/* * Copyright (C) 2003-2018 Dynare Team * * This file is part of Dynare. * * Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Dynare. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef PACKAGE_VERSION # define PACKAGE_VERSION 4. #endif #include #include "ParsingDriver.hh" #include "ExtendedPreprocessorTypes.hh" #include "ConfigFile.hh" /* Prototype for second part of main function Splitting main() in two parts was necessary because ParsingDriver.h and MacroDriver.h can't be included simultaneously (because of Bison limitations). */ void main2(stringstream &in, string &basename, bool debug, bool clear_all, bool clear_global, bool no_tmp_terms, bool no_log, bool no_warn, bool warn_uninit, bool console, bool nograph, bool nointeractive, bool parallel, ConfigFile &config_file, WarningConsolidation &warnings_arg, bool nostrict, bool stochastic, bool check_model_changes, bool minimal_workspace, bool compute_xrefs, FileOutputType output_mode, LanguageOutputType lang, int params_derivs_order, bool transform_unary_ops #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN32__) || defined(__MINGW32__) , bool cygwin, bool msvc, bool mingw #endif , JsonOutputPointType json, JsonFileOutputType json_output_mode, bool onlyjson, bool jsonderivsimple , bool nopreprocessoroutput ); void main1(string &modfile, string &basename, string &modfiletxt, bool debug, bool save_macro, string &save_macro_file, bool no_line_macro, bool no_empty_line_macro, map &defines, vector &path, stringstream ¯o_output); void usage() { cerr << "Dynare usage: dynare mod_file [debug] [noclearall] [onlyclearglobals] [savemacro[=macro_file]] [onlymacro] [nolinemacro] [noemptylinemacro] [notmpterms] [nolog] [warn_uninit]" << " [console] [nograph] [nointeractive] [parallel[=cluster_name]] [conffile=parallel_config_path_and_filename] [parallel_slave_open_mode] [parallel_test]" << " [-D[=]] [-I/path] [nostrict] [stochastic] [fast] [minimal_workspace] [compute_xrefs] [output=dynamic|first|second|third] [language=C|C++|julia]" << " [params_derivs_order=0|1|2] [transform_unary_ops]" #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN32__) || defined(__MINGW32__) << " [cygwin] [msvc] [mingw]" #endif << " [json=parse|check|transform|compute] [jsonstdout] [onlyjson] [jsonderivsimple] [nopathchange] [nopreprocessoroutput]" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* Redirect stderr to stdout. Made necessary because MATLAB/Octave can only capture stdout (but not stderr), in order to put it in the logfile (see issue #306) */ dup2(STDOUT_FILENO, STDERR_FILENO); if (argc < 2) { cerr << "Missing model file!" << endl; usage(); } bool clear_all = true; bool clear_global = false; bool save_macro = false; string save_macro_file; bool debug = false; bool no_tmp_terms = false; bool only_macro = false; bool no_line_macro = false; bool no_empty_line_macro = false; bool no_log = false; bool no_warn = false; int params_derivs_order = 2; bool warn_uninit = false; bool console = false; bool nograph = false; bool nointeractive = false; #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN32__) || defined(__MINGW32__) bool cygwin = false; bool msvc = false; bool mingw = false; #endif string parallel_config_file; bool parallel = false; string cluster_name; bool parallel_slave_open_mode = false; bool parallel_test = false; bool nostrict = false; bool stochastic = false; bool check_model_changes = false; bool minimal_workspace = false; bool compute_xrefs = false; bool transform_unary_ops = false; map defines; vector path; FileOutputType output_mode = none; JsonOutputPointType json = nojson; JsonFileOutputType json_output_mode = file; bool onlyjson = false; bool jsonderivsimple = false; LanguageOutputType language = matlab; bool nopreprocessoroutput = false; // Parse options for (int arg = 2; arg < argc; arg++) { if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "debug")) debug = true; else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "noclearall")) clear_all = false; else if (strlen(argv[arg]) >= 19 && !strncmp(argv[arg], "params_derivs_order", 19)) { if (strlen(argv[arg]) >= 22 || argv[arg][19] != '=' || !