/* * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Dynare Team * * This file is part of Dynare. * * Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Dynare. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ModelTree.hh" #include "Model_Graph.hh" ModelTree::ModelTree(SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg, NumericalConstants &num_constants_arg) : DataTree(symbol_table_arg, num_constants_arg), mode(eStandardMode), compiler(NO_COMPILE), cutoff(1e-12), markowitz(0.7), new_SGE(true), computeJacobian(false), computeJacobianExo(false), computeHessian(false), computeStaticHessian(false), computeThirdDerivatives(false), block_triangular(symbol_table_arg) { } int ModelTree::equation_number() const { return(equations.size()); } void ModelTree::writeDerivative(ostream &output, int eq, int symb_id, int lag, ExprNodeOutputType output_type, const temporary_terms_type &temporary_terms) const { first_derivatives_type::const_iterator it = first_derivatives.find(make_pair(eq, variable_table.getID(eEndogenous, symb_id, lag))); if (it != first_derivatives.end()) (it->second)->writeOutput(output, output_type, temporary_terms); else output << 0; } void ModelTree::compileDerivative(ofstream &code_file, int eq, int symb_id, int lag, ExprNodeOutputType output_type, map_idx_type map_idx) const { first_derivatives_type::const_iterator it = first_derivatives.find(make_pair(eq, variable_table.getID(eEndogenous, symb_id, lag))); if (it != first_derivatives.end()) { /*NodeID Id = it->second;*/ (it->second)->compile(code_file,false, output_type, temporary_terms, map_idx); } else { code_file.write(&FLDZ, sizeof(FLDZ)); } } void ModelTree::derive(int order) { cout << "Processing derivation ..." << endl; cout << " Processing Order 1... "; for(int var = 0; var < variable_table.size(); var++) for(int eq = 0; eq < (int) equations.size(); eq++) { NodeID d1 = equations[eq]->getDerivative(var); if (d1 == Zero) continue; first_derivatives[make_pair(eq, var)] = d1; } cout << "done" << endl; if (order >= 2) { cout << " Processing Order 2... "; for(first_derivatives_type::const_iterator it = first_derivatives.begin(); it != first_derivatives.end(); it++) { int eq = it->first.first; int var1 = it->first.second; NodeID d1 = it->second; // Store only second derivatives with var2 <= var1 for(int var2 = 0; var2 <= var1; var2++) { NodeID d2 = d1->getDerivative(var2); if (d2 == Zero) continue; second_derivatives[make_pair(eq, make_pair(var1, var2))] = d2; } } cout << "done" << endl; } if (order >= 3) { cout << " Processing Order 3... "; for(second_derivatives_type::const_iterator it = second_derivatives.begin(); it != second_derivatives.end(); it++) { int eq = it->first.first; int var1 = it->first.second.first; int var2 = it->first.second.second; // By construction, var2 <= var1 NodeID d2 = it->second; // Store only third derivatives such that var3 <= var2 <= var1 for(int var3 = 0; var3 <= var2; var3++) { NodeID d3 = d2->getDerivative(var3); if (d3 == Zero) continue; third_derivatives[make_pair(eq, make_pair(var1, make_pair(var2, var3)))] = d3; } } cout << "done" << endl; } } void ModelTree::computeTemporaryTerms(int order) { map reference_count; temporary_terms.clear(); bool is_matlab = (mode != eDLLMode); for(vector::iterator it = equations.begin(); it != equations.end(); it++) (*it)->computeTemporaryTerms(reference_count, temporary_terms, is_matlab); for(first_derivatives_type::iterator it = first_derivatives.begin(); it != first_derivatives.end(); it++) it->second->computeTemporaryTerms(reference_count, temporary_terms, is_matlab); if (order >= 2) for(second_derivatives_type::iterator it = second_derivatives.begin(); it != second_derivatives.end(); it++) it->second->computeTemporaryTerms(reference_count, temporary_terms, is_matlab); if (order >= 3) for(third_derivatives_type::iterator it = third_derivatives.begin(); it != third_derivatives.end(); it++) it->second->computeTemporaryTerms(reference_count, temporary_terms, is_matlab); } void ModelTree::writeTemporaryTerms(ostream &output, ExprNodeOutputType output_type) const { // A copy of temporary terms temporary_terms_type tt2; if (temporary_terms.size() > 0 && (!OFFSET(output_type))) output << "double\n"; for(temporary_terms_type::const_iterator it = temporary_terms.begin(); it != temporary_terms.end(); it++) { if (!OFFSET(output_type) && it != temporary_terms.begin()) output << "," << endl; (*it)->writeOutput(output, output_type, temporary_terms); output << " = "; (*it)->writeOutput(output, output_type, tt2); // Insert current node into tt2 tt2.insert(*it); if (OFFSET(output_type)) output << ";" << endl; } if (!OFFSET(output_type)) output << ";" << endl; } void ModelTree::writeModelLocalVariables(ostream &output, ExprNodeOutputType output_type) const { for(map::const_iterator it = local_variables_table.begin(); it != local_variables_table.end(); it++) { int id = it->first; NodeID value = it->second; if (!OFFSET(output_type)) output << "double "; output << symbol_table.getNameByID(eModelLocalVariable, id) << " = "; // Use an empty set for the temporary terms value->writeOutput(output, output_type, temporary_terms_type()); output << ";" << endl; } } void ModelTree::writeModelEquations(ostream &output, ExprNodeOutputType output_type) const { for(int eq = 0; eq < (int) equations.size(); eq++) { BinaryOpNode *eq_node = equations[eq]; NodeID lhs = eq_node->arg1; output << "lhs ="; lhs->writeOutput(output, output_type, temporary_terms); output << ";" << endl; NodeID rhs = eq_node->arg2; output << "rhs ="; rhs->writeOutput(output, output_type, temporary_terms); output << ";" << endl; output << "residual" << LPAR(output_type) << eq + OFFSET(output_type) << RPAR(output_type) << "= lhs-rhs;" << endl; } } void ModelTree::computeTemporaryTermsOrdered(int order, Model_Block *ModelBlock) { map reference_count, first_occurence; int i, j, m, eq, var, lag/*, prev_size=0*/; temporary_terms_type vect; ostringstream tmp_output; BinaryOpNode *eq_node; NodeID lhs, rhs; first_derivatives_type::const_iterator it; ostringstream tmp_s; temporary_terms.clear(); map_idx.clear(); for(j = 0;j < ModelBlock->Size;j++) { if (ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Size==1) { eq_node = equations[ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[0]]; lhs = eq_node->arg1; rhs = eq_node->arg2; tmp_s.str(""); tmp_output.str(""); lhs->writeOutput(tmp_output, oCDynamicModelSparseDLL, temporary_terms); tmp_s << "y[Per_y_+" << ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Variable[0] << "]"; if (tmp_output.str()==tmp_s.str()) { if (ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==SOLVE_BACKWARD_SIMPLE) ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type=EVALUATE_BACKWARD; else if (ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==SOLVE_FOREWARD_SIMPLE) ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type=EVALUATE_FOREWARD; } else { tmp_output.str(""); rhs->writeOutput(tmp_output, oCDynamicModelSparseDLL, temporary_terms); if (tmp_output.str()==tmp_s.str()) { if (ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==SOLVE_BACKWARD_SIMPLE) ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type=EVALUATE_BACKWARD_R; else if (ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==SOLVE_FOREWARD_SIMPLE) ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type=EVALUATE_FOREWARD_R; } } } for(i = 0;i < ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Size;i++) { eq_node = equations[ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[i]]; eq_node->computeTemporaryTerms(reference_count, temporary_terms, first_occurence, j, ModelBlock, map_idx); } if (ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type!=EVALUATE_BACKWARD && ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type!=EVALUATE_FOREWARD &&ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type!=EVALUATE_BACKWARD_R && ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type!=EVALUATE_FOREWARD_R) { if (ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==SOLVE_TWO_BOUNDARIES_COMPLETE || ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==SOLVE_TWO_BOUNDARIES_SIMPLE) { for(m=0;m<=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lead+ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lag;m++) { lag=m-ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lag; for(i=0;iBlock_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].size;i++) { eq=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Equ_Index[i]; var=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Var_Index[i]; it=first_derivatives.find(make_pair(eq,variable_table.getID(eEndogenous, var,lag))); it->second->computeTemporaryTerms(reference_count, temporary_terms, first_occurence, j, ModelBlock, map_idx); } } } else if (ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type!=SOLVE_BACKWARD_SIMPLE && ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type!=SOLVE_FOREWARD_SIMPLE) { m=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lag; for(i=0;iBlock_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].size;i++) { eq=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Equ_Index[i]; var=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Var_Index[i]; it=first_derivatives.find(make_pair(eq,variable_table.getID(eEndogenous,var,0))); it->second->computeTemporaryTerms(reference_count, temporary_terms, first_occurence, j, ModelBlock, map_idx); } } else { eq=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[0]; var=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Variable[0]; it=first_derivatives.find(make_pair(eq,variable_table.getID(eEndogenous,var,0))); it->second->computeTemporaryTerms(reference_count, temporary_terms, first_occurence, j, ModelBlock, map_idx); } } } if (order == 2) for(second_derivatives_type::iterator it = second_derivatives.begin(); it != second_derivatives.end(); it++) it->second->computeTemporaryTerms(reference_count, temporary_terms, false); /*New*/ j=0; for(temporary_terms_type::const_iterator it = temporary_terms.begin(); it != temporary_terms.end(); it++) map_idx[(*it)->idx]=j++; /*EndNew*/ } void ModelTree::writeModelEquationsOrdered_C(ostream &output, Model_Block *ModelBlock) const { int i,j,k,m; string tmp_s; ostringstream tmp_output; NodeID lhs=NULL, rhs=NULL; BinaryOpNode *eq_node; bool OK, lhs_rhs_done, skip_the_head; ostringstream Uf[symbol_table.endo_nbr]; map reference_count; int prev_Simulation_Type=-1; temporary_terms_type::const_iterator it_temp=temporary_terms.begin(); //---------------------------------------------------------------------- //Temporary variables declaration OK=true; for(temporary_terms_type::const_iterator it = temporary_terms.begin(); it != temporary_terms.end(); it++) { if (OK) OK=false; else tmp_output << ", "; (*it)->writeOutput(tmp_output, oCDynamicModel, temporary_terms); tmp_output << "[" << block_triangular.periods + variable_table.max_lag+variable_table.max_lead << "]"; } if (tmp_output.str().length()>0) { output << "double " << tmp_output.str() << ";\n\n"; } //For each block for(j = 0;j < ModelBlock->Size;j++) { //For a block composed of a single equation determines wether we have to evaluate or to solve the equation if (ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Size==1) { lhs_rhs_done=true; eq_node = equations[ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[0]]; lhs = eq_node->arg1; rhs = eq_node->arg2; tmp_output.str(""); lhs->writeOutput(tmp_output, oCDynamicModelSparseDLL, temporary_terms); } else lhs_rhs_done=false; if (prev_Simulation_Type==ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type && (ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==EVALUATE_BACKWARD ||ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==EVALUATE_FOREWARD ||ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==EVALUATE_BACKWARD_R ||ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==EVALUATE_FOREWARD_R )) skip_the_head=true; else skip_the_head=false; if (!skip_the_head) { if (j>0) output << "}\n\n"; output << "void Dynamic" << j+1 << "(double *y, double *x, double *residual, double *g1, double *g2)\n"; output << "{\n"; output << " ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n" << " //" << string(" Block ").substr(int(log10(j + 1))) << j + 1 << " " << BlockTriangular::BlockType0(ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Type) << " //\n" << " // Simulation type "; output << BlockTriangular::BlockSim(ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type) << " //\n" << " ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n"; #ifdef CONDITION if (ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==SOLVE_TWO_BOUNDARIES_COMPLETE) output << " longd condition[" << ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Size << "]; /*to improve condition*/\n"; #endif } //The Temporary terms temporary_terms_type tt2; if (ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Temporary_terms->size()) output << " //Temporary variables\n"; i=0; for(temporary_terms_type::const_iterator it = ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Temporary_terms->begin(); it != ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Temporary_terms->end(); it++) { output << " "; (*it)->writeOutput(output, oCDynamicModelSparseDLL, temporary_terms); output << " = "; (*it)->writeOutput(output, oCDynamicModelSparseDLL, tt2); // Insert current node into tt2 tt2.insert(*it); output << ";" << endl; i++; } // The equations for(i = 0;i < ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Size;i++) { ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Variable_Sorted[i] = variable_table.getID(eEndogenous, ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Variable[i], 0); string sModel = symbol_table.getNameByID(eEndogenous, ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Variable[i]) ; output << " //equation " << ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[i] << " variable : " << sModel << " (" << ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Variable[i] << ")\n"; if (!lhs_rhs_done) { eq_node = equations[ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[i]]; lhs = eq_node->arg1; rhs = eq_node->arg2; tmp_output.str(""); lhs->writeOutput(tmp_output, oCDynamicModelSparseDLL, temporary_terms); } output << " "; switch(ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type) { case EVALUATE_BACKWARD: case EVALUATE_FOREWARD: output << tmp_output.str(); output << " = "; rhs->writeOutput(output, oCDynamicModelSparseDLL, temporary_terms); output << ";\n"; break; case EVALUATE_BACKWARD_R: case EVALUATE_FOREWARD_R: rhs->writeOutput(output, oCDynamicModelSparseDLL, temporary_terms); output << " = "; lhs->writeOutput(output, oCDynamicModelSparseDLL, temporary_terms); output << ";\n"; break; case SOLVE_BACKWARD_COMPLETE: case SOLVE_FOREWARD_COMPLETE: Uf[ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[i]] << " u[" << i << "] = residual[" << i << "]"; goto end; case SOLVE_TWO_BOUNDARIES_COMPLETE: Uf[ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[i]] << " u[" << i << "+Per_u_] = residual[" << i << "]"; goto end; default: end: output << "residual[" << i << "] = ("; output << tmp_output.str(); output << ") - ("; rhs->writeOutput(output, oCDynamicModelSparseDLL, temporary_terms); output << ");\n"; #ifdef CONDITION if (ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==SOLVE_TWO_BOUNDARIES_COMPLETE) output << " condition[" << i << "]=0;\n"; #endif } } // The Jacobian if we have to solve the block if (ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type!=EVALUATE_BACKWARD && ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type!=EVALUATE_FOREWARD && ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type!=EVALUATE_BACKWARD_R && ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type!