/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2017 Dynare Team * * This file is part of Dynare. * * Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Dynare. If not, see . */ #ifndef _CODEINTERPRETER_HH #define _CODEINTERPRETER_HH //#define DEBUGL #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef LINBCG # include "linbcg.hh" #endif #ifdef BYTE_CODE # ifndef DEBUG_EX # include "mex.h" # else # include "mex_interface.hh" # endif #endif #include #define NEAR_ZERO (1e-12) using namespace std; /** * \enum Tags * \brief The differents flags of the bytecode */ enum Tags { FLDZ, //!< Stores zero in the stack - 0 (0) FLDC, //!< Stores a constant term in the stack - 1 (1) FDIMT, //!< Defines the number of temporary terms - dynamic context (the period has to be indicated) - 2 (2) FDIMST, //!< Defines the number of temporary terms - static context (the period hasn't to be indicated) - 3 (3) FLDT, //!< Stores a temporary term in the stack - dynamic context (the period has to be indicated) - 4 (4) FLDST, //!< Stores a temporary term in the stack - static context (the period hasn't to be indicated) - 5 (5) FSTPT, //!< Loads a temporary term from the stack - dynamic context (the period has to be indicated) - 6 (6) FSTPST, //!< Loads a temporary term from the stack - static context (the period hasn't to be indicated) - 7 (7) FLDU, //!< Stores an element of the vector U in the stack - dynamic context (the period has to be indicated) - 8 (8) FLDSU, //!< Stores an element of the vector U in the stack - static context (the period hasn't to be indicated) - 9 (9) FSTPU, //!< Loads an element of the vector U from the stack - dynamic context (the period has to be indicated) - A (10) FSTPSU, //!< Loads an element of the vector U from the stack - static context (the period hasn't to be indicated) - B (11) FLDV, //!< Stores a variable (described in SymbolType) in the stack - dynamic context (the period has to be indicated) - C (12) FLDSV, //!< Stores a variable (described in SymbolType) in the stack - static context (the period hasn't to be indicated) - D (13) FLDVS, //!< Stores a variable (described in SymbolType) in the stack - dynamic context but inside the STEADYSTATE function (the period hasn't to be indicated) - E (14) FSTPV, //!< Loads a variable (described in SymbolType) from the stack - dynamic context (the period has to be indicated) - F (15) FSTPSV, //!< Loads a variable (described in SymbolType) from the stack - static context (the period hasn't to be indicated) - 10 (16) FLDR, //!< Stores a residual in the stack - 11 (17) FSTPR, //!< Loads a residual from the stack - 12 (18) FSTPG, //!< Loads a derivative from the stack - 13 (19) FSTPG2, //!< Loads a derivative matrix for static model from the stack - 14 (20) FSTPG3, //!< Loads a derivative matrix for a dynamic model from the stack - 15 (21) FSTPG4, //!< Loads a second order derivative matrix for a dynamic model from the stack - 16 (22) FUNARY, //!< A Unary operator - 17 (23) FBINARY, //!< A binary operator - 18 (24) FTRINARY, //!< A trinary operator - 19 (25) FCUML, //!< Cumulates the result - 1A (26) FJMPIFEVAL, //!< Jump if evaluate = true - 1B (27) FJMP, //!< Jump - 1C (28) FBEGINBLOCK, //!< Defines the begining of a model block - 1D (29) FENDBLOCK, //!< Defines the end of a model block - 1E (30) FENDEQU, //!< Defines the last equation of the block. For block that has to be solved, the derivatives appear just after this flag - 1F (31) FEND, //!< Defines the end of the model code - 20 (32) FOK, //!< Used for debugging purpose - 21 (33) FNUMEXPR, //!< Store the expression type and references - 22 (34) FCALL, //!< Call an external function - 23 (35) FPUSH, //!< Push a double in the stack - 24 (36) FPOP, //!< Pop a double from the stack - 25 (37) FLDTEF, //!< Stores the result of an external function in the stack - 26 (38) FSTPTEF, //!< Loads the result of an external function from the stack- 27 (39) FLDTEFD, //!< Stores the result of an external function in the stack - 28 (40) FSTPTEFD, //!< Loads the result of an external function from the stack- 29 (41) FLDTEFDD, //!< Stores the result of an external function in the stack - 28 (42) FSTPTEFDD //!< Loads the result of an external function from the stack- 29 (43) }; enum BlockType { SIMULTANS, //!< Simultaneous time separable block PROLOGUE, //!< Prologue block (one equation at the beginning, later merged) EPILOGUE, //!< Epilogue block (one equation at the beginning, later merged) SIMULTAN //!< Simultaneous time unseparable block }; enum EquationType { E_UNKNOWN, //!< Unknown equation type E_EVALUATE, //!< Simple evaluation, normalized variable on left-hand side E_EVALUATE_S, //!< Simple evaluation, normalize using the first order derivative E_SOLVE //!< No simple evaluation of the equation, it has to be solved }; enum BlockSimulationType { UNKNOWN, //!< Unknown simulation type EVALUATE_FORWARD, //!< Simple evaluation, normalized variable on left-hand side, forward EVALUATE_BACKWARD, //!< Simple evaluation, normalized variable on left-hand side, backward SOLVE_FORWARD_SIMPLE, //!< Block of one equation, newton solver needed, forward SOLVE_BACKWARD_SIMPLE, //!< Block of one equation, newton solver needed, backward SOLVE_TWO_BOUNDARIES_SIMPLE, //!< Block of one equation, newton solver needed, forward & ackward SOLVE_FORWARD_COMPLETE, //!< Block of several equations, newton solver needed, forward SOLVE_BACKWARD_COMPLETE, //!< Block of several equations, newton solver needed, backward SOLVE_TWO_BOUNDARIES_COMPLETE //!< Block of several equations, newton solver needed, forward and backwar }; //! Enumeration of possible symbol types /*! Warning: do not to change existing values for 0 to 4: the values matter for homotopy_setup command */ enum SymbolType { eEndogenous = 0, //!< Endogenous eExogenous = 1, //!< Exogenous eExogenousDet = 2, //!< Exogenous deterministic eParameter = 4, //!< Parameter eModelLocalVariable = 10, //!< Local variable whose scope is model (pound expression) eModFileLocalVariable = 11, //!