/* * Copyright (C) 2008 Dynare Team * * This file is part of Dynare. * * Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Dynare. If not, see . */ %{ using namespace std; #include #include "MacroDriver.hh" #include "MacroBison.hh" // Announce to Flex the prototype we want for lexing function #define YY_DECL \ Macro::parser::token_type \ MacroFlex::lex(Macro::parser::semantic_type *yylval, \ Macro::parser::location_type *yylloc, \ MacroDriver &driver) // Shortcut to access tokens defined by Bison typedef Macro::parser::token token; /* By default yylex returns int, we use token_type. Unfortunately yyterminate by default returns 0, which is not of token_type. */ #define yyterminate() return Macro::parser::token_type (0); %} %option c++ %option prefix="Macro" %option case-insensitive noyywrap nounput batch debug never-interactive %x STMT %x EXPR %x FOR_BODY %x THEN_BODY %x ELSE_BODY %{ // Increments location counter for every token read #define YY_USER_ACTION yylloc->columns(yyleng); %} SPC [ \t]+ EOL (\r)?\n CONT \\\\ %% /* Code put at the beginning of yylex() */ %{ // Reset location before reading token yylloc->step(); %} ^{SPC}*@#{SPC}*include{SPC}+\"[^\"\r\n]*\"{SPC}*{EOL} { yylloc->lines(1); yylloc->step(); // Get filename string *filename = new string(yytext); int dblq_idx1 = filename->find('"'); int dblq_idx2 = filename->find('"', dblq_idx1 + 1); filename->erase(dblq_idx2); filename->erase(0, dblq_idx1 + 1); create_include_context(filename, yylloc, driver); BEGIN(INITIAL); } ^{SPC}*@# { yylloc->step(); BEGIN(STMT); } @\{ { yylloc->step(); BEGIN(EXPR); } \} { BEGIN(INITIAL); return token::EOL; } {CONT}{SPC}*{EOL} { yylloc->lines(1); yylloc->step(); } {EOL} { /* If parsing a @#for or an @#if, keep the location for reporting message in case of error */ if (reading_for_statement) for_stmt_loc_tmp = *yylloc; else if (reading_if_statement) if_stmt_loc_tmp = *yylloc; yylloc->lines(1); yylloc->step(); if (reading_for_statement) { reading_for_statement = false; for_body_tmp.erase(); for_body_loc_tmp = *yylloc; nested_for_nb = 0; BEGIN(FOR_BODY); } else if (reading_if_statement) { reading_if_statement = false; then_body_tmp.erase(); then_body_loc_tmp = *yylloc; nested_if_nb = 0; BEGIN(THEN_BODY); } else { *yyout << endl; BEGIN(INITIAL); } return token::EOL; } {SPC}+ { yylloc->step(); } [0-9]+ { yylval->int_val = atoi(yytext); return token::INTEGER; } \( { return token::LPAREN; } \) { return token::RPAREN; } \[ { return token::LBRACKET; } \] { return token::RBRACKET; } : { return token::COLON; } , { return token::COMMA; } = { return token::EQUAL; } [!] { return token::EXCLAMATION; } "||" { return token::LOGICAL_OR; } && { return token::LOGICAL_AND; } "<=" { return token::LESS_EQUAL; } ">=" { return token::GREATER_EQUAL; } "<" { return token::LESS; } ">" { return token::GREATER; } "==" { return token::EQUAL_EQUAL; } "!=" { return token::EXCLAMATION_EQUAL; } [+] { return token::PLUS; } [-] { return token::MINUS; } [*] { return token::TIMES; } [/] { return token::DIVIDE; } in { return token::IN; } \"[^\"]*\" { yylval->string_val = new string(yytext + 1); yylval->string_val->resize(yylval->string_val->length() - 1); return token::STRING; } line { return token::LINE; } define { return token::DEFINE; } for { reading_for_statement = true; return token::FOR; } endfor { driver.error(*yylloc, "@#endfor is not matched by a @#for statement"); } if { reading_if_statement = true; return token::IF; } else { driver.error(*yylloc, "@#else is not matched by an @#if statement"); } endif { driver.error(*yylloc, "@#endif is not matched by an @#if statement"); } echo { return token::ECHO_DIR; } error { return token::ERROR; } [A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]* { yylval->string_val = new string(yytext); return token::NAME; } <> { driver.error(*yylloc, "Unexpected end of file while parsing a macro expression"); } <> { driver.error(*yylloc, "Unexpected end of file while parsing a macro statement"); } {EOL} { yylloc->lines(1); yylloc->step(); for_body_tmp.append(yytext); } ^{SPC}*@#{SPC}*for({SPC}|{CONT}) { nested_for_nb++; for_body_tmp.append(yytext); yylloc->step(); } . { for_body_tmp.append(yytext); yylloc->step(); } <> { driver.error(for_stmt_loc_tmp, "@#for loop not matched by an @#endfor (unexpected end of file)"); } ^{SPC}*@#{SPC}*endfor{SPC}*{EOL} { yylloc->lines(1); yylloc->step(); if (nested_for_nb) { /* This @#endfor is not the end of the loop body, but only that of a nested @#for loop */ nested_for_nb--; for_body_tmp.append(yytext); } else { // Save old buffer state and location save_context(yylloc); for_body = for_body_tmp; for_body_loc = for_body_loc_tmp; iter_loop(driver, yylloc); BEGIN(INITIAL); } } {EOL} { yylloc->lines(1); yylloc->step(); then_body_tmp.append(yytext); } ^{SPC}*@#{SPC}*if({SPC}|{CONT}) { nested_if_nb++; then_body_tmp.append(yytext); yylloc->step(); } . { then_body_tmp.append(yytext); yylloc->step(); } <> { driver.error(if_stmt_loc_tmp, "@#if