=EVALUATE_FOREWARD_R) { output << " /* Jacobian */\n"; switch(ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type) { case SOLVE_BACKWARD_SIMPLE: case SOLVE_FOREWARD_SIMPLE: output << " g1[0]="; writeDerivative(output, ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[0], ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Variable[0], 0, oCDynamicModelSparseDLL, temporary_terms); output << "; /* variable=" << symbol_table.getNameByID(eEndogenous, ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Variable[0]) <<"(" << variable_table.getLag(variable_table.getSymbolID(ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Variable[0])) << ") " << ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Variable[0] << ", equation=" << ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[0] << "*/\n"; break; case SOLVE_BACKWARD_COMPLETE: case SOLVE_FOREWARD_COMPLETE: m=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lag; for(i=0;iBlock_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].size;i++) { int eq=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Equ_Index[i]; int var=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Var_Index[i]; int u=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].us[i]; int eqr=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Equ[i]; Uf[ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[eqr]] << "-u[" << u << "]*y[Per_y_+" << var << "]"; output << " u[" << u << "] = "; writeDerivative(output, eq, var, 0, oCDynamicModelSparseDLL, temporary_terms); output << "; // variable=" << symbol_table.getNameByID(eEndogenous, var) <<"(" << variable_table.getLag(variable_table.getSymbolID(var))<< ") " << var << ", equation=" << eq << "\n"; } for(i = 0;i < ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Size;i++) output << Uf[ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[i]].str() << ";\n"; break; case SOLVE_TWO_BOUNDARIES_COMPLETE: for(m=0;m<=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lead+ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lag;m++) { k=m-ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lag; for(i=0;iBlock_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].size;i++) { int eq=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Equ_Index[i]; int var=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Var_Index[i]; int u=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].u[i]; int eqr=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Equ[i]; if (k==0) Uf[ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[eqr]] << "-u[" << u << "+Per_u_]*y[Per_y_+" << var << "]"; else if (k>0) Uf[ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[eqr]] << "-u[" << u << "+Per_u_]*y[(it_+" << k << ")*y_size+" << var << "]"; else if (k<0) Uf[ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[eqr]] << "-u[" << u << "+Per_u_]*y[(it_" << k << ")*y_size+" << var << "]"; output << " u[" << u << "+Per_u_] = "; writeDerivative(output, eq, var, k, oCDynamicModelSparseDLL, temporary_terms); output << "; // variable=" << symbol_table.getNameByID(eEndogenous, var) <<"(" << k << ") " << var << ", equation=" << eq << "\n"; #ifdef CONDITION output << " if (fabs(condition[" << eqr << "])Block_List[j].Size;i++) { output << Uf[ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[i]].str() << ";\n"; #ifdef CONDITION output << " if (fabs(condition[" << i << "])Block_List[j].Max_Lead+ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lag;m++) { k=m-ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lag; for(i=0;iBlock_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].size;i++) { int eq=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Equ_Index[i]; int var=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Var_Index[i]; int u=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].u[i]; int eqr=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Equ[i]; output << " u[" << u << "+Per_u_] /= condition[" << eqr << "];\n"; } } for(i = 0;i < ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Size;i++) output << " u[" << i << "+Per_u_] /= condition[" << i << "];\n"; #endif break; } } prev_Simulation_Type=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type; } output << "}\n\n"; } void ModelTree::writeModelEquationsOrdered_M(ostream &output, Model_Block *ModelBlock, const string &dynamic_basename) const { int i,j,k,m; string tmp_s, sps; ostringstream tmp_output, global_output; NodeID lhs=NULL, rhs=NULL; BinaryOpNode *eq_node; bool OK, lhs_rhs_done, skip_the_head; ostringstream Uf[symbol_table.endo_nbr]; map reference_count; int prev_Simulation_Type=-1; temporary_terms_type::const_iterator it_temp=temporary_terms.begin(); //---------------------------------------------------------------------- //Temporary variables declaration OK=true; for(temporary_terms_type::const_iterator it = temporary_terms.begin(); it != temporary_terms.end(); it++) { if (OK) OK=false; else tmp_output << " "; (*it)->writeOutput(tmp_output, oMatlabDynamicModel, temporary_terms); /*tmp_output << "[" << block_triangular.periods + variable_table.max_lag+variable_table.max_lead << "]";*/ } if (tmp_output.str().length()>0) { global_output << " global " << tmp_output.str() << " M_ ;\n"; } //For each block for(j = 0;j < ModelBlock->Size;j++) { //For a block composed of a single equation determines wether we have to evaluate or to solve the equation if (ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Size==1) { lhs_rhs_done=true; eq_node = equations[ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[0]]; lhs = eq_node->arg1; rhs = eq_node->arg2; tmp_output.str(""); lhs->writeOutput(tmp_output, oMatlabDynamicModelSparse, temporary_terms); } else lhs_rhs_done=false; if (prev_Simulation_Type==ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type && (ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==EVALUATE_BACKWARD ||ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==EVALUATE_FOREWARD ||ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==EVALUATE_BACKWARD_R ||ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==EVALUATE_FOREWARD_R )) skip_the_head=true; else skip_the_head=false; if (!skip_the_head) { if (j>0) { output << "return;\n\n\n"; } else output << "\n\n"; if (ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==EVALUATE_BACKWARD ||ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==EVALUATE_FOREWARD ||ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==EVALUATE_BACKWARD_R ||ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==EVALUATE_FOREWARD_R) output << "function [y] = " << dynamic_basename << "_" << j+1 << "(y, x, it_)\n"; else if (ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==SOLVE_BACKWARD_SIMPLE ||ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==SOLVE_FOREWARD_SIMPLE) output << "function [residual, g1, g2, g3, b] = " << dynamic_basename << "_" << j+1 << "(y, x, it_)\n"; else output << "function [residual, g1, g2, g3, b] = " << dynamic_basename << "_" << j+1 << "(y, x, y_kmin, y_size, periods)\n"; output << " % ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" << endl << " % //" << string(" Block ").substr(int(log10(j + 1))) << j + 1 << " " << BlockTriangular::BlockType0(ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Type) << " //" << endl << " % // Simulation type " << BlockTriangular::BlockSim(ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type) << " //" << endl << " % ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" << endl; //The Temporary terms output << global_output.str(); output << " if M_.param_nbr > 0\n"; output << " params = M_.params;\n"; output << " end\n"; } temporary_terms_type tt2; if(ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==SOLVE_TWO_BOUNDARIES_COMPLETE) { int nze; for(nze=0,m=0;m<=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lead+ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lag;m++) nze+=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].size; output << " Jacobian_Size=" << ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Size << "*(y_kmin+" << ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lead << " +periods);\n"; output << " g1=spalloc( y_size*periods, Jacobian_Size, " << nze << "*periods" << ");\n"; output << " for it_ = y_kmin+1:(periods+y_kmin)\n"; output << " Per_y_=it_*y_size;\n"; output << " Per_J_=(it_-y_kmin-1)*y_size;\n"; output << " Per_K_=(it_-1)*y_size;\n"; sps=" "; } else sps=""; if (ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Temporary_terms->size()) output << " " << sps << "% //Temporary variables" << endl; i=0; for(temporary_terms_type::const_iterator it = ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Temporary_terms->begin(); it != ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Temporary_terms->end(); it++) { output << " " << sps; (*it)->writeOutput(output, oMatlabDynamicModelSparse, temporary_terms); output << " = "; (*it)->writeOutput(output, oMatlabDynamicModelSparse, tt2); // Insert current node into tt2 tt2.insert(*it); output << ";" << endl; i++; } // The equations for(i = 0;i < ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Size;i++) { ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Variable_Sorted[i] = variable_table.getID(eEndogenous, ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Variable[i], 0); string sModel = symbol_table.getNameByID(eEndogenous, ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Variable[i]) ; output << sps << " % equation " << ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[i] << " variable : " << sModel << " (" << ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Variable[i] << ")" << endl; if (!lhs_rhs_done) { eq_node = equations[ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[i]]; lhs = eq_node->arg1; rhs = eq_node->arg2; tmp_output.str(""); lhs->writeOutput(tmp_output, oMatlabDynamicModelSparse, temporary_terms); } output << " "; switch(ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type) { case EVALUATE_BACKWARD: case EVALUATE_FOREWARD: output << tmp_output.str(); output << " = "; rhs->writeOutput(output, oMatlabDynamicModelSparse, temporary_terms); output << ";\n"; break; case EVALUATE_BACKWARD_R: case EVALUATE_FOREWARD_R: rhs->writeOutput(output, oMatlabDynamicModelSparse, temporary_terms); output << " = "; lhs->writeOutput(output, oMatlabDynamicModelSparse, temporary_terms); output << ";\n"; break; case SOLVE_BACKWARD_SIMPLE: case SOLVE_FOREWARD_SIMPLE: output << sps << "residual(" << i+1 << ") = ("; goto end; case SOLVE_BACKWARD_COMPLETE: case SOLVE_FOREWARD_COMPLETE: Uf[ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[i]] << " b(" << i+1 << ") = residual(" << i+1 << ", it_)"; output << sps << "residual(" << i+1 << ") = ("; goto end; case SOLVE_TWO_BOUNDARIES_COMPLETE: Uf[ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[i]] << " b(" << i+1 << "+Per_J_) = -residual(" << i+1 << ", it_)"; output << sps << "residual(" << i+1 << ", it_) = ("; goto end; default: end: output << tmp_output.str(); output << ") - ("; rhs->writeOutput(output, oMatlabDynamicModelSparse, temporary_terms); output << ");\n"; #ifdef CONDITION if (ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==SOLVE_TWO_BOUNDARIES_COMPLETE) output << " condition(" << i+1 << ")=0;\n"; #endif } } // The Jacobian if we have to solve the block if (ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type!=EVALUATE_BACKWARD && ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type!=EVALUATE_FOREWARD && ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type!=EVALUATE_BACKWARD_R && ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type!=EVALUATE_FOREWARD_R) { output << " " << sps << "% Jacobian " << endl; switch(ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type) { case SOLVE_BACKWARD_SIMPLE: case SOLVE_FOREWARD_SIMPLE: output << " g1(1)="; writeDerivative(output, ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[0], ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Variable[0], 0, oMatlabDynamicModelSparse, temporary_terms); output << "; % variable=" << symbol_table.getNameByID(eEndogenous, ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Variable[0]) << "(" << variable_table.getLag(variable_table.getSymbolID(ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Variable[0])) << ") " << ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Variable[0] << ", equation=" << ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[0] << endl; break; case SOLVE_BACKWARD_COMPLETE: case SOLVE_FOREWARD_COMPLETE: m=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lag; for(i=0;iBlock_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].size;i++) { int eq=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Equ_Index[i]; int var=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Var_Index[i]; int u=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].us[i]; int eqr=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Equ[i]; Uf[ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[eqr]] << "-u(" << u << ")*y(Per_y_+" << var << ")"; output << " u(" << u+1 << ") = "; writeDerivative(output, eq, var, 0, oMatlabDynamicModelSparse, temporary_terms); output << "; % variable=" << symbol_table.getNameByID(eEndogenous, var) << "(" << variable_table.getLag(variable_table.getSymbolID(var)) << ") " << var << ", equation=" << eq << endl; } for(i = 0;i < ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Size;i++) output << Uf[ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[i]].str() << ";\n"; break; case SOLVE_TWO_BOUNDARIES_COMPLETE: output << " g2=0;g3=0;\n"; for(m=0;m<=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lead+ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lag;m++) { k=m-ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lag; for(i=0;iBlock_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].size;i++) { int eq=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Equ_Index[i]; int var=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Var_Index[i]; //int u=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].u[i]; int eqr=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Equ[i]; int varr=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Var[i]; if (k==0) Uf[ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[eqr]] << "+g1(" << eqr+1 << "+Per_J_, " << varr+1 << "+Per_K_)*y(it_, " << var+1 << ")"; else if (k>0) Uf[ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[eqr]] << "+g1(" << eqr+1 << "+Per_J_, " << varr+1 << "+y_size*(it_+" << k << "-1))*y(it_+" << k << ", " << var+1 << ")"; else if (k<0) Uf[ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[eqr]] << "+g1(" << eqr+1 << "+Per_J_, " << varr+1 << "+y_size*(it_" << k << "-1))*y(it_" << k << ", " << var+1 << ")"; //output << " u(" << u+1 << "+Per_u_) = "; if(k==0) output << " g1(" << eqr+1 << "+Per_J_, " << varr+1 << "+Per_K_) = "; else if(k>0) output << " g1(" << eqr+1 << "+Per_J_, " << varr+1 << "+y_size*(it_+" << k << "-1)) = "; else if(k<0) output << " g1(" << eqr+1 << "+Per_J_, " << varr+1 << "+y_size*(it_" << k << "-1)) = "; writeDerivative(output, eq, var, k, oMatlabDynamicModelSparse, temporary_terms); output << "; % variable=" << symbol_table.getNameByID(eEndogenous, var) << "(" << k << ") " << var << ", equation=" << eq << endl; #ifdef CONDITION output << " if (fabs(condition[" << eqr << "])Block_List[j].Size;i++) { output << Uf[ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[i]].str() << ";\n"; #ifdef CONDITION output << " if (fabs(condition(" << i+1 << "))Block_List[j].Max_Lead+ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lag;m++) { k=m-ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lag; for(i=0;iBlock_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].size;i++) { int eq=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Equ_Index[i]; int var=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Var_Index[i]; int u=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].u[i]; int eqr=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Equ[i]; output << " u(" << u+1 << "+Per_u_) = u(" << u+1 << "+Per_u_) / condition(" << eqr+1 << ");\n"; } } for(i = 0;i < ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Size;i++) output << " u(" << i+1 << "+Per_u_) = u(" << i+1 << "+Per_u_) / condition(" << i+1 << ");\n"; #endif output << " end;\n"; break; } } prev_Simulation_Type=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type; } output << "return;\n\n\n"; } void ModelTree::writeModelStaticEquationsOrdered_M(ostream &output, Model_Block *ModelBlock, const string &static_basename) const { int i,j,k,m, var, eq; string tmp_s, sps; ostringstream tmp_output, global_output; NodeID lhs=NULL, rhs=NULL; BinaryOpNode *eq_node; bool OK, lhs_rhs_done, skip_the_head; ostringstream Uf[symbol_table.endo_nbr]; map reference_count; int prev_Simulation_Type=-1; int nze=0; bool *IM, *IMl; temporary_terms_type::const_iterator it_temp=temporary_terms.begin(); //---------------------------------------------------------------------- //Temporary variables declaration OK=true; for(temporary_terms_type::const_iterator it = temporary_terms.begin(); it != temporary_terms.end(); it++) { if (OK) OK=false; else tmp_output << " "; (*it)->writeOutput(tmp_output, oMatlabStaticModelSparse, temporary_terms); } if (tmp_output.str().length()>0) { global_output << " global " << tmp_output.str() << " M_ ;\n"; } //For each block for(j = 0;j < ModelBlock->Size;j++) { //For a block composed of a single equation determines wether we have to evaluate or to solve the equation if (ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Size==1) { lhs_rhs_done=true; eq_node = equations[ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[0]]; lhs = eq_node->arg1; rhs = eq_node->arg2; tmp_output.str(""); lhs->writeOutput(tmp_output, oMatlabStaticModelSparse, temporary_terms); } else lhs_rhs_done=false; if (prev_Simulation_Type==ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type && (ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==EVALUATE_BACKWARD ||ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==EVALUATE_FOREWARD ||ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==EVALUATE_BACKWARD_R ||ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==EVALUATE_FOREWARD_R )) skip_the_head=true; else skip_the_head=false; if (!skip_the_head) { if (j>0) { output << "return;\n\n\n"; } else output << "\n\n"; output << "function [residual, g1, g2, g3, b] = " << static_basename << "_" << j+1 << "(y, x)\n"; output << " % ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" << endl << " % //" << string(" Block ").substr(int(log10(j + 1))) << j + 1 << " " << BlockTriangular::BlockType0(ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Type) << " //" << endl << " % // Simulation type "; output << BlockTriangular::BlockSim(ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type) << " //" << endl << " % ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" << endl; //The Temporary terms output << global_output.str(); output << " if M_.param_nbr > 0\n"; output << " params = M_.params;\n"; output << " end\n"; } temporary_terms_type tt2; int n=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Size; int n1=symbol_table.endo_nbr; //cout << "n1=" << n1 << "\n"; IM=(bool*)malloc(n*n*sizeof(bool)); memset(IM, 0, n*n*sizeof(bool)); //cout << "ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lead" << ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lag << " ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lag=" << ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lead << "\n"; for(m=-ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lag;m<=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lead;m++) { //cout << "bGet_IM(" << m << ")\n"; IMl=block_triangular.bGet_IM(m); //cout <<"OK\n"; for(i=0;iBlock_List[j].Equation[i]; for(k=0;kBlock_List[j].Variable[k]; //cout << "eq=" << eq << " var=" << var << "\n"; IM[i*n+k]=IM[i*n+k] || IMl[eq*n1+var]; /*if(IM[i*n+k]) cout << " ->i=" << i << " j=" << j << "\n";*/ } } //cout << "done\n"; } for(nze=0, i=0;iBlock_List[j].Simulation_Type!=EVALUATE_BACKWARD && ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type!