/* * Copyright © 2003-2021 Dynare Team * * This file is part of Dynare. * * Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Dynare. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "DynamicModel.hh" void DynamicModel::copyHelper(const DynamicModel &m) { auto f = [this](const ExprNode *e) { return e->clone(*this); }; for (const auto &it : m.static_only_equations) static_only_equations.push_back(dynamic_cast(f(it))); auto convert_block_derivative = [f](const map, expr_t> &dt) { map, expr_t> dt2; for (const auto &it : dt) dt2[it.first] = f(it.second); return dt2; }; for (const auto &it : m.blocks_derivatives_other_endo) blocks_derivatives_other_endo.emplace_back(convert_block_derivative(it)); for (const auto &it : m.blocks_derivatives_exo) blocks_derivatives_exo.emplace_back(convert_block_derivative(it)); for (const auto &it : m.blocks_derivatives_exo_det) blocks_derivatives_exo_det.emplace_back(convert_block_derivative(it)); for (const auto &[key, expr] : m.pac_expectation_substitution) pac_expectation_substitution.emplace(key, f(expr)); } DynamicModel::DynamicModel(SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg, NumericalConstants &num_constants_arg, ExternalFunctionsTable &external_functions_table_arg, TrendComponentModelTable &trend_component_model_table_arg, VarModelTable &var_model_table_arg) : ModelTree{symbol_table_arg, num_constants_arg, external_functions_table_arg, true}, trend_component_model_table{trend_component_model_table_arg}, var_model_table{var_model_table_arg} { } DynamicModel::DynamicModel(const DynamicModel &m) : ModelTree{m}, trend_component_model_table{m.trend_component_model_table}, var_model_table{m.var_model_table}, balanced_growth_test_tol{m.balanced_growth_test_tol}, static_only_equations_lineno{m.static_only_equations_lineno}, static_only_equations_equation_tags{m.static_only_equations_equation_tags}, deriv_id_table{m.deriv_id_table}, inv_deriv_id_table{m.inv_deriv_id_table}, dyn_jacobian_cols_table{m.dyn_jacobian_cols_table}, max_lag{m.max_lag}, max_lead{m.max_lead}, max_endo_lag{m.max_endo_lag}, max_endo_lead{m.max_endo_lead}, max_exo_lag{m.max_exo_lag}, max_exo_lead{m.max_exo_lead}, max_exo_det_lag{m.max_exo_det_lag}, max_exo_det_lead{m.max_exo_det_lead}, max_lag_orig{m.max_lag_orig}, max_lead_orig{m.max_lead_orig}, max_lag_with_diffs_expanded_orig{m.max_lag_with_diffs_expanded_orig}, max_endo_lag_orig{m.max_endo_lag_orig}, max_endo_lead_orig{m.max_endo_lead_orig}, max_exo_lag_orig{m.max_exo_lag_orig}, max_exo_lead_orig{m.max_exo_lead_orig}, max_exo_det_lag_orig{m.max_exo_det_lag_orig}, max_exo_det_lead_orig{m.max_exo_det_lead_orig}, xrefs{m.xrefs}, xref_param{m.xref_param}, xref_endo{m.xref_endo}, xref_exo{m.xref_exo}, xref_exo_det{m.xref_exo_det}, nonzero_hessian_eqs{m.nonzero_hessian_eqs}, dynJacobianColsNbr{m.dynJacobianColsNbr}, variableMapping{m.variableMapping}, blocks_other_endo{m.blocks_other_endo}, blocks_exo{m.blocks_exo}, blocks_exo_det{m.blocks_exo_det}, blocks_jacob_cols_endo{m.blocks_jacob_cols_endo}, blocks_jacob_cols_other_endo{m.blocks_jacob_cols_other_endo}, blocks_jacob_cols_exo{m.blocks_jacob_cols_exo}, blocks_jacob_cols_exo_det{m.blocks_jacob_cols_exo_det}, var_expectation_functions_to_write{m.var_expectation_functions_to_write}, pac_mce_alpha_symb_ids{m.pac_mce_alpha_symb_ids}, pac_h0_indices{m.pac_h0_indices}, pac_h1_indices{m.pac_h1_indices}, pac_mce_z1_symb_ids{m.pac_mce_z1_symb_ids}, pac_eqtag_and_lag{m.pac_eqtag_and_lag}, pac_model_info{m.pac_model_info}, pac_equation_info{m.pac_equation_info} { copyHelper(m); } DynamicModel & DynamicModel::operator=(const DynamicModel &m) { ModelTree::operator=(m); assert(&trend_component_model_table == &m.trend_component_model_table); assert(&var_model_table == &m.var_model_table); balanced_growth_test_tol = m.balanced_growth_test_tol; static_only_equations_lineno = m.static_only_equations_lineno; static_only_equations_equation_tags = m.static_only_equations_equation_tags; deriv_id_table = m.deriv_id_table; inv_deriv_id_table = m.inv_deriv_id_table; dyn_jacobian_cols_table = m.dyn_jacobian_cols_table; max_lag = m.max_lag; max_lead = m.max_lead; max_endo_lag = m.max_endo_lag; max_endo_lead = m.max_endo_lead; max_exo_lag = m.max_exo_lag; max_exo_lead = m.max_exo_lead; max_exo_det_lag = m.max_exo_det_lag; max_exo_det_lead = m.max_exo_det_lead; max_lag_orig = m.max_lag_orig; max_lead_orig = m.max_lead_orig; max_lag_with_diffs_expanded_orig = m.max_lag_with_diffs_expanded_orig; max_endo_lag_orig = m.max_endo_lag_orig; max_endo_lead_orig = m.max_endo_lead_orig; max_exo_lag_orig = m.max_exo_lag_orig; max_exo_lead_orig = m.max_exo_lead_orig; max_exo_det_lag_orig = m.max_exo_det_lag_orig; max_exo_det_lead_orig = m.max_exo_det_lead_orig; xrefs = m.xrefs; xref_param = m.xref_param; xref_endo = m.xref_endo; xref_exo = m.xref_exo; xref_exo_det = m.xref_exo_det; nonzero_hessian_eqs = m.nonzero_hessian_eqs; dynJacobianColsNbr = m.dynJacobianColsNbr; variableMapping = m.variableMapping; blocks_derivatives_other_endo.clear(); blocks_derivatives_exo.clear(); blocks_derivatives_exo_det.clear(); blocks_other_endo = m.blocks_other_endo; blocks_exo = m.blocks_exo; blocks_exo_det = m.blocks_exo_det; blocks_jacob_cols_endo = m.blocks_jacob_cols_endo; blocks_jacob_cols_other_endo = m.blocks_jacob_cols_other_endo; blocks_jacob_cols_exo = m.blocks_jacob_cols_exo; blocks_jacob_cols_exo_det = m.blocks_jacob_cols_exo_det; var_expectation_functions_to_write = m.var_expectation_functions_to_write; pac_mce_alpha_symb_ids = m.pac_mce_alpha_symb_ids; pac_h0_indices = m.pac_h0_indices; pac_h1_indices = m.pac_h1_indices; pac_mce_z1_symb_ids = m.pac_mce_z1_symb_ids; pac_eqtag_and_lag = m.pac_eqtag_and_lag; pac_expectation_substitution.clear(); pac_model_info = m.pac_model_info; pac_equation_info = m.pac_equation_info; copyHelper(m); return *this; } void DynamicModel::compileDerivative(ofstream &code_file, unsigned int &instruction_number, int eq, int symb_id, int lag, const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, const temporary_terms_idxs_t &temporary_terms_idxs) const { if (auto it = derivatives[1].find({ eq, getDerivID(symbol_table.getID(SymbolType::endogenous, symb_id), lag) }); it != derivatives[1].end()) it->second->compile(code_file, instruction_number, false, temporary_terms, temporary_terms_idxs, true, false); else { FLDZ_ fldz; fldz.write(code_file, instruction_number); } } void DynamicModel::compileChainRuleDerivative(ofstream &code_file, unsigned int &instruction_number, int blk, int eq, int var, int lag, const temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, const temporary_terms_idxs_t &temporary_terms_idxs) const { if (auto it = blocks_derivatives[blk].find({ eq, var, lag }); it != blocks_derivatives[blk].end()) it->second->compile(code_file, instruction_number, false, temporary_terms, temporary_terms_idxs, true, false); else { FLDZ_ fldz; fldz.write(code_file, instruction_number); } } void DynamicModel::additionalBlockTemporaryTerms(int blk, vector> &blocks_temporary_terms, map> &reference_count) const { for (const auto &[ignore, d] : blocks_derivatives_exo[blk]) d->computeBlockTemporaryTerms(blk, blocks[blk].size, blocks_temporary_terms, reference_count); for (const auto &[ignore, d] : blocks_derivatives_exo_det[blk]) d->computeBlockTemporaryTerms(blk, blocks[blk].size, blocks_temporary_terms, reference_count); for (const auto &[ignore, d] : blocks_derivatives_other_endo[blk]) d->computeBlockTemporaryTerms(blk, blocks[blk].size, blocks_temporary_terms, reference_count); } void DynamicModel::writeDynamicPerBlockHelper(int blk, ostream &output, ExprNodeOutputType output_type, temporary_terms_t &temporary_terms, int nze_stochastic, int nze_deterministic, int nze_exo, int nze_exo_det, int nze_other_endo) const { BlockSimulationType simulation_type = blocks[blk].simulation_type; int block_size = blocks[blk].size; int block_mfs_size = blocks[blk].mfs_size; int block_recursive_size = blocks[blk].getRecursiveSize(); deriv_node_temp_terms_t tef_terms; auto write_eq_tt = [&](int eq) { for (auto it : blocks_temporary_terms[blk][eq]) { if (dynamic_cast(it)) it->writeExternalFunctionOutput(output, output_type, temporary_terms, blocks_temporary_terms_idxs, tef_terms); output << " "; it->writeOutput(output, output_type, blocks_temporary_terms[blk][eq], blocks_temporary_terms_idxs, tef_terms); output << '='; it->writeOutput(output, output_type, temporary_terms, blocks_temporary_terms_idxs, tef_terms); temporary_terms.insert(it); output << ';' << endl; } }; // The equations for (int eq = 0; eq < block_size; eq++) { write_eq_tt(eq); EquationType equ_type = getBlockEquationType(blk, eq); BinaryOpNode *e = getBlockEquationExpr(blk, eq); expr_t lhs = e->arg1, rhs = e->arg2; switch (simulation_type) { case BlockSimulationType::evaluateBackward: case BlockSimulationType::evaluateForward: evaluation: if (equ_type == EquationType::evaluateRenormalized) { e = getBlockEquationRenormalizedExpr(blk, eq); lhs = e->arg1; rhs = e->arg2; } else if (equ_type != EquationType::evaluate) { cerr << "Type mismatch for equation " << getBlockEquationID(blk, eq)+1 << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } output << " "; lhs->writeOutput(output, output_type, temporary_terms, blocks_temporary_terms_idxs); output << '='; rhs->writeOutput(output, output_type, temporary_terms, blocks_temporary_terms_idxs); output << ';' << endl; break; case BlockSimulationType::solveBackwardSimple: case BlockSimulationType::solveForwardSimple: case BlockSimulationType::solveBackwardComplete: case BlockSimulationType::solveForwardComplete: case BlockSimulationType::solveTwoBoundariesComplete: case BlockSimulationType::solveTwoBoundariesSimple: if (eq < block_recursive_size) goto evaluation; output << " residual" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << eq-block_recursive_size+ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT_OFFSET(output_type) << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "=("; goto end; default: end: lhs->writeOutput(output, output_type, temporary_terms, blocks_temporary_terms_idxs); output << ")-("; rhs->writeOutput(output, output_type, temporary_terms, blocks_temporary_terms_idxs); output << ");" << endl; } } // The Jacobian if we have to solve the block // Write temporary terms for derivatives write_eq_tt(blocks[blk].size); if (isCOutput(output_type)) output << " if (stochastic_mode) {" << endl; else output << " if stochastic_mode" << endl; ostringstream i_output, j_output, v_output; int line_counter = ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT_OFFSET(output_type); for (const auto &[indices, d] : blocks_derivatives[blk]) { auto [eq, var, lag] = indices; int jacob_col = blocks_jacob_cols_endo[blk].at({ var, lag }); i_output << " g1_i" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << line_counter << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << '=' << eq+1 << ';' << endl; j_output << " g1_j" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << line_counter << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << '=' << jacob_col+1 << ';' << endl; v_output << " g1_v" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << line_counter << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << '='; d->writeOutput(v_output, output_type, temporary_terms, blocks_temporary_terms_idxs); v_output << ';' << endl; line_counter++; } assert(line_counter == nze_stochastic+ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT_OFFSET(output_type)); output << i_output.str() << j_output.str() << v_output.str(); i_output.str(""); j_output.str(""); v_output.str(""); line_counter = ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT_OFFSET(output_type); for (const auto &[indices, d] : blocks_derivatives_exo[blk]) { auto [eq, var, lag] = indices; int jacob_col = blocks_jacob_cols_exo[blk].at({ var, lag }); i_output << " g1_x_i" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << line_counter << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << '=' << eq+1 << ';' << endl; j_output << " g1_x_j" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << line_counter << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << '=' << jacob_col+1 << ';' << endl; v_output << " g1_x_v" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << line_counter << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << '='; d->writeOutput(v_output, output_type, temporary_terms, blocks_temporary_terms_idxs); v_output << ';' << endl; line_counter++; } assert(line_counter == nze_exo+ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT_OFFSET(output_type)); output << i_output.str() << j_output.str() << v_output.str(); i_output.str(""); j_output.str(""); v_output.str(""); line_counter = ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT_OFFSET(output_type); for (const auto &[indices, d] : blocks_derivatives_exo_det[blk]) { auto [eq, var, lag] = indices; int jacob_col = blocks_jacob_cols_exo_det[blk].at({ var, lag }); i_output << " g1_xd_i" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << line_counter << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << '=' << eq+1 << ';' << endl; j_output << " g1_xd_j" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << line_counter << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << '=' << jacob_col+1 << ';' << endl; v_output << " g1_xd_v" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << line_counter << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << '='; d->writeOutput(v_output, output_type, temporary_terms, blocks_temporary_terms_idxs); v_output << ';' << endl; line_counter++; } assert(line_counter == nze_exo_det+ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT_OFFSET(output_type)); output << i_output.str() << j_output.str() << v_output.str(); i_output.str(""); j_output.str(""); v_output.str(""); line_counter = ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT_OFFSET(output_type); for (const auto &[indices, d] : blocks_derivatives_other_endo[blk]) { auto [eq, var, lag] = indices; int jacob_col = blocks_jacob_cols_other_endo[blk].at({ var, lag }); i_output << " g1_o_i" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << line_counter << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << '=' << eq+1 << ';' << endl; j_output << " g1_o_j" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << line_counter << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << '=' << jacob_col+1 << ';' << endl; v_output << " g1_o_v" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << line_counter << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << '='; d->writeOutput(v_output, output_type, temporary_terms, blocks_temporary_terms_idxs); v_output << ';' << endl; line_counter++; } assert(line_counter == nze_other_endo+ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT_OFFSET(output_type)); output << i_output.str() << j_output.str() << v_output.str(); // Deterministic mode if (simulation_type != BlockSimulationType::evaluateForward && simulation_type != BlockSimulationType::evaluateBackward) { if (isCOutput(output_type)) output << " } else {" << endl; else output << " else" << endl; i_output.str(""); j_output.str(""); v_output.str(""); line_counter = ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT_OFFSET(output_type); if (simulation_type == BlockSimulationType::solveBackwardSimple || simulation_type == BlockSimulationType::solveForwardSimple || simulation_type == BlockSimulationType::solveBackwardComplete || simulation_type == BlockSimulationType::solveForwardComplete) for (const auto &[indices, d] : blocks_derivatives[blk]) { auto [eq, var, lag] = indices; if (lag == 0 && eq >= block_recursive_size && var >= block_recursive_size) { i_output << " g1_i" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << line_counter << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << '=' << eq+1-block_recursive_size << ';' << endl; j_output << " g1_j" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << line_counter << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << '=' << var+1-block_recursive_size << ';' << endl; v_output << " g1_v" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << line_counter << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << '='; d->writeOutput(v_output, output_type, temporary_terms, blocks_temporary_terms_idxs); v_output << ';' << endl; line_counter++; } } else // solveTwoBoundariesSimple || solveTwoBoundariesComplete for (const auto &[indices, d] : blocks_derivatives[blk]) { auto [eq, var, lag] = indices; assert(lag >= -1 && lag <= 1); if (eq >= block_recursive_size && var >= block_recursive_size) { i_output << " g1_i" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << line_counter << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << '=' << eq+1-block_recursive_size << ';' << endl; j_output << " g1_j" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << line_counter << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << '=' << var+1-block_recursive_size+block_mfs_size*(lag+1) << ';' << endl; v_output << " g1_v" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << line_counter << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << '='; d->writeOutput(v_output, output_type, temporary_terms, blocks_temporary_terms_idxs); v_output << ';' << endl; line_counter++; } } assert(line_counter == nze_deterministic+ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT_OFFSET(output_type)); output << i_output.str() << j_output.str() << v_output.str(); } if (isCOutput(output_type)) output << " }" << endl; else output << " end" << endl; } int DynamicModel::nzeDeterministicJacobianForBlock(int blk) const { BlockSimulationType simulation_type = blocks[blk].simulation_type; int block_recursive_size = blocks[blk].getRecursiveSize(); int nze_deterministic = 0; if (simulation_type == BlockSimulationType::solveTwoBoundariesComplete || simulation_type == BlockSimulationType::solveTwoBoundariesSimple) nze_deterministic = count_if(blocks_derivatives[blk].begin(), blocks_derivatives[blk].end(), [=](const auto &kv) { auto [eq, var, lag] = kv.first; return eq >= block_recursive_size && var >= block_recursive_size; }); else if (simulation_type == BlockSimulationType::solveBackwardSimple || simulation_type == BlockSimulationType::solveForwardSimple || simulation_type == BlockSimulationType::solveBackwardComplete || simulation_type == BlockSimulationType::solveForwardComplete) nze_deterministic = count_if(blocks_derivatives[blk].begin(), blocks_derivatives[blk].end(), [=](const auto &kv) { auto [eq, var, lag] = kv.first; return lag == 0 && eq >= block_recursive_size && var >= block_recursive_size; }); return nze_deterministic; } void DynamicModel::writeDynamicPerBlockMFiles(const string &basename) const { temporary_terms_t temporary_terms; // Temp terms written so far for (int blk = 0; blk < static_cast(blocks.size()); blk++) { BlockSimulationType simulation_type = blocks[blk].simulation_type; int block_size = blocks[blk].size; int block_mfs_size = blocks[blk].mfs_size; // Number of nonzero derivatives for the various Jacobians int nze_stochastic = blocks_derivatives[blk].size(); int nze_deterministic = nzeDeterministicJacobianForBlock(blk); int nze_other_endo = blocks_derivatives_other_endo[blk].size(); int nze_exo = blocks_derivatives_exo[blk].size(); int nze_exo_det = blocks_derivatives_exo_det[blk].size(); string filename = packageDir(basename + ".block") + "/dynamic_" + to_string(blk+1) + ".m"; ofstream output; output.open(filename, ios::out | ios::binary); if (!output.is_open()) { cerr << "ERROR: Can't open file " << filename << " for writing" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } output << "%" << endl << "% " << filename << " : Computes dynamic version of one block" << endl << "%" << endl << "% Warning : this file is generated automatically by Dynare" << endl << "% from model file (.mod)" << endl << endl << "%" << endl; if (simulation_type == BlockSimulationType::evaluateBackward || simulation_type == BlockSimulationType::evaluateForward) output << "function [y, T, g1, varargout] = dynamic_" << blk+1 << "(y, x, params, steady_state, T, it_, stochastic_mode)" << endl; else output << "function [residual, y, T, g1, varargout] = dynamic_" << blk+1 << "(y, x, params, steady_state, T, it_, stochastic_mode)" << endl; output << " % ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" << endl << " % //" << string(" Block ").substr(static_cast(log10(blk + 1))) << blk+1 << " //" << endl << " % // Simulation type " << BlockSim(simulation_type) << " //" << endl << " % ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" << endl; if (simulation_type != BlockSimulationType::evaluateForward && simulation_type != BlockSimulationType::evaluateBackward) output << " residual=zeros(" << block_mfs_size << ",1);" << endl; output << " if stochastic_mode" << endl << " g1_i=zeros(" << nze_stochastic << ",1);" << endl << " g1_j=zeros(" << nze_stochastic << ",1);" << endl << " g1_v=zeros(" << nze_stochastic << ",1);" << endl << " g1_x_i=zeros(" << nze_exo << ",1);" << endl << " g1_x_j=zeros(" << nze_exo << ",1);" << endl << " g1_x_v=zeros(" << nze_exo << ",1);" << endl << " g1_xd_i=zeros(" << nze_exo_det << ",1);" << endl << " g1_xd_j=zeros(" << nze_exo_det << ",1);" << endl << " g1_xd_v=zeros(" << nze_exo_det << ",1);" << endl << " g1_o_i=zeros(" << nze_other_endo << ",1);" << endl << " g1_o_j=zeros(" << nze_other_endo << ",1);" << endl << " g1_o_v=zeros(" << nze_other_endo << ",1);" << endl; if (simulation_type != BlockSimulationType::evaluateForward && simulation_type != BlockSimulationType::evaluateBackward) output << " else" << endl << " g1_i=zeros(" << nze_deterministic << ",1);" << endl << " g1_j=zeros(" << nze_deterministic << ",1);" << endl << " g1_v=zeros(" << nze_deterministic << ",1);" << endl; output << " end" << endl << endl; writeDynamicPerBlockHelper(blk, output, ExprNodeOutputType::matlabDynamicModel, temporary_terms, nze_stochastic, nze_deterministic, nze_exo, nze_exo_det, nze_other_endo); output << endl << " if stochastic_mode" << endl << " g1=sparse(g1_i, g1_j, g1_v, " << block_size << ", " << blocks_jacob_cols_endo[blk].size() << ");" << endl << " varargout{1}=sparse(g1_x_i, g1_x_j, g1_x_v, " << block_size << ", " << blocks_jacob_cols_exo[blk].size() << ");" << endl << " varargout{2}=sparse(g1_xd_i, g1_xd_j, g1_xd_v, " << block_size << ", " << blocks_jacob_cols_exo_det[blk].size() << ");" << endl << " varargout{3}=sparse(g1_o_i, g1_o_j, g1_o_v, " << block_size << ", " << blocks_jacob_cols_other_endo[blk].size() << ");" << endl << " else" << endl; switch (simulation_type) { case BlockSimulationType::evaluateForward: case BlockSimulationType::evaluateBackward: output << " g1=[];" << endl; break; case BlockSimulationType::solveBackwardSimple: case BlockSimulationType::solveForwardSimple: case BlockSimulationType::solveBackwardComplete: case BlockSimulationType::solveForwardComplete: output << " g1=sparse(g1_i, g1_j, g1_v, " << block_mfs_size << ", " << block_mfs_size << ");" << endl; break; case BlockSimulationType::solveTwoBoundariesSimple: case BlockSimulationType::solveTwoBoundariesComplete: output << " g1=sparse(g1_i, g1_j, g1_v, " << block_mfs_size << ", " << 3*block_mfs_size << ");" << endl; break; default: break; } output << " end" << endl << "end" << endl; output.close(); } } void DynamicModel::writeDynamicPerBlockCFiles(const string &basename) const { temporary_terms_t temporary_terms; // Temp terms written so far for (int blk = 0; blk < static_cast(blocks.size()); blk++) { BlockSimulationType simulation_type = blocks[blk].simulation_type; int block_size = blocks[blk].size; int block_mfs_size = blocks[blk].mfs_size; // Number of nonzero derivatives for the various Jacobians int nze_stochastic = blocks_derivatives[blk].size(); int nze_deterministic = nzeDeterministicJacobianForBlock(blk); int nze_other_endo = blocks_derivatives_other_endo[blk].size(); int nze_exo = blocks_derivatives_exo[blk].size(); int nze_exo_det = blocks_derivatives_exo_det[blk].size(); string filename = basename + "/model/src/dynamic_" + to_string(blk+1) + ".c"; ofstream output; output.open(filename, ios::out | ios::binary); if (!output.is_open()) { cerr << "ERROR: Can't open file " << filename << " for writing" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } output << "/* Block " << blk+1 << endl << " " << BlockSim(simulation_type) << " */" << endl << endl << "#include " << endl << "#include " << endl << "#include " << endl << R"(#include "mex.h")" << endl << endl; // Write function definition if BinaryOpcode::powerDeriv is used writePowerDerivHeader(output); output << endl; if (simulation_type == BlockSimulationType::evaluateBackward || simulation_type == BlockSimulationType::evaluateForward) output << "void dynamic_" << blk+1 << "(double *restrict y, const double *restrict x, int nb_row_x, const double *restrict params, const double *restrict steady_state, double *restrict T, int it_, bool stochastic_mode, double *restrict g1_i, double *restrict g1_j, double *restrict g1_v, double *restrict g1_x_i, double *restrict g1_x_j, double *restrict g1_x_v, double *restrict g1_xd_i, double *restrict g1_xd_j, double *restrict g1_xd_v, double *restrict g1_o_i, double *restrict g1_o_j, double *restrict g1_o_v)" << endl; else output << "void dynamic_" << blk+1 << "(double *restrict y, const double *restrict x, int nb_row_x, const double *restrict params, const double *restrict steady_state, double *restrict T, int it_, bool stochastic_mode, double *restrict residual, double *restrict g1_i, double *restrict g1_j, double *restrict g1_v, double *restrict g1_x_i, double *restrict g1_x_j, double *restrict g1_x_v, double *restrict g1_xd_i, double *restrict g1_xd_j, double *restrict g1_xd_v, double *restrict g1_o_i, double *restrict g1_o_j, double *restrict g1_o_v)" << endl; output << '{' << endl; writeDynamicPerBlockHelper(blk, output, ExprNodeOutputType::CDynamicModel, temporary_terms, nze_stochastic, nze_deterministic, nze_exo, nze_exo_det, nze_other_endo); output << '}' << endl << endl; ostringstream header; if (simulation_type == BlockSimulationType::evaluateBackward || simulation_type == BlockSimulationType::evaluateForward) header << "void dynamic_" << blk+1 << "_mx(mxArray *y, const mxArray *x, const mxArray *params, const mxArray *steady_state, mxArray *T, const mxArray *it_, const mxArray *stochastic_mode, mxArray **g1, mxArray **g1_x, mxArray **g1_xd, mxArray **g1_o)"; else header << "void dynamic_" << blk+1 << "_mx(mxArray *y, const mxArray *x, const mxArray *params, const mxArray *steady_state, mxArray *T, const mxArray *it_, const mxArray *stochastic_mode, mxArray **residual, mxArray **g1, mxArray **g1_x, mxArray **g1_xd, mxArray **g1_o)"; output << header.str() << endl << '{' << endl << " int nb_row_x = mxGetM(x);" << endl; if (simulation_type != BlockSimulationType::evaluateForward && simulation_type != BlockSimulationType::evaluateBackward) output << " *residual = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << block_mfs_size << ",1,mxREAL);" << endl; output << " mxArray *g1_i = NULL, *g1_j = NULL, *g1_v = NULL;" << endl << " mxArray *g1_x_i = NULL, *g1_x_j = NULL, *g1_x_v = NULL;" << endl << " mxArray *g1_xd_i = NULL, *g1_xd_j = NULL, *g1_xd_v = NULL;" << endl << " mxArray *g1_o_i = NULL, *g1_o_j = NULL, *g1_o_v = NULL;" << endl << " if (mxGetScalar(stochastic_mode)) {" << endl << " g1_i=mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << nze_stochastic << ",1,mxREAL);" << endl << " g1_j=mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << nze_stochastic << ",1,mxREAL);" << endl << " g1_v=mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << nze_stochastic << ",1,mxREAL);" << endl << " g1_x_i=mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << nze_exo << ",1,mxREAL);" << endl << " g1_x_j=mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << nze_exo << ",1,mxREAL);" << endl << " g1_x_v=mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << nze_exo << ",1,mxREAL);" << endl << " g1_xd_i=mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << nze_exo_det << ",1,mxREAL);" << endl << " g1_xd_j=mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << nze_exo_det << ",1,mxREAL);" << endl << " g1_xd_v=mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << nze_exo_det << ",1,mxREAL);" << endl << " g1_o_i=mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << nze_other_endo << ",1,mxREAL);" << endl << " g1_o_j=mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << nze_other_endo << ",1,mxREAL);" << endl << " g1_o_v=mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << nze_other_endo << ",1,mxREAL);" << endl; if (simulation_type != BlockSimulationType::evaluateForward && simulation_type != BlockSimulationType::evaluateBackward) output << " } else {" << endl << " g1_i=mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << nze_deterministic << ",1,mxREAL);" << endl << " g1_j=mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << nze_deterministic << ",1,mxREAL);" << endl << " g1_v=mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << nze_deterministic << ",1,mxREAL);" << endl; output << " }" << endl << endl; // N.B.: In the following, it_ is decreased by 1, to follow C convention if (simulation_type == BlockSimulationType::evaluateBackward || simulation_type == BlockSimulationType::evaluateForward) output << " dynamic_" << blk+1 << "(mxGetPr(y), mxGetPr(x), nb_row_x, mxGetPr(params), mxGetPr(steady_state), mxGetPr(T), mxGetScalar(it_)-1, mxGetScalar(stochastic_mode), g1_i ? mxGetPr(g1_i) : NULL, g1_j ? mxGetPr(g1_j) : NULL, g1_v ? mxGetPr(g1_v) : NULL, g1_x_i ? mxGetPr(g1_x_i) : NULL, g1_x_j ? mxGetPr(g1_x_j) : NULL, g1_x_v ? mxGetPr(g1_x_v) : NULL, g1_xd_i ? mxGetPr(g1_xd_i) : NULL, g1_xd_j ? mxGetPr(g1_xd_j) : NULL, g1_xd_v ? mxGetPr(g1_xd_v) : NULL, g1_o_i ? mxGetPr(g1_o_i) : NULL, g1_o_j ? mxGetPr(g1_o_j) : NULL, g1_o_v ? mxGetPr(g1_o_v) : NULL);" << endl; else output << " dynamic_" << blk+1 << "(mxGetPr(y), mxGetPr(x), nb_row_x, mxGetPr(params), mxGetPr(steady_state), mxGetPr(T), mxGetScalar(it_)-1, mxGetScalar(stochastic_mode), mxGetPr(*residual), g1_i ? mxGetPr(g1_i) : NULL, g1_j ? mxGetPr(g1_j) : NULL, g1_v ? mxGetPr(g1_v) : NULL, g1_x_i ? mxGetPr(g1_x_i) : NULL, g1_x_j ? mxGetPr(g1_x_j) : NULL, g1_x_v ? mxGetPr(g1_x_v) : NULL, g1_xd_i ? mxGetPr(g1_xd_i) : NULL, g1_xd_j ? mxGetPr(g1_xd_j) : NULL, g1_xd_v ? mxGetPr(g1_xd_v) : NULL, g1_o_i ? mxGetPr(g1_o_i) : NULL, g1_o_j ? mxGetPr(g1_o_j) : NULL, g1_o_v ? mxGetPr(g1_o_v) : NULL);" << endl; output << endl << " if (mxGetScalar(stochastic_mode)) {" << endl << " mxArray *m = mxCreateDoubleScalar(" << block_size << ");" << endl << " mxArray *n = mxCreateDoubleScalar(" << blocks_jacob_cols_endo[blk].size() << ");" << endl << " mxArray *plhs[1];" << endl << " mxArray *prhs[5] = { g1_i, g1_j, g1_v, m, n };" << endl << R"( mexCallMATLAB(1, plhs, 5, prhs, "sparse");)" << endl << " *g1=plhs[0];" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(g1_i);" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(g1_j);" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(g1_v);" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(n);" << endl << " n = mxCreateDoubleScalar(" << blocks_jacob_cols_exo[blk].size() << ");" << endl << " mxArray *prhs_x[5] = { g1_x_i, g1_x_j, g1_x_v, m, n };" << endl << R"( mexCallMATLAB(1, plhs, 5, prhs_x, "sparse");)" << endl << " *g1_x=plhs[0];" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(g1_x_i);" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(g1_x_j);" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(g1_x_v);" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(n);" << endl << " n = mxCreateDoubleScalar(" << blocks_jacob_cols_exo_det[blk].size() << ");" << endl << " mxArray *prhs_xd[5] = { g1_xd_i, g1_xd_j, g1_xd_v, m, n };" << endl << R"( mexCallMATLAB(1, plhs, 5, prhs_xd, "sparse");)" << endl << " *g1_xd=plhs[0];" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(g1_xd_i);" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(g1_xd_j);" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(g1_xd_v);" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(n);" << endl << " n = mxCreateDoubleScalar(" << blocks_jacob_cols_other_endo[blk].size() << ");" << endl << " mxArray *prhs_o[5] = { g1_o_i, g1_o_j, g1_o_v, m, n };" << endl << R"( mexCallMATLAB(1, plhs, 5, prhs_o, "sparse");)" << endl << " *g1_o=plhs[0];" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(g1_o_i);" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(g1_o_j);" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(g1_o_v);" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(n);" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(m);" << endl << " } else {" << endl; switch (simulation_type) { case BlockSimulationType::evaluateForward: case BlockSimulationType::evaluateBackward: output << " *g1=mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL);" << endl; break; case BlockSimulationType::solveBackwardSimple: case BlockSimulationType::solveForwardSimple: case BlockSimulationType::solveBackwardComplete: case BlockSimulationType::solveForwardComplete: output << " mxArray *m = mxCreateDoubleScalar(" << block_mfs_size << ");" << endl << " mxArray *n = mxCreateDoubleScalar(" << block_mfs_size << ");" << endl << " mxArray *plhs[1];" << endl << " mxArray *prhs[5] = { g1_i, g1_j, g1_v, m, n };" << endl << R"( mexCallMATLAB(1, plhs, 5, prhs, "sparse");)" << endl << " *g1=plhs[0];" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(g1_i);" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(g1_j);" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(g1_v);" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(n);" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(m);" << endl; break; case BlockSimulationType::solveTwoBoundariesSimple: case BlockSimulationType::solveTwoBoundariesComplete: output << " mxArray *m = mxCreateDoubleScalar(" << block_mfs_size << ");" << endl << " mxArray *n = mxCreateDoubleScalar(" << 3*block_mfs_size << ");" << endl << " mxArray *plhs[1];" << endl << " mxArray *prhs[5] = { g1_i, g1_j, g1_v, m, n };" << endl << R"( mexCallMATLAB(1, plhs, 5, prhs, "sparse");)" << endl << " *g1=plhs[0];" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(g1_i);" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(g1_j);" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(g1_v);" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(n);" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(m);" << endl; break; default: break; } output << " *g1_x=mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL);" << endl << " *g1_xd=mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL);" << endl << " *g1_o=mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL);" << endl << " }" << endl << "}" << endl; output.close(); filename = basename + "/model/src/dynamic_" + to_string(blk+1) + ".h"; ofstream header_output; header_output.open(filename, ios::out | ios::binary); if (!header_output.is_open()) { cerr << "ERROR: Can't open file " << filename << " for writing" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } header_output << header.str() << ';' << endl; header_output.close(); } } void DynamicModel::writeDynamicBytecode(const string &basename) const { ostringstream tmp_output; ofstream code_file; unsigned int instruction_number = 0; bool file_open = false; string main_name = basename + "/model/bytecode/dynamic.cod"; code_file.open(main_name, ios::out | ios::binary | ios::ate); if (!code_file.is_open()) { cerr << R"(Error : Can't open file ")" << main_name << R"(" for writing)" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } int count_u; int u_count_int = 0; BlockSimulationType simulation_type; if ((max_endo_lag > 0) && (max_endo_lead > 0)) simulation_type = BlockSimulationType::solveTwoBoundariesComplete; else if ((max_endo_lag >= 0) && (max_endo_lead == 0)) simulation_type = BlockSimulationType::solveForwardComplete; else simulation_type = BlockSimulationType::solveBackwardComplete; writeBytecodeBinFile(basename + "/model/bytecode/dynamic.bin", u_count_int, file_open, simulation_type == BlockSimulationType::solveTwoBoundariesComplete); file_open = true; //Temporary variables declaration FDIMT_ fdimt(temporary_terms_idxs.size()); fdimt.write(code_file, instruction_number); vector exo, exo_det, other_endo; for (int i = 0; i < symbol_table.exo_det_nbr(); i++) exo_det.push_back(i); for (int i = 0; i < symbol_table.exo_nbr(); i++) exo.push_back(i); map, expr_t> first_derivatives_reordered_endo; map, expr_t> first_derivatives_reordered_exo; for (const auto & [indices, d1] : derivatives[1]) { int deriv_id = indices[1]; int eq = indices[0]; int symb = getSymbIDByDerivID(deriv_id); int var = symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(symb); int lag = getLagByDerivID(deriv_id); if (getTypeByDerivID(deriv_id) == SymbolType::endogenous) first_derivatives_reordered_endo[{ lag, var, eq }] = d1; else if (getTypeByDerivID(deriv_id) == SymbolType::exogenous || getTypeByDerivID(deriv_id) == SymbolType::exogenousDet) first_derivatives_reordered_exo[{ lag, getTypeByDerivID(deriv_id), var, eq }] = d1; } int prev_var = -1; int prev_lag = -999999999; int count_col_endo = 0; for (const auto &it : first_derivatives_reordered_endo) { int var, lag; tie(lag, var, ignore) = it.first; if (prev_var != var || prev_lag != lag) { prev_var = var; prev_lag = lag; count_col_endo++; } } prev_var = -1; prev_lag = -999999999; SymbolType prev_type{SymbolType::unusedEndogenous}; // Any non-exogenous type would do here int count_col_exo = 0; int count_col_det_exo = 0; for (const auto &it : first_derivatives_reordered_exo) { int var, lag; SymbolType type; tie(lag, type, var, ignore) = it.first; if (prev_var != var || prev_lag != lag || prev_type != type) { prev_var = var; prev_lag = lag; prev_type = type; if (type == SymbolType::exogenous) count_col_exo++; else if (type == SymbolType::exogenousDet) count_col_det_exo++; } } FBEGINBLOCK_ fbeginblock(symbol_table.endo_nbr(), simulation_type, 0, symbol_table.endo_nbr(), endo_idx_block2orig, eq_idx_block2orig, false, symbol_table.endo_nbr(), max_endo_lag, max_endo_lead, u_count_int, count_col_endo, symbol_table.exo_det_nbr(), count_col_det_exo, symbol_table.exo_nbr(), count_col_exo, 0, 0, exo_det, exo, other_endo); fbeginblock.write(code_file, instruction_number); temporary_terms_t temporary_terms_union; compileTemporaryTerms(code_file, instruction_number, true, false, temporary_terms_union, temporary_terms_idxs); compileModelEquations(code_file, instruction_number, true, false, temporary_terms_union, temporary_terms_idxs); FENDEQU_ fendequ; fendequ.write(code_file, instruction_number); // Get the current code_file position and jump if eval = true streampos pos1 = code_file.tellp(); FJMPIFEVAL_ fjmp_if_eval(0); fjmp_if_eval.write(code_file, instruction_number); int prev_instruction_number = instruction_number; vector>> my_derivatives(symbol_table.endo_nbr());; count_u = symbol_table.endo_nbr(); for (const auto & [indices, d1] : derivatives[1]) { int deriv_id = indices[1]; if (getTypeByDerivID(deriv_id) == SymbolType::endogenous) { int eq = indices[0]; int symb = getSymbIDByDerivID(deriv_id); int var = symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(symb); int lag = getLagByDerivID(deriv_id); FNUMEXPR_ fnumexpr(ExpressionType::FirstEndoDerivative, eq, var, lag); fnumexpr.write(code_file, instruction_number); if (!my_derivatives[eq].size()) my_derivatives[eq].clear(); my_derivatives[eq].emplace_back(var, lag, count_u); d1->compile(code_file, instruction_number, false, temporary_terms_union, temporary_terms_idxs, true, false); FSTPU_ fstpu(count_u); fstpu.write(code_file, instruction_number); count_u++; } } for (int i = 0; i < symbol_table.endo_nbr(); i++) { FLDR_ fldr(i); fldr.write(code_file, instruction_number); if (my_derivatives[i].size()) { for (auto it = my_derivatives[i].begin(); it != my_derivatives[i].end(); ++it) { FLDU_ fldu(get<2>(*it)); fldu.write(code_file, instruction_number); FLDV_ fldv{static_cast(SymbolType::endogenous), static_cast(get<0>(*it)), get<1>(*it)}; fldv.write(code_file, instruction_number); FBINARY_ fbinary{static_cast(BinaryOpcode::times)}; fbinary.write(code_file, instruction_number); if (it != my_derivatives[i].begin()) { FBINARY_ fbinary{static_cast(BinaryOpcode::plus)}; fbinary.write(code_file, instruction_number); } } FBINARY_ fbinary{static_cast(BinaryOpcode::minus)}; fbinary.write(code_file, instruction_number); } FSTPU_ fstpu(i); fstpu.write(code_file, instruction_number); } // Get the current code_file position and jump = true streampos pos2 = code_file.tellp(); FJMP_ fjmp(0); fjmp.write(code_file, instruction_number); // Set code_file position to previous JMPIFEVAL_ and set the number of instructions to jump streampos pos3 = code_file.tellp(); code_file.seekp(pos1); FJMPIFEVAL_ fjmp_if_eval1(instruction_number - prev_instruction_number); fjmp_if_eval1.write(code_file, instruction_number); code_file.seekp(pos3); prev_instruction_number = instruction_number; // The Jacobian prev_var = -1; prev_lag = -999999999; count_col_endo = 0; for (const auto &it : first_derivatives_reordered_endo) { auto [lag, var, eq] = it.first; expr_t d1 = it.second; FNUMEXPR_ fnumexpr(ExpressionType::FirstEndoDerivative, eq, var, lag); fnumexpr.write(code_file, instruction_number); if (prev_var != var || prev_lag != lag) { prev_var = var; prev_lag = lag; count_col_endo++; } d1->compile(code_file, instruction_number, false, temporary_terms_union, temporary_terms_idxs, true, false); FSTPG3_ fstpg3(eq, var, lag, count_col_endo-1); fstpg3.write(code_file, instruction_number); } prev_var = -1; prev_lag = -999999999; count_col_exo = 0; for (const auto &it : first_derivatives_reordered_exo) { auto [lag, ignore, var, eq] = it.first; expr_t d1 = it.second; FNUMEXPR_ fnumexpr(ExpressionType::FirstExoDerivative, eq, var, lag); fnumexpr.write(code_file, instruction_number); if (prev_var != var || prev_lag != lag) { prev_var = var; prev_lag = lag; count_col_exo++; } d1->compile(code_file, instruction_number, false, temporary_terms_union, temporary_terms_idxs, true, false); FSTPG3_ fstpg3(eq, var, lag, count_col_exo-1); fstpg3.write(code_file, instruction_number); } // Set codefile position to previous JMP_ and set the number of instructions to jump pos1 = code_file.tellp(); code_file.seekp(pos2); FJMP_ fjmp1(instruction_number - prev_instruction_number); fjmp1.write(code_file, instruction_number); code_file.seekp(pos1); FENDBLOCK_ fendblock; fendblock.write(code_file, instruction_number); FEND_ fend; fend.write(code_file, instruction_number); code_file.close(); } void DynamicModel::writeDynamicBlockBytecode(const string &basename) const { struct Uff_l { int u, var, lag; Uff_l *pNext; }; struct Uff { Uff_l *Ufl, *Ufl_First; }; int i, v; string tmp_s; ostringstream tmp_output; ofstream code_file; unsigned int instruction_number = 0; expr_t lhs = nullptr, rhs = nullptr; BinaryOpNode *eq_node; Uff Uf[symbol_table.endo_nbr()]; map reference_count; vector feedback_variables; bool file_open = false; string main_name = basename + "/model/bytecode/dynamic.cod"; code_file.open(main_name, ios::out | ios::binary | ios::ate); if (!code_file.is_open()) { cerr << R"(Error : Can't open file ")" << main_name << R"(" for writing)" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } //Temporary variables declaration FDIMT_ fdimt(blocks_temporary_terms_idxs.size()); fdimt.write(code_file, instruction_number); for (int block = 0; block < static_cast(blocks.size()); block++) { feedback_variables.clear(); if (block > 0) { FENDBLOCK_ fendblock; fendblock.write(code_file, instruction_number); } int count_u; int u_count_int = 0; BlockSimulationType simulation_type = blocks[block].simulation_type; int block_size = blocks[block].size; int block_mfs = blocks[block].mfs_size; int block_recursive = blocks[block].getRecursiveSize(); int block_max_lag = blocks[block].max_lag; int block_max_lead = blocks[block].max_lead; if (simulation_type == BlockSimulationType::solveTwoBoundariesSimple || simulation_type == BlockSimulationType::solveTwoBoundariesComplete || simulation_type == BlockSimulationType::solveBackwardComplete || simulation_type == BlockSimulationType::solveForwardComplete) { writeBlockBytecodeBinFile(basename, block, u_count_int, file_open, simulation_type == BlockSimulationType::solveTwoBoundariesComplete || simulation_type == BlockSimulationType::solveTwoBoundariesSimple); file_open = true; } FBEGINBLOCK_ fbeginblock(block_mfs, simulation_type, blocks[block].first_equation, block_size, endo_idx_block2orig, eq_idx_block2orig, blocks[block].linear, symbol_table.endo_nbr(), block_max_lag, block_max_lead, u_count_int, blocks_jacob_cols_endo[block].size(), blocks_exo_det[block].size(), blocks_jacob_cols_exo_det[block].size(), blocks_exo[block].size(), blocks_jacob_cols_exo[block].size(), blocks_other_endo[block].size(), blocks_jacob_cols_other_endo[block].size(), vector(blocks_exo_det[block].begin(), blocks_exo_det[block].end()), vector(blocks_exo[block].begin(), blocks_exo[block].end()), vector(blocks_other_endo[block].begin(), blocks_other_endo[block].end())); fbeginblock.write(code_file, instruction_number); temporary_terms_t temporary_terms_union; //The Temporary terms deriv_node_temp_terms_t tef_terms; auto write_eq_tt = [&](int eq) { for (auto it : blocks_temporary_terms[block][eq]) { if (dynamic_cast(it)) it->compileExternalFunctionOutput(code_file, instruction_number, false, temporary_terms_union, blocks_temporary_terms_idxs, true, false, tef_terms); FNUMEXPR_ fnumexpr(ExpressionType::TemporaryTerm, static_cast(blocks_temporary_terms_idxs.at(it))); fnumexpr.write(code_file, instruction_number); it->compile(code_file, instruction_number, false, temporary_terms_union, blocks_temporary_terms_idxs, true, false, tef_terms); FSTPT_ fstpt(static_cast(blocks_temporary_terms_idxs.at(it))); fstpt.write(code_file, instruction_number); temporary_terms_union.insert(it); #ifdef DEBUGC cout << "FSTPT " << v << endl; instruction_number++; code_file.write(&FOK, sizeof(FOK)); code_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&k), sizeof(k)); ki++; #endif } }; // The equations for (i = 0; i < block_size; i++) { write_eq_tt(i); int variable_ID, equation_ID; EquationType equ_type; switch (simulation_type) { evaluation: case BlockSimulationType::evaluateBackward: case BlockSimulationType::evaluateForward: equ_type = getBlockEquationType(block, i); { FNUMEXPR_ fnumexpr(ExpressionType::ModelEquation, getBlockEquationID(block, i)); fnumexpr.write(code_file, instruction_number); } if (equ_type == EquationType::evaluate) { eq_node = getBlockEquationExpr(block, i); lhs = eq_node->arg1; rhs = eq_node->arg2; rhs->compile(code_file, instruction_number, false, temporary_terms_union, blocks_temporary_terms_idxs, true, false); lhs->compile(code_file, instruction_number, true, temporary_terms_union, blocks_temporary_terms_idxs, true, false); } else if (equ_type == EquationType::evaluateRenormalized) { eq_node = getBlockEquationRenormalizedExpr(block, i); lhs = eq_node->arg1; rhs = eq_node->arg2; rhs->compile(code_file, instruction_number, false, temporary_terms_union, blocks_temporary_terms_idxs, true, false); lhs->compile(code_file, instruction_number, true, temporary_terms_union, blocks_temporary_terms_idxs, true, false); } break; case BlockSimulationType::solveBackwardComplete: case BlockSimulationType::solveForwardComplete: case BlockSimulationType::solveTwoBoundariesComplete: case BlockSimulationType::solveTwoBoundariesSimple: if (i < block_recursive) goto evaluation; variable_ID = getBlockVariableID(block, i); equation_ID = getBlockEquationID(block, i); feedback_variables.push_back(variable_ID); Uf[equation_ID].Ufl = nullptr; goto end; default: end: FNUMEXPR_ fnumexpr(ExpressionType::ModelEquation, getBlockEquationID(block, i)); fnumexpr.write(code_file, instruction_number); eq_node = getBlockEquationExpr(block, i); lhs = eq_node->arg1; rhs = eq_node->arg2; lhs->compile(code_file, instruction_number, false, temporary_terms_union, blocks_temporary_terms_idxs, true, false); rhs->compile(code_file, instruction_number, false, temporary_terms_union, blocks_temporary_terms_idxs, true, false); FBINARY_ fbinary{static_cast(BinaryOpcode::minus)}; fbinary.write(code_file, instruction_number); FSTPR_ fstpr(i - block_recursive); fstpr.write(code_file, instruction_number); } } FENDEQU_ fendequ; fendequ.write(code_file, instruction_number); // Get the current code_file position and jump if eval = true streampos pos1 = code_file.tellp(); FJMPIFEVAL_ fjmp_if_eval(0); fjmp_if_eval.write(code_file, instruction_number); int prev_instruction_number = instruction_number; // The Jacobian if we have to solve the block determinsitic block if (simulation_type != BlockSimulationType::evaluateBackward && simulation_type != BlockSimulationType::evaluateForward) { // Write temporary terms for derivatives write_eq_tt(blocks[block].size); switch (simulation_type) { case BlockSimulationType::solveBackwardSimple: case BlockSimulationType::solveForwardSimple: { FNUMEXPR_ fnumexpr(ExpressionType::FirstEndoDerivative, getBlockEquationID(block, 0), getBlockVariableID(block, 0), 0); fnumexpr.write(code_file, instruction_number); } compileDerivative(code_file, instruction_number, getBlockEquationID(block, 0), getBlockVariableID(block, 0), 0, temporary_terms_union, blocks_temporary_terms_idxs); { FSTPG_ fstpg(0); fstpg.write(code_file, instruction_number); } break; case BlockSimulationType::solveBackwardComplete: case BlockSimulationType::solveForwardComplete: case BlockSimulationType::solveTwoBoundariesComplete: case BlockSimulationType::solveTwoBoundariesSimple: count_u = feedback_variables.size(); for (const auto &[indices, ignore] : blocks_derivatives[block]) { auto [eq, var, lag] = indices; int eqr = getBlockEquationID(block, eq); int varr = getBlockVariableID(block, var); if (eq >= block_recursive and var >= block_recursive) { if (lag != 0 && (simulation_type == BlockSimulationType::solveForwardComplete || simulation_type == BlockSimulationType::solveBackwardComplete)) continue; if (!Uf[eqr].Ufl) { Uf[eqr].Ufl = static_cast(malloc(sizeof(Uff_l))); Uf[eqr].Ufl_First = Uf[eqr].Ufl; } else { Uf[eqr].Ufl->pNext = static_cast(malloc(sizeof(Uff_l))); Uf[eqr].Ufl = Uf[eqr].Ufl->pNext; } Uf[eqr].Ufl->pNext = nullptr; Uf[eqr].Ufl->u = count_u; Uf[eqr].Ufl->var = varr; Uf[eqr].Ufl->lag = lag; FNUMEXPR_ fnumexpr(ExpressionType::FirstEndoDerivative, eqr, varr, lag); fnumexpr.write(code_file, instruction_number); compileChainRuleDerivative(code_file, instruction_number, block, eq, var, lag, temporary_terms_union, blocks_temporary_terms_idxs); FSTPU_ fstpu(count_u); fstpu.write(code_file, instruction_number); count_u++; } } for (i = 0; i < block_size; i++) { if (i >= block_recursive) { FLDR_ fldr(i-block_recursive); fldr.write(code_file, instruction_number); FLDZ_ fldz; fldz.write(code_file, instruction_number); v = getBlockEquationID(block, i); for (Uf[v].Ufl = Uf[v].Ufl_First; Uf[v].Ufl; Uf[v].Ufl = Uf[v].Ufl->pNext) { FLDU_ fldu(Uf[v].Ufl->u); fldu.write(code_file, instruction_number); FLDV_ fldv{static_cast(SymbolType::endogenous), static_cast(Uf[v].Ufl->var), Uf[v].Ufl->lag}; fldv.write(code_file, instruction_number); FBINARY_ fbinary{static_cast(BinaryOpcode::times)}; fbinary.write(code_file, instruction_number); FCUML_ fcuml; fcuml.write(code_file, instruction_number); } Uf[v].Ufl = Uf[v].Ufl_First; while (Uf[v].Ufl) { Uf[v].Ufl_First = Uf[v].Ufl->pNext; free(Uf[v].Ufl); Uf[v].Ufl = Uf[v].Ufl_First; } FBINARY_ fbinary{static_cast(BinaryOpcode::minus)}; fbinary.write(code_file, instruction_number); FSTPU_ fstpu(i - block_recursive); fstpu.write(code_file, instruction_number); } } break; default: break; } } // Get the current code_file position and jump = true streampos pos2 = code_file.tellp(); FJMP_ fjmp(0); fjmp.write(code_file, instruction_number); // Set code_file position to previous JMPIFEVAL_ and set the number of instructions to jump streampos pos3 = code_file.tellp(); code_file.seekp(pos1); FJMPIFEVAL_ fjmp_if_eval1(instruction_number - prev_instruction_number); fjmp_if_eval1.write(code_file, instruction_number); code_file.seekp(pos3); prev_instruction_number = instruction_number; // The Jacobian if we have to solve the block determinsitic block for (const auto &[indices, d] : blocks_derivatives[block]) { auto [eq, var, lag] = indices; int eqr = getBlockEquationID(block, eq); int varr = getBlockVariableID(block, var); FNUMEXPR_ fnumexpr(ExpressionType::FirstEndoDerivative, eqr, varr, lag); fnumexpr.write(code_file, instruction_number); compileDerivative(code_file, instruction_number, eqr, varr, lag, temporary_terms_union, blocks_temporary_terms_idxs); FSTPG3_ fstpg3(eq, var, lag, blocks_jacob_cols_endo[block].at({ var, lag })); fstpg3.write(code_file, instruction_number); } for (const auto &[indices, d] : blocks_derivatives_exo[block]) { auto [eqr, var, lag] = indices; int eq = getBlockEquationID(block, eqr); int varr = 0; // Dummy value, actually unused by the bytecode MEX FNUMEXPR_ fnumexpr(ExpressionType::FirstExoDerivative, eqr, varr, lag); fnumexpr.write(code_file, instruction_number); d->compile(code_file, instruction_number, false, temporary_terms_union, blocks_temporary_terms_idxs, true, false); FSTPG3_ fstpg3(eq, var, lag, blocks_jacob_cols_exo[block].at({ var, lag })); fstpg3.write(code_file, instruction_number); } for (const auto &[indices, d] : blocks_derivatives_exo_det[block]) { auto [eqr, var, lag] = indices; int eq = getBlockEquationID(block, eqr); int varr = 0; // Dummy value, actually unused by the bytecode MEX FNUMEXPR_ fnumexpr(ExpressionType::FirstExodetDerivative, eqr, varr, lag); fnumexpr.write(code_file, instruction_number); d->compile(code_file, instruction_number, false, temporary_terms_union, blocks_temporary_terms_idxs, true, false); FSTPG3_ fstpg3(eq, var, lag, blocks_jacob_cols_exo_det[block].at({ var, lag })); fstpg3.write(code_file, instruction_number); } for (const auto &[indices, d] : blocks_derivatives_other_endo[block]) { auto [eqr, var, lag] = indices; int eq = getBlockEquationID(block, eqr); int varr = 0; // Dummy value, actually unused by the bytecode MEX FNUMEXPR_ fnumexpr(ExpressionType::FirstOtherEndoDerivative, eqr, varr, lag); fnumexpr.write(code_file, instruction_number); d->compile(code_file, instruction_number, false, temporary_terms_union, blocks_temporary_terms_idxs, true, false); FSTPG3_ fstpg3(eq, var, lag, blocks_jacob_cols_other_endo[block].at({ var, lag })); fstpg3.write(code_file, instruction_number); } // Set codefile position to previous JMP_ and set the number of instructions to jump pos1 = code_file.tellp(); code_file.seekp(pos2); FJMP_ fjmp1(instruction_number - prev_instruction_number); fjmp1.write(code_file, instruction_number); code_file.seekp(pos1); } FENDBLOCK_ fendblock; fendblock.write(code_file, instruction_number); FEND_ fend; fend.write(code_file, instruction_number); code_file.close(); } void DynamicModel::writeDynamicMFile(const string &basename) const { writeDynamicModel(basename, false, false); } void DynamicModel::writeDynamicJuliaFile(const string &basename) const { writeDynamicModel(basename, false, true); } void DynamicModel::writeDynamicCFile(const string &basename) const { string filename = basename + "/model/src/dynamic.c"; int ntt = temporary_terms_mlv.size() + temporary_terms_derivatives[0].size() + temporary_terms_derivatives[1].size() + temporary_terms_derivatives[2].size() + temporary_terms_derivatives[3].size(); ofstream output; output.open(filename, ios::out | ios::binary); if (!output.is_open()) { cerr << "Error: Can't open file " << filename << " for writing" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } output << "/*" << endl << " * " << filename << " : Computes dynamic model for Dynare" << endl << " *" << endl << " * Warning : this file is generated automatically by Dynare" << endl << " * from model file (.mod)" << endl << " */" << endl << endl << "#include " << endl << "#include " << endl << R"(#include "mex.h")" << endl << endl; // Write function definition if BinaryOpcode::powerDeriv is used writePowerDeriv(output); output << endl; writeDynamicModel(output, true, false); output << "void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])" << endl << "{" << endl << " if (nlhs > " << min(computed_derivs_order + 1, 4) << ")" << endl << R"( mexErrMsgTxt("Derivatives of higher order than computed have been requested");)" << endl << " if (nrhs != 5)" << endl << R"( mexErrMsgTxt("Requires exactly 5 input arguments");)" << endl << endl << " double *y = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);" << endl << " double *x = mxGetPr(prhs[1]);" << endl << " double *params = mxGetPr(prhs[2]);" << endl << " double *steady_state = mxGetPr(prhs[3]);" << endl << " int it_ = (int) mxGetScalar(prhs[4]) - 1;" << endl << " int nb_row_x = mxGetM(prhs[1]);" << endl << endl << " double *T = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*" << ntt << ");" << endl << endl << " if (nlhs >= 1)" << endl << " {" << endl << " plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << equations.size() << ",1, mxREAL);" << endl << " double *residual = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);" << endl << " dynamic_resid_tt(y, x, nb_row_x, params, steady_state, it_, T);" << endl << " dynamic_resid(y, x, nb_row_x, params, steady_state, it_, T, residual);" << endl << " }" << endl << endl << " if (nlhs >= 2)" << endl << " {" << endl << " plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << equations.size() << ", " << dynJacobianColsNbr << ", mxREAL);" << endl << " double *g1 = mxGetPr(plhs[1]);" << endl << " dynamic_g1_tt(y, x, nb_row_x, params, steady_state, it_, T);" << endl << " dynamic_g1(y, x, nb_row_x, params, steady_state, it_, T, g1);" << endl << " }" << endl << endl << " if (nlhs >= 3)" << endl << " {" << endl << " mxArray *g2_i = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << NNZDerivatives[2] << ", " << 1 << ", mxREAL);" << endl << " mxArray *g2_j = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << NNZDerivatives[2] << ", " << 1 << ", mxREAL);" << endl << " mxArray *g2_v = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << NNZDerivatives[2] << ", " << 1 << ", mxREAL);" << endl << " dynamic_g2_tt(y, x, nb_row_x, params, steady_state, it_, T);" << endl << " dynamic_g2(y, x, nb_row_x, params, steady_state, it_, T, mxGetPr(g2_i), mxGetPr(g2_j), mxGetPr(g2_v));" << endl << " mxArray *m = mxCreateDoubleScalar(" << equations.size() << ");" << endl << " mxArray *n = mxCreateDoubleScalar(" << dynJacobianColsNbr*dynJacobianColsNbr << ");" << endl << " mxArray *plhs_sparse[1], *prhs_sparse[5] = { g2_i, g2_j, g2_v, m, n };" << endl << R"( mexCallMATLAB(1, plhs_sparse, 5, prhs_sparse, "sparse");)" << endl << " plhs[2] = plhs_sparse[0];" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(g2_i);" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(g2_j);" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(g2_v);" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(m);" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(n);" << endl << " }" << endl << endl << " if (nlhs >= 4)" << endl << " {" << endl << " mxArray *g3_i = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << NNZDerivatives[3] << ", " << 1 << ", mxREAL);" << endl << " mxArray *g3_j = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << NNZDerivatives[3] << ", " << 1 << ", mxREAL);" << endl << " mxArray *g3_v = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << NNZDerivatives[3] << ", " << 1 << ", mxREAL);" << endl << " dynamic_g3_tt(y, x, nb_row_x, params, steady_state, it_, T);" << endl << " dynamic_g3(y, x, nb_row_x, params, steady_state, it_, T, mxGetPr(g3_i), mxGetPr(g3_j), mxGetPr(g3_v));" << endl << " mxArray *m = mxCreateDoubleScalar(" << equations.size() << ");" << endl << " mxArray *n = mxCreateDoubleScalar(" << dynJacobianColsNbr*dynJacobianColsNbr*dynJacobianColsNbr << ");" << endl << " mxArray *plhs_sparse[1], *prhs_sparse[5] = { g3_i, g3_j, g3_v, m, n };" << endl << R"( mexCallMATLAB(1, plhs_sparse, 5, prhs_sparse, "sparse");)" << endl << " plhs[3] = plhs_sparse[0];" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(g3_i);" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(g3_j);" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(g3_v);" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(m);" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(n);" << endl << " }" << endl << endl << " free(T);" << endl << "}" << endl; output.close(); } string DynamicModel::reform(const string &name1) const { string name = name1; int pos = name.find(R"(\)", 0); while (pos >= 0) { if (name.substr(pos + 1, 1) != R"(\)") { name = name.insert(pos, R"(\)"); pos++; } pos++; pos = name.find(R"(\)", pos); } return name; } void DynamicModel::printNonZeroHessianEquations(ostream &output) const { if (nonzero_hessian_eqs.size() != 1) output << "["; for (auto it = nonzero_hessian_eqs.begin(); it != nonzero_hessian_eqs.end(); ++it) { if (it != nonzero_hessian_eqs.begin()) output << " "; output << *it + 1; } if (nonzero_hessian_eqs.size() != 1) output << "]"; } void DynamicModel::writeBlockBytecodeBinFile(const string &basename, int num, int &u_count_int, bool &file_open, bool is_two_boundaries) const { int j; std::ofstream SaveCode; string filename = basename + "/model/bytecode/dynamic.bin"; if (file_open) SaveCode.open(filename, ios::out | ios::in | ios::binary | ios::ate); else SaveCode.open(filename, ios::out | ios::binary); if (!SaveCode.is_open()) { cerr << R"(Error : Can't open file ")" << filename << R"(" for writing)" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } u_count_int = 0; int block_size = blocks[num].size; int block_mfs = blocks[num].mfs_size; int block_recursive = blocks[num].getRecursiveSize(); for (const auto &[indices, ignore] : blocks_derivatives[num]) { auto [eq, var, lag] = indices; if (lag != 0 && !is_two_boundaries) continue; if (eq >= block_recursive && var >= block_recursive) { int v = eq - block_recursive; SaveCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&v), sizeof(v)); int varr = var - block_recursive + lag * block_mfs; SaveCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&varr), sizeof(varr)); SaveCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&lag), sizeof(lag)); int u = u_count_int + block_mfs; SaveCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&u), sizeof(u)); u_count_int++; } } if (is_two_boundaries) u_count_int += block_mfs; for (j = block_recursive; j < block_size; j++) { int varr = getBlockVariableID(num, j); SaveCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&varr), sizeof(varr)); } for (j = block_recursive; j < block_size; j++) { int eqr = getBlockEquationID(num, j); SaveCode.write(reinterpret_cast(&eqr), sizeof(eqr)); } SaveCode.close(); } void DynamicModel::writeDynamicBlockMFile(const string &basename) const { ofstream output; string filename = packageDir(basename) + "/dynamic.m"; output.open(filename, ios::out | ios::binary); if (!output.is_open()) { cerr << "Error: Can't open file " << filename << " for writing" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } output << "function [residual, y, T, g1, varargout] = dynamic(nblock, y, x, params, steady_state, T, it_, stochastic_mode)" << endl << " switch nblock" << endl; for (int blk = 0; blk < static_cast(blocks.size()); blk++) { output << " case " << blk+1 << endl; BlockSimulationType simulation_type = blocks[blk].simulation_type; if (simulation_type == BlockSimulationType::evaluateBackward || simulation_type == BlockSimulationType::evaluateForward) output << " [y, T, g1, varargout{1:nargout-4}] = " << basename << ".block.dynamic_" << blk+1 << "(y, x, params, steady_state, T, it_, stochastic_mode);" << endl << " residual = [];" << endl; else output << " [residual, y, T, g1, varargout{1:nargout-4}] = " << basename << ".block.dynamic_" << blk+1 << "(y, x, params, steady_state, T, it_, stochastic_mode);" << endl; } output << " end" << endl << "end" << endl; output.close(); } void DynamicModel::writeDynamicBlockCFile(const string &basename) const { string filename = basename + "/model/src/dynamic.c"; ofstream output; output.open(filename, ios::out | ios::binary); if (!output.is_open()) { cerr << "Error: Can't open file " << filename << " for writing" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } output << "#include " << endl << R"(#include "mex.h")" << endl; for (int blk = 0; blk < static_cast(blocks.size()); blk++) output << R"(#include "dynamic_)" << blk+1 << R"(.h")" << endl; output << endl; writePowerDeriv(output); output << endl << "void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])" << endl << "{" << endl << " if (nrhs != 8)" << endl << R"( mexErrMsgTxt("Requires exactly 8 input arguments");)" << endl << " if (nlhs > 7)" << endl << R"( mexErrMsgTxt("Accepts at most 7 output arguments");)" << endl << " int nblock = (int) mxGetScalar(prhs[0]);" << endl << " const mxArray *y = prhs[1], *x = prhs[2], *params = prhs[3], *steady_state = prhs[4], *T = prhs[5], *it_ = prhs[6], *stochastic_mode = prhs[7];" << endl << " mxArray *T_new = mxDuplicateArray(T);" << endl << " mxArray *y_new = mxDuplicateArray(y);" << endl << " mxArray *residual, *g1, *g1_x, *g1_xd, *g1_o;" << endl << " switch (nblock)" << endl << " {" << endl; for (int blk = 0; blk < static_cast(blocks.size()); blk++) { output << " case " << blk+1 << ':' << endl; BlockSimulationType simulation_type = blocks[blk].simulation_type; if (simulation_type == BlockSimulationType::evaluateBackward || simulation_type == BlockSimulationType::evaluateForward) output << " dynamic_" << blk+1 << "_mx(y_new, x, params, steady_state, T_new, it_, stochastic_mode, &g1, &g1_x, &g1_xd, &g1_o);" << endl << " residual = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL);" << endl; else output << " dynamic_" << blk+1 << "_mx(y_new, x, params, steady_state, T_new, it_, stochastic_mode, &residual, &g1, &g1_x, &g1_xd, &g1_o);" << endl; output << " break;" << endl; } output << " }" << endl << endl << " if (nlhs >= 1)" << endl << " plhs[0] = residual;" << endl << " else" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(residual);" << endl << " if (nlhs >= 2)" << endl << " plhs[1] = y_new;" << endl << " else" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(y_new);" << endl << " if (nlhs >= 3)" << endl << " plhs[2] = T_new;" << endl << " else" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(T_new);" << endl << " if (nlhs >= 4)" << endl << " plhs[3] = g1;" << endl << " else" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(g1);" << endl << " if (nlhs >= 5)" << endl << " plhs[4] = g1_x;" << endl << " else" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(g1_x);" << endl << " if (nlhs >= 6)" << endl << " plhs[5] = g1_xd;" << endl << " else" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(g1_xd);" << endl << " if (nlhs >= 7)" << endl << " plhs[6] = g1_o;" << endl << " else" << endl << " mxDestroyArray(g1_o);" << endl << "}" << endl; output.close(); } void DynamicModel::writeWrapperFunctions(const string &basename, const string &ending) const { string name; if (ending == "g1") name = "dynamic_resid_g1"; else if (ending == "g2") name = "dynamic_resid_g1_g2"; else if (ending == "g3") name = "dynamic_resid_g1_g2_g3"; string filename = packageDir(basename) + "/" + name + ".m"; ofstream output; output.open(filename, ios::out | ios::binary); if (!output.is_open()) { cerr << "Error: Can't open file " << filename << " for writing" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (ending == "g1") output << "function [residual, g1] = " << name << "(T, y, x, params, steady_state, it_, T_flag)" << endl << "% function [residual, g1] = " << name << "(T, y, x, params, steady_state, it_, T_flag)" << endl; else if (ending == "g2") output << "function [residual, g1, g2] = " << name << "(T, y, x, params, steady_state, it_, T_flag)" << endl << "% function [residual, g1, g2] = " << name << "(T, y, x, params, steady_state, it_, T_flag)" << endl; else if (ending == "g3") output << "function [residual, g1, g2, g3] = " << name << "(T, y, x, params, steady_state, it_, T_flag)" << endl << "% function [residual, g1, g2, g3] = " << name << "(T, y, x, params, steady_state, it_, T_flag)" << endl; output << "%" << endl << "% Wrapper function automatically created by Dynare" << endl << "%" << endl << endl << " if T_flag" << endl << " T = " << basename << ".dynamic_" << ending << "_tt(T, y, x, params, steady_state, it_);" << endl << " end" << endl; if (ending == "g1") output << " residual = " << basename << ".dynamic_resid(T, y, x, params, steady_state, it_, false);" << endl << " g1 = " << basename << ".dynamic_g1(T, y, x, params, steady_state, it_, false);" << endl; else if (ending == "g2") output << " [residual, g1] = " << basename << ".dynamic_resid_g1(T, y, x, params, steady_state, it_, false);" << endl << " g2 = " << basename << ".dynamic_g2(T, y, x, params, steady_state, it_, false);" << endl; else if (ending == "g3") output << " [residual, g1, g2] = " << basename << ".dynamic_resid_g1_g2(T, y, x, params, steady_state, it_, false);" << endl << " g3 = " << basename << ".dynamic_g3(T, y, x, params, steady_state, it_, false);" << endl; output << endl << "end" << endl; output.close(); } void DynamicModel::writeDynamicModelHelper(const string &basename, const string &name, const string &retvalname, const string &name_tt, size_t ttlen, const string &previous_tt_name, const ostringstream &init_s, const ostringstream &end_s, const ostringstream &s, const ostringstream &s_tt) const { string filename = packageDir(basename) + "/" + name_tt + ".m"; ofstream output; output.open(filename, ios::out | ios::binary); if (!output.is_open()) { cerr << "Error: Can't open file " << filename << " for writing" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } output << "function T = " << name_tt << "(T, y, x, params, steady_state, it_)" << endl << "% function T = " << name_tt << "(T, y, x, params, steady_state, it_)" << endl << "%" << endl << "% File created by Dynare Preprocessor from .mod file" << endl << "%" << endl << "% Inputs:" << endl << "% T [#temp variables by 1] double vector of temporary terms to be filled by function" << endl << "% y [#dynamic variables by 1] double vector of endogenous variables in the order stored" << endl << "% in M_.lead_lag_incidence; see the Manual" << endl << "% x [nperiods by M_.exo_nbr] double matrix of exogenous variables (in declaration order)" << endl << "% for all simulation periods" << endl << "% steady_state [M_.endo_nbr by 1] double vector of steady state values" << endl << "% params [M_.param_nbr by 1] double vector of parameter values in declaration order" << endl << "% it_ scalar double time period for exogenous variables for which" << endl << "% to evaluate the model" << endl << "%" << endl << "% Output:" << endl << "% T [#temp variables by 1] double vector of temporary terms" << endl << "%" << endl << endl << "assert(length(T) >= " << ttlen << ");" << endl << endl; if (!previous_tt_name.empty()) output << "T = " << basename << "." << previous_tt_name << "(T, y, x, params, steady_state, it_);" << endl << endl; output << s_tt.str() << endl << "end" << endl; output.close(); filename = packageDir(basename) + "/" + name + ".m"; output.open(filename, ios::out | ios::binary); if (!output.is_open()) { cerr << "Error: Can't open file " << filename << " for writing" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } output << "function " << retvalname << " = " << name << "(T, y, x, params, steady_state, it_, T_flag)" << endl << "% function " << retvalname << " = " << name << "(T, y, x, params, steady_state, it_, T_flag)" << endl << "%" << endl << "% File created by Dynare Preprocessor from .mod file" << endl << "%" << endl << "% Inputs:" << endl << "% T [#temp variables by 1] double vector of temporary terms to be filled by function" << endl << "% y [#dynamic variables by 1] double vector of endogenous variables in the order stored" << endl << "% in M_.lead_lag_incidence; see the Manual" << endl << "% x [nperiods by M_.exo_nbr] double matrix of exogenous variables (in declaration order)" << endl << "% for all simulation periods" << endl << "% steady_state [M_.endo_nbr by 1] double vector of steady state values" << endl << "% params [M_.param_nbr by 1] double vector of parameter values in declaration order" << endl << "% it_ scalar double time period for exogenous variables for which" << endl << "% to evaluate the model" << endl << "% T_flag boolean boolean flag saying whether or not to calculate temporary terms" << endl << "%" << endl << "% Output:" << endl << "% " << retvalname << endl << "%" << endl << endl; if (!name_tt.empty()) output << "if T_flag" << endl << " T = " << basename << "." << name_tt << "(T, y, x, params, steady_state, it_);" << endl << "end" << endl; output << init_s.str() << endl << s.str() << end_s.str() << endl << "end" << endl; output.close(); } void DynamicModel::writeDynamicMatlabCompatLayer(const string &basename) const { string filename = packageDir(basename) + "/dynamic.m"; ofstream output; output.open(filename, ios::out | ios::binary); if (!output.is_open()) { cerr << "Error: Can't open file " << filename << " for writing" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } int ntt = temporary_terms_mlv.size() + temporary_terms_derivatives[0].size() + temporary_terms_derivatives[1].size() + temporary_terms_derivatives[2].size() + temporary_terms_derivatives[3].size(); output << "function [residual, g1, g2, g3] = dynamic(y, x, params, steady_state, it_)" << endl << " T = NaN(" << ntt << ", 1);" << endl << " if nargout <= 1" << endl << " residual = " << basename << ".dynamic_resid(T, y, x, params, steady_state, it_, true);" << endl << " elseif nargout == 2" << endl << " [residual, g1] = " << basename << ".dynamic_resid_g1(T, y, x, params, steady_state, it_, true);" << endl << " elseif nargout == 3" << endl << " [residual, g1, g2] = " << basename << ".dynamic_resid_g1_g2(T, y, x, params, steady_state, it_, true);" << endl << " else" << endl << " [residual, g1, g2, g3] = " << basename << ".dynamic_resid_g1_g2_g3(T, y, x, params, steady_state, it_, true);" << endl << " end" << endl << "end" << endl; output.close(); } void DynamicModel::writeDynamicModel(ostream &DynamicOutput, bool use_dll, bool julia) const { writeDynamicModel("", DynamicOutput, use_dll, julia); } void DynamicModel::writeDynamicModel(const string &basename, bool use_dll, bool julia) const { ofstream DynamicOutput; writeDynamicModel(basename, DynamicOutput, use_dll, julia); } void DynamicModel::writeDynamicModel(const string &basename, ostream &DynamicOutput, bool use_dll, bool julia) const { vector d_output(derivatives.size()); // Derivatives output (at all orders, including 0=residual) vector tt_output(derivatives.size()); // Temp terms output (at all orders) ExprNodeOutputType output_type = (use_dll ? ExprNodeOutputType::CDynamicModel : julia ? ExprNodeOutputType::juliaDynamicModel : ExprNodeOutputType::matlabDynamicModel); deriv_node_temp_terms_t tef_terms; temporary_terms_t temp_term_union; writeModelLocalVariableTemporaryTerms(temp_term_union, temporary_terms_idxs, tt_output[0], output_type, tef_terms); writeTemporaryTerms(temporary_terms_derivatives[0], temp_term_union, temporary_terms_idxs, tt_output[0], output_type, tef_terms); writeModelEquations(d_output[0], output_type, temp_term_union); int nrows = equations.size(); int hessianColsNbr = dynJacobianColsNbr * dynJacobianColsNbr; // Writing Jacobian if (!derivatives[1].empty()) { writeTemporaryTerms(temporary_terms_derivatives[1], temp_term_union, temporary_terms_idxs, tt_output[1], output_type, tef_terms); for (const auto &first_derivative : derivatives[1]) { auto [eq, var] = vectorToTuple<2>(first_derivative.first); expr_t d1 = first_derivative.second; jacobianHelper(d_output[1], eq, getDynJacobianCol(var), output_type); d_output[1] << "="; d1->writeOutput(d_output[1], output_type, temp_term_union, temporary_terms_idxs, tef_terms); d_output[1] << ";" << endl; } } // Write derivatives for order ≥ 2 for (size_t i = 2; i < derivatives.size(); i++) if (!derivatives[i].empty()) { writeTemporaryTerms(temporary_terms_derivatives[i], temp_term_union, temporary_terms_idxs, tt_output[i], output_type, tef_terms); /* When creating the sparse matrix (in MATLAB or C mode), since storage is in column-major order, output the first column, then the second, then the third. This gives a significant performance boost in use_dll mode (at both compilation and runtime), because it facilitates memory accesses and expression reusage. */ ostringstream i_output, j_output, v_output; int k = 0; // Current line index in the 3-column matrix for (const auto &[vidx, d] : derivatives[i]) { int eq = vidx[0]; int col_idx = 0; for (size_t j = 1; j < vidx.size(); j++) { col_idx *= dynJacobianColsNbr; col_idx += getDynJacobianCol(vidx[j]); } if (output_type == ExprNodeOutputType::juliaDynamicModel) { d_output[i] << " @inbounds " << "g" << i << "[" << eq + 1 << "," << col_idx + 1 << "] = "; d->writeOutput(d_output[i], output_type, temp_term_union, temporary_terms_idxs, tef_terms); d_output[i] << endl; } else { i_output << "g" << i << "_i" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << k + ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT_OFFSET(output_type) << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "=" << eq + 1 << ";" << endl; j_output << "g" << i << "_j" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << k + ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT_OFFSET(output_type) << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "=" << col_idx + 1 << ";" << endl; v_output << "g" << i << "_v" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << k + ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT_OFFSET(output_type) << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "="; d->writeOutput(v_output, output_type, temp_term_union, temporary_terms_idxs, tef_terms); v_output << ";" << endl; k++; } // Output symetric elements at order 2 if (i == 2 && vidx[1] != vidx[2]) { int col_idx_sym = getDynJacobianCol(vidx[2]) * dynJacobianColsNbr + getDynJacobianCol(vidx[1]); if (output_type == ExprNodeOutputType::juliaDynamicModel) d_output[2] << " @inbounds g2[" << eq + 1 << "," << col_idx_sym + 1 << "] = " << "g2[" << eq + 1 << "," << col_idx + 1 << "]" << endl; else { i_output << "g" << i << "_i" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << k + ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT_OFFSET(output_type) << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "=" << eq + 1 << ";" << endl; j_output << "g" << i << "_j" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << k + ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT_OFFSET(output_type) << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "=" << col_idx_sym + 1 << ";" << endl; v_output << "g" << i << "_v" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << k + ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT_OFFSET(output_type) << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "=" << "g" << i << "_v" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << k-1 + ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT_OFFSET(output_type) << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << ";" << endl; k++; } } } if (output_type != ExprNodeOutputType::juliaDynamicModel) d_output[i] << i_output.str() << j_output.str() << v_output.str(); } if (output_type == ExprNodeOutputType::matlabDynamicModel) { // Check that we don't have more than 32 nested parenthesis because Matlab does not suppor this. See Issue #1201 map tmp_paren_vars; bool message_printed = false; for (auto &it : tt_output) fixNestedParenthesis(it, tmp_paren_vars, message_printed); for (auto &it : d_output) fixNestedParenthesis(it, tmp_paren_vars, message_printed); ostringstream init_output, end_output; init_output << "residual = zeros(" << nrows << ", 1);"; writeDynamicModelHelper(basename, "dynamic_resid", "residual", "dynamic_resid_tt", temporary_terms_mlv.size() + temporary_terms_derivatives[0].size(), "", init_output, end_output, d_output[0], tt_output[0]); init_output.str(""); init_output << "g1 = zeros(" << nrows << ", " << dynJacobianColsNbr << ");"; writeDynamicModelHelper(basename, "dynamic_g1", "g1", "dynamic_g1_tt", temporary_terms_mlv.size() + temporary_terms_derivatives[0].size() + temporary_terms_derivatives[1].size(), "dynamic_resid_tt", init_output, end_output, d_output[1], tt_output[1]); writeWrapperFunctions(basename, "g1"); // For order ≥ 2 int ncols = dynJacobianColsNbr; int ntt = temporary_terms_mlv.size() + temporary_terms_derivatives[0].size() + temporary_terms_derivatives[1].size(); for (size_t i = 2; i < derivatives.size(); i++) { ncols *= dynJacobianColsNbr; ntt += temporary_terms_derivatives[i].size(); string gname = "g" + to_string(i); string gprevname = "g" + to_string(i-1); init_output.str(""); end_output.str(""); if (derivatives[i].size()) { init_output << gname << "_i = zeros(" << NNZDerivatives[i] << ",1);" << endl << gname << "_j = zeros(" << NNZDerivatives[i] << ",1);" << endl << gname << "_v = zeros(" << NNZDerivatives[i] << ",1);" << endl; end_output << gname << " = sparse(" << gname << "_i," << gname << "_j," << gname << "_v," << nrows << "," << ncols << ");"; } else init_output << gname << " = sparse([],[],[]," << nrows << "," << ncols << ");"; writeDynamicModelHelper(basename, "dynamic_" + gname, gname, "dynamic_" + gname + "_tt", ntt, "dynamic_" + gprevname + "_tt", init_output, end_output, d_output[i], tt_output[i]); if (i <= 3) writeWrapperFunctions(basename, gname); } writeDynamicMatlabCompatLayer(basename); } else if (output_type == ExprNodeOutputType::CDynamicModel) { for (size_t i = 0; i < d_output.size(); i++) { string funcname = i == 0 ? "resid" : "g" + to_string(i); DynamicOutput << "void dynamic_" << funcname << "_tt(const double *restrict y, const double *restrict x, int nb_row_x, const double *restrict params, const double *restrict steady_state, int it_, double *restrict T)" << endl << "{" << endl << tt_output[i].str() << "}" << endl << endl << "void dynamic_" << funcname << "(const double *restrict y, const double *restrict x, int nb_row_x, const double *restrict params, const double *restrict steady_state, int it_, const double *restrict T, "; if (i == 0) DynamicOutput << "double *restrict residual"; else if (i == 1) DynamicOutput << "double *restrict g1"; else DynamicOutput << "double *restrict " << funcname << "_i, double *restrict " << funcname << "_j, double *restrict " << funcname << "_v"; DynamicOutput << ")" << endl << "{" << endl; if (i == 0) DynamicOutput << " double lhs, rhs;" << endl; DynamicOutput << d_output[i].str() << "}" << endl << endl; } } else { string filename = basename + "Dynamic.jl"; ofstream output; output.open(filename, ios::out | ios::binary); if (!output.is_open()) { cerr << "Error: Can't open file " << filename << " for writing" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } output << "module " << basename << "Dynamic" << endl << "#" << endl << "# NB: this file was automatically generated by Dynare" << endl << "# from " << basename << ".mod" << endl << "#" << endl << "using Dynare: get_power_deriv" << endl << "using StatFuns" << endl << endl << "export tmp_nbr, dynamic!, dynamicResid!, dynamicG1!, dynamicG2!, dynamicG3!" << endl << endl << "#=" << endl << "# The comments below apply to all functions contained in this module #" << endl << " NB: The arguments contained on the first line of the function" << endl << " definition are those that are modified in place" << endl << endl << "## Exported Functions ##" << endl << " dynamic! : Wrapper function; computes residuals, Jacobian, Hessian," << endl << " and third derivatives depending on the arguments provided" << endl << " dynamicResid! : Computes the dynamic model residuals" << endl << " dynamicG1! : Computes the dynamic model Jacobian" << endl << " dynamicG2! : Computes the dynamic model Hessian" << endl << " dynamicG3! : Computes the dynamic model third derivatives" << endl << endl << "## Exported Variables ##" << endl << " tmp_nbr : Vector{Int}(4) respectively the number of temporary variables" << endl << " for the residuals, g1, g2 and g3." << endl << endl << "## Local Functions ##" << endl << " dynamicResidTT! : Computes the dynamic model temporary terms for the residuals" << endl << " dynamicG1TT! : Computes the dynamic model temporary terms for the Jacobian" << endl << " dynamicG2TT! : Computes the dynamic model temporary terms for the Hessian" << endl << " dynamicG3TT! : Computes the dynamic model temporary terms for the third derivatives" << endl << endl << "## Function Arguments ##" << endl << " T : Vector{Float64}(num_temp_terms), temporary terms" << endl << " y : Vector{Float64}(num_dynamic_vars), endogenous variables in the order stored model_.lead_lag_incidence; see the manual" << endl << " x : Matrix{Float64}(nperiods,model_.exo_nbr), exogenous variables (in declaration order) for all simulation periods" << endl << " params : Vector{Float64}(model_.param_nbr), parameter values in declaration order" << endl << " steady_state : Vector{Float64}(model_endo_nbr)" << endl << " it_ : Int, time period for exogenous variables for which to evaluate the model" << endl << " residual : Vector{Float64}(model_.eq_nbr), residuals of the dynamic model equations in order of declaration of the equations." << endl << " g1 : Matrix{Float64}(model_.eq_nbr, num_dynamic_vars), Jacobian matrix of the dynamic model equations" << endl << " The rows and columns respectively correspond to equations in order of declaration and variables in order" << endl << " stored in model_.lead_lag_incidence" << endl << " g2 : spzeros(model_.eq_nbr, (num_dynamic_vars)^2) Hessian matrix of the dynamic model equations" << endl << " The rows and columns respectively correspond to equations in order of declaration and variables in order" << endl << " stored in model_.lead_lag_incidence" << endl << " g3 : spzeros(model_.eq_nbr, (num_dynamic_vars)^3) Third order derivative matrix of the dynamic model equations;" << endl << " The rows and columns respectively correspond to equations in order of declaration and variables in order" << endl << " stored in model_.lead_lag_incidence" << endl << endl << "## Remarks ##" << endl << " [1] `num_dynamic_vars` is the number of non zero entries in the lead lag incidence matrix, `model_.lead_lag_incidence.