\documentclass[aspectratio=169]{beamer} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{lmodern} \usepackage{upquote} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage[copyright]{ccicons} \usetheme{Boadilla} \graphicspath{{../logos/}} \title{The Dynare Macro Processor} \author{Sébastien Villemot} \pgfdeclareimage[height=0.8cm]{logo}{dlogo} \institute[Dynare Team]{\pgfuseimage{logo}} \date{23 May 2023} \AtBeginSection[] { \begin{frame} \frametitle{Outline} \tableofcontents[currentsection] \end{frame} } \begin{document} \begin{frame} \titlepage \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Outline} \tableofcontents \end{frame} \section{Overview} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Motivation} \begin{itemize} \item The \textbf{Dynare language} (used in \texttt{.mod} files) is well suited for many economic models \begin{itemize} \item It's a markup language that defines models \item Lacks a programmatic element \end{itemize} \item The \textbf{Dynare macro language} adds a programmatic element to Dynare \begin{itemize} \item Introduces conditionals, loops, and other simple programmatic directives \item Used to speed up model development \item Useful in various situations \begin{itemize} \item Multi-country models \item Creation of modular \texttt{.mod} files \item Variable flipping \item Conditional inclusion of equations \item ...among others \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Design of the macro language} \begin{itemize} \item The Dynare macro language provides a set of \textbf{macro commands} that can be used in \texttt{.mod} files \item The macro processor transforms a \texttt{.mod} file with macro commands into a \texttt{.mod} file without macro commands (doing text expansions/inclusions) and then feeds it to the Dynare parser \item The key point to understand is that the macro processor only does \textbf{text substitution} (like the C preprocessor or the PHP language) \end{itemize} \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Dynare Flowchart} \includegraphics[width=0.95\linewidth]{new-design.pdf} \end{frame} \section{Syntax} \begin{frame}[fragile=singleslide] \frametitle{Macro Directives} \begin{itemize} \item Directives begin with: \verb+@#+ \item A directive gives instructions to the macro processor \item Main directives are: \begin{itemize} \item file inclusion: \verb+@#include+ \item definition of a macro processor variable or function: \verb+@#define+ \item conditional statements: \verb+@#if/@#ifdef/@#ifndef/@#else/@#elseif/@#endif+ \item loop statements: \verb+@#for/@#endfor+ \end{itemize} \item Most directives fit on one line. If needed however, two backslashes (\textit{i.e.} \verb+\\+) at the end of a line indicate that the directive is continued on the next line. \item Directives are not terminated with a semicolon \end{itemize} \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Values} \begin{itemize} \item The macro processor can handle values of 5 different types: \begin{enumerate} \item boolean (logical value, true or false) \item real (double precision floating point number) \item string (of characters) \item tuple \item array \end{enumerate} \item Values of the types listed above can be cast to other types \begin{itemize} \item \texttt{(real) "3.1"} $\rightarrow$ \texttt{3.1} \item \texttt{(string) 3.1} $\rightarrow$ \texttt{"3.1"} \item \texttt{(array) 4} $\rightarrow$ \texttt{[4]} \item \texttt{(real) [5]} $\rightarrow$ \texttt{5} \item \texttt{(real) [6, 7]} $\rightarrow$ \texttt{error} \item \texttt{(bool) -1 \&\& (bool) 2} $\rightarrow$ \texttt{true} \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile=singleslide] \frametitle{Macro-expressions (1/8)} \begin{itemize} \item Macro-expressions are constructed using literals (\textit{i.e.