=EVALUATE_FOREWARD && ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type!=EVALUATE_BACKWARD_R && ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type!=EVALUATE_FOREWARD_R) output << " g1=spalloc(" << ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Size << ", " << ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Size << ", " << nze << ");\n"; sps=""; if (ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Temporary_terms->size()) output << " " << sps << "% //Temporary variables" << endl; i=0; for(temporary_terms_type::const_iterator it = ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Temporary_terms->begin(); it != ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Temporary_terms->end(); it++) { output << " " << sps; (*it)->writeOutput(output, oMatlabStaticModelSparse, temporary_terms); output << " = "; (*it)->writeOutput(output, oMatlabStaticModelSparse, tt2); // Insert current node into tt2 tt2.insert(*it); output << ";" << endl; i++; } // The equations for(i = 0;i < ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Size;i++) { ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Variable_Sorted[i] = variable_table.getID(eEndogenous, ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Variable[i], 0); string sModel = symbol_table.getNameByID(eEndogenous, ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Variable[i]) ; output << sps << " % equation " << ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[i] << " variable : " << sModel << " (" << ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Variable[i] << ")" << endl; if (!lhs_rhs_done) { eq_node = equations[ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[i]]; lhs = eq_node->arg1; rhs = eq_node->arg2; tmp_output.str(""); lhs->writeOutput(tmp_output, oMatlabStaticModelSparse, temporary_terms); } output << " "; switch(ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type) { case EVALUATE_BACKWARD: case EVALUATE_FOREWARD: output << tmp_output.str(); output << " = "; rhs->writeOutput(output, oMatlabStaticModelSparse, temporary_terms); output << ";\n"; break; case EVALUATE_BACKWARD_R: case EVALUATE_FOREWARD_R: rhs->writeOutput(output, oMatlabStaticModelSparse, temporary_terms); output << " = "; lhs->writeOutput(output, oMatlabStaticModelSparse, temporary_terms); output << ";\n"; break; case SOLVE_BACKWARD_COMPLETE: case SOLVE_FOREWARD_COMPLETE: case SOLVE_TWO_BOUNDARIES_COMPLETE: Uf[ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[i]] << " b(" << i+1 << ") = - residual(" << i+1 << ")"; goto end; default: end: output << sps << "residual(" << i+1 << ") = ("; output << tmp_output.str(); output << ") - ("; rhs->writeOutput(output, oMatlabStaticModelSparse, temporary_terms); output << ");\n"; #ifdef CONDITION if (ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==SOLVE_TWO_BOUNDARIES_COMPLETE) output << " condition(" << i+1 << ")=0;\n"; #endif } } // The Jacobian if we have to solve the block if (ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type!=EVALUATE_BACKWARD && ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type!=EVALUATE_FOREWARD && ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type!=EVALUATE_BACKWARD_R && ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type!=EVALUATE_FOREWARD_R) { output << " " << sps << "% Jacobian " << endl; switch(ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type) { case SOLVE_BACKWARD_SIMPLE: case SOLVE_FOREWARD_SIMPLE: output << " g1(1)="; writeDerivative(output, ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[0], ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Variable[0], 0, oMatlabStaticModelSparse, temporary_terms); output << "; % variable=" << symbol_table.getNameByID(eEndogenous, ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Variable[0]) << "(" << variable_table.getLag(variable_table.getSymbolID(ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Variable[0])) << ") " << ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Variable[0] << ", equation=" << ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[0] << endl; break; case SOLVE_BACKWARD_COMPLETE: case SOLVE_FOREWARD_COMPLETE: m=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lag; for(i=0;iBlock_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].size;i++) { int eq=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Equ_Index[i]; int var=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Var_Index[i]; int u=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].us[i]; int eqr=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Equ[i]; Uf[ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[eqr]] << "-u(" << u << ")*y(Per_y_+" << var << ")"; output << " u(" << u+1 << ") = "; writeDerivative(output, eq, var, 0, oMatlabStaticModelSparse, temporary_terms); output << "; % variable=" << symbol_table.getNameByID(eEndogenous, var) << "(" << variable_table.getLag(variable_table.getSymbolID(var)) << ") " << var << ", equation=" << eq << endl; } for(i = 0;i < ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Size;i++) output << Uf[ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[i]].str() << ";\n"; break; case SOLVE_TWO_BOUNDARIES_COMPLETE: output << " g2=0;g3=0;\n"; for(m=0;m<=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lead+ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lag;m++) { k=m-ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lag; for(i=0;iBlock_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].size;i++) { int eq=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Equ_Index[i]; int var=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Var_Index[i]; //int u=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].u[i]; int eqr=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Equ[i]; int varr=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Var[i]; output << "% i=" << i << " eq=" << eq << " var=" << var << " eqr=" << eqr << " varr=" << varr << "\n"; cout << "% i=" << i << " eq=" << eq << " var=" << var << " eqr=" << eqr << " varr=" << varr << "\n"; if(!IM[eqr*ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Size+varr]) { Uf[ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[eqr]] << "+g1(" << eqr+1 << ", " << varr+1 << ")*y( " << var+1 << ")"; IM[eqr*ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Size+varr]=1; } output << " g1(" << eqr+1 << ", " << varr+1 << ") = g1(" << eqr+1 << ", " << varr+1 << ") + "; writeDerivative(output, eq, var, k, oMatlabStaticModelSparse, temporary_terms); output << "; % variable=" << symbol_table.getNameByID(eEndogenous, var) << "(" << k << ") " << var << ", equation=" << eq << endl; #ifdef CONDITION output << " if (fabs(condition[" << eqr << "])Block_List[j].Size;i++) { output << Uf[ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[i]].str() << ";\n"; #ifdef CONDITION output << " if (fabs(condition(" << i+1 << "))Block_List[j].Max_Lead+ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lag;m++) { k=m-ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lag; for(i=0;iBlock_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].size;i++) { int eq=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Equ_Index[i]; int var=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Var_Index[i]; int u=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].u[i]; int eqr=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Equ[i]; output << " u(" << u+1 << "+Per_u_) = u(" << u+1 << "+Per_u_) / condition(" << eqr+1 << ");\n"; } } for(i = 0;i < ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Size;i++) output << " u(" << i+1 << "+Per_u_) = u(" << i+1 << "+Per_u_) / condition(" << i+1 << ");\n"; #endif break; } } prev_Simulation_Type=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type; } output << "return;\n\n\n"; free(IM); } void ModelTree::writeModelEquationsCodeOrdered(const string file_name, const Model_Block *ModelBlock, const string bin_basename, ExprNodeOutputType output_type) const { struct Uff_l { int u, var, lag; Uff_l *pNext; }; struct Uff { Uff_l *Ufl, *Ufl_First; int eqr; }; int i,j,k,m, v, ModelBlock_Aggregated_Count, k0, k1; string tmp_s; ostringstream tmp_output; ofstream code_file; NodeID lhs=NULL, rhs=NULL; BinaryOpNode *eq_node; bool lhs_rhs_done; Uff Uf[symbol_table.endo_nbr]; map reference_count; map ModelBlock_Aggregated_Size, ModelBlock_Aggregated_Number; int prev_Simulation_Type=-1; SymbolicGaussElimination SGE; temporary_terms_type::const_iterator it_temp=temporary_terms.begin(); //---------------------------------------------------------------------- string main_name=file_name; main_name+=".cod"; code_file.open(main_name.c_str(), ios::out | ios::binary | ios::ate ); if (!code_file.is_open()) { cout << "Error : Can't open file \"" << main_name << "\" for writing\n"; exit( -1); } //Temporary variables declaration code_file.write(&FDIMT, sizeof(FDIMT)); k=temporary_terms.size(); code_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&k),sizeof(k)); //search for successive and identical blocks i=k=k0=0; ModelBlock_Aggregated_Count=-1; for(j = 0;j < ModelBlock->Size;j++) { if (prev_Simulation_Type==ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type && (ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==EVALUATE_BACKWARD ||ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==EVALUATE_FOREWARD ||ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==EVALUATE_BACKWARD_R ||ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==EVALUATE_FOREWARD_R )) { } else { k=k0=0; ModelBlock_Aggregated_Count++; } k0+=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Size; ModelBlock_Aggregated_Number[ModelBlock_Aggregated_Count]=k0; ModelBlock_Aggregated_Size[ModelBlock_Aggregated_Count]=++k; prev_Simulation_Type=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type; } ModelBlock_Aggregated_Count++; //cout << "ModelBlock_Aggregated_Count=" << ModelBlock_Aggregated_Count << "\n"; //For each block j=0; for(k0 = 0;k0 < ModelBlock_Aggregated_Count;k0++) { k1=j; if (k0>0) code_file.write(&FENDBLOCK, sizeof(FENDBLOCK)); code_file.write(&FBEGINBLOCK, sizeof(FBEGINBLOCK)); v=ModelBlock_Aggregated_Number[k0]; code_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&v),sizeof(v)); v=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type; code_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&v),sizeof(v)); //cout << "FBEGINBLOCK j=" << j << " size=" << ModelBlock_Aggregated_Number[k0] << " type=" << v << "\n"; for(k=0; kBlock_List[j].Size;i++) { code_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Variable[i]),sizeof(ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Variable[i])); code_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[i]),sizeof(ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[i])); code_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Own_Derivative[i]),sizeof(ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Own_Derivative[i])); } j++; } j=k1; if (ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==SOLVE_TWO_BOUNDARIES_SIMPLE || ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==SOLVE_TWO_BOUNDARIES_COMPLETE || ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==SOLVE_BACKWARD_COMPLETE || ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==SOLVE_FOREWARD_COMPLETE) { code_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&ModelBlock->Block_List[j].is_linear),sizeof(ModelBlock->Block_List[j].is_linear)); v=block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lag + block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lead].u_finish + 1; code_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&v),sizeof(v)); v=symbol_table.endo_nbr; code_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&v),sizeof(v)); v=block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lag; code_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&v),sizeof(v)); v=block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lead; code_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&v),sizeof(v)); if (ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==SOLVE_TWO_BOUNDARIES_COMPLETE) { int u_count_int=0; Write_Inf_To_Bin_File(file_name, bin_basename, j, u_count_int,SGE.file_open); v=u_count_int; code_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&v),sizeof(v)); SGE.file_is_open(); } } for(k1 = 0; k1 < ModelBlock_Aggregated_Size[k0]; k1++) { //For a block composed of a single equation determines wether we have to evaluate or to solve the equation if (ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Size==1) { lhs_rhs_done=true; eq_node = equations[ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[0]]; lhs = eq_node->arg1; rhs = eq_node->arg2; } else lhs_rhs_done=false; if (ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Size==1) lhs_rhs_done=true; else lhs_rhs_done=false; //The Temporary terms temporary_terms_type tt2; i=0; for(temporary_terms_type::const_iterator it = ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Temporary_terms->begin(); it != ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Temporary_terms->end(); it++) { (*it)->compile(code_file,false, output_type, tt2, map_idx); code_file.write(&FSTPT, sizeof(FSTPT)); map_idx_type::const_iterator ii=map_idx.find((*it)->idx); v=(int)ii->second; code_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&v), sizeof(v)); // Insert current node into tt2 tt2.insert(*it); #ifdef DEBUGC cout << "FSTPT " << v << "\n"; code_file.write(&FOK, sizeof(FOK)); code_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&i), sizeof(i)); #endif i++; } for(temporary_terms_type::const_iterator it = ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Temporary_terms->begin(); it != ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Temporary_terms->end(); it++) { map_idx_type::const_iterator ii=map_idx.find((*it)->idx); #ifdef DEBUGC cout << "map_idx[" << (*it)->idx <<"]=" << ii->second << "\n"; #endif } // The equations for(i = 0;i < ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Size;i++) { ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Variable_Sorted[i] = variable_table.getID(eEndogenous, ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Variable[i], 0); if (!lhs_rhs_done) { eq_node = equations[ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[i]]; lhs = eq_node->arg1; rhs = eq_node->arg2; } switch (ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type) { case EVALUATE_BACKWARD: case EVALUATE_FOREWARD: rhs->compile(code_file,false, output_type, temporary_terms, map_idx); lhs->compile(code_file,true, output_type, temporary_terms, map_idx); break; case EVALUATE_BACKWARD_R: case EVALUATE_FOREWARD_R: lhs->compile(code_file,false, output_type, temporary_terms, map_idx); rhs->compile(code_file,true, output_type, temporary_terms, map_idx); break; case SOLVE_TWO_BOUNDARIES_SIMPLE: v=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[i]; Uf[v].eqr=i; Uf[v].Ufl=NULL; goto end; case SOLVE_BACKWARD_COMPLETE: case SOLVE_FOREWARD_COMPLETE: v=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[i]; Uf[v].eqr=i; Uf[v].Ufl=NULL; goto end; case SOLVE_TWO_BOUNDARIES_COMPLETE: v=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[i]; Uf[v].eqr=i; Uf[v].Ufl=NULL; goto end; default: end: lhs->compile(code_file,false, output_type, temporary_terms, map_idx); rhs->compile(code_file,false, output_type, temporary_terms, map_idx); code_file.write(&FBINARY, sizeof(FBINARY)); int v=oMinus; code_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&v),sizeof(v)); code_file.write(&FSTPR, sizeof(FSTPR)); code_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&i), sizeof(i)); #ifdef CONDITION if (ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==SOLVE_TWO_BOUNDARIES_COMPLETE) output << " condition[" << i << "]=0;\n"; #endif } } code_file.write(&FENDEQU, sizeof(FENDEQU)); // The Jacobian if we have to solve the block if (ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type!=EVALUATE_BACKWARD && ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type!=EVALUATE_FOREWARD && ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type!=EVALUATE_BACKWARD_R && ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type!