(argv[arg][20] == '0' || argv[arg][20] == '1' || argv[arg][20] == '2')) { cerr << "Incorrect syntax for params_derivs_order option" << endl; usage(); } params_derivs_order = atoi(argv[arg] + 20); } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "onlyclearglobals")) { clear_all = false; clear_global = true; } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "onlymacro")) only_macro = true; else if (strlen(argv[arg]) >= 9 && !strncmp(argv[arg], "savemacro", 9)) { save_macro = true; if (strlen(argv[arg]) > 9) { if (strlen(argv[arg]) == 10 || argv[arg][9] != '=') { cerr << "Incorrect syntax for savemacro option" << endl; usage(); } save_macro_file = string(argv[arg] + 10); } } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "nolinemacro")) no_line_macro = true; else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "noemptylinemacro")) no_empty_line_macro = true; else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "notmpterms")) no_tmp_terms = true; else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "nolog")) no_log = true; else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "nowarn")) no_warn = true; else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "warn_uninit")) warn_uninit = true; else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "console")) console = true; else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "nograph")) nograph = true; else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "nointeractive")) nointeractive = true; #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN32__) || defined(__MINGW32__) else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "cygwin")) cygwin = true; else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "msvc")) msvc = true; else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "mingw")) mingw = true; #endif else if (strlen(argv[arg]) >= 8 && !strncmp(argv[arg], "conffile", 8)) { if (strlen(argv[arg]) <= 9 || argv[arg][8] != '=') { cerr << "Incorrect syntax for conffile option" << endl; usage(); } parallel_config_file = string(argv[arg] + 9); } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "parallel_slave_open_mode")) parallel_slave_open_mode = true; else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "parallel_test")) parallel_test = true; else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "nostrict")) nostrict = true; else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "stochastic")) stochastic = true; else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "fast")) check_model_changes = true; else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "minimal_workspace")) minimal_workspace = true; else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "compute_xrefs")) compute_xrefs = true; else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "transform_unary_ops")) transform_unary_ops = true; else if (strlen(argv[arg]) >= 8 && !strncmp(argv[arg], "parallel", 8)) { parallel = true; if (strlen(argv[arg]) > 8) { if (strlen(argv[arg]) == 9 || argv[arg][8] != '=') { cerr << "Incorrect syntax for parallel option" << endl; usage(); } cluster_name = string(argv[arg] + 9); } } else if (strlen(argv[arg]) >= 2 && !strncmp(argv[arg], "-D", 2)) { if (strlen(argv[arg]) == 2) { cerr << "Incorrect syntax for command line define: the defined variable " << "must not be separated from -D by whitespace." << endl; usage(); } size_t equal_index = string(argv[arg]).find('='); if (equal_index != string::npos) { string key = string(argv[arg]).erase(equal_index).erase(0, 2); defines[key] = string(argv[arg]).erase(0, equal_index+1); } else { string key = string(argv[arg]).erase(0, 2); defines[key] = "1"; } } else if (strlen(argv[arg]) >= 2 && !strncmp(argv[arg], "-I", 2)) { if (strlen(argv[arg]) == 2) { cerr << "Incorrect syntax for command line define: the defined variable " << "must not be separated from -I by whitespace." << endl; usage(); } path.push_back(string(argv[arg]).erase(0, 2)); } else if (strlen(argv[arg]) >= 6 && !strncmp(argv[arg], "output", 6)) { if (strlen(argv[arg]) <= 7 || argv[arg][6] != '=') { cerr << "Incorrect syntax for output option" << endl; usage(); } if (strlen(argv[arg]) == 14 && !strncmp(argv[arg] + 7, "dynamic", 7)) output_mode = dynamic; else if (strlen(argv[arg]) == 12 && !strncmp(argv[arg] + 7, "first", 5)) output_mode = first; else if (strlen(argv[arg]) == 13 && !strncmp(argv[arg] + 7, "second", 6)) output_mode = second; else if (strlen(argv[arg]) == 