} fixed values) of the 5 basic types described above, macro-variables, standard operators, function calls and comprehensions. \item Macro-expressions can be used in two places: \begin{itemize} \item inside macro directives; no special markup is required \item in the body of the \texttt{.mod} file, between an ``at''-sign and curly braces (like \verb+@{expr}+); the macro processor will substitute the expression with its value \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile=singleslide] \frametitle{Macro-expressions (2/8): Boolean} Boolean literals are \texttt{true} and \texttt{false}. \begin{block}{Operators on booleans} \begin{itemize} \item comparison operators: \texttt{== !=} \item logical operators: \begin{itemize} \item conjunction (“and”): \texttt{\&\&} \item disjunction (“or”): \texttt{||} \item negation (“not”): \texttt{!} \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{block} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile=singleslide] \frametitle{Macro-expressions (3/8): Real} \begin{block}{Operators on reals} \begin{itemize} \item arithmetic operators: \texttt{+ - * / \^{}} \item comparison operators: \texttt{< > <= >= == !=} \item logical operators: \verb+&& || !+ \item range with unit increment: \texttt{1:4} is equivalent to real array \texttt{[1, 2, 3, 4]}. (NB: \texttt{[1:4]} is equivalent to an array containing an array of reals, \textit{i.e.} \texttt{[[1, 2, 3, 4]]}) \item range with user-defined increment: \texttt{4:-1.1:-1} is equivalent to real array \texttt{[4, 2.9, 1.8, 0.7, -0.4]}. \end{itemize} \end{block} \begin{block}{Functions for reals} \begin{itemize} \item \texttt{min}, \texttt{max}, \texttt{exp}, \texttt{ln} (or \texttt{log}), \texttt{log10} \item \texttt{sign}, \texttt{floor}, \texttt{ceil}, \texttt{trunc}, \texttt{round}, \texttt{mod} \item \texttt{sin}, \texttt{cos}, \texttt{tan}, \texttt{asin}, \texttt{acos}, \texttt{atan} \item \texttt{sqrt}, \texttt{cbrt}, \texttt{erf}, \texttt{erfc}, \texttt{normpdf}, \texttt{normcdf}, \texttt{gamma}, \texttt{lgamma} \end{itemize} \end{block} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile=singleslide] \frametitle{Macro-expressions (4/8): String} String literals have to be declared between \textit{double} quotes, e.g. \texttt{"string"} \begin{block}{Operators on character strings} \begin{itemize} \item comparison operators: \texttt{< > <= >= == !=} \item concatenation: \texttt{+} \item string length: \texttt{length()} \item string emptiness: \texttt{isempty()} \item extraction of substrings: if \texttt{s} is a string, then one can write \texttt{s[3]} or \texttt{s[4:6]} \end{itemize} \end{block} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile=singleslide] \frametitle{Macro-expressions (5/8): Tuple} Tuples are enclosed by parentheses and elements are separated by commas (like \texttt{(a,b,c)} or \texttt{(1,2.2,c)}). \begin{block}{Operators on tuples} \begin{itemize} \item comparison operators: \texttt{== !=} \item functions: \texttt{length()}, \texttt{isempty()} \item testing membership in tuple: \texttt{in} operator \\ (example: \texttt{"b" in ("a", "b", "c")} returns \texttt{true}) \end{itemize} \end{block} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile=singleslide] \frametitle{Macro-expressions (6/8): Array (1/2)} Arrays are enclosed by brackets, and their elements are separated by commas (like \texttt{[1,[2,3],4]} or \texttt{["US", "EA"]}). \begin{block}{Operators on arrays} \begin{itemize} \item comparison operators: \texttt{== !=} \item dereferencing: if \texttt{v} is an array, then \texttt{v[2]} is its $2^{\textrm{nd}}$ element \item concatenation: \texttt{+} \item functions: \texttt{sum()}, \texttt{length()}, \texttt{isempty()} \item extraction of sub-arrays: \textit{e.g.