`" << endl << " [2] The size of `T`, ie the value of `num_temp_terms`, depends on the version of the dynamic model called. The number of temporary variables" << endl << " used for the different returned objects (residuals, jacobian, hessian or third order derivatives) is given by the elements in `tmp_nbr`" << endl << " exported vector. The first element is the number of temporaries used for the computation of the residuals, the second element is the" << endl << " number of temporaries used for the evaluation of the jacobian matrix, etc. If one calls the version of the dynamic model computing the" << endl << " residuals, the jacobian and hessian matrices, then `T` must have at least `sum(tmp_nbr[1:3])` elements." << endl << "=#" << endl << endl; // Write the number of temporary terms output << "tmp_nbr = zeros(Int,4)" << endl << "tmp_nbr[1] = " << temporary_terms_mlv.size() + temporary_terms_derivatives[0].size() << "# Number of temporary terms for the residuals" << endl << "tmp_nbr[2] = " << temporary_terms_derivatives[1].size() << "# Number of temporary terms for g1 (jacobian)" << endl << "tmp_nbr[3] = " << temporary_terms_derivatives[2].size() << "# Number of temporary terms for g2 (hessian)" << endl << "tmp_nbr[4] = " << temporary_terms_derivatives[3].size() << "# Number of temporary terms for g3 (third order derivates)" << endl << endl; // dynamicResidTT! output << "function dynamicResidTT!(T::Vector{Float64}," << endl << " y::Vector{Float64}, x::Matrix{Float64}, " << "params::Vector{Float64}, steady_state::Vector{Float64}, it_::Int)" << endl << tt_output[0].str() << " return nothing" << endl << "end" << endl << endl; // dynamic! output << "function dynamicResid!(T::Vector{Float64}, residual::Vector{Float64}," << endl << " y::Vector{Float64}, x::Matrix{Float64}, " << "params::Vector{Float64}, steady_state::Vector{Float64}, it_::Int, T_flag::Bool)" << endl << " @assert length(T) >= " << temporary_terms_mlv.size() + temporary_terms_derivatives[0].size() << endl << " @assert length(residual) == " << nrows << endl << " @assert length(y)+size(x, 2) == " << dynJacobianColsNbr << endl << " @assert length(params) == " << symbol_table.param_nbr() << endl << " if T_flag" << endl << " dynamicResidTT!(T, y, x, params, steady_state, it_)" << endl << " end" << endl << d_output[0].str() << " return nothing" << endl << "end" << endl << endl; // dynamicG1TT! output << "function dynamicG1TT!(T::Vector{Float64}," << endl << " y::Vector{Float64}, x::Matrix{Float64}, " << "params::Vector{Float64}, steady_state::Vector{Float64}, it_::Int)" << endl << " dynamicResidTT!(T, y, x, params, steady_state, it_)" << endl << tt_output[1].str() << " return nothing" << endl << "end" << endl << endl; // dynamicG1! output << "function dynamicG1!(T::Vector{Float64}, g1::Matrix{Float64}," << endl << " y::Vector{Float64}, x::Matrix{Float64}, " << "params::Vector{Float64}, steady_state::Vector{Float64}, it_::Int, T_flag::Bool)" << endl << " @assert length(T) >= " << temporary_terms_mlv.size() + temporary_terms_derivatives[0].size() + temporary_terms_derivatives[1].size() << endl << " @assert size(g1) == (" << nrows << ", " << dynJacobianColsNbr << ")" << endl << " @assert length(y)+size(x, 2) == " << dynJacobianColsNbr << endl << " @assert length(params) == " << symbol_table.param_nbr() << endl << " if T_flag" << endl << " dynamicG1TT!(T, y, x, params, steady_state, it_)" << endl << " end" << endl << " fill!(g1, 0.0)" << endl << d_output[1].str() << " return nothing" << endl << "end" << endl << endl; // dynamicG2TT! output << "function dynamicG2TT!(T::Vector{Float64}," << endl << " y::Vector{Float64}, x::Matrix{Float64}, " << "params::Vector{Float64}, steady_state::Vector{Float64}, it_::Int)" << endl << " dynamicG1TT!(T, y, x, params, steady_state, it_)" << endl << tt_output[2].str() << " return nothing" << endl << "end" << endl << endl; // dynamicG2! output << "function dynamicG2!(T::Vector{Float64}, g2::Matrix{Float64}," << endl << " y::Vector{Float64}, x::Matrix{Float64}, " << "params::Vector{Float64}, steady_state::Vector{Float64}, it_::Int, T_flag::Bool)" << endl << " @assert length(T) >= " << temporary_terms_mlv.size() + temporary_terms_derivatives[0].size() + temporary_terms_derivatives[1].size() + temporary_terms_derivatives[2].size() << endl << " @assert size(g2) == (" << nrows << ", " << hessianColsNbr << ")" << endl << " @assert length(y)+size(x, 2) == " << dynJacobianColsNbr << endl << " @assert length(params) == " << symbol_table.param_nbr() << endl << " if T_flag" << endl << " dynamicG2TT!(T, y, x, params, steady_state, it_)" << endl << " end" << endl << " fill!(g2, 0.0)" << endl << d_output[2].str() << " return nothing" << endl << "end" << endl << endl; // dynamicG3TT! output << "function dynamicG3TT!(T::Vector{Float64}," << endl << " y::Vector{Float64}, x::Matrix{Float64}, " << "params::Vector{Float64}, steady_state::Vector{Float64}, it_::Int)" << endl << " dynamicG2TT!(T, y, x, params, steady_state, it_)" << endl << tt_output[3].str() << " return nothing" << endl << "end" << endl << endl; // dynamicG3! int ncols = hessianColsNbr * dynJacobianColsNbr; output << "function dynamicG3!(T::Vector{Float64}, g3::Matrix{Float64}," << endl << " y::Vector{Float64}, x::Matrix{Float64}, " << "params::Vector{Float64}, steady_state::Vector{Float64}, it_::Int, T_flag::Bool)" << endl << " @assert length(T) >= " << temporary_terms_mlv.size() + temporary_terms_derivatives[0].size() + temporary_terms_derivatives[1].size() + temporary_terms_derivatives[2].size() + temporary_terms_derivatives[3].size() << endl << " @assert size(g3) == (" << nrows << ", " << ncols << ")" << endl << " @assert length(y)+size(x, 2) == " << dynJacobianColsNbr << endl << " @assert length(params) == " << symbol_table.param_nbr() << endl << " if T_flag" << endl << " dynamicG3TT!(T, y, x, params, steady_state, it_)" << endl << " end" << endl << " fill!(g3, 0.0)" << endl << d_output[3].str() << " return nothing" << endl << "end" << endl << endl; // dynamic! output << "function dynamic!(T::Vector{Float64}, residual::Vector{Float64}," << endl << " y::Vector{Float64}, x::Matrix{Float64}, " << "params::Vector{Float64}, steady_state::Vector{Float64}, it_::Int)" << endl << " dynamicResid!(T, residual, y, x, params, steady_state, it_, true)" << endl << " return nothing" << endl << "end" << endl << endl << "function dynamic!(T::Vector{Float64}, residual::Vector{Float64}, g1::Matrix{Float64}," << endl << " y::Vector{Float64}, x::Matrix{Float64}, " << "params::Vector{Float64}, steady_state::Vector{Float64}, it_::Int)" << endl << " dynamicG1!(T, g1, y, x, params, steady_state, it_, true)" << endl << " dynamicResid!(T, residual, y, x, params, steady_state, it_, false)" << endl << " return nothing" << endl << "end" << endl << endl << "function dynamic!(T::Vector{Float64}, residual::Vector{Float64}, g1::Matrix{Float64}, g2::Matrix{Float64}," << endl << " y::Vector{Float64}, x::Matrix{Float64}, " << "params::Vector{Float64}, steady_state::Vector{Float64}, it_::Int)" << endl << " dynamicG2!(T, g2, y, x, params, steady_state, it_, true)" << endl << " dynamicG1!(T, g1, y, x, params, steady_state, it_, false)" << endl << " dynamicResid!(T, residual, y, x, params, steady_state, it_, false)" << endl << " return nothing" << endl << "end" << endl << endl << "function dynamic!(T::Vector{Float64}, residual::Vector{Float64}, g1::Matrix{Float64}, g2::Matrix{Float64}, g3::Matrix{Float64}," << endl << " y::Vector{Float64}, x::Matrix{Float64}, " << "params::Vector{Float64}, steady_state::Vector{Float64}, it_::Int)" << endl << " dynamicG3!(T, g3, y, x, params, steady_state, it_, true)" << endl << " dynamicG2!(T, g2, y, x, params, steady_state, it_, false)" << endl << " dynamicG1!(T, g1, y, x, params, steady_state, it_, false)" << endl << " dynamicResid!(T, residual, y, x, params, steady_state, it_, false)" << endl << " return nothing" << endl << "end" << endl << "end" << endl; output.close(); } } void DynamicModel::writeDynamicJacobianNonZeroElts(const string &basename) const { vector> nzij_pred, nzij_current, nzij_fwrd; // pairs (tsid, equation) for (const auto &[indices, d1] : derivatives[1]) { if (symbol_table.getType(getSymbIDByDerivID(indices[1])) != SymbolType::endogenous) continue; int tsid = symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(getSymbIDByDerivID(indices[1])); int lag = getLagByDerivID(indices[1]); if (lag == -1) nzij_pred.emplace_back(tsid, indices[0]); else if (lag == 0) nzij_current.emplace_back(tsid, indices[0]); else nzij_fwrd.emplace_back(tsid, indices[0]); } sort(nzij_pred.begin(), nzij_pred.end()); sort(nzij_current.begin(), nzij_current.end()); sort(nzij_fwrd.begin(), nzij_fwrd.end()); ofstream output{"+" + basename + "/dynamic_g1_nz.m", ios::out | ios::binary}; output << "function [nzij_pred, nzij_current, nzij_fwrd] = dynamic_g1_nz()" << endl << "% Returns the coordinates of non-zero elements in the Jacobian, in column-major order, for each lead/lag (only for endogenous)" << endl; auto print_nzij = [&output](const vector> &nzij, const string &name) { output << " " << name << " = zeros(" << nzij.size() << ", 2, 'int32');" << endl; int idx = 1; for (const auto &it : nzij) { output << " " << name << "(" << idx << ",1)=" << it.second+1 << ';' << " " << name << "(" << idx << ",2)=" << it.first+1 << ';' << endl; idx++; } }; print_nzij(nzij_pred, "nzij_pred"); print_nzij(nzij_current, "nzij_current"); print_nzij(nzij_fwrd, "nzij_fwrd"); output << "end" << endl; output.close(); } void DynamicModel::parseIncludeExcludeEquations(const string &inc_exc_eq_tags, set> &eq_tag_set, bool exclude_eqs) { string tags; if (filesystem::exists(inc_exc_eq_tags)) { ifstream exclude_file; exclude_file.open(inc_exc_eq_tags, ifstream::in); if (!exclude_file.is_open()) { cerr << "ERROR: Could not open " << inc_exc_eq_tags << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } string line; bool tagname_on_first_line = false; while (getline(exclude_file, line)) { removeLeadingTrailingWhitespace(line); if (!line.empty()) if (tags.empty() && line.find("=") != string::npos) { tagname_on_first_line = true; tags += line + "("; } else if (line.find("'") != string::npos) tags += line + ","; else tags += "'" + line + "',"; } if (!tags.empty()) { tags = tags.substr(0, tags.size()-1); if (tagname_on_first_line) tags += ")"; } } else tags = inc_exc_eq_tags; removeLeadingTrailingWhitespace(tags); if (tags.front() == '[' && tags.back() != ']') { cerr << "Error: " << (exclude_eqs ? "exclude_eqs" : "include_eqs") << ": if the first character is '[' the last must be ']'" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (tags.front() == '[' && tags.back() == ']') tags = tags.substr(1, tags.length() - 2); removeLeadingTrailingWhitespace(tags); regex q(R"(^\w+\s*=)"); smatch matches; string tagname = "name"; if (regex_search(tags, matches, q)) { tagname = matches[0].str(); tags = tags.substr(tagname.size(), tags.length() - tagname.size() + 1); removeLeadingTrailingWhitespace(tags); if (tags.front() == '(' && tags.back() == ')') { tags = tags.substr(1, tags.length() - 2); removeLeadingTrailingWhitespace(tags); } tagname = tagname.substr(0, tagname.size()-1); removeLeadingTrailingWhitespace(tagname); } string quote_regex = "'[^']+'"; string non_quote_regex = R"([^,\s]+)"; regex r(R"((\s*)" + quote_regex + "|" + non_quote_regex + R"(\s*)(,\s*()" + quote_regex + "|" + non_quote_regex + R"()\s*)*)"); if (!regex_match(tags, r)) { cerr << "Error: " << (exclude_eqs ? "exclude_eqs" : "include_eqs") << ": argument is of incorrect format." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } regex s(quote_regex + "|" + non_quote_regex); for (auto it = sregex_iterator(tags.begin(), tags.end(), s); it != sregex_iterator(); ++it) { auto str = it->str(); if (str[0] == '\'' && str[str.size()-1] == '\'') str = str.substr(1, str.size()-2); eq_tag_set.insert({tagname, str}); } } void DynamicModel::includeExcludeEquations(const string &eqs, bool exclude_eqs) { if (eqs.empty()) return; set> eq_tag_set; parseIncludeExcludeEquations(eqs, eq_tag_set, exclude_eqs); vector excluded_vars = ModelTree::includeExcludeEquations(eq_tag_set, exclude_eqs, equations, equations_lineno, equation_tags, false); // Ignore output because variables are not excluded when equations marked 'static' are excluded ModelTree::includeExcludeEquations(eq_tag_set, exclude_eqs, static_only_equations, static_only_equations_lineno, static_only_equations_equation_tags, true); if (!eq_tag_set.empty()) { cerr << "ERROR: " << (exclude_eqs ? "exclude_eqs" : "include_eqs") << ": The equations specified by `"; cerr << eq_tag_set.begin()->first << "= "; for (auto &it : eq_tag_set) cerr << it.second << ", "; cerr << "` were not found." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (staticOnlyEquationsNbr() != dynamicOnlyEquationsNbr()) { cerr << "ERROR: " << (exclude_eqs ? "exclude_eqs" : "include_eqs") << ": You must remove the same number of equations marked `static` as equations marked `dynamic`." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Collect list of used variables in updated list of equations set> eqn_vars; for (const auto &eqn : equations) eqn->collectDynamicVariables(SymbolType::endogenous, eqn_vars); for (const auto &eqn : static_only_equations) eqn->collectDynamicVariables(SymbolType::endogenous, eqn_vars); // Change LHS variable type of excluded equation if it is used in an eqution that has been kept for (auto ev : excluded_vars) { bool found = false; for (const auto &it : eqn_vars) if (it.first == ev) { symbol_table.changeType(ev, SymbolType::exogenous); found = true; break; } if (!found) symbol_table.changeType(ev, SymbolType::excludedVariable); } } void DynamicModel::writeBlockDriverOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename, const vector &state_var, bool estimation_present) const { for (int blk = 0; blk < static_cast(blocks.size()); blk++) { int block_size = blocks[blk].size; output << "M_.block_structure.block(" << blk+1 << ").Simulation_Type = " << static_cast(blocks[blk].simulation_type) << ";" << endl << "M_.block_structure.block(" << blk+1 << ").maximum_lag = " << blocks[blk].max_lag << ";" << endl << "M_.block_structure.block(" << blk+1 << ").maximum_lead = " << blocks[blk].max_lead << ";" << endl << "M_.block_structure.block(" << blk+1 << ").maximum_endo_lag = " << blocks[blk].max_endo_lag << ";" << endl << "M_.block_structure.block(" << blk+1 << ").maximum_endo_lead = " << blocks[blk].max_endo_lead << ";" << endl << "M_.block_structure.block(" << blk+1 << ").maximum_exo_lag = " << blocks[blk].max_exo_lag << ";" << endl << "M_.block_structure.block(" << blk+1 << ").maximum_exo_lead = " << blocks[blk].max_exo_lead << ";" << endl << "M_.block_structure.block(" << blk+1 << ").maximum_exo_det_lag = " << blocks[blk].max_exo_det_lag << ";" << endl << "M_.block_structure.block(" << blk+1 << ").maximum_exo_det_lead = " << blocks[blk].max_exo_det_lead << ";" << endl << "M_.block_structure.block(" << blk+1 << ").endo_nbr = " << block_size << ";" << endl << "M_.block_structure.block(" << blk+1 << ").mfs = " << blocks[blk].mfs_size << ";" << endl << "M_.block_structure.block(" << blk+1 << ").equation = ["; for (int eq = 0; eq < block_size; eq++) output << " " << getBlockEquationID(blk, eq)+1; output << "];" << endl << "M_.block_structure.block(" << blk+1 << ").variable = ["; for (int var = 0; var < block_size; var++) output << " " << getBlockVariableID(blk, var)+1; output << "];" << endl << "M_.block_structure.block(" << blk+1 << ").exogenous = ["; for (int exo : blocks_exo[blk]) output << " " << exo+1; output << "];" << endl << "M_.block_structure.block(" << blk+1 << ").exo_nbr = " << blocks_exo[blk].size() << ";" << endl << "M_.block_structure.block(" << blk+1 << ").exogenous_det = ["; for (int exo_det : blocks_exo_det[blk]) output << " " << exo_det+1; output << "];" << endl << "M_.block_structure.block(" << blk+1 << ").exo_det_nbr = " << blocks_exo_det[blk].size() << ";" << endl << "M_.block_structure.block(" << blk+1 << ").other_endogenous = ["; for (int other_endo : blocks_other_endo[blk]) output << " " << other_endo+1; output << "];" << endl << "M_.block_structure.block(" << blk+1 << ").other_endogenous_block = ["; for (int other_endo : blocks_other_endo[blk]) output << " " << endo2block[other_endo]+1; output << "];" << endl; output << "M_.block_structure.block(" << blk+1 << ").tm1 = zeros(" << blocks_other_endo[blk].size() << ", " << state_var.size() << ");" << endl; int line = 1; for (auto other_endo : blocks_other_endo[blk]) { if (auto it = find(state_var.begin(), state_var.end(), other_endo); it != state_var.end()) output << "M_.block_structure.block(" << blk+1 << ").tm1(" << line << ", " << distance(state_var.begin(), it)+1 << ") = 1;" << endl; line++; } output << "M_.block_structure.block(" << blk+1 << ").other_endo_nbr = " << blocks_other_endo[blk].size() << ";" << endl; int count_lead_lag_incidence = 0; vector local_state_var; output << "M_.block_structure.block(" << blk+1 << ").lead_lag_incidence = [" << endl; for (int lag = -1; lag <= 1; lag++) { for (int var = 0; var < block_size; var++) { for (int eq = 0; eq < block_size; eq++) if (blocks_derivatives[blk].find({ eq, var, lag }) != blocks_derivatives[blk].end()) { if (lag == -1) local_state_var.push_back(getBlockVariableID(blk, var)); output << " " << ++count_lead_lag_incidence; goto var_found; } output << " 0"; var_found: ; } output << ";" << endl; } output << "];" << endl; output << "M_.block_structure.block(" << blk+1 << ").sorted_col_dr_ghx = ["; for (int lsv : local_state_var) output << distance(state_var.begin(), find(state_var.begin(), state_var.end(), lsv))+1 << " "; output << "];" << endl; count_lead_lag_incidence = 0; output << "M_.block_structure.block(" << blk+1 << ").lead_lag_incidence_other = [" << endl; for (int lag = -1; lag <= 1; lag++) { for (int other_endo : blocks_other_endo[blk]) { for (int eq = 0; eq < block_size; eq++) if (blocks_derivatives_other_endo[blk].find({ eq, other_endo, lag }) != blocks_derivatives_other_endo[blk].end()) { output << " " << ++count_lead_lag_incidence; goto other_endo_found; } output << " 0"; other_endo_found: ; } output << ";" << endl; } output << "];" << endl; output << "M_.block_structure.block(" << blk+1 << ").n_static = " << blocks[blk].n_static << ";" << endl << "M_.block_structure.block(" << blk+1 << ").n_forward = " << blocks[blk].n_forward << ";" << endl << "M_.block_structure.block(" << blk+1 << ").n_backward = " << blocks[blk].n_backward << ";" << endl << "M_.block_structure.block(" << blk+1 << ").n_mixed = " << blocks[blk].n_mixed << ";" << endl << "M_.block_structure.block(" << blk+1 << ").is_linear = " << (blocks[blk].linear ? "true" : "false" ) << ';' << endl << "M_.block_structure.block(" << blk+1 << ").NNZDerivatives = " << blocks_derivatives[blk].size() << ';' << endl; } output << "M_.block_structure.variable_reordered = ["; for (int i = 0; i < symbol_table.endo_nbr(); i++) output << " " << endo_idx_block2orig[i]+1; output << "];" << endl << "M_.block_structure.equation_reordered = ["; for (int i = 0; i < symbol_table.endo_nbr(); i++) output << " " << eq_idx_block2orig[i]+1; output << "];" << endl; map>> lag_row_incidence; for (const auto &[indices, d1] : derivatives[1]) if (int deriv_id = indices[1]; getTypeByDerivID(deriv_id) == SymbolType::endogenous) { int eq = indices[0]; int var = symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(getSymbIDByDerivID(deriv_id)); int lag = getLagByDerivID(deriv_id); lag_row_incidence[lag].insert({ eq, var }); } for (auto [lag, eq_var_set] : lag_row_incidence) { output << "M_.block_structure.incidence(" << max_endo_lag+lag+1 << ").lead_lag = " << lag << ";" << endl << "M_.block_structure.incidence(" << max_endo_lag+lag+1 << ").sparse_IM = [" << endl; for (auto [eq, var] : eq_var_set) output << " " << eq+1 << " " << var+1 << ";" << endl; output << "];" << endl; } output << "M_.block_structure.dyn_tmp_nbr = " << blocks_temporary_terms_idxs.size() << ';' << endl; if (estimation_present) { filesystem::create_directories(basename + "/model/bytecode"); string main_name = basename + "/model/bytecode/kfi"; ofstream KF_index_file; KF_index_file.open(main_name, ios::out | ios::binary | ios::ate); int n_obs = symbol_table.observedVariablesNbr(); int n_state = state_var.size(); for (int it : state_var) if (symbol_table.isObservedVariable(symbol_table.getID(SymbolType::endogenous, it))) n_obs--; int n = n_obs + n_state; output << "M_.nobs_non_statevar = " << n_obs << ";" << endl; int nb_diag = 0; vector i_nz_state_var(n); for (int i = 0; i < n_obs; i++) i_nz_state_var[i] = n; int lp = n_obs; vector state_equ; for (int it : state_var) state_equ.push_back(eq_idx_block2orig[endo_idx_orig2block[it]]); for (int blk = 0; blk < static_cast(blocks.size()); blk++) { int nze = 0; for (int i = 0; i < blocks[blk].size; i++) if (int var = getBlockVariableID(blk, i); find(state_var.begin(), state_var.end(), var) != state_var.end()) nze++; if (blk == 0) { set> row_state_var_incidence; for (const auto &[idx, ignore] : blocks_derivatives[blk]) if (auto it_state_var = find(state_var.begin(), state_var.end(), getBlockVariableID(blk, get<1>(idx))); it_state_var != state_var.end()) if (auto it_state_equ = find(state_equ.begin(), state_equ.end(), getBlockEquationID(blk, get<0>(idx))); it_state_equ != state_equ.end()) row_state_var_incidence.emplace(it_state_equ - state_equ.begin(), it_state_var - state_var.begin()); auto row_state_var_incidence_it = row_state_var_incidence.begin(); bool diag = true; int nb_diag_r = 0; while (row_state_var_incidence_it != row_state_var_incidence.end() && diag) { diag = (row_state_var_incidence_it->first == row_state_var_incidence_it->second); if (diag) { int equ = row_state_var_incidence_it->first; row_state_var_incidence_it++; if (equ != row_state_var_incidence_it->first) nb_diag_r++; } } set> col_state_var_incidence; for (auto [equ, var] : row_state_var_incidence) col_state_var_incidence.emplace(var, equ); auto col_state_var_incidence_it = col_state_var_incidence.begin(); diag = true; int nb_diag_c = 0; while (col_state_var_incidence_it != col_state_var_incidence.end() && diag) { diag = (col_state_var_incidence_it->first == col_state_var_incidence_it->second); if (diag) { int var = col_state_var_incidence_it->first; col_state_var_incidence_it++; if (var != col_state_var_incidence_it->first) nb_diag_c++; } } nb_diag = min(nb_diag_r, nb_diag_c); row_state_var_incidence.clear(); col_state_var_incidence.clear(); } for (int i = 0; i < nze; i++) i_nz_state_var[lp + i] = lp + nze; lp += nze; } output << "M_.nz_state_var = ["; for (int i = 0; i < lp; i++) output << i_nz_state_var[i] << " "; output << "];" << endl << "M_.n_diag = " << nb_diag << ";" << endl; KF_index_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&nb_diag), sizeof(nb_diag)); using index_KF = pair>; vector v_index_KF; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) for (int j = n_obs; j < n; j++) { int j1 = j - n_obs; int j1_n_state = j1 * n_state - n_obs; if ((i < n_obs) || (i >= nb_diag + n_obs) || (j1 >= nb_diag)) for (int k = n_obs; k < i_nz_state_var[i]; k++) v_index_KF.emplace_back(i + j1 * n, pair(i + k * n, k + j1_n_state)); } int size_v_index_KF = v_index_KF.size(); KF_index_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&size_v_index_KF), sizeof(size_v_index_KF)); for (auto &it : v_index_KF) KF_index_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&it), sizeof(index_KF)); vector v_index_KF_2; int n_n_obs = n * n_obs; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) for (int j = i; j < n; j++) if ((i < n_obs) || (i >= nb_diag + n_obs) || (j < n_obs) || (j >= nb_diag + n_obs)) for (int k = n_obs; k < i_nz_state_var[j]; k++) { int k_n = k * n; v_index_KF_2.emplace_back(i * n + j, pair(i + k_n - n_n_obs, j + k_n)); } int size_v_index_KF_2 = v_index_KF_2.size(); KF_index_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&size_v_index_KF_2), sizeof(size_v_index_KF_2)); for (auto &it : v_index_KF_2) KF_index_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&it), sizeof(index_KF)); KF_index_file.close(); } } void DynamicModel::writeDriverOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename, bool block_decomposition, bool use_dll, bool estimation_present, bool compute_xrefs) const { /* Writing initialisation for M_.lead_lag_incidence matrix M_.lead_lag_incidence is a matrix with as many columns as there are endogenous variables and as many rows as there are periods in the models (nbr of rows = M_.max_lag+M_.max_lead+1) The matrix elements are equal to zero if a variable isn't present in the model at a given period. */ output << "M_.orig_maximum_endo_lag = " << max_endo_lag_orig << ";" << endl << "M_.orig_maximum_endo_lead = " << max_endo_lead_orig << ";" << endl << "M_.orig_maximum_exo_lag = " << max_exo_lag_orig << ";" << endl << "M_.orig_maximum_exo_lead = " << max_exo_lead_orig << ";" << endl << "M_.orig_maximum_exo_det_lag = " << max_exo_det_lag_orig << ";" << endl << "M_.orig_maximum_exo_det_lead = " << max_exo_det_lead_orig << ";" << endl << "M_.orig_maximum_lag = " << max_lag_orig << ";" << endl << "M_.orig_maximum_lead = " << max_lead_orig << ";" << endl << "M_.orig_maximum_lag_with_diffs_expanded = " << max_lag_with_diffs_expanded_orig << ";" << endl << "M_.lead_lag_incidence = ["; // Loop on endogenous variables int nstatic = 0, nfwrd = 0, npred = 0, nboth = 0; for (int endoID = 0; endoID < symbol_table.endo_nbr(); endoID++) { output << endl; int sstatic = 1, sfwrd = 0, spred = 0, sboth = 0; // Loop on periods for (int lag = -max_endo_lag; lag <= max_endo_lead; lag++) { // Print variableID if exists with current period, otherwise print 0 try { int varID = getDerivID(symbol_table.getID(SymbolType::endogenous, endoID), lag); output << " " << getDynJacobianCol(varID) + 1; if (lag == -1) { sstatic = 0; spred = 1; } else if (lag == 1) { if (spred == 1) { sboth = 1; spred = 0; } else { sstatic = 0; sfwrd = 1; } } } catch (UnknownDerivIDException &e) { output << " 0"; } } nstatic += sstatic; nfwrd += sfwrd; npred += spred; nboth += sboth; output << ";"; } output << "]';" << endl; output << "M_.nstatic = " << nstatic << ";" << endl << "M_.nfwrd = " << nfwrd << ";" << endl << "M_.npred = " << npred << ";" << endl << "M_.nboth = " << nboth << ";" << endl << "M_.nsfwrd = " << nfwrd+nboth << ";" << endl << "M_.nspred = " << npred+nboth << ";" << endl << "M_.ndynamic = " << npred+nboth+nfwrd << ";" << endl; output << "M_.dynamic_tmp_nbr = ["; for (size_t i = 0; i < temporary_terms_derivatives.size(); i++) output << temporary_terms_derivatives[i].size() + (i == 0 ? temporary_terms_mlv.size() : 0) << "; "; output << "];" << endl; /* Write mapping between model local variables and indices in the temporary terms vector (dynare#1722) */ output << "M_.model_local_variables_dynamic_tt_idxs = {" << endl; for (auto [mlv, value] : temporary_terms_mlv) output << " '" << symbol_table.getName(mlv->symb_id) << "', " << temporary_terms_idxs.at(mlv)+1 << ';' << endl; output << "};" << endl; // Write equation tags equation_tags.writeOutput(output); // Write Occbin tags equation_tags.writeOccbinOutput(output); // Write