< Local variable whose scope is mod file (model excluded) eExternalFunction = 12, //!< External (user-defined) function eTrend = 13, //!< Trend variable eStatementDeclaredVariable = 14, //!< Local variable assigned within a Statement (see subsample statement for example) eLogTrend = 15, //!< Log-trend variable eUnusedEndogenous = 16, eEndogenousVAR = 17 //!< Variables declared in a var_model statement }; enum ExpressionType { TemporaryTerm, ModelEquation, FirstEndoDerivative, FirstOtherEndoDerivative, FirstExoDerivative, FirstExodetDerivative, FirstParamDerivative, SecondEndoDerivative, SecondExoDerivative, SecondExodetDerivative, SecondParamDerivative, ThirdEndoDerivative, ThirdExoDerivative, ThirdExodetDerivative, ThirdParamDerivative }; enum UnaryOpcode { oUminus, oExp, oLog, oLog10, oCos, oSin, oTan, oAcos, oAsin, oAtan, oCosh, oSinh, oTanh, oAcosh, oAsinh, oAtanh, oSqrt, oAbs, oSign, oSteadyState, oSteadyStateParamDeriv, // for the derivative of the STEADY_STATE operator w.r.t. to a parameter oSteadyStateParam2ndDeriv, // for the 2nd derivative of the STEADY_STATE operator w.r.t. to a parameter oExpectation, oErf, oDiff, oAdl }; enum BinaryOpcode { oPlus, oMinus, oTimes, oDivide, oPower, oPowerDeriv, // for the derivative of the power function (see trac ticket #78) oEqual, oMax, oMin, oLess, oGreater, oLessEqual, oGreaterEqual, oEqualEqual, oDifferent }; enum TrinaryOpcode { oNormcdf, oNormpdf }; enum external_function_type { ExternalFunctionWithoutDerivative, ExternalFunctionWithFirstDerivative, ExternalFunctionWithFirstandSecondDerivative, ExternalFunctionNumericalFirstDerivative, ExternalFunctionFirstDerivative, ExternalFunctionNumericalSecondDerivative, ExternalFunctionSecondDerivative }; enum PriorDistributions { eNoShape = 0, eBeta = 1, eGamma = 2, eNormal = 3, eInvGamma = 4, eInvGamma1 = 4, eUniform = 5, eInvGamma2 = 6, eDirichlet = 7, eWeibull = 8 }; enum NodeTreeReference { eResiduals = 0, eFirstDeriv = 1, eSecondDeriv = 2, eThirdDeriv = 3, eResidualsParamsDeriv = 4, eJacobianParamsDeriv = 5, eResidualsParamsSecondDeriv = 6, eJacobianParamsSecondDeriv = 7, eHessianParamsDeriv = 8 }; struct Block_contain_type { int Equation, Variable, Own_Derivative; }; #pragma pack(push, 1) class TagWithoutArgument { protected: uint8_t op_code; public: inline TagWithoutArgument(uint8_t op_code_arg) : op_code(op_code_arg) { }; inline void write(ostream &CompileCode, unsigned int &instruction_number) { CompileCode.write(reinterpret_cast(this), sizeof(*this)); instruction_number++; }; }; template < class T1 > class TagWithOneArgument { protected: uint8_t op_code; T1 arg1; public: inline TagWithOneArgument(uint8_t op_code_arg) : op_code(op_code_arg) { }; inline TagWithOneArgument(uint8_t op_code_arg, T1 arg_arg1) : op_code(op_code_arg), arg1(arg_arg1) { }; inline void write(ostream &CompileCode, unsigned int &instruction_number) { CompileCode.write(reinterpret_cast(this), sizeof(TagWithOneArgument)); instruction_number++; }; }; template < class T1, class T2 > class TagWithTwoArguments { protected: uint8_t op_code; T1 arg1; T2 arg2; public: inline TagWithTwoArguments(uint8_t op_code_arg) : op_code(op_code_arg) { }; inline TagWithTwoArguments(uint8_t op_code_arg, T1 arg_arg1, T2 arg_arg2) : op_code(op_code_arg), arg1(arg_arg1), arg2(arg_arg2) { }; inline void write(ostream &CompileCode, unsigned int &instruction_number) { CompileCode.write(reinterpret_cast(this), sizeof(*this)); instruction_number++; }; }; template < class T1, class T2, class T3 > class TagWithThreeArguments { protected: uint8_t op_code; T1 arg1; T2 arg2; T3 arg3; public: inline TagWithThreeArguments(uint8_t op_code_arg) : op_code(op_code_arg) { }; inline TagWithThreeArguments(uint8_t op_code_arg, T1 arg_arg1, T2 arg_arg2, T3 arg_arg3) : op_code(op_code_arg), arg1(arg_arg1), arg2(arg_arg2), arg3(arg_arg3) { }; inline void write(ostream &CompileCode, unsigned int &instruction_number) { CompileCode.write(reinterpret_cast(this), sizeof(*this)); instruction_number++; }; }; template < class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4 > class TagWithFourArguments { protected: uint8_t op_code; T1 arg1; T2 arg2; T3 arg3; T4 arg4; public: inline TagWithFourArguments(uint8_t op_code_arg) : op_code(op_code_arg) { }; inline TagWithFourArguments(uint8_t op_code_arg, T1 arg_arg1, T2 arg_arg2, T3 arg_arg3, T4 arg_arg4) : op_code(op_code_arg), arg1(arg_arg1), arg2(arg_arg2), arg3(arg_arg3), arg4(arg_arg4) { }; inline void write(ostream &CompileCode, unsigned int &instruction_number) { CompileCode.write(reinterpret_cast(this), sizeof(*this)); instruction_number++; }; }; class FLDZ_ : public TagWithoutArgument { public: inline FLDZ_() : TagWithoutArgument(FLDZ) { }; }; class FEND_ : public TagWithoutArgument { public: inline FEND_() : TagWithoutArgument(FEND) { }; }; class FENDBLOCK_ : public TagWithoutArgument { public: inline FENDBLOCK_() : TagWithoutArgument(FENDBLOCK) { }; }; class FENDEQU_ : public TagWithoutArgument { public: inline FENDEQU_() : TagWithoutArgument(FENDEQU) { }; }; class FCUML_ : public TagWithoutArgument { public: inline FCUML_() : TagWithoutArgument(FCUML) { }; }; class FPUSH_ : public TagWithoutArgument { public: inline FPUSH_() : TagWithoutArgument(FPUSH) { }; }; class FPOP_ : public TagWithoutArgument { public: inline FPOP_() : TagWithoutArgument(FPOP) { }; }; class FDIMT_ : public TagWithOneArgument { public: inline FDIMT_() : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FDIMT) { }; inline FDIMT_(unsigned int size_arg) : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FDIMT, size_arg) { }; inline unsigned int get_size() { return arg1; }; }; class FDIMST_ : public TagWithOneArgument { public: inline FDIMST_() : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FDIMST) { }; inline FDIMST_(const unsigned int size_arg) : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FDIMST, size_arg) { }; inline unsigned int get_size() { return