} \texttt{v[4:6]} \item testing membership of an array: \texttt{in} operator \\ (example: \texttt{"b" in ["a", "b", "c"]} returns \texttt{true}) \end{itemize} \end{block} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile=singleslide] \frametitle{Macro-expressions (6/8): Array (2/2)} Arrays can be seen as representing a set of elements (assuming no element appears twice in the array). Several set operations can thus be performed on arrays: union, intersection, difference, Cartesian product and power. \begin{block}{Set operations on arrays} \begin{itemize} \item set union: \texttt{|} \item set intersection: \texttt{\&} \item set difference: \texttt{-} \item Cartesian product of two arrays: \texttt{*} \item Cartesian power of an array: \texttt{\^} \end{itemize} \end{block} For example: if \texttt{A} and \texttt{B} are arrays, then the following set operations are valid: \texttt{A|B}, \texttt{A\&B}, \texttt{A-B}, \texttt{A*B}, \texttt{A\^{}3}. NB: the array resulting from Cartesian product or power has tuples as its elements. \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile=singleslide] \frametitle{Macro-expressions (7/8): Comprehension (1/3)} Comprehensions are a shorthand way of creating arrays from other arrays. This is done by filtering, mapping, or both. \begin{block}{Filtering} \begin{itemize} \item Allows one to choose those elements from an array for which a condition holds \item Syntax: \texttt{[} \textit{variable/tuple} \texttt{in} \textit{array} \texttt{when} \textit{condition} \texttt{]} \item Example: Choose even numbers from array \begin{itemize} \item Code: \texttt{[ i in 1:5 when mod(i,2) == 0 ]} \item Result: \texttt{[2, 4]} \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{block} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile=singleslide] \frametitle{Macro-expressions (7/8): Comprehension (2/3)} \begin{block}{Mapping} \begin{itemize} \item Allows one to apply a transformation to every element of an array \item Syntax: \texttt{[} \textit{expr} \texttt{for} \textit{variable/tuple} \texttt{in} \textit{array} \texttt{]} \item Example: Square elements in array \begin{itemize} \item Code: \texttt{[ i\^{}2 for i in 1:5 ]} \item Result: \texttt{[1, 4, 9, 16, 25]} \end{itemize} \item Example: Swap pairs of an array \begin{itemize} \item Code: \texttt{[ (j,i) for (i,j) in (1:2)\^{}2 ]} \item Result: \texttt{[(1, 1), (2, 1), (1, 2), (2, 2)]} \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{block} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile=singleslide] \frametitle{Macro-expressions (7/8): Comprehension (3/3)} \begin{block}{Mapping and Filtering} \begin{itemize} \item Allows one to apply a transformation to the elements selected from an array \item Syntax: \texttt{[} \textit{expr} \texttt{for} \textit{variable/tuple} \texttt{in} \textit{array} \texttt{when} \textit{condition} \texttt{]} \item Example: Square of odd numbers between 1 and 5 \begin{itemize} \item Code: \texttt{[ i\^{}2 for i in 1:5 when mod(i,2) == 1 ]} \item Result: \texttt{[1, 9, 25]} \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{block} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile=singleslide] \frametitle{Macro-expressions (8/8): Functions} \begin{itemize} \item Can take any number of arguments \item Dynamic binding: is evaluated when invoked during the macroprocessing stage, not when defined \item Can be included in expressions; valid operators depend on return type \end{itemize} \begin{block}{Declaration syntax} \verb+@#define +\textit{function\_signature}\verb+ = +\textit{expression} \end{block} \begin{block}{Example} If we declare the following function: \begin{verbatim} @#define distance(x, y) = sqrt(x^2 + y^2) \end{verbatim} Then \texttt{distance(3, 4)} will be equivalent to \texttt{5}. \end{block} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile=singleslide] \frametitle{Defining macro-variables} The value of a macro-variable can be defined with the \verb+@#define+ directive. The macro processor has its own list of variables, which are different from model variables and MATLAB/Octave variables \begin{block}{Syntax} \verb+@#define +\textit{variable\_name}\verb+ = +\textit{expression} \end{block} \begin{block}{Examples} \begin{verbatim} @#define x = 5 // Real @#define y = "US" // String @#define v = [ 1, 2, 4 ] // Real array @#define w = [ "US", "EA" ] // String array @#define z = 3 + v[2] // Equals 5 @#define t = ("US" in w) // Equals true \end{verbatim} \end{block} NB: You can define macro variables on the Dynare command line by using the \texttt{-D} option \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile=singleslide] \frametitle{Expression substitution} \framesubtitle{Dummy example} \begin{block}{Before macro processing} \begin{verbatim} @#define x = 1 @#define y = [ "B", "C" ] @#define i = 2 @#define f(x) = x + " + " + y[i] @#define i = 1 model; A = @{y[i] + f("D")}; end; \end{verbatim} \end{block} \begin{block}{After macro processing} \begin{verbatim} model; A = BD + B; end; \end{verbatim} \end{block} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile=singleslide] \frametitle{Include directive (1/2)} \begin{itemize} \item This directive simply inserts the text of another file in its place \begin{block}{Syntax} \verb+@#include "+\textit{filename}\verb+"+ \end{block} \begin{block}{Example} \begin{verbatim} @#include "modelcomponent.mod" \end{verbatim} \end{block} \item Equivalent to a copy/paste of the content of the included file \item Note that it is possible to nest includes (\textit{i.e.} to include a file with an included file) \end{itemize} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile=singleslide] \frametitle{Include directive (2/2)} \begin{itemize} \item The filename can be given by a macro-variable (useful in loops): \begin{block}{Example with variable} \begin{verbatim} @#define fname = "modelcomponent.mod" @#include fname \end{verbatim} \end{block} \item Files to include are searched for in the current directory. Other directories can be added with the \verb+@#includepath+ directive, the \texttt{-I} command line option, or the \texttt{[paths]} section in config files. \end{itemize} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile=singleslide] \frametitle{Loop directive (1/4)} \begin{block}{Syntax 1: Simple iteration over one variable} \verb+@#for +\textit{variable\_name}\verb+ in +\textit{array\_expr} \\ \verb+ +\textit{loop\_body} \\ \verb+@#endfor+ \end{block} \begin{block}{Syntax 2: Iteration over several variables at the same time} \verb+@#for +\textit{tuple}\verb+ in +\textit{array\_expr} \\ \verb+ +\textit{loop\_body} \\ \verb+@#endfor+ \end{block} \begin{block}{Syntax 3: Iteration with some values excluded} \verb+@#for +\textit{tuple\_or\_variable}\verb+ in +\textit{array\_expr} \verb+ when +\textit{expr}\\ \verb+ +\textit{loop\_body} \\ \verb+@#endfor+ \end{block} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile=singleslide] \frametitle{Loop directive (2/4)} \begin{block}{Example: before macro processing} \small \begin{verbatim} model; @#for country in [ "home", "foreign" ] GDP_@{country} = A * K_@{country}^a * L_@{country}^(1-a); @#endfor end; \end{verbatim} \normalsize \end{block} \begin{block}{Example: after macro processing} \small \begin{verbatim} model; GDP_home = A * K_home^a * L_home^(1-a); GDP_foreign = A * K_foreign^a * L_foreign^(1-a); end; \end{verbatim} \normalsize \end{block} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile=singleslide] \frametitle{Loop directive (3/4)} \begin{block}{Example: loop over several variables} \small \begin{verbatim} @#define A = [ "X", "Y", "Z"] @#define B = [ 1, 2, 3] model; @#for (i,j) in A*B e_@{i}_@{j} = … @#endfor end; \end{verbatim} \normalsize This will loop over \texttt{e\_X\_1}, \texttt{e\_X\_2}, …, \texttt{e\_Z\_3} (9 variables in total) \end{block} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile=singleslide] \frametitle{Loop directive (4/4)} \begin{block}{Example: loop over several variables with filtering} \small \begin{verbatim} model; @#for (i,j,k) in (1:10)^3 when i^2+j^2==k^2 e_@{i}_@{j}_@{k} = … @#endfor end; \end{verbatim} \normalsize This loop will iterate over only 4 triplets: \texttt{(3,4,5)}, \texttt{(4,3,5)}, \texttt{(6,8,10)}, \texttt{(8,6,10)}. \end{block} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile=singleslide] \frametitle{Conditional directives (1/3)} \begin{columns}[T] \column{0.47\linewidth} \begin{block}{Syntax 1} \verb+@#if +\textit{bool\_or\_real\_expr} \\ \verb+ +\textit{body included if expr is true (or != 0)} \\ \verb+@#endif+ \end{block} \column{0.47\linewidth} \begin{block}{Syntax 2} \verb+@#if +\textit{bool\_or\_real\_expr} \\ \verb+ +\textit{body included if expr is true (or != 0)} \\ \verb+@#else+ \\ \verb+ +\textit{body included if expr is false (or 0)} \\ \verb+@#endif+ \end{block} \end{columns} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile=singleslide] \frametitle{Conditional directives (2/3)} \begin{block}{Syntax 3} \scriptsize \verb+@#if +\textit{bool\_or\_real\_expr1} \\ \verb+ +\textit{body included if expr1 is true (or != 0)} \\ \verb+@#elseif +\textit{bool\_or\_real\_expr2} \\ \verb+ +\textit{body included if expr2 is true (or != 0)} \\ \verb+@#else+ \\ \verb+ +\textit{body included if expr1 and expr2 are false (or 0)} \\ \verb+@#endif+ \end{block} \begin{block}{Example: alternative monetary policy rules} \scriptsize \begin{verbatim} @#define linear_mon_pol = false // or 0 ... model; @#if linear_mon_pol i = w*i(-1) + (1-w)*i_ss + w2*(pie-piestar); @#else i = i(-1)^w * i_ss^(1-w) * (pie/piestar)^w2; @#endif ... end; \end{verbatim} \scriptsize \end{block} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile=singleslide] \frametitle{Conditional directives (3/3)} \begin{columns}[T] \column{0.47\linewidth} \begin{block}{Syntax 1} \verb+@#ifdef +\textit{variable\_name} \\ \verb+ +\textit{body included if variable defined} \\ \verb+@#endif+ \end{block} \column{0.47\linewidth} \begin{block}{Syntax 2} \verb+@#ifdef +\textit{variable\_name} \\ \verb+ +\textit{body included if variable defined} \\ \verb+@#else+ \\ \verb+ +\textit{body included if variable not defined} \\ \verb+@#endif+ \end{block} \end{columns} \bigskip \begin{itemize} \item There is also \verb+@#ifndef+, which is the opposite of \verb+@#ifdef+ (\textit{i.e.} it tests whether a variable is \emph{not} defined). \item NB: There is \emph{no} \verb+@#elseifdef+ or \verb+@#elseifndef+ directive; use \verb+elseif defined(variable_name)+ to achieve the desired objective. \end{itemize} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile=singleslide] \frametitle{Echo directives} \begin{itemize} \item The echo directive will simply display a message on standard output \item The echomacrovars directive will display all of the macro variables (or those specified) and their values \item The \texttt{save} option allows saving this information to \texttt{options\_.macrovars\_line\_x}, where \texttt{x} denotes the line number where the statement was encountered \end{itemize} \begin{block}{Syntax} \verb+@#echo +\textit{string\_expr} \\ \verb+@#echomacrovars +\\ \verb+@#echomacrovars +\textit{list\_of\_variables}\\ \verb+@#echomacrovars(save)+\\ \verb+@#echomacrovars(save) +\textit{list\_of\_variables}\\ \end{block} \begin{block}{Examples} \begin{verbatim} @#echo "Information message." \end{verbatim} \end{block} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile=singleslide] \frametitle{Error directive} \begin{itemize} \item The error directive will display the message and make Dynare stop (only makes sense inside a conditional directive) \end{itemize} \begin{block}{Syntax} \verb+@#error +\textit{string\_expr} \\ \end{block} \begin{block}{Example} \begin{verbatim} @#error "Error message!" \end{verbatim} \end{block} \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Macro-related command line options} \begin{itemize} \item \texttt{savemacro}: Useful for debugging or learning purposes, saves the output of the macro processor. If your \texttt{.mod} file is called \texttt{file.mod}, the output is saved to \texttt{file-macroexp.mod}. \item NB: \texttt{savemacro=filename} allows a user-defined file name \item \texttt{linemacro}: In the output of \texttt{savemacro}, print line numbers where the macro directives were placed. \item \texttt{onlymacro}: Stops processing after the macro processing step. \end{itemize} \end{frame} \section{Common uses} \begin{frame}[fragile=singleslide] \frametitle{Modularization} \begin{itemize} \item The \verb+@#include+ directive can be used to split \texttt{.mod} files into several modular components \item Example setup: \begin{description} \item[\texttt{modeldesc.mod}:] contains variable declarations, model equations, and shock declarations \item[\texttt{simulate.mod}:] includes \texttt{modeldesc.mod}, calibrates parameters, and runs stochastic simulations \item[\texttt{estim.mod}:] includes \texttt{modeldesc.mod}, declares priors on parameters, and runs Bayesian estimation \end{description} \item Dynare can be called on \texttt{simulate.mod} and \texttt{estim.mod} \item But it makes no sense to run it on \texttt{modeldesc.mod} \item Advantage: no need to manually copy/paste the whole model (during initial development) or port model changes (during development) \end{itemize} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile=singleslide] \frametitle{Indexed sums or products} \framesubtitle{Example: moving average} \begin{columns}[T] \column{0.47\linewidth} \begin{block}{Before macro processing} \begin{verbatim} @#define window = 2 var x MA_x; ... model; ... MA_x = @{1/(2*window+1)}*( @#for i in -window:window +x(@{i}) @#endfor ); ... end; \end{verbatim} \end{block} \column{0.47\linewidth} \begin{block}{After macro processing} \begin{verbatim} var x MA_x; ... model; ... MA_x = 1/5*( +x(-2) +x(-1) +x(0) +x(1) +x(2) ); ... end; \end{verbatim} \end{block} \end{columns} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile=singleslide] \frametitle{Multi-country models} \framesubtitle{\texttt{.mod} file skeleton example} \scriptsize \begin{verbatim} @#define countries = [ "US", "EA", "AS", "JP", "RC" ] @#define nth_co = "US" @#for co in countries var Y_@{co} K_@{co} L_@{co} i_@{co} E_@{co} ...; parameters a_@{co} ...; varexo ...; @#endfor model; @#for co in countries Y_@{co} = K_@{co}^a_@{co} * L_@{co}^(1-a_@{co}); ... @# if co != nth_co (1+i_@{co}) = (1+i_@{nth_co}) * E_@{co}(+1) / E_@{co}; // UIP relation @# else E_@{co} = 1; @# endif @#endfor end; \end{verbatim} \normalsize \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Endogeneizing parameters (1/4)} \begin{itemize} \item When calibrating the model, it may be useful to pin down parameters by targeting endogenous objects \item Example: \begin{gather*} y_t = \left(\alpha^{\frac{1}{\xi}} \ell_t^{1-\frac{1}{\xi}} + (1-\alpha)^{\frac{1}{\xi}}k_t^{1-\frac{1}{\xi}}\right)^{\frac{\xi}{\xi - 1}} \\ lab\_rat_t = \frac{w_t \ell_t}{p_t y_t} \end{gather*} \item In the model, $\alpha$ is a (share) parameter, and $lab\_rat_t$ is an endogenous variable \item We observe that: \begin{itemize} \item setting a value for $\alpha$ is not straightforward! \item but we have real world data for $lab\_rat_t$ \item it is clear that these two objects are economically linked \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile=singleslide] \frametitle{Endogeneizing parameters (2/4)} \begin{itemize} \item Therefore, when computing the steady state by solving the static model: \begin{itemize} \item we make $\alpha$ a variable and the steady state value $lab\_rat$ of the dynamic variable $lab\_rat_t$ a parameter \item we impose an economically sensible value for $lab\_rat$ \item the solution algorithm deduces the implied value for $\alpha$ \end{itemize} \item We call this method ``variable flipping'', because it treats $\alpha$ as a variable and $lab\_rat$ as a parameter for the purpose of the