mapping for variables and equations they are present in for (const auto &variable : variableMapping) { output << "M_.mapping." << symbol_table.getName(variable.first) << ".eqidx = ["; for (auto equation : variable.second) output << equation + 1 << " "; output << "];" << endl; } /* Say if static and dynamic models differ (because of [static] and [dynamic] equation tags) */ output << "M_.static_and_dynamic_models_differ = " << (static_only_equations.size() > 0 ? "true" : "false") << ";" << endl; // Say if model contains an external function call bool has_external_function = false; for (auto equation : equations) if (equation->containsExternalFunction()) { has_external_function = true; break; } output << "M_.has_external_function = " << (has_external_function ? "true" : "false") << ';' << endl; // Compute list of state variables, ordered in block-order vector state_var; for (int endoID = 0; endoID < symbol_table.endo_nbr(); endoID++) // Loop on negative lags for (int lag = -max_endo_lag; lag < 0; lag++) try { getDerivID(symbol_table.getID(SymbolType::endogenous, endo_idx_block2orig[endoID]), lag); if (find(state_var.begin(), state_var.end(), endo_idx_block2orig[endoID]) == state_var.end()) state_var.push_back(endo_idx_block2orig[endoID]); } catch (UnknownDerivIDException &e) { } // Write the block structure of the model if (block_decomposition) writeBlockDriverOutput(output, basename, state_var, estimation_present); output << "M_.state_var = ["; for (int it : state_var) output << it+1 << " "; output << "];" << endl; // Writing initialization for some other variables output << "M_.exo_names_orig_ord = [1:" << symbol_table.exo_nbr() << "];" << endl; output << "M_.maximum_lag = " << max_lag << ";" << endl << "M_.maximum_lead = " << max_lead << ";" << endl; output << "M_.maximum_endo_lag = " << max_endo_lag << ";" << endl << "M_.maximum_endo_lead = " << max_endo_lead << ";" << endl << "oo_.steady_state = zeros(" << symbol_table.endo_nbr() << ", 1);" << endl; output << "M_.maximum_exo_lag = " << max_exo_lag << ";" << endl << "M_.maximum_exo_lead = " << max_exo_lead << ";" << endl << "oo_.exo_steady_state = zeros(" << symbol_table.exo_nbr() << ", 1);" << endl; if (symbol_table.exo_det_nbr()) { output << "M_.maximum_exo_det_lag = " << max_exo_det_lag << ";" << endl << "M_.maximum_exo_det_lead = " << max_exo_det_lead << ";" << endl << "oo_.exo_det_steady_state = zeros(" << symbol_table.exo_det_nbr() << ", 1);" << endl; } output << "M_.params = " << "NaN(" << symbol_table.param_nbr() << ", 1);" << endl; string empty_cell = "cell(" + to_string(symbol_table.endo_nbr()) + ", 1)"; output << "M_.endo_trends = struct('deflator', " << empty_cell << ", 'log_deflator', " << empty_cell << ", 'growth_factor', " << empty_cell << ", 'log_growth_factor', " << empty_cell << ");" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < symbol_table.endo_nbr(); i++) { int symb_id = symbol_table.getID(SymbolType::endogenous, i); if (auto it = nonstationary_symbols_map.find(symb_id); it != nonstationary_symbols_map.end()) { auto [is_log, deflator] = it->second; output << "M_.endo_trends(" << i << ")." << (is_log ? "log_deflator" : "deflator") << " = '"; deflator->writeJsonOutput(output, {}, {}); output << "';" << endl; auto growth_factor = const_cast(this)->AddDivide(deflator, deflator->decreaseLeadsLags(1))->removeTrendLeadLag(trend_symbols_map)->replaceTrendVar(); output << "M_.endo_trends(" << i << ")." << (is_log ? "log_growth_factor" : "growth_factor") << " = '"; growth_factor->writeJsonOutput(output, {}, {}); output << "';" << endl; } } if (compute_xrefs) writeXrefs(output); // Write number of non-zero derivatives // Use -1 if the derivatives have not been computed output << "M_.NNZDerivatives = ["; for (int i = 1; i < static_cast(NNZDerivatives.size()); i++) output << (i > computed_derivs_order ? -1 : NNZDerivatives[i]) << "; "; output << "];" << endl; // Write Pac Model Consistent Expectation parameter info for (auto &it : pac_mce_alpha_symb_ids) { output << "M_.pac." << it.first.first << ".equations." << it.first.second << ".mce.alpha = ["; for (auto it : it.second) output << symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(it) + 1 << " "; output << "];" << endl; } // Write Pac Model Consistent Expectation Z1 info for (auto &it : pac_mce_z1_symb_ids) output << "M_.pac." << it.first.first << ".equations." << it.first.second << ".mce.z1 = " << symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(it.second) + 1 << ";" << endl; // Write Pac lag info for (auto &it : pac_eqtag_and_lag) output << "M_.pac." << it.first.first << ".equations." << it.second.first << ".max_lag = " << it.second.second << ";" << endl; // Write Pac equation tag info map>> for_writing; for (auto &it : pac_eqtag_and_lag) for_writing[it.first.first].emplace_back(it.first.second, it.second.first); for (auto &it : for_writing) { output << "M_.pac." << it.first << ".tag_map = ["; for (auto &it1 : it.second) output << "{'" << it1.first << "', '" << it1.second << "'};"; output << "];" << endl; } for (auto &it : pac_model_info) { vector lhs = get<0>(it.second); output << "M_.pac." << it.first << ".lhs = ["; for (auto it : lhs) output << it + 1 << " "; output << "];" << endl; if (int growth_param_index = get<1>(it.second); growth_param_index >= 0) output << "M_.pac." << it.first << ".growth_neutrality_param_index = " << symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(growth_param_index) + 1 << ";" << endl; output << "M_.pac." << it.first << ".auxiliary_model_type = '" << get<2>(it.second) << "';" << endl; } for (auto &pit : pac_equation_info) { auto [lhs_pac_var, optim_share_index, ar_params_and_vars, ec_params_and_vars, non_optim_vars_params_and_constants, additive_vars_params_and_constants, optim_additive_vars_params_and_constants] = pit.second; string substruct = pit.first.first + ".equations." + pit.first.second + "."; output << "M_.pac." << substruct << "lhs_var = " << symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(lhs_pac_var.first) + 1 << ";" << endl; if (optim_share_index >= 0) output << "M_.pac." << substruct << "share_of_optimizing_agents_index = " << symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(optim_share_index) + 1 << ";" << endl; output << "M_.pac." << substruct << "ec.params = " << symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(ec_params_and_vars.first) + 1 << ";" << endl << "M_.pac." << substruct << "ec.vars = ["; for (auto it : ec_params_and_vars.second) output << symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(get<0>(it)) + 1 << " "; output << "];" << endl << "M_.pac." << substruct << "ec.istarget = ["; for (auto it : ec_params_and_vars.second) output << (get<1>(it) ? "true " : "false "); output << "];" << endl << "M_.pac." << substruct << "ec.scale = ["; for (auto it : ec_params_and_vars.second) output << get<2>(it) << " "; output << "];" << endl << "M_.pac." << substruct << "ec.isendo = ["; for (auto it : ec_params_and_vars.second) switch (symbol_table.getType(get<0>(it))) { case SymbolType::endogenous: output << "true "; break; case SymbolType::exogenous: output << "false "; break; default: cerr << "expecting endogenous or exogenous" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } output << "];" << endl << "M_.pac." << substruct << "ar.params = ["; for (auto &[pid, vid, vlag] : ar_params_and_vars) output << (pid != -1 ? symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(pid) + 1 : -1) << " "; output << "];" << endl << "M_.pac." << substruct << "ar.vars = ["; for (auto &[pid, vid, vlag] : ar_params_and_vars) output << (vid != -1 ? symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(vid) + 1 : -1) << " "; output << "];" << endl << "M_.pac." << substruct << "ar.lags = ["; for (auto &[pid, vid, vlag] : ar_params_and_vars) output << vlag << " "; output << "];" << endl; if (!non_optim_vars_params_and_constants.empty()) { output << "M_.pac." << substruct << "non_optimizing_behaviour.params = ["; for (auto &it : non_optim_vars_params_and_constants) if (get<2>(it) >= 0) output << symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(get<2>(it)) + 1 << " "; else output << "NaN "; output << "];" << endl << "M_.pac." << substruct << "non_optimizing_behaviour.vars = ["; for (auto &it : non_optim_vars_params_and_constants) output << symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(get<0>(it)) + 1 << " "; output << "];" << endl << "M_.pac." << substruct << "non_optimizing_behaviour.isendo = ["; for (auto &it : non_optim_vars_params_and_constants) switch (symbol_table.getType(get<0>(it))) { case SymbolType::endogenous: output << "true "; break; case SymbolType::exogenous: output << "false "; break; default: cerr << "expecting endogenous or exogenous" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } output << "];" << endl << "M_.pac." << substruct << "non_optimizing_behaviour.lags = ["; for (auto &it : non_optim_vars_params_and_constants) output << get<1>(it) << " "; output << "];" << endl << "M_.pac." << substruct << "non_optimizing_behaviour.scaling_factor = ["; for (auto &it : non_optim_vars_params_and_constants) output << get<3>(it) << " "; output << "];" << endl; } if (!additive_vars_params_and_constants.empty()) { output << "M_.pac." << substruct << "additive.params = ["; for (auto &it : additive_vars_params_and_constants) if (get<2>(it) >= 0) output << symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(get<2>(it)) + 1 << " "; else output << "NaN "; output << "];" << endl << "M_.pac." << substruct << "additive.vars = ["; for (auto &it : additive_vars_params_and_constants) output << symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(get<0>(it)) + 1 << " "; output << "];" << endl << "M_.pac." << substruct << "additive.isendo = ["; for (auto &it : additive_vars_params_and_constants) switch (symbol_table.getType(get<0>(it))) { case SymbolType::endogenous: output << "true "; break; case SymbolType::exogenous: output << "false "; break; default: cerr << "expecting endogenous or exogenous" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } output << "];" << endl << "M_.pac." << substruct << "additive.lags = ["; for (auto &it : additive_vars_params_and_constants) output << get<1>(it) << " "; output << "];" << endl << "M_.pac." << substruct << "additive.scaling_factor = ["; for (auto &it : additive_vars_params_and_constants) output << get<3>(it) << " "; output << "];" << endl; } if (!optim_additive_vars_params_and_constants.empty()) { output << "M_.pac." << substruct << "optim_additive.params = ["; for (auto &it : optim_additive_vars_params_and_constants) if (get<2>(it) >= 0) output << symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(get<2>(it)) + 1 << " "; else output << "NaN "; output << "];" << endl << "M_.pac." << substruct << "optim_additive.vars = ["; for (auto &it : optim_additive_vars_params_and_constants) output << symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(get<0>(it)) + 1 << " "; output << "];" << endl << "M_.pac." << substruct << "optim_additive.isendo = ["; for (auto &it : optim_additive_vars_params_and_constants) switch (symbol_table.getType(get<0>(it))) { case SymbolType::endogenous: output << "true "; break; case SymbolType::exogenous: output << "false "; break; default: cerr << "expecting endogenous or exogenous" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } output << "];" << endl << "M_.pac." << substruct << "optim_additive.lags = ["; for (auto &it : optim_additive_vars_params_and_constants) output << get<1>(it) << " "; output << "];" << endl << "M_.pac." << substruct << "optim_additive.scaling_factor = ["; for (auto &it : optim_additive_vars_params_and_constants) output << get<3>(it) << " "; output << "];" << endl; } // Create empty h0 and h1 substructures that will be overwritten later if not empty output << "M_.pac." << substruct << "h0_param_indices = [];" << endl << "M_.pac." << substruct << "h1_param_indices = [];" << endl; } for (auto &it : pac_h0_indices) { output << "M_.pac." << it.first.first << ".equations." << it.first.second << ".h0_param_indices = ["; for (auto it1 : it.second) output << symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(it1) + 1 << " "; output << "];" << endl; } for (auto &it : pac_h1_indices) { output << "M_.pac." << it.first.first << ".equations." << it.first.second << ".h1_param_indices = ["; for (auto it1 : it.second) output << symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(it1) + 1 << " "; output << "];" << endl; } } void DynamicModel::runTrendTest(const eval_context_t &eval_context) { computeDerivIDs(); testTrendDerivativesEqualToZero(eval_context); } void DynamicModel::updateVarAndTrendModel() const { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { map> eqnums, trend_eqnums; if (i == 0) eqnums = var_model_table.getEqNums(); else if (i == 1) { eqnums = trend_component_model_table.getEqNums(); trend_eqnums = trend_component_model_table.getTargetEqNums(); } map> trend_varr; map>>> rhsr; for (const auto &it : eqnums) { vector lhs, trend_var, trend_lhs; vector>> rhs; if (i == 1) { lhs = trend_component_model_table.getLhs(it.first); for (auto teqn : trend_eqnums.at(it.first)) { int eqnidx = 0; for (auto eqn : it.second) { if (eqn == teqn) trend_lhs.push_back(lhs[eqnidx]); eqnidx++; } } } int lhs_idx = 0; for (auto eqn : it.second) { set> rhs_set; equations[eqn]->arg2->collectDynamicVariables(SymbolType::endogenous, rhs_set); rhs.push_back(rhs_set); if (i == 1) { int lhs_symb_id = lhs[lhs_idx++]; if (symbol_table.isAuxiliaryVariable(lhs_symb_id)) try { lhs_symb_id = symbol_table.getOrigSymbIdForAuxVar(lhs_symb_id); } catch (...) { } int trend_var_symb_id = equations[eqn]->arg2->findTargetVariable(lhs_symb_id); if (trend_var_symb_id >= 0) { if (symbol_table.isAuxiliaryVariable(trend_var_symb_id)) try { trend_var_symb_id = symbol_table.getOrigSymbIdForAuxVar(trend_var_symb_id); } catch (...) { } if (find(trend_lhs.begin(), trend_lhs.end(), trend_var_symb_id) == trend_lhs.end()) { cerr << "ERROR: trend found in trend_component equation #" << eqn << " (" << symbol_table.getName(trend_var_symb_id) << ") does not correspond to a trend equation" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } trend_var.push_back(trend_var_symb_id); } } rhsr[it.first] = rhs; if (i == 1) trend_varr[it.first] = trend_var; } if (i == 0) var_model_table.setRhs(rhsr); else if (i == 1) { trend_component_model_table.setRhs(rhsr); trend_component_model_table.setTargetVar(trend_varr); } } } void DynamicModel::fillVarModelTable() const { map> eqnums, lhsr; map> lhs_expr_tr; map>>> rhsr; map> eqtags = var_model_table.getEqTags(); for (const auto &it : eqtags) { vector eqnumber, lhs; vector lhs_expr_t; vector>> rhs; for (const auto &eqtag : it.second) { set> lhs_set, lhs_tmp_set, rhs_set; int eqn = equation_tags.getEqnByTag("name", eqtag); if (eqn == -1) { cerr << "ERROR: equation tag '" << eqtag << "' not found" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } equations[eqn]->arg1->collectDynamicVariables(SymbolType::endogenous, lhs_set); equations[eqn]->arg1->collectDynamicVariables(SymbolType::exogenous, lhs_tmp_set); equations[eqn]->arg1->collectDynamicVariables(SymbolType::parameter, lhs_tmp_set); if (lhs_set.size() != 1 || !lhs_tmp_set.empty()) { cerr << "ERROR: in Equation " << eqtag << ". A VAR may only have one endogenous variable on the LHS. " << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } auto itlhs = lhs_set.begin(); if (itlhs->second != 0) { cerr << "ERROR: in Equation " << eqtag << ". The variable on the LHS of a VAR may not appear with a lead or a lag. " << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } eqnumber.push_back(eqn); lhs.push_back(itlhs->first); lhs_set.clear(); set lhs_expr_t_set; equations[eqn]->arg1->collectVARLHSVariable(lhs_expr_t_set); lhs_expr_t.push_back(*(lhs_expr_t_set.begin())); equations[eqn]->arg2->collectDynamicVariables(SymbolType::endogenous, rhs_set); for (const auto &itrhs : rhs_set) if (itrhs.second > 0) { cerr << "ERROR: in Equation " << eqtag << ". A VAR may not have leaded or contemporaneous variables on the RHS. " << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } rhs.push_back(rhs_set); } eqnums[it.first] = eqnumber; lhsr[it.first] = lhs; lhs_expr_tr[it.first] = lhs_expr_t; rhsr[it.first] = rhs; } var_model_table.setEqNums(eqnums); var_model_table.setLhs(lhsr); var_model_table.setRhs(rhsr); var_model_table.setLhsExprT(lhs_expr_tr); // Fill AR Matrix var_model_table.setAR(fillAutoregressiveMatrix(true)); } void DynamicModel::fillVarModelTableFromOrigModel() const { map> lags, orig_diff_var; map> diff; for (const auto &it : var_model_table.getEqNums()) { set lhs; vector orig_diff_var_vec; vector diff_vec; for (auto eqn : it.second) { // ensure no leads in equations if (equations[eqn]->arg2->VarMinLag() <= 0) { cerr << "ERROR in VAR model Equation (#" << eqn << "). " << "Leaded exogenous variables " << "and leaded or contemporaneous endogenous variables not allowed in VAR" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // save lhs variables equations[eqn]->arg1->collectVARLHSVariable(lhs); equations[eqn]->arg1->countDiffs() > 0 ? diff_vec.push_back(true) : diff_vec.push_back(false); if (diff_vec.back()) { set> diff_set; equations[eqn]->arg1->collectDynamicVariables(SymbolType::endogenous, diff_set); if (diff_set.size() != 1) { cerr << "ERROR: problem getting variable for LHS diff operator in equation " << eqn << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } orig_diff_var_vec.push_back(diff_set.begin()->first); } else orig_diff_var_vec.push_back(-1); } if (it.second.size() != lhs.size()) { cerr << "ERROR: The LHS variables of the VAR model are not unique" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } set lhs_lag_equiv; for (const auto &lh : lhs) { auto [lag_equiv_repr, index] = lh->getLagEquivalenceClass(); lhs_lag_equiv.insert(lag_equiv_repr); } vector max_lag; for (auto eqn : it.second) max_lag.push_back(equations[eqn]->arg2->VarMaxLag(lhs_lag_equiv)); lags[it.first] = max_lag; diff[it.first] = diff_vec; orig_diff_var[it.first] = orig_diff_var_vec; } var_model_table.setDiff(diff); var_model_table.setMaxLags(lags); var_model_table.setOrigDiffVar(orig_diff_var); } map, expr_t>> DynamicModel::fillAutoregressiveMatrix(bool is_var) const { map, expr_t>> ARr; auto eqnums = is_var ? var_model_table.getEqNums() : trend_component_model_table.getNonTargetEqNums(); for (const auto &it : eqnums) { int i = 0; map, expr_t> AR; vector lhs = is_var ? var_model_table.getLhsOrigIds(it.first) : trend_component_model_table.getNonTargetLhs(it.first); for (auto eqn : it.second) { auto bopn = dynamic_cast(equations[eqn]->arg2); bopn->fillAutoregressiveRow(i++, lhs, AR); } ARr[it.first] = AR; } return ARr; } void DynamicModel::fillTrendComponentModelTable() const { map> eqnums, trend_eqnums, lhsr; map> lhs_expr_tr; map>>> rhsr; map> eqtags = trend_component_model_table.getEqTags(); map> trend_eqtags = trend_component_model_table.getTargetEqTags(); for (const auto &it : trend_eqtags) { vector trend_eqnumber; for (const auto &eqtag : it.second) { int eqn = equation_tags.getEqnByTag("name", eqtag); if (eqn == -1) { cerr << "ERROR: trend equation tag '" << eqtag << "' not found" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } trend_eqnumber.push_back(eqn); } trend_eqnums[it.first] = trend_eqnumber; } for (const auto &it : eqtags) { vector eqnumber, lhs; vector lhs_expr_t; vector>> rhs; for (const auto &eqtag : it.second) { set> lhs_set, lhs_tmp_set, rhs_set; int eqn = equation_tags.getEqnByTag("name", eqtag); if (eqn == -1) { cerr << "ERROR: equation tag '" << eqtag << "' not found" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } equations[eqn]->arg1->collectDynamicVariables(SymbolType::endogenous, lhs_set); equations[eqn]->arg1->collectDynamicVariables(SymbolType::exogenous, lhs_tmp_set); equations[eqn]->arg1->collectDynamicVariables(SymbolType::parameter, lhs_tmp_set); if (lhs_set.size() != 1 || !lhs_tmp_set.empty()) { cerr << "ERROR: in Equation " << eqtag << ". A trend component model may only have one endogenous variable on the LHS. " << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } auto itlhs = lhs_set.begin(); if (itlhs->second != 0) { cerr << "ERROR: in Equation " << eqtag << ". The variable on the LHS of a trend component model may not appear with a lead or a lag. " << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } eqnumber.push_back(eqn); lhs.push_back(itlhs->first); lhs_set.clear(); set lhs_expr_t_set; equations[eqn]->arg1->collectVARLHSVariable(lhs_expr_t_set); lhs_expr_t.push_back(*(lhs_expr_t_set.begin())); equations[eqn]->arg2->collectDynamicVariables(SymbolType::endogenous, rhs_set); for (const auto &itrhs : rhs_set) if (itrhs.second > 0) { cerr << "ERROR: in Equation " << eqtag << ". A trend component model may not have leaded or contemporaneous variables on the RHS. " << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } rhs.push_back(rhs_set); } eqnums[it.first] = eqnumber; lhsr[it.first] = lhs; lhs_expr_tr[it.first] = lhs_expr_t; rhsr[it.first] = rhs; } trend_component_model_table.setRhs(rhsr); trend_component_model_table.setVals(eqnums, trend_eqnums, lhsr, lhs_expr_tr); } pair, expr_t>>, map, expr_t>>> DynamicModel::fillErrorComponentMatrix(const ExprNode::subst_table_t &diff_subst_table) const { map, expr_t>> A0r, A0starr; for (const auto &it : trend_component_model_table.getEqNums()) { int i = 0; map, expr_t> A0, A0star; vector target_lhs = trend_component_model_table.getTargetLhs(it.first); vector nontarget_eqnums = trend_component_model_table.getNonTargetEqNums(it.first); vector undiff_nontarget_lhs = getUndiffLHSForPac(it.first, diff_subst_table); vector parsed_undiff_nontarget_lhs; for (auto eqn : it.second) { if (find(nontarget_eqnums.begin(), nontarget_eqnums.end(), eqn) != nontarget_eqnums.end()) parsed_undiff_nontarget_lhs.push_back(undiff_nontarget_lhs.at(i)); i++; } i = 0; for (auto eqn : it.second) if (find(nontarget_eqnums.begin(), nontarget_eqnums.end(), eqn) != nontarget_eqnums.end()) equations[eqn]->arg2->fillErrorCorrectionRow(i++, parsed_undiff_nontarget_lhs, target_lhs, A0, A0star); A0r[it.first] = A0; A0starr[it.first] = A0star; } return { A0r, A0starr }; } void DynamicModel::fillTrendComponentModelTableFromOrigModel() const { map> lags, orig_diff_var; map> diff; for (const auto &it : trend_component_model_table.getEqNums()) { set lhs; vector orig_diff_var_vec; vector diff_vec; for (auto eqn : it.second) { // ensure no leads in equations if (equations[eqn]->arg2->VarMinLag() <= 0) { cerr << "ERROR in trend component model Equation (#" << eqn << "). " << "Leaded exogenous variables " << "and leaded or contemporaneous endogenous variables not allowed in VAR" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // save lhs variables equations[eqn]->arg1->collectVARLHSVariable(lhs); if (equations[eqn]->arg1->countDiffs() > 0) diff_vec.push_back(true); else diff_vec.push_back(false); if (diff_vec.back()) { set> diff_set; equations[eqn]->arg1->collectDynamicVariables(SymbolType::endogenous, diff_set); if (diff_set.size() != 1) { cerr << "ERROR: problem getting variable for LHS diff operator in equation " << eqn << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } orig_diff_var_vec.push_back(diff_set.begin()->first); } else orig_diff_var_vec.push_back(-1); } if (it.second.size() != lhs.size()) { cerr << "ERROR: The LHS variables of the trend component model are not unique" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } set lhs_lag_equiv; for (const auto &lh : lhs) { auto [lag_equiv_repr, index] = lh->getLagEquivalenceClass(); lhs_lag_equiv.insert(lag_equiv_repr); } vector max_lag; for (auto eqn : it.second) max_lag.push_back(equations[eqn]->arg2->VarMaxLag(lhs_lag_equiv)); lags[it.first] = max_lag; diff[it.first] = diff_vec; orig_diff_var[it.first] = orig_diff_var_vec; } trend_component_model_table.setDiff(diff); trend_component_model_table.setMaxLags(lags); trend_component_model_table.setOrigDiffVar(orig_diff_var); } void DynamicModel::fillTrendComponentmodelTableAREC(const ExprNode::subst_table_t &diff_subst_table) const { auto ARr = fillAutoregressiveMatrix(false); trend_component_model_table.setAR(ARr); auto [A0r, A0starr] = fillErrorComponentMatrix(diff_subst_table); trend_component_model_table.setA0(A0r, A0starr); } void DynamicModel::addEquationsForVar() { if (var_model_table.empty()) return; auto var_symbol_list_and_order = var_model_table.getSymbolListAndOrder(); // List of endogenous variables and the minimum lag value that must exist in the model equations map var_endos_and_lags, model_endos_and_lags; for (const auto &it : var_symbol_list_and_order) for (auto &equation : equations) if (equation->isVarModelReferenced(it.first)) { vector symbol_list = it.second.first.get_symbols(); int order = it.second.second; for (auto &it1 : symbol_list) if (order > 2) if (var_endos_and_lags.find(it1) != var_endos_and_lags.end()) var_endos_and_lags[it1] = min(var_endos_and_lags[it1], -order); else var_endos_and_lags[it1] = -order; break; } if (var_endos_and_lags.empty()) return; // Ensure that the minimum lag value exists in the model equations. // If not, add an equation for it for (auto &equation : equations) equation->getEndosAndMaxLags(model_endos_and_lags); int count = 0; for (auto &it : var_endos_and_lags) if (auto it2 = model_endos_and_lags.find(it.first); it2 == model_endos_and_lags.end()) cerr << "WARNING: Variable used in VAR that is not used in the model: " << it.first << endl; else if (it.second < it2->second) { int symb_id = symbol_table.getID(it.first); expr_t newvar = AddVariable(symb_id, it.second); expr_t auxvar = AddVariable(symbol_table.addVarModelEndoLagAuxiliaryVar(symb_id, it.second, newvar), 0); addEquation(AddEqual(newvar, auxvar), -1); addAuxEquation(AddEqual(newvar, auxvar)); count++; } if (count > 0) cout << "Accounting for var_model lags not in model block: added " << count << " auxiliary variables and equations." << endl; } vector DynamicModel::getUndiffLHSForPac(const string &aux_model_name, const ExprNode::subst_table_t &diff_subst_table) const { vector lhs_expr_t = trend_component_model_table.getLhsExprT(aux_model_name); vector lhs = trend_component_model_table.getLhs(aux_model_name); vector diff = trend_component_model_table.getDiff(aux_model_name); vector orig_diff_var = trend_component_model_table.getOrigDiffVar(aux_model_name); vector eqnumber = trend_component_model_table.getEqNums(aux_model_name); vector nontrend_eqnums = trend_component_model_table.getNonTargetEqNums(aux_model_name); for (auto eqn : nontrend_eqnums) { int i = 0; for (auto it1 = eqnumber.begin(); it1 != eqnumber.end(); ++it1, i++) if (*it1 == eqn) break; if (eqnumber[i] != eqn) { cerr << "ERROR: equation " << eqn << " not found in VAR" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (diff.at(i) != true) { cerr << "ERROR: the variable on the LHS of equation #" << eqn << " does not have the diff operator applied to it yet you are trying to undiff it." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } bool printerr = false; expr_t node = nullptr; expr_t aux_var = lhs_expr_t.at(i); for (const auto &it : diff_subst_table) if (it.second == aux_var) { node = const_cast(it.first); break; } if (!node) { cerr << "Unexpected error encountered." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } node = node->undiff(); auto it1 = diff_subst_table.find(node); if (it1 == diff_subst_table.end()) printerr = true; if (printerr) { // we have undiffed something like diff(x), hence x is not in diff_subst_table lhs_expr_t.at(i) = node; lhs.at(i) = dynamic_cast(node)->symb_id; } else { lhs_expr_t.at(i) = const_cast(it1->first); lhs.at(i) = const_cast(it1->second)->symb_id; } } return lhs; } map, pair> DynamicModel::walkPacParameters(const string &name) { map, pair> eqtag_and_lag; int i = 0; for (auto &equation : equations) { pair lhs(-1, -1); pair>> ec_params_and_vars; vector> ar_params_and_vars; vector> non_optim_vars_params_and_constants, optim_additive_vars_params_and_constants, additive_vars_params_and_constants; if (equation->containsPacExpectation(name)) { set> lhss; equation->arg1->collectDynamicVariables(SymbolType::endogenous, lhss); lhs = *lhss.begin(); int lhs_symb_id = lhs.first; int lhs_orig_symb_id = lhs_symb_id; if (symbol_table.isAuxiliaryVariable(lhs_orig_symb_id)) try { lhs_orig_symb_id = symbol_table.getOrigSymbIdForAuxVar(lhs_orig_symb_id); } catch (...) { } auto arg2 = dynamic_cast(equation->arg2); if (!arg2) { cerr << "Pac equation in incorrect format" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } auto [optim_share_index, optim_part, non_optim_part, additive_part] = arg2->getPacOptimizingShareAndExprNodes(lhs_symb_id, lhs_orig_symb_id); if (!optim_part) { auto bopn = dynamic_cast(equation->arg2); if (!bopn) { cerr << "Error in PAC equation" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } bopn->getPacAREC(lhs_symb_id, lhs_orig_symb_id, ec_params_and_vars, ar_params_and_vars, additive_vars_params_and_constants); } else { auto bopn = dynamic_cast(optim_part); if (!bopn) { cerr << "Error in PAC equation" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } bopn->getPacAREC(lhs_symb_id, lhs_orig_symb_id, ec_params_and_vars, ar_params_and_vars, optim_additive_vars_params_and_constants); try { non_optim_vars_params_and_constants = non_optim_part->matchLinearCombinationOfVariables(); if (additive_part) additive_vars_params_and_constants = additive_part->matchLinearCombinationOfVariables(); } catch (ExprNode::MatchFailureException &e) { cerr << "Error in parsing non-optimizing agents or additive part of PAC equation: " << e.message << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } string eqtag = equation_tags.getTagValueByEqnAndKey(&equation - &equations[0], "name"); if (eqtag.empty()) { cerr << "Every equation with a pac expectation must have been assigned an equation tag name" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (lhs.first == -1) { cerr << "walkPacParameters: error obtaining LHS variable." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (ec_params_and_vars.second.empty()) { cerr << "walkPacParameters: error obtaining RHS parameters." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } string eq = "eq" + to_string(i++); pac_equation_info[{name, eq}] = {lhs, optim_share_index, ar_params_and_vars, ec_params_and_vars, non_optim_vars_params_and_constants, additive_vars_params_and_constants, optim_additive_vars_params_and_constants}; int max_lag = ar_params_and_vars.size(); eqtag_and_lag[{name, eqtag}] = {eq, max_lag}; } } return eqtag_and_lag; } int DynamicModel::getPacTargetSymbId(const string &pac_model_name) const { for (auto equation : equations) if (equation->containsPacExpectation(pac_model_name)) { set> lhss; equation->arg1->collectDynamicVariables(SymbolType::endogenous, lhss); if (lhss.size() != 1) throw PacTargetNotIdentifiedException{pac_model_name, "LHS must contain a single endogenous"}; int lhs_symb_id = lhss.begin()->first; if (!symbol_table.isDiffAuxiliaryVariable(lhs_symb_id)) throw PacTargetNotIdentifiedException{pac_model_name, "LHS must be a diff operator"}; int undiff_lhs_symb_id = symbol_table.getOrigSymbIdForAuxVar(lhs_symb_id); auto barg2 = dynamic_cast(equation->arg2); if (!barg2) throw PacTargetNotIdentifiedException{pac_model_name, "RHS must be a binary operator"}; auto [optim_share_index, optim_part, non_optim_part, additive_part] = barg2->getPacOptimizingShareAndExprNodes(lhs_symb_id, undiff_lhs_symb_id); /* If there is an optimization part, restrict the search to that part, since it contains the MCE . */ expr_t mce = optim_part ? optim_part : equation->arg2; vector> terms; mce->decomposeAdditiveTerms(terms); for (auto [term, sign] : terms) try { auto [param_id, target_id] = term->matchParamTimesTargetMinusVariable(undiff_lhs_symb_id); return target_id; } catch (ExprNode::MatchFailureException &) { } throw PacTargetNotIdentifiedException{pac_model_name, "No term of the form parameter*(target-LHS_level)"}; } throw PacTargetNotIdentifiedException{pac_model_name, "No equation with the corresponding pac_expectation operator"}; } void DynamicModel::declarePacModelConsistentExpectationEndogs(const string &name) { int i = 0; for (auto &equation : equations) if (equation->containsPacExpectation(name)) { if (!equation_tags.exists(&equation - &equations[0], "name")) { cerr << "Every equation with a pac expectation must have been assigned an equation tag name" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } string standard_eqtag = "eq" + to_string(i++); try { pac_mce_z1_symb_ids[{name, standard_eqtag}] = symbol_table.addSymbol("mce_Z1_" + name + "_" + standard_eqtag, SymbolType::endogenous); } catch (SymbolTable::AlreadyDeclaredException &e) { cerr << "Variable name needed by PAC (mce_Z1_" << name << "_" << standard_eqtag << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } } void DynamicModel::addPacModelConsistentExpectationEquation(const string &name, int discount_symb_id, const map, pair> &eqtag_and_lag, ExprNode::subst_table_t &diff_subst_table) { int pac_target_symb_id; try { pac_target_symb_id = getPacTargetSymbId(name); } catch (PacTargetNotIdentifiedException &e) { cerr << "Can't identify target for PAC model " << name << ": " << e.message; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } pac_eqtag_and_lag.insert(eqtag_and_lag.begin(), eqtag_and_lag.end()); int neqs = 0; for (auto &it : eqtag_and_lag) { assert(it.first.first == name); string eqtag = it.first.second; string standard_eqtag = it.second.first; int pac_max_lag_m = it.second.second + 1; string append_to_name = name + "_" + standard_eqtag; if (pac_mce_z1_symb_ids.find({name, standard_eqtag}) == pac_mce_z1_symb_ids.end()) { cerr << "Error finding pac MCE Z1 symb id" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } int mce_z1_symb_id = pac_mce_z1_symb_ids[{name, standard_eqtag}]; expr_t A = One; expr_t fp = Zero; expr_t beta = AddVariable(discount_symb_id); for (int i = 1; i <= pac_max_lag_m; i++) try { int alpha_i_symb_id = symbol_table.addSymbol("mce_alpha_" + append_to_name + "_" + to_string(i), SymbolType::parameter); pac_mce_alpha_symb_ids[{name, standard_eqtag}].push_back(alpha_i_symb_id); A = AddPlus(A, AddVariable(alpha_i_symb_id)); fp = AddPlus(fp, AddTimes(AddTimes(AddVariable(alpha_i_symb_id), AddPower(beta, AddPossiblyNegativeConstant(i))), AddVariable(mce_z1_symb_id, i))); } catch (SymbolTable::AlreadyDeclaredException &e) { cerr << "Variable name needed by PAC (mce_alpha_" << append_to_name << "_" << i << ")" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Add diff nodes and eqs for pac_target_symb_id const VariableNode *target_base_diff_node; auto create_target_lag = [&](int lag) { if (symbol_table.isAuxiliaryVariable(pac_target_symb_id)) { // We know it is a log, see ExprNode::matchParamTimesTargetMinusVariable() /* We don’t use SymbolTable::getOrigSymbIdForAuxVar(), because it does not work for unary ops, and changing this behaviour might break stuff that relies on an exception in this case. */ auto avi = symbol_table.getAuxVarInfo(pac_target_symb_id); return AddLog(AddVariable(avi.get_orig_symb_id(), lag)); } else return dynamic_cast(AddVariable(pac_target_symb_id, lag)); }; expr_t diff_node_to_search = AddDiff(create_target_lag(0)); if (auto sit = diff_subst_table.find(diff_node_to_search); sit != diff_subst_table.end()) target_base_diff_node = sit->second; else { int symb_id = symbol_table.addDiffAuxiliaryVar(diff_node_to_search->idx, diff_node_to_search); target_base_diff_node = AddVariable(symb_id); auto neweq = AddEqual(const_cast(target_base_diff_node), AddMinus(create_target_lag(0), create_target_lag(-1))); addEquation(neweq, -1); addAuxEquation(neweq); neqs++; } map target_aux_var_to_add; const VariableNode *last_aux_var = target_base_diff_node; for (int i = 1; i <= pac_max_lag_m - 1; i++, neqs++) { expr_t this_diff_node = AddDiff(create_target_lag(i)); int symb_id = symbol_table.addDiffLeadAuxiliaryVar(this_diff_node->idx, this_diff_node, last_aux_var->symb_id, last_aux_var->lag); VariableNode *current_aux_var = AddVariable(symb_id); auto neweq = AddEqual(current_aux_var, AddVariable(last_aux_var->symb_id, 1)); addEquation(neweq, -1); addAuxEquation(neweq); last_aux_var = current_aux_var; target_aux_var_to_add[i] = current_aux_var; } expr_t fs = Zero; for (int k = 1; k <= pac_max_lag_m - 1; k++) { expr_t ssum = Zero; for (int j = k+1; j <= pac_max_lag_m; j++) { int alpha_j_symb_id = -1; string varname = "mce_alpha_" + append_to_name + "_" + to_string(j); try { alpha_j_symb_id = symbol_table.getID(varname); } catch (SymbolTable::UnknownSymbolNameException &e) { alpha_j_symb_id = symbol_table.addSymbol(varname, SymbolType::parameter); } ssum = AddPlus(ssum, AddTimes(AddVariable(alpha_j_symb_id), AddPower(beta, AddPossiblyNegativeConstant(j)))); } fs = AddPlus(fs, AddTimes(ssum, target_aux_var_to_add[k])); } auto neweq = AddEqual(AddVariable(mce_z1_symb_id), AddMinus(AddTimes(A, AddMinus(const_cast(target_base_diff_node), fs)), fp)); addEquation(neweq, -1); neqs++; pac_expectation_substitution[{name, eqtag}] = AddVariable(mce_z1_symb_id); } cout << "Pac Model Consistent Expectation: added " << neqs << " auxiliary variables and equations for model " << name << "." << endl; } void DynamicModel::fillPacModelInfo(const string &pac_model_name, vector lhs, int max_lag, string aux_model_type, const map, pair> &eqtag_and_lag, const vector &nonstationary, expr_t growth) { pac_eqtag_and_lag.insert(eqtag_and_lag.begin(), eqtag_and_lag.end()); bool stationary_vars_present = any_of(nonstationary.begin(), nonstationary.end(), logical_not()); bool nonstationary_vars_present = any_of(nonstationary.begin(), nonstationary.end(), [](bool b) { return b; }); // FIXME: use std::identity instead of an anonymous function when we upgrade to C++20 int growth_param_index = -1; if (growth) growth_param_index = symbol_table.addSymbol(pac_model_name +"_pac_growth_neutrality_correction", SymbolType::parameter); for (auto pac_models_and_eqtags : pac_eqtag_and_lag) { if (pac_models_and_eqtags.first.first != pac_model_name) continue; string eqtag = pac_models_and_eqtags.first.second; string standard_eqtag = pac_models_and_eqtags.second.first; expr_t subExpr = Zero; if (stationary_vars_present) for (int i = 1; i < max_lag + 1; i++) for (auto lhsit : lhs) { stringstream param_name_h0; param_name_h0 << "h0_" << pac_model_name << "_" << standard_eqtag << "_var_" << symbol_table.getName(lhsit) << "_lag_" << i; int new_param_symb_id = symbol_table.addSymbol(param_name_h0.str(), SymbolType::parameter); pac_h0_indices[{pac_model_name, standard_eqtag}].push_back(new_param_symb_id); subExpr = AddPlus(subExpr, AddTimes(AddVariable(new_param_symb_id), AddVariable(lhsit, -i))); } if (nonstationary_vars_present) for (int i = 1; i < max_lag + 1; i++) for (auto lhsit : lhs) { stringstream param_name_h1; param_name_h1 << "h1_" << pac_model_name << "_" << standard_eqtag << "_var_" << symbol_table.getName(lhsit) << "_lag_" << i; int new_param_symb_id = symbol_table.addSymbol(param_name_h1.str(), SymbolType::parameter); pac_h1_indices[{pac_model_name, standard_eqtag}].push_back(new_param_symb_id); subExpr = AddPlus(subExpr, AddTimes(AddVariable(new_param_symb_id), AddVariable(lhsit, -i))); } if (growth) subExpr = AddPlus(subExpr, AddTimes(AddVariable(growth_param_index), growth)); pac_expectation_substitution[{pac_model_name, eqtag}] = subExpr; } pac_model_info[pac_model_name] = {move(lhs), growth_param_index, move(aux_model_type)}; } void DynamicModel::substitutePacExpectation(const string &pac_model_name) { for (auto &it : pac_expectation_substitution) if (it.first.first == pac_model_name) for (auto &equation : equations) if (equation_tags.exists(&equation - &equations[0], "name", it.first.second)) { auto substeq = dynamic_cast(equation->substitutePacExpectation(pac_model_name, it.second)); assert(substeq); equation = substeq; break; } } void DynamicModel::computingPass(bool jacobianExo, int derivsOrder, int paramsDerivsOrder, const eval_context_t &eval_context, bool no_tmp_terms, bool block, bool use_dll, bool bytecode) { assert(jacobianExo || (derivsOrder < 2 && paramsDerivsOrder == 0)); initializeVariablesAndEquations(); // Prepare for derivation computeDerivIDs(); // Computes dynamic jacobian columns, must be done after computeDerivIDs() computeDynJacobianCols(jacobianExo); // Compute derivatives w.r. to all endogenous, and possibly exogenous and exogenous deterministic set vars; for (auto &it : deriv_id_table) { SymbolType type = symbol_table.getType(it.first.first); if (type == SymbolType::endogenous || (jacobianExo && (type == SymbolType::exogenous || type == SymbolType::exogenousDet))) vars.insert(it.second); } // Launch computations cout << "Computing dynamic model derivatives (order " << derivsOrder << ")." << endl; computeDerivatives(derivsOrder, vars); if (derivsOrder > 1) for (const auto &[indices, d2] : derivatives[2]) nonzero_hessian_eqs.insert(indices[0]); if (paramsDerivsOrder > 0) { cout << "Computing dynamic model derivatives w.r.t. parameters (order " << paramsDerivsOrder << ")." << endl; computeParamsDerivatives(paramsDerivsOrder); } if (block) { auto contemporaneous_jacobian = evaluateAndReduceJacobian(eval_context); computeNonSingularNormalization(contemporaneous_jacobian); auto [prologue, epilogue] = computePrologueAndEpilogue(); auto first_order_endo_derivatives = collectFirstOrderDerivativesEndogenous(); equationTypeDetermination(first_order_endo_derivatives, mfs); cout << "Finding the optimal block decomposition of the model ..." << endl; computeBlockDecomposition(prologue, epilogue); reduceBlockDecomposition(); printBlockDecomposition(); computeChainRuleJacobian(); determineLinearBlocks(); computeBlockDynJacobianCols(); if (!no_tmp_terms) computeBlockTemporaryTerms(); } else { computeTemporaryTerms(!use_dll, no_tmp_terms); /* Must be called after computeTemporaryTerms(), because it depends on temporary_terms_mlv to be filled */ if (paramsDerivsOrder > 0 && !no_tmp_terms) computeParamsDerivativesTemporaryTerms(); } } void DynamicModel::computeXrefs() { int i = 0; for (auto &equation : equations) { ExprNode::EquationInfo ei; equation->computeXrefs(ei); xrefs[i++] = ei; } i = 0; for (auto it = xrefs.begin(); it != xrefs.end(); ++it, i++) { computeRevXref(xref_param, it->second.param, i); computeRevXref(xref_endo, it->second.endo, i); computeRevXref(xref_exo, it->second.exo, i); computeRevXref(xref_exo_det, it->second.exo_det, i); } } void DynamicModel::computeRevXref(map, set> &xrefset, const set> &eiref, int eqn) { for (const auto &it : eiref) { set eq; if (xrefset.find(it) != xrefset.end()) eq = xrefset[it]; eq.insert(eqn); xrefset[it] = eq; } } void DynamicModel::writeXrefs(ostream &output) const { output << "M_.xref1.param = cell(1, M_.eq_nbr);" << endl << "M_.xref1.endo = cell(1, M_.eq_nbr);" << endl << "M_.xref1.exo = cell(1, M_.eq_nbr);" << endl << "M_.xref1.exo_det = cell(1, M_.eq_nbr);" << endl; int i = 1; for (auto it = xrefs.begin(); it != xrefs.end(); ++it, i++) { output << "M_.xref1.param{" << i << "} = [ "; for (const auto &it1 : it->second.param) output << symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(it1.first) + 1 << " "; output << "];" << endl; output << "M_.xref1.endo{" << i << "} = [ "; for (const auto &it1 : it->second.endo) output << "struct('id', " << symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(it1.first) + 1 << ", 'shift', " << it1.second << ");"; output << "];" << endl; output << "M_.xref1.exo{" << i << "} = [ "; for (const auto &it1 : it->second.exo) output << "struct('id', " << symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(it1.first) + 1 << ", 'shift', " << it1.second << ");"; output << "];" << endl; output << "M_.xref1.exo_det{" << i << "} = [ "; for (const auto &it1 : it->second.exo_det) output << "struct('id', " << symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(it1.first) + 1 << ", 'shift', " << it1.second << ");"; output << "];" << endl; } output << "M_.xref2.param = cell(1, M_.param_nbr);" << endl << "M_.xref2.endo = cell(1, M_.endo_nbr);" << endl << "M_.xref2.exo = cell(1, M_.exo_nbr);" << endl << "M_.xref2.exo_det = cell(1, M_.exo_det_nbr);" << endl; writeRevXrefs(output, xref_param, "param"); writeRevXrefs(output, xref_endo, "endo"); writeRevXrefs(output, xref_exo, "exo"); writeRevXrefs(output, xref_exo_det, "exo_det"); } void DynamicModel::writeRevXrefs(ostream &output, const map, set> &xrefmap, const string &type) const { int last_tsid = -1; for (const auto &it : xrefmap) { int tsid = symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(it.first.first) + 1; output << "M_.xref2." << type << "{" << tsid << "} = [ "; if (last_tsid == tsid) output << "M_.xref2." << type << "{" << tsid << "}; "; else last_tsid = tsid; for (const auto &it1 : it.second) if (type == "param") output << it1 + 1 << " "; else output << "struct('shift', " << it.first.second << ", 'eq', " << it1+1 << ");"; output << "];" << endl; } } map, DynamicModel::BlockDerivativeType> DynamicModel::determineBlockDerivativesType(int blk) { map, BlockDerivativeType> derivType; int size = blocks[blk].size; int nb_recursive = blocks[blk].getRecursiveSize(); for (int lag = -blocks[blk].max_lag; lag <= blocks[blk].max_lead; lag++) for (int eq = 0; eq < size; eq++) { set> endos_and_lags; int eq_orig = getBlockEquationID(blk, eq); equations[eq_orig]->collectEndogenous(endos_and_lags); for (int var = 0; var < size; var++) if (int var_orig = getBlockVariableID(blk, var); endos_and_lags.find({ var_orig, lag }) != endos_and_lags.end()) { if (getBlockEquationType(blk, eq) == EquationType::evaluateRenormalized && eq < nb_recursive) /* It’s a normalized recursive equation, we have to recompute the derivative using the chain rule */ derivType[{ lag, eq, var }] = BlockDerivativeType::normalizedChainRule; else if (derivType.find({ lag, eq, var }) == derivType.end()) derivType[{ lag, eq, var }] = BlockDerivativeType::standard; if (var < nb_recursive) for (int feedback_var = nb_recursive; feedback_var < size; feedback_var++) if (derivType.find({ lag, var, feedback_var }) != derivType.end()) /* A new derivative needs to be computed using the chain rule (a feedback variable appears in the recursive equation defining the current variable) */ derivType[{ lag, eq, feedback_var }] = BlockDerivativeType::chainRule; } } return derivType; } void DynamicModel::computeChainRuleJacobian() { int nb_blocks = blocks.size(); blocks_derivatives.resize(nb_blocks); for (int blk = 0; blk < nb_blocks; blk++) { int nb_recursives = blocks[blk].getRecursiveSize(); // Create a map from recursive vars to their defining (normalized) equation map recursive_vars; for (int i = 0; i < nb_recursives; i++) { int deriv_id = getDerivID(symbol_table.getID(SymbolType::endogenous, getBlockVariableID(blk, i)), 0); if (getBlockEquationType(blk, i) == EquationType::evaluateRenormalized) recursive_vars[deriv_id] = getBlockEquationRenormalizedExpr(blk, i); else recursive_vars[deriv_id] = getBlockEquationExpr(blk, i); } // Compute the block derivatives for (const auto &[indices, derivType] : determineBlockDerivativesType(blk)) { auto [lag, eq, var] = indices; int eq_orig = getBlockEquationID(blk, eq), var_orig = getBlockVariableID(blk, var); int deriv_id = getDerivID(symbol_table.getID(SymbolType::endogenous, var_orig), lag); expr_t d{nullptr}; switch (derivType) { case BlockDerivativeType::standard: d = derivatives[1][{ eq_orig, deriv_id }]; break; case BlockDerivativeType::chainRule: d = equations[eq_orig]->getChainRuleDerivative(deriv_id, recursive_vars); break; case BlockDerivativeType::normalizedChainRule: d = equation_type_and_normalized_equation[eq_orig].second->getChainRuleDerivative(deriv_id, recursive_vars); break; } if (d != Zero) blocks_derivatives[blk][{ eq, var, lag }] = d; } } } void DynamicModel::computeBlockDynJacobianCols() { int nb_blocks = blocks.size(); blocks_derivatives_other_endo.resize(nb_blocks); blocks_derivatives_exo.resize(nb_blocks); blocks_derivatives_exo_det.resize(nb_blocks); blocks_other_endo.resize(nb_blocks); blocks_exo.resize(nb_blocks); blocks_exo_det.resize(nb_blocks); // Structures used for lexicographic ordering over (lag, var ID) vector>> dynamic_endo(nb_blocks), dynamic_other_endo(nb_blocks), dynamic_exo(nb_blocks), dynamic_exo_det(nb_blocks); for (auto & [indices, d1] : derivatives[1]) { int eq_orig = indices[0]; int block_eq = eq2block[eq_orig]; int eq = getBlockInitialEquationID(block_eq, eq_orig); int var = symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(getSymbIDByDerivID(indices[1])); int lag = getLagByDerivID(indices[1]); switch (getTypeByDerivID(indices[1])) { case SymbolType::endogenous: if (block_eq == endo2block[var]) { int var_in_block = getBlockInitialVariableID(block_eq, var); dynamic_endo[block_eq].emplace(lag, var_in_block); } else { blocks_derivatives_other_endo[block_eq][{ eq, var, lag }] = derivatives[1][{ eq_orig, getDerivID(symbol_table.getID(SymbolType::endogenous, var), lag) }]; blocks_other_endo[block_eq].insert(var); dynamic_other_endo[block_eq].emplace(lag, var); } break; case SymbolType::exogenous: blocks_derivatives_exo[block_eq][{ eq, var, lag }] = derivatives[1][{ eq_orig, getDerivID(symbol_table.getID(SymbolType::exogenous, var), lag) }]; blocks_exo[block_eq].insert(var); dynamic_exo[block_eq].emplace(lag, var); break; case SymbolType::exogenousDet: blocks_derivatives_exo_det[block_eq][{ eq, var, lag }] = derivatives[1][{ eq_orig, getDerivID(symbol_table.getID(SymbolType::exogenous, var), lag) }]; blocks_exo_det[block_eq].insert(var); dynamic_exo_det[block_eq].emplace(lag, var); break; default: break; } } // Compute Jacobian column indices blocks_jacob_cols_endo.resize(nb_blocks); blocks_jacob_cols_other_endo.resize(nb_blocks); blocks_jacob_cols_exo.resize(nb_blocks); blocks_jacob_cols_exo_det.resize(nb_blocks); for (int blk = 0; blk < nb_blocks; blk++) { int index = 0; for (auto [lag, var] : dynamic_endo[blk]) blocks_jacob_cols_endo[blk][{ var, lag }] = index++; index = 0; for (auto [lag, var] : dynamic_other_endo[blk]) blocks_jacob_cols_other_endo[blk][{ var, lag }] = index++; index = 0; for (auto [lag, var] : dynamic_exo[blk]) blocks_jacob_cols_exo[blk][{ var, lag }] = index++; index = 0; for (auto [lag, var] : dynamic_exo_det[blk]) blocks_jacob_cols_exo_det[blk][{ var, lag }] = index++; } } void DynamicModel::writeDynamicFile(const string &basename, bool block, bool bytecode, bool use_dll, const string &mexext, const filesystem::path &matlabroot, const filesystem::path &dynareroot, bool julia) const { filesystem::path model_dir{basename}; model_dir /= "model"; if (use_dll) filesystem::create_directories(model_dir / "src"); if (bytecode) filesystem::create_directories(model_dir / "bytecode"); if (block) { if (bytecode) writeDynamicBlockBytecode(basename); else if (use_dll) { writeDynamicPerBlockCFiles(basename); writeDynamicBlockCFile(basename); vector src_files{blocks.size() + 1}; for (int blk = 0; blk < static_cast(blocks.size()); blk++) src_files[blk] = model_dir / "src" / ("dynamic_" + to_string(blk+1) + ".c"); src_files[blocks.size()] = model_dir / "src" / "dynamic.c"; compileMEX(basename, "dynamic", mexext, src_files, matlabroot, dynareroot); } else if (julia) { cerr << "'block' option is not available with Julia" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else // M-files { writeDynamicPerBlockMFiles(basename); writeDynamicBlockMFile(basename); } } else { if (bytecode) writeDynamicBytecode(basename); else if (use_dll) { writeDynamicCFile(basename); compileMEX(basename, "dynamic", mexext, { model_dir / "src" / "dynamic.c" }, matlabroot, dynareroot); } else if (julia) writeDynamicJuliaFile(basename); else writeDynamicMFile(basename); } writeSetAuxiliaryVariables(basename, julia); } void DynamicModel::writeSetAuxiliaryVariables(const string &basename, bool julia) const { ostringstream output_func_body; writeAuxVarRecursiveDefinitions(output_func_body, ExprNodeOutputType::matlabDseries); if (output_func_body.str().empty()) return; string func_name = julia ? basename + "_dynamic_set_auxiliary_series" : "dynamic_set_auxiliary_series"; string filename = julia ? func_name + ".jl" : packageDir(basename) + "/" + func_name + ".m"; string comment = julia ? "#" : "%"; ofstream output; output.open(filename, ios::out | ios::binary); if (!output.is_open()) { cerr << "ERROR: Can't open file " << filename << " for writing" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } output << "function ds = " << func_name + "(ds, params)" << endl << comment << endl << comment << " Status : Computes Auxiliary variables of the dynamic model and returns a dseries" << endl << comment << endl << comment << " Warning : this file is generated automatically by Dynare" << endl << comment << " from model file (.mod)" << endl << endl << output_func_body.str(); output.close(); } void DynamicModel::writeAuxVarRecursiveDefinitions(ostream &output, ExprNodeOutputType output_type) const { deriv_node_temp_terms_t tef_terms; for (auto aux_eq : aux_equations) if (aux_eq->containsExternalFunction()) aux_eq->writeExternalFunctionOutput(output, output_type, {}, {}, tef_terms); for (auto aux_eq : aux_equations) { aux_eq->writeOutput(output, output_type, {}, {}, tef_terms); output << ";" << endl; } } void DynamicModel::clearEquations() { equations.clear(); equations_lineno.clear(); equation_tags.clear(); } void DynamicModel::replaceMyEquations(DynamicModel &dynamic_model) const { dynamic_model.clearEquations(); for (size_t i = 0; i < equations.size(); i++) dynamic_model.addEquation(equations[i]->clone(dynamic_model), equations_lineno[i]); dynamic_model.equation_tags = equation_tags; } void DynamicModel::computeRamseyPolicyFOCs(const StaticModel &static_model) { // Add aux LM to constraints in equations // equation[i]->lhs = rhs becomes equation[i]->MULT_(i+1)*(lhs-rhs) = 0 int i; for (i = 0; i < static_cast(equations.size()); i++) { auto substeq = dynamic_cast(equations[i]->addMultipliersToConstraints(i)); assert(substeq); equations[i] = substeq; } cout << "Ramsey Problem: added " << i << " Multipliers." << endl; // Add Planner Objective to equations so that it appears in Lagrangian assert(static_model.equations.size() == 1); addEquation(static_model.equations[0]->clone(*this), -1); // Get max endo lead and max endo lag set> dynvars; int max_eq_lead = 0; int max_eq_lag = 0; for (auto &equation : equations) equation->collectDynamicVariables(SymbolType::endogenous, dynvars); for (const auto &[symb_id, lag] : dynvars) { if (max_eq_lead < lag) max_eq_lead = lag; else if (-max_eq_lag > lag) max_eq_lag = -lag; } // Get Discount Factor assert(symbol_table.exists("optimal_policy_discount_factor")); int symb_id = symbol_table.getID("optimal_policy_discount_factor"); assert(symbol_table.getType(symb_id) == SymbolType::parameter); expr_t discount_factor_node = AddVariable(symb_id, 0); // Create (modified) Lagrangian (so that we can take the derivative once at time t) expr_t lagrangian = Zero; for (i = 0; i < static_cast(equations.size()); i++) for (int lag = -max_eq_lag; lag <= max_eq_lead; lag++) { expr_t dfpower = nullptr; stringstream lagstream; lagstream << abs(lag); if (lag < 0) dfpower = AddNonNegativeConstant(lagstream.str()); else if (lag == 0) dfpower = Zero; else dfpower = AddMinus(Zero, AddNonNegativeConstant(lagstream.str())); lagrangian = AddPlus(AddTimes(AddPower(discount_factor_node, dfpower), equations[i]->getNonZeroPartofEquation()->decreaseLeadsLags(lag)), lagrangian); } // Save line numbers and tags, see below auto old_equations_lineno = equations_lineno; auto old_equation_tags = equation_tags; // Prepare derivation of the Lagrangian clearEquations(); addEquation(AddEqual(lagrangian, Zero), -1); computeDerivIDs(); /* Compute Lagrangian derivatives. Also restore line numbers and tags for FOCs w.r.t. a Lagrange multiplier (i.e. a FOC identical to an equation of the original model) */ vector neweqs; vector neweqs_lineno; map> neweqs_tags; for (auto &[symb_id_and_lag, deriv_id] : deriv_id_table) { auto &[symb_id, lag] = symb_id_and_lag; if (symbol_table.getType(symb_id) == SymbolType::endogenous && lag == 0) { neweqs.push_back(AddEqual(equations[0]->getNonZeroPartofEquation()->getDerivative(deriv_id), Zero)); if (int i = symbol_table.getEquationNumberForMultiplier(symb_id); i != -1) { // This is a derivative w.r.t. a Lagrange multiplier neweqs_lineno.push_back(old_equations_lineno[i]); map tags; auto tmp = old_equation_tags.getTagsByEqn(i); for (const auto &[key, value] : tmp) tags[key] = value; neweqs_tags[neweqs.size()-1] = tags; } else neweqs_lineno.push_back(-1); } } // Overwrite equations with the Lagrangian derivatives clearEquations(); for (size_t i = 0; i < neweqs.size(); i++) addEquation(neweqs[i], neweqs_lineno[i], neweqs_tags[i]); } bool