=EVALUATE_FOREWARD_R) { switch (ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type) { case SOLVE_BACKWARD_SIMPLE: case SOLVE_FOREWARD_SIMPLE: compileDerivative(code_file, ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[0], ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Variable[0], 0, output_type, map_idx); code_file.write(&FSTPG, sizeof(FSTPG)); v=0; code_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&v), sizeof(v)); break; case SOLVE_BACKWARD_COMPLETE: case SOLVE_FOREWARD_COMPLETE: m=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lag; for(i=0;iBlock_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].size;i++) { int eq=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Equ_Index[i]; int var=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Var_Index[i]; int u=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].us[i]; int eqr=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Equ[i]; int v=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[eqr]; if (!Uf[v].Ufl) { Uf[v].Ufl=(Uff_l*)malloc(sizeof(Uff_l)); Uf[v].Ufl_First=Uf[v].Ufl; } else { Uf[v].Ufl->pNext=(Uff_l*)malloc(sizeof(Uff_l)); Uf[v].Ufl=Uf[v].Ufl->pNext; } Uf[v].Ufl->pNext=NULL; Uf[v].Ufl->u=u; Uf[v].Ufl->var=var; compileDerivative(code_file, eq, var, 0, output_type, map_idx); code_file.write(&FSTPU, sizeof(FSTPU)); code_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&u), sizeof(u)); } for(i = 0;i < ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Size;i++) { code_file.write(&FLDR, sizeof(FLDR)); code_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&i), sizeof(i)); code_file.write(&FLDZ, sizeof(FLDZ)); int v=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[i]; for(Uf[v].Ufl=Uf[v].Ufl_First;Uf[v].Ufl;Uf[v].Ufl=Uf[v].Ufl->pNext) { code_file.write(&FLDU, sizeof(FLDU)); code_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&Uf[v].Ufl->u), sizeof(Uf[v].Ufl->u)); code_file.write(&FLDV, sizeof(FLDV)); char vc=eEndogenous; code_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&vc), sizeof(vc)); code_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&Uf[v].Ufl->var), sizeof(Uf[v].Ufl->var)); int v1=0; code_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&v1), sizeof(v1)); code_file.write(&FBINARY, sizeof(FBINARY)); v1=oTimes; code_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&v1), sizeof(v1)); code_file.write(&FCUML, sizeof(FCUML)); } code_file.write(&FBINARY, sizeof(FBINARY)); v=oMinus; code_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&v), sizeof(v)); code_file.write(&FSTPU, sizeof(FSTPU)); code_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&i), sizeof(i)); } break; case SOLVE_TWO_BOUNDARIES_COMPLETE: case SOLVE_TWO_BOUNDARIES_SIMPLE: for(m=0;m<=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lead+ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lag;m++) { k=m-ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lag; for(i=0;iBlock_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].size;i++) { int eq=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Equ_Index[i]; int var=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Var_Index[i]; int u=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].u[i]; int eqr=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Equ[i]; int v=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[eqr]; if (!Uf[v].Ufl) { Uf[v].Ufl=(Uff_l*)malloc(sizeof(Uff_l)); Uf[v].Ufl_First=Uf[v].Ufl; } else { Uf[v].Ufl->pNext=(Uff_l*)malloc(sizeof(Uff_l)); Uf[v].Ufl=Uf[v].Ufl->pNext; } Uf[v].Ufl->pNext=NULL; Uf[v].Ufl->u=u; Uf[v].Ufl->var=var; Uf[v].Ufl->lag=k; compileDerivative(code_file, eq, var, k, output_type, map_idx); code_file.write(&FSTPU, sizeof(FSTPU)); code_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&u), sizeof(u)); #ifdef CONDITION output << " if (fabs(condition[" << eqr << "])Block_List[j].Size;i++) { code_file.write(&FLDR, sizeof(FLDR)); code_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&i), sizeof(i)); code_file.write(&FLDZ, sizeof(FLDZ)); int v=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Equation[i]; for(Uf[v].Ufl=Uf[v].Ufl_First;Uf[v].Ufl;Uf[v].Ufl=Uf[v].Ufl->pNext) { code_file.write(&FLDU, sizeof(FLDU)); code_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&Uf[v].Ufl->u), sizeof(Uf[v].Ufl->u)); code_file.write(&FLDV, sizeof(FLDV)); char vc=eEndogenous; code_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&vc), sizeof(vc)); int v1=Uf[v].Ufl->var; code_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&v1), sizeof(v1)); v1=Uf[v].Ufl->lag; code_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&v1), sizeof(v1)); code_file.write(&FBINARY, sizeof(FBINARY)); v1=oTimes; code_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&v1), sizeof(v1)); code_file.write(&FCUML, sizeof(FCUML)); } code_file.write(&FBINARY, sizeof(FBINARY)); v=oMinus; code_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&v), sizeof(v)); code_file.write(&FSTPU, sizeof(FSTPU)); code_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&i), sizeof(i)); #ifdef CONDITION output << " if (fabs(condition[" << i << "])Block_List[j].Max_Lead+ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lag;m++) { k=m-ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lag; for(i=0;iBlock_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].size;i++) { int eq=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Equ_Index[i]; int var=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Var_Index[i]; int u=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].u[i]; int eqr=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Equ[i]; output << " u[" << u << "+Per_u_] /= condition[" << eqr << "];\n"; } } for(i = 0;i < ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Size;i++) output << " u[" << i << "+Per_u_] /= condition[" << i << "];\n"; #endif break; } prev_Simulation_Type=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type; } j++; } } code_file.write(&FENDBLOCK, sizeof(FENDBLOCK)); code_file.write(&FEND, sizeof(FEND)); code_file.close(); } void ModelTree::writeStaticMFile(const string &static_basename) const { string filename = static_basename + ".m"; ofstream mStaticModelFile; mStaticModelFile.open(filename.c_str(), ios::out | ios::binary); if (!mStaticModelFile.is_open()) { cerr << "Error: Can't open file " << filename << " for writing" << endl; exit(-1); } // Writing comments and function definition command mStaticModelFile << "function [residual, g1, g2] = " << static_basename << "(y, x, params)" << endl << "%" << endl << "% Status : Computes static model for Dynare" << endl << "%" << endl << "% Warning : this file is generated automatically by Dynare" << endl << "% from model file (.mod)" << endl << endl; writeStaticModel(mStaticModelFile); mStaticModelFile.close(); } void ModelTree::writeDynamicMFile(const string &dynamic_basename) const { string filename = dynamic_basename + ".m"; ofstream mDynamicModelFile; mDynamicModelFile.open(filename.c_str(), ios::out | ios::binary); if (!mDynamicModelFile.is_open()) { cerr << "Error: Can't open file " << filename << " for writing" << endl; exit(-1); } mDynamicModelFile << "function [residual, g1, g2, g3] = " << dynamic_basename << "(y, x, params, it_)" << endl << "%" << endl << "% Status : Computes dynamic model for Dynare" << endl << "%" << endl << "% Warning : this file is generated automatically by Dynare" << endl << "% from model file (.mod)" << endl << endl; writeDynamicModel(mDynamicModelFile); mDynamicModelFile.close(); } void ModelTree::writeStaticCFile(const string &static_basename) const { string filename = static_basename + ".c"; ofstream mStaticModelFile; mStaticModelFile.open(filename.c_str(), ios::out | ios::binary); if (!mStaticModelFile.is_open()) { cerr << "Error: Can't open file " << filename << " for writing" << endl; exit(-1); } mStaticModelFile << "/*" << endl << " * " << filename << " : Computes static model for Dynare" << endl << " * Warning : this file is generated automatically by Dynare" << endl << " * from model file (.mod)" << endl << endl << " */" << endl << "#include " << endl << "#include \"mex.h\"" << endl; // Writing the function Static writeStaticModel(mStaticModelFile); // Writing the gateway routine mStaticModelFile << "/* The gateway routine */" << endl << "void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])" << endl << "{" << endl << " double *y, *x, *params;" << endl << " double *residual, *g1;" << endl << endl << " /* Create a pointer to the input matrix y. */" << endl << " y = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);" << endl << endl << " /* Create a pointer to the input matrix x. */" << endl << " x = mxGetPr(prhs[1]);" << endl << endl << " /* Create a pointer to the input matrix params. */" << endl << " params = mxGetPr(prhs[2]);" << endl << endl << " residual = NULL;" << endl << " if (nlhs >= 1)" << endl << " {" << endl << " /* Set the output pointer to the output matrix residual. */" << endl << " plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << equations.size() << ",1, mxREAL);" << endl << " /* Create a C pointer to a copy of the output matrix residual. */" << endl << " residual = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);" << endl << " }" << endl << endl << " g1 = NULL;" << endl << " if (nlhs >= 2)" << endl << " {" << endl << " /* Set the output pointer to the output matrix g1. */" << endl << " plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << equations.size() << ", " << symbol_table.endo_nbr << ", mxREAL);" << endl << " /* Create a C pointer to a copy of the output matrix g1. */" << endl << " g1 = mxGetPr(plhs[1]);" << endl << " }" << endl << endl << " /* Call the C Static. */" << endl << " Static(y, x, params, residual, g1);" << endl << "}" << endl; mStaticModelFile.close(); } void ModelTree::writeDynamicCFile(const string &dynamic_basename) const { string filename = dynamic_basename + ".c"; ofstream mDynamicModelFile; mDynamicModelFile.open(filename.c_str(), ios::out | ios::binary); if (!mDynamicModelFile.is_open()) { cerr << "Error: Can't open file " << filename << " for writing" << endl; exit(-1); } mDynamicModelFile << "/*" << endl << " * " << filename << " : Computes dynamic model for Dynare" << endl << " *" << endl << " * Warning : this file is generated automatically by Dynare" << endl << " * from model file (.mod)" << endl << endl << " */" << endl << "#include " << endl << "#include \"mex.h\"" << endl; // Writing the function body writeDynamicModel(mDynamicModelFile); // Writing the gateway routine mDynamicModelFile << "/* The gateway routine */" << endl << "void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])" << endl << "{" << endl << " double *y, *x, *params;" << endl << " double *residual, *g1, *g2;" << endl << " int nb_row_x, it_;" << endl << endl << " /* Create a pointer to the input matrix y. */" << endl << " y = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);" << endl << endl << " /* Create a pointer to the input matrix x. */" << endl << " x = mxGetPr(prhs[1]);" << endl << endl << " /* Create a pointer to the input matrix params. */" << endl << " params = mxGetPr(prhs[2]);" << endl << endl << " /* Fetch time index */" << endl << " it_ = (int) mxGetScalar(prhs[3]) - 1;" << endl << endl << " /* Gets number of rows of matrix x. */" << endl << " nb_row_x = mxGetM(prhs[1]);" << endl << endl << " residual = NULL;" << endl << " if (nlhs >= 1)" << endl << " {" << endl << " /* Set the output pointer to the output matrix residual. */" << endl << " plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << equations.size() << ",1, mxREAL);" << endl << " /* Create a C pointer to a copy of the output matrix residual. */" << endl << " residual = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);" << endl << " }" << endl << endl << " g1 = NULL;" << endl << " if (nlhs >= 2)" << endl << " {" << endl << " /* Set the output pointer to the output matrix g1. */" << endl; if (computeJacobianExo) mDynamicModelFile << " plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << equations.size() << ", " << variable_table.get_dyn_var_nbr() << ", mxREAL);" << endl; else if (computeJacobian) mDynamicModelFile << " plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << equations.size() << ", " << variable_table.var_endo_nbr << ", mxREAL);" << endl; mDynamicModelFile << " /* Create a C pointer to a copy of the output matrix g1. */" << endl << " g1 = mxGetPr(plhs[1]);" << endl << " }" << endl << endl << " g2 = NULL;" << endl << " if (nlhs >= 3)" << endl << " {" << endl << " /* Set the output pointer to the output matrix g2. */" << endl << " plhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << equations.size() << ", " << variable_table.get_dyn_var_nbr()*variable_table.get_dyn_var_nbr() << ", mxREAL);" << endl << " /* Create a C pointer to a copy of the output matrix g1. */" << endl << " g2 = mxGetPr(plhs[2]);" << endl << " }" << endl << endl << " /* Call the C subroutines. */" << endl << " Dynamic(y, x, nb_row_x, params, it_, residual, g1, g2);" << endl << "}" << endl; mDynamicModelFile.close(); } void ModelTree::writeStaticModel(ostream &StaticOutput) const { ostringstream model_output; // Used for storing model equations ostringstream jacobian_output; // Used for storing jacobian equations ostringstream hessian_output; ostringstream lsymetric; // For symmetric elements in hessian ExprNodeOutputType output_type = (mode == eDLLMode ? oCStaticModel : oMatlabStaticModel); writeModelLocalVariables(model_output, output_type); writeTemporaryTerms(model_output, output_type); writeModelEquations(model_output, output_type); // Write Jacobian w.r. to endogenous only for(first_derivatives_type::const_iterator it = first_derivatives.begin(); it != first_derivatives.end(); it++) { int eq = it->first.first; int var = it->first.second; NodeID d1 = it->second; if (variable_table.getType(var) == eEndogenous) { ostringstream g1; g1 << " g1"; matrixHelper(g1, eq, variable_table.getSymbolID(var), output_type); jacobian_output << g1.str() << "=" << g1.str() << "+"; d1->writeOutput(jacobian_output, output_type, temporary_terms); jacobian_output << ";" << endl; } } // Write Hessian w.r. to endogenous only if (computeStaticHessian) for(second_derivatives_type::const_iterator it = second_derivatives.begin(); it != second_derivatives.end(); it++) { int eq = it->first.first; int var1 = it->first.second.first; int var2 = it->first.second.second; NodeID d2 = it->second; // Keep only derivatives w.r. to endogenous variables if (variable_table.getType(var1) == eEndogenous && variable_table.getType(var2) == eEndogenous) { int id1 = variable_table.getSymbolID(var1); int id2 = variable_table.getSymbolID(var2); int col_nb = id1*symbol_table.endo_nbr+id2; int col_nb_sym = id2*symbol_table.endo_nbr+id1; hessian_output << " g2"; matrixHelper(hessian_output, eq, col_nb, output_type); hessian_output << " = "; d2->writeOutput(hessian_output, output_type, temporary_terms); hessian_output << ";" << endl; // Treating symetric elements if (var1 != var2) { lsymetric << " g2"; matrixHelper(lsymetric, eq, col_nb_sym, output_type); lsymetric << " = " << "g2"; matrixHelper(lsymetric, eq, col_nb, output_type); lsymetric << ";" << endl; } } } // Writing ouputs if (mode != eDLLMode) { StaticOutput << "residual = zeros( " << equations.size() << ", 1);" << endl << endl << "%" << endl << "% Model equations" << endl << "%" << endl << endl << model_output.str() << "if ~isreal(residual)" << endl << " residual = real(residual)+imag(residual).^2;" << endl << "end" << endl << "if nargout >= 2," << endl << " g1 = zeros(" << equations.size() << ", " << symbol_table.endo_nbr << ");" << endl << endl << "%" << endl << "% Jacobian matrix" << endl << "%" << endl << endl << jacobian_output.str() << " if ~isreal(g1)" << endl << " g1 = real(g1)+2*imag(g1);" << endl << " end" << endl << "end" << endl; if (computeStaticHessian) { StaticOutput << "if nargout >= 3,\n"; // Writing initialization instruction for matrix g2 int ncols = symbol_table.endo_nbr * symbol_table.endo_nbr; StaticOutput << " g2 = sparse([],[],[], " << equations.size() << ", " << ncols << ", " << 5*ncols << ");" << endl << endl << "%" << endl << "% Hessian matrix" << endl << "%" << endl << endl << hessian_output.str() << lsymetric.str() << "end;" << endl; } } else { StaticOutput << "void Static(double *y, double *x, double *params, double *residual, double *g1)" << endl << "{" << endl << " double lhs, rhs;" << endl // Writing residual equations << " /* Residual equations */" << endl << " if (residual == NULL)" << endl << " return;" << endl << " else" << endl << " {" << endl << model_output.str() // Writing Jacobian << " /* Jacobian for endogenous variables without lag */" << endl << " if (g1 == NULL)" << endl << " return;" << endl << " else" << endl << " {" << endl << jacobian_output.str() << " }" << endl << " }" << endl << "}" << endl << endl; } } string ModelTree::reform(const string name1) const { string name=name1; int pos = name.find("\\", 0); while(pos >= 0) { if (name.substr(pos + 1, 1) != "\\") { name = name.insert(pos, "\\"); pos++; } pos++; pos = name.find("\\", pos); } return (name); } void ModelTree::writeSparseDLLDynamicHFile(const string &dynamic_basename) const { string filename; ofstream mDynamicModelFile; string tmp_s; int i, j; if (compiler == LCC_COMPILE) filename = dynamic_basename + ".h"; else filename = dynamic_basename + ".hh"; mDynamicModelFile.open(filename.c_str(), ios::out | ios::binary); if (!mDynamicModelFile.is_open()) { cout << "ModelTree::Open : Error : Can't open file " << filename << ".h for writing\n"; exit(-1); } filename.erase(filename.end() - 2, filename.end()); tmp_s = filename; j = tmp_s.size(); for(i = 0;i < j;i++) if ((tmp_s[i] == '\\') || (tmp_s[i] == '.') || (tmp_s[i] == ':')) tmp_s[i] = '_'; mDynamicModelFile << "#ifndef " << tmp_s << "\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "#define " << tmp_s << "\n"; if (compiler==LCC_COMPILE) { mDynamicModelFile << "typedef struct IM_compact\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "{\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " int size, u_init, u_finish, nb_endo;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " int *u, *Var, *Equ, *Var_Index, *Equ_Index, *Var_dyn_Index;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "} IM_compact;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "typedef struct Variable_l\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "{\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " int* Index;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "} Variable_l;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "typedef struct tBlock\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "{\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " int Size, Sized, Type, Max_Lead, Max_Lag, Simulation_Type, /*icc1_size,*/ Nb_Lead_Lag_Endo;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " int *Variable, *dVariable, *Equation/*, *icc1, *ics*/;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " int *variable_dyn_index, *variable_dyn_leadlag;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " IM_compact *IM_lead_lag;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "} tBlock;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "typedef struct tModel_Block\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "{\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " int Size;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " tBlock * List;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "} tModel_Block;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "double *u, slowc, max_res, res2, res1;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "double *params;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "int it_,Per_u_;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "bool cvg;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "int nb_row_x;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "int y_kmin, y_kmax,periods, x_size, y_size, u_size, maxit_;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "double *y=NULL, *x=NULL, *r=NULL, *g1=NULL, *g2=NULL, solve_tolf, dynaretol;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "pctimer_t t0, t1;\n"; } else { mDynamicModelFile << "typedef struct IM_compact\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "{\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " int size, u_init, u_finish, nb_endo;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " int *u, *Var, *Equ, *Var_Index, *Equ_Index, *Var_dyn_Index;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "};\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "typedef struct Variable_l\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "{\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " int* Index;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "};\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "typedef struct tBlock\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "{\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " int Size, Sized, Type, Max_Lead, Max_Lag, Simulation_Type, /*icc1_size,*/ Nb_Lead_Lag_Endo;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " int *Variable, *dVariable, *Equation/*, *icc1, *ics*/;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " int *variable_dyn_index, *variable_dyn_leadlag;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " IM_compact *IM_lead_lag;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "};\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "typedef struct tModel_Block\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "{\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " int Size;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " tBlock * List;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "};\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "\n"; } mDynamicModelFile << "#endif\n"; mDynamicModelFile.close(); } void ModelTree::Write_Inf_To_Bin_File(const string &dynamic_basename, const string &bin_basename, const int &num, int &u_count_int, bool &file_open) const { int j; std::ofstream SaveCode; if (file_open) SaveCode.open((bin_basename + ".bin").c_str(), ios::out | ios::in | ios::binary | ios ::ate ); else SaveCode.open((bin_basename + ".bin").c_str(), ios::out | ios::binary); if (!SaveCode.is_open()) { cout << "Error : Can't open file \"" << bin_basename << ".bin\" for writing\n"; exit( -1); } u_count_int=0; for(int m=0;m<=block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[num].Max_Lead+block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[num].Max_Lag;m++) { int k1=m-block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[num].Max_Lag; for(j=0;jBlock_List[num].IM_lead_lag[m].size;j++) { int varr=block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[num].IM_lead_lag[m].Var[j]+k1*block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[num].Size; int u=block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[num].IM_lead_lag[m].u[j]; int eqr1=block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[num].IM_lead_lag[m].Equ[j]; /*cout << " ! IM_i[std::make_pair(std::make_pair(" << eqr1 << ", " << varr+k1*block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[num].Size << "), " << k1 << ")] = " << u << ";\n"; cout << " ? IM_i[std::make_pair(std::make_pair(" << eqr1 << ", " << varr << "), " << k1 << ")] = " << u << ";\n";*/ SaveCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&eqr1), sizeof(eqr1)); SaveCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&varr), sizeof(varr)); SaveCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&k1), sizeof(k1)); SaveCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&u), sizeof(u)); cout << "eqr1=" << eqr1 << " varr=" << varr << " k1=" << k1 << " u=" << u << "\n"; u_count_int++; } } for(j=0;jBlock_List[num].Size;j++) { int eqr1=j; int varr=block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[num].Size*(block_triangular.periods +block_triangular.Model_Max_Lead); int k1=0; SaveCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&eqr1), sizeof(eqr1)); SaveCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&varr), sizeof(varr)); SaveCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&k1), sizeof(k1)); SaveCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&eqr1), sizeof(eqr1)); cout << "eqr1=" << eqr1 << " varr=" << varr << " k1=" << k1 << " eqr1=" << eqr1 << "\n"; u_count_int++; } for(j=0;jBlock_List[num].Size;j++) { int varr=block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[num].Variable[j]; SaveCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&varr), sizeof(varr)); } for(j=0;jBlock_List[num].Size;j++) { int eqr1=block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[num].Equation[j]; SaveCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&eqr1), sizeof(eqr1)); } SaveCode.close(); } void ModelTree::writeSparseStaticMFile(const string &static_basename, const string &bin_basename, const int mode) const { string filename; ofstream mStaticModelFile; int i, k, prev_Simulation_Type; bool /*printed = false,*/ skip_head, open_par=false; filename = static_basename + ".m"; mStaticModelFile.open(filename.c_str(), ios::out | ios::binary); if (!mStaticModelFile.is_open()) { cerr << "Error: Can't open file " << filename << " for writing" << endl; exit(-1); } mStaticModelFile << "%\n"; mStaticModelFile << "% " << filename << " : Computes static model for Dynare\n"; mStaticModelFile << "%\n"; mStaticModelFile << "% Warning : this file is generated automatically by Dynare\n"; mStaticModelFile << "% from model file (.mod)\n\n"; mStaticModelFile << "%/\n"; mStaticModelFile << "function [varargout] = " << static_basename << "(varargin)\n"; mStaticModelFile << " global oo_ options_ M_ ys0_ ;\n"; mStaticModelFile << " y_kmin=M_.maximum_lag;\n"; mStaticModelFile << " y_kmax=M_.maximum_lead;\n"; mStaticModelFile << " y_size=M_.endo_nbr;\n"; mStaticModelFile << " if(length(varargin)>0)\n"; mStaticModelFile << " %it is a simple evaluation of the dynamic model for time _it\n"; mStaticModelFile << " global it_;\n"; mStaticModelFile << " y=varargin{1}(y_kmin,:);\n"; mStaticModelFile << " ys=y;\n"; mStaticModelFile << " x=varargin{2}(y_kmin,:);\n"; mStaticModelFile << " residual=zeros(1, " << symbol_table.endo_nbr << ");\n"; prev_Simulation_Type=-1; for(i=0;iSize;i++) { mStaticModelFile << " y_index=["; for(int ik=0;ikBlock_List[i].Size;ik++) { mStaticModelFile << " " << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Variable[ik]+1; } mStaticModelFile << " ];\n"; k=block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Simulation_Type; if (prev_Simulation_Type==k && (k==EVALUATE_FOREWARD || k==EVALUATE_BACKWARD || k==EVALUATE_FOREWARD_R || k==EVALUATE_BACKWARD_R)) skip_head=true; else skip_head=false; switch(k) { case EVALUATE_FOREWARD: case EVALUATE_BACKWARD: case EVALUATE_FOREWARD_R: case EVALUATE_BACKWARD_R: if(!skip_head) mStaticModelFile << " " << static_basename << "_" << i + 1 << "(y, x);\n"; mStaticModelFile << " residual(y_index)=ys(y_index)-y(y_index);\n"; break; case SOLVE_FOREWARD_COMPLETE: case SOLVE_BACKWARD_COMPLETE: case SOLVE_FOREWARD_SIMPLE: case SOLVE_BACKWARD_SIMPLE: case SOLVE_TWO_BOUNDARIES_COMPLETE: mStaticModelFile << " [r, g1]=" << static_basename << "_" << i + 1 << "(y, x);\n"; mStaticModelFile << " residual(y_index)=r;\n"; break; } prev_Simulation_Type=k; } mStaticModelFile << " varargout{1}=residual;\n"; mStaticModelFile << " varargout{2}=g1;\n"; mStaticModelFile << " return;\n"; mStaticModelFile << " end;\n"; mStaticModelFile << " %it is the deterministic simulation of the block decomposed static model\n"; mStaticModelFile << " periods=options_.periods;\n"; mStaticModelFile << " maxit_=options_.maxit_;\n"; mStaticModelFile << " solve_tolf=options_.solve_tolf;\n"; mStaticModelFile << " y=oo_.steady_state;\n"; mStaticModelFile << " x=oo_.exo_steady_state;\n"; prev_Simulation_Type=-1; for(i = 0;i < block_triangular.ModelBlock->Size;i++) { k = block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Simulation_Type; if (prev_Simulation_Type==k && (k==EVALUATE_FOREWARD || k==EVALUATE_BACKWARD || k==EVALUATE_FOREWARD_R || k==EVALUATE_BACKWARD_R)) skip_head=true; else skip_head=false; if ((k == EVALUATE_FOREWARD || k == EVALUATE_FOREWARD_R || k == EVALUATE_BACKWARD || k == EVALUATE_BACKWARD_R) && (block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size)) { if (!skip_head) { if (open_par) { mStaticModelFile << " end\n"; } mStaticModelFile << " " << static_basename << "_" << i + 1 << "(y, x);\n"; } open_par=false; } else if ((k == SOLVE_FOREWARD_SIMPLE || k == SOLVE_BACKWARD_SIMPLE) && (block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size)) { if (open_par) { mStaticModelFile << " end\n"; } open_par=false; mStaticModelFile << " g1=0;\n"; mStaticModelFile << " r=0;\n"; /*mStaticModelFile << " for it_=y_kmin+1:periods+y_kmin\n"; mStaticModelFile << " cvg=0;\n"; mStaticModelFile << " iter=0;\n"; mStaticModelFile << " Per_y_=it_*y_size;\n"; mStaticModelFile << " while ~(cvg==1 | iter>maxit_),\n"; mStaticModelFile << " [r, g1] = " << static_basename << "_" << i + 1 << "(y, x, it_, Per_y_, y_size);\n"; mStaticModelFile << " y[it_, " << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Variable[0] << "] = y[it_, " << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Variable[0] << "]-r/g1;\n"; mStaticModelFile << " cvg=((r[0]*r[0])maxit_),\n"; mStaticModelFile << " [r, g1] = " << static_basename << "_" << i + 1 << "(y, x);\n"; mStaticModelFile << " y(" << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Variable[0]+1 << ") = y(" << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Variable[0]+1 << ")-r/g1;\n"; mStaticModelFile << " cvg=((r*r)Block_List[i].Size)) { if (open_par) { mStaticModelFile << "end\n"; } open_par=false; mStaticModelFile << " y_index=["; for(int ik=0;ikBlock_List[i].Size;ik++) { mStaticModelFile << " " << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Variable[ik]+1; } mStaticModelFile << " ];\n"; mStaticModelFile << " g1=0;g2=0;g3=0;\n"; mStaticModelFile << " r=0;\n"; /*mStaticModelFile << " for it_=y_kmin+1:periods+y_kmin\n"; mStaticModelFile << " cvg=0;\n"; mStaticModelFile << " iter=0;\n"; mStaticModelFile << " Per_y_=it_*y_size;\n"; mStaticModelFile << " while ~(cvg==1 | iter>maxit_),\n"; mStaticModelFile << " [r, g1, g2, g3, b] = " << static_basename << "_" << i + 1 << "(y, x, it_, Per_y_, y_size);\n"; mStaticModelFile << " [L, U] = LU(g1);\n"; mStaticModelFile << " y(it_, y_index) = U\\(L\\b);\n"; mStaticModelFile << " cvg=((r'*r)maxit_),\n"; mStaticModelFile << " [r, g1, g2, g3, b] = " << static_basename << "_" << i + 1 << "(y, x);\n"; mStaticModelFile << " max_res=max(abs(r));\n"; mStaticModelFile << " if(iter>0)\n"; mStaticModelFile << " if(~isreal(max_res) | max_resa1e-6)\n"; mStaticModelFile << " lambda=lambda/2;\n"; mStaticModelFile << " y(y_index)=y_save+lambda*dx;\n"; mStaticModelFile << " continue;\n"; mStaticModelFile << " else\n"; mStaticModelFile << " disp(['No convergence after ' num2str(iter,'%d') ' iterations']);\n"; mStaticModelFile << " return;\n"; mStaticModelFile << " end;\n"; mStaticModelFile << " else\n"; mStaticModelFile << " if(lambda<1)\n"; mStaticModelFile << " lambda=max(lambda*2, 1);\n"; mStaticModelFile << " end;\n"; mStaticModelFile << " end;\n"; mStaticModelFile << " end;\n"; mStaticModelFile << " max_resa=max_res;\n"; mStaticModelFile << " cvg=(max_res\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "#include \n"; mDynamicModelFile << "#include \n"; mDynamicModelFile << "#include \"pctimer_h.h\"\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "#include \"mex.h\" /* The Last include file*/\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "#include \"" << dynamic_basename.c_str() << ".h\"\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "#include \"simulate.h\"\n"; } else { mDynamicModelFile << "#include \"" << dynamic_basename.c_str() << ".hh\"\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "#include \"simulate.cc\"\n"; } mDynamicModelFile << "//#define DEBUG\n"; } writeModelLocalVariables(mDynamicModelFile, oCDynamicModelSparseDLL); if (compiler==NO_COMPILE) writeModelEquationsCodeOrdered(dynamic_basename, block_triangular.ModelBlock, bin_basename, oCDynamicModelSparseDLL); else writeModelEquationsOrdered_C(mDynamicModelFile, block_triangular.ModelBlock); } else { filename = dynamic_basename + ".m"; mDynamicModelFile.open(filename.c_str(), ios::out | ios::binary); if (!mDynamicModelFile.is_open()) { cerr << "Error: Can't open file " << filename << " for writing" << endl; exit(-1); } mDynamicModelFile << "%\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "% " << filename << " : Computes dynamic model for Dynare\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "%\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "% Warning : this file is generated automatically by Dynare\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "% from model file (.mod)\n\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "%/\n"; } int i, j, k, Nb_SGE=0; bool printed = false, skip_head, open_par=false; if (computeJacobian || computeJacobianExo || computeHessian) { if (compiler!=NO_COMPILE || mode==eSparseMode) { //mDynamicModelFile << "void Dynamic_Init(tModel_Block *Model_Block)\n"; if(mode==eSparseDLLMode) { mDynamicModelFile << "void Dynamic_Init()\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " {\n"; } else { mDynamicModelFile << "function [varargout] = " << dynamic_basename << "(varargin)\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " global oo_ options_ M_ ;\n"; //Temporary variables declaration { OK=true; ostringstream tmp_output; for(temporary_terms_type::const_iterator it = temporary_terms.begin(); it != temporary_terms.end(); it++) { if (OK) OK=false; else tmp_output << " "; (*it)->writeOutput(tmp_output, oMatlabDynamicModel, temporary_terms); } if (tmp_output.str().length()>0) { mDynamicModelFile << " global " << tmp_output.str() << " M_ ;\n"; } } mDynamicModelFile << " T_init=zeros(1,options_.periods+M_.maximum_lag+M_.maximum_lead);\n"; { ostringstream tmp_output; OK=true; for(temporary_terms_type::const_iterator it = temporary_terms.begin(); it != temporary_terms.end(); it++) { if (OK) OK=false; else tmp_output << "=T_init;\n "; (*it)->writeOutput(tmp_output, oMatlabDynamicModel, temporary_terms); } if (tmp_output.str().length()>0) { mDynamicModelFile << tmp_output.str() << "=T_init;\n"; } } mDynamicModelFile << " y_kmin=M_.maximum_lag;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " y_kmax=M_.maximum_lead;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " y_size=M_.endo_nbr;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " if(length(varargin)>0)\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " %it is a simple evaluation of the dynamic model for time _it\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " global it_;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " Per_u_=0;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " Per_y_=it_*y_size;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " y1=varargin{1};\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " cnb_nz_elem=1;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " for i = -y_kmin:y_kmax\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " nz_elem=find(M_.lead_lag_incidence(:,1+i+y_kmin));\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " nb_nz_elem=length(nz_elem);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " y(it_+i, nz_elem)=y1(cnb_nz_elem:(cnb_nz_elem+nb_nz_elem));\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " if(i==0)\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " ys(nz_elem)=y(it_, nz_elem);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " nz_elem_s=nz_elem;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " end;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " cnb_nz_elem=cnb_nz_elem+nb_nz_elem;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " end;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " x=varargin{2};\n"; prev_Simulation_Type=-1; for(i = 0;i < block_triangular.ModelBlock->Size;i++) { mDynamicModelFile << " y_index=["; for(int ik=0;ikBlock_List[i].Size;ik++) { mDynamicModelFile << " " << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Variable[ik]+1; } mDynamicModelFile << " ];\n"; k=block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Simulation_Type; if (prev_Simulation_Type==k && (k==EVALUATE_FOREWARD || k==EVALUATE_BACKWARD || k==EVALUATE_FOREWARD_R || k==EVALUATE_BACKWARD_R)) skip_head=true; else skip_head=false; switch(k) { case EVALUATE_FOREWARD: case EVALUATE_BACKWARD: case EVALUATE_FOREWARD_R: case EVALUATE_BACKWARD_R: if(!skip_head) mDynamicModelFile << " " << dynamic_basename << "_" << i + 1 << "(y, x, it_, y_kmin, Per_u_, Per_y_, y_size);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " residual(y_index)=ys(y_index)-y(it_, y_index);\n"; break; case SOLVE_FOREWARD_COMPLETE: case SOLVE_BACKWARD_COMPLETE: case SOLVE_TWO_BOUNDARIES_COMPLETE: mDynamicModelFile << " [r, g1, g2, g3, b]=" << dynamic_basename << "_" << i + 1 << "(y, x, it_, y_size, it_);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " residual(y_index)=r;\n"; break; } prev_Simulation_Type=k; } mDynamicModelFile << " varagout{1}=residual;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " return;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " end;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " %it is the deterministic simulation of the block decomposed dynamic model\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " if(options_.simulation_method==0)\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " mthd='Sparse