static model \end{itemize} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile=singleslide] \frametitle{Endogeneizing parameters (3/4)} \framesubtitle{Example implementation} \begin{itemize} \item File \texttt{modeqs.mod}: \begin{itemize} \item contains variable declarations and model equations \item For declaration of \texttt{alpha} and \texttt{lab\_rat}: \footnotesize \begin{verbatim} @#if steady var alpha; parameter lab_rat; @#else parameter alpha; var lab_rat; @#endif \end{verbatim} \normalsize \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile=singleslide] \frametitle{Endogeneizing parameters (4/4)} \framesubtitle{Example implementation} \begin{itemize} \item File \texttt{steadystate.mod}: \begin{itemize} \item begins with \verb+@#define steady = true+ \item followed by \verb+@#include "modeqs.mod"+ \item initializes parameters (including \texttt{lab\_rat}, excluding \texttt{alpha}) \item computes steady state (using guess values for endogenous, including \texttt{alpha}) \item saves values of parameters and variables at steady-state in a file, using the \texttt{save\_params\_and\_steady\_state} command \end{itemize} \item File \texttt{simulate.mod}: \begin{itemize} \item begins with \verb+@#define steady = false+ \item followed by \verb+@#include "modeqs.mod"+ \item loads values of parameters and variables at steady-state from file, using the \texttt{load\_params\_and\_steady\_state} command \item computes simulations \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile=singleslide] \frametitle{MATLAB/Octave loops vs macro processor loops (1/3)} Suppose you have a model with a parameter $\rho$, and you want to make simulations for three values: $\rho = 0.8, 0.9, 1$. There are several ways of doing this: \begin{block}{With a MATLAB/Octave loop} \begin{verbatim} rhos = [ 0.8, 0.9, 1]; for i = 1:length(rhos) set_param_value('rho',rhos(i)); stoch_simul(order=1); if info(1)~=0 error('Simulation failed for parameter draw') end end \end{verbatim} \end{block} \begin{itemize} \item The loop is not unrolled \item MATLAB/Octave manages the iterations \item NB: always check whether the error flag \texttt{info(1)==0} to prevent erroneously relying on stale results from previous iterations \end{itemize} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile=singleslide] \frametitle{MATLAB/Octave loops vs macro processor loops (2/3)} \begin{block}{With a macro processor loop (case 1)} \begin{verbatim} rhos = [ 0.8, 0.9, 1]; @#for i in 1:3 set_param_value('rho',rhos(@{i})); stoch_simul(order=1); if info(1)~=0 error('Simulation failed for parameter draw') end @#endfor \end{verbatim} \end{block} \begin{itemize} \item Very similar to previous example \item Loop is unrolled \item Dynare macro processor manages the loop index but not the data array (\texttt{rhos}) \end{itemize} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile=singleslide] \frametitle{MATLAB/Octave loops vs macro processor loops (3/3)} \begin{block}{With a macro processor loop (case 2)} \begin{verbatim} @#for rho_val in [ 0.8, 0.9, 1] set_param_value('rho',@{rho_val}); stoch_simul(order=1); if info(1)~=0 error('Simulation failed for parameter draw') end @#endfor \end{verbatim} \end{block} \begin{itemize} \item Shorter syntax, since list of values directly given in the loop construct \item NB: Array not stored as MATLAB/Octave variable, hence cannot be used in MATLAB/Octave \end{itemize} \end{frame} \begin{frame} \begin{center} \vfill {\LARGE Thanks for your attention! \\ Questions?} \vfill {\LARGE My email: \texttt{sebastien@dynare.org}} \vfill \end{center} \vfill \begin{columns}[T] \column{0.2\textwidth} \column{0.09\textwidth} \ccbysa \column{0.71\textwidth} \tiny Copyright © 2008-2023 Dynare Team \\ License: \href{http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/}{Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0} \end{columns} \end{frame} \end{document}