not matched by an @#endif (unexpected end of file)"); } ^{SPC}*@#{SPC}*else{SPC}*{EOL} { yylloc->lines(1); yylloc->step(); if (nested_if_nb) then_body_tmp.append(yytext); else { else_body_tmp.erase(); else_body_loc_tmp = *yylloc; BEGIN(ELSE_BODY); } } ^{SPC}*@#{SPC}*endif{SPC}*{EOL} { yylloc->lines(1); yylloc->step(); if (nested_if_nb) { /* This @#endif is not the end of the @#if we're parsing, but only that of a nested @#if */ nested_if_nb--; then_body_tmp.append(yytext); } else { if (driver.last_if) create_then_context(yylloc); else output_line(yylloc); BEGIN(INITIAL); } } {EOL} { yylloc->lines(1); yylloc->step(); else_body_tmp.append(yytext); } ^{SPC}*@#{SPC}*if({SPC}|{CONT}) { nested_if_nb++; else_body_tmp.append(yytext); yylloc->step(); } . { else_body_tmp.append(yytext); yylloc->step(); } <> { driver.error(if_stmt_loc_tmp, "@#if not matched by an @#endif (unexpected end of file)"); } ^{SPC}*@#{SPC}*endif{SPC}*{EOL} { yylloc->lines(1); yylloc->step(); if (nested_if_nb) { /* This @#endif is not the end of the @#if we're parsing, but only that of a nested @#if */ nested_if_nb--; else_body_tmp.append(yytext); } else { if (driver.last_if) create_then_context(yylloc); else create_else_context(yylloc); BEGIN(INITIAL); } } <> { // Quit lexer if end of main file if (context_stack.empty()) { yyterminate(); } // Else clean current scanning context yy_delete_buffer(YY_CURRENT_BUFFER); delete input; delete yylloc->begin.filename; /* If we are not in a loop body, or if the loop has terminated, pop a context */ if (for_body.empty() || !iter_loop(driver, yylloc)) restore_context(yylloc); } /* We don't use echo, because under Cygwin it will add an extra \r */ {EOL} { yylloc->lines(1); yylloc->step(); *yyout << endl; } /* Copy everything else to output */ . { yylloc->step(); ECHO; } <*>. { driver.error(*yylloc, "Macro lexer error: '" + string(yytext) + "'"); } %% MacroFlex::MacroFlex(istream* in, ostream* out) : MacroFlexLexer(in, out), input(in), reading_for_statement(false), reading_if_statement(false) { } void MacroFlex::output_line(Macro::parser::location_type *yylloc) const { *yyout << endl << "@#line \"" << *yylloc->begin.filename << "\" " << yylloc->begin.line << endl; } void MacroFlex::save_context(Macro::parser::location_type *yylloc) { context_stack.push(ScanContext(input, YY_CURRENT_BUFFER, *yylloc, for_body, for_body_loc)); } void MacroFlex::restore_context(Macro::parser::location_type *yylloc) { input = context_stack.top().input; yy_switch_to_buffer(context_stack.top().buffer); *yylloc = context_stack.top().yylloc; for_body = context_stack.top().for_body; for_body_loc = context_stack.top().for_body_loc; // Remove top of stack context_stack.pop(); // Dump @#line instruction output_line(yylloc); } void MacroFlex::create_include_context(string *filename, Macro::parser::location_type *yylloc, MacroDriver &driver) { save_context(yylloc); // Open new file input = new ifstream(filename->c_str(), ios::binary); if (input->fail()) driver.error(*yylloc, "Could not open " + *filename); // Reset location yylloc->begin.filename = yylloc->end.filename = filename; yylloc->begin.line = yylloc->end.line = 1; yylloc->begin.column = yylloc->end.column = 0; // We are not in a loop body for_body.clear(); // Output @#line information output_line(yylloc); // Switch to new buffer yy_switch_to_buffer(yy_create_buffer(input, YY_BUF_SIZE)); } void MacroFlex::create_then_context(Macro::parser::location_type *yylloc) { save_context(yylloc); input = new stringstream(then_body_tmp); *yylloc = then_body_loc_tmp; yylloc->begin.filename = yylloc->end.filename = new string(*then_body_loc_tmp.begin.filename); for_body.clear(); output_line(yylloc); yy_switch_to_buffer(yy_create_buffer(input, YY_BUF_SIZE)); } void MacroFlex::create_else_context(Macro::parser::location_type *yylloc) { save_context(yylloc); input = new stringstream(else_body_tmp); *yylloc = else_body_loc_tmp; yylloc->begin.filename = yylloc->end.filename = new string(*else_body_loc_tmp.begin.filename); for_body.clear(); output_line(yylloc); yy_switch_to_buffer(yy_create_buffer(input, YY_BUF_SIZE)); } bool MacroFlex::iter_loop(MacroDriver &driver, Macro::parser::location_type *yylloc) { if (!driver.iter_loop()) return false; input = new stringstream(for_body); *yylloc = for_body_loc; yylloc->begin.filename = yylloc->end.filename = new string(*for_body_loc.begin.filename); output_line(yylloc); yy_switch_to_buffer(yy_create_buffer(input, YY_BUF_SIZE)); return true; } /* This implementation of MacroFlexLexer::yylex() is required to fill the * vtable of the class MacroFlexLexer. We define the scanner's main yylex * function via YY_DECL to reside in the MacroFlex class instead. */ #ifdef yylex # undef yylex #endif int MacroFlexLexer::yylex() { cerr << "MacroFlexLexer::yylex() has been called, that should never happen!" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Local variables: mode: C++ End: */