12 && !strncmp(argv[arg] + 7, "third", 5)) output_mode = third; else { cerr << "Incorrect syntax for output option" << endl; usage(); } } else if (strlen(argv[arg]) >= 8 && !strncmp(argv[arg], "language", 8)) { if (strlen(argv[arg]) <= 9 || argv[arg][8] != '=') { cerr << "Incorrect syntax for language option" << endl; usage(); } if (strlen(argv[arg]) == 14 && !strncmp(argv[arg] + 9, "julia", 5)) language = julia; else { // we don't want temp terms in external functions (except Julia) no_tmp_terms = true; if (strlen(argv[arg]) == 10 && !strncmp(argv[arg] + 9, "C", 1)) language = c; else if (strlen(argv[arg]) == 12 && !strncmp(argv[arg] + 9, "C++", 3)) language = cpp; else if (strlen(argv[arg]) == 13 && !strncmp(argv[arg] + 9, "cuda", 4)) language = cuda; else if (strlen(argv[arg]) == 15 && !strncmp(argv[arg] + 9, "python", 6)) language = python; else { cerr << "Incorrect syntax for language option" << endl; usage(); } } } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "jsonstdout")) json_output_mode = standardout; else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "onlyjson")) onlyjson = true; else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "nopreprocessoroutput")) nopreprocessoroutput = true; else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "jsonderivsimple")) jsonderivsimple = true; else if (strlen(argv[arg]) >= 4 && !strncmp(argv[arg], "json", 4)) { if (strlen(argv[arg]) <= 5 || argv[arg][4] != '=') { cerr << "Incorrect syntax for json option" << endl; usage(); } if (strlen(argv[arg]) == 10 && !strncmp(argv[arg] + 5, "parse", 5)) json = parsing; else if (strlen(argv[arg]) == 10 && !strncmp(argv[arg] + 5, "check", 5)) json = checkpass; else if (strlen(argv[arg]) == 14 && !strncmp(argv[arg] + 5, "transform", 9)) json = transformpass; else if (strlen(argv[arg]) == 12 && !strncmp(argv[arg] + 5, "compute", 7)) json = computingpass; else { cerr << "Incorrect syntax for json option" << endl; usage(); } } else { cerr << "Unknown option: " << argv[arg] << endl; usage(); } } if (!nopreprocessoroutput) cout << "Starting preprocessing of the model file ..." << endl; // Construct basename (i.e. remove file extension if there is one) string basename = argv[1]; string modfile, modfiletxt; size_t fsc = basename.find_first_of(';'); if (fsc != string::npos) { // If a semicolon is found in argv[1], treat it as the text of the modfile modfile = "mod_file_passed_as_string.mod"; basename = "mod_file_passed_as_string"; modfiletxt = argv[1]; } else { // If a semicolon is NOT found in argv[1], treat it as the name of the modfile modfile = argv[1]; size_t pos = basename.find_last_of('.'); if (pos != string::npos) basename.erase(pos); ifstream modfile(argv[1], ios::binary); if (modfile.fail()) { cerr << "ERROR: Could not open file: " << argv[1] << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } stringstream buffer; buffer << modfile.rdbuf(); modfiletxt = buffer.str(); } WarningConsolidation warnings(no_warn); // Process config file ConfigFile config_file(parallel, parallel_test, parallel_slave_open_mode, cluster_name); config_file.getConfigFileInfo(parallel_config_file); config_file.checkPass(warnings); config_file.transformPass(); // If Include option was passed to the [paths] block of the config file, add // it to paths before macroprocessing vector config_include_paths = config_file.getIncludePaths(); for (vector::const_iterator it = config_include_paths.begin(); it != config_include_paths.end(); it++) path.push_back(*it); // Do macro processing stringstream macro_output; main1(modfile, basename, modfiletxt, debug, save_macro, save_macro_file, no_line_macro, no_empty_line_macro, defines, path, macro_output); if (only_macro) return EXIT_SUCCESS; // Do the rest main2(macro_output, basename, debug, clear_all, clear_global, no_tmp_terms, no_log, no_warn, warn_uninit, console, nograph, nointeractive, parallel, config_file, warnings, nostrict, stochastic, check_model_changes, minimal_workspace, compute_xrefs, output_mode, language, params_derivs_order, transform_unary_ops #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN32__) || defined(__MINGW32__) , cygwin, msvc, mingw #endif , json, json_output_mode, onlyjson, jsonderivsimple, nopreprocessoroutput ); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }