/* * Copyright © 2003-2023 Dynare Team * * This file is part of Dynare. * * Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Dynare. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #include "ComputingTasks.hh" #include "Statement.hh" #include "ParsingDriver.hh" #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wold-style-cast" #include #include #include #pragma GCC diagnostic pop #include #include SteadyStatement::SteadyStatement(OptionsList options_list_arg) : options_list{move(options_list_arg)} { } void SteadyStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, [[maybe_unused]] WarningConsolidation &warnings) { mod_file_struct.steady_present = true; } void SteadyStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { options_list.writeOutput(output); output << "steady;" << endl; } void SteadyStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "steady")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } CheckStatement::CheckStatement(OptionsList options_list_arg) : options_list{move(options_list_arg)} { } void CheckStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { options_list.writeOutput(output); output << "oo_.dr.eigval = check(M_,options_,oo_);" << endl; } void CheckStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, [[maybe_unused]] WarningConsolidation &warnings) { mod_file_struct.check_present = true; } void CheckStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "check")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } ModelInfoStatement::ModelInfoStatement(OptionsList options_list_arg) : options_list{move(options_list_arg)} { } void ModelInfoStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { options_list.writeOutput(output, "options_model_info_"); output << "model_info(options_model_info_);" << endl; } void ModelInfoStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "model_info")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } SimulStatement::SimulStatement(OptionsList options_list_arg) : options_list{move(options_list_arg)} { } void SimulStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, [[maybe_unused]] WarningConsolidation &warnings) { mod_file_struct.perfect_foresight_solver_present = true; } void SimulStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { // Translate the “datafile” option into “initval_file” (see dynare#1663) auto options_list_new = options_list; // Need a copy, because of const if (auto opt = options_list_new.get_if("datafile")) { output << "options_.initval_file = true;" << endl << "options_initvalf = struct();" << endl << "options_initvalf.datafile = '" << *opt << "';" << endl << "oo_.initval_series = histvalf_initvalf('INITVALF', M_, options_initvalf);" << endl; options_list_new.erase("datafile"); } options_list_new.writeOutput(output); output << "perfect_foresight_setup;" << endl << "perfect_foresight_solver;" << endl; } void SimulStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "simul")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } PerfectForesightSetupStatement::PerfectForesightSetupStatement(OptionsList options_list_arg) : options_list{move(options_list_arg)} { } void PerfectForesightSetupStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { auto options_list_new = options_list; // Need a copy, because of const if (auto opt = options_list_new.get_if("datafile")) { output << "options_.initval_file = true;" << endl << "options_initvalf = struct();" << endl << "options_initvalf.datafile = '" << *opt << "';" << endl << "oo_.initval_series = histvalf_initvalf('INITVALF', M_, options_initvalf);" << endl; options_list_new.erase("datafile"); } options_list_new.writeOutput(output); output << "perfect_foresight_setup;" << endl; } void PerfectForesightSetupStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "perfect_foresight_setup")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } PerfectForesightSolverStatement::PerfectForesightSolverStatement(OptionsList options_list_arg) : options_list(move(options_list_arg)) { } void PerfectForesightSolverStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, [[maybe_unused]] WarningConsolidation &warnings) { mod_file_struct.perfect_foresight_solver_present = true; } void PerfectForesightSolverStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { options_list.writeOutput(output); output << "perfect_foresight_solver;" << endl; } void PerfectForesightSolverStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "perfect_foresight_solver")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } PerfectForesightWithExpectationErrorsSetupStatement::PerfectForesightWithExpectationErrorsSetupStatement(OptionsList options_list_arg) : options_list{move(options_list_arg)} { } void PerfectForesightWithExpectationErrorsSetupStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { options_list.writeOutput(output); output << "perfect_foresight_with_expectation_errors_setup;" << endl; } void PerfectForesightWithExpectationErrorsSetupStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "perfect_foresight_with_expectation_errors_setup")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } PerfectForesightWithExpectationErrorsSolverStatement::PerfectForesightWithExpectationErrorsSolverStatement(OptionsList options_list_arg) : options_list(move(options_list_arg)) { } void PerfectForesightWithExpectationErrorsSolverStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, [[maybe_unused]] WarningConsolidation &warnings) { mod_file_struct.perfect_foresight_with_expectation_errors_solver_present = true; } void PerfectForesightWithExpectationErrorsSolverStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { options_list.writeOutput(output); output << "perfect_foresight_with_expectation_errors_solver;" << endl; } void PerfectForesightWithExpectationErrorsSolverStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "perfect_foresight_with_expectation_errors_solver")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } PriorPosteriorFunctionStatement::PriorPosteriorFunctionStatement(const bool prior_func_arg, OptionsList options_list_arg) : prior_func{prior_func_arg}, options_list{move(options_list_arg)} { } void PriorPosteriorFunctionStatement::checkPass([[maybe_unused]] ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, [[maybe_unused]] WarningConsolidation &warnings) { if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("function"); !opt || opt->empty()) { cerr << "ERROR: both the 'prior_function' and 'posterior_function' commands require the 'function' option" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void PriorPosteriorFunctionStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { options_list.writeOutput(output); string type = prior_func ? "prior" : "posterior"; output << "oo_ = execute_prior_posterior_function(" << "'" << options_list.get("function") << "', " << "M_, options_, oo_, estim_params_, bayestopt_, dataset_, dataset_info, " << "'" << type << "');" << endl; } void PriorPosteriorFunctionStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { string type = prior_func ? "prior" : "posterior"; output << R"({"statementName": "prior_posterior_function", "type": ")" << type << R"(")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } StochSimulStatement::StochSimulStatement(SymbolList symbol_list_arg, OptionsList options_list_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : symbol_list{move(symbol_list_arg)}, options_list{move(options_list_arg)}, symbol_table{symbol_table_arg} { } void StochSimulStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, WarningConsolidation &warnings) { mod_file_struct.stoch_simul_present = true; // Fill in option_order of mod_file_struct if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("order")) mod_file_struct.order_option = max(mod_file_struct.order_option, stoi(*opt)); // Fill in mod_file_struct.partial_information if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("partial_information"); opt && *opt == "true") mod_file_struct.partial_information = true; // Option k_order_solver (implicit when order >= 3) if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("k_order_solver"); (opt && *opt == "true") || mod_file_struct.order_option >= 3) mod_file_struct.k_order_solver = true; if (bool hp = options_list.contains("hp_filter"), bandpass = options_list.contains("bandpass.indicator"), one_sided_hp = options_list.contains("one_sided_hp_filter"); (hp && bandpass) || (hp && one_sided_hp) || (bandpass && one_sided_hp)) { cerr << "ERROR: stoch_simul: can only use one of hp, one-sided hp, and bandpass filters" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } try { symbol_list.checkPass(warnings, { SymbolType::endogenous }, symbol_table); } catch (SymbolList::SymbolListException &e) { cerr << "ERROR: stoch_simul: " << e.message << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void StochSimulStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { // Ensure that order 3 implies k_order (#844) if (auto opt1 = options_list.get_if("order"), opt2 = options_list.get_if("k_order_solver"); (opt2 && *opt2 == "true") || (opt1 && stoi(*opt1) >= 3)) output << "options_.k_order_solver = true;" << endl; options_list.writeOutput(output); symbol_list.writeOutput("var_list_", output); output << "[info, oo_, options_, M_] = stoch_simul(M_, options_, oo_, var_list_);" << endl; } void StochSimulStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "stoch_simul")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } if (!symbol_list.empty()) { output << ", "; symbol_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } ForecastStatement::ForecastStatement(SymbolList symbol_list_arg, OptionsList options_list_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : symbol_list{move(symbol_list_arg)}, options_list{move(options_list_arg)}, symbol_table{symbol_table_arg} { } void ForecastStatement::checkPass([[maybe_unused]] ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, WarningConsolidation &warnings) { try { symbol_list.checkPass(warnings, { SymbolType::endogenous }, symbol_table); } catch (SymbolList::SymbolListException &e) { cerr << "ERROR: forecast: " << e.message << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void ForecastStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { options_list.writeOutput(output); symbol_list.writeOutput("var_list_", output); output << "oo_.forecast = dyn_forecast(var_list_,M_,options_,oo_,'simul');" << endl; } void ForecastStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "forecast")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } if (!symbol_list.empty()) { output << ", "; symbol_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } RamseyModelStatement::RamseyModelStatement(OptionsList options_list_arg) : options_list{move(options_list_arg)} { } void RamseyModelStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, [[maybe_unused]] WarningConsolidation &warnings) { mod_file_struct.ramsey_model_present = true; /* Fill in option_order of mod_file_struct Since ramsey model needs one further order of derivation (for example, for 1st order approximation, it needs 2nd derivatives), we add 1 to the order declared by user */ if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("order")) { int order = stoi(*opt); if (order > 2) { cerr << "ERROR: ramsey_model: order > 2 is not implemented" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } mod_file_struct.order_option = max(mod_file_struct.order_option, order + 1); } // Fill in mod_file_struct.partial_information if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("partial_information"); opt && *opt == "true") mod_file_struct.partial_information = true; // Option k_order_solver (implicit when order >= 3) if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("k_order_solver"); (opt && *opt == "true") || mod_file_struct.order_option >= 3) mod_file_struct.k_order_solver = true; // Fill list of instruments if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("instruments")) mod_file_struct.instruments = *opt; } void RamseyModelStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { // options_.ramsey_policy indicates that a Ramsey model is present in the *.mod file // this affects the computation of the steady state that uses a special algorithm // It should probably rather be a M_ field, but we leave it in options_ for historical reason // Ensure that order 3 implies k_order (#844) if (auto opt1 = options_list.get_if("order"), opt2 = options_list.get_if("k_order_solver"); (opt2 && *opt2 == "true") || (opt1 && stoi(*opt1) >= 3)) output << "options_.k_order_solver = true;" << endl; output << "options_.ramsey_policy = true;" << endl; options_list.writeOutput(output); } void RamseyModelStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "ramsey_model")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } RamseyConstraintsStatement::RamseyConstraintsStatement(const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg, constraints_t constraints_arg) : symbol_table{symbol_table_arg}, constraints{move(constraints_arg)} { } void RamseyConstraintsStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, [[maybe_unused]] WarningConsolidation &warnings) { mod_file_struct.ramsey_constraints_present = true; } void RamseyConstraintsStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { output << "M_.ramsey_model_constraints = {" << endl; for (bool printed_something{false}; const auto &it : constraints) { if (exchange(printed_something, true)) output << ", "; output << "{" << it.endo + 1 << ", '"; switch (it.code) { case BinaryOpcode::less: output << '<'; break; case BinaryOpcode::greater: output << '>'; break; case BinaryOpcode::lessEqual: output << "<="; break; case BinaryOpcode::greaterEqual: output << ">="; break; default: cerr << "Ramsey constraints: this shouldn't happen." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } output << "', '"; it.expression->writeOutput(output); output << "'}" << endl; } output << "};" << endl; } void RamseyConstraintsStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "ramsey_constraints")" << R"(, "ramsey_model_constraints": [)" << endl; for (bool printed_something{false}; const auto &it : constraints) { if (exchange(printed_something, true)) output << ", "; output << R"({"constraint": ")" << symbol_table.getName(it.endo) << " "; switch (it.code) { case BinaryOpcode::less: output << '<'; break; case BinaryOpcode::greater: output << '>'; break; case BinaryOpcode::lessEqual: output << "<="; break; case BinaryOpcode::greaterEqual: output << ">="; break; default: cerr << "Ramsey constraints: this shouldn't happen." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } output << " "; it.expression->writeJsonOutput(output, {}, {}); output << R"("})" << endl; } output << "]" << endl; output << "}"; } RamseyPolicyStatement::RamseyPolicyStatement(SymbolList symbol_list_arg, OptionsList options_list_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : symbol_list{move(symbol_list_arg)}, options_list{move(options_list_arg)}, symbol_table{symbol_table_arg} { } void RamseyPolicyStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, WarningConsolidation &warnings) { // ramsey_model_present indicates that the model is augmented with the FOC of the planner problem mod_file_struct.ramsey_model_present = true; // ramsey_policy_present indicates that ramsey_policy instruction for computation of first order approximation // of a stochastic Ramsey problem if present in the *.mod file mod_file_struct.ramsey_policy_present = true; /* Fill in option_order of mod_file_struct Since ramsey policy needs one further order of derivation (for example, for 1st order approximation, it needs 2nd derivatives), we add 1 to the order declared by user */ if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("order")) { int order = stoi(*opt); if (order > 2) { cerr << "ERROR: ramsey_policy: order > 2 is not implemented" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } mod_file_struct.order_option = max(mod_file_struct.order_option, order + 1); } // Fill in mod_file_struct.partial_information if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("partial_information"); opt && *opt == "true") mod_file_struct.partial_information = true; // Option k_order_solver (implicit when order >= 3) if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("k_order_solver"); (opt && *opt == "true") || mod_file_struct.order_option >= 3) mod_file_struct.k_order_solver = true; // Fill list of instruments if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("instruments")) mod_file_struct.instruments = *opt; try { symbol_list.checkPass(warnings, { SymbolType::endogenous }, symbol_table); } catch (SymbolList::SymbolListException &e) { cerr << "ERROR: ramsey_policy: " << e.message << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void RamseyPolicyStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { // Ensure that order 3 implies k_order (#844) if (auto opt1 = options_list.get_if("order"), opt2 = options_list.get_if("k_order_solver"); (opt2 && *opt2 == "true") || (opt1 && stoi(*opt1) >= 3)) output << "options_.k_order_solver = true;" << endl; options_list.writeOutput(output); symbol_list.writeOutput("var_list_", output); output << "ramsey_policy(var_list_);" << endl; } void RamseyPolicyStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "ramsey_policy")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } if (!symbol_list.empty()) { output << ", "; symbol_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } EvaluatePlannerObjectiveStatement::EvaluatePlannerObjectiveStatement(OptionsList options_list_arg) : options_list{move(options_list_arg)} { } void EvaluatePlannerObjectiveStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { options_list.writeOutput(output); output << "oo_.planner_objective_value = evaluate_planner_objective(M_, options_, oo_);" << endl; } void EvaluatePlannerObjectiveStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << R"({"statementName": "evaluate_planner_objective"})"; } DiscretionaryPolicyStatement::DiscretionaryPolicyStatement(SymbolList symbol_list_arg, OptionsList options_list_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : symbol_list{move(symbol_list_arg)}, options_list{move(options_list_arg)}, symbol_table{symbol_table_arg} { } void DiscretionaryPolicyStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, WarningConsolidation &warnings) { mod_file_struct.discretionary_policy_present = true; if (!options_list.contains("instruments")) { cerr << "ERROR: discretionary_policy: the instruments option is required." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Fill in option_order of mod_file_struct Since discretionary policy needs one further order of derivation (for example, for 1st order approximation, it needs 2nd derivatives), we add 1 to the order declared by user */ if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("order")) { int order = stoi(*opt); if (order > 1) { cerr << "ERROR: discretionary_policy: order > 1 is not yet implemented" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } mod_file_struct.order_option = max(mod_file_struct.order_option, order + 1); } // Fill in mod_file_struct.partial_information if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("partial_information"); opt && *opt == "true") mod_file_struct.partial_information = true; // Option k_order_solver (implicit when order >= 3) if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("k_order_solver"); (opt && *opt == "true") || mod_file_struct.order_option >= 3) mod_file_struct.k_order_solver = true; // Fill list of instruments if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("instruments")) mod_file_struct.instruments = *opt; try { symbol_list.checkPass(warnings, { SymbolType::endogenous }, symbol_table); } catch (SymbolList::SymbolListException &e) { cerr << "ERROR: discretionary_policy: " << e.message << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void DiscretionaryPolicyStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { // Ensure that order 3 implies k_order (#844) if (auto opt1 = options_list.get_if("order"), opt2 = options_list.get_if("k_order_solver"); (opt2 && *opt2 == "true") || (opt1 && stoi(*opt1) >= 3)) output << "options_.k_order_solver = true;" << endl; options_list.writeOutput(output); symbol_list.writeOutput("var_list_", output); output << "[info, oo_, options_, M_] = discretionary_policy(M_, options_, oo_, var_list_);" << endl; } void DiscretionaryPolicyStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "discretionary_policy")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } if (!symbol_list.empty()) { output << ", "; symbol_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } OccbinSetupStatement::OccbinSetupStatement(OptionsList options_list_arg) : options_list{move(options_list_arg)} { } void OccbinSetupStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { options_list.writeOutput(output, "options_occbin_"); output << "[M_, options_] = occbin.setup(M_, options_, options_occbin_);" << endl; } void OccbinSetupStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "occbin_setup")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } OccbinSolverStatement::OccbinSolverStatement(OptionsList options_list_arg) : options_list{move(options_list_arg)} { } void OccbinSolverStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { options_list.writeOutput(output, "options_.occbin"); output << "oo_ = occbin.solver(M_, oo_, options_);" << endl; } void OccbinSolverStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "occbin_solver")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } OccbinWriteRegimesStatement::OccbinWriteRegimesStatement(OptionsList options_list_arg) : options_list{move(options_list_arg)} { } void OccbinWriteRegimesStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { options_list.writeOutput(output, "options_.occbin"); output << "occbin.write_regimes_to_xls(oo_.occbin, M_, options_);" << endl; } void OccbinWriteRegimesStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "occbin_write_regimes_xls")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } OccbinGraphStatement::OccbinGraphStatement(SymbolList symbol_list_arg, OptionsList options_list_arg) : symbol_list{move(symbol_list_arg)}, options_list{move(options_list_arg)} { } void OccbinGraphStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { symbol_list.writeOutput("var_list_", output); options_list.writeOutput(output, "options_occbin_"); output << "occbin.graph(M_, options_, options_occbin_, oo_, var_list_);" << endl; } void OccbinGraphStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "occbin_graph")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } if (!symbol_list.empty()) { output << ", "; symbol_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } EstimationStatement::EstimationStatement(const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg, SymbolList symbol_list_arg, OptionsList options_list_arg) : symbol_table{symbol_table_arg}, symbol_list{move(symbol_list_arg)}, options_list{move(options_list_arg)} { } void EstimationStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, WarningConsolidation &warnings) { mod_file_struct.estimation_present = true; // Fill in option_order of mod_file_struct if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("order")) { int order = stoi(*opt); if (order > 2) mod_file_struct.k_order_solver = true; mod_file_struct.order_option = max(mod_file_struct.order_option, order); } // Fill in mod_file_struct.partial_information if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("partial_information"); opt && *opt == "true") mod_file_struct.partial_information = true; // Fill in mod_file_struct.estimation_analytic_derivation if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("analytic_derivation"); opt && *opt == "1") mod_file_struct.estimation_analytic_derivation = true; if (options_list.contains("dsge_var")) options_list.visit("dsge_var", [&](const T &v) { if constexpr(is_same_v) mod_file_struct.dsge_var_estimated = true; else if constexpr(is_same_v) mod_file_struct.dsge_var_calibrated = v; }); // Fill in mod_file_struct.bayesian_irf_present if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("bayesian_irf"); opt && *opt == "true") mod_file_struct.bayesian_irf_present = true; if (options_list.contains("dsge_varlag")) if (mod_file_struct.dsge_var_calibrated.empty() && !mod_file_struct.dsge_var_estimated) { cerr << "ERROR: The estimation statement requires a dsge_var option to be passed " << "if the dsge_varlag option is passed." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (!mod_file_struct.dsge_var_calibrated.empty() && mod_file_struct.dsge_var_estimated) { cerr << "ERROR: An estimation statement cannot take more than one dsge_var option." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (!options_list.contains("datafile") && !mod_file_struct.estimation_data_statement_present) { cerr << "ERROR: The estimation statement requires a data file to be supplied via the datafile option." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (options_list.contains("mode_file") && mod_file_struct.estim_params_use_calib) { cerr << "ERROR: The mode_file option of the estimation statement is incompatible with the use_calibration option of the estimated_params_init block." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("mh_tune_jscale.status"); opt && *opt == "true") { if (options_list.contains("mh_jscale")) { cerr << "ERROR: The mh_tune_jscale and mh_jscale options of the estimation statement are incompatible." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (options_list.contains("mh_tune_jscale.guess")) { cerr << "ERROR: The option mh_tune_guess in estimation statement cannot be used without option mh_tune_jscale." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Check that we are not trying to estimate a parameter appearing in the planner discount factor (see dynare#1173) */ vector estimated_params_in_planner_discount; set_intersection(mod_file_struct.estimated_parameters.begin(), mod_file_struct.estimated_parameters.end(), mod_file_struct.parameters_in_planner_discount.begin(), mod_file_struct.parameters_in_planner_discount.end(), back_inserter(estimated_params_in_planner_discount)); if (!estimated_params_in_planner_discount.empty()) { cerr << "ERROR: It is not possible to estimate a parameter (" << symbol_table.getName(estimated_params_in_planner_discount[0]) << ") that appears in the discount factor of the planner (i.e. in the 'planner_discount' option)." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } try { symbol_list.checkPass(warnings, { SymbolType::endogenous }, symbol_table); } catch (SymbolList::SymbolListException &e) { cerr << "ERROR: estimation: " << e.message << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void EstimationStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { options_list.writeOutput(output); // Special treatment for order option and particle filter if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("order"); !opt) output << "options_.order = 1;" << endl; else if (int order {stoi(*opt)}; order >= 2) { output << "options_.particle.status = true;" << endl; if (order > 2) output << "options_.k_order_solver = true;" << endl; } // Do not check for the steady state in diffuse filter mode (#400) if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("diffuse_filter"); opt && *opt == "true") output << "options_.steadystate.nocheck = true;" << endl; symbol_list.writeOutput("var_list_", output); output << "oo_recursive_=dynare_estimation(var_list_);" << endl; } void EstimationStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "estimation")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } if (!symbol_list.empty()) { output << ", "; symbol_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } DynareSensitivityStatement::DynareSensitivityStatement(OptionsList options_list_arg) : options_list{move(options_list_arg)} { } void DynareSensitivityStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, [[maybe_unused]] WarningConsolidation &warnings) { if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("identification"); opt && *opt == "1") { mod_file_struct.identification_present = true; // The following triggers 3rd order derivatives, see preprocessor#40 mod_file_struct.identification_order = max(mod_file_struct.identification_order, 2); } mod_file_struct.sensitivity_present = true; } void DynareSensitivityStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { options_list.writeOutput(output, "options_gsa"); /* Ensure that nograph, nodisplay and graph_format are also set in top-level options_. \todo factorize this code between identification and dynare_sensitivity, and provide a generic mechanism for this situation (maybe using regexps). graph_format can then be turned into a VecCellStrVal. */ if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("nodisplay")) output << "options_.nodisplay = " << *opt << ";" << endl; if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("nograph")) output << "options_.nograph = " << *opt << ";" << endl; if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("graph_format")) opt->writeOutput("options_.graph_format", output); output << "dynare_sensitivity(options_gsa);" << endl; } void DynareSensitivityStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "dynare_sensitivity")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } RplotStatement::RplotStatement(SymbolList symbol_list_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : symbol_list{move(symbol_list_arg)}, symbol_table{symbol_table_arg} { } void RplotStatement::checkPass([[maybe_unused]] ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, WarningConsolidation &warnings) { try { symbol_list.checkPass(warnings, { SymbolType::endogenous, SymbolType::exogenous}, symbol_table); } catch (SymbolList::SymbolListException &e) { cerr << "ERROR: rplot: " << e.message << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void RplotStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { symbol_list.writeOutput("var_list_", output); output << "rplot(var_list_);" << endl; } void RplotStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "rplot")"; if (!symbol_list.empty()) { output << ", "; symbol_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } void UnitRootVarsStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { output << "options_.diffuse_filter = 1;" << endl << "options_.steadystate.nocheck = 1;" << endl; } void UnitRootVarsStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "unit_root_vars", )" << R"("diffuse_filter": 1, )" << R"("steady_state.nocheck": 1})"; } DsampleStatement::DsampleStatement(int val1_arg) : val1{val1_arg}, val2{-1} { } DsampleStatement::DsampleStatement(int val1_arg, int val2_arg) : val1{val1_arg}, val2{val2_arg} { } void DsampleStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { if (val2 < 0) output << "dsample(" << val1 << ");" << endl; else output << "dsample(" << val1 << ", " << val2 << ");" << endl; } void DsampleStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "dsample", )" << R"("value1": )" << val1 << ", " << R"("value2": )" << val2 << "}"; } AbstractEstimatedParamsStatement::AbstractEstimatedParamsStatement(vector estim_params_list_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : estim_params_list{move(estim_params_list_arg)}, symbol_table{symbol_table_arg} { } void AbstractEstimatedParamsStatement::commonCheckPass() const { // Check that no parameter/endogenous is declared twice in the block. /* In the case of the estimated_params block, there is a similar check across concatenated blocks that is implemented in the writeOutput() method. */ set already_declared; set> already_declared_corr; for (const auto &it : estim_params_list) { if (it.type == 3) // Correlation { // Use lexical ordering for the pair of symbols auto x = it.name < it.name2 ? pair{it.name, it.name2} : pair{it.name2, it.name}; if (already_declared_corr.contains(x)) { cerr << "ERROR: in `" << blockName() << "' block, the correlation between " << it.name << " and " << it.name2 << " is declared twice." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else already_declared_corr.insert(x); } else { if (already_declared.contains(it.name)) { cerr << "ERROR: in `" << blockName() << "' block, the symbol " << it.name << " is declared twice." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else already_declared.insert(it.name); } } /* Check that a parameter declared in this block is not used in expressions associated to other parameters in the same block (see issue #77) */ // First compute the symbol IDs of parameters declared in this block set declared_params; for (const string &name : already_declared) if (name != "dsge_prior_weight") declared_params.insert(symbol_table.getID(name)); // Then look for (apparently) recursive definitions for (const auto &it : estim_params_list) { set used_params; it.init_val->collectVariables(SymbolType::parameter, used_params); it.low_bound->collectVariables(SymbolType::parameter, used_params); it.up_bound->collectVariables(SymbolType::parameter, used_params); it.mean->collectVariables(SymbolType::parameter, used_params); it.std->collectVariables(SymbolType::parameter, used_params); it.p3->collectVariables(SymbolType::parameter, used_params); it.p4->collectVariables(SymbolType::parameter, used_params); it.jscale->collectVariables(SymbolType::parameter, used_params); vector intersect; set_intersection(declared_params.begin(), declared_params.end(), used_params.begin(), used_params.end(), back_inserter(intersect)); if (intersect.size() > 0) { cerr << "ERROR: in `" << blockName() << "' block, the value of estimated parameter " << symbol_table.getName(intersect[0]) << " is used in the declaration for "; if (it.type == 3) cerr << "correlation between " << it.name << " and " << it.name2; else // either a parameter, the stderr of an exo, or the measurement error of an endo cerr << "symbol " << it.name; cerr << ". This behaviour is undefined." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } } EstimatedParamsStatement::EstimatedParamsStatement(vector estim_params_list_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg, bool overwrite_arg) : AbstractEstimatedParamsStatement(move(estim_params_list_arg), symbol_table_arg), overwrite{overwrite_arg} { } void EstimatedParamsStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, [[maybe_unused]] WarningConsolidation &warnings) { commonCheckPass(); for (const auto &it : estim_params_list) { if (it.name == "dsge_prior_weight") mod_file_struct.dsge_prior_weight_in_estimated_params = true; // Handle case of degenerate beta prior if (it.prior == PriorDistributions::beta) try { if (it.mean->eval(eval_context_t()) == 0.5 && it.std->eval(eval_context_t()) == 0.5) { cerr << "ERROR: The prior density is not defined for the beta distribution when the mean = standard deviation = 0.5." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } catch (ExprNode::EvalException &e) { // We don't have enough information to compute the numerical value, skip the test } } // Fill in mod_file_struct.estimated_parameters (related to #469) for (const auto &it : estim_params_list) if (it.type == 2 && it.name != "dsge_prior_weight") mod_file_struct.estimated_parameters.insert(symbol_table.getID(it.name)); } void EstimatedParamsStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { string indent; if (!overwrite) { output << "if isempty(estim_params_)" << endl; indent = " "; } output << indent << "estim_params_.var_exo = zeros(0, 10);" << endl << indent << "estim_params_.var_endo = zeros(0, 10);" << endl << indent << "estim_params_.corrx = zeros(0, 11);" << endl << indent << "estim_params_.corrn = zeros(0, 11);" << endl << indent << "estim_params_.param_vals = zeros(0, 10);" << endl; if (!overwrite) output << "end" << endl; /* Note that we verify that parameters are not declared twice across concatenated blocks, because this case is not covered by the check implemented in AbstractEstimatedParamsStatement::commonCheckPass() */ for (const auto &it : estim_params_list) { int tsid = symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(it.name) + 1; int tsid2; SymbolType symb_type = symbol_table.getType(it.name); string errmsg = " has been specified twice in two concatenated ''estimated_params'' blocks. Depending on your intention, you may want to use the ''overwrite'' option or an ''estimated_params_remove'' block."; switch (it.type) { case 1: if (symb_type == SymbolType::exogenous) output << "if ~isempty(find(estim_params_.var_exo(:,1)==" << tsid << "))" << endl << " error('The standard deviation for " << it.name << errmsg << "')" << endl << "end" << endl << "estim_params_.var_exo = [estim_params_.var_exo; "; else if (symb_type == SymbolType::endogenous) output << "if ~isempty(find(estim_params_.var_endo(:,1)==" << tsid << "))" << endl << " error('The standard deviation of the measurement error for " << it.name << errmsg << "')" << endl << "end" << endl << "estim_params_.var_endo = [estim_params_.var_endo; "; output << tsid; break; case 2: output << "if ~isempty(find(estim_params_.param_vals(:,1)==" << tsid << "))" << endl << " error('Parameter " << it.name << errmsg << "')" << endl << "end" << endl << "estim_params_.param_vals = [estim_params_.param_vals; " << tsid; break; case 3: tsid2 = symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(it.name2) + 1; if (symb_type == SymbolType::exogenous) output << "if ~isempty(find((estim_params_.corrx(:,1)==" << tsid << " & estim_params_.corrx(:,2)==" << tsid2 << ") | " << "(estim_params_.corrx(:,2)==" << tsid << " & estim_params_.corrx(:,1)==" << tsid2 << ")))" << endl << " error('The correlation between " << it.name << " and " << it.name2 << errmsg << "')" << endl << "end" << endl << "estim_params_.corrx = [estim_params_.corrx; "; else if (symb_type == SymbolType::endogenous) output << "if ~isempty(find((estim_params_.corrn(:,1)==" << tsid << " & estim_params_.corrn(:,2)==" << tsid2 << ") | " << "(estim_params_.corrn(:,2)==" << tsid << " & estim_params_.corrn(:,1)==" << tsid2 << ")))" << endl << " error('The correlation between measurement errors on " << it.name << " and " << it.name2 << errmsg << "')" << endl << "end" << endl << "estim_params_.corrn = [estim_params_.corrn; "; output << tsid << ", " << symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(it.name2)+1; break; } output << ", "; it.init_val->writeOutput(output); output << ", "; it.low_bound->writeOutput(output); output << ", "; it.up_bound->writeOutput(output); output << ", " << static_cast(it.prior) << ", "; it.mean->writeOutput(output); output << ", "; it.std->writeOutput(output); output << ", "; it.p3->writeOutput(output); output << ", "; it.p4->writeOutput(output); output << ", "; it.jscale->writeOutput(output); output << " ];" << endl; } } void EstimatedParamsStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "estimated_params", )" << R"("params": [)"; for (bool printed_something{false}; const auto &it : estim_params_list) { if (exchange(printed_something, true)) output << ", "; output << "{"; switch (it.type) { case 1: output << R"("var": ")" << it.name << R"(")"; break; case 2: output << R"("param": ")" << it.name << R"(")"; break; case 3: output << R"("var1": ")" << it.name << R"(",)" << R"("var2": ")" << it.name2 << R"(")"; break; } output << R"(, "init_val": ")"; it.init_val->writeJsonOutput(output, {}, {}); output << R"(", "lower_bound": ")"; it.low_bound->writeJsonOutput(output, {}, {}); output << R"(", "upper_bound": ")"; it.up_bound->writeJsonOutput(output, {}, {}); output << R"(", "prior_distribution": )" << static_cast(it.prior) << R"(, "mean": ")"; it.mean->writeJsonOutput(output, {}, {}); output << R"(", "std": ")"; it.std->writeJsonOutput(output, {}, {}); output << R"(", "p3": ")"; it.p3->writeJsonOutput(output, {}, {}); output << R"(", "p4": ")"; it.p4->writeJsonOutput(output, {}, {}); output << R"(", "jscale": ")"; it.jscale->writeJsonOutput(output, {}, {}); output << R"("})" << endl; } output << "]" << "}"; } EstimatedParamsInitStatement::EstimatedParamsInitStatement(vector estim_params_list_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg, const bool use_calibration_arg) : AbstractEstimatedParamsStatement(move(estim_params_list_arg), symbol_table_arg), use_calibration{use_calibration_arg} { } void EstimatedParamsInitStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, [[maybe_unused]] WarningConsolidation &warnings) { commonCheckPass(); if (use_calibration) mod_file_struct.estim_params_use_calib = true; } void EstimatedParamsInitStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { if (use_calibration) output << "options_.use_calibration_initialization = 1;" << endl; bool skipline = false; for (const auto &it : estim_params_list) { int tsid = symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(it.name) + 1; SymbolType symb_type = symbol_table.getType(it.name); if (it.type < 3) { if (symb_type == SymbolType::exogenous) { output << "tmp1 = find(estim_params_.var_exo(:,1)==" << tsid << ");" << endl << "if isempty(tmp1)" << endl << " disp(sprintf('The standard deviation of %s is not estimated (the value provided in estimated_params_init is not used).', M_.exo_names{" << tsid << "}))" << endl; skipline = true; output << "else" << endl << " estim_params_.var_exo(tmp1,2) = "; it.init_val->writeOutput(output); output << ";" << endl << "end" << endl; } else if (symb_type == SymbolType::endogenous) { output << "tmp1 = find(estim_params_.var_endo(:,1)==" << tsid << ");" << endl << "if isempty(tmp1)" << endl << " disp(sprintf('The standard deviation of the measurement error on %s is not estimated (the value provided in estimated_params_init is not used).', M_.endo_names{" << tsid << "}))" << endl; skipline = true; output << "else" << endl << " estim_params_.var_endo(tmp1,2) = "; it.init_val->writeOutput(output); output << ";" << endl << "end" << endl; } else if (symb_type == SymbolType::parameter) { output << "tmp1 = find(estim_params_.param_vals(:,1)==" << tsid << ");" << endl << "if isempty(tmp1)" << endl << " disp(sprintf('Parameter %s is not estimated (the value provided in estimated_params_init is not used).', M_.param_names{" << tsid << "}))" << endl; skipline = true; output << "else" << endl << " estim_params_.param_vals(tmp1,2) = "; it.init_val->writeOutput(output); output << ";" << endl << "end" << endl; } } else { int tsid2 = symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(it.name2) + 1; if (symb_type == SymbolType::exogenous) { output << "tmp1 = find((estim_params_.corrx(:,1)==" << tsid << " & estim_params_.corrx(:,2)==" << tsid2 << ") | " << "(estim_params_.corrx(:,2)==" << tsid << " & estim_params_.corrx(:,1)==" << tsid2 << "));" << endl << "if isempty(tmp1)" << endl << " disp(sprintf('The correlation between %s and %s is not estimated (the value provided in estimated_params_init is not used).', M_.exo_names{" << tsid << "}, M_.exo_names{" << tsid2 << "}))" << endl; skipline = true; output << "else" << endl << " estim_params_.corrx(tmp1,3) = "; it.init_val->writeOutput(output); output << ";" << endl << "end" << endl; } else if (symb_type == SymbolType::endogenous) { output << "tmp1 = find((estim_params_.corrn(:,1)==" << tsid << " & estim_params_.corrn(:,2)==" << tsid2 << ") | " << "(estim_params_.corrn(:,2)==" << tsid << " & estim_params_.corrn(:,1)==" << tsid2 << "));" << endl << "if isempty(tmp1)" << endl << " disp(sprintf('The correlation between measurement errors on %s and %s is not estimated (the value provided in estimated_params_init is not used).', M_.endo_names{" << tsid << "}, M_.endo_names{" << tsid2 << "}))" << endl; skipline = true; output << "else" << endl << " estim_params_.corrn(tmp1,3) = "; it.init_val->writeOutput(output); output << ";" << endl << "end" << endl; } } } if (skipline == true) output << "skipline()" << endl; } void EstimatedParamsInitStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "estimated_params_init")"; if (use_calibration) output << R"(, "use_calibration_initialization": 1)"; output << R"(, "params": [)"; for (bool printed_something{false}; const auto &it : estim_params_list) { if (exchange(printed_something, true)) output << ", "; output << "{"; switch (it.type) { case 1: output << R"("var": ")" << it.name << R"(")"; break; case 2: output << R"("param": ")" << it.name << R"(")"; break; case 3: output << R"("var1": ")" << it.name << R"(",)" << R"("var2": ")" << it.name2 << R"(")"; break; } output << R"(, "init_val": ")"; it.init_val->writeJsonOutput(output, {}, {}); output << R"("})"; } output << "]" << "}"; } EstimatedParamsBoundsStatement::EstimatedParamsBoundsStatement(vector estim_params_list_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : AbstractEstimatedParamsStatement(move(estim_params_list_arg), symbol_table_arg) { } void EstimatedParamsBoundsStatement::checkPass([[maybe_unused]] ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, [[maybe_unused]] WarningConsolidation &warnings) { commonCheckPass(); } void EstimatedParamsBoundsStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { for (const auto &it : estim_params_list) { int tsid = symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(it.name) + 1; SymbolType symb_type = symbol_table.getType(it.name); if (it.type < 3) { if (symb_type == SymbolType::exogenous) { output << "tmp1 = find(estim_params_.var_exo(:,1)==" << tsid << ");" << endl << "estim_params_.var_exo(tmp1,3) = "; it.low_bound->writeOutput(output); output << ";" << endl << "estim_params_.var_exo(tmp1,4) = "; it.up_bound->writeOutput(output); output << ";" << endl; } else if (symb_type == SymbolType::endogenous) { output << "tmp1 = find(estim_params_.var_endo(:,1)==" << tsid << ");" << endl << "estim_params_.var_endo(tmp1,3) = "; it.low_bound->writeOutput(output); output << ";" << endl << "estim_params_.var_endo(tmp1,4) = "; it.up_bound->writeOutput(output); output << ";" << endl; } else if (symb_type == SymbolType::parameter) { output << "tmp1 = find(estim_params_.param_vals(:,1)==" << tsid << ");" << endl << "estim_params_.param_vals(tmp1,3) = "; it.low_bound->writeOutput(output); output << ";" << endl << "estim_params_.param_vals(tmp1,4) = "; it.up_bound->writeOutput(output); output << ";" << endl; } } else { int tsid2 = symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(it.name2) + 1; if (symb_type == SymbolType::exogenous) { output << "tmp1 = find((estim_params_.corrx(:,1)==" << tsid << " & estim_params_.corrx(:,2)==" << tsid2 << ") | " << "(estim_params_.corrx(:,2)==" << tsid << " & estim_params_.corrx(:,1)==" << tsid2 << "));" << endl << "estim_params_.corrx(tmp1,4) = "; it.low_bound->writeOutput(output); output << ";" << endl << "estim_params_.corrx(tmp1,5) = "; it.up_bound->writeOutput(output); output << ";" << endl; } else if (symb_type == SymbolType::endogenous) { output << "tmp1 = find((estim_params_.corrn(:,1)==" << tsid << " & estim_params_.corrn(:,2)==" << tsid2 << ") | " << "(estim_params_.corrn(:,2)==" << tsid << " & estim_params_.corrn(:,1)==" << tsid2 << "));" << endl << "estim_params_.corrn(tmp1,4) = "; it.low_bound->writeOutput(output); output << ";" << endl << "estim_params_.corrn(tmp1,5) = "; it.up_bound->writeOutput(output); output << ";" << endl; } } } } void EstimatedParamsBoundsStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "estimated_params_bounds", )" << R"("params": [)"; for (bool printed_something{false}; const auto &it : estim_params_list) { if (exchange(printed_something, true)) output << ", "; output << "{"; switch (it.type) { case 1: output << R"("var": ")" << it.name << R"(")"; break; case 2: output << R"("param": ")" << it.name << R"(")"; break; case 3: output << R"("var1": ")" << it.name << R"(",)" << R"("var2": ")" << it.name2 << R"(")"; break; } output << R"(, "lower_bound": )"; it.low_bound->writeJsonOutput(output, {}, {}); output << R"(, "upper_bound": )"; it.up_bound->writeJsonOutput(output, {}, {}); output << "}"; } output << "]" << "}"; } EstimatedParamsRemoveStatement::EstimatedParamsRemoveStatement(vector estim_params_list_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : estim_params_list{move(estim_params_list_arg)}, symbol_table{symbol_table_arg} { } void EstimatedParamsRemoveStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { for (const auto &it : estim_params_list) { int tsid = symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(it.name) + 1; SymbolType symb_type = symbol_table.getType(it.name); if (it.type < 3) { if (symb_type == SymbolType::exogenous) output << "tmp1 = find(estim_params_.var_exo(:,1)==" << tsid << ");" << endl << "if isempty(tmp1)" << endl << " error(sprintf('estimated_params_remove: the standard deviation of %s is not estimated.', M_.exo_names{" << tsid << "}))" << endl << "else" << endl << " estim_params_.var_exo(tmp1,:) = [];" << "end" << endl; else if (symb_type == SymbolType::endogenous) output << "tmp1 = find(estim_params_.var_endo(:,1)==" << tsid << ");" << endl << "if isempty(tmp1)" << endl << " error(sprintf('estimated_params_remove: the standard deviation of the measurement error on %s is not estimated.', M_.endo_names{" << tsid << "}))" << endl << "else" << endl << " estim_params_.var_endo(tmp1,:) = [];" << "end" << endl; else if (symb_type == SymbolType::parameter) output << "tmp1 = find(estim_params_.param_vals(:,1)==" << tsid << ");" << endl << "if isempty(tmp1)" << endl << " error(sprintf('estimated_params_remove: parameter %s is not estimated.', M_.param_names{" << tsid << "}))" << endl << "else" << endl << " estim_params_.param_vals(tmp1,:) = [];" << "end" << endl; } else { int tsid2 = symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(it.name2) + 1; if (symb_type == SymbolType::exogenous) output << "tmp1 = find((estim_params_.corrx(:,1)==" << tsid << " & estim_params_.corrx(:,2)==" << tsid2 << ") | " << "(estim_params_.corrx(:,2)==" << tsid << " & estim_params_.corrx(:,1)==" << tsid2 << "));" << endl << "if isempty(tmp1)" << endl << " error(sprintf('estimated_params_remove: the correlation between %s and %s is not estimated.', M_.exo_names{" << tsid << "}, M_.exo_names{" << tsid2 << "}))" << endl << "else" << endl << " estim_params_.corrx(tmp1,:) = [];" << "end" << endl; else if (symb_type == SymbolType::endogenous) output << "tmp1 = find((estim_params_.corrn(:,1)==" << tsid << " & estim_params_.corrn(:,2)==" << tsid2 << ") | " << "(estim_params_.corrn(:,2)==" << tsid << " & estim_params_.corrn(:,1)==" << tsid2 << "));" << endl << "if isempty(tmp1)" << endl << " error(sprintf('estimated_params_remove: the correlation between measurement errors on %s and %s is not estimated.', M_.endo_names{" << tsid << "}, M_.endo_names{" << tsid2 << "}))" << endl << "else" << endl << " estim_params_.corrn(tmp1,:) = [];" << "end" << endl; } } } void EstimatedParamsRemoveStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "estimated_params_remove", )" << R"("params": [)"; for (bool printed_something{false}; const auto &it : estim_params_list) { if (exchange(printed_something, true)) output << ", "; output << "{"; switch (it.type) { case 1: output << R"("var": ")" << it.name << R"(")"; break; case 2: output << R"("param": ")" << it.name << R"(")"; break; case 3: output << R"("var1": ")" << it.name << R"(",)" << R"("var2": ")" << it.name2 << R"(")"; break; } output << "}"; } output << "]" << "}"; } DeterministicTrendsStatement::DeterministicTrendsStatement(trend_elements_t trend_elements_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : trend_elements{move(trend_elements_arg)}, symbol_table{symbol_table_arg} { } void DeterministicTrendsStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { output << "options_.trend_coeff = {};" << endl; for (const auto &trend_element : trend_elements) { SymbolType type = symbol_table.getType(trend_element.first); if (type == SymbolType::endogenous) { output << "tmp1 = strmatch('" << trend_element.first << "',M_.endogenous_names,'exact');" << endl; output << "options_.deterministic_trend_coeffs{tmp1} = '"; trend_element.second->writeOutput(output); output << "';" << endl; } else cerr << "Warning : Non-variable symbol used in deterministic_trends: " << trend_element.first << endl; } } void DeterministicTrendsStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "deterministic_trends", )" << R"("trends" : {)"; for (bool printed_something{false}; const auto &trend_element : trend_elements) { if (symbol_table.getType(trend_element.first) == SymbolType::endogenous) { if (exchange(printed_something, true)) output << ", "; output << R"(")" << trend_element.first << R"(": ")"; trend_element.second->writeJsonOutput(output, {}, {}); output << R"(")" << endl; } else cerr << "Warning : Non-variable symbol used in deterministic_trends: " << trend_element.first << endl; } output << "}" << "}"; } ObservationTrendsStatement::ObservationTrendsStatement(trend_elements_t trend_elements_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : trend_elements{move(trend_elements_arg)}, symbol_table{symbol_table_arg} { } void ObservationTrendsStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { output << "options_.trend_coeff = {};" << endl; for (const auto &trend_element : trend_elements) { SymbolType type = symbol_table.getType(trend_element.first); if (type == SymbolType::endogenous) { output << "tmp1 = strmatch('" << trend_element.first << "',options_.varobs,'exact');" << endl; output << "options_.trend_coeffs{tmp1} = '"; trend_element.second->writeOutput(output); output << "';" << endl; } else cerr << "Warning : Non-variable symbol used in observation_trends: " << trend_element.first << endl; } } void ObservationTrendsStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "observation_trends", )" << R"("trends" : {)"; for (bool printed_something{false}; const auto &trend_element : trend_elements) { if (symbol_table.getType(trend_element.first) == SymbolType::endogenous) { if (exchange(printed_something, true)) output << ", "; output << R"(")" << trend_element.first << R"(": ")"; trend_element.second->writeJsonOutput(output, {}, {}); output << R"(")" << endl; } else cerr << "Warning : Non-variable symbol used in observation_trends: " << trend_element.first << endl; } output << "}" << "}"; } FilterInitialStateStatement::FilterInitialStateStatement(filter_initial_state_elements_t filter_initial_state_elements_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : filter_initial_state_elements{move(filter_initial_state_elements_arg)}, symbol_table{symbol_table_arg} { } void FilterInitialStateStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { output << "M_.filter_initial_state = cell(M_.endo_nbr, 2);" << endl; for (const auto &[key, val] : filter_initial_state_elements) { auto [symb_id, lag] = key; SymbolType type = symbol_table.getType(symb_id); if ((type == SymbolType::endogenous && lag < 0) || type == SymbolType::exogenous) { try { // This function call must remain the 1st statement in this block symb_id = symbol_table.searchAuxiliaryVars(symb_id, lag); } catch (SymbolTable::SearchFailedException &e) { if (type == SymbolType::endogenous) { cerr << "filter_initial_state: internal error, please contact the developers"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // We don't fail for exogenous, because they are not replaced by // auxiliary variables in deterministic mode. } } output << "M_.filter_initial_state(" << symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(symb_id) + 1 << ",:) = {'" << symbol_table.getName(symb_id) << "', '"; val->writeOutput(output); output << ";'};" << endl; } } void FilterInitialStateStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "filter_initial_state", )" << R"("states": [)"; for (bool printed_something{false}; const auto &[key, val] : filter_initial_state_elements) { if (exchange(printed_something, true)) output << ", "; auto &[symb_id, lag] = key; output << R"({ "var": ")" << symbol_table.getName(symb_id) << R"(", "lag": )" << lag << R"(, "value": ")"; val->writeJsonOutput(output, {}, {}); output << R"(" })"; } output << "] }"; } OsrParamsStatement::OsrParamsStatement(SymbolList symbol_list_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : symbol_list{move(symbol_list_arg)}, symbol_table{symbol_table_arg} { } void OsrParamsStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, WarningConsolidation &warnings) { if (mod_file_struct.osr_params_present) cerr << "WARNING: You have more than one osr_params statement in the .mod file." << endl; mod_file_struct.osr_params_present = true; try { symbol_list.checkPass(warnings, { SymbolType::parameter }, symbol_table); } catch (SymbolList::SymbolListException &e) { cerr << "ERROR: osr: " << e.message << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void OsrParamsStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { symbol_list.writeOutput("M_.osr.param_names", output); output << "M_.osr.param_names = cellstr(M_.osr.param_names);" << endl << "M_.osr.param_indices = zeros(length(M_.osr.param_names), 1);" << endl; for (int i{0}; auto &symbol : symbol_list.getSymbols()) output << "M_.osr.param_indices(" << ++i <<") = " << symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(symbol) + 1 << ";" << endl; } void OsrParamsStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "osr_params")"; if (!symbol_list.empty()) { output << ", "; symbol_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } OsrParamsBoundsStatement::OsrParamsBoundsStatement(vector osr_params_list_arg) : osr_params_list{move(osr_params_list_arg)} { } void OsrParamsBoundsStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, [[maybe_unused]] WarningConsolidation &warnings) { if (!mod_file_struct.osr_params_present) { cerr << "ERROR: you must have an osr_params statement before the osr_params_bounds block." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void OsrParamsBoundsStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { output << "M_.osr.param_bounds = [-inf(length(M_.osr.param_names), 1), inf(length(M_.osr.param_names), 1)];" << endl; for (const auto &it : osr_params_list) { output << "M_.osr.param_bounds(strcmp(M_.osr.param_names, '" << it.name << "'), :) = ["; it.low_bound->writeOutput(output); output << ", "; it.up_bound->writeOutput(output); output << "];" << endl; } } void OsrParamsBoundsStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "osr_params_bounds")" << R"(, "bounds": [)"; for (bool printed_something{false}; const auto &it : osr_params_list) { if (exchange(printed_something, true)) output << ", "; output << R"({"parameter": ")" << it.name << R"(",)" << R"("bounds": [")"; it.low_bound->writeJsonOutput(output, {}, {}); output << R"(", ")"; it.up_bound->writeJsonOutput(output, {}, {}); output << R"("])" << "}"; } output << "]" << "}"; } OsrStatement::OsrStatement(SymbolList symbol_list_arg, OptionsList options_list_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : symbol_list{move(symbol_list_arg)}, options_list{move(options_list_arg)}, symbol_table{symbol_table_arg} { } void OsrStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, WarningConsolidation &warnings) { mod_file_struct.osr_present = true; // Fill in option_order of mod_file_struct if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("order")) mod_file_struct.order_option = max(mod_file_struct.order_option, stoi(*opt)); // Fill in mod_file_struct.partial_information if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("partial_information"); opt && *opt == "true") mod_file_struct.partial_information = true; // Option k_order_solver (implicit when order >= 3) if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("k_order_solver"); (opt && *opt == "true") || mod_file_struct.order_option >= 3) mod_file_struct.k_order_solver = true; try { symbol_list.checkPass(warnings, { SymbolType::endogenous }, symbol_table); } catch (SymbolList::SymbolListException &e) { cerr << "ERROR: osr: " << e.message << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void OsrStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { // Ensure that order 3 implies k_order (#844) if (auto opt1 = options_list.get_if("order"), opt2 = options_list.get_if("k_order_solver"); (opt2 && *opt2 == "true") || (opt1 && stoi(*opt1) >= 3)) output << "options_.k_order_solver = true;" << endl; options_list.writeOutput(output); symbol_list.writeOutput("var_list_", output); output << "oo_.osr = osr(var_list_,M_.osr.param_names,M_.osr.variable_indices,M_.osr.variable_weights);" << endl; } void OsrStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "osr")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } if (!symbol_list.empty()) { output << ", "; symbol_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } OptimWeightsStatement::OptimWeightsStatement(var_weights_t var_weights_arg, covar_weights_t covar_weights_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : var_weights{move(var_weights_arg)}, covar_weights{move(covar_weights_arg)}, symbol_table{symbol_table_arg} { } void OptimWeightsStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, [[maybe_unused]] WarningConsolidation &warnings) { mod_file_struct.optim_weights_present = true; } void OptimWeightsStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { output << "%" << endl << "% OPTIM_WEIGHTS" << endl << "%" << endl << "M_.osr.variable_weights = sparse(M_.endo_nbr,M_.endo_nbr);" << endl << "M_.osr.variable_indices = [];" << endl << endl; for (const auto & [name, value] : var_weights) { int id = symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(name) + 1; output << "M_.osr.variable_weights(" << id << "," << id << ") = "; value->writeOutput(output); output << ";" << endl; output << "M_.osr.variable_indices = [M_.osr.variable_indices; " << id << "];" << endl; } for (const auto & [names, value] : covar_weights) { int id1 = symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(names.first) + 1; int id2 = symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(names.second) + 1; output << "M_.osr.variable_weights(" << id1 << "," << id2 << ") = "; value->writeOutput(output); output << ";" << endl; output << "M_.osr.variable_indices = [M_.osr.variable_indices; " << id1 << "; " << id2 << "];" << endl; } } void OptimWeightsStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "optim_weights", )" << R"("weights": [)"; bool printed_something{false}; for (const auto &[name, value] : var_weights) { if (exchange(printed_something, true)) output << ", "; output << R"({"name": ")" << name << R"(")" << R"(, "value": ")"; value->writeJsonOutput(output, {}, {}); output << R"("})"; } for (const auto &[names, value] : covar_weights) { if (exchange(printed_something, true)) output << ", "; output << R"({"name1": ")" << names.first << R"(")" << R"(, "name2": ")" << names.second << R"(")" << R"(, "value": ")"; value->writeJsonOutput(output, {}, {}); output << R"("})"; } output << "]}"; } DynaSaveStatement::DynaSaveStatement(SymbolList symbol_list_arg, string filename_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : symbol_list{move(symbol_list_arg)}, filename{move(filename_arg)}, symbol_table{symbol_table_arg} { } void DynaSaveStatement::checkPass([[maybe_unused]] ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, WarningConsolidation &warnings) { try { symbol_list.checkPass(warnings, { SymbolType::endogenous, SymbolType::exogenous }, symbol_table); } catch (SymbolList::SymbolListException &e) { cerr << "ERROR: dynasave: " << e.message << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void DynaSaveStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { symbol_list.writeOutput("var_list_", output); output << "dynasave('" << filename << "',var_list_);" << endl; } void DynaSaveStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "dynasave", )" << R"("filename": ")" << filename << R"(")"; if (!symbol_list.empty()) { output << ", "; symbol_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } DynaTypeStatement::DynaTypeStatement(SymbolList symbol_list_arg, string filename_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : symbol_list(move(symbol_list_arg)), filename(move(filename_arg)), symbol_table{symbol_table_arg} { } void DynaTypeStatement::checkPass([[maybe_unused]] ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, WarningConsolidation &warnings) { try { symbol_list.checkPass(warnings, { SymbolType::endogenous, SymbolType::exogenous }, symbol_table); } catch (SymbolList::SymbolListException &e) { cerr << "ERROR: dynatype: " << e.message << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void DynaTypeStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { symbol_list.writeOutput("var_list_", output); output << "dynatype('" << filename << "',var_list_);" << endl; } void DynaTypeStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "dynatype", )" << R"("filename": ")" << filename << R"(")"; if (!symbol_list.empty()) { output << ", "; symbol_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } ModelComparisonStatement::ModelComparisonStatement(filename_list_t filename_list_arg, OptionsList options_list_arg) : filename_list{move(filename_list_arg)}, options_list{move(options_list_arg)} { } void ModelComparisonStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { options_list.writeOutput(output); output << "ModelNames_ = {};" << endl << "ModelPriors_ = [];" << endl; for (const auto &[name, prior] : filename_list) output << "ModelNames_ = { ModelNames_{:} '" << name << "'};" << endl << "ModelPriors_ = [ ModelPriors_ ; " << prior << "];" << endl; output << "oo_ = model_comparison(ModelNames_,ModelPriors_,oo_,options_,M_.fname);" << endl; } void ModelComparisonStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "model_comparison")"; if (!filename_list.empty()) output << R"(, "filename_list": {)"; for (bool printed_something{false}; const auto &[name, prior] : filename_list) { if (exchange(printed_something, true)) output << ", "; output << R"("name": ")" << name << R"(")" << R"("prior": ")" << prior << R"(")"; } if (!filename_list.empty()) output << "}"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } PlannerObjectiveStatement::PlannerObjectiveStatement(const PlannerObjective &model_tree_arg) : model_tree{model_tree_arg} { } void PlannerObjectiveStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, [[maybe_unused]] WarningConsolidation &warnings) { assert(model_tree.equation_number() == 1); if (model_tree.exoPresentInEqs()) { cerr << "ERROR: You cannot include exogenous variables (or variables of undeclared type) in the planner objective. Please " << "define an auxiliary endogenous variable like eps_aux=epsilon and use it instead " << "of the varexo." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } mod_file_struct.planner_objective_present = true; } const PlannerObjective & PlannerObjectiveStatement::getPlannerObjective() const { return model_tree; } void PlannerObjectiveStatement::computingPass(const ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct) { model_tree.computingPass(max(3, mod_file_struct.order_option), 0, {}, false, false); computing_pass_called = true; } void PlannerObjectiveStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { output << "M_.NNZDerivatives_objective = ["; for (int i=1; i < static_cast(model_tree.getNNZDerivatives().size()); i++) output << (i > model_tree.getComputedDerivsOrder() ? -1 : model_tree.getNNZDerivatives()[i]) << ";"; output << "];" << endl << "M_.objective_tmp_nbr = ["; for (const auto &temporary_terms_derivative : model_tree.getTemporaryTermsDerivatives()) output << temporary_terms_derivative.size() << "; "; output << "];" << endl; model_tree.writeStaticFile(basename + ".objective", false, false, "", {}, {}, false); } void PlannerObjectiveStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "planner_objective")" << ", "; if (computing_pass_called) model_tree.writeJsonComputingPassOutput(output, false); else model_tree.writeJsonOutput(output); output << "}"; } BVARDensityStatement::BVARDensityStatement(int maxnlags_arg, OptionsList options_list_arg) : maxnlags{maxnlags_arg}, options_list{move(options_list_arg)} { } void BVARDensityStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, [[maybe_unused]] WarningConsolidation &warnings) { mod_file_struct.bvar_present = true; } void BVARDensityStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { options_list.writeOutput(output); output << "bvar_density(" << maxnlags << ");" << endl; } void BVARDensityStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "bvar_density")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } BVARForecastStatement::BVARForecastStatement(int nlags_arg, OptionsList options_list_arg) : nlags{nlags_arg}, options_list{move(options_list_arg)} { } void BVARForecastStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, [[maybe_unused]] WarningConsolidation &warnings) { mod_file_struct.bvar_present = true; } void BVARForecastStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { options_list.writeOutput(output); output << "bvar_forecast(" << nlags << ");" << endl; } void BVARForecastStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "bvar_forecast")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } SBVARStatement::SBVARStatement(OptionsList options_list_arg) : options_list{move(options_list_arg)} { } void SBVARStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, [[maybe_unused]] WarningConsolidation &warnings) { mod_file_struct.bvar_present = true; } void SBVARStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { options_list.writeOutput(output); output << "sbvar(M_,options_);" << endl; } void SBVARStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "sbvar")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } MSSBVAREstimationStatement::MSSBVAREstimationStatement(OptionsList options_list_arg) : options_list{move(options_list_arg)} { } void MSSBVAREstimationStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, [[maybe_unused]] WarningConsolidation &warnings) { mod_file_struct.bvar_present = true; if (!options_list.contains("ms.create_init") && (!options_list.contains("datafile") || !options_list.contains("ms.initial_year"))) { cerr << "ERROR: If you do not pass no_create_init to ms_estimation, " << "you must pass the datafile and initial_year options." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void MSSBVAREstimationStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { output << "options_ = initialize_ms_sbvar_options(M_, options_);" << endl << "options_.datafile = '';" << endl; options_list.writeOutput(output); output << "[options_, oo_] = ms_estimation(M_, options_, oo_);" << endl; } void MSSBVAREstimationStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "ms_sbvar_estimation")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } MSSBVARSimulationStatement::MSSBVARSimulationStatement(OptionsList options_list_arg) : options_list(move(options_list_arg)) { } void MSSBVARSimulationStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, [[maybe_unused]] WarningConsolidation &warnings) { mod_file_struct.bvar_present = true; } void MSSBVARSimulationStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { output << "options_ = initialize_ms_sbvar_options(M_, options_);" << endl; options_list.writeOutput(output); // Redeclare drop option if necessary if ((options_list.contains("ms.mh_replic") || options_list.contains("ms.thinning_factor")) && !options_list.contains("ms.drop")) output << "options_.ms.drop = 0.1*options_.ms.mh_replic*options_.ms.thinning_factor;" << endl; output << "[options_, oo_] = ms_simulation(M_, options_, oo_);" << endl; } void MSSBVARSimulationStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "ms_sbvar_simulation")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } MSSBVARComputeMDDStatement::MSSBVARComputeMDDStatement(OptionsList options_list_arg) : options_list{move(options_list_arg)} { } void MSSBVARComputeMDDStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, [[maybe_unused]] WarningConsolidation &warnings) { mod_file_struct.bvar_present = true; } void MSSBVARComputeMDDStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { output << "options_ = initialize_ms_sbvar_options(M_, options_);" << endl; options_list.writeOutput(output); output << "[options_, oo_] = ms_compute_mdd(M_, options_, oo_);" << endl; } void MSSBVARComputeMDDStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "ms_sbvar_compute_mdd")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } MSSBVARComputeProbabilitiesStatement::MSSBVARComputeProbabilitiesStatement(OptionsList options_list_arg) : options_list{move(options_list_arg)} { } void MSSBVARComputeProbabilitiesStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, [[maybe_unused]] WarningConsolidation &warnings) { mod_file_struct.bvar_present = true; if (options_list.contains("ms.real_time_smoothed_probabilities") && options_list.contains("ms.filtered_probabilities")) { cerr << "ERROR: You may only pass one of real_time_smoothed " << "and filtered_probabilities to ms_compute_probabilities." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void MSSBVARComputeProbabilitiesStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { output << "options_ = initialize_ms_sbvar_options(M_, options_);" << endl; options_list.writeOutput(output); output << "[options_, oo_] = ms_compute_probabilities(M_, options_, oo_);" << endl; } void MSSBVARComputeProbabilitiesStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "ms_sbvar_compute_probabilities")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } MSSBVARIrfStatement::MSSBVARIrfStatement(SymbolList symbol_list_arg, OptionsList options_list_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : symbol_list{move(symbol_list_arg)}, options_list{move(options_list_arg)}, symbol_table{symbol_table_arg} { } void MSSBVARIrfStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, WarningConsolidation &warnings) { mod_file_struct.bvar_present = true; if (bool regime_present = options_list.contains("ms.regime"), regimes_present = options_list.contains("ms.regimes"), filtered_probabilities_present = options_list.contains("ms.filtered_probabilities"); (filtered_probabilities_present && regime_present) || (filtered_probabilities_present && regimes_present) || (regimes_present && regime_present)) { cerr << "ERROR: You may only pass one of regime, regimes and " << "filtered_probabilities to ms_irf" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } try { symbol_list.checkPass(warnings, { SymbolType::endogenous }, symbol_table); } catch (SymbolList::SymbolListException &e) { cerr << "ERROR: ms_irf: " << e.message << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void MSSBVARIrfStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { output << "options_ = initialize_ms_sbvar_options(M_, options_);" << endl; symbol_list.writeOutput("var_list_", output); options_list.writeOutput(output); output << "[options_, oo_] = ms_irf(var_list_,M_, options_, oo_);" << endl; } void MSSBVARIrfStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "ms_sbvar_irf")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } if (!symbol_list.empty()) { output << ", "; symbol_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } MSSBVARForecastStatement::MSSBVARForecastStatement(OptionsList options_list_arg) : options_list{move(options_list_arg)} { } void MSSBVARForecastStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, [[maybe_unused]] WarningConsolidation &warnings) { mod_file_struct.bvar_present = true; if (options_list.contains("ms.regimes") && options_list.contains("ms.regime")) { cerr << "ERROR: You may only pass one of regime and regimes to ms_forecast" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void MSSBVARForecastStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { output << "options_ = initialize_ms_sbvar_options(M_, options_);" << endl; options_list.writeOutput(output); output << "[options_, oo_] = ms_forecast(M_, options_, oo_);" << endl; } void MSSBVARForecastStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "ms_sbvar_forecast")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } MSSBVARVarianceDecompositionStatement::MSSBVARVarianceDecompositionStatement(OptionsList options_list_arg) : options_list{move(options_list_arg)} { } void MSSBVARVarianceDecompositionStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, [[maybe_unused]] WarningConsolidation &warnings) { mod_file_struct.bvar_present = true; if (bool regime_present = options_list.contains("ms.regime"), regimes_present = options_list.contains("ms.regimes"), filtered_probabilities_present = options_list.contains("ms.filtered_probabilities"); (filtered_probabilities_present && regime_present) || (filtered_probabilities_present && regimes_present) || (regimes_present && regime_present)) { cerr << "ERROR: You may only pass one of regime, regimes and " << "filtered_probabilities to ms_variance_decomposition" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void MSSBVARVarianceDecompositionStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { output << "options_ = initialize_ms_sbvar_options(M_, options_);" << endl; options_list.writeOutput(output); output << "[options_, oo_] = ms_variance_decomposition(M_, options_, oo_);" << endl; } void MSSBVARVarianceDecompositionStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "ms_sbvar_variance_decomposition")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } IdentificationStatement::IdentificationStatement(OptionsList options_list_arg) : options_list{move(options_list_arg)} { if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("max_dim_cova_group"); opt && stoi(*opt) == 0) { cerr << "ERROR: The max_dim_cova_group option to identification only accepts integers > 0." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void IdentificationStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, [[maybe_unused]] WarningConsolidation &warnings) { mod_file_struct.identification_present = true; if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("order")) { int order = stoi(*opt); if (order < 1 || order > 3) { cerr << "ERROR: the order option of identification command must be between 1 and 3" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } mod_file_struct.identification_order = max(mod_file_struct.identification_order, order); } else // The default value for order is 1 (which triggers 2nd order dynamic derivatives, see preprocessor#40) mod_file_struct.identification_order = max(mod_file_struct.identification_order, 1); } void IdentificationStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { options_list.writeOutput(output, "options_ident"); /* Ensure that nograph, nodisplay and graph_format are also set in top-level options_. \todo factorize this code between identification and dynare_sensitivity, and provide a generic mechanism for this situation (maybe using regexps). graph_format can then be turned into a VecCellStrVal. */ if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("nodisplay")) output << "options_.nodisplay = " << *opt << ";" << endl; if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("nograph")) output << "options_.nograph = " << *opt << ";" << endl; if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("graph_format")) opt->writeOutput("options_.graph_format", output); output << "dynare_identification(options_ident);" << endl; } void IdentificationStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "identification")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } WriteLatexDynamicModelStatement::WriteLatexDynamicModelStatement(const DynamicModel &dynamic_model_arg, bool write_equation_tags_arg) : dynamic_model{dynamic_model_arg}, write_equation_tags{write_equation_tags_arg} { } void WriteLatexDynamicModelStatement::writeOutput([[maybe_unused]] ostream &output, const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { dynamic_model.writeLatexFile(basename, write_equation_tags); } void WriteLatexDynamicModelStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "write_latex_dynamic_model"})"; } WriteLatexStaticModelStatement::WriteLatexStaticModelStatement(const StaticModel &static_model_arg, bool write_equation_tags_arg) : static_model(static_model_arg), write_equation_tags(write_equation_tags_arg) { } void WriteLatexStaticModelStatement::writeOutput([[maybe_unused]] ostream &output, const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { static_model.writeLatexFile(basename, write_equation_tags); } void WriteLatexStaticModelStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "write_latex_static_model"})"; } WriteLatexOriginalModelStatement::WriteLatexOriginalModelStatement(const DynamicModel &original_model_arg, bool write_equation_tags_arg) : original_model{original_model_arg}, write_equation_tags{write_equation_tags_arg} { } void WriteLatexOriginalModelStatement::writeOutput([[maybe_unused]] ostream &output, const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { original_model.writeLatexOriginalFile(basename, write_equation_tags); } void WriteLatexOriginalModelStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "write_latex_original_model"})"; } WriteLatexSteadyStateModelStatement::WriteLatexSteadyStateModelStatement(const SteadyStateModel &steady_state_model_arg) : steady_state_model{steady_state_model_arg} { } void WriteLatexSteadyStateModelStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, [[maybe_unused]] WarningConsolidation &warnings) { mod_file_struct.write_latex_steady_state_model_present = true; } void WriteLatexSteadyStateModelStatement::writeOutput([[maybe_unused]] ostream &output, const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { steady_state_model.writeLatexSteadyStateFile(basename); } void WriteLatexSteadyStateModelStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "write_latex_steady_state_model"})"; } ShockDecompositionStatement::ShockDecompositionStatement(SymbolList symbol_list_arg, OptionsList options_list_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : symbol_list{move(symbol_list_arg)}, options_list{move(options_list_arg)}, symbol_table{symbol_table_arg} { } void ShockDecompositionStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, WarningConsolidation &warnings) { if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("shock_decomp.with_epilogue"); opt && *opt == "true") mod_file_struct.with_epilogue_option = true; try { symbol_list.checkPass(warnings, { SymbolType::endogenous }, symbol_table); } catch (SymbolList::SymbolListException &e) { cerr << "ERROR: shock_decomposition: " << e.message << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void ShockDecompositionStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { options_list.writeOutput(output); symbol_list.writeOutput("var_list_", output); output << "oo_ = shock_decomposition(M_,oo_,options_,var_list_,bayestopt_,estim_params_);" << endl; } void ShockDecompositionStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "shock_decomposition")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } if (!symbol_list.empty()) { output << ", "; symbol_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } RealtimeShockDecompositionStatement::RealtimeShockDecompositionStatement(SymbolList symbol_list_arg, OptionsList options_list_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : symbol_list{move(symbol_list_arg)}, options_list{move(options_list_arg)}, symbol_table{symbol_table_arg} { } void RealtimeShockDecompositionStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, WarningConsolidation &warnings) { if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("shock_decomp.with_epilogue"); opt && *opt == "true") mod_file_struct.with_epilogue_option = true; try { symbol_list.checkPass(warnings, { SymbolType::endogenous }, symbol_table); } catch (SymbolList::SymbolListException &e) { cerr << "ERROR: realtime_shock_decomposition: " << e.message << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void RealtimeShockDecompositionStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { options_list.writeOutput(output); symbol_list.writeOutput("var_list_", output); output << "oo_ = realtime_shock_decomposition(M_,oo_,options_,var_list_,bayestopt_,estim_params_);" << endl; } void RealtimeShockDecompositionStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "realtime_shock_decomposition")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } if (!symbol_list.empty()) { output << ", "; symbol_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } PlotShockDecompositionStatement::PlotShockDecompositionStatement(SymbolList symbol_list_arg, OptionsList options_list_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : symbol_list{move(symbol_list_arg)}, options_list{move(options_list_arg)}, symbol_table{symbol_table_arg} { } void PlotShockDecompositionStatement::checkPass([[maybe_unused]] ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, WarningConsolidation &warnings) { try { symbol_list.checkPass(warnings, { SymbolType::endogenous, SymbolType::epilogue }, symbol_table); } catch (SymbolList::SymbolListException &e) { cerr << "ERROR: plot_shock_decomposition: " << e.message << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void PlotShockDecompositionStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { output << "options_ = set_default_plot_shock_decomposition_options(options_);" << endl; options_list.writeOutput(output); symbol_list.writeOutput("var_list_", output); output << "oo_ = plot_shock_decomposition(M_, oo_, options_, var_list_);" << endl; } void PlotShockDecompositionStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "plot_shock_decomposition")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } if (!symbol_list.empty()) { output << ", "; symbol_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } InitialConditionDecompositionStatement::InitialConditionDecompositionStatement(SymbolList symbol_list_arg, OptionsList options_list_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : symbol_list{move(symbol_list_arg)}, options_list{move(options_list_arg)}, symbol_table{symbol_table_arg} { } void InitialConditionDecompositionStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, WarningConsolidation &warnings) { if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("initial_condition_decomp.with_epilogue"); opt && *opt == "true") mod_file_struct.with_epilogue_option = true; try { symbol_list.checkPass(warnings, { SymbolType::endogenous }, symbol_table); } catch (SymbolList::SymbolListException &e) { cerr << "ERROR: initial_condition_decomposition: " << e.message << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void InitialConditionDecompositionStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { output << "options_ = set_default_initial_condition_decomposition_options(options_);" << endl; options_list.writeOutput(output); symbol_list.writeOutput("var_list_", output); output << "oo_ = initial_condition_decomposition(M_, oo_, options_, var_list_, bayestopt_, estim_params_);" << endl; } void InitialConditionDecompositionStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "initial_condition_decomposition")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } if (!symbol_list.empty()) { output << ", "; symbol_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } SqueezeShockDecompositionStatement::SqueezeShockDecompositionStatement(SymbolList symbol_list_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : symbol_list{move(symbol_list_arg)}, symbol_table{symbol_table_arg} { } void SqueezeShockDecompositionStatement::checkPass([[maybe_unused]] ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, WarningConsolidation &warnings) { try { symbol_list.checkPass(warnings, { SymbolType::endogenous }, symbol_table); } catch (SymbolList::SymbolListException &e) { cerr << "ERROR: squeeze_shock_decomposition: " << e.message << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void SqueezeShockDecompositionStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { if (symbol_list.empty()) output << "oo_ = squeeze_shock_decomposition(M_, oo_, options_);" << endl; else { symbol_list.writeOutput("var_list_", output); output << "oo_ = squeeze_shock_decomposition(M_, oo_, options_, var_list_);" << endl; } } void SqueezeShockDecompositionStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "squeeze_shock_decomposition")"; if (!symbol_list.empty()) { output << ", "; symbol_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } ConditionalForecastStatement::ConditionalForecastStatement(OptionsList options_list_arg) : options_list{move(options_list_arg)} { } void ConditionalForecastStatement::checkPass([[maybe_unused]] ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, [[maybe_unused]] WarningConsolidation &warnings) { if (!options_list.contains("parameter_set")) { cerr << "ERROR: You must pass the `parameter_set` option to conditional_forecast" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void ConditionalForecastStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { options_list.writeOutput(output, "options_cond_fcst_"); output << "imcforecast(constrained_paths_, constrained_vars_, options_cond_fcst_);" << endl; } void ConditionalForecastStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "conditional_forecast")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } PlotConditionalForecastStatement::PlotConditionalForecastStatement(optional periods_arg, SymbolList symbol_list_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : periods{move(periods_arg)}, symbol_list{move(symbol_list_arg)}, symbol_table{symbol_table_arg} { } void PlotConditionalForecastStatement::checkPass([[maybe_unused]] ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, WarningConsolidation &warnings) { try { symbol_list.checkPass(warnings, { SymbolType::endogenous }, symbol_table); } catch (SymbolList::SymbolListException &e) { cerr << "ERROR: plot_conditional_forecast: " << e.message << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void PlotConditionalForecastStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { symbol_list.writeOutput("var_list_", output); if (periods) output << "plot_icforecast(var_list_, " << *periods << ",options_,oo_);" << endl; else output << "plot_icforecast(var_list_,[],options_,oo_);" << endl; } void PlotConditionalForecastStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "plot_conditional_forecast")"; if (periods) output << R"(, "periods": )" << *periods; if (!symbol_list.empty()) { output << ", "; symbol_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } SvarIdentificationStatement::SvarIdentificationStatement(svar_identification_restrictions_t restrictions_arg, bool upper_cholesky_present_arg, bool lower_cholesky_present_arg, bool constants_exclusion_present_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : restrictions{move(restrictions_arg)}, upper_cholesky_present{upper_cholesky_present_arg}, lower_cholesky_present{lower_cholesky_present_arg}, constants_exclusion_present{constants_exclusion_present_arg}, symbol_table{symbol_table_arg} { } int SvarIdentificationStatement::getMaxLag() const { int max_lag = 0; for (const auto &restriction : restrictions) max_lag = max(restriction.lag, max_lag); return max_lag; } void SvarIdentificationStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, [[maybe_unused]] WarningConsolidation &warnings) { // no equations OK with Svar Identification mod_file_struct.bvar_present = true; if (!mod_file_struct.svar_identification_present) mod_file_struct.svar_identification_present = true; else { cerr << "ERROR: You may only have one svar_identification block in your .mod file." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (upper_cholesky_present && lower_cholesky_present) { cerr << "ERROR: Within the svar_identification statement, you may only have one of " << "upper_cholesky and lower_cholesky." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void SvarIdentificationStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { assert(!(upper_cholesky_present && lower_cholesky_present)); output << "%" << endl << "% SVAR IDENTIFICATION" << endl << "%" << endl; if (upper_cholesky_present) output << "options_.ms.upper_cholesky=1;" << endl; if (lower_cholesky_present) output << "options_.ms.lower_cholesky=1;" << endl; if (constants_exclusion_present) output << "options_.ms.constants_exclusion=1;" << endl; if (!upper_cholesky_present && !lower_cholesky_present) { int n = symbol_table.endo_nbr(); int m = 1; // this is the constant, not the shocks int r = getMaxLag(); int k = r*n+m; if (k < 1) { cerr << "ERROR: lag = " << r << ", number of endogenous variables = " << n << ", number of exogenous variables = " << m << ". If this is not a logical error in the specification" << " of the .mod file, please report it to the Dynare Team." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (n < 1) { cerr << "ERROR: Number of endogenous variables = " << n << "< 1. If this is not a logical " << "error in the specification of the .mod file, please report it to the Dynare Team." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } output << "options_.ms.Qi = cell(" << n << ",1);" << endl << "options_.ms.Ri = cell(" << n << ",1);" << endl; for (auto &it : restrictions) { assert(it.lag >= 0); if (it.lag == 0) output << "options_.ms.Qi{" << it.equation << "}(" << it.restriction_nbr << ", " << it.variable + 1 << ") = "; else { int col = (it.lag-1)*n+it.variable+1; if (col > k) { cerr << "ERROR: lag =" << it.lag << ", num endog vars = " << n << "current endog var index = " << it.variable << ". Index " << "out of bounds. If the above does not represent a logical error, please report this to the Dynare Team." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } output << "options_.ms.Ri{" << it.equation << "}(" << it.restriction_nbr << ", " << col << ") = "; } it.value->writeOutput(output); output << ";" << endl; } output << "options_.ms.nlags = " << r << ";" << endl; } } void SvarIdentificationStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "svar_identification")"; if (upper_cholesky_present) output << R"(, "upper_cholesky": 1)"; if (lower_cholesky_present) output << R"(, "lower_cholesky": 1)"; if (constants_exclusion_present) output << R"(, "constants_exclusion": 1)"; if (!upper_cholesky_present && !lower_cholesky_present) { output << R"(, "nlags": )" << getMaxLag() << R"(, "restrictions": [)"; for (bool printed_something{false}; const auto &it : restrictions) { if (exchange(printed_something, true)) output << ", "; output << "{" << R"("equation_number": )" << it.equation << ", " << R"("restriction_number": )" << it.restriction_nbr << ", " << R"("variable": ")" << symbol_table.getName(it.variable) << R"(", )" << R"("expression": ")"; it.value->writeOutput(output); output << R"("})"; } output << "]"; } output << "}"; } MarkovSwitchingStatement::MarkovSwitchingStatement(OptionsList options_list_arg) : options_list{move(options_list_arg)} { if (auto opt = options_list.get_if>>("ms.restrictions")) { int num_regimes {stoi(options_list.get("ms.number_of_regimes"))}; for (const vector &restriction : *opt) { if (restriction.size() != 3) { cerr << "ERROR: restrictions in the subsample statement must be specified in the form " << "[current_period_regime, next_period_regime, transition_probability]" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } try { auto from_regime = stoi(restriction[0]); auto to_regime = stoi(restriction[1]); if (from_regime > num_regimes || to_regime > num_regimes) { cerr << "ERROR: the regimes specified in the restrictions option must be " << "<= the number of regimes specified in the number_of_regimes option" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (restriction_map.contains({ from_regime, to_regime })) { cerr << "ERROR: two restrictions were given for: " << from_regime << ", " << to_regime << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } auto transition_probability = stod(restriction[2]); if (transition_probability > 1.0) { cerr << "ERROR: the transition probability, " << transition_probability << " must be less than 1" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } restriction_map[{ from_regime, to_regime }] = transition_probability; } catch (const invalid_argument &) { cerr << "ERROR: The first two arguments for a restriction must be integers " << "specifying the regime and the last must be a floating point specifying the " << "transition probability."; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } } } void MarkovSwitchingStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, [[maybe_unused]] WarningConsolidation &warnings) { int chainNumber {stoi(options_list.get("ms.chain"))}; if (++mod_file_struct.last_markov_switching_chain != chainNumber) { cerr << "ERROR: The markov_switching chain option takes consecutive integers " << "beginning at 1." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (options_list.contains("ms.restrictions")) { int num_regimes {stoi(options_list.get("ms.number_of_regimes"))}; vector col_trans_prob_sum(num_regimes, 0.0); vector row_trans_prob_sum(num_regimes, 0.0); vector all_restrictions_in_row(num_regimes, true); vector all_restrictions_in_col(num_regimes, true); for (int row = 0; row < num_regimes; row++) for (int col = 0; col < num_regimes; col++) if (restriction_map.contains({ row+1, col+1 })) { row_trans_prob_sum[row] += restriction_map[{ row+1, col+1 }]; col_trans_prob_sum[col] += restriction_map[{ row+1, col+1 }]; } else { all_restrictions_in_row[row] = false; all_restrictions_in_col[col] = false; } for (int i = 0; i < num_regimes; i++) { if (all_restrictions_in_row[i]) { if (row_trans_prob_sum[i] != 1.0) { cerr << "ERROR: When all transitions probabilities are specified for a certain " << "regime, they must sum to 1" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (row_trans_prob_sum[i] >= 1.0) { cerr << "ERROR: When transition probabilites are not specified for every regime, " << "their sum must be < 1" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (all_restrictions_in_col[i]) { if (col_trans_prob_sum[i] != 1.0) { cerr << "ERROR: When all transitions probabilities are specified for a certain " << "regime, they must sum to 1" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (col_trans_prob_sum[i] >= 1.0) { cerr << "ERROR: When transition probabilites are not specified for every regime, " << "their sum must be < 1" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } } if (options_list.contains("ms.parameters")) mod_file_struct.ms_dsge_present = true; } void MarkovSwitchingStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { string chainNumber {options_list.get("ms.chain")}; assert(options_list.contains("ms.duration")); output << "options_.ms.duration = "; bool isDurationAVec { options_list.visit("ms.duration", [&](const T &v) -> bool { if constexpr(is_same_v) { output << "["; for (bool printed_something{false}; const auto &it : v) { if (exchange(printed_something, true)) output << ", "; output << it; } output << "]"; return true; } else if constexpr(is_same_v) { output << v; return false; } else { cerr << "MarkovSwitchingStatement::writeOutput: incorrect value type for 'ms.duration' option" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } }) }; output << ";" << endl; int NOR {stoi(options_list.get("ms.number_of_regimes"))}; for (int i {0}; i < NOR; i++) { output << "options_.ms.ms_chain(" << chainNumber << ").regime(" << i+1 << ").duration = options_.ms.duration"; if (isDurationAVec) output << "(" << i+1 << ")"; output << ";" << endl; } for (int restrictions_index{0}; const auto &[regimes, prob] : restriction_map) output << "options_.ms.ms_chain(" << chainNumber << ").restrictions(" << ++restrictions_index << ") = {[" << regimes.first << ", " << regimes.second << ", " << prob << "]};" << endl; } void MarkovSwitchingStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "markov_switching")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } if (!restriction_map.empty()) output << ", {"; for (bool printed_something{false}; const auto &[regimes, prob] : restriction_map) { if (exchange(printed_something, true)) output << ", "; output << R"({"current_period_regime": )" << regimes.first << R"(, "next_period_regime": )" << regimes.second << R"(, "transition_probability": )"<< prob << "}"; } if (!restriction_map.empty()) output << "}"; output << "}"; } SvarStatement::SvarStatement(OptionsList options_list_arg) : options_list{move(options_list_arg)} { } void SvarStatement::checkPass([[maybe_unused]] ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, [[maybe_unused]] WarningConsolidation &warnings) { bool has_coefficients = options_list.contains("ms.coefficients"), has_variances = options_list.contains("ms.variances"), has_constants = options_list.contains("ms.constants"); assert((has_coefficients && !has_variances && !has_constants) || (!has_coefficients && has_variances && !has_constants) || (!has_coefficients && !has_variances && has_constants)); } void SvarStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { output << "options_.ms.ms_chain(" << options_list.get("ms.chain") << ")"; if (auto opt1 = options_list.get_if("ms.coefficients")) output << "." << *opt1; else if (auto opt2 = options_list.get_if("ms.variances")) output << "." << *opt2; else output << "." << options_list.get("ms.constants"); output << ".equations = "; if (auto opt = options_list.get_if>("ms.equations")) { assert(opt->size() >= 1); if (opt->size() > 1) { output << "["; for (int viit : *opt) output << viit << ";"; output << "];" << endl; } else output << opt->front() << ";" << endl; } else output << "'ALL';" << endl; } void SvarStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "svar")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } void SvarGlobalIdentificationCheckStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { output << "svar_global_identification_check(options_);" << std::endl; } void SvarGlobalIdentificationCheckStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "svar_global_identification"})"; } SetTimeStatement::SetTimeStatement(OptionsList options_list_arg) : options_list{move(options_list_arg)} { } void SetTimeStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { options_list.writeOutput(output); } void SetTimeStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "set_time")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } EstimationDataStatement::EstimationDataStatement(OptionsList options_list_arg) : options_list{move(options_list_arg)} { } void EstimationDataStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, [[maybe_unused]] WarningConsolidation &warnings) { mod_file_struct.estimation_data_statement_present = true; if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("nobs")) if (stoi(*opt) <= 0) { cerr << "ERROR: The nobs option of the data statement only accepts positive integers." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } bool has_file = options_list.contains("file"), has_series = options_list.contains("series"); if (!has_file && !has_series) { cerr << "ERROR: The file or series option must be passed to the data statement." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (has_file && has_series) { cerr << "ERROR: The file and series options cannot be used simultaneously in the data statement." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void EstimationDataStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { options_list.writeOutput(output, "options_.dataset"); } void EstimationDataStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "estimation_data")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } SubsamplesStatement::SubsamplesStatement(string name1_arg, string name2_arg, subsample_declaration_map_t subsample_declaration_map_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : name1{move(name1_arg)}, name2{move(name2_arg)}, subsample_declaration_map{move(subsample_declaration_map_arg)}, symbol_table{symbol_table_arg} { } void SubsamplesStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { output << "subsamples_indx = get_new_or_existing_ei_index('subsamples_index', '" << name1 << "','" << name2 << "');" << endl << "estimation_info.subsamples_index(subsamples_indx) = {'" << name1; if (!name2.empty()) output << ":" << name2; output << "'};" << endl << "estimation_info.subsamples(subsamples_indx).range = {};" << endl << "estimation_info.subsamples(subsamples_indx).range_index = {};" << endl; for (int map_indx{1}; const auto &[range, dates] : subsample_declaration_map) { output << "estimation_info.subsamples(subsamples_indx).range_index(" << map_indx << ") = {'" << range << "'};" << endl << "estimation_info.subsamples(subsamples_indx).range(" << map_indx << ").date1 = " << dates.first << ";" << endl << "estimation_info.subsamples(subsamples_indx).range(" << map_indx << ").date2 = " << dates.second << ";" << endl; map_indx++; } // Initialize associated subsample substructures in estimation_info const SymbolType symb_type = symbol_table.getType(name1); string lhs_field; switch (symb_type) { case SymbolType::parameter: lhs_field = "parameter"; break; case SymbolType::exogenous: lhs_field = "structural_innovation"; break; case SymbolType::endogenous: lhs_field = "measurement_error"; break; default: cerr << "subsamples: invalid symbol type for " << name1 << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } output << "eifind = get_new_or_existing_ei_index('" << lhs_field; if (!name2.empty()) output << "_corr"; output << "_prior_index', '" << name1 << "', '"; if (!name2.empty()) output << name2; output << "');" << endl; lhs_field = "estimation_info." + lhs_field; if (!name2.empty()) lhs_field += "_corr"; output << lhs_field << "_prior_index(eifind) = {'" << name1; if (!name2.empty()) output << ":" << name2; output << "'};" << endl; output << lhs_field << "(eifind).subsample_prior = estimation_info.empty_prior;" << endl << lhs_field << "(eifind).subsample_prior(1:" << subsample_declaration_map.size() << ") = estimation_info.empty_prior;" << endl << lhs_field << "(eifind).range_index = estimation_info.subsamples(subsamples_indx).range_index;" << endl; } void SubsamplesStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "subsamples")" << R"(, "name1": ")" << name1 << R"(")"; if (!name2.empty()) output << R"(, "name2": ")" << name2 << R"(")"; output << R"(, "declarations": {)"; for (bool printed_something{false}; const auto &[range, dates] : subsample_declaration_map) { if (exchange(printed_something, true)) output << ","; output << "{" << R"("range_index": ")" << range << R"(")" << R"(, "date1": ")" << dates.first << R"(")" << R"(, "date2": ")" << dates.second << R"(")" << "}"; } output << "}" << "}"; } SubsamplesEqualStatement::SubsamplesEqualStatement(string to_name1_arg, string to_name2_arg, string from_name1_arg, string from_name2_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : to_name1{move(to_name1_arg)}, to_name2{move(to_name2_arg)}, from_name1{move(from_name1_arg)}, from_name2{move(from_name2_arg)}, symbol_table{symbol_table_arg} { } void SubsamplesEqualStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { output << "subsamples_to_indx = get_new_or_existing_ei_index('subsamples_index', '" << to_name1 << "','" << to_name2 << "');" << endl << "estimation_info.subsamples_index(subsamples_to_indx) = {'" << to_name1; if (!to_name2.empty()) output << ":" << to_name2; output << "'};" << endl << "subsamples_from_indx = get_existing_subsamples_indx('" << from_name1 << "','" << from_name2 << "');" << endl << "estimation_info.subsamples(subsamples_to_indx) = estimation_info.subsamples(subsamples_from_indx);" << endl; // Initialize associated subsample substructures in estimation_info const SymbolType symb_type = symbol_table.getType(to_name1); string lhs_field; switch (symb_type) { case SymbolType::parameter: lhs_field = "parameter"; break; case SymbolType::exogenous: lhs_field = "structural_innovation"; break; case SymbolType::endogenous: lhs_field = "measurement_error"; break; default: cerr << "subsamples: invalid symbol type for " << to_name1 << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } output << "eifind = get_new_or_existing_ei_index('" << lhs_field; if (!to_name2.empty()) output << "_corr"; output << "_prior_index', '" << to_name1 << "', '"; if (!to_name2.empty()) output << to_name2; output << "');" << endl; lhs_field = "estimation_info." + lhs_field; if (!to_name2.empty()) lhs_field += "_corr"; output << lhs_field << "_prior_index(eifind) = {'" << to_name1; if (!to_name2.empty()) output << ":" << to_name2; output << "'};" << endl; output << lhs_field << "(eifind).subsample_prior = estimation_info.empty_prior;" << endl << lhs_field << "(eifind).subsample_prior(1:size(estimation_info.subsamples(subsamples_to_indx).range_index,2)) = estimation_info.empty_prior;" << endl << lhs_field << "(eifind).range_index = estimation_info.subsamples(subsamples_to_indx).range_index;" << endl; } void SubsamplesEqualStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "subsamples_equal")" << R"(, "to_name1": ")" << to_name1 << R"(")"; if (!to_name2.empty()) output << R"(, "to_name2": ")" << to_name2 << R"(")"; output << R"(, "from_name1": ")" << from_name1 << R"(")"; if (!from_name2.empty()) output << R"(, "from_name2": ")" << from_name2 << R"(")"; output << "}"; } JointPriorStatement::JointPriorStatement(vector joint_parameters_arg, PriorDistributions prior_shape_arg, OptionsList options_list_arg) : joint_parameters{move(joint_parameters_arg)}, prior_shape{prior_shape_arg}, options_list{move(options_list_arg)} { } void JointPriorStatement::checkPass([[maybe_unused]] ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, [[maybe_unused]] WarningConsolidation &warnings) { if (joint_parameters.size() < 2) { cerr << "ERROR: you must pass at least two parameters to the joint prior statement" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (prior_shape == PriorDistributions::noShape) { cerr << "ERROR: You must pass the shape option to the prior statement." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (!options_list.contains("mean") && !options_list.contains("mode")) { cerr << "ERROR: You must pass at least one of mean and mode to the prior statement." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("domain"); opt && opt->size() != 4) { cerr << "ERROR: You must pass exactly four values to the domain option." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void JointPriorStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { for (const auto &joint_parameter : joint_parameters) output << "eifind = get_new_or_existing_ei_index('joint_parameter_prior_index', '" << joint_parameter << "', '');" << endl << "estimation_info.joint_parameter_prior_index(eifind) = {'" << joint_parameter << "'};" << endl; output << "key = {["; for (const auto &joint_parameter : joint_parameters) output << "get_new_or_existing_ei_index('joint_parameter_prior_index', '" << joint_parameter << "', '') ..." << endl << " "; output << "]};" << endl; string lhs_field("estimation_info.joint_parameter_tmp"); writeOutputHelper(output, "domain", lhs_field); writeOutputHelper(output, "interval", lhs_field); writeOutputHelper(output, "mean", lhs_field); writeOutputHelper(output, "median", lhs_field); writeOutputHelper(output, "mode", lhs_field); assert(prior_shape != PriorDistributions::noShape); output << lhs_field << ".shape = " << static_cast(prior_shape) << ";" << endl; writeOutputHelper(output, "shift", lhs_field); writeOutputHelper(output, "stdev", lhs_field); writeOutputHelper(output, "truncate", lhs_field); writeOutputHelper(output, "variance", lhs_field); output << "estimation_info.joint_parameter_tmp = [key, ..." << endl << " " << lhs_field << ".domain , ..." << endl << " " << lhs_field << ".interval , ..." << endl << " " << lhs_field << ".mean , ..." << endl << " " << lhs_field << ".median , ..." << endl << " " << lhs_field << ".mode , ..." << endl << " " << lhs_field << ".shape , ..." << endl << " " << lhs_field << ".shift , ..." << endl << " " << lhs_field << ".stdev , ..." << endl << " " << lhs_field << ".truncate , ..." << endl << " " << lhs_field << ".variance];" << endl << "estimation_info.joint_parameter = [estimation_info.joint_parameter; estimation_info.joint_parameter_tmp];" << endl << "estimation_info=rmfield(estimation_info, 'joint_parameter_tmp');" << endl; } void JointPriorStatement::writeOutputHelper(ostream &output, const string &field, const string &lhs_field) const { output << lhs_field << "." << field << " = {"; if (options_list.contains(field)) options_list.visit(field, [&](const T &v) { if constexpr(is_same_v) output << v; else if constexpr(is_same_v) { output << "["; for (bool printed_something{false}; const auto &it2 : v) { if (exchange(printed_something, true)) output << ", "; output << it2; } output << "]"; } else if constexpr(is_same_v>>) { output << "{"; for (bool printed_something{false}; const auto &it2 : v) { if (exchange(printed_something, true)) output << ", "; output << "["; for (bool printed_something2{false}; const auto &it3 : it2) { if (exchange(printed_something2, true)) output << ", "; output << it3; } output << "]"; } output << "}"; } else { cerr << "JointPriorStatement::writeOutputHelper: unhandled alternative" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } }); else output << "{}"; output << "};" << endl; } void JointPriorStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "joint_prior")" << R"(, "key": [)"; for (bool printed_something{false}; const auto &it : joint_parameters) { if (exchange(printed_something, true)) output << ", "; output << R"(")" << it << R"(")"; } output << "]"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << R"(, "shape": )"; switch (prior_shape) { case PriorDistributions::beta: output << R"("beta")"; break; case PriorDistributions::gamma: output << R"("gamma")"; break; case PriorDistributions::normal: output << R"("normal")"; break; case PriorDistributions::invGamma: output << R"("inv_gamma")"; break; case PriorDistributions::uniform: output << R"("uniform")"; break; case PriorDistributions::invGamma2: output << R"("inv_gamma2")"; break; case PriorDistributions::dirichlet: output << R"("dirichlet")"; break; case PriorDistributions::weibull: output << R"("weibull")"; break; case PriorDistributions::noShape: cerr << "Impossible case." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } output << "}"; } BasicPriorStatement::BasicPriorStatement(string name_arg, string subsample_name_arg, PriorDistributions prior_shape_arg, expr_t variance_arg, OptionsList options_list_arg) : name{move(name_arg)}, subsample_name{move(subsample_name_arg)}, prior_shape{prior_shape_arg}, variance{variance_arg}, options_list{move(options_list_arg)} { } void BasicPriorStatement::checkPass([[maybe_unused]] ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, [[maybe_unused]] WarningConsolidation &warnings) { if (prior_shape == PriorDistributions::noShape) { cerr << "ERROR: You must pass the shape option to the prior statement." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (!options_list.contains("mean") && !options_list.contains("mode")) { cerr << "ERROR: You must pass at least one of mean and mode to the prior statement." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (bool has_stdev = options_list.contains("stdev"); (!has_stdev && !variance) || (has_stdev && variance)) { cerr << "ERROR: You must pass exactly one of stdev and variance to the prior statement." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("domain"); opt && opt->size() != 2) { cerr << "ERROR: You must pass exactly two values to the domain option." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } bool BasicPriorStatement::is_structural_innovation(const SymbolType symb_type) const { if (symb_type == SymbolType::exogenous) return true; return false; } void BasicPriorStatement::get_base_name(const SymbolType symb_type, string &lhs_field) const { if (symb_type == SymbolType::exogenous) lhs_field = "structural_innovation"; else lhs_field = "measurement_error"; } void BasicPriorStatement::writeCommonOutput(ostream &output, const string &lhs_field) const { output << lhs_field << " = estimation_info.empty_prior;" << endl; writeCommonOutputHelper(output, "domain", lhs_field); writeCommonOutputHelper(output, "interval", lhs_field); writeCommonOutputHelper(output, "mean", lhs_field); writeCommonOutputHelper(output, "median", lhs_field); writeCommonOutputHelper(output, "mode", lhs_field); assert(prior_shape != PriorDistributions::noShape); output << lhs_field << ".shape = " << static_cast(prior_shape) << ";" << endl; writeCommonOutputHelper(output, "shift", lhs_field); writeCommonOutputHelper(output, "stdev", lhs_field); writeCommonOutputHelper(output, "truncate", lhs_field); if (variance) { output << lhs_field << ".variance = "; variance->writeOutput(output); output << ";" << endl; } } void BasicPriorStatement::writeCommonOutputHelper(ostream &output, const string &field, const string &lhs_field) const { if (options_list.contains(field)) options_list.visit(field, [&](const T &v) { if constexpr(is_same_v) output << lhs_field << "." << field << " = "<< v << ";" << endl; // TODO: handle other variant types }); } void BasicPriorStatement::writePriorOutput(ostream &output, string &lhs_field, const string &name2) const { if (subsample_name.empty()) lhs_field += ".prior(1)"; else { output << "subsamples_indx = get_existing_subsamples_indx('" << name << "','" << name2 << "');" << endl << "eisind = get_subsamples_range_indx(subsamples_indx, '" << subsample_name << "');" << endl; lhs_field += ".subsample_prior(eisind)"; } writeCommonOutput(output, lhs_field); } void BasicPriorStatement::writeJsonPriorOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"(, "name": ")" << name << R"(")" << R"(, "subsample": ")" << subsample_name << R"(")" << ", "; writeJsonShape(output); if (variance) { output << R"(, "variance": ")"; variance->writeJsonOutput(output, {}, {}); output << R"(")"; } if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } } void BasicPriorStatement::writeJsonShape(ostream &output) const { output << R"("shape": )"; switch (prior_shape) { case PriorDistributions::beta: output << R"("beta")"; break; case PriorDistributions::gamma: output << R"("gamma")"; break; case PriorDistributions::normal: output << R"("normal")"; break; case PriorDistributions::invGamma: output << R"("inv_gamma")"; break; case PriorDistributions::uniform: output << R"("uniform")"; break; case PriorDistributions::invGamma2: output << R"("inv_gamma2")"; break; case PriorDistributions::dirichlet: output << R"("dirichlet")"; break; case PriorDistributions::weibull: output << R"("weibull")"; break; case PriorDistributions::noShape: assert(prior_shape != PriorDistributions::noShape); } } PriorStatement::PriorStatement(string name_arg, string subsample_name_arg, PriorDistributions prior_shape_arg, expr_t variance_arg, OptionsList options_list_arg) : BasicPriorStatement{move(name_arg), move(subsample_name_arg), prior_shape_arg, variance_arg, move(options_list_arg)} { } void PriorStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { string lhs_field = "estimation_info.parameter(eifind)"; output << "eifind = get_new_or_existing_ei_index('parameter_prior_index', '" << name << "', '');" << endl << "estimation_info.parameter_prior_index(eifind) = {'" << name << "'};" << endl; writePriorOutput(output, lhs_field, ""); } void PriorStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "prior")"; writeJsonPriorOutput(output); output << "}"; } StdPriorStatement::StdPriorStatement(string name_arg, string subsample_name_arg, PriorDistributions prior_shape_arg, expr_t variance_arg, OptionsList options_list_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : BasicPriorStatement{move(name_arg), move(subsample_name_arg), prior_shape_arg, variance_arg, move(options_list_arg)}, symbol_table{symbol_table_arg} { } void StdPriorStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { string lhs_field; get_base_name(symbol_table.getType(name), lhs_field); output << "eifind = get_new_or_existing_ei_index('" << lhs_field << "_prior_index', '" << name << "', '');" << endl << "estimation_info." << lhs_field << "_prior_index(eifind) = {'" << name << "'};" << endl; lhs_field = "estimation_info." + lhs_field + "(eifind)"; writePriorOutput(output, lhs_field, ""); } void StdPriorStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "std_prior")"; writeJsonPriorOutput(output); output << "}"; } CorrPriorStatement::CorrPriorStatement(string name_arg1, string name_arg2, string subsample_name_arg, PriorDistributions prior_shape_arg, expr_t variance_arg, OptionsList options_list_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : BasicPriorStatement{move(name_arg1), move(subsample_name_arg), prior_shape_arg, variance_arg, move(options_list_arg)}, name1{move(name_arg2)}, symbol_table{symbol_table_arg} { } void CorrPriorStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, WarningConsolidation &warnings) { BasicPriorStatement::checkPass(mod_file_struct, warnings); if (symbol_table.getType(name) != symbol_table.getType(name1)) { cerr << "ERROR: In the corr(A,B).prior statement, A and B must be of the same type. " << "In your case, " << name << " and " << name1 << " are of different " << "types." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void CorrPriorStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { string lhs_field; get_base_name(symbol_table.getType(name), lhs_field); output << "eifind = get_new_or_existing_ei_index('" << lhs_field << "_corr_prior_index', '" << name << "', '" << name1 << "');" << endl << "estimation_info." << lhs_field << "_corr_prior_index(eifind) = {'" << name << ":" << name1 << "'};" << endl; lhs_field = "estimation_info." + lhs_field + "_corr(eifind)"; writePriorOutput(output, lhs_field, name1); } void CorrPriorStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "corr_prior")" << R"(, "name2": ")" << name1 << R"(")"; writeJsonPriorOutput(output); output << "}"; } PriorEqualStatement::PriorEqualStatement(string to_declaration_type_arg, string to_name1_arg, string to_name2_arg, string to_subsample_name_arg, string from_declaration_type_arg, string from_name1_arg, string from_name2_arg, string from_subsample_name_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : to_declaration_type{move(to_declaration_type_arg)}, to_name1{move(to_name1_arg)}, to_name2{move(to_name2_arg)}, to_subsample_name{move(to_subsample_name_arg)}, from_declaration_type{move(from_declaration_type_arg)}, from_name1{move(from_name1_arg)}, from_name2{move(from_name2_arg)}, from_subsample_name{move(from_subsample_name_arg)}, symbol_table{symbol_table_arg} { } void PriorEqualStatement::checkPass([[maybe_unused]] ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, [[maybe_unused]] WarningConsolidation &warnings) { if ((to_declaration_type != "par" && to_declaration_type != "std" && to_declaration_type != "corr") || (from_declaration_type != "par" && from_declaration_type != "std" && from_declaration_type != "corr")) { cerr << "Internal Dynare Error" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void PriorEqualStatement::get_base_name(const SymbolType symb_type, string &lhs_field) const { if (symb_type == SymbolType::exogenous) lhs_field = "structural_innovation"; else lhs_field = "measurement_error"; } void PriorEqualStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { string lhs_field, rhs_field; if (to_declaration_type == "par") lhs_field = "parameter"; else get_base_name(symbol_table.getType(to_name1), lhs_field); if (from_declaration_type == "par") rhs_field = "parameter"; else get_base_name(symbol_table.getType(from_name1), rhs_field); if (to_declaration_type == "corr") lhs_field += "_corr"; if (from_declaration_type == "corr") rhs_field += "_corr"; output << "ei_to_ind = get_new_or_existing_ei_index('" << lhs_field << "_prior_index', '" << to_name1 << "', '" << to_name2<< "');" << endl << "ei_from_ind = get_new_or_existing_ei_index('" << rhs_field << "_prior_index', '" << from_name1 << "', '" << from_name2<< "');" << endl << "estimation_info." << lhs_field << "_prior_index(ei_to_ind) = {'" << to_name1; if (to_declaration_type == "corr") output << ":" << to_name2; output << "'};" << endl; if (to_declaration_type == "par") lhs_field = "parameter"; if (from_declaration_type == "par") rhs_field = "parameter"; lhs_field = "estimation_info." + lhs_field + "(ei_to_ind)"; rhs_field = "estimation_info." + rhs_field + "(ei_from_ind)"; if (to_subsample_name.empty()) lhs_field += ".prior"; else { output << "subsamples_to_indx = get_existing_subsamples_indx('" << to_name1 << "','" << to_name2 << "');" << endl << "ei_to_ss_ind = get_subsamples_range_indx(subsamples_to_indx, '" << to_subsample_name << "');" << endl; lhs_field += ".subsample_prior(ei_to_ss_ind)"; } if (from_subsample_name.empty()) rhs_field += ".prior"; else { output << "subsamples_from_indx = get_existing_subsamples_indx('" << from_name1 << "','" << from_name2 << "');" << endl << "ei_from_ss_ind = get_subsamples_range_indx(subsamples_from_indx, '" << from_subsample_name << "');" << endl; rhs_field += ".subsample_prior(ei_from_ss_ind)"; } output << lhs_field << " = " << rhs_field << ";" << endl; } void PriorEqualStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "prior_equal")" << R"(, "to_name1": ")" << to_name1 << R"(")"; if (to_declaration_type == "corr") output << R"(, "to_name2": ")" << to_name2 << R"(")"; output << R"(, "to_subsample": ")" << to_subsample_name << R"(")" << R"(, "from_name1": ")" << from_name1 << R"(")"; if (to_declaration_type == "corr") output << R"(, "from_name2": ")" << from_name2 << R"(")"; output << R"(, "from_subsample": ")" << from_subsample_name << R"(")" << "}"; } BasicOptionsStatement::BasicOptionsStatement(string name_arg, string subsample_name_arg, OptionsList options_list_arg) : name{move(name_arg)}, subsample_name{move(subsample_name_arg)}, options_list{move(options_list_arg)} { } bool BasicOptionsStatement::is_structural_innovation(const SymbolType symb_type) const { return symb_type == SymbolType::exogenous; } void BasicOptionsStatement::get_base_name(const SymbolType symb_type, string &lhs_field) const { if (symb_type == SymbolType::exogenous) lhs_field = "structural_innovation"; else lhs_field = "measurement_error"; } void BasicOptionsStatement::writeCommonOutput(ostream &output, const string &lhs_field) const { output << lhs_field << " = estimation_info.empty_options;" << endl; writeCommonOutputHelper(output, "bounds", lhs_field); writeCommonOutputHelper(output, "init", lhs_field); writeCommonOutputHelper(output, "jscale", lhs_field); } void BasicOptionsStatement::writeCommonOutputHelper(ostream &output, const string &field, const string &lhs_field) const { if (options_list.contains(field)) options_list.visit(field, [&](const T &v) { if constexpr(is_same_v) output << lhs_field << "." << field << " = "<< v << ";" << endl; // TODO: handle other variant types }); } void BasicOptionsStatement::writeOptionsOutput(ostream &output, string &lhs_field, const string &name2) const { if (subsample_name.empty()) lhs_field += ".options(1)"; else { output << "subsamples_indx = get_existing_subsamples_indx('" << name << "','" << name2 << "');" << endl << "eisind = get_subsamples_range_indx(subsamples_indx, '" << subsample_name << "');" << endl; lhs_field += ".subsample_options(eisind)"; } writeCommonOutput(output, lhs_field); } void BasicOptionsStatement::writeJsonOptionsOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"(, "name": ")" << name << R"(")"; if (!subsample_name.empty()) output << R"(, "subsample_name": ")" << subsample_name << R"(")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } } OptionsStatement::OptionsStatement(string name_arg, string subsample_name_arg, OptionsList options_list_arg) : BasicOptionsStatement{move(name_arg), move(subsample_name_arg), move(options_list_arg)} { } void OptionsStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { string lhs_field = "estimation_info.parameter(eifind)"; output << "eifind = get_new_or_existing_ei_index('parameter_options_index', '" << name << "', '');" << endl << "estimation_info.parameter_options_index(eifind) = {'" << name << "'};" << endl; writeOptionsOutput(output, lhs_field, ""); } void OptionsStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "options")"; writeJsonOptionsOutput(output); output << "}"; } StdOptionsStatement::StdOptionsStatement(string name_arg, string subsample_name_arg, OptionsList options_list_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : BasicOptionsStatement{move(name_arg), move(subsample_name_arg), move(options_list_arg)}, symbol_table{symbol_table_arg} { } void StdOptionsStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { string lhs_field; get_base_name(symbol_table.getType(name), lhs_field); output << "eifind = get_new_or_existing_ei_index('" << lhs_field << "_options_index', '" << name << "', '');" << endl << "estimation_info." << lhs_field << "_options_index(eifind) = {'" << name << "'};" << endl; lhs_field = "estimation_info." + lhs_field + "(eifind)"; writeOptionsOutput(output, lhs_field, ""); } void StdOptionsStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "std_options")"; writeJsonOptionsOutput(output); output << "}"; } CorrOptionsStatement::CorrOptionsStatement(string name_arg1, string name_arg2, string subsample_name_arg, OptionsList options_list_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : BasicOptionsStatement{move(name_arg1), move(subsample_name_arg), move(options_list_arg)}, name1{move(name_arg2)}, symbol_table{symbol_table_arg} { } void CorrOptionsStatement::checkPass([[maybe_unused]] ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, [[maybe_unused]] WarningConsolidation &warnings) { if (symbol_table.getType(name) != symbol_table.getType(name1)) { cerr << "ERROR: In the corr(A,B).options statement, A and B must be of the same type. " << "In your case, " << name << " and " << name1 << " are of different " << "types." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void CorrOptionsStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { string lhs_field; get_base_name(symbol_table.getType(name), lhs_field); output << "eifind = get_new_or_existing_ei_index('" << lhs_field << "_corr_options_index', '" << name << "', '" << name1 << "');" << endl << "estimation_info." << lhs_field << "_corr_options_index(eifind) = {'" << name << ":" << name1 << "'};" << endl; lhs_field = "estimation_info." + lhs_field + "_corr(eifind)"; writeOptionsOutput(output, lhs_field, name1); } void CorrOptionsStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "corr_options")" << R"(, "name2": ")" << name1 << R"(")"; writeJsonOptionsOutput(output); output << "}"; } OptionsEqualStatement::OptionsEqualStatement(string to_declaration_type_arg, string to_name1_arg, string to_name2_arg, string to_subsample_name_arg, string from_declaration_type_arg, string from_name1_arg, string from_name2_arg, string from_subsample_name_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : to_declaration_type{move(to_declaration_type_arg)}, to_name1{move(to_name1_arg)}, to_name2{move(to_name2_arg)}, to_subsample_name{move(to_subsample_name_arg)}, from_declaration_type{move(from_declaration_type_arg)}, from_name1{move(from_name1_arg)}, from_name2{move(from_name2_arg)}, from_subsample_name{move(from_subsample_name_arg)}, symbol_table{symbol_table_arg} { } void OptionsEqualStatement::checkPass([[maybe_unused]] ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, [[maybe_unused]] WarningConsolidation &warnings) { if ((to_declaration_type != "par" && to_declaration_type != "std" && to_declaration_type != "corr") || (from_declaration_type != "par" && from_declaration_type != "std" && from_declaration_type != "corr")) { cerr << "Internal Dynare Error" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void OptionsEqualStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "options_equal")" << R"(, "to_name1": ")" << to_name1 << R"(")"; if (to_declaration_type == "corr") output << R"(, "to_name2": ")" << to_name2 << R"(")"; output << R"(, "to_subsample": ")" << to_subsample_name << R"(")" << R"(, "from_name1": ")" << from_name1 << R"(")"; if (to_declaration_type == "corr") output << R"(, "from_name2": ")" << from_name2 << R"(")"; output << R"(, "from_subsample": ")" << from_subsample_name << R"(")" << "}"; } void OptionsEqualStatement::get_base_name(const SymbolType symb_type, string &lhs_field) const { if (symb_type == SymbolType::exogenous) lhs_field = "structural_innovation"; else lhs_field = "measurement_error"; } void OptionsEqualStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { string lhs_field, rhs_field; if (to_declaration_type == "par") lhs_field = "parameter"; else get_base_name(symbol_table.getType(to_name1), lhs_field); if (from_declaration_type == "par") rhs_field = "parameter"; else get_base_name(symbol_table.getType(from_name1), rhs_field); if (to_declaration_type == "corr") lhs_field += "_corr"; if (from_declaration_type == "corr") rhs_field += "_corr"; output << "ei_to_ind = get_new_or_existing_ei_index('" << lhs_field << "_options_index', '" << to_name1 << "', '" << to_name2<< "');" << endl << "ei_from_ind = get_new_or_existing_ei_index('" << rhs_field << "_options_index', '" << from_name1 << "', '" << from_name2<< "');" << endl << "estimation_info." << lhs_field << "_options_index(ei_to_ind) = {'" << to_name1; if (to_declaration_type == "corr") output << ":" << to_name2; output << "'};" << endl; if (to_declaration_type == "par") lhs_field = "parameter"; if (from_declaration_type == "par") rhs_field = "parameter"; lhs_field = "estimation_info." + lhs_field + "(ei_to_ind)"; rhs_field = "estimation_info." + rhs_field + "(ei_from_ind)"; if (to_subsample_name.empty()) lhs_field += ".options"; else { output << "subsamples_to_indx = get_existing_subsamples_indx('" << to_name1 << "','" << to_name2 << "');" << endl << "ei_to_ss_ind = get_subsamples_range_indx(subsamples_to_indx, '" << to_subsample_name << "');" << endl; lhs_field += ".subsample_options(ei_to_ss_ind)"; } if (from_subsample_name.empty()) rhs_field += ".options"; else { output << "subsamples_from_indx = get_existing_subsamples_indx('" << from_name1 << "','" << from_name2 << "');" << endl << "ei_from_ss_ind = get_subsamples_range_indx(subsamples_from_indx, '" << from_subsample_name << "');" << endl; rhs_field += ".subsample_options(ei_from_ss_ind)"; } output << lhs_field << " = " << rhs_field << ";" << endl; } CalibSmootherStatement::CalibSmootherStatement(SymbolList symbol_list_arg, OptionsList options_list_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : symbol_list{move(symbol_list_arg)}, options_list{move(options_list_arg)}, symbol_table{symbol_table_arg} { } void CalibSmootherStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, WarningConsolidation &warnings) { mod_file_struct.calib_smoother_present = true; try { symbol_list.checkPass(warnings, { SymbolType::endogenous }, symbol_table); } catch (SymbolList::SymbolListException &e) { cerr << "ERROR: calib_smoother: " << e.message << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void CalibSmootherStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { options_list.writeOutput(output); if (!options_list.contains("parameter_set")) output << "options_.parameter_set = 'calibration';" << endl; symbol_list.writeOutput("var_list_", output); output << "options_.smoother = true;" << endl << "options_.order = 1;" << endl << "[oo_, M_, options_, bayestopt_] = evaluate_smoother(options_.parameter_set, var_list_, M_, oo_, options_, bayestopt_, estim_params_);" << endl; } void CalibSmootherStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "calib_smoother")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } if (!symbol_list.empty()) { output << ", "; symbol_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } ExtendedPathStatement::ExtendedPathStatement(OptionsList options_list_arg) : options_list{move(options_list_arg)} { } void ExtendedPathStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, [[maybe_unused]] WarningConsolidation &warnings) { mod_file_struct.extended_path_present = true; if (!options_list.contains("periods")) { cerr << "ERROR: the 'periods' option of 'extended_path' is mandatory" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void ExtendedPathStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { // Beware: options do not have the same name in the interface and in the M code... string periods {options_list.get("periods")}; OptionsList options_list_new {options_list}; options_list_new.erase("periods"); options_list_new.writeOutput(output); output << "extended_path([], " << periods << ", [], options_, M_, oo_);" << endl; } void ExtendedPathStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "extended_path")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } void ModelDiagnosticsStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { output << "model_diagnostics(M_,options_,oo_);" << endl; } void ModelDiagnosticsStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "model_diagnostics"})"; } Smoother2histvalStatement::Smoother2histvalStatement(OptionsList options_list_arg) : options_list{move(options_list_arg)} { } void Smoother2histvalStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { options_list.writeOutput(output, "options_smoother2histval"); output << "smoother2histval(options_smoother2histval);" << endl; } void Smoother2histvalStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "smoother_2_histval")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } MethodOfMomentsStatement::MethodOfMomentsStatement(OptionsList options_list_arg) : options_list{move(options_list_arg)} { } void MethodOfMomentsStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, [[maybe_unused]] WarningConsolidation &warnings) { mod_file_struct.mom_estimation_present = true; // Fill in option_order of mod_file_struct if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("order")) { int order = stoi(*opt); if (order > 2) mod_file_struct.k_order_solver = true; mod_file_struct.mom_order = order; mod_file_struct.order_option = max(mod_file_struct.order_option, order); } if (!options_list.contains("datafile")) { cerr << "ERROR: The method_of_moments statement requires a data file to be supplied via the datafile option." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (!options_list.contains("mom.mom_method")) { cerr << "ERROR: The method_of_moments statement requires a method to be supplied via the mom_method option. Possible values are GMM or SMM." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("mom.mom_method"); opt && *opt == "GMM") mod_file_struct.GMM_present = true; if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("mom.analytic_standard_errors"); opt && *opt == "true") mod_file_struct.analytic_standard_errors_present = true; if (!mod_file_struct.GMM_present && mod_file_struct.analytic_standard_errors_present) { cerr << "ERROR: The analytic_standard_errors statement requires the GMM option." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (auto opt = options_list.get_if("mom.analytic_jacobian"); opt && *opt == "true") mod_file_struct.analytic_jacobian_present = true; if (!mod_file_struct.GMM_present && mod_file_struct.analytic_jacobian_present) { cerr << "ERROR: The analytic_jacobian statement requires the GMM option." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void MethodOfMomentsStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { options_list.writeOutput(output, "options_mom_"); output << "[oo_, options_mom_, M_] = mom.run(bayestopt_, options_, oo_, estim_params_, M_, options_mom_);" << endl; } void MethodOfMomentsStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "method_of_moments")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; } GenerateIRFsStatement::GenerateIRFsStatement(OptionsList options_list_arg, vector generate_irf_names_arg, vector> generate_irf_elements_arg) : options_list{move(options_list_arg)}, generate_irf_names{move(generate_irf_names_arg)}, generate_irf_elements{move(generate_irf_elements_arg)} { } void GenerateIRFsStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { options_list.writeOutput(output); if (generate_irf_names.empty()) return; output << "options_.irf_opt.irf_shock_graphtitles = { "; for (const auto &generate_irf_name : generate_irf_names) output << "'" << generate_irf_name << "'; "; output << "};" << endl; output << "options_.irf_opt.irf_shocks = zeros(M_.exo_nbr, " << generate_irf_names.size() << ");" << endl; for (size_t i = 0; i < generate_irf_names.size(); i++) for (auto &[exo_name, exo_value] : generate_irf_elements[i]) output << "options_.irf_opt.irf_shocks(M_.exo_names == '" << exo_name << "', " << i + 1 << ") = " << exo_value << ";" << endl; } void GenerateIRFsStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "generate_irfs")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } if (!generate_irf_names.empty()) { output << R"(, "irf_elements": [)"; for (size_t i = 0; i < generate_irf_names.size(); i++) { output << R"({"name": ")" << generate_irf_names[i] << R"(", "shocks": [)"; for (bool printed_something{false}; auto &[exo_name, exo_value] : generate_irf_elements[i]) { if (exchange(printed_something, true)) output << ", "; output << R"({"exogenous_variable": ")" << exo_name << R"(", )" << R"("exogenous_variable_value": ")" << exo_value << R"("})"; } output << "]}"; if (i + 1 < generate_irf_names.size()) output << ", "; } output << "]"; } output << "}"; } MatchedMomentsStatement::MatchedMomentsStatement(const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg, vector, vector, vector>> moments_arg) : symbol_table{symbol_table_arg}, moments{move(moments_arg)} { } void MatchedMomentsStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { output << "M_.matched_moments = {" << endl; for (const auto &[symb_ids, lags, powers] : moments) { output << " ["; for (int s : symb_ids) output << symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(s)+1 << ','; output << "], ["; for (int l : lags) output << l << ','; output << "], ["; for (int p : powers) output << p << ','; output << "]," << endl; } output << "};" << endl; } void MatchedMomentsStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "matched_moments", "moments": [)" << endl; for (bool printed_something{false}; const auto &[symb_ids, lags, powers] : moments) { if (exchange(printed_something, true)) output << ','; output << R"( { "endos": [)"; for (bool printed_something2{false}; int s : symb_ids) { if (exchange(printed_something2, true)) output << ','; output << symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(s)+1; } output << R"(], "lags": [)"; for (bool printed_something2{false}; int l : lags) { if (exchange(printed_something2, true)) output << ','; output << l; } output << R"(], "powers": [)"; for (bool printed_something2{false}; int p : powers) { if (exchange(printed_something2, true)) output << ','; output << p; } output << "]}" << endl; } output << "]}" << endl; } OccbinConstraintsStatement::OccbinConstraintsStatement(const DataTree &data_tree_arg, vector> constraints_arg) : data_tree{data_tree_arg}, constraints{move(constraints_arg)} { } void OccbinConstraintsStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct, [[maybe_unused]] WarningConsolidation &warnings) { if (mod_file_struct.occbin_constraints_present) { cerr << "ERROR: Multiple 'occbin_constraints' blocks are not allowed" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (constraints.size() > 2) { cerr << "ERROR: only up to two constraints are supported in 'occbin_constraints' block" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } mod_file_struct.occbin_constraints_present = true; } void OccbinConstraintsStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { output << "M_.occbin.constraint_nbr = " << constraints.size() << ';' << endl << "M_.occbin.pswitch = [" << endl; for (const auto &[name, bind, relax, error_bind, error_relax] : constraints) output << data_tree.symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(ParsingDriver::buildOccbinBindParamName(name)) + 1 << ' '; output << "];" << endl << "options_.occbin = struct();" << endl << "options_.occbin = occbin.set_default_options(options_.occbin, M_);" << endl << "oo_.dr=set_state_space(oo_.dr,M_,options_);" << endl; filesystem::path filename {"+" + basename + "/occbin_difference.m"}; ofstream diff_output{filename, ios::out | ios::binary}; if (!diff_output.is_open()) { cerr << "Error: Can't open file " << filename.string() << " for writing" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } diff_output << "function [binding, relax, err] = occbin_difference(zdatalinear, params, steady_state)" << endl; for (int idx{1}; const auto &[name, bind, relax, error_bind, error_relax] : constraints) { diff_output << "binding.constraint_" << idx << " = "; dynamic_cast(bind)->writeOutput(diff_output, ExprNodeOutputType::occbinDifferenceFile); diff_output << ';' << endl << "relax.constraint_" << idx << " = "; if (relax) dynamic_cast(relax)->writeOutput(diff_output, ExprNodeOutputType::occbinDifferenceFile); else diff_output << "~binding.constraint_" << idx; diff_output << ';' << endl << "err.binding_constraint_" << idx << " = "; if (error_bind) error_bind->writeOutput(diff_output, ExprNodeOutputType::occbinDifferenceFile); else { diff_output << "abs(("; bind->arg1->writeOutput(diff_output, ExprNodeOutputType::occbinDifferenceFile); diff_output << ")-("; bind->arg2->writeOutput(diff_output, ExprNodeOutputType::occbinDifferenceFile); diff_output << "))"; } diff_output << ';' << endl << "err.relax_constraint_" << idx << " = "; if (error_relax) error_relax->writeOutput(diff_output, ExprNodeOutputType::occbinDifferenceFile); else if (relax) { diff_output << "abs(("; relax->arg1->writeOutput(diff_output, ExprNodeOutputType::occbinDifferenceFile); diff_output << ")-("; relax->arg2->writeOutput(diff_output, ExprNodeOutputType::occbinDifferenceFile); diff_output << "))"; } else if (!error_bind) /* If relax, error_relax and error_bind have not been specified, then error_bind and error_relax have the same default value. */ diff_output << "err.binding_constraint_" << idx; else { /* If relax and error_relax have not been specified, but error_bind has been specified, then we need to compute the default value for error_relax since it is different from error_bind. */ diff_output << "abs(("; bind->arg1->writeOutput(diff_output, ExprNodeOutputType::occbinDifferenceFile); diff_output << ")-("; bind->arg2->writeOutput(diff_output, ExprNodeOutputType::occbinDifferenceFile); diff_output << "))"; } diff_output << ';' << endl; idx++; } diff_output << "end" << endl; diff_output.close(); } void OccbinConstraintsStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "occbin_constraints", "constraints": [)" << endl; for (bool printed_something{false}; const auto &[name, bind, relax, error_bind, error_relax] : constraints) { if (exchange(printed_something, true)) output << ','; output << R"({ "name": ")" << name << R"(", "bind": ")"; dynamic_cast(bind)->writeJsonOutput(output, {}, {}); output << R"(", "relax": ")"; if (relax) dynamic_cast(relax)->writeJsonOutput(output, {}, {}); output << R"(", "error_bind": ")"; if (error_bind) error_bind->writeJsonOutput(output, {}, {}); output << R"(", "error_relax": ")"; if (error_relax) error_relax->writeJsonOutput(output, {}, {}); output << R"(" })" << endl; } output << "]}" << endl; } ResidStatement::ResidStatement(OptionsList options_list_arg) : options_list{move(options_list_arg)} { } void ResidStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, [[maybe_unused]] const string &basename, [[maybe_unused]] bool minimal_workspace) const { options_list.writeOutput(output, "options_resid_"); output << "resid(options_resid_);" << endl; } void ResidStatement::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { output << R"({"statementName": "resid")"; if (!options_list.empty()) { output << ", "; options_list.writeJsonOutput(output); } output << "}"; }