DynamicModel::ParamUsedWithLeadLag() const { return ParamUsedWithLeadLagInternal(); } void DynamicModel::createVariableMapping(int orig_eq_nbr) { for (int ii = 0; ii < orig_eq_nbr; ii++) { set eqvars; equations[ii]->collectVariables(SymbolType::endogenous, eqvars); equations[ii]->collectVariables(SymbolType::exogenous, eqvars); for (auto eqvar : eqvars) { eqvar = symbol_table.getUltimateOrigSymbID(eqvar); if (eqvar >= 0 && !symbol_table.isAuxiliaryVariable(eqvar)) variableMapping[eqvar].emplace(ii); } } } void DynamicModel::expandEqTags() { set existing_tags = equation_tags.getEqnsByKey("name"); for (int eq = 0; eq < static_cast(equations.size()); eq++) if (existing_tags.find(eq) == existing_tags.end()) if (auto lhs_expr = dynamic_cast(equations[eq]->arg1); lhs_expr && !equation_tags.exists("name", symbol_table.getName(lhs_expr->symb_id))) equation_tags.add(eq, "name", symbol_table.getName(lhs_expr->symb_id)); else if (!equation_tags.exists("name", to_string(eq+1))) equation_tags.add(eq, "name", to_string(eq+1)); else { cerr << "Error creating default equation tag: cannot assign default tag to equation number " << eq+1 << " because it is already in use" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } set DynamicModel::findUnusedEndogenous() { set usedEndo, unusedEndo; for (auto &equation : equations) equation->collectVariables(SymbolType::endogenous, usedEndo); set allEndo = symbol_table.getEndogenous(); set_difference(allEndo.begin(), allEndo.end(), usedEndo.begin(), usedEndo.end(), inserter(unusedEndo, unusedEndo.begin())); return unusedEndo; } set DynamicModel::findUnusedExogenous() { set usedExo, unusedExo, unobservedExo; for (auto &equation : equations) equation->collectVariables(SymbolType::exogenous, usedExo); set observedExo = symbol_table.getObservedExogenous(); set allExo = symbol_table.getExogenous(); set_difference(allExo.begin(), allExo.end(), observedExo.begin(), observedExo.end(), inserter(unobservedExo, unobservedExo.begin())); set_difference(unobservedExo.begin(), unobservedExo.end(), usedExo.begin(), usedExo.end(), inserter(unusedExo, unusedExo.begin())); return unusedExo; } void DynamicModel::setLeadsLagsOrig() { set> dynvars; for (auto &equation : equations) { equation->collectDynamicVariables(SymbolType::endogenous, dynvars); equation->collectDynamicVariables(SymbolType::exogenous, dynvars); equation->collectDynamicVariables(SymbolType::exogenousDet, dynvars); max_lag_with_diffs_expanded_orig = max(equation->maxLagWithDiffsExpanded(), max_lag_with_diffs_expanded_orig); } for (const auto &dynvar : dynvars) { int lag = dynvar.second; SymbolType type = symbol_table.getType(dynvar.first); max_lead_orig = max(lag, max_lead_orig); max_lag_orig = max(-lag, max_lag_orig); switch (type) { case SymbolType::endogenous: max_endo_lead_orig = max(lag, max_endo_lead_orig); max_endo_lag_orig = max(-lag, max_endo_lag_orig); break; case SymbolType::exogenous: max_exo_lead_orig = max(lag, max_exo_lead_orig); max_exo_lag_orig = max(-lag, max_exo_lag_orig); break; case SymbolType::exogenousDet: max_exo_det_lead_orig = max(lag, max_exo_det_lead_orig); max_exo_det_lag_orig = max(-lag, max_exo_det_lag_orig); break; default: break; } } } void DynamicModel::computeDerivIDs() { set> dynvars; for (auto &equation : equations) equation->collectDynamicVariables(SymbolType::endogenous, dynvars); dynJacobianColsNbr = dynvars.size(); for (auto &equation : equations) { equation->collectDynamicVariables(SymbolType::exogenous, dynvars); equation->collectDynamicVariables(SymbolType::exogenousDet, dynvars); equation->collectDynamicVariables(SymbolType::parameter, dynvars); equation->collectDynamicVariables(SymbolType::trend, dynvars); equation->collectDynamicVariables(SymbolType::logTrend, dynvars); } for (const auto &dynvar : dynvars) { int lag = dynvar.second; SymbolType type = symbol_table.getType(dynvar.first); /* Setting maximum and minimum lags. We don't want these to be affected by lead/lags on parameters: they are accepted for facilitating variable flipping, but are simply ignored. */ if (type != SymbolType::parameter) { max_lead = max(lag, max_lead); max_lag = max(-lag, max_lag); } switch (type) { case SymbolType::endogenous: max_endo_lead = max(lag, max_endo_lead); max_endo_lag = max(-lag, max_endo_lag); break; case SymbolType::exogenous: max_exo_lead = max(lag, max_exo_lead); max_exo_lag = max(-lag, max_exo_lag); break; case SymbolType::exogenousDet: max_exo_det_lead = max(lag, max_exo_det_lead); max_exo_det_lag = max(-lag, max_exo_det_lag); break; default: break; } // Create a new deriv_id int deriv_id = deriv_id_table.size(); deriv_id_table[dynvar] = deriv_id; inv_deriv_id_table.push_back(dynvar); } } SymbolType DynamicModel::getTypeByDerivID(int deriv_id) const noexcept(false) { return symbol_table.getType(getSymbIDByDerivID(deriv_id)); } int DynamicModel::getLagByDerivID(int deriv_id) const noexcept(false) { if (deriv_id < 0 || deriv_id >= static_cast(inv_deriv_id_table.size())) throw UnknownDerivIDException(); return inv_deriv_id_table[deriv_id].second; } int DynamicModel::getSymbIDByDerivID(int deriv_id) const noexcept(false) { if (deriv_id < 0 || deriv_id >= static_cast(inv_deriv_id_table.size())) throw UnknownDerivIDException(); return inv_deriv_id_table[deriv_id].first; } int DynamicModel::getDerivID(int symb_id, int lag) const noexcept(false) { auto it = deriv_id_table.find({ symb_id, lag }); if (it == deriv_id_table.end()) throw UnknownDerivIDException(); else return it->second; } void DynamicModel::addAllParamDerivId(set &deriv_id_set) { for (size_t i = 0; i < inv_deriv_id_table.size(); i++) if (symbol_table.getType(inv_deriv_id_table[i].first) == SymbolType::parameter) deriv_id_set.insert(i); } void DynamicModel::computeDynJacobianCols(bool jacobianExo) { /* Sort the dynamic endogenous variables by lexicographic order over (lag, type_specific_symbol_id) and fill the dynamic columns for exogenous and exogenous deterministic */ map, int> ordered_dyn_endo; for (auto &it : deriv_id_table) { int symb_id = it.first.first; int lag = it.first.second; int deriv_id = it.second; SymbolType type = symbol_table.getType(symb_id); int tsid = symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(symb_id); switch (type) { case SymbolType::endogenous: ordered_dyn_endo[{ lag, tsid }] = deriv_id; break; case SymbolType::exogenous: // At this point, dynJacobianColsNbr contains the number of dynamic endogenous if (jacobianExo) dyn_jacobian_cols_table[deriv_id] = dynJacobianColsNbr + tsid; break; case SymbolType::exogenousDet: // At this point, dynJacobianColsNbr contains the number of dynamic endogenous if (jacobianExo) dyn_jacobian_cols_table[deriv_id] = dynJacobianColsNbr + symbol_table.exo_nbr() + tsid; break; case SymbolType::parameter: case SymbolType::trend: case SymbolType::logTrend: // We don't assign a dynamic jacobian column to parameters or trend variables break; default: // Shut up GCC cerr << "DynamicModel::computeDynJacobianCols: impossible case" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } // Fill in dynamic jacobian columns for endogenous int sorted_id = 0; for (auto &it : ordered_dyn_endo) dyn_jacobian_cols_table[it.second] = sorted_id++; // Set final value for dynJacobianColsNbr if (jacobianExo) dynJacobianColsNbr += symbol_table.exo_nbr() + symbol_table.exo_det_nbr(); } int DynamicModel::getDynJacobianCol(int deriv_id) const noexcept(false) { if (auto it = dyn_jacobian_cols_table.find(deriv_id); it == dyn_jacobian_cols_table.end()) throw UnknownDerivIDException(); else return it->second; } void DynamicModel::testTrendDerivativesEqualToZero(const eval_context_t &eval_context) { for (auto &it : deriv_id_table) if (symbol_table.getType(it.first.first) == SymbolType::trend || symbol_table.getType(it.first.first) == SymbolType::logTrend) for (int eq = 0; eq < static_cast(equations.size()); eq++) { expr_t homogeneq = AddMinus(equations[eq]->arg1, equations[eq]->arg2); // Do not run the test if the term inside the log is zero if (fabs(homogeneq->eval(eval_context)) > zero_band) { expr_t testeq = AddLog(homogeneq); // F = log(lhs-rhs) testeq = testeq->getDerivative(it.second); // d F / d Trend for (auto &endogit : deriv_id_table) if (symbol_table.getType(endogit.first.first) == SymbolType::endogenous) { double nearZero = testeq->getDerivative(endogit.second)->eval(eval_context); // eval d F / d Trend d Endog if (fabs(nearZero) > balanced_growth_test_tol) { cerr << "ERROR: trends not compatible with balanced growth path; the second-order cross partial of equation " << eq + 1 << " (line " << equations_lineno[eq] << ") w.r.t. trend variable " << symbol_table.getName(it.first.first) << " and endogenous variable " << symbol_table.getName(endogit.first.first) << " is not null (abs. value = " << fabs(nearZero) << "). If you are confident that your trends are correctly specified, you can raise the value of option 'balanced_growth_test_tol' in the 'model' block." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } } } } void DynamicModel::writeParamsDerivativesFile(const string &basename, bool julia) const { if (!params_derivatives.size()) return; ExprNodeOutputType output_type = (julia ? ExprNodeOutputType::juliaDynamicModel : ExprNodeOutputType::matlabDynamicModel); ostringstream tt_output; // Used for storing model temp vars and equations ostringstream rp_output; // 1st deriv. of residuals w.r.t. parameters ostringstream gp_output; // 1st deriv. of Jacobian w.r.t. parameters ostringstream rpp_output; // 2nd deriv of residuals w.r.t. parameters ostringstream gpp_output; // 2nd deriv of Jacobian w.r.t. parameters ostringstream hp_output; // 1st deriv. of Hessian w.r.t. parameters ostringstream g3p_output; // 1st deriv. of 3rd deriv. matrix w.r.t. parameters temporary_terms_t temp_term_union; deriv_node_temp_terms_t tef_terms; writeModelLocalVariableTemporaryTerms(temp_term_union, params_derivs_temporary_terms_idxs, tt_output, output_type, tef_terms); for (const auto &it : params_derivs_temporary_terms) writeTemporaryTerms(it.second, temp_term_union, params_derivs_temporary_terms_idxs, tt_output, output_type, tef_terms); for (const auto & [indices, d1] : params_derivatives.find({ 0, 1 })->second) { auto [eq, param] = vectorToTuple<2>(indices); int param_col = symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(getSymbIDByDerivID(param)) + 1; rp_output << "rp" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << eq+1 << ", " << param_col << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << " = "; d1->writeOutput(rp_output, output_type, temp_term_union, params_derivs_temporary_terms_idxs, tef_terms); rp_output << ";" << endl; } for (const auto & [indices, d2] : params_derivatives.find({ 1, 1 })->second) { auto [eq, var, param] = vectorToTuple<3>(indices); int var_col = getDynJacobianCol(var) + 1; int param_col = symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(getSymbIDByDerivID(param)) + 1; gp_output << "gp" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << eq+1 << ", " << var_col << ", " << param_col << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << " = "; d2->writeOutput(gp_output, output_type, temp_term_union, params_derivs_temporary_terms_idxs, tef_terms); gp_output << ";" << endl; } int i = 1; for (const auto &[indices, d2] : params_derivatives.find({ 0, 2 })->second) { auto [eq, param1, param2] = vectorToTuple<3>(indices); int param1_col = symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(getSymbIDByDerivID(param1)) + 1; int param2_col = symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(getSymbIDByDerivID(param2)) + 1; rpp_output << "rpp" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << ",1" << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "=" << eq+1 << ";" << endl << "rpp" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << ",2" << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "=" << param1_col << ";" << endl << "rpp" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << ",3" << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "=" << param2_col << ";" << endl << "rpp" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << ",4" << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "="; d2->writeOutput(rpp_output, output_type, temp_term_union, params_derivs_temporary_terms_idxs, tef_terms); rpp_output << ";" << endl; i++; if (param1 != param2) { // Treat symmetric elements rpp_output << "rpp" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << ",1" << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "=" << eq+1 << ";" << endl << "rpp" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << ",2" << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "=" << param2_col << ";" << endl << "rpp" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << ",3" << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "=" << param1_col << ";" << endl << "rpp" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << ",4" << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "=rpp" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i-1 << ",4" << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << ";" << endl; i++; } } i = 1; for (const auto &[indices, d2] : params_derivatives.find({ 1, 2 })->second) { auto [eq, var, param1, param2] = vectorToTuple<4>(indices); int var_col = getDynJacobianCol(var) + 1; int param1_col = symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(getSymbIDByDerivID(param1)) + 1; int param2_col = symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(getSymbIDByDerivID(param2)) + 1; gpp_output << "gpp" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << ",1" << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "=" << eq+1 << ";" << endl << "gpp" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << ",2" << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "=" << var_col << ";" << endl << "gpp" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << ",3" << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "=" << param1_col << ";" << endl << "gpp" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << ",4" << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "=" << param2_col << ";" << endl << "gpp" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << ",5" << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "="; d2->writeOutput(gpp_output, output_type, temp_term_union, params_derivs_temporary_terms_idxs, tef_terms); gpp_output << ";" << endl; i++; if (param1 != param2) { // Treat symmetric elements gpp_output << "gpp" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << ",1" << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "=" << eq+1 << ";" << endl << "gpp" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << ",2" << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "=" << var_col << ";" << endl << "gpp" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << ",3" << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "=" << param2_col << ";" << endl << "gpp" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << ",4" << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "=" << param1_col << ";" << endl << "gpp" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << ",5" << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "=gpp" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i-1 << ",5" << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << ";" << endl; i++; } } i = 1; for (const auto &[indices, d2] : params_derivatives.find({ 2, 1 })->second) { auto [eq, var1, var2, param] = vectorToTuple<4>(indices); int var1_col = getDynJacobianCol(var1) + 1; int var2_col = getDynJacobianCol(var2) + 1; int param_col = symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(getSymbIDByDerivID(param)) + 1; hp_output << "hp" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << ",1" << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "=" << eq+1 << ";" << endl << "hp" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << ",2" << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "=" << var1_col << ";" << endl << "hp" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << ",3" << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "=" << var2_col << ";" << endl << "hp" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << ",4" << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "=" << param_col << ";" << endl << "hp" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << ",5" << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "="; d2->writeOutput(hp_output, output_type, temp_term_union, params_derivs_temporary_terms_idxs, tef_terms); hp_output << ";" << endl; i++; if (var1 != var2) { // Treat symmetric elements hp_output << "hp" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << ",1" << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "=" << eq+1 << ";" << endl << "hp" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << ",2" << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "=" << var2_col << ";" << endl << "hp" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << ",3" << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "=" << var1_col << ";" << endl << "hp" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << ",4" << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "=" << param_col << ";" << endl << "hp" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << ",5" << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "=hp" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i-1 << ",5" << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << ";" << endl; i++; } } i = 1; for (const auto &[indices, d2] : params_derivatives.find({ 3, 1 })->second) { auto [eq, var1, var2, var3, param] = vectorToTuple<5>(indices); int var1_col = getDynJacobianCol(var1) + 1; int var2_col = getDynJacobianCol(var2) + 1; int var3_col = getDynJacobianCol(var3) + 1; int param_col = symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(getSymbIDByDerivID(param)) + 1; g3p_output << "g3p" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << ",1" << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "=" << eq+1 << ";" << endl << "g3p" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << ",2" << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "=" << var1_col << ";" << endl << "g3p" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << ",3" << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "=" << var2_col << ";" << endl << "g3p" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << ",4" << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "=" << var3_col << ";" << endl << "g3p" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << ",5" << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "=" << param_col << ";" << endl << "g3p" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << ",6" << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << "="; d2->writeOutput(g3p_output, output_type, temp_term_union, params_derivs_temporary_terms_idxs, tef_terms); g3p_output << ";" << endl; i++; } string filename = julia ? basename + "DynamicParamsDerivs.jl" : packageDir(basename) + "/dynamic_params_derivs.m"; ofstream paramsDerivsFile; paramsDerivsFile.open(filename, ios::out | ios::binary); if (!paramsDerivsFile.is_open()) { cerr << "ERROR: Can't open file " << filename << " for writing" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (!julia) { // Check that we don't have more than 32 nested parenthesis because Matlab does not suppor this. See Issue #1201 map tmp_paren_vars; bool message_printed = false; fixNestedParenthesis(tt_output, tmp_paren_vars, message_printed); fixNestedParenthesis(rp_output, tmp_paren_vars, message_printed); fixNestedParenthesis(gp_output, tmp_paren_vars, message_printed); fixNestedParenthesis(rpp_output, tmp_paren_vars, message_printed); fixNestedParenthesis(gpp_output, tmp_paren_vars, message_printed); fixNestedParenthesis(hp_output, tmp_paren_vars, message_printed); fixNestedParenthesis(g3p_output, tmp_paren_vars, message_printed); paramsDerivsFile << "function [rp, gp, rpp, gpp, hp, g3p] = dynamic_params_derivs(y, x, params, steady_state, it_, ss_param_deriv, ss_param_2nd_deriv)" << endl << "%" << endl << "% Compute the derivatives of the dynamic model with respect to the parameters" << endl << "% Inputs :" << endl << "% y [#dynamic variables by 1] double vector of endogenous variables in the order stored" << endl << "% in M_.lead_lag_incidence; see the Manual" << endl << "% x [nperiods by M_.exo_nbr] double matrix of exogenous variables (in declaration order)" << endl << "% for all simulation periods" << endl << "% params [M_.param_nbr by 1] double vector of parameter values in declaration order" << endl << "% steady_state [M_.endo_nbr by 1] double vector of steady state values" << endl << "% it_ scalar double time period for exogenous variables for which to evaluate the model" << endl << "% ss_param_deriv [M_.eq_nbr by #params] Jacobian matrix of the steady states values with respect to the parameters" << endl << "% ss_param_2nd_deriv [M_.eq_nbr by #params by #params] Hessian matrix of the steady states values with respect to the parameters" << endl << "%" << endl << "% Outputs:" << endl << "% rp [M_.eq_nbr by #params] double Jacobian matrix of dynamic model equations with respect to parameters " << endl << "% Dynare may prepend or append auxiliary equations, see M_.aux_vars" << endl << "% gp [M_.endo_nbr by #dynamic variables by #params] double Derivative of the Jacobian matrix of the dynamic model equations with respect to the parameters" << endl << "% rows: equations in order of declaration" << endl << "% columns: variables in order stored in M_.lead_lag_incidence" << endl << "% rpp [#second_order_residual_terms by 4] double Hessian matrix of second derivatives of residuals with respect to parameters;" << endl << "% rows: respective derivative term" << endl << "% 1st column: equation number of the term appearing" << endl << "% 2nd column: number of the first parameter in derivative" << endl << "% 3rd column: number of the second parameter in derivative" << endl << "% 4th column: value of the Hessian term" << endl << "% gpp [#second_order_Jacobian_terms by 5] double Hessian matrix of second derivatives of the Jacobian with respect to the parameters;" << endl << "% rows: respective derivative term" << endl << "% 1st column: equation number of the term appearing" << endl << "% 2nd column: column number of variable in Jacobian of the dynamic model" << endl << "% 3rd column: number of the first parameter in derivative" << endl << "% 4th column: number of the second parameter in derivative" << endl << "% 5th column: value of the Hessian term" << endl << "% hp [#first_order_Hessian_terms by 5] double Jacobian matrix of derivatives of the dynamic Hessian with respect to the parameters;" << endl << "% rows: respective derivative term" << endl << "% 1st column: equation number of the term appearing" << endl << "% 2nd column: column number of first variable in Hessian of the dynamic model" << endl << "% 3rd column: column number of second variable in Hessian of the dynamic model" << endl << "% 4th column: number of the parameter in derivative" << endl << "% 5th column: value of the Hessian term" << endl << "% g3p [#first_order_g3_terms by 6] double Jacobian matrix of derivatives of g3 (dynamic 3rd derivs) with respect to the parameters;" << endl << "% rows: respective derivative term" << endl << "% 1st column: equation number of the term appearing" << endl << "% 2nd column: column number of first variable in g3 of the dynamic model" << endl << "% 3rd column: column number of second variable in g3 of the dynamic model" << endl << "% 4th column: column number of third variable in g3 of the dynamic model" << endl << "% 5th column: number of the parameter in derivative" << endl << "% 6th column: value of the Hessian term" << endl << "%" << endl << "%" << endl << "% Warning : this file is generated automatically by Dynare" << endl << "% from model file (.mod)" << endl << endl << "T = NaN(" << params_derivs_temporary_terms_idxs.size() << ",1);" << endl << tt_output.str() << "rp = zeros(" << equations.size() << ", " << symbol_table.param_nbr() << ");" << endl << rp_output.str() << "gp = zeros(" << equations.size() << ", " << dynJacobianColsNbr << ", " << symbol_table.param_nbr() << ");" << endl << gp_output.str() << "if nargout >= 3" << endl << "rpp = zeros(" << params_derivatives.find({ 0, 2 })->second.size() << ",4);" << endl << rpp_output.str() << "gpp = zeros(" << params_derivatives.find({ 1, 2 })->second.size() << ",5);" << endl << gpp_output.str() << "end" << endl << "if nargout >= 5" << endl << "hp = zeros(" << params_derivatives.find({ 2, 1 })->second.size() << ",5);" << endl << hp_output.str() << "end" << endl << "if nargout >= 6" << endl << "g3p = zeros(" << params_derivatives.find({ 3, 1 })->second.size() << ",6);" << endl << g3p_output.str() << "end" << endl << "end" << endl; } else paramsDerivsFile << "module " << basename << "DynamicParamsDerivs" << endl << "#" << endl << "# NB: this file was automatically generated by Dynare" << endl << "# from " << basename << ".mod" << endl << "#" << endl << "export params_derivs" << endl << endl << "function params_derivs(y, x, paramssteady_state, it_, " << "ss_param_deriv, ss_param_2nd_deriv)" << endl << tt_output.str() << "rp = zeros(" << equations.size() << ", " << symbol_table.param_nbr() << ");" << endl << rp_output.str() << "gp = zeros(" << equations.size() << ", " << dynJacobianColsNbr << ", " << symbol_table.param_nbr() << ");" << endl << gp_output.str() << "rpp = zeros(" << params_derivatives.find({ 0, 2 })->second.size() << ",4);" << endl << rpp_output.str() << "gpp = zeros(" << params_derivatives.find({ 1, 2 })->second.size() << ",5);" << endl << gpp_output.str() << "hp = zeros(" << params_derivatives.find({ 2, 1 })->second.size() << ",5);" << endl << hp_output.str() << "g3p = zeros(" << params_derivatives.find({ 3, 1 })->second.size() << ",6);" << endl << g3p_output.str() << "(rp, gp, rpp, gpp, hp, g3p)" << endl << "end" << endl << "end" << endl; paramsDerivsFile.close(); } void DynamicModel::writeLatexFile(const string &basename, bool write_equation_tags) const { writeLatexModelFile(basename, "dynamic", ExprNodeOutputType::latexDynamicModel, write_equation_tags); } void DynamicModel::writeLatexOriginalFile(const string &basename, bool write_equation_tags) const { writeLatexModelFile(basename, "original", ExprNodeOutputType::latexDynamicModel, write_equation_tags); } void DynamicModel::substituteEndoLeadGreaterThanTwo(bool deterministic_model) { substituteLeadLagInternal(AuxVarType::endoLead, deterministic_model, {}); } void DynamicModel::substituteEndoLagGreaterThanTwo(bool deterministic_model) { substituteLeadLagInternal(AuxVarType::endoLag, deterministic_model, {}); } void DynamicModel::substituteExoLead(bool deterministic_model) { substituteLeadLagInternal(AuxVarType::exoLead, deterministic_model, {}); } void DynamicModel::substituteExoLag(bool deterministic_model) { substituteLeadLagInternal(AuxVarType::exoLag, deterministic_model, {}); } void DynamicModel::substituteLeadLagInternal(AuxVarType type, bool deterministic_model, const vector &subset) { ExprNode::subst_table_t subst_table; vector neweqs; // Substitute in used model local variables set used_local_vars; for (auto &equation : equations) equation->collectVariables(SymbolType::modelLocalVariable, used_local_vars); for (int used_local_var : used_local_vars) { const expr_t value = local_variables_table.find(used_local_var)->second; expr_t subst; switch (type) { case AuxVarType::endoLead: subst = value->substituteEndoLeadGreaterThanTwo(subst_table, neweqs, deterministic_model); break; case AuxVarType::endoLag: subst = value->substituteEndoLagGreaterThanTwo(subst_table, neweqs); break; case AuxVarType::exoLead: subst = value->substituteExoLead(subst_table, neweqs, deterministic_model); break; case AuxVarType::exoLag: subst = value->substituteExoLag(subst_table, neweqs); break; case AuxVarType::diffForward: subst = value->differentiateForwardVars(subset, subst_table, neweqs); break; default: cerr << "DynamicModel::substituteLeadLagInternal: impossible case" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } local_variables_table[used_local_var] = subst; } // Substitute in equations for (auto &equation : equations) { expr_t subst; switch (type) { case AuxVarType::endoLead: subst = equation->substituteEndoLeadGreaterThanTwo(subst_table, neweqs, deterministic_model); break; case AuxVarType::endoLag: subst = equation->substituteEndoLagGreaterThanTwo(subst_table, neweqs); break; case AuxVarType::exoLead: subst = equation->substituteExoLead(subst_table, neweqs, deterministic_model); break; case AuxVarType::exoLag: subst = equation->substituteExoLag(subst_table, neweqs); break; case AuxVarType::diffForward: subst = equation->differentiateForwardVars(subset, subst_table, neweqs); break; default: cerr << "DynamicModel::substituteLeadLagInternal: impossible case" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } auto substeq = dynamic_cast(subst); assert(substeq); equation = substeq; } // Add new equations for (auto &neweq : neweqs) { addEquation(neweq, -1); aux_equations.push_back(neweq); } if (neweqs.size() > 0) { cout << "Substitution of "; switch (type) { case AuxVarType::endoLead: cout << "endo leads >= 2"; break; case AuxVarType::endoLag: cout << "endo lags >= 2"; break; case AuxVarType::exoLead: cout << "exo leads"; break; case AuxVarType::exoLag: cout << "exo lags"; break; case AuxVarType::expectation: cout << "expectation"; break; case AuxVarType::diffForward: cout << "forward vars"; break; default: cerr << "DynamicModel::substituteLeadLagInternal: impossible case" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } cout << ": added " << neweqs.size() << " auxiliary variables and equations." << endl; } } void DynamicModel::substituteAdl() { /* Contrary to other substitution methods, we do the substitution in MLV definitions here, instead of doing it at the ExprNode method level, because otherwise this would substitute MLV in the original model (see #65). */ for (auto &[id, definition] : local_variables_table) definition = definition->substituteAdl(); for (auto &equation : equations) equation = dynamic_cast(equation->substituteAdl()); } void DynamicModel::substituteModelLocalVariables() { for (auto &equation : equations) equation = dynamic_cast(equation->substituteModelLocalVariables()); /* We can’t clear local_variables_table at this point, because in case of ramsey_policy, the original model is saved via DynamicModel::operator=() before computing the FOC. But since DataTree::operator=() clones all nodes, it will try to clone nodes containing model-local variables, and this will fail at the point where DataTree methods try to evaluate those nodes to a numerical value. */ } set DynamicModel::getEquationNumbersFromTags(const set &eqtags) const { set eqnumbers; for (auto &eqtag : eqtags) { set tmp = equation_tags.getEqnsByTag("name", eqtag); if (tmp.empty()) { cerr << "ERROR: looking for equation tag " << eqtag << " failed." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } eqnumbers.insert(tmp.begin(), tmp.end()); } return eqnumbers; } void DynamicModel::findPacExpectationEquationNumbers(set &eqnumbers) const { int i = 0; for (auto &equation : equations) { if (equation->containsPacExpectation() && find(eqnumbers.begin(), eqnumbers.end(), i) == eqnumbers.end()) eqnumbers.insert(i); i++; } } pair DynamicModel::substituteUnaryOps() { vector eqnumbers(equations.size()); iota(eqnumbers.begin(), eqnumbers.end(), 0); return substituteUnaryOps(eqnumbers); } pair DynamicModel::substituteUnaryOps(const set &var_model_eqtags) { set eqnumbers = getEquationNumbersFromTags(var_model_eqtags); findPacExpectationEquationNumbers(eqnumbers); vector eqnumbers_vec(eqnumbers.begin(), eqnumbers.end()); return substituteUnaryOps(eqnumbers_vec); } pair DynamicModel::substituteUnaryOps(const vector &eqnumbers) { lag_equivalence_table_t nodes; ExprNode::subst_table_t subst_table; // Mark unary ops to be substituted in model local variables that appear in selected equations set used_local_vars; for (int eqnumber : eqnumbers) equations[eqnumber]->collectVariables(SymbolType::modelLocalVariable, used_local_vars); for (int mlv : used_local_vars) local_variables_table[mlv]->findUnaryOpNodesForAuxVarCreation(nodes); // Mark unary ops to be substituted in selected equations for (int eqnumber : eqnumbers) equations[eqnumber]->findUnaryOpNodesForAuxVarCreation(nodes); // Substitute in model local variables vector neweqs; for (int mlv : used_local_vars) local_variables_table[mlv] = local_variables_table[mlv]->substituteUnaryOpNodes(nodes, subst_table, neweqs); // Substitute in equations for (int eq : eqnumbers) { auto substeq = dynamic_cast(equations[eq]-> substituteUnaryOpNodes(nodes, subst_table, neweqs)); assert(substeq); equations[eq] = substeq; } // Add new equations for (auto &neweq : neweqs) { addEquation(neweq, -1); aux_equations.push_back(neweq); } if (subst_table.size() > 0) cout << "Substitution of Unary Ops: added " << neweqs.size() << " auxiliary variables and equations." << endl; return { nodes, subst_table }; } pair DynamicModel::substituteDiff(vector &pac_growth) { /* Note: at this point, we know that there is no diff operator with a lead, because they have been expanded by DataTree::AddDiff(). Hence we can go forward with the substitution without worrying about the expectation operator. */ lag_equivalence_table_t diff_nodes; ExprNode::subst_table_t diff_subst_table; // Mark diff operators to be substituted in model local variables set used_local_vars; for (const auto &equation : equations) equation->collectVariables(SymbolType::modelLocalVariable, used_local_vars); for (auto &it : local_variables_table) if (used_local_vars.find(it.first) != used_local_vars.end()) it.second->findDiffNodes(diff_nodes); // Mark diff operators to be substituted in equations for (const auto &equation : equations) equation->findDiffNodes(diff_nodes); for (const auto &gv : pac_growth) if (gv) gv->findDiffNodes(diff_nodes); // Substitute in model local variables vector neweqs; for (auto &it : local_variables_table) it.second = it.second->substituteDiff(diff_nodes, diff_subst_table, neweqs); // Substitute in equations for (auto &equation : equations) { auto substeq = dynamic_cast(equation-> substituteDiff(diff_nodes, diff_subst_table, neweqs)); assert(substeq); equation = substeq; } for (auto &it : pac_growth) if (it) it = it->substituteDiff(diff_nodes, diff_subst_table, neweqs); // Add new equations for (auto &neweq : neweqs) { addEquation(neweq, -1); aux_equations.push_back(neweq); } if (diff_subst_table.size() > 0) cout << "Substitution of Diff operator: added " << neweqs.size() << " auxiliary variables and equations." << endl; return { diff_nodes, diff_subst_table }; } void DynamicModel::substituteExpectation(bool partial_information_model) { ExprNode::subst_table_t subst_table; vector neweqs; // Substitute in model local variables for (auto &it : local_variables_table) it.second = it.second->substituteExpectation(subst_table, neweqs, partial_information_model); // Substitute in equations for (auto &equation : equations) { auto substeq = dynamic_cast(equation->substituteExpectation(subst_table, neweqs, partial_information_model)); assert(substeq); equation = substeq; } // Add new equations for (auto &neweq : neweqs) { addEquation(neweq, -1); aux_equations.push_back(neweq); } if (subst_table.size() > 0) { if (partial_information_model) cout << "Substitution of Expectation operator: added " << subst_table.size() << " auxiliary variables and " << neweqs.size() << " auxiliary equations." << endl; else cout << "Substitution of Expectation operator: added " << neweqs.size() << " auxiliary variables and equations." << endl; } } void DynamicModel::transformPredeterminedVariables() { for (auto &[id, definition] : local_variables_table) definition = definition->decreaseLeadsLagsPredeterminedVariables(); for (auto &equation : equations) { auto substeq = dynamic_cast(equation->decreaseLeadsLagsPredeterminedVariables()); assert(substeq); equation = substeq; } } void DynamicModel::detrendEquations() { // We go backwards in the list of trend_vars, to deal correctly with I(2) processes for (auto it = nonstationary_symbols_map.crbegin(); it != nonstationary_symbols_map.crend(); ++it) for (auto &equation : equations) { auto substeq = dynamic_cast(equation->detrend(it->first, it->second.first, it->second.second)); assert(substeq); equation = dynamic_cast(substeq); } for (auto &equation : equations) { auto substeq = dynamic_cast(equation->removeTrendLeadLag(trend_symbols_map)); assert(substeq); equation = dynamic_cast(substeq); } } void DynamicModel::removeTrendVariableFromEquations() { for (auto &equation : equations) { auto substeq = dynamic_cast(equation->replaceTrendVar()); assert(substeq); equation = dynamic_cast(substeq); } } void DynamicModel::differentiateForwardVars(const vector &subset) { substituteLeadLagInternal(AuxVarType::diffForward, true, subset); } void DynamicModel::fillEvalContext(eval_context_t &eval_context) const { // First, auxiliary variables for (auto aux_equation : aux_equations) { assert(aux_equation->op_code == BinaryOpcode::equal); auto auxvar = dynamic_cast(aux_equation->arg1); assert(auxvar); try { double val = aux_equation->arg2->eval(eval_context); eval_context[auxvar->symb_id] = val; } catch (ExprNode::EvalException &e) { // Do nothing } } // Second, model local variables for (auto it : local_variables_table) { try { const expr_t expression = it.second; double val = expression->eval(eval_context); eval_context[it.first] = val; } catch (ExprNode::EvalException &e) { // Do nothing } } //Third, trend variables for (int trendVar : symbol_table.getTrendVarIds()) eval_context[trendVar] = 2; //not <= 0 bc of log, not 1 bc of powers } void DynamicModel::addStaticOnlyEquation(expr_t eq, int lineno, const map &eq_tags) { auto beq = dynamic_cast(eq); assert(beq && beq->op_code == BinaryOpcode::equal); static_only_equations_equation_tags.add(static_only_equations.size(), eq_tags); static_only_equations.push_back(beq); static_only_equations_lineno.push_back(lineno); } size_t DynamicModel::staticOnlyEquationsNbr() const { return static_only_equations.size(); } size_t DynamicModel::dynamicOnlyEquationsNbr() const { return equation_tags.getDynamicEqns().size(); } bool DynamicModel::isChecksumMatching(const string &basename, bool block) const { stringstream buffer; // Write equation tags equation_tags.writeCheckSumInfo(buffer); ExprNodeOutputType buffer_type = ExprNodeOutputType::CDynamicModel; deriv_node_temp_terms_t tef_terms; temporary_terms_t temp_term_union; writeModelLocalVariableTemporaryTerms(temp_term_union, temporary_terms_idxs, buffer, buffer_type, tef_terms); writeTemporaryTerms(temporary_terms_derivatives[0], temp_term_union, temporary_terms_idxs, buffer, buffer_type, tef_terms); writeModelEquations(buffer, buffer_type, temp_term_union); size_t result = hash{}(buffer.str()); // check whether basename directory exist. If not, create it. // If it does, read old checksum if it exists, return if equal to result fstream checksum_file; auto filename = filesystem::path{basename} / "checksum"; if (!filesystem::create_directory(basename)) { checksum_file.open(filename, ios::in | ios::binary); if (checksum_file.is_open()) { size_t old_checksum; checksum_file >> old_checksum; checksum_file.close(); if (old_checksum == result) return true; } } // write new checksum file if none or different from old checksum checksum_file.open(filename, ios::out | ios::binary); if (!checksum_file.is_open()) { cerr << "ERROR: Can't open file " << filename << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } checksum_file << result; checksum_file.close(); return false; } void DynamicModel::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const { deriv_node_temp_terms_t tef_terms; writeJsonModelLocalVariables(output, false, tef_terms); output << ", "; writeJsonModelEquations(output, false); output << ", "; writeJsonXrefs(output); output << ", "; writeJsonAST(output); output << ", "; writeJsonVariableMapping(output); } void DynamicModel::writeJsonAST(ostream &output) const { vector> eqtags; output << R"("abstract_syntax_tree":[)" << endl; for (int eq = 0; eq < static_cast(equations.size()); eq++) { if (eq != 0) output << ", "; output << R"({ "number":)" << eq << R"(, "line":)" << equations_lineno[eq]; equation_tags.writeJsonAST(output, eq); output << R"(, "AST": )"; equations[eq]->writeJsonAST(output); output << "}"; } output << "]"; } void DynamicModel::writeJsonVariableMapping(ostream &output) const { output << R"("variable_mapping":[)" << endl; for (auto it = variableMapping.begin(); it != variableMapping.end(); ++it) { if (it != variableMapping.begin()) output << ", "; auto [var, eqs] = *it; output << R"({"name": ")" << symbol_table.getName(var) << R"(", "equations":[)"; bool first_eq = true; for (int it2 : eqs) if (auto tmp = equation_tags.getTagValueByEqnAndKey(it2, "name"); !tmp.empty()) { if (first_eq) first_eq = false; else output << ", "; output << '"' << tmp << '"'; } output << "]}" << endl; } output << "]"; } void DynamicModel::writeJsonXrefsHelper(ostream &output, const map, set> &xrefs) const { for (auto it = xrefs.begin(); it != xrefs.end(); ++it) { if (it != xrefs.begin()) output << ", "; output << R"({"name": ")" << symbol_table.getName(it->first.first) << R"(")" << R"(, "shift": )" << it->first.second << R"(, "equations": [)"; for (auto it1 = it->second.begin(); it1 != it->second.end(); ++it1) { if (it1 != it->second.begin()) output << ", "; output << *it1 + 1; } output << "]}"; } } void DynamicModel::writeJsonXrefs(ostream &output) const { output << R"("xrefs": {)" << R"("parameters": [)"; writeJsonXrefsHelper(output, xref_param); output << "]" << R"(, "endogenous": [)"; writeJsonXrefsHelper(output, xref_endo); output << "]" << R"(, "exogenous": [)"; writeJsonXrefsHelper(output, xref_exo); output << "]" << R"(, "exogenous_deterministic": [)"; writeJsonXrefsHelper(output, xref_exo_det); output << "]}" << endl; } void DynamicModel::writeJsonOriginalModelOutput(ostream &output) const { writeJsonModelEquations(output, false); output << ", "; writeJsonAST(output); } void DynamicModel::writeJsonDynamicModelInfo(ostream &output) const { output << R"("model_info": {)" << R"("lead_lag_incidence": [)"; // Loop on endogenous variables int nstatic = 0, nfwrd = 0, npred = 0, nboth = 0; for (int endoID = 0; endoID < symbol_table.endo_nbr(); endoID++) { if (endoID != 0) output << ","; output << "["; int sstatic = 1, sfwrd = 0, spred = 0, sboth = 0; // Loop on periods for (int lag = -max_endo_lag; lag <= max_endo_lead; lag++) { // Print variableID if exists with current period, otherwise print 0 try { if (lag != -max_endo_lag) output << ","; int varID = getDerivID(symbol_table.getID(SymbolType::endogenous, endoID), lag); output << " " << getDynJacobianCol(varID) + 1; if (lag == -1) { sstatic = 0; spred = 1; } else if (lag == 1) { if (spred == 1) { sboth = 1; spred = 0; } else { sstatic = 0; sfwrd = 1; } } } catch (UnknownDerivIDException &e) { output << " 0"; } } nstatic += sstatic; nfwrd += sfwrd; npred += spred; nboth += sboth; output << "]"; } output << "], " << R"("nstatic": )" << nstatic << ", " << endl << R"("nfwrd": )" << nfwrd << ", " << endl << R"("npred": )" << npred << ", " << endl << R"("nboth": )" << nboth << ", " << endl << R"("nsfwrd": )" << nfwrd+nboth << ", " << endl << R"("nspred": )" << npred+nboth << ", " << endl << R"("ndynamic": )" << npred+nboth+nfwrd << ", " << endl << R"("maximum_endo_lag": )" << max_endo_lag << ", " << endl << R"("maximum_endo_lead": )" << max_endo_lead << ", " << endl << R"("maximum_exo_lag": )" << max_exo_lag << ", " << endl << R"("maximum_exo_lead": )" << max_exo_lead << ", " << endl << R"("maximum_exo_det_lag": )" << max_exo_det_lag << ", " << endl << R"("maximum_exo_det_lead": )" << max_exo_det_lead << ", " << endl << R"("maximum_lag": )" << max_lag << ", " << endl << R"("maximum_lead": )" << max_lead << ", " << endl << R"("orig_maximum_endo_lag": )" << max_endo_lag_orig << "," << endl << R"("orig_maximum_endo_lead": )" << max_endo_lead_orig << "," << endl << R"("orig_maximum_exo_lag": )" << max_exo_lag_orig << "," << endl << R"("orig_maximum_exo_lead": )" << max_exo_lead_orig << "," << endl << R"("orig_maximum_exo_det_lag": )" << max_exo_det_lag_orig << "," << endl << R"("orig_maximum_exo_det_lead": )" << max_exo_det_lead_orig << "," << endl << R"("orig_maximum_lag": )" << max_lag_orig << "," << endl << R"("orig_maximum_lead": )" << max_lead_orig << "," << endl << R"("orig_maximum_lag_with_diffs_expanded": )" << max_lag_with_diffs_expanded_orig << endl; output << "}"; } void DynamicModel::writeJsonComputingPassOutput(ostream &output, bool writeDetails) const { ostringstream model_local_vars_output; // Used for storing model local vars vector d_output(derivatives.size()); // Derivatives output (at all orders, including 0=residual) deriv_node_temp_terms_t tef_terms; temporary_terms_t temp_term_union; writeJsonModelLocalVariables(model_local_vars_output, true, tef_terms); writeJsonTemporaryTerms(temporary_terms_derivatives[0], temp_term_union, d_output[0], tef_terms, ""); d_output[0] << ", "; writeJsonModelEquations(d_output[0], true); int ncols = dynJacobianColsNbr; for (size_t i = 1; i < derivatives.size(); i++) { string matrix_name = i == 1 ? "jacobian" : i == 2 ? "hessian" : i == 3 ? "third_derivative" : to_string(i) + "th_derivative"; writeJsonTemporaryTerms(temporary_terms_derivatives[i], temp_term_union, d_output[i], tef_terms, matrix_name); temp_term_union.insert(temporary_terms_derivatives[i].begin(), temporary_terms_derivatives[i].end()); d_output[i] << R"(, ")" << matrix_name << R"(": {)" << R"( "nrows": )" << equations.size() << R"(, "ncols": )" << ncols << R"(, "entries": [)"; for (auto it = derivatives[i].begin(); it != derivatives[i].end(); ++it) { if (it != derivatives[i].begin()) d_output[i] << ", "; const vector &vidx = it->first; expr_t d = it->second; int eq = vidx[0]; int col_idx = 0; for (size_t j = 1; j < vidx.size(); j++) { col_idx *= dynJacobianColsNbr; col_idx += getDynJacobianCol(vidx[j]); } if (writeDetails) d_output[i] << R"({"eq": )" << eq + 1; else d_output[i] << R"({"row": )" << eq + 1; d_output[i] << R"(, "col": )" << (i > 1 ? "[" : "") << col_idx + 1; if (i == 2 && vidx[1] != vidx[2]) // Symmetric elements in hessian { int col_idx_sym = getDynJacobianCol(vidx[2]) * dynJacobianColsNbr + getDynJacobianCol(vidx[1]); d_output[i] << ", " << col_idx_sym + 1; } if (i > 1) d_output[i] << "]"; if (writeDetails) for (size_t j = 1; j < vidx.size(); j++) d_output[i] << R"(, "var)" << (i > 1 ? to_string(j) : "") << R"(": ")" << symbol_table.getName(getSymbIDByDerivID(vidx[j])) << R"(")" << R"(, "shift)" << (i > 1 ? to_string(j) : "") << R"(": )" << getLagByDerivID(vidx[j]); d_output[i] << R"(, "val": ")"; d->writeJsonOutput(d_output[i], temp_term_union, tef_terms); d_output[i] << R"("})" << endl; } d_output[i] << "]}"; ncols *= dynJacobianColsNbr; } if (writeDetails) output << R"("dynamic_model": {)"; else output << R"("dynamic_model_simple": {)"; output << model_local_vars_output.str(); for (const auto &it : d_output) output << ", " << it.str(); output << "}"; } void DynamicModel::writeJsonParamsDerivativesFile(ostream &output, bool writeDetails) const { if (!params_derivatives.size()) return; ostringstream model_local_vars_output; // Used for storing model local vars ostringstream model_output; // Used for storing model temp vars and equations ostringstream rp_output; // 1st deriv. of residuals w.r.t. parameters ostringstream gp_output; // 1st deriv. of Jacobian w.r.t. parameters ostringstream rpp_output; // 2nd deriv of residuals w.r.t. parameters ostringstream gpp_output; // 2nd deriv of Jacobian w.r.t. parameters ostringstream hp_output; // 1st deriv. of Hessian w.r.t. parameters ostringstream g3p_output; // 1st deriv. of 3rd deriv. matrix w.r.t. parameters deriv_node_temp_terms_t tef_terms; writeJsonModelLocalVariables(model_local_vars_output, true, tef_terms); temporary_terms_t temp_term_union; for (const auto &it : params_derivs_temporary_terms) writeJsonTemporaryTerms(it.second, temp_term_union, model_output, tef_terms, "all"); rp_output << R"("deriv_wrt_params": {)" << R"( "neqs": )" << equations.size() << R"(, "nparamcols": )" << symbol_table.param_nbr() << R"(, "entries": [)"; auto &rp = params_derivatives.find({ 0, 1 })->second; for (auto it = rp.begin(); it != rp.end(); ++it) { if (it != rp.begin()) rp_output << ", "; auto [eq, param] = vectorToTuple<2>(it->first); expr_t d1 = it->second; int param_col = symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(getSymbIDByDerivID(param)) + 1; if (writeDetails) rp_output << R"({"eq": )" << eq + 1; else rp_output << R"({"row": )" << eq + 1; rp_output << R"(, "param_col": )" << param_col + 1; if (writeDetails) rp_output << R"(, "param": ")" << symbol_table.getName(getSymbIDByDerivID(param)) << R"(")"; rp_output << R"(, "val": ")"; d1->writeJsonOutput(rp_output, temp_term_union, tef_terms); rp_output << R"("})" << endl; } rp_output << "]}"; gp_output << R"("deriv_jacobian_wrt_params": {)" << R"( "neqs": )" << equations.size() << R"(, "nvarcols": )" << dynJacobianColsNbr << R"(, "nparamcols": )" << symbol_table.param_nbr() << R"(, "entries": [)"; auto &gp = params_derivatives.find({ 1, 1 })->second; for (auto it = gp.begin(); it != gp.end(); ++it) { if (it != gp.begin()) gp_output << ", "; auto [eq, var, param] = vectorToTuple<3>(it->first); expr_t d2 = it->second; int var_col = getDynJacobianCol(var) + 1; int param_col = symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(getSymbIDByDerivID(param)) + 1; if (writeDetails) gp_output << R"({"eq": )" << eq + 1; else gp_output << R"({"row": )" << eq + 1; gp_output << R"(, "var_col": )" << var_col + 1 << R"(, "param_col": )" << param_col + 1; if (writeDetails) gp_output << R"(, "var": ")" << symbol_table.getName(getSymbIDByDerivID(var)) << R"(")" << R"(, "lag": )" << getLagByDerivID(var) << R"(, "param": ")" << symbol_table.getName(getSymbIDByDerivID(param)) << R"(")"; gp_output << R"(, "val": ")"; d2->writeJsonOutput(gp_output, temp_term_union, tef_terms); gp_output << R"("})" << endl; } gp_output << "]}"; rpp_output << R"("second_deriv_residuals_wrt_params": {)" << R"( "nrows": )" << equations.size() << R"(, "nparam1cols": )" << symbol_table.param_nbr() << R"(, "nparam2cols": )" << symbol_table.param_nbr() << R"(, "entries": [)"; auto &rpp = params_derivatives.find({ 0, 2 })->second; for (auto it = rpp.begin(); it != rpp.end(); ++it) { if (it != rpp.begin()) rpp_output << ", "; auto [eq, param1, param2] = vectorToTuple<3>(it->first); expr_t d2 = it->second; int param1_col = symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(getSymbIDByDerivID(param1)) + 1; int param2_col = symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(getSymbIDByDerivID(param2)) + 1; if (writeDetails) rpp_output << R"({"eq": )" << eq + 1; else rpp_output << R"({"row": )" << eq + 1; rpp_output << R"(, "param1_col": )" << param1_col + 1 << R"(, "param2_col": )" << param2_col + 1; if (writeDetails) rpp_output << R"(, "param1": ")" << symbol_table.getName(getSymbIDByDerivID(param1)) << R"(")" << R"(, "param2": ")" << symbol_table.getName(getSymbIDByDerivID(param2)) << R"(")"; rpp_output << R"(, "val": ")"; d2->writeJsonOutput(rpp_output, temp_term_union, tef_terms); rpp_output << R"("})" << endl; } rpp_output << "]}"; gpp_output << R"("second_deriv_jacobian_wrt_params": {)" << R"( "neqs": )" << equations.size() << R"(, "nvarcols": )" << dynJacobianColsNbr << R"(, "nparam1cols": )" << symbol_table.param_nbr() << R"(, "nparam2cols": )" << symbol_table.param_nbr() << R"(, "entries": [)"; auto &gpp = params_derivatives.find({ 1, 2 })->second; for (auto it = gpp.begin(); it != gpp.end(); ++it) { if (it != gpp.begin()) gpp_output << ", "; auto [eq, var, param1, param2] = vectorToTuple<4>(it->first); expr_t d2 = it->second; int var_col = getDynJacobianCol(var) + 1; int param1_col = symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(getSymbIDByDerivID(param1)) + 1; int param2_col = symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(getSymbIDByDerivID(param2)) + 1; if (writeDetails) gpp_output << R"({"eq": )" << eq + 1; else gpp_output << R"({"row": )" << eq + 1; gpp_output << R"(, "var_col": )" << var_col + 1 << R"(, "param1_col": )" << param1_col + 1 << R"(, "param2_col": )" << param2_col + 1; if (writeDetails) gpp_output << R"(, "var": ")" << symbol_table.getName(var) << R"(")" << R"(, "lag": )" << getLagByDerivID(var) << R"(, "param1": ")" << symbol_table.getName(getSymbIDByDerivID(param1)) << R"(")" << R"(, "param2": ")" << symbol_table.getName(getSymbIDByDerivID(param2)) << R"(")"; gpp_output << R"(, "val": ")"; d2->writeJsonOutput(gpp_output, temp_term_union, tef_terms); gpp_output << R"("})" << endl; } gpp_output << "]}" << endl; hp_output << R"("derivative_hessian_wrt_params": {)" << R"( "neqs": )" << equations.size() << R"(, "nvar1cols": )" << dynJacobianColsNbr << R"(, "nvar2cols": )" << dynJacobianColsNbr << R"(, "nparamcols": )" << symbol_table.param_nbr() << R"(, "entries": [)"; auto &hp = params_derivatives.find({ 2, 1 })->second; for (auto it = hp.begin(); it != hp.end(); ++it) { if (it != hp.begin()) hp_output << ", "; auto [eq, var1, var2, param] = vectorToTuple<4>(it->first); expr_t d2 = it->second; int var1_col = getDynJacobianCol(var1) + 1; int var2_col = getDynJacobianCol(var2) + 1; int param_col = symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(getSymbIDByDerivID(param)) + 1; if (writeDetails) hp_output << R"({"eq": )" << eq + 1; else hp_output << R"({"row": )" << eq + 1; hp_output << R"(, "var1_col": )" << var1_col + 1 << R"(, "var2_col": )" << var2_col + 1 << R"(, "param_col": )" << param_col + 1; if (writeDetails) hp_output << R"(, "var1": ")" << symbol_table.getName(getSymbIDByDerivID(var1)) << R"(")" << R"(, "lag1": )" << getLagByDerivID(var1) << R"(, "var2": ")" << symbol_table.getName(getSymbIDByDerivID(var2)) << R"(")" << R"(, "lag2": )" << getLagByDerivID(var2) << R"(, "param": ")" << symbol_table.getName(getSymbIDByDerivID(param)) << R"(")"; hp_output << R"(, "val": ")"; d2->writeJsonOutput(hp_output, temp_term_union, tef_terms); hp_output << R"("})" << endl; } hp_output << "]}" << endl; g3p_output << R"("derivative_g3_wrt_params": {)" << R"( "neqs": )" << equations.size() << R"(, "nvar1cols": )" << dynJacobianColsNbr << R"(, "nvar2cols": )" << dynJacobianColsNbr << R"(, "nvar3cols": )" << dynJacobianColsNbr << R"(, "nparamcols": )" << symbol_table.param_nbr() << R"(, "entries": [)"; auto &g3p = params_derivatives.find({ 3, 1 })->second; for (auto it = g3p.begin(); it != g3p.end(); ++it) { if (it != g3p.begin()) g3p_output << ", "; auto [eq, var1, var2, var3, param] = vectorToTuple<5>(it->first); expr_t d2 = it->second; int var1_col = getDynJacobianCol(var1) + 1; int var2_col = getDynJacobianCol(var2) + 1; int var3_col = getDynJacobianCol(var3) + 1; int param_col = symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(getSymbIDByDerivID(param)) + 1; if (writeDetails) g3p_output << R"({"eq": )" << eq + 1; else g3p_output << R"({"row": )" << eq + 1; g3p_output << R"(, "var1_col": )" << var1_col + 1 << R"(, "var2_col": )" << var2_col + 1 << R"(, "var3_col": )" << var3_col + 1 << R"(, "param_col": )" << param_col + 1; if (writeDetails) g3p_output << R"(, "var1": ")" << symbol_table.getName(getSymbIDByDerivID(var1)) << R"(")" << R"(, "lag1": )" << getLagByDerivID(var1) << R"(, "var2": ")" << symbol_table.getName(getSymbIDByDerivID(var2)) << R"(")" << R"(, "lag2": )" << getLagByDerivID(var2) << R"(, "var3": ")" << symbol_table.getName(getSymbIDByDerivID(var3)) << R"(")" << R"(, "lag3": )" << getLagByDerivID(var3) << R"(, "param": ")" << symbol_table.getName(getSymbIDByDerivID(param)) << R"(")"; g3p_output << R"(, "val": ")"; d2->writeJsonOutput(g3p_output, temp_term_union, tef_terms); g3p_output << R"("})" << endl; } g3p_output << "]}" << endl; if (writeDetails) output << R"("dynamic_model_params_derivative": {)"; else output << R"("dynamic_model_params_derivatives_simple": {)"; output << model_local_vars_output.str() << ", " << model_output.str() << ", " << rp_output.str() << ", " << gp_output.str() << ", " << rpp_output.str() << ", " << gpp_output.str() << ", " << hp_output.str() << ", " << g3p_output.str() << "}"; } void DynamicModel::substituteVarExpectation(const map &subst_table) { for (auto &equation : equations) equation = dynamic_cast(equation->substituteVarExpectation(subst_table)); } void DynamicModel::checkNoRemainingPacExpectation() const { for (size_t eq = 0; eq < equations.size(); eq++) if (equations[eq]->containsPacExpectation()) { cerr << "ERROR: in equation " << equation_tags.getTagValueByEqