/* * Copyright © 2003-2021 Dynare Team * * This file is part of Dynare. * * Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Dynare. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ParsingDriver.hh" #include "ExtendedPreprocessorTypes.hh" #include "ConfigFile.hh" #include "ModFile.hh" /* Prototype for the function that handles the macro-expansion of the .mod file Splitting this out was necessary because ParsingDriver.hh and macro/Driver.hh can't be included simultaneously (because of Bison limitations). Function can be found in: MacroExpandModFile.cc */ stringstream macroExpandModFile(const string &filename, const string &basename, const istream &modfile, bool debug, bool save_macro, string save_macro_file, bool line_macro, const vector> &defines, vector paths); void usage() { cerr << "Dynare usage: dynare mod_file [debug] [noclearall] [onlyclearglobals] [savemacro[=macro_file]] [onlymacro] [linemacro] [notmpterms] [nolog] [warn_uninit]" << " [console] [nograph] [nointeractive] [parallel[=cluster_name]] [conffile=parallel_config_path_and_filename] [parallel_slave_open_mode] [parallel_test] [parallel_use_psexec=true|false]" << " [-D[=]] [-I/path] [nostrict] [stochastic] [fast] [minimal_workspace] [compute_xrefs] [output=second|third] [language=matlab|julia]" << " [params_derivs_order=0|1|2] [transform_unary_ops] [exclude_eqs=] [include_eqs=]" << " [json=parse|check|transform|compute] [jsonstdout] [onlyjson] [jsonderivsimple] [nopathchange] [nopreprocessoroutput]" << " [mexext=] [matlabroot=] [onlymodel] [notime] [use_dll] [nocommutativity]" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Looks for an options list in the first non-empty line of the .mod file (but rewind the input stream afterwards). This function should be kept in sync with the one with the same name in matlab/dynare.m */ vector parse_options_line(istream &modfile) { vector options; string first_nonempty_line; regex pat{R"(^\s*//\s*--\+\s*options:([^\+]*)\+--)"}; smatch matches; while (getline(modfile, first_nonempty_line)) if (!first_nonempty_line.empty()) { if (regex_search(first_nonempty_line, matches, pat) && matches.size() > 1 && matches[1].matched) { regex pat2{R"([^,\s]+)"}; string s{matches[1]}; for (sregex_iterator p(s.begin(), s.end(), pat2); p != sregex_iterator{}; ++p) options.push_back(p->str()); } break; } modfile.seekg(0); return options; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* Redirect stderr to stdout. Made necessary because MATLAB/Octave can only capture stdout (but not stderr), in order to put it in the logfile (see issue #306) */ dup2(STDOUT_FILENO, STDERR_FILENO); if (argc < 2) { cerr << "Missing model file!" << endl; usage(); } string filename = argv[1]; ifstream modfile(filename, ios::binary); if (modfile.fail()) { cerr << "ERROR: Could not open file: " << argv[1] << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Create options list, using first line of mod-file and command line vector options = parse_options_line(modfile); for (int arg = 2; arg < argc; arg++) options.emplace_back(argv[arg]); // Parse options bool notime = false; bool clear_all = true; bool clear_global = false; bool save_macro = false; string save_macro_file; bool debug = false; bool no_tmp_terms = false; bool only_macro = false; bool line_macro = false; bool no_warn = false; int params_derivs_order = 2; bool warn_uninit = false; bool console = false; bool nograph = false; bool nointeractive = false; string parallel_config_file; bool parallel = false; string cluster_name; bool parallel_slave_open_mode = false; // Must be the same default as in matlab/default_option_values.m bool parallel_test = false; bool parallel_use_psexec = true; // Must be the same default as in matlab/default_option_values.m bool nostrict = false; bool stochastic = false; bool check_model_changes = false; bool minimal_workspace = false; bool compute_xrefs = false; bool transform_unary_ops = false; bool gui = false; string exclude_eqs, include_eqs; vector> defines; vector paths; OutputType output_mode{OutputType::standard}; JsonOutputPointType json{JsonOutputPointType::nojson}; JsonFileOutputType json_output_mode{JsonFileOutputType::file}; bool onlyjson = false; bool jsonderivsimple = false; LanguageOutputType language{LanguageOutputType::matlab}; string mexext; filesystem::path matlabroot; bool onlymodel = false; bool use_dll = false; for (auto s : options) { if (s == "debug") debug = true; else if (s == "notime") notime = true; else if (s == "noclearall") clear_all = false; else if (s.substr(0, 19) == "params_derivs_order") { if (s.length() > 21 || s.at(19) != '=' || !(s.at(20) == '0' || s.at(20) == '1' || s.at(20) == '2')) { cerr << "Incorrect syntax for params_derivs_order option" << endl; usage(); } params_derivs_order = stoi(s.substr(20)); } else if (s == "onlyclearglobals") { clear_all = false; clear_global = true; } else if (s == "onlymacro") only_macro = true; else if (s.substr(0, 9) == "savemacro") { save_macro = true; if (s.length() > 9) { if (s.length() == 10 || s.at(9) != '=') { cerr << "Incorrect syntax for savemacro option" << endl; usage(); } save_macro_file = s.substr(10); } } else if (s == "linemacro") line_macro = true; else if (s == "notmpterms") no_tmp_terms = true; else if (s == "nolog") { // Do nothing, the option is implemented at the dynare.m level. // We nevertheless accept it, to avoid an “unknown option” error. } else if (s == "nowarn") no_warn = true; else if (s == "warn_uninit") warn_uninit = true; else if (s == "console") console = true; else if (s == "nograph") nograph = true; else if (s == "nointeractive") nointeractive = true; else if (s.substr(0, 8) == "conffile") { if (s.length() <= 9 || s.at(8) != '=') { cerr << "Incorrect syntax for conffile option" << endl; usage(); } parallel_config_file = s.substr(9); } else if (s == "parallel_slave_open_mode") parallel_slave_open_mode = true; else if (s == "parallel_test") parallel_test = true; else if (s.substr(0, 19) == "parallel_use_psexec") { if (s.length() <= 20 || s.at(19) != '=') { cerr << "Incorrect syntax for parallel_use_psexec option" << endl; usage(); } s.erase(0, 20); if (s == "true") parallel_use_psexec = true; else if (s == "false") parallel_use_psexec = false; else { cerr << "Incorrect syntax for parallel_use_psexec option" << endl; usage(); } } else if (s == "nostrict") nostrict = true; else if (s == "stochastic") stochastic = true; else if (s == "fast") check_model_changes = true; else if (s == "minimal_workspace") minimal_workspace = true; else if (s == "compute_xrefs") compute_xrefs = true; else if (s == "transform_unary_ops") transform_unary_ops = true; else if (s.substr(0, 8) == "parallel") { parallel = true; if (s.length() > 8) { if (s.length() == 9 || s.at(8) != '=') { cerr << "Incorrect syntax for parallel option" << endl; usage(); } cluster_name = s.substr(9); } } else if (s.substr(0, 2) == "-D") { if (s.length() == 2) { cerr << "Incorrect syntax for command line define: the defined variable " << "must not be separated from -D by whitespace." << endl; usage(); } if (auto equal_index = s.find('='); equal_index != string::npos) defines.emplace_back(s.substr(2, equal_index-2), s.substr(equal_index+1)); else defines.emplace_back(s.substr(2), "1"); } else if (s.substr(0, 2) == "-I") { if (s.length() == 2) { cerr << "Incorrect syntax for command line define: the defined variable " << "must not be separated from -I by whitespace." << endl; usage(); } paths.emplace_back(s.substr(2)); } else if (s.substr(0, 6) == "output") { if (s.length() <= 7 || s.at(6) != '=') { cerr << "Incorrect syntax for output option" << endl; usage(); } s.erase(0, 7); if (s == "second") output_mode = OutputType::second; else if (s == "third") output_mode = OutputType::third; else { cerr << "Incorrect syntax for output option" << endl; usage(); } } else if (s.substr(0, 8) == "language") { if (s.length() <= 9 || s.at(8) != '=') { cerr << "Incorrect syntax for language option" << endl; usage(); } s.erase(0, 9); if (s == "matlab") language = LanguageOutputType::matlab; else if (s == "julia") language = LanguageOutputType::julia; else { cerr << "Incorrect syntax for language option" << endl; usage(); } } else if (s == "jsonstdout") json_output_mode = JsonFileOutputType::standardout; else if (s == "onlyjson") onlyjson = true; else if (s == "nopreprocessoroutput") cout.rdbuf(nullptr); else if (s == "jsonderivsimple") jsonderivsimple = true; else if (s.substr(0, 4) == "json") { if (s.length() <= 5 || s.at(4) != '=') { cerr << "Incorrect syntax for json option" << endl; usage(); } s.erase(0, 5); if (s == "parse") json = JsonOutputPointType::parsing; else if (s == "check") json = JsonOutputPointType::checkpass; else if (s == "transform") json = JsonOutputPointType::transformpass; else if (s == "compute") json = JsonOutputPointType::computingpass; else { cerr << "Incorrect syntax for json option" << endl; usage(); } } else if (s.substr(0, 6) == "mexext") { if (s.length() <= 7 || s.at(6) != '=') { cerr << "Incorrect syntax for mexext