;
return agree;
bool something_has_been_done = false;
bool not_a_loop;
int i;
vertex_iterator it, it1, ita, it_end;
for (tie(it, it_end) = vertices(*this), i = 0; it != it_end; ++it, i++)
int in_degree_n = in_degree(*it, *this);
int out_degree_n = out_degree(*it, *this);
if (in_degree_n <= 1 || out_degree_n <= 1)
not_a_loop = true;
if (in_degree_n >= 1 && out_degree_n >= 1) // Do not eliminate a vertex if it loops on itself!
in_edge_iterator it_in, in_end;
for (tie(it_in, in_end) = in_edges(*it, *this); it_in != in_end; ++it_in)
if (source(*it_in, *this) == target(*it_in, *this))
not_a_loop = false;
if (not_a_loop)
something_has_been_done = true;
if (i > 0)
it = ita;
tie(it, it_end) = vertices(*this);
ita = it;
return something_has_been_done;
vertex_iterator it, it1, ita, it_end;
bool something_has_been_done = false;
int i;
for (tie(it, it_end) = vertices(*this), i = 0; it != it_end; ++it, i++)
if (vertexBelongsToAClique(*it))
something_has_been_done = true;
if (i > 0)
it = ita;
tie(it, it_end) = vertices(*this);
ita = it;
return something_has_been_done;
VariableDependencyGraph::suppressionOfVerticesWithLoop(set<int> &feed_back_vertices)
bool something_has_been_done = false;
vertex_iterator it, it_end, ita;
int i = 0;
for (tie(it, it_end) = vertices(*this); it != it_end; ++it, i++)
edge_descriptor ed;
bool exist;
tie(ed, exist) = edge(*it, *it, *this);
if (exist)
auto v_index = get(vertex_index, *this);
something_has_been_done = true;
if (i > 0)
it = ita;
tie(it, it_end) = vertices(*this);
ita = it;
return something_has_been_done;
VariableDependencyGraph::minimalSetOfFeedbackVertices() const
set<int> feed_back_vertices;
VariableDependencyGraph G(*this);
while (num_vertices(G) > 0)
bool something_has_been_done = true;
while (something_has_been_done && num_vertices(G) > 0)
something_has_been_done = G.eliminationOfVerticesWithOneOrLessIndegreeOrOutdegree();
something_has_been_done = G.eliminationOfVerticesBelongingToAClique() || something_has_been_done;
something_has_been_done = G.suppressionOfVerticesWithLoop(feed_back_vertices) || something_has_been_done;
if (!G.hasCycle())
return feed_back_vertices;
if (num_vertices(G) > 0)
/* If nothing has been done in the five previous rule then cut the
vertex with the maximum in_degree+out_degree */
int max_degree = 0, num = 0;
vertex_iterator it, it_end, max_degree_index;
for (tie(it, it_end) = vertices(G); it != it_end; ++it, num++)
if (static_cast<int>(in_degree(*it, G) + out_degree(*it, G)) > max_degree)
max_degree = in_degree(*it, G) + out_degree(*it, G);
max_degree_index = it;
auto v_index = get(vertex_index, G);
return feed_back_vertices;
VariableDependencyGraph::reorderRecursiveVariables(const set<int> &feedback_vertices) const
vector<int> reordered_vertices;
VariableDependencyGraph G(*this);
auto v_index = get(vertex_index1, G);
// Suppress feedback vertices, in decreasing order
for (auto it = feedback_vertices.rbegin(); it != feedback_vertices.rend(); ++it)
bool something_has_been_done = true;
while (something_has_been_done)
something_has_been_done = false;
vertex_iterator it, it_end, ita;
int i;
for (tie(it, it_end) = vertices(G), i = 0; it != it_end; ++it, i++)
if (in_degree(*it, G) == 0)
something_has_been_done = true;
if (i > 0)
it = ita;
tie(it, it_end) = vertices(G);
ita = it;
if (num_vertices(G))
cout << "Error in the computation of feedback vertex set\n";
return reordered_vertices;
pair<int, vector<int>>
VariableDependencyGraph::sortedStronglyConnectedComponents() const
vector<int> vertex2scc(num_vertices(*this));
auto v_index = get(vertex_index, *this);
// Compute SCCs and create mapping from vertices to unordered SCCs
int num_scc = strong_components(static_cast<base>(*this), make_iterator_property_map(vertex2scc.begin(), v_index));
// Create directed acyclic graph (DAG) associated to the SCCs
adjacency_list<vecS, vecS, directedS> dag(num_scc);
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(num_vertices(*this)); i++)
out_edge_iterator it_out, out_end;
auto vi = vertex(i, *this);
for (tie(it_out, out_end) = out_edges(vi, *this); it_out != out_end; ++it_out)
int t_b = vertex2scc[v_index[target(*it_out, *this)]];
int s_b = vertex2scc[v_index[source(*it_out, *this)]];
if (s_b != t_b)
add_edge(s_b, t_b, dag);
/* Compute topological sort of DAG (ordered list of unordered SCC)
Note: the order is reversed. */
vector<int> reverseOrdered2unordered;
topological_sort(dag, back_inserter(reverseOrdered2unordered));
// Construct mapping from unordered SCC to ordered SCC
vector<int> unordered2ordered(num_scc);
for (int j = 0; j < num_scc; j++)
unordered2ordered[reverseOrdered2unordered[num_scc-j-1]] = j;
// Update the mapping of vertices to (now sorted) SCCs
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(num_vertices(*this)); i++)
vertex2scc[i] = unordered2ordered[vertex2scc[i]];
return { num_scc, vertex2scc };