// -*- C++ -*- /* * Copyright © 2019-2022 Dynare Team * * This file is part of Dynare. * * Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Dynare. If not, see . */ %language "c++" %require "3.2" %defines %define api.value.type variant %define api.namespace {Tokenizer} %define parse.assert %define parse.error verbose %define parse.trace %code requires { namespace macro { class Driver; } } %param { macro::Driver &driver } %locations %initial-action { // Initialize the location filenames @$.begin.filename = @$.end.filename = &driver.file; }; %code requires { #include "Directives.hh" using namespace macro; } %code { #include "Driver.hh" /* this "connects" the bison parser in the driver to the flex scanner class * object. it defines the yylex() function call to pull the next token from the * current lexer object of the driver context. */ #undef yylex #define yylex driver.lexer->lex } %token FOR ENDFOR IF IFDEF IFNDEF ELSEIF ELSE ENDIF TRUE FALSE %token INCLUDE INCLUDEPATH DEFINE EQUAL D_ECHO ERROR %token COMMA LPAREN RPAREN LBRACKET RBRACKET WHEN %token BEGIN_EVAL END_EVAL ECHOMACROVARS SAVE LINE %token EXP LOG LN LOG10 SIN COS TAN ASIN ACOS ATAN %token SQRT CBRT SIGN MAX MIN FLOOR CEIL TRUNC SUM MOD %token ERF ERFC GAMMA LGAMMA ROUND NORMPDF NORMCDF LENGTH %token ISEMPTY %token ISBOOLEAN ISREAL ISSTRING ISTUPLE ISARRAY %token BOOL REAL STRING TUPLE ARRAY %token DEFINED %left OR %left AND %left EQUAL_EQUAL NOT_EQUAL %left LESS GREATER LESS_EQUAL GREATER_EQUAL %nonassoc IN /* The COLON operator cannot be given a precedence, because it has both a binary and a ternary forms. But technically it belongs here given how the grammar rules are organized */ %token COLON %left UNION %left INTERSECTION %left PLUS MINUS %left TIMES DIVIDE %precedence UNARY NOT %precedence CAST %nonassoc POWER %token EOL %token NAME TEXT QUOTED_STRING NUMBER %type statement %type directive directive_one_line directive_multiline for if ifdef ifndef text eval %type >>> if_list if_list1 %type >> elseif else %type primary_expr oper_expr colon_expr expr for_when %type function %type symbol %type > comma_expr function_args tuple_comma_expr %type > name_list %% %start statements_or_empty_file; statements_or_empty_file : %empty | statements ; statements : statement { driver.inContext() ? driver.pushContextTop($1) : driver.pushStatements($1); } | statements statement { driver.inContext() ? driver.pushContextTop($2) : driver.pushStatements($2); } ; statement : directive | text | eval ; directive : directive_one_line EOL | directive_multiline EOL ; directive_one_line : INCLUDE expr { $$ = make_shared($2, @$); } | INCLUDEPATH expr { $$ = make_shared($2, @$); } | DEFINE symbol { auto tmp = make_shared("1", @$); $$ = make_shared($2, tmp, @$); } | DEFINE symbol EQUAL expr { $$ = make_shared($2, $4, @$); } | DEFINE function EQUAL expr { $$ = make_shared($2, $4, @$); } | D_ECHO expr { $$ = make_shared($2, @$); } | ERROR expr { $$ = make_shared($2, @$); } | ECHOMACROVARS { $$ = make_shared(false, @$); } | ECHOMACROVARS name_list { $$ = make_shared(false, $2, @$); } | ECHOMACROVARS LPAREN SAVE RPAREN { $$ = make_shared(true, @$); } | ECHOMACROVARS LPAREN SAVE RPAREN name_list { $$ = make_shared(true, $5, @$); } | LINE QUOTED_STRING NUMBER { // `@#line` is ignored; adjust newlines in output to accord auto l = static_cast(@$); $$ = make_shared(string(l.end.line - l.begin.line + 1, '\n'), @$); } ; name_list : NAME { $$ = {$1}; } | name_list NAME { $1.emplace_back($2); $$ = $1; } ; directive_multiline : for | if | ifdef | ifndef ; for_when : %empty { $$ = shared_ptr(); } | WHEN expr { $$ = $2; } ; for : FOR { driver.pushContext(); } expr IN expr for_when EOL statements ENDFOR { vector vvnp; auto tmpt = dynamic_pointer_cast($3); auto tmpv = dynamic_pointer_cast($3); if (tmpv) vvnp.emplace_back(tmpv); else if (tmpt) for (const auto & it : tmpt->getValue()) { auto vnp = dynamic_pointer_cast(it); if (!vnp) error(@$, "For loop indices must be variables"); vvnp.emplace_back(vnp); } else error(@1, "For loop indices must be a variable or a tuple"); auto vdp = driver.popContext(); vdp.emplace_back(make_shared("\n", @9)); if (!