/* * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Dynare Team * * This file is part of Dynare. * * Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Dynare. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include "ModFile.hh" ModFile::ModFile() : expressions_tree(symbol_table, num_constants), model_tree(symbol_table, num_constants), linear(false) { } ModFile::~ModFile() { for(vector::iterator it = statements.begin(); it != statements.end(); it++) delete (*it); } void ModFile::evalAllExpressions() { //Evaluate Parameters cout << "Evaluating expressions ..."; InitParamStatement *it; int j=0; for(vector::const_iterator it1=statements.begin();it1!=statements.end(); it1++) { it=dynamic_cast(*it1); if(it) { try { const NodeID expression = it->get_expression(); double val = expression->eval(global_eval_context); int symb_id = symbol_table.getID(it->get_name()); global_eval_context[make_pair(symb_id, eParameter)] = val; j++; } catch(ExprNode::EvalException &e) { cout << "error in evaluation of param\n"; } } } if (j!=symbol_table.parameter_nbr) { cout << "Warning: Uninitialized parameters: \n"; for(j=0;j first; const NodeID expression = it->second; SymbolType type = symbol_table.getType(name); double val = expression->eval(global_eval_context); int symb_id = symbol_table.getID(name); global_eval_context[make_pair(symb_id, type)] = val; } catch(ExprNode::EvalException &e) { cout << "error in evaluation of variable\n"; } } if(init_values.size()::const_iterator it = model_tree.local_variables_table.begin(); it !=model_tree.local_variables_table.end(); it++) { try { const NodeID expression = it->second; double val = expression->eval(global_eval_context); //cout << it->first << " " << symbol_table.getNameByID(eModelLocalVariable, it->first) << " = " << val << "\n"; global_eval_context[make_pair(it->first, eModelLocalVariable)] = val; } catch(ExprNode::EvalException &e) { cout << "error in evaluation of pound\n"; } } if(model_tree.local_variables_table.size()!=symbol_table.model_local_variable_nbr+symbol_table.modfile_local_variable_nbr) { cout << "Warning: Unitilialized pound: \n"; cout << "Local variable in a model\n"; for(j=0;j ::iterator it = statements.begin(); it != statements.end(); it++) (*it)->checkPass(mod_file_struct); // If order option has not been set, default to 2 if (!mod_file_struct.order_option) mod_file_struct.order_option = 2; bool stochastic_statement_present = mod_file_struct.stoch_simul_present || mod_file_struct.estimation_present || mod_file_struct.forecast_present || mod_file_struct.osr_present || mod_file_struct.ramsey_policy_present; // Allow empty model only when doing a standalone BVAR estimation if (model_tree.equation_number() == 0 && (mod_file_struct.check_present || mod_file_struct.simul_present || stochastic_statement_present)) { cerr << "ERROR: At least one model equation must be declared!" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (mod_file_struct.simul_present && stochastic_statement_present && model_tree.mode==0) { cerr << "ERROR: A .mod file cannot contain both a simul command and one of {stoch_simul, estimation, forecast, osr, ramsey_policy}" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Enforce the same number of equations and endogenous, except in two cases: - ramsey_policy is used - a BVAR command is used and there is no equation (standalone BVAR estimation) */ if (!mod_file_struct.ramsey_policy_present && !((mod_file_struct.bvar_density_present || mod_file_struct.bvar_forecast_present) && model_tree.equation_number() == 0) && (model_tree.equation_number() != symbol_table.endo_nbr)) { cerr << "ERROR: There are " << model_tree.equation_number() << " equations but " << symbol_table.endo_nbr << " endogenous variables!" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void ModFile::computingPass(bool no_tmp_terms) { // Mod file may have no equation (for example in a standalone BVAR estimation) if (model_tree.equation_number() > 0) { // Set things to compute if (mod_file_struct.simul_present) model_tree.computeJacobian = true; else { if (mod_file_struct.order_option < 1 || mod_file_struct.order_option > 3) { cerr << "Incorrect order option..." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } model_tree.computeJacobianExo = true; if (mod_file_struct.order_option >= 2) model_tree.computeHessian = true; if (mod_file_struct.order_option == 3) model_tree.computeThirdDerivatives = true; } //evalAllExpressions(); model_tree.computingPass(global_eval_context, no_tmp_terms); } for(vector::iterator it = statements.begin(); it != statements.end(); it++) (*it)->computingPass(); //evalAllExpressions(); } void ModFile::writeOutputFiles(const string &basename, bool clear_all) const { ofstream mOutputFile; if (basename.size()) { string fname(basename); fname += ".m"; mOutputFile.open(fname.c_str(), ios::out | ios::binary); if (!mOutputFile.is_open()) { cerr << "ERROR: Can't open file " << fname << " for writing" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else { cerr << "ERROR: Missing file name" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } mOutputFile << "%" << endl << "% Status : main Dynare file " << endl << "%" << endl << "% Warning : this file is generated automatically by Dynare" << endl << "% from model file (.mod)" << endl << endl; if (clear_all) mOutputFile << "clear all" << endl; mOutputFile << "tic;" << endl; mOutputFile << "global M_ oo_ options_" << endl; mOutputFile << "global ys0_ ex0_ ct_" << endl; mOutputFile << "options_ = [];" << endl; mOutputFile << "M_.fname = '" << basename << "';" << endl; mOutputFile << "%" << endl; mOutputFile << "% Some global variables initialization" << endl; mOutputFile << "%" << endl; mOutputFile << "global_initialization;" << endl; mOutputFile << "diary off;" << endl << "warning_old_state = warning;" << endl << "warning off;" << endl << "delete " << basename << ".log;" << endl << "warning warning_old_state" << endl; mOutputFile << "logname_ = '" << basename << ".log';" << endl; mOutputFile << "diary " << basename << ".log" << endl; mOutputFile << "options_.model_mode = " << model_tree.mode << ";\n"; if (model_tree.mode == eSparseMode) { mOutputFile << "addpath " << basename << ";\n"; mOutputFile << "delete('" << basename << "_static.m');\n"; mOutputFile << "delete('" << basename << "_dynamic.m');\n"; } if (model_tree.equation_number() > 0) { if (model_tree.mode == eDLLMode) { mOutputFile << "if exist('" << basename << "_static.c')" << endl; mOutputFile << " clear " << basename << "_static" << endl; mOutputFile << " mex -O " << basename << "_static.c" << endl; mOutputFile << "end" << endl; mOutputFile << "if exist('" << basename << "_dynamic.c')" << endl; mOutputFile << " clear " << basename << "_dynamic" << endl; mOutputFile << " mex -O " << basename << "_dynamic.c" << endl; mOutputFile << "end" << endl; } else { mOutputFile << "erase_compiled_function('" + basename +"_static');" << endl; mOutputFile << "erase_compiled_function('" + basename +"_dynamic');" << endl; } } cout << "Processing outputs ..."; symbol_table.writeOutput(mOutputFile); if (linear == 1) mOutputFile << "options_.linear = 1;" << endl; if (model_tree.equation_number() > 0) { model_tree.writeOutput(mOutputFile); model_tree.writeStaticFile(basename); model_tree.writeDynamicFile(basename); } // Print statements for(vector::const_iterator it = statements.begin(); it != statements.end(); it++) (*it)->writeOutput(mOutputFile, basename); mOutputFile << "save('" << basename << "_results.mat', 'oo_', 'M_', 'options_');" << endl; mOutputFile << "diary off" << endl; if (model_tree.mode == eSparseMode) mOutputFile << "rmpath " << basename << ";\n"; mOutputFile << endl << "disp(['Total computing time : ' dynsec2hms(toc) ]);" << endl; mOutputFile.close(); }