arg1; }; }; class FLDC_ : public TagWithOneArgument { public: inline FLDC_() : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FLDC) { }; inline FLDC_(const double value_arg) : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FLDC, value_arg) { }; inline double get_value() { return arg1; }; }; class FLDU_ : public TagWithOneArgument { public: inline FLDU_() : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FLDU) { }; inline FLDU_(const unsigned int pos_arg) : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FLDU, pos_arg) { }; inline unsigned int get_pos() { return arg1; }; }; class FLDSU_ : public TagWithOneArgument { public: inline FLDSU_() : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FLDSU) { }; inline FLDSU_(const unsigned int pos_arg) : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FLDSU, pos_arg) { }; inline unsigned int get_pos() { return arg1; }; }; class FLDR_ : public TagWithOneArgument { public: inline FLDR_() : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FLDR) { }; inline FLDR_(const unsigned int pos_arg) : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FLDR, pos_arg) { }; inline unsigned int get_pos() { return arg1; }; }; class FLDT_ : public TagWithOneArgument { public: inline FLDT_() : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FLDT) { }; inline FLDT_(const unsigned int pos_arg) : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FLDT, pos_arg) { }; inline unsigned int get_pos() { return arg1; }; }; class FLDST_ : public TagWithOneArgument { public: inline FLDST_() : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FLDST) { }; inline FLDST_(const unsigned int pos_arg) : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FLDST, pos_arg) { }; inline unsigned int get_pos() { return arg1; }; }; class FSTPT_ : public TagWithOneArgument { public: inline FSTPT_() : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FSTPT) { }; inline FSTPT_(const unsigned int pos_arg) : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FSTPT, pos_arg) { }; inline unsigned int get_pos() { return arg1; }; }; class FSTPST_ : public TagWithOneArgument { public: inline FSTPST_() : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FSTPST) { }; inline FSTPST_(const unsigned int pos_arg) : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FSTPST, pos_arg) { }; inline unsigned int get_pos() { return arg1; }; }; class FSTPR_ : public TagWithOneArgument { public: inline FSTPR_() : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FSTPR) { }; inline FSTPR_(const unsigned int pos_arg) : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FSTPR, pos_arg) { }; inline unsigned int get_pos() { return arg1; }; }; class FSTPU_ : public TagWithOneArgument { public: inline FSTPU_() : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FSTPU) { }; inline FSTPU_(const unsigned int pos_arg) : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FSTPU, pos_arg) { }; inline unsigned int get_pos() { return arg1; }; }; class FSTPSU_ : public TagWithOneArgument { public: inline FSTPSU_() : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FSTPSU) { }; inline FSTPSU_(const unsigned int pos_arg) : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FSTPSU, pos_arg) { }; inline unsigned int get_pos() { return arg1; }; }; class FSTPG_ : public TagWithOneArgument { public: inline FSTPG_() : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FSTPG, 0) { }; inline FSTPG_(const unsigned int pos_arg) : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FSTPG, pos_arg) { }; inline unsigned int get_pos() { return arg1; }; }; class FSTPG2_ : public TagWithTwoArguments { public: inline FSTPG2_() : TagWithTwoArguments::TagWithTwoArguments(FSTPG2, 0, 0) { }; inline FSTPG2_(const unsigned int pos_arg1, const unsigned int pos_arg2) : TagWithTwoArguments::TagWithTwoArguments(FSTPG2, pos_arg1, pos_arg2) { }; inline unsigned int get_row() { return arg1; }; inline unsigned int get_col() { return arg2; }; }; class FSTPG3_ : public TagWithFourArguments { public: inline FSTPG3_() : TagWithFourArguments::TagWithFourArguments(FSTPG3, 0, 0, 0, 0) { }; inline FSTPG3_(const unsigned int pos_arg1, const unsigned int pos_arg2, const int pos_arg3, const unsigned int pos_arg4) : TagWithFourArguments::TagWithFourArguments(FSTPG3, pos_arg1, pos_arg2, pos_arg3, pos_arg4) { }; inline unsigned int get_row() { return arg1; }; inline unsigned int get_col() { return arg2; }; inline int get_lag() { return arg2; }; inline unsigned int get_col_pos() { return arg4; }; }; class FUNARY_ : public TagWithOneArgument { public: inline FUNARY_() : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FUNARY) { }; inline FUNARY_(uint8_t op_type_arg) : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FUNARY, op_type_arg) { }; inline uint8_t get_op_type() { return arg1; }; }; class FBINARY_ : public TagWithOneArgument { public: inline FBINARY_() : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FBINARY) { }; inline FBINARY_(const int op_type_arg) : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FBINARY, op_type_arg) { }; inline uint8_t get_op_type() { return arg1; }; }; class FTRINARY_ : public TagWithOneArgument { public: inline FTRINARY_() : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FTRINARY) { }; inline FTRINARY_(const int op_type_arg) : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FTRINARY, op_type_arg) { }; inline uint8_t get_op_type() { return arg1; }; }; class FOK_ : public TagWithOneArgument { public: inline FOK_() : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FOK) { }; inline FOK_(const int arg_arg) : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FOK, arg_arg) { }; inline int get_arg() { return arg1; }; }; class FJMPIFEVAL_ : public TagWithOneArgument { public: inline FJMPIFEVAL_() : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FJMPIFEVAL) { }; inline FJMPIFEVAL_(unsigned int arg_pos) : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FJMPIFEVAL, arg_pos) { }; inline