$6) $$ = make_shared(vvnp, $5, vdp, @$); else { auto tmpc = make_shared(true, $3, $5, $6, @6); $$ = make_shared(vvnp, tmpc, vdp, @$); } } ; if : IF { driver.pushContext(); } if_list ENDIF { $$ = make_shared($3, @$); } ; ifdef : IFDEF { driver.pushContext(); } if_list ENDIF { $$ = make_shared($3, @$); } ; ifndef : IFNDEF { driver.pushContext(); } if_list ENDIF { $$ = make_shared($3, @$); } ; if_list : if_list1 | if_list1 else { $1.emplace_back($2); $$ = $1; } ; if_list1 : expr EOL { auto context = driver.popContext(); context.emplace_back(make_shared("\n", @2)); $$ = {{$1, context}}; } | expr EOL statements { auto context = driver.popContext(); context.emplace_back(make_shared("\n", @3)); $$ = {{$1, context}}; } | if_list1 elseif { $1.emplace_back($2); $$ = $1; } ; elseif_begin : ELSEIF { driver.pushContext(); } ; elseif : elseif_begin expr EOL { auto context = driver.popContext(); context.emplace_back(make_shared("\n", @3)); $$ = {$2, context}; } | elseif_begin expr EOL statements { auto context = driver.popContext(); context.emplace_back(make_shared("\n", @4)); $$ = {$2, context}; } ; else_begin : ELSE { driver.pushContext(); } ; else : else_begin EOL { auto context = driver.popContext(); context.emplace_back(make_shared("\n", @2)); $$ = {make_shared(true, @1), context}; } | else_begin EOL statements { auto context = driver.popContext(); context.emplace_back(make_shared("\n", @3)); $$ = {make_shared(true, @1), context}; } ; text : TEXT { $$ = make_shared($1, @$); } | EOL { $$ = make_shared("\n", @$); } ; eval : BEGIN_EVAL expr END_EVAL { $$ = make_shared($2, @$); } ; symbol : NAME { $$ = make_shared($1, @$); } ; function : NAME LPAREN RPAREN { $$ = make_shared($1, vector(), @$); } | NAME LPAREN function_args RPAREN { $$ = make_shared($1, $3, @$); } ; function_args : symbol { $$ = {$1}; } | function_args COMMA symbol { $1.emplace_back($3); $$ = $1; } ; comma_expr : %empty { $$ = {}; } | expr { $$ = {$1}; } | comma_expr COMMA expr { $1.emplace_back($3); $$ = $1; } ; tuple_comma_expr : %empty { $$ = {}; } | expr COMMA { $$ = {$1}; } | expr COMMA expr { $$ = {$1, $3}; } | tuple_comma_expr COMMA expr { $1.emplace_back($3); $$ = $1; } ; primary_expr : LPAREN expr RPAREN { $$ = $2; } | symbol { $$ = $1; } // Explicit rule needed for type conversion | NAME LBRACKET comma_expr RBRACKET { $$ = make_shared($1, make_shared($3, @3), @$); } | NAME LPAREN comma_expr RPAREN { $$ = make_shared($1, $3, @$); } | TRUE { $$ = make_shared(true, @$); } | FALSE { $$ = make_shared(false, @$); } | NUMBER { $$ = make_shared($1, @$); } | QUOTED_STRING { $$ = make_shared($1, @$); } | LBRACKET comma_expr RBRACKET { $$ = make_shared($2, @$); } | LPAREN tuple_comma_expr RPAREN { $$ = make_shared($2, @$); } | LBRACKET expr IN expr WHEN expr RBRACKET { $$ = make_shared(true, $2, $4, $6, @$); } | LBRACKET expr FOR expr IN expr RBRACKET { $$ = make_shared($2, $4, $6, @$); } | LBRACKET expr FOR expr IN expr WHEN expr RBRACKET { $$ = make_shared($2, $4, $6, $8, @$); } | LENGTH LPAREN expr RPAREN { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::length, $3, @$); } | ISEMPTY LPAREN expr RPAREN { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::isempty, $3, @$); } | ISBOOLEAN LPAREN expr RPAREN { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::isboolean, $3, @$); } | ISREAL LPAREN expr RPAREN { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::isreal, $3, @$); } | ISSTRING LPAREN expr RPAREN { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::isstring, $3, @$); } | ISTUPLE LPAREN expr RPAREN { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::istuple, $3, @$); } | ISARRAY LPAREN expr RPAREN { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::isarray, $3, @$); } | EXP LPAREN expr RPAREN { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::exp, $3, @$); } | LOG LPAREN expr RPAREN { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::ln, $3, @$); } | LN LPAREN expr RPAREN { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::ln, $3, @$); } | LOG10 LPAREN expr RPAREN { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::log10, $3, @$); } | SIN LPAREN expr RPAREN { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::sin, $3, @$); } | COS LPAREN expr RPAREN { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::cos, $3, @$); } | TAN LPAREN expr RPAREN { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::tan, $3, @$); } | ASIN LPAREN expr RPAREN { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::asin, $3, @$); } | ACOS LPAREN expr RPAREN { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::acos, $3, @$); } | ATAN LPAREN expr RPAREN { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::atan, $3, @$); } | SQRT LPAREN expr RPAREN { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::sqrt, $3, @$); } | CBRT LPAREN expr RPAREN { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::cbrt, $3, @$); } | SIGN LPAREN expr RPAREN { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::sign, $3, @$); } | FLOOR LPAREN expr RPAREN { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::floor, $3, @$); } | CEIL LPAREN expr RPAREN { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::ceil, $3, @$); } | TRUNC LPAREN expr RPAREN { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::trunc, $3, @$); } | SUM LPAREN expr RPAREN { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::sum, $3, @$); } | ERF LPAREN expr RPAREN { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::erf, $3, @$); } | ERFC LPAREN expr RPAREN { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::erfc, $3, @$); } | GAMMA LPAREN expr RPAREN { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::gamma, $3, @$); } | LGAMMA LPAREN expr RPAREN { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::lgamma, $3, @$); } | ROUND LPAREN expr RPAREN { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::round, $3, @$); } | NORMPDF LPAREN expr RPAREN { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::normpdf, $3, @$); } | NORMCDF LPAREN expr RPAREN { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::normcdf, $3, @$); } | MAX LPAREN expr COMMA expr RPAREN { $$ = make_shared(codes::BinaryOp::max, $3, $5, @$); } | MIN LPAREN expr COMMA expr RPAREN { $$ = make_shared(codes::BinaryOp::min, $3, $5, @$); } | MOD LPAREN expr COMMA expr RPAREN { $$ = make_shared(codes::BinaryOp::mod, $3, $5, @$); } | NORMPDF LPAREN expr COMMA expr COMMA expr RPAREN { $$ = make_shared(codes::TrinaryOp::normpdf, $3, $5, $7, @$); } | NORMCDF LPAREN expr COMMA expr COMMA expr RPAREN { $$ = make_shared(codes::TrinaryOp::normcdf, $3, $5, $7, @$); } | DEFINED LPAREN NAME RPAREN { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::defined, make_shared($3, @3), @$); } ; oper_expr : primary_expr | LPAREN BOOL RPAREN oper_expr %prec CAST { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::cast_bool, $4, @$); } | LPAREN REAL RPAREN oper_expr %prec CAST { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::cast_real, $4, @$); } | LPAREN STRING RPAREN oper_expr %prec CAST { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::cast_string, $4, @$); } | LPAREN TUPLE RPAREN oper_expr %prec CAST { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::cast_tuple, $4, @$); } | LPAREN ARRAY RPAREN oper_expr %prec CAST { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::cast_array, $4, @$); } | NOT oper_expr { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::logical_not, $2, @$); } | MINUS oper_expr %prec UNARY { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::unary_minus, $2, @$); } | PLUS oper_expr %prec UNARY { $$ = make_shared(codes::UnaryOp::unary_plus, $2, @$); } | oper_expr PLUS oper_expr { $$ = make_shared(codes::BinaryOp::plus, $1, $3, @$); } | oper_expr MINUS oper_expr { $$ = make_shared(codes::BinaryOp::minus, $1, $3, @$); } | oper_expr TIMES oper_expr { $$ = make_shared(codes::BinaryOp::times, $1, $3, @$); } | oper_expr DIVIDE oper_expr { $$ = make_shared(codes::BinaryOp::divide, $1, $3, @$); } | oper_expr POWER oper_expr { $$ = make_shared(codes::BinaryOp::power, $1, $3, @$); } | oper_expr UNION oper_expr { $$ = make_shared(codes::BinaryOp::set_union, $1, $3, @$); } | oper_expr INTERSECTION oper_expr { $$ = make_shared(codes::BinaryOp::set_intersection, $1, $3, @$); } ; colon_expr : oper_expr COLON oper_expr { $$ = make_shared($1, $3, @$); } | oper_expr COLON oper_expr COLON oper_expr { $$ = make_shared($1, $3, $5, @$); } ; expr : oper_expr | colon_expr | expr EQUAL_EQUAL expr { $$ = make_shared(codes::BinaryOp::equal_equal, $1, $3, @$); } | expr NOT_EQUAL expr { $$ = make_shared(codes::BinaryOp::not_equal, $1, $3, @$); } | expr LESS expr { $$ = make_shared(codes::BinaryOp::less, $1, $3, @$); } | expr GREATER expr { $$ = make_shared(codes::BinaryOp::greater, $1, $3, @$); } | expr LESS_EQUAL expr { $$ = make_shared(codes::BinaryOp::less_equal, $1, $3, @$); } | expr GREATER_EQUAL expr { $$ = make_shared(codes::BinaryOp::greater_equal, $1, $3, @$); } | expr AND expr { $$ = make_shared(codes::BinaryOp::logical_and, $1, $3, @$); } | expr OR expr { $$ = make_shared(codes::BinaryOp::logical_or, $1, $3, @$); } | expr IN expr { $$ = make_shared(codes::BinaryOp::in, $1, $3, @$); } ; %% void Tokenizer::parser::error(const Tokenizer::parser::location_type &l, const string &m) { driver.error(l, m); }