/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Dynare Team * * This file is part of Dynare. * * Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Dynare. If not, see . */ //#define DEBUG #include #include #include #include #include #include "ModelNormalization.hh" using namespace std; Normalization::Normalization(const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : symbol_table(symbol_table_arg), fp_verbose(false) { } void Normalization::IM_to_Gr(int n0, int prologue, int epilogue, bool* IM, Equation_set *Equation, Variable_set *Variable ) // Create a non-oriented graph of the model from the incidence matrix { int i, j, edges, n; Edge *e1; #ifdef DEBUG cout << "in IM_to_Gr\n"; #endif //Normalize only the earth block (the prologue and the epilogue are still normalized) n = n0 - prologue - epilogue; Equation->size = n; Variable->size = n; Equation->Number = (Equation_vertex*)malloc(n * sizeof(Equation_vertex)); Variable->Number = (Variable_vertex*)malloc(n * sizeof(Variable_vertex)); edges = 0; for(i = 0;i < n;i++) { Equation->Number[i].First_Edge = NULL; Equation->Number[i].matched = -1; Variable->Number[i].matched = -1; for(j = 0;j < n;j++) { if(IM[(j + prologue)*n0 + (i + prologue)]) { edges++; e1 = (Edge *) malloc(sizeof(Edge)); e1->next = Equation->Number[i].First_Edge; Equation->Number[i].First_Edge = e1; e1->Vertex_Index = j; } } } //The maximum number of vertex in each equation is set to the total amount of edges in the model Equation->edges = edges; #ifdef DEBUG cout << "end of IM_to_Gr\n"; #endif } void Normalization::Inits(Equation_set *Equation) { int i; #ifdef DEBUG cout << "in Inits\n"; #endif eq = eex = 0; IndexUnmatched = Equation->edges * 2; Local_Heap = (t_Heap*)malloc(IndexUnmatched * sizeof(t_Heap)); for(i = 0; i < Equation->size; i++) { Equation->Number[i].Next_Edge = Equation->Number[i].First_Edge; visited[i] = 0; // we put all unmatched vertices from Equation at the other end of the Local_Heap if(Equation->Number[i].matched == -1) { Local_Heap[--IndexUnmatched].u = i; #ifdef DEBUG cout << i << " is unmatched\n"; #endif } } #ifdef DEBUG cout << "end of Inits\n"; #endif } void Normalization::UpdatePath(Equation_set *Equation, Variable_set *Variable, int i1, int i2) { int i, j; #ifdef DEBUG cout << "in UpdatePath \n"; #endif while(i2 >= 0) { i = Local_Heap[i2].u; j = Local_Heap[i1].v; Variable->Number[j].matched = i; Equation->Number[i].matched = j; i1 = i2; i2 = Local_Heap[i2].i_parent; eex++; } #ifdef DEBUG cout << "end of UpdatePath \n"; #endif } void Normalization::FindAugmentingPaths(Equation_set *Equation, Variable_set *Variable) { // augmenting paths using breadth-first search. int Bottom; int Top; int u, i; Edge *e, *e2; #ifdef DEBUG cout << "in FindAugmentingPaths\n"; #endif // external loop gets unmatched u vertices from far end of array Local_Heap while(IndexUnmatched < Equation->edges*2) { Top = Bottom = 0; Local_Heap[Top].u = Local_Heap[IndexUnmatched++].u; Local_Heap[Top].i_parent = -1; /* root of BFS tree */ #ifdef DEBUG cout << "unmatched u" << Local_Heap[Top].u << " will be processed\n"; #endif // Local_Heap processing while(Bottom >= Top) { u = Local_Heap[Top++].u; e = Equation->Number[u].First_Edge; eq++; // adjacency list scanning while(e != NULL) { if (!visited[Variable->Number[e->Vertex_Index].matched]) { // extend tree Local_Heap[++Bottom].u = u = Variable->Number[e->Vertex_Index].matched; Local_Heap[Bottom].i_parent = Top - 1; Local_Heap[Bottom].v = e->Vertex_Index; visited[u] = 1; e2 = Equation->Number[u].Next_Edge; eq++; while ((e2 != NULL) && (Variable->Number[e2->Vertex_Index].matched != -1)) { e2 = e2->next; eq++; } Equation->Number[u].Next_Edge = e2; if(e2 != NULL) { #ifdef DEBUG cout << "augmenting path found\n"; #endif // u in the Local_Heap but not the edge to v Variable->Number[e2->Vertex_Index].matched = u; Equation->Number[u].matched = e2->Vertex_Index; // now for the rest of the path UpdatePath(Equation, Variable, Bottom, Top - 1); // temporary cut is emptied for(i = 0; i <= Bottom; i++) visited[Local_Heap[i].u] = 0; Bottom = Top - 1; // to get off from Local_Heap loop // to get off from adj list scan loop break; } } e = e->next; eq++; } } } #ifdef DEBUG cout << "end of FindAugmentingPaths\n"; #endif } void Normalization::CheapMatching(Equation_set *Equation, Variable_set *Variable) { int i; Edge *e; int count = 0; #ifdef DEBUG cout << "in CheapMatching Equation->size : " << Equation->size << "\n"; #endif for(i = 0; i < Equation->size; i++) { e = Equation->Number[i].First_Edge; while(e != (Edge *) NULL) { if(Variable->Number[e->Vertex_Index].matched == -1) { Variable->Number[e->Vertex_Index].matched = i; Equation->Number[i].matched = e->Vertex_Index; #ifdef DEBUG cout << i << " matched to " << e->Vertex_Index << "\n"; #endif count++; break; } e = e->next; } } if(fp_verbose) cout << count << " vertices in Equation were initially matched (" << (float) 100*count / Equation->size << "%)\n"; #ifdef DEBUG cout << "end of CheapMatching\n"; #endif } void Normalization::MaximumMatching(Equation_set *Equation, Variable_set *Variable) { #ifdef DEBUG cout << "in MaximumMatching\n"; #endif CheapMatching(Equation, Variable); Inits(Equation); FindAugmentingPaths(Equation, Variable); #ifdef DEBUG cout << "end of MaximumMatching\n"; #endif } int Normalization::MeasureMatching(Equation_set *Equation) { int size = 0, i; for(i = 0; i < Equation->size; i++) if(Equation->Number[i].matched != -1) size++; return size; } void Normalization::OutputMatching(Equation_set* Equation) { int i; Edge* e1; cout << "Maximum Matching Results for |Equation|=" << Equation->size << " |Edges|=" << Equation->edges << "\n"; for(i = 0; i < Equation->size; i++) { if(Equation->Number[i].matched != -1) cout << "equation " << i << " matched to variable " << Equation->Number[i].matched; else cout << "equation " << i << " not matched \n"; e1 = Equation->Number[i].First_Edge; while(e1 != NULL) { cout << " " << e1->Vertex_Index; e1 = e1->next; } cout << "\n"; } } void Normalization::Gr_to_IM_basic(int n0, int prologue, int epilogue, bool* IM, Equation_set *Equation, bool transpose) { int i, j, edges, n; Edge *e1; n = n0 - prologue - epilogue; Equation->size = n; Equation->Number = (Equation_vertex*)malloc(n * sizeof(Equation_vertex)); edges = 0; if(transpose) { for(i = 0;i < n;i++) { Equation->Number[i].First_Edge = NULL; Equation->Number[i].matched = -1; for(j = 0;j < n;j++) { if ((IM[(j + prologue)*n0 + (i + prologue)]) && (i != j)) { edges++; e1 = (Edge *) malloc(sizeof(Edge)); e1->next = Equation->Number[i].First_Edge; Equation->Number[i].First_Edge = e1; e1->Vertex_Index = j; } } } } else { for(i = 0;i < n;i++) { Equation->Number[i].First_Edge = NULL; Equation->Number[i].matched = -1; for(j = 0;j < n;j++) { if ((IM[(i + prologue)*n0 + (j + prologue)]) && (i != j)) { edges++; e1 = (Edge *) malloc(sizeof(Edge)); e1->next = Equation->Number[i].First_Edge; Equation->Number[i].First_Edge = e1; e1->Vertex_Index = j; } } } } //The maximum number of vertex in each equation is set to the total amount of edges in the model Equation->edges = edges; #ifdef DEBUG cout << "end of IM_to_Gr\n"; #endif } void Normalization::Gr_to_IM(int n0, int prologue, int epilogue, bool* IM, simple* Index_Equ_IM, Equation_set *Equation, bool mixing, bool* IM_s) { int i, j, n, l; Edge *e1, *e2; Equation_set* Equation_p; simple* Index_Equ_IM_tmp = (simple*)malloc(n0 * sizeof(*Index_Equ_IM_tmp)); bool* SIM = (bool*)malloc(n0 * n0 * sizeof(bool)); #ifdef DEBUG cout << "in Gr_to_IM\n"; #endif n = n0 - prologue - epilogue; if(mixing) { for(i = 0;i < n0*n0;i++) SIM[i] = IM_s[i]; for(i = 0;i < n0;i++) Index_Equ_IM_tmp[i].index = Index_Equ_IM[i].index; for(i = 0;i < n;i++) { /*Index_Var_IM[j+prologue].index=Index_Var_IM_tmp[Equation->Number[j].matched+prologue].index;*/ if(fp_verbose) cout << "Equation->Number[" << i << "].matched=" << Equation->Number[i].matched << "\n"; Index_Equ_IM[i + prologue].index = Index_Equ_IM_tmp[Equation->Number[i].matched + prologue].index; for(j = 0;j < n0;j++) SIM[(i + prologue)*n0 + j] = IM_s[(Equation->Number[i].matched + prologue) * n0 + j]; } for(i = 0;i < n0*n0;i++) IM[i] = SIM[i]; } else { for(i = 0;i < n0*n0;i++) SIM[i] = IM[i]; for(i = 0;i < n0;i++) Index_Equ_IM_tmp[i].index = Index_Equ_IM[i].index; for(j = 0;j < n;j++) { if(fp_verbose) cout << "Equation->Number[" << j << "].matched=" << Equation->Number[j].matched << "\n"; Index_Equ_IM[j + prologue].index = Index_Equ_IM_tmp[Equation->Number[j].matched + prologue].index; for(i = 0;i < n0;i++) SIM[(i)*n0 + j + prologue] = IM[(i) * n0 + Equation->Number[j].matched + prologue]; } for(i = 0;i < n0*n0;i++) IM[i] = SIM[i]; } free(SIM); free(Index_Equ_IM_tmp); if(mixing) Gr_to_IM_basic(n0, prologue, epilogue, IM, Equation, true); else { // In this step we : // 1) get ride of the edge from the equation to its explain variable // 2) resort the equation in the order of the matched variable // 3) transpose the graph // in order to get the oriented graph needed to find strong connex components Equation_p = (Equation_set*)malloc(sizeof(Equation_set)); Equation_p->size = Equation->size; Equation_p->edges = Equation->edges; Equation_p->Number = (Equation_vertex*)malloc(n * sizeof(Equation_vertex)); for(i = 0;i < n;i++) { Equation_p->Number[i].First_Edge = NULL; Equation_p->Number[i].Next_Edge = NULL; } for(i = 0;i < n;i++) { l = Equation->Number[i].matched; e1 = Equation->Number[l].First_Edge; while(e1 != NULL) { if(e1->Vertex_Index != i) { j = e1->Vertex_Index; if(Equation_p->Number[j].First_Edge != NULL) { Equation_p->Number[j].Next_Edge->next = (Edge*)malloc(sizeof(Edge*)); Equation_p->Number[j].Next_Edge = Equation_p->Number[j].Next_Edge->next; } else { Equation_p->Number[j].First_Edge = (Edge*)malloc(sizeof(Edge*)); Equation_p->Number[j].Next_Edge = Equation_p->Number[j].First_Edge; } Equation_p->Number[j].Next_Edge->next = NULL; Equation_p->Number[j].Next_Edge->Vertex_Index = i; } e2 = e1->next; free(e1); e1 = e2; } } for(i = 0;i < n;i++) { Equation->Number[i].matched = Equation_p->Number[i].matched; Equation->Number[i].First_Edge = Equation_p->Number[i].First_Edge; Equation->Number[i].Next_Edge = Equation_p->Number[i].Next_Edge; } free(Equation_p->Number); free(Equation_p); } #ifdef DEBUG cout << "end of Gr_to_IM\n"; #endif } void Normalization::Free_Equation(int n, Equation_set* Equation) { //free unused space Edge *e1, *e2; int i; for(i = 0;i < n;i++) { e1 = Equation->Number[i].First_Edge; while(e1 != NULL) { e2 = e1->next; e1 = e2; } } free(Equation->Number); free(Equation); } void Normalization::Free_Other(Variable_set* Variable) { //free unused space free(Local_Heap); free(Variable->Number); free(Variable); free(visited); } void Normalization::Free_All(int n, Equation_set* Equation, Variable_set* Variable) { Free_Equation(n, Equation); Free_Other(Variable); } void Normalization::Set_fp_verbose(bool ok) { fp_verbose=ok; } bool Normalization::Normalize(int n, int prologue, int epilogue, bool* IM, simple* Index_Equ_IM, Equation_set* Equation, bool mixing, bool* IM_s) { int matchingSize, effective_n; int save_fp_verbose=fp_verbose; fp_verbose = 0; Variable_set* Variable = (Variable_set*) malloc(sizeof(Variable_set)); #ifdef DEBUG cout << "in Normalize\n"; #endif visited = (bool*)malloc(n * sizeof(*visited)); IM_to_Gr(n, prologue, epilogue, IM, Equation, Variable); MaximumMatching(Equation, Variable); matchingSize = MeasureMatching(Equation); effective_n = n - prologue - epilogue; fp_verbose=save_fp_verbose; if(matchingSize < effective_n && fp_verbose) { cout << "Error: dynare could not normalize the model.\n The following equations:\n - "; int i; for(i = 0; i < Equation->size; i++) if(Equation->Number[i].matched == -1) cout << i << " "; cout << "\n and the following variables:\n - "; for(i = 0; i < Variable->size; i++) if(Variable->Number[i].matched == -1) cout << symbol_table.getNameByID(eEndogenous, Index_Equ_IM[i].index) << " "; cout << "\n could not be normalized\n"; //ErrorHandling(n, IM, Index_Equ_IM); //system("PAUSE"); exit( -1); } if(matchingSize >= effective_n ) { Gr_to_IM(n, prologue, epilogue, IM, Index_Equ_IM, Equation, mixing, IM_s); if(fp_verbose) { OutputMatching(Equation); for(int i = 0;i < n;i++) cout << "Index_Equ_IM[" << i << "]=" << Index_Equ_IM[i].index /*<< " == " "Index_Var_IM[" << i << "]=" << Index_Var_IM[i].index*/ << "\n"; } } Free_Other(Variable); #ifdef DEBUG cout << "end of Normalize\n"; #endif if(matchingSize < effective_n ) return(0); else return(1); }