unsigned int get_pos() { return arg1; } }; class FJMP_ : public TagWithOneArgument { public: inline FJMP_() : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FJMP) { }; inline FJMP_(unsigned int arg_pos) : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FJMP, arg_pos) { }; inline unsigned int get_pos() { return arg1; } }; class FLDTEF_ : public TagWithOneArgument { public: inline FLDTEF_() : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FLDTEF) { }; inline FLDTEF_(unsigned int number) : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FLDTEF, number) { }; inline unsigned int get_number() { return arg1; } }; class FSTPTEF_ : public TagWithOneArgument { public: inline FSTPTEF_() : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FSTPTEF) { }; inline FSTPTEF_(unsigned int number) : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FSTPTEF, number) { }; inline unsigned int get_number() { return arg1; } }; class FLDTEFD_ : public TagWithTwoArguments { public: inline FLDTEFD_() : TagWithTwoArguments::TagWithTwoArguments(FLDTEFD) { }; inline FLDTEFD_(unsigned int indx, unsigned int row) : TagWithTwoArguments::TagWithTwoArguments(FLDTEFD, indx, row) { }; inline unsigned int get_indx() { return arg1; }; inline unsigned int get_row() { return arg2; }; }; class FSTPTEFD_ : public TagWithTwoArguments { public: inline FSTPTEFD_() : TagWithTwoArguments::TagWithTwoArguments(FSTPTEFD) { }; inline FSTPTEFD_(unsigned int indx, unsigned int row) : TagWithTwoArguments::TagWithTwoArguments(FSTPTEFD, indx, row) { }; inline unsigned int get_indx() { return arg1; }; inline unsigned int get_row() { return arg2; }; }; class FLDTEFDD_ : public TagWithThreeArguments { public: inline FLDTEFDD_() : TagWithThreeArguments::TagWithThreeArguments(FLDTEFDD) { }; inline FLDTEFDD_(unsigned int indx, unsigned int row, unsigned int col) : TagWithThreeArguments::TagWithThreeArguments(FLDTEFDD, indx, row, col) { }; inline unsigned int get_indx() { return arg1; }; inline unsigned int get_row() { return arg2; }; inline unsigned int get_col() { return arg3; }; }; class FSTPTEFDD_ : public TagWithThreeArguments { public: inline FSTPTEFDD_() : TagWithThreeArguments::TagWithThreeArguments(FSTPTEFDD) { }; inline FSTPTEFDD_(unsigned int indx, unsigned int row, unsigned int col) : TagWithThreeArguments::TagWithThreeArguments(FSTPTEF, indx, row, col) { }; inline unsigned int get_indx() { return arg1; }; inline unsigned int get_row() { return arg2; }; inline unsigned int get_col() { return arg3; }; }; class FLDVS_ : public TagWithTwoArguments { public: inline FLDVS_() : TagWithTwoArguments::TagWithTwoArguments(FLDVS) { }; inline FLDVS_(uint8_t type_arg, const unsigned int pos_arg) : TagWithTwoArguments::TagWithTwoArguments(FLDVS, type_arg, pos_arg) { }; inline uint8_t get_type() { return arg1; }; inline unsigned int get_pos() { return arg2; }; }; class FLDSV_ : public TagWithTwoArguments { public: inline FLDSV_() : TagWithTwoArguments::TagWithTwoArguments(FLDSV) { }; inline FLDSV_(const uint8_t type_arg, const unsigned int pos_arg) : TagWithTwoArguments::TagWithTwoArguments(FLDSV, type_arg, pos_arg) { }; inline uint8_t get_type() { return arg1; }; inline unsigned int get_pos() { return arg2; }; }; class FSTPSV_ : public TagWithTwoArguments { public: inline FSTPSV_() : TagWithTwoArguments::TagWithTwoArguments(FSTPSV) { }; inline FSTPSV_(const uint8_t type_arg, const unsigned int pos_arg) : TagWithTwoArguments::TagWithTwoArguments(FSTPSV, type_arg, pos_arg) { }; inline uint8_t get_type() { return arg1; }; inline unsigned int get_pos() { return arg2; }; }; class FLDV_ : public TagWithThreeArguments { public: inline FLDV_() : TagWithThreeArguments::TagWithThreeArguments(FLDV) { }; inline FLDV_(const int type_arg, const unsigned int pos_arg) : TagWithThreeArguments::TagWithThreeArguments(FLDV, type_arg, pos_arg, 0) { }; inline FLDV_(const int type_arg, const unsigned int pos_arg, const int lead_lag_arg) : TagWithThreeArguments::TagWithThreeArguments(FLDV, type_arg, pos_arg, lead_lag_arg) { }; inline uint8_t get_type() { return arg1; }; inline unsigned int get_pos() { return arg2; }; inline int get_lead_lag() { return arg3; }; }; class FSTPV_ : public TagWithThreeArguments { public: inline FSTPV_() : TagWithThreeArguments::TagWithThreeArguments(FSTPV) { }; inline FSTPV_(const int type_arg, const unsigned int pos_arg) : TagWithThreeArguments::TagWithThreeArguments(FSTPV, type_arg, pos_arg, 0) { }; inline FSTPV_(const int type_arg, const unsigned int pos_arg, const int lead_lag_arg) : TagWithThreeArguments::TagWithThreeArguments(FSTPV, type_arg, pos_arg, lead_lag_arg) { }; inline uint8_t get_type() { return arg1; }; inline unsigned int get_pos() { return arg2; }; inline int get_lead_lag() { return arg3; }; }; class FCALL_ : public TagWithFourArguments { string func_name; string arg_func_name; unsigned int add_input_arguments, row, col; external_function_type function_type; public: inline FCALL_() : TagWithFourArguments::TagWithFourArguments(FCALL) { arg_func_name = ""; add_input_arguments = 0; row = 0; col = 0; function_type = ExternalFunctionWithoutDerivative; }; inline FCALL_(unsigned int nb_output_arguments, unsigned int nb_input_arguments, string f_name, unsigned int indx) : TagWithFourArguments::TagWithFourArguments(FCALL, nb_output_arguments, nb_input_arguments, f_name, indx) { arg_func_name = ""; add_input_arguments = 0; row = 0; col = 0; function_type = ExternalFunctionWithoutDerivative; func_name = f_name; }; inline string get_function_name() { //printf("get_function_name => func_name=%s\n",func_name.c_str());fflush(stdout); return func_name; }; inline unsigned int get_nb_output_arguments() { return arg1; }; inline unsigned int get_nb_input_arguments() { return arg2; }; inline unsigned int get_indx() { return arg4; }; inline void set_arg_func_name(string arg_arg_func_name) { arg_func_name = arg_arg_func_name; }; inline string get_arg_func_name() { return