option" << endl; usage(); } mexext = s.substr(7); } else if (s.substr(0, 11) == "exclude_eqs") { if (s.length() <= 12 || s.at(11) != '=') { cerr << "Incorrect syntax for exclude_eqs option" << endl; usage(); } exclude_eqs = s.substr(12); } else if (s.substr(0, 11) == "include_eqs") { if (s.length() <= 12 || s.at(11) != '=') { cerr << "Incorrect syntax for include_eqs option" << endl; usage(); } include_eqs = s.substr(12); } else if (s.substr(0, 10) == "matlabroot") { if (s.length() <= 11 || s.at(10) != '=') { cerr << "Incorrect syntax for matlabroot option" << endl; usage(); } matlabroot = filesystem::path{s.substr(11)}; } else if (s == "onlymodel") onlymodel = true; else if (s == "gui") gui = true; else if (s == "use_dll") use_dll = true; else if (s == "nocommutativity") DataTree::setNoCommutativity(); else { cerr << "Unknown option: " << s << endl; usage(); } } cout << "Starting preprocessing of the model file ..." << endl; // Determine root of Dynare installation const filesystem::path argv0{argv[0]}; // Normal case: binary is in preprocessor/dynare-preprocessor(.exe)? filesystem::path dynareroot = argv0.parent_path().parent_path(); if (argv0.filename().stem() == "dynare_m") // Special case: backward compatibility location in matlab/preprocessor64/dynare_m(.exe)? dynareroot = dynareroot.parent_path(); // Construct basename (i.e. remove file extension if there is one) string basename = argv[1]; if (size_t pos = basename.find_last_of('.'); pos != string::npos) basename.erase(pos); // Forbid some basenames, since they will cause trouble (see preprocessor#62) set forbidden_basenames = { "T", "y", "x", "params", "steady_state", "it_", "true" }; if (forbidden_basenames.find(basename) != forbidden_basenames.end()) { cerr << "ERROR: Please use another name for your .mod file. The one you have chosen (" << argv[1] << ") conflicts with internal Dynare names." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } WarningConsolidation warnings(no_warn); // Process config file ConfigFile config_file(parallel, parallel_test, parallel_slave_open_mode, parallel_use_psexec, cluster_name); config_file.getConfigFileInfo(parallel_config_file); config_file.checkPass(warnings); config_file.transformPass(); // If Include option was passed to the [paths] block of the config file, add // it to paths before macroprocessing for (const auto &it : config_file.getIncludePaths()) paths.emplace_back(it); /* * Macro-expand MOD file */ stringstream macro_output = macroExpandModFile(filename, basename, modfile, debug, save_macro, move(save_macro_file), line_macro, defines, move(paths)); if (only_macro) return EXIT_SUCCESS; if (!exclude_eqs.empty() && !include_eqs.empty()) { cerr << "You may only pass one of `include_eqs` and `exclude_eqs`" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* * Process Macro-expanded MOD file */ ParsingDriver p(warnings, nostrict); filesystem::remove_all(basename + "/model/json"); // Do parsing and construct internal representation of mod file unique_ptr mod_file = p.parse(macro_output, debug); // Handle use_dll option specified on the command line if (use_dll) mod_file->use_dll = true; if (json == JsonOutputPointType::parsing) mod_file->writeJsonOutput(basename, json, json_output_mode, onlyjson); // Run checking pass mod_file->checkPass(nostrict, stochastic); if (json == JsonOutputPointType::checkpass) mod_file->writeJsonOutput(basename, json, json_output_mode, onlyjson); // Perform transformations on the model (creation of auxiliary vars and equations) mod_file->transformPass(nostrict, stochastic, compute_xrefs || json == JsonOutputPointType::transformpass, transform_unary_ops, exclude_eqs, include_eqs); if (json == JsonOutputPointType::transformpass) mod_file->writeJsonOutput(basename, json, json_output_mode, onlyjson); // Evaluate parameters initialization, initval, endval and pounds mod_file->evalAllExpressions(warn_uninit); // Do computations mod_file->computingPass(no_tmp_terms, output_mode, params_derivs_order); if (json == JsonOutputPointType::computingpass) mod_file->writeJsonOutput(basename, json, json_output_mode, onlyjson, jsonderivsimple); // Write output files if (language == LanguageOutputType::julia) mod_file->writeJuliaOutput(basename); else mod_file->writeMOutput(basename, clear_all, clear_global, no_warn, console, nograph, nointeractive, config_file, check_model_changes, minimal_workspace, compute_xrefs, mexext, matlabroot, dynareroot, onlymodel, gui, notime); cout << "Preprocessing completed." << endl; return EXIT_SUCCESS; }