LU';\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " elseif(options_.simulation_method==2)\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " mthd='GMRES';\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " elseif(options_.simulation_method==3)\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " mthd='BICGSTAB';\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " else\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " mthd='UNKNOWN';\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " end;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " disp (['-----------------------------------------------------']) ;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " disp (['MODEL SIMULATION: (method=' mthd ')']) ;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " fprintf('\\n') ;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " periods=options_.periods;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " maxit_=options_.maxit_;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " solve_tolf=options_.solve_tolf;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " y=oo_.endo_simul';\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " x=oo_.exo_simul;\n"; } prev_Simulation_Type=-1; for(i = 0;i < block_triangular.ModelBlock->Size;i++) { k = block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Simulation_Type; if (prev_Simulation_Type==k && (k==EVALUATE_FOREWARD || k==EVALUATE_BACKWARD || k==EVALUATE_FOREWARD_R || k==EVALUATE_BACKWARD_R)) skip_head=true; else skip_head=false; if ((k == EVALUATE_FOREWARD || k == EVALUATE_FOREWARD_R) && (block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size)) { if (!skip_head) { if(mode==eSparseDLLMode) { if (open_par) { mDynamicModelFile << "#endif\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " }\n"; } mDynamicModelFile << " for(it_=y_kmin;it_Block_List[i].Size;j++) mDynamicModelFile << " mexPrintf(\"y[%d, %d]=%f \\n\",it_," << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Variable[j] << ",double(y[it_," << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Variable[j] << "]));\n"; open_par=true; } else if ((k == EVALUATE_BACKWARD || k == EVALUATE_BACKWARD_R) && (block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size)) { if (!skip_head) { if(mode==eSparseDLLMode) { if (open_par) { mDynamicModelFile << "#endif\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " }\n"; } mDynamicModelFile << " for(it_=periods+y_kmin;it_>y_kmin;it_--)\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " {\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " Per_y_=it_*y_size;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " y=" << dynamic_basename << "_" << i + 1 << "(y, x, r, g1, g2);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "#ifdef DEBUG\n"; } else { if (open_par) { mDynamicModelFile << " end\n"; } mDynamicModelFile << " Per_u_=0;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " for it_ = y_kmin+1:(periods+y_kmin)\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " Per_y_=it_*y_size;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " " << dynamic_basename << "_" << i + 1 << "(y, x, it_);\n"; } } if(mode==eSparseDLLMode) for(j = 0;j < block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size;j++) mDynamicModelFile << " mexPrintf(\"y[%d, %d]=%f \\n\",it_," << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Variable[j] << ",double(y[it_," << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Variable[j] << "]));\n"; open_par=true; } else if ((k == SOLVE_FOREWARD_SIMPLE) && (block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size)) { if (open_par) { if(mode==eSparseDLLMode) { mDynamicModelFile << "#endif\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " }\n"; } else { //if (!skip_head) mDynamicModelFile << " end\n"; } } open_par=false; if(mode==eSparseDLLMode) { mDynamicModelFile << " g1=(double*)mxMalloc(" << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size*block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size << "*sizeof(double));\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " r=(double*)mxMalloc(" << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size << "*sizeof(double));\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " for(it_=y_kmin;it_maxit_)))\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " {\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " Dynamic" << i + 1 << "(y, x, r, g1, g2);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " y[Per_y_+" << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Variable[0] << "] += -r[0]/g1[0];\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " cvg=((r[0]*r[0])Block_List[i].Variable[0] << ",y[it_," << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Variable[0] << "]);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "#endif\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " }\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " mxFree(g1);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " mxFree(r);\n"; } else { mDynamicModelFile << " g1=0;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " r=0;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " for it_=y_kmin+1:periods+y_kmin\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " cvg=0;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " iter=0;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " Per_y_=it_*y_size;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " while ~(cvg==1 | iter>maxit_),\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " [r, g1] = " << dynamic_basename << "_" << i + 1 << "(y, x, it_);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " y(it_, " << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Variable[0]+1 << ") = y(it_, " << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Variable[0]+1 << ")-r/g1;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " cvg=((r*r)Block_List[i].Size)) { if (open_par) { if(mode==eSparseDLLMode) { mDynamicModelFile << "#endif\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " }\n"; } else { mDynamicModelFile << " end\n"; } } open_par=false; if(mode==eSparseDLLMode) { mDynamicModelFile << " g1=(double*)mxMalloc(" << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size*block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size << "*sizeof(double));\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " r=(double*)mxMalloc(" << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size << "*sizeof(double));\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " for(it_=periods+y_kmin;it_>y_kmin;it_--)\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " {\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " cvg=false;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " iter=0;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " Per_y_=it_*y_size;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " while(!((cvg)||(iter>maxit_)))\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " {\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " Dynamic" << i + 1 << "(y, x, r, g1, g2);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " y[Per_y_+" << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Variable[0] << "] += -r[0]/g1[0];\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " cvg=((r[0]*r[0])Block_List[i].Variable[0] << ",y[it_," << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Variable[0] << "]);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "#endif\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " }\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " mxFree(g1);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " mxFree(r);\n"; } else { mDynamicModelFile << " g1=0;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " r=0;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " for it_=periods+y_kmin:-1:y_kmin+1\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " cvg=0;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " iter=0;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " Per_y_=it_*y_size;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " while ~(cvg==1 | iter>maxit_),\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " [r, g1] = " << dynamic_basename << "_" << i + 1 << "(y, x, it_);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " y[it_, " << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Variable[0] << "] = y[it_, " << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Variable[0] << "]-r[it_]/g1;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " cvg=((r[it_]*r[it_])Block_List[i].Size)) { if (open_par) { if(mode==eSparseDLLMode) { mDynamicModelFile << "#endif\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " }\n"; } else { mDynamicModelFile << " end\n"; } } open_par=false; if (!printed) { printed = true; } SGE.SGE_compute(block_triangular.ModelBlock, i, true, bin_basename, symbol_table.endo_nbr); Nb_SGE++; #ifdef PRINT_OUT cout << "end of Gaussian elimination\n"; #endif mDynamicModelFile << " Read_file(\"" << reform(bin_basename) << "\",periods," << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].IM_lead_lag[block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Max_Lag + block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Max_Lead].u_finish + 1 << ", " << /*mod_param.endo_nbr*/symbol_table.endo_nbr << ", " << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Max_Lag << ", " << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Max_Lead << ");\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " g1=(double*)mxMalloc(" << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size*block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size << "*sizeof(double));\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " r=(double*)mxMalloc(" << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size << "*sizeof(double));\n"; if (!block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].is_linear) { mDynamicModelFile << " cvg=false;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " iter=0;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " while(!((cvg)||(iter>maxit_)))\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " {\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " res2=0;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " res1=0;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " max_res=0;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " for(it_=y_kmin;it_Block_List[i].IM_lead_lag[block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Max_Lag + block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Max_Lead].u_finish + 1 << ";\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " Per_y_=it_*y_size;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " Dynamic" << i + 1 << "(y, x, r, g1, g2);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " for(i=0;i<" << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size << ";i++)\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " {\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " if (max_resBlock_List[i].Size << ", periods, true);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " }\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " if (!cvg)\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " {\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " mexPrintf(\"Convergence not achieved in block " << i << ", after %d iterations\\n\",iter);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " mexErrMsgTxt(\"End of simulate\");\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " }\n"; } else { mDynamicModelFile << " for(it_=y_kmin;it_Block_List[i].IM_lead_lag[block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Max_Lag + block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Max_Lead].u_finish + 1 << ";\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " Per_y_=it_*y_size;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " " << dynamic_basename << "_" << i + 1 << "(y, x, r, g1, g2);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "#ifdef PRINT_OUT\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " for(j=0;j<" << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].IM_lead_lag[block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Max_Lag + block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Max_Lead].u_finish + 1 << ";j++)\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " {\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " mexPrintf(\" %f\",u[Per_u_+j]);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " }\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " mexPrintf(\"\\n\");\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "#endif\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " }\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " simulate(" << i << ", " << /*mod_param.endo_nbr*/symbol_table.endo_nbr << ", it_, y_kmin, y_kmax," << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size << ", periods, true);\n"; } mDynamicModelFile << " mxFree(g1);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " mxFree(r);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " mxFree(u);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " //mexErrMsgTxt(\"Exit from Dynare\");\n"; } else if ((k == SOLVE_FOREWARD_COMPLETE) && (block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size)) { if (open_par) { if(mode==eSparseDLLMode) { mDynamicModelFile << "#endif\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " }\n"; } else { mDynamicModelFile << " end\n"; } } open_par=false; if (!printed) { printed = true; } SGE.SGE_compute(block_triangular.ModelBlock, i, false, bin_basename, /*mod_param.endo_nbr*/symbol_table.endo_nbr); Nb_SGE++; mDynamicModelFile << " Read_file(\"" << reform(bin_basename) << "\", periods, 0, " << symbol_table.endo_nbr << ", " << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Max_Lag << ", " << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Max_Lead << " );\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " g1=(double*)mxMalloc(" << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size*block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size << "*sizeof(double));\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " r=(double*)mxMalloc(" << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size << "*sizeof(double));\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " for(it_=y_kmin;it_Block_List[i].is_linear) { mDynamicModelFile << " cvg=false;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " iter=0;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " Per_y_=it_*y_size;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " while(!((cvg)||(iter>maxit_)))\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " {\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " Dynamic" << i + 1 << "(y, x, r, g1, g2);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " simulate(" << i << ", " << /*mod_param.endo_nbr*/symbol_table.endo_nbr << ", it_, y_kmin, y_kmax," << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size << ", 0, false);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " res2=0;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " res1=0;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " max_res=0;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " for(i=0;i<" << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size << ";i++)\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " {\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " if (max_resBlock_List[i].Size << ", 0, false);\n"; } mDynamicModelFile << " }\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " mxFree(g1);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " mxFree(r);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " mxFree(u);\n"; } else if ((k == SOLVE_BACKWARD_COMPLETE) && (block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size)) { if (open_par) { if(mode==eSparseDLLMode) { mDynamicModelFile << "#endif\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " }\n"; } else { mDynamicModelFile << " end\n"; } } open_par=false; SGE.SGE_compute(block_triangular.ModelBlock, i, false, bin_basename, /*mod_param.endo_nbr*/symbol_table.endo_nbr); Nb_SGE++; mDynamicModelFile << " Read_file(\"" << reform(bin_basename) << "\", periods, 0, " << symbol_table.endo_nbr << ", " << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Max_Lag << ", " << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Max_Lead << " );\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " g1=(double*)mxMalloc(" << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size*block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size << "*sizeof(double));\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " r=(double*)mxMalloc(" << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size << "*sizeof(double));\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " for(it_=periods+y_kmin;it_>y_kmin;it_--)\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " {\n"; if (!block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].is_linear) { mDynamicModelFile << " cvg=false;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " iter=0;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " Per_y_=it_*y_size;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " while(!((cvg)||(iter>maxit_)))\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " {\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " Dynamic" << i + 1 << "(y, x, r, g1, g2);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " simulate(" << i << ", " << /*mod_param.endo_nbr*/symbol_table.endo_nbr << ", it_, y_kmin, y_kmax," << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size << ", 0, false);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " res2=0;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " for(i=0;i<" << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size << ";i++)\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " res2+=r[i]*r[i];\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " cvg=(res2Block_List[i].Size << ", 0, false);\n"; } mDynamicModelFile << " }\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " mxFree(g1);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " mxFree(r);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " mxFree(u);\n"; } else if ((k == SOLVE_TWO_BOUNDARIES_COMPLETE) && (block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size)) { if (open_par) { if(mode==eSparseDLLMode) { mDynamicModelFile << "#endif\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " }\n"; } else { mDynamicModelFile << " end\n"; } } open_par=false; if (!printed) { printed = true; } Nb_SGE++; //cout << "new_SGE=" << new_SGE << "\n"; if(mode==eSparseDLLMode) { if (new_SGE) { int u_count_int=0; Write_Inf_To_Bin_File(dynamic_basename, bin_basename, i, u_count_int,SGE.file_open); SGE.file_is_open(); mDynamicModelFile << " u_count=" << u_count_int << "*periods;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " u_count_alloc = 2*u_count;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " u=(longd*)mxMalloc(u_count_alloc*sizeof(longd));\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " memset(u, 0, u_count_alloc*sizeof(longd));\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " u_count_init=" << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].IM_lead_lag[block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Max_Lag + block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Max_Lead].u_finish + 1 << ";\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " Read_SparseMatrix(\"" << reform(bin_basename) << "\"," << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size << ", periods, y_kmin, y_kmax" << ");\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " u_count=" << u_count_int << "*(periods+y_kmax+y_kmin);\n"; } else { SGE.SGE_compute(block_triangular.ModelBlock, i, true, bin_basename, /*mod_param.endo_nbr*/symbol_table.endo_nbr); mDynamicModelFile << " Read_file(\"" << reform(bin_basename) << "\",periods," << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].IM_lead_lag[block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Max_Lag + block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Max_Lead].u_finish + 1 << ", " << /*mod_param.endo_nbr*/symbol_table.endo_nbr << ", " << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Max_Lag << ", " << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Max_Lead << ");\n"; } mDynamicModelFile << " g1=(double*)mxMalloc(" << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size*block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size << "*sizeof(double));\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " r=(double*)mxMalloc(" << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size << "*sizeof(double));\n"; if (!block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].is_linear) { mDynamicModelFile << " cvg=false;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " iter=0;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " while(!((cvg)||(iter>maxit_)))\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " {\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " res2=0;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " res1=0;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " max_res=0;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " for(it_=y_kmin;it_Block_List[i].IM_lead_lag[block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Max_Lag + block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Max_Lead].u_finish + 1 << ";\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " Per_y_=it_*y_size;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " Dynamic" << i + 1 << "(y, x, r, g1, g2);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " if (isnan(res1)||isinf(res1))\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " break;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " for(i=0;i<" << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size << ";i++)\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " {\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " if (max_resBlock_List[i].Size << ", periods, true, cvg);\n"; else mDynamicModelFile << " simulate(" << i << ", " << /*mod_param.endo_nbr*/symbol_table.endo_nbr << ", it_, y_kmin, y_kmax," << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size << ", periods, true);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " iter++;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " }\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " if (!cvg)\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " {\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " mexPrintf(\"Convergence not achieved in block " << i << ", after %d iterations\\n\",iter);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " mexErrMsgTxt(\"End of simulate\");\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " }\n"; } else { mDynamicModelFile << " for(it_=y_kmin;it_Block_List[i].IM_lead_lag[block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Max_Lag + block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Max_Lead].u_finish + 1 << ";\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " Per_y_=it_*y_size;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " Dynamic" << i + 1 << "(y, x, r, g1, g2);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "#ifdef PRINT_OUT\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " for(j=0;j<" << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].IM_lead_lag[block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Max_Lag + block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Max_Lead].u_finish + 1 << ";j++)\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " {\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " mexPrintf(\" %f\",u[Per_u_+j]);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " }\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " mexPrintf(\"\\n\");\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "#endif\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " }\n"; if (new_SGE) mDynamicModelFile << " simulate_NG1(" << i << ", " << /*mod_param.endo_nbr*/symbol_table.endo_nbr << ", it_, y_kmin, y_kmax," << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size << ", periods, true, cvg);\n"; else mDynamicModelFile << " simulate(" << i << ", " << /*mod_param.endo_nbr*/symbol_table.endo_nbr << ", it_, y_kmin, y_kmax," << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size << ", periods, true);\n"; } mDynamicModelFile << " mxFree(g1);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " mxFree(r);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " mxFree(u);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " mxFree(index_vara);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " memset(direction,0,size_of_direction);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " //mexErrMsgTxt(\"Exit from Dynare\");\n"; } else { mDynamicModelFile << " cvg=0;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " iter=0;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " Per_u_=0;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " y_index=["; for(int ik=0;ikBlock_List[i].Size;ik++) { mDynamicModelFile << " " << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Variable[ik]+1; } mDynamicModelFile << " ];\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " Blck_size=" << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size << ";\n"; /*mDynamicModelFile << " if(options_.simulation_method==2 | options_.simulation_method==3),\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " [r, g1]= " << bin_basename << "_static(y, x);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " [L1,U1] = lu(g1,1e-5);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " I = speye(periods);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " L1=kron(I,L1);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " U1=kron(I,U1);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " end;\n";*/ mDynamicModelFile << " y_kmin_l=" << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Max_Lag << ";\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " y_kmax_l=" << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Max_Lead << ";\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " lambda=options_.slowc;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " correcting_factor=0.01;\n"; if (!block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].is_linear) { sp=" "; mDynamicModelFile << " while ~(cvg==1 | iter>maxit_),\n"; } else { sp=""; } mDynamicModelFile << sp << " [r, g1, g2, g3, b]=" << dynamic_basename << "_" << i + 1 << "(y, x, y_kmin, Blck_size, periods);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " g1a=g1(:, y_kmin*Blck_size+1:(periods+y_kmin)*Blck_size);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " b = b' -g1(:, 1+(y_kmin-y_kmin_l)*Blck_size:y_kmin*Blck_size)*reshape(y(1+y_kmin-y_kmin_l:y_kmin,y_index)',1,y_kmin_l*Blck_size)'-g1(:, (periods+y_kmin)*Blck_size+1:(periods+y_kmin+y_kmax_l)*Blck_size)*reshape(y(periods+y_kmin+1:periods+y_kmin+y_kmax_l,y_index)',1,y_kmax_l*Blck_size)';\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " if(~isreal(r))\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " max_res=(-(max(max(abs(r))))^2)^0.5;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " else\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " max_res=max(max(abs(r)));\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " end;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " if(iter>0)\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " if(~isreal(max_res) | isnan(max_res) | max_resaBlock_List[i].is_linear) mDynamicModelFile << sp << " continue;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " else\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " disp('The singularity of the jacobian matrix could not be corrected');\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " return;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " end;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " end;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " elseif(lambda>1e-6)\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " lambda=lambda/2;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " disp(['reducing the path length: lambda=' num2str(lambda,'%f')]);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " y(1+y_kmin:periods+y_kmin,y_index)=reshape((ya_save+lambda*dx)',length(y_index),periods)';\n"; if (!block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].is_linear) mDynamicModelFile << sp << " continue;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " else\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " disp(['No convergence after ' num2str(iter,'%d') ' iterations']);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " return;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " end;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " else\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " if(lambda<1)\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " lambda=max(lambda*2, 1);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " end;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " end;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " end;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " ya = reshape(y(y_kmin+1:y_kmin+periods,y_index)',1,periods*Blck_size)';\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " ya_save=ya;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " g1aa=g1a;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " ba=b;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " max_resa=max_res;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " if(options_.simulation_method==0),\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " dx = g1a\\b- ya;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " ya = ya + lambda*dx;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " y(1+y_kmin:periods+y_kmin,y_index)=reshape(ya',length(y_index),periods)';\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " elseif(options_.simulation_method==2),\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " [L1, U1]=luinc(g1a,1e-6);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " [za,flag1] = gmres(g1a,b," << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size << ",1e-6," << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size << "*periods,L1,U1);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " dx = za - ya;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " ya = ya + lambda*dx;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " y(1+y_kmin:periods+y_kmin,y_index)=reshape(ya',length(y_index),periods)';\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " if (flag1>0)\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " if(flag1==1)\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " disp(['No convergence inside GMRES after ' num2str(periods*" << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size << ",'%6d') ' iterations']);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " elseif(flag1==2)\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " disp(['Preconditioner is ill-conditioned ']);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " elseif(flag1==3)\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " disp(['GMRES stagnated. (Two consecutive iterates were the same.)']);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " end;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " end;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " elseif(options_.simulation_method==3),\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " [L1, U1]=luinc(g1a,1e-7);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " [za,flag1] = bicgstab(g1a,b,1e-7," << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size << "*periods,L1,U1);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " dx = za - ya;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " ya = ya + lambda*dx;\n"; //mDynamicModelFile << sp << " [ya,flag1] = eval(strcat(fullfile(matlabroot,'toolbox','matlab','sparfun','bicgstab'),'(g1a,b,1e-6," << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size << "*periods,L1,U1)'));\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " y(1+y_kmin:periods+y_kmin,y_index)=reshape(ya',length(y_index),periods)';\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " if (flag1>0)\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " if(flag1==1)\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " disp(['No convergence inside BICGSTAB after ' num2str(periods*" << block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].Size << ",'%6d') ' iterations']);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " elseif(flag1==2)\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " disp(['Preconditioner is ill-conditioned ']);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " elseif(flag1==3)\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " disp(['BICGSTAB stagnated. (Two consecutive iterates were the same.)']);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " end;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " end;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << sp << " end;\n"; if(!block_triangular.ModelBlock->Block_List[i].is_linear) { mDynamicModelFile << " cvg=(max_resBlock_List[i].is_linear) { mDynamicModelFile << " end\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " if (iter>maxit_)\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " disp(['No convergence after ' num2str(iter,'%4d') ' iterations']);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " return;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " end;\n"; } } } prev_Simulation_Type=k; } // Writing the gateway routine if(mode==eSparseDLLMode) { mDynamicModelFile << "#endif\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " }\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " }\n"; } if(mode==eSparseMode) { if(open_par) mDynamicModelFile << " end;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " oo_.endo_simul = y';\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "return;\n"; } if(mode==eSparseDLLMode) { mDynamicModelFile << "/* The gateway routine */\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "{\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " mxArray *M_, *oo_, *options_;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " int i, row_y, col_y, row_x, col_x, nb_row_xd;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " double * pind ;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << "\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " /* Gets model parameters from global workspace of Matlab */\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " M_ = mexGetVariable(\"global\",\"M_\");\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " if (M_ == NULL )\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " {\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " mexPrintf(\"Global variable not found : \");\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " mexErrMsgTxt(\"M_ \\n\");\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " }\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " /* Gets variables and parameters from global workspace of Matlab */\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " oo_ = mexGetVariable(\"global\",\"oo_\");\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " if (oo_ == NULL )\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " {\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " mexPrintf(\"Global variable not found : \");\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " mexErrMsgTxt(\"oo_ \\n\");\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " }\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " options_ = mexGetVariable(\"global\",\"options_\");\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " if (options_ == NULL )\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " {\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " mexPrintf(\"Global variable not found : \");\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " mexErrMsgTxt(\"options_ \\n\");\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " }\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " params = mxGetPr(mxGetFieldByNumber(M_, 0, mxGetFieldNumber(M_,\"params\")));\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " double *yd, *xd;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " yd= mxGetPr(mxGetFieldByNumber(oo_, 0, mxGetFieldNumber(oo_,\"endo_simul\")));\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " row_y=mxGetM(mxGetFieldByNumber(oo_, 0, mxGetFieldNumber(oo_,\"endo_simul\")));\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " xd= mxGetPr(mxGetFieldByNumber(oo_, 0, mxGetFieldNumber(oo_,\"exo_simul\")));\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " row_x=mxGetM(mxGetFieldByNumber(oo_, 0, mxGetFieldNumber(oo_,\"exo_simul\")));\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " col_x=mxGetN(mxGetFieldByNumber(oo_, 0, mxGetFieldNumber(oo_,\"exo_simul\")));\n"; if (compiler==GCC_COMPILE) { mDynamicModelFile << " y_kmin=int(floor(*(mxGetPr(mxGetFieldByNumber(M_, 0, mxGetFieldNumber(M_,\"maximum_lag\"))))));\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " y_kmax=int(floor(*(mxGetPr(mxGetFieldByNumber(M_, 0, mxGetFieldNumber(M_,\"maximum_lead\"))))));\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " y_decal=max(0,y_kmin-int(floor(*(mxGetPr(mxGetFieldByNumber(M_, 0, mxGetFieldNumber(M_,\"maximum_endo_lag\")))))));\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " periods=int(floor(*(mxGetPr(mxGetFieldByNumber(options_, 0, mxGetFieldNumber(options_,\"periods\"))))));\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " maxit_=int(floor(*(mxGetPr(mxGetFieldByNumber(options_, 0, mxGetFieldNumber(options_,\"maxit_\"))))));\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " slowc=double(*(mxGetPr(mxGetFieldByNumber(options_, 0, mxGetFieldNumber(options_,\"slowc\")))));\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " markowitz_c=double(*(mxGetPr(mxGetFieldByNumber(options_, 0, mxGetFieldNumber(options_,\"markowitz\")))));\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " nb_row_xd=int(floor(*(mxGetPr(mxGetFieldByNumber(M_, 0, mxGetFieldNumber(M_,\"exo_det_nbr\"))))));\n"; } else { mDynamicModelFile << " y_kmin=(int)floor(*(mxGetPr(mxGetFieldByNumber(M_, 0, mxGetFieldNumber(M_,\"maximum_lag\")))));\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " y_kmax=(int)floor(*(mxGetPr(mxGetFieldByNumber(M_, 0, mxGetFieldNumber(M_,\"maximum_lead\")))));\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " y_decal=max(0,y_kmin-int(floor(*(mxGetPr(mxGetFieldByNumber(M_, 0, mxGetFieldNumber(M_,\"maximum_endo_lag\")))))));\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " periods=(int)floor(*(mxGetPr(mxGetFieldByNumber(options_, 0, mxGetFieldNumber(options_,\"periods\")))));\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " maxit_=(int)floor(*(mxGetPr(mxGetFieldByNumber(options_, 0, mxGetFieldNumber(options_,\"maxit_\")))));\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " slowc=double(*(mxGetPr(mxGetFieldByNumber(options_, 0, mxGetFieldNumber(options_,\"slowc\")))));\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " markowitz_c=double(*(mxGetPr(mxGetFieldByNumber(options_, 0, mxGetFieldNumber(options_,\"markowitz\")))));\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " nb_row_xd=int(floor(*(mxGetPr(mxGetFieldByNumber(M_, 0, mxGetFieldNumber(M_,\"exo_det_nbr\"))))));\n"; } mDynamicModelFile << " mxArray *mxa=mxGetFieldByNumber(M_, 0, mxGetFieldNumber(M_,\"fname\"));\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " int buflen=mxGetM(mxa) * mxGetN(mxa) + 1;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " char *fname;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " fname=(char*)mxCalloc(buflen, sizeof(char));\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " int status = mxGetString(mxa, fname, buflen);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " if (status != 0)\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " mexWarnMsgTxt(\"Not enough space. Filename is truncated.\");\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " mexPrintf(\"fname=%s\\n\",fname);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " col_y=mxGetN(mxGetFieldByNumber(oo_, 0, mxGetFieldNumber(oo_,\"endo_simul\")));;\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " if (col_y0)\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " {\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(row_y, col_y, mxREAL);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " pind = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);\n"; mDynamicModelFile << " for(i=0;ifirst.first; int var = it->first.second; NodeID d1 = it->second; if (computeJacobianExo || variable_table.getType(var) == eEndogenous) { ostringstream g1; g1 << " g1"; matrixHelper(g1, eq, variable_table.getSortID(var), output_type); jacobian_output << g1.str() << "=" << g1.str() << "+"; d1->writeOutput(jacobian_output, output_type, temporary_terms); jacobian_output << ";" << endl; } } // Writing Hessian if (computeHessian) for(second_derivatives_type::const_iterator it = second_derivatives.begin(); it != second_derivatives.end(); it++) { int eq = it->first.first; int var1 = it->first.second.first; int var2 = it->first.second.second; NodeID d2 = it->second; int id1 = variable_table.getSortID(var1); int id2 = variable_table.getSortID(var2); int col_nb = id1*nvars+id2; int col_nb_sym = id2*nvars+id1; hessian_output << " g2"; matrixHelper(hessian_output, eq, col_nb, output_type); hessian_output << " = "; d2->writeOutput(hessian_output, output_type, temporary_terms); hessian_output << ";" << endl; // Treating symetric elements if (id1 != id2) { lsymetric << " g2"; matrixHelper(lsymetric, eq, col_nb_sym, output_type); lsymetric << " = " << "g2"; matrixHelper(lsymetric, eq, col_nb, output_type); lsymetric << ";" << endl; } } // Writing third derivatives if (computeThirdDerivatives) for(third_derivatives_type::const_iterator it = third_derivatives.begin(); it != third_derivatives.end(); it++) { int eq = it->first.first; int var1 = it->first.second.first; int var2 = it->first.second.second.first; int var3 = it->first.second.second.second; NodeID d3 = it->second; int id1 = variable_table.getSortID(var1); int id2 = variable_table.getSortID(var2); int id3 = variable_table.getSortID(var3); // Reference column number for the g3 matrix int ref_col = id1 * nvars_sq + id2 * nvars + id3; third_derivatives_output << " g3"; matrixHelper(third_derivatives_output, eq, ref_col, output_type); third_derivatives_output << " = "; d3->writeOutput(third_derivatives_output, output_type, temporary_terms); third_derivatives_output << ";" << endl; // Compute the column numbers for the 5 other permutations of (id1,id2,id3) and store them in a set (to avoid duplicates if two indexes are equal) set cols; cols.insert(id1 * nvars_sq + id3 * nvars + id2); cols.insert(id2 * nvars_sq + id1 * nvars + id3); cols.insert(id2 * nvars_sq + id3 * nvars + id1); cols.insert(id3 * nvars_sq + id1 * nvars + id2); cols.insert(id3 * nvars_sq + id2 * nvars + id1); for(set::iterator it2 = cols.begin(); it2 != cols.end(); it2++) if (*it2 != ref_col) { third_derivatives_output << " g3"; matrixHelper(third_derivatives_output, eq, *it2, output_type); third_derivatives_output << " = " << "g3"; matrixHelper(third_derivatives_output, eq, ref_col, output_type); third_derivatives_output << ";" << endl; } } if (mode == eStandardMode) { DynamicOutput << "%" << endl << "% Model equations" << endl << "%" << endl << endl << "residual = zeros(" << nrows << ", 1);" << endl << model_output.str(); if (computeJacobian || computeJacobianExo) { // Writing initialization instruction for matrix g1 DynamicOutput << "if nargout >= 2," << endl << " g1 = zeros(" << nrows << ", " << nvars << ");" << endl << endl << "%" << endl << "% Jacobian matrix" << endl << "%" << endl << endl << jacobian_output.str() << "end" << endl; } if (computeHessian) { // Writing initialization instruction for matrix g2 int ncols = nvars_sq; DynamicOutput << "if nargout >= 3," << endl << " g2 = sparse([],[],[], " << nrows << ", " << ncols << ", " << 5*ncols << ");" << endl << endl << "%" << endl << "% Hessian matrix" << endl << "%" << endl << endl << hessian_output.str() << lsymetric.str() << "end;" << endl; } if (computeThirdDerivatives) { int ncols = nvars_sq * nvars; DynamicOutput << "if nargout >= 4," << endl << " g3 = sparse([],[],[], " << nrows << ", " << ncols << ", " << 5*ncols << ");" << endl << endl << "%" << endl << "% Third order derivatives" << endl << "%" << endl << endl << third_derivatives_output.str() << "end;" << endl; } } else { DynamicOutput << "void Dynamic(double *y, double *x, int nb_row_x, double *params, int it_, double *residual, double *g1, double *g2)" << endl << "{" << endl << " double lhs, rhs;" << endl << endl << " /* Residual equations */" << endl << model_output.str(); if (computeJacobian || computeJacobianExo) { DynamicOutput << " /* Jacobian */" << endl << " if (g1 == NULL)" << endl << " return;" << endl << " else" << endl << " {" << endl << jacobian_output.str() << " }" << endl; } if (computeHessian) { DynamicOutput << " /* Hessian for endogenous and exogenous variables */" << endl << " if (g2 == NULL)" << endl << " return;" << endl << " else" << endl << " {" << endl << hessian_output.str() << lsymetric.str() << " }" << endl; } DynamicOutput << "}" << endl << endl; } } void ModelTree::writeOutput(ostream &output) const { /* Writing initialisation for M_.lead_lag_incidence matrix M_.lead_lag_incidence is a matrix with as many columns as there are endogenous variables and as many rows as there are periods in the models (nbr of rows = M_.max_lag+M_.max_lead+1) The matrix elements are equal to zero if a variable isn't present in the model at a given period. */ output << "M_.lead_lag_incidence = ["; // Loop on endogenous variables for(int endoID = 0; endoID < symbol_table.endo_nbr; endoID++) { output << "\n\t"; // Loop on periods for(int lag = -variable_table.max_endo_lag; lag <= variable_table.max_endo_lead; lag++) { // Print variableID if exists with current period, otherwise print 0 try { int varID = variable_table.getID(eEndogenous, endoID, lag); output << " " << variable_table.getSortID(varID) + 1; } catch(VariableTable::UnknownVariableKeyException &e) { output << " 0"; } } output << ";"; } output << "]';\n"; // Writing initialization for some other variables output << "M_.exo_names_orig_ord = [1:" << symbol_table.exo_nbr << "];\n"; output << "M_.maximum_lag = " << variable_table.max_lag << ";\n"; output << "M_.maximum_lead = " << variable_table.max_lead << ";\n"; if (symbol_table.endo_nbr) { output << "M_.maximum_endo_lag = " << variable_table.max_endo_lag << ";\n"; output << "M_.maximum_endo_lead = " << variable_table.max_endo_lead << ";\n"; output << "oo_.steady_state = zeros(" << symbol_table.endo_nbr << ", 1);\n"; } if (symbol_table.exo_nbr) { output << "M_.maximum_exo_lag = " << variable_table.max_exo_lag << ";\n"; output << "M_.maximum_exo_lead = " << variable_table.max_exo_lead << ";\n"; output << "oo_.exo_steady_state = zeros(" << symbol_table.exo_nbr << ", 1);\n"; } if (symbol_table.exo_det_nbr) { output << "M_.maximum_exo_det_lag = " << variable_table.max_exo_det_lag << ";\n"; output << "M_.maximum_exo_det_lead = " << variable_table.max_exo_det_lead << ";\n"; output << "oo_.exo_det_steady_state = zeros(" << symbol_table.exo_det_nbr << ", 1);\n"; } if (symbol_table.recur_nbr) { output << "M_.maximum_recur_lag = " << variable_table.max_recur_lag << ";\n"; output << "M_.maximum_recur_lead = " << variable_table.max_recur_lead << ";\n"; output << "oo_.recur_steady_state = zeros(" << symbol_table.recur_nbr << ", 1);\n"; } if (symbol_table.parameter_nbr) output << "M_.params = repmat(NaN," << symbol_table.parameter_nbr << ", 1);\n"; } void ModelTree::addEquation(NodeID eq) { BinaryOpNode *beq = dynamic_cast(eq); if (beq == NULL || beq->op_code != oEqual) { cerr << "ModelTree::addEquation: you didn't provide an equal node!" << endl; exit(-1); } equations.push_back(beq); } void ModelTree::evaluateJacobian(const eval_context_type &eval_context, jacob_map *j_m) { int i=0; int j=0; bool *IM=NULL; int a_variable_lag=-9999; //block_triangular.Print_IM(2); for(first_derivatives_type::iterator it = first_derivatives.begin(); it != first_derivatives.end(); it++) { if (variable_table.getType(it->first.second) == eEndogenous) { NodeID Id = it->second; double val; try { val = Id->eval(eval_context); } catch(ExprNode::EvalException &e) { cerr << "ModelTree::evaluateJacobian: evaluation of Jacobian failed!" << endl; } int eq=it->first.first; int var=variable_table.getSymbolID(it->first.second); int k1=variable_table.getLag(it->first.second); if (a_variable_lag!=k1) { IM=block_triangular.bGet_IM(k1); a_variable_lag=k1; } if (k1==0) { j++; (*j_m)[make_pair(eq,var)]=val; } if (IM[eq*symbol_table.endo_nbr+var] && (fabs(val) < cutoff)) { cout << "the coefficient related to variable " << var << " with lag " << k1 << " in equation " << eq << " is equal to " << val << " and is set to 0 in the incidence matrix (size=" << symbol_table.endo_nbr << ")\n"; block_triangular.unfill_IM(eq, var, k1); i++; } } } if (i>0) { cout << i << " elements among " << first_derivatives.size() << " in the incidence matrices are below the cutoff (" << cutoff << ") and are discarded\n"; cout << "the contemporaneous incidence matrix has " << j << " elements\n"; } } void ModelTree::BlockLinear(Model_Block *ModelBlock) { int i,j,l,m,ll; for(j = 0;j < ModelBlock->Size;j++) { if (ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==SOLVE_BACKWARD_COMPLETE || ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==SOLVE_FOREWARD_COMPLETE) { ll=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lag; for(i=0;iBlock_List[j].IM_lead_lag[ll].size;i++) { int eq=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[ll].Equ_Index[i]; int var=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[ll].Var_Index[i]; first_derivatives_type::const_iterator it=first_derivatives.find(make_pair(eq,variable_table.getID(eEndogenous,var,0))); if (it!= first_derivatives.end()) { NodeID Id = it->second; set > endogenous; Id->collectEndogenous(endogenous); if (endogenous.size() > 0) { for(l=0;lBlock_List[j].Size;l++) { if (endogenous.find(make_pair(ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Variable[l], 0)) != endogenous.end()) { ModelBlock->Block_List[j].is_linear=false; goto follow; } } } } } } else if (ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Simulation_Type==SOLVE_TWO_BOUNDARIES_COMPLETE) { for(m=0;m<=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lead+ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lag;m++) { int k1=m-ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Max_Lag; for(i=0;iBlock_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].size;i++) { int eq=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Equ_Index[i]; int var=ModelBlock->Block_List[j].IM_lead_lag[m].Var_Index[i]; first_derivatives_type::const_iterator it=first_derivatives.find(make_pair(eq,variable_table.getID(eEndogenous,var,k1))); NodeID Id = it->second; if (it!= first_derivatives.end()) { set > endogenous; Id->collectEndogenous(endogenous); if (endogenous.size() > 0) { for(l=0;lBlock_List[j].Size;l++) { if (endogenous.find(make_pair(ModelBlock->Block_List[j].Variable[l], k1)) != endogenous.end()) { ModelBlock->Block_List[j].is_linear=false; goto follow; } } } } } } } follow: i=0; } } void ModelTree::computingPass(const eval_context_type &eval_context) { cout << equations.size() << " equation(s) found" << endl; // Sorting variable table variable_table.sort(); // Determine derivation order int order = 1; if (computeThirdDerivatives) order = 3; else if (computeHessian || computeStaticHessian) order = 2; // Launch computations derive(order); if (mode == eSparseDLLMode || mode == eSparseMode) { jacob_map j_m; evaluateJacobian(eval_context, &j_m); if (block_triangular.bt_verbose) { cout << "The gross incidence matrix \n"; block_triangular.Print_IM( symbol_table.endo_nbr); } block_triangular.Normalize_and_BlockDecompose_Static_0_Model(j_m); BlockLinear(block_triangular.ModelBlock); computeTemporaryTermsOrdered(order, block_triangular.ModelBlock); } else computeTemporaryTerms(order); } void ModelTree::writeStaticFile(const string &basename) const { switch(mode) { case eStandardMode: case eSparseDLLMode: writeStaticMFile(basename + "_static"); break; case eSparseMode: writeSparseStaticMFile(basename + "_static", basename, mode); case eDLLMode: writeStaticCFile(basename + "_static"); break; } } void ModelTree::writeDynamicFile(const string &basename) const { ExprNodeOutputType output_type = (mode == eDLLMode ? oCStaticModel : oMatlabStaticModel); switch(mode) { case eStandardMode: writeDynamicMFile(basename + "_dynamic"); break; case eSparseMode: writeSparseDynamicFileAndBinFile(basename + "_dynamic", basename, output_type, mode); break; case eDLLMode: writeDynamicCFile(basename + "_dynamic"); break; case eSparseDLLMode: writeSparseDynamicFileAndBinFile(basename + "_dynamic", basename, output_type, mode); if (compiler==GCC_COMPILE || compiler==LCC_COMPILE ) writeSparseDLLDynamicHFile(basename + "_dynamic"); break; } } void ModelTree::matrixHelper(ostream &output, int eq_nb, int col_nb, ExprNodeOutputType output_type) const { output << LPAR(output_type); if (OFFSET(output_type)) output << eq_nb + 1 << ", " << col_nb + 1; else output << eq_nb + col_nb * equations.size(); output << RPAR(output_type); }