arg_func_name; }; inline void set_nb_add_input_arguments(unsigned int arg_add_input_arguments) { add_input_arguments = arg_add_input_arguments; }; inline unsigned int get_nb_add_input_arguments() { return add_input_arguments; }; inline void set_row(unsigned int arg_row) { row = arg_row; }; inline unsigned int get_row() { return row; } inline void set_col(unsigned int arg_col) { col = arg_col; }; inline unsigned int get_col() { return col; }; inline void set_function_type(external_function_type arg_function_type) { function_type = arg_function_type; }; inline external_function_type get_function_type() { return (function_type); } inline void write(ostream &CompileCode, unsigned int &instruction_number) { CompileCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&op_code), sizeof(op_code)); CompileCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&arg1), sizeof(arg1)); CompileCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&arg2), sizeof(arg2)); CompileCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&arg4), sizeof(arg4)); CompileCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&add_input_arguments), sizeof(add_input_arguments)); CompileCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&row), sizeof(row)); CompileCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&col), sizeof(col)); CompileCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&function_type), sizeof(function_type)); size_t size = func_name.size(); CompileCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&size), sizeof(int)); const char *name = func_name.c_str(); CompileCode.write(reinterpret_cast(name), func_name.size()); size = arg_func_name.size(); CompileCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&size), sizeof(int)); name = arg_func_name.c_str(); CompileCode.write(reinterpret_cast(name), arg_func_name.size()); instruction_number++; }; #ifdef BYTE_CODE inline uint8_t * load(uint8_t *code) { op_code = FCALL; code += sizeof(op_code); memcpy(&arg1, code, sizeof(arg1)); code += sizeof(arg1); memcpy(&arg2, code, sizeof(arg2)); code += sizeof(arg2); memcpy(&arg4, code, sizeof(arg4)); code += sizeof(arg4); memcpy(&add_input_arguments, code, sizeof(add_input_arguments)); code += sizeof(add_input_arguments); memcpy(&row, code, sizeof(row)); code += sizeof(row); memcpy(&col, code, sizeof(col)); code += sizeof(col); memcpy(&function_type, code, sizeof(function_type)); code += sizeof(function_type); int size; memcpy(&size, code, sizeof(size)); code += sizeof(size); char *name = (char *) mxMalloc((size+1)*sizeof(char)); memcpy(name, code, size); code += size; name[size] = 0; func_name = name; mxFree(name); memcpy(&size, code, sizeof(size)); code += sizeof(size); name = (char *) mxMalloc((size+1)*sizeof(char)); memcpy(name, code, size); code += size; name[size] = 0; arg_func_name = name; mxFree(name); return code; } #endif }; class FNUMEXPR_ : public TagWithOneArgument { private: unsigned int equation; uint16_t dvariable1, dvariable2, dvariable3; int8_t lag1, lag2, lag3; public: inline FNUMEXPR_() : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FNUMEXPR) { }; inline FNUMEXPR_(const ExpressionType expression_type, unsigned int equation_arg) : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FNUMEXPR, expression_type), dvariable1(0), dvariable2(0), dvariable3(0), lag1(0), lag2(0), lag3(0) { equation = equation_arg; }; inline FNUMEXPR_(const ExpressionType expression_type, unsigned int equation_arg, unsigned int dvariable1_arg) : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FNUMEXPR, expression_type), dvariable2(0), dvariable3(0), lag1(0), lag2(0), lag3(0) { equation = equation_arg; dvariable1 = dvariable1_arg; }; inline FNUMEXPR_(const ExpressionType expression_type, unsigned int equation_arg, unsigned int dvariable1_arg, int lag1_arg) : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FNUMEXPR, expression_type), dvariable2(0), dvariable3(0), lag2(0), lag3(0) { equation = equation_arg; dvariable1 = dvariable1_arg; lag1 = lag1_arg; }; inline FNUMEXPR_(const ExpressionType expression_type, unsigned int equation_arg, unsigned int dvariable1_arg, unsigned int dvariable2_arg) : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FNUMEXPR, expression_type), dvariable3(0), lag1(0), lag2(0), lag3(0) { equation = equation_arg; dvariable1 = dvariable1_arg; dvariable2 = dvariable2_arg; }; inline FNUMEXPR_(const ExpressionType expression_type, unsigned int equation_arg, unsigned int dvariable1_arg, int lag1_arg, unsigned int dvariable2_arg, int lag2_arg) : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FNUMEXPR, expression_type), dvariable3(0), lag3(0) { equation = equation_arg; dvariable1 = dvariable1_arg; lag1 = lag1_arg; dvariable2 = dvariable2_arg; lag2 = lag2_arg; }; inline FNUMEXPR_(const ExpressionType expression_type, unsigned int equation_arg, unsigned int dvariable1_arg, unsigned int dvariable2_arg, unsigned int dvariable3_arg) : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FNUMEXPR, expression_type), lag1(0), lag2(0), lag3(0) { equation = equation_arg; dvariable1 = dvariable1_arg; dvariable2 = dvariable2_arg; dvariable3 = dvariable3_arg; }; inline FNUMEXPR_(const ExpressionType expression_type, unsigned int equation_arg, unsigned int dvariable1_arg, int lag1_arg, unsigned int dvariable2_arg, int lag2_arg, unsigned int dvariable3_arg, int lag3_arg) : TagWithOneArgument::TagWithOneArgument(FNUMEXPR, expression_type) { equation = equation_arg; dvariable1 = dvariable1_arg; lag1 = lag1_arg; dvariable2 = dvariable2_arg; lag2 = lag2_arg; dvariable3 = dvariable3_arg; lag3 = lag3_arg; }; inline ExpressionType get_expression_type() { return arg1; } inline unsigned int get_equation() { return equation; }; inline unsigned int get_dvariable1() { return dvariable1; }; inline int get_lag1() { return lag1; }; inline unsigned int get_dvariable2() { return dvariable2; }; inline int get_lag2() { return lag2; }; inline unsigned int get_dvariable3() { return dvariable3; }; inline int get_lag3() { return lag3; }; inline void write(ostream &CompileCode, unsigned int &instruction_number) { CompileCode.write(reinterpret_cast(this), sizeof(FNUMEXPR_)); instruction_number++; }; }; class FBEGINBLOCK_ { private: uint8_t op_code; int size; uint8_t type; vector variable; vector equation; vector other_endogenous; vector exogenous; vector det_exogenous; bool is_linear; vector Block_Contain_; int endo_nbr; int Max_Lag; int Max_Lead; int u_count_int; int nb_col_jacob; unsigned int det_exo_size, exo_size, other_endo_size; unsigned int nb_col_det_exo_jacob, nb_col_exo_jacob, nb_col_other_endo_jacob; public: inline FBEGINBLOCK_() { op_code = FBEGINBLOCK; size = 0; type = UNKNOWN; /*variable = NULL; equation = NULL;*/ is_linear = false; endo_nbr = 0; Max_Lag = 0; Max_Lead = 0; u_count_int = 0; nb_col_jacob = 0; }; inline FBEGINBLOCK_(unsigned int size_arg, BlockSimulationType type_arg, int unsigned first_element, int unsigned block_size, const vector &variable_arg, const vector &equation_arg, bool is_linear_arg, int endo_nbr_arg, int Max_Lag_arg, int Max_Lead_arg, int &u_count_int_arg, int nb_col_jacob_arg, unsigned int det_exo_size_arg, unsigned int nb_col_det_exo_jacob_arg, unsigned int exo_size_arg, unsigned int nb_col_exo_jacob_arg, unsigned int other_endo_size_arg, unsigned int nb_col_other_endo_jacob_arg, const vector &det_exogenous_arg, const vector &exogenous_arg, const vector &other_endogenous_arg) { op_code = FBEGINBLOCK; size = size_arg; type = type_arg; variable = vector(variable_arg.begin()+first_element, variable_arg.begin()+(first_element+block_size)); equation = vector(equation_arg.begin()+first_element, equation_arg.begin()+(first_element+block_size)); det_exogenous = vector(det_exogenous_arg); exogenous = vector(exogenous_arg); other_endogenous = vector(other_endogenous_arg); is_linear = is_linear_arg; endo_nbr = endo_nbr_arg; Max_Lag = Max_Lag_arg; Max_Lead = Max_Lead_arg; u_count_int = u_count_int_arg; nb_col_jacob = nb_col_jacob_arg; det_exo_size = det_exo_size_arg; nb_col_det_exo_jacob = nb_col_det_exo_jacob_arg; exo_size = exo_size_arg; nb_col_exo_jacob = nb_col_exo_jacob_arg; other_endo_size = other_endo_size_arg; nb_col_other_endo_jacob = nb_col_other_endo_jacob_arg; }; inline FBEGINBLOCK_(unsigned int size_arg, BlockSimulationType type_arg, int unsigned first_element, int unsigned block_size, const vector &variable_arg, const vector &equation_arg, bool is_linear_arg, int endo_nbr_arg, int Max_Lag_arg, int Max_Lead_arg, int &u_count_int_arg, int nb_col_jacob_arg) { op_code = FBEGINBLOCK; size = size_arg; type = type_arg; variable = vector(variable_arg.begin()+first_element, variable_arg.begin()+(first_element+block_size)); equation = vector(equation_arg.begin()+first_element, equation_arg.begin()+(first_element+block_size)); is_linear = is_linear_arg; endo_nbr = endo_nbr_arg; Max_Lag = Max_Lag_arg; Max_Lead = Max_Lead_arg; u_count_int = u_count_int_arg; nb_col_jacob = nb_col_jacob_arg; det_exo_size = 0; exo_size = 0; other_endo_size = 0; nb_col_det_exo_jacob = 0; nb_col_exo_jacob = 0; nb_col_other_endo_jacob = 0; } inline unsigned int get_size() { return size; }; inline uint8_t get_type() { return type; }; inline bool get_is_linear() { return is_linear; }; inline int get_endo_nbr() { return endo_nbr; }; inline int get_Max_Lag() { return Max_Lag; }; inline int get_Max_Lead() { return Max_Lead; }; inline int get_u_count_int() { return u_count_int; }; inline vector get_Block_Contain() { return Block_Contain_; }; inline int get_nb_col_jacob() { return nb_col_jacob; }; inline unsigned int get_exo_size() { return exo_size; }; inline unsigned int get_nb_col_exo_jacob() { return nb_col_exo_jacob; }; inline unsigned int get_det_exo_size() { return det_exo_size; }; inline unsigned int get_nb_col_det_exo_jacob() { return nb_col_det_exo_jacob; }; inline unsigned int get_other_endo_size() { return other_endo_size; }; inline unsigned int get_nb_col_other_endo_jacob() { return nb_col_other_endo_jacob; }; inline vector get_endogenous() { return variable; } inline vector get_exogenous() { return exogenous; } inline void write(ostream &CompileCode, unsigned int &instruction_number) { CompileCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&op_code), sizeof(op_code)); CompileCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&size), sizeof(size)); CompileCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&type), sizeof(type)); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { CompileCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&variable[i]), sizeof(variable[0])); CompileCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&equation[i]), sizeof(equation[0])); } if (type == SOLVE_TWO_BOUNDARIES_SIMPLE || type == SOLVE_TWO_BOUNDARIES_COMPLETE || type == SOLVE_BACKWARD_COMPLETE || type == SOLVE_FORWARD_COMPLETE) { CompileCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&is_linear), sizeof(is_linear)); CompileCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&endo_nbr), sizeof(endo_nbr)); CompileCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&Max_Lag), sizeof(Max_Lag)); CompileCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&Max_Lead), sizeof(Max_Lead)); CompileCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&u_count_int), sizeof(u_count_int)); } CompileCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&nb_col_jacob), sizeof(nb_col_jacob)); CompileCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&det_exo_size), sizeof(det_exo_size)); CompileCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&nb_col_det_exo_jacob), sizeof(nb_col_det_exo_jacob)); CompileCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&exo_size), sizeof(exo_size)); CompileCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&nb_col_exo_jacob), sizeof(nb_col_exo_jacob)); CompileCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&other_endo_size), sizeof(other_endo_size)); CompileCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&nb_col_other_endo_jacob), sizeof(nb_col_other_endo_jacob)); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < det_exo_size; i++) CompileCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&det_exogenous[i]), sizeof(det_exogenous[0])); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < exo_size; i++) CompileCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&exogenous[i]), sizeof(exogenous[0])); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < other_endo_size; i++) CompileCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&other_endogenous[i]), sizeof(other_endogenous[0])); instruction_number++; }; #ifdef BYTE_CODE inline uint8_t * load(uint8_t *code) { op_code = FBEGINBLOCK; code += sizeof(op_code); memcpy(&size, code, sizeof(size)); code += sizeof(size); memcpy(&type, code, sizeof(type)); code += sizeof(type); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Block_contain_type bc; memcpy(&bc.Variable, code, sizeof(bc.Variable)); code += sizeof(bc.Variable); memcpy(&bc.Equation, code, sizeof(bc.Equation)); code += sizeof(bc.Equation); Block_Contain_.push_back(bc); } if (type == SOLVE_TWO_BOUNDARIES_SIMPLE || type == SOLVE_TWO_BOUNDARIES_COMPLETE || type == SOLVE_BACKWARD_COMPLETE || type == SOLVE_FORWARD_COMPLETE) { memcpy(&is_linear, code, sizeof(is_linear)); code += sizeof(is_linear); memcpy(&endo_nbr, code, sizeof(endo_nbr)); code += sizeof(endo_nbr); memcpy(&Max_Lag, code, sizeof(Max_Lag)); code += sizeof(Max_Lag); memcpy(&Max_Lead, code, sizeof(Max_Lead)); code += sizeof(Max_Lead); memcpy(&u_count_int, code, sizeof(u_count_int)); code += sizeof(u_count_int); } memcpy(&nb_col_jacob, code, sizeof(nb_col_jacob)); code += sizeof(nb_col_jacob); memcpy(&det_exo_size, code, sizeof(det_exo_size)); code += sizeof(det_exo_size); memcpy(&nb_col_det_exo_jacob, code, sizeof(nb_col_det_exo_jacob)); code += sizeof(nb_col_det_exo_jacob); memcpy(&exo_size, code, sizeof(exo_size)); code += sizeof(exo_size); memcpy(&nb_col_exo_jacob, code, sizeof(nb_col_exo_jacob)); code += sizeof(nb_col_exo_jacob); memcpy(&other_endo_size, code, sizeof(other_endo_size)); code += sizeof(other_endo_size); memcpy(&nb_col_other_endo_jacob, code, sizeof(nb_col_other_endo_jacob)); code += sizeof(nb_col_other_endo_jacob); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < det_exo_size; i++) { unsigned int tmp_i; memcpy(&tmp_i, code, sizeof(tmp_i)); code += sizeof(tmp_i); det_exogenous.push_back(tmp_i); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < exo_size; i++) { unsigned int tmp_i; memcpy(&tmp_i, code, sizeof(tmp_i)); code += sizeof(tmp_i); exogenous.push_back(tmp_i); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < other_endo_size; i++) { unsigned int tmp_i; memcpy(&tmp_i, code, sizeof(tmp_i)); code += sizeof(tmp_i); other_endogenous.push_back(tmp_i); } return code; }; #endif }; #ifdef BYTE_CODE typedef vector > tags_liste_t; class CodeLoad { private: uint8_t *code; unsigned int nb_blocks; vector begin_block; public: inline unsigned int get_block_number() { return nb_blocks; }; size_t inline get_begin_block(int block) { return begin_block[block]; } inline void * get_current_code() { return code; }; inline tags_liste_t get_op_code(string file_name) { tags_liste_t tags_liste; ifstream CompiledCode; streamoff Code_Size; CompiledCode.open((file_name + ".cod").c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary| std::ios::ate); if (!CompiledCode.is_open()) { return tags_liste; } Code_Size = CompiledCode.tellg(); CompiledCode.seekg(std::ios::beg); code = (uint8_t *) mxMalloc(Code_Size); CompiledCode.seekg(0); CompiledCode.read(reinterpret_cast(code), Code_Size); CompiledCode.close(); nb_blocks = 0; bool done = false; int instruction = 0; while (!done) { switch (*code) { case FLDZ: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FLDZ = %d size = %d\n", FLDZ, sizeof(FLDZ_)); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FLDZ, code)); code += sizeof(FLDZ_); break; case FEND: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FEND\n"); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FEND, code)); code += sizeof(FEND_); done = true; break; case FENDBLOCK: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FENDBLOCK\n"); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FENDBLOCK, code)); code += sizeof(FENDBLOCK_); break; case FENDEQU: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FENDEQU\n"); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FENDEQU, code)); code += sizeof(FENDEQU_); break; case FCUML: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FCUML\n"); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FCUML, code)); code += sizeof(FCUML_); break; case FDIMT: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FDIMT = %d size = %d\n", FDIMT, sizeof(FDIMT_)); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FDIMT, code)); code += sizeof(FDIMT_); break; case FDIMST: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FDIMST\n"); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FDIMST, code)); code += sizeof(FDIMST_); break; case FNUMEXPR: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FNUMEXPR\n"); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FNUMEXPR, code)); code += sizeof(FNUMEXPR_); break; case FLDC: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FLDC\n"); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FLDC, code)); code += sizeof(FLDC_); break; case FLDU: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FLDU\n"); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FLDU, code)); code += sizeof(FLDU_); break; case FLDSU: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FLDSU\n"); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FLDSU, code)); code += sizeof(FLDSU_); break; case FLDR: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FLDR\n"); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FLDR, code)); code += sizeof(FLDR_); break; case FLDT: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FLDT\n"); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FLDT, code)); code += sizeof(FLDT_); break; case FLDST: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FLDST\n"); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FLDST, code)); code += sizeof(FLDST_); break; case FSTPT: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FSTPT = %d size = %d\n", FSTPT, sizeof(FSTPT_)); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FSTPT, code)); code += sizeof(FSTPT_); break; case FSTPST: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FSTPST\n"); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FSTPST, code)); code += sizeof(FSTPST_); break; case FSTPR: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FSTPR\n"); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FSTPR, code)); code += sizeof(FSTPR_); break; case FSTPU: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FSTPU\n"); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FSTPU, code)); code += sizeof(FSTPU_); break; case FSTPSU: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FSTPSU\n"); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FSTPSU, code)); code += sizeof(FSTPSU_); break; case FSTPG: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FSTPG\n"); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FSTPG, code)); code += sizeof(FSTPG_); break; case FSTPG2: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FSTPG2\n"); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FSTPG2, code)); code += sizeof(FSTPG2_); break; case FSTPG3: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FSTPG3\n"); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FSTPG3, code)); code += sizeof(FSTPG3_); break; case FUNARY: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FUNARY\n"); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FUNARY, code)); code += sizeof(FUNARY_); break; case FBINARY: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FBINARY\n"); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FBINARY, code)); code += sizeof(FBINARY_); break; case FTRINARY: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FTRINARY\n"); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FTRINARY, code)); code += sizeof(FTRINARY_); break; case FOK: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FOK\n"); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FOK, code)); code += sizeof(FOK_); break; case FLDVS: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FLDVS\n"); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FLDVS, code)); code += sizeof(FLDVS_); break; case FLDSV: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FLDSV\n"); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FLDSV, code)); code += sizeof(FLDSV_); break; case FSTPSV: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FSTPSV\n"); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FSTPSV, code)); code += sizeof(FSTPSV_); break; case FLDV: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FLDV\n"); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FLDV, code)); code += sizeof(FLDV_); break; case FSTPV: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FSTPV\n"); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FSTPV, code)); code += sizeof(FSTPV_); break; case FBEGINBLOCK: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FBEGINBLOCK\n"); # endif { FBEGINBLOCK_ *fbegin_block = new FBEGINBLOCK_; code = fbegin_block->load(code); begin_block.push_back(tags_liste.size()); tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FBEGINBLOCK, fbegin_block)); nb_blocks++; } break; case FJMPIFEVAL: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FJMPIFEVAL\n"); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FJMPIFEVAL, code)); code += sizeof(FJMPIFEVAL_); break; case FJMP: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FJMP\n"); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FJMP, code)); code += sizeof(FJMP_); break; case FCALL: { # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FCALL\n"); # endif FCALL_ *fcall = new FCALL_; code = fcall->load(code); tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FCALL, fcall)); # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FCALL finish\n"); mexEvalString("drawnow;"); mexPrintf("-- *code=%d\n", *code); mexEvalString("drawnow;"); # endif } break; case FPUSH: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FPUSH\n"); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FPUSH, code)); code += sizeof(FPUSH_); break; case FPOP: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FPOP\n"); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FPOP, code)); code += sizeof(FPOP_); break; case FLDTEF: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FLDTEF\n"); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FLDTEF, code)); code += sizeof(FLDTEF_); break; case FSTPTEF: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FSTPTEF\n"); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FSTPTEF, code)); code += sizeof(FSTPTEF_); break; case FLDTEFD: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FLDTEFD\n"); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FLDTEFD, code)); code += sizeof(FLDTEFD_); break; case FSTPTEFD: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FSTPTEFD\n"); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FSTPTEFD, code)); code += sizeof(FSTPTEFD_); break; case FLDTEFDD: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FLDTEFDD\n"); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FLDTEFDD, code)); code += sizeof(FLDTEFDD_); break; case FSTPTEFDD: # ifdef DEBUGL mexPrintf("FSTPTEFDD\n"); # endif tags_liste.push_back(make_pair(FSTPTEFDD, code)); code += sizeof(FSTPTEFDD_); break; default: mexPrintf("Unknown Tag value=%d code=%x\n", *code, code); done = true; } instruction++; } return tags_liste; }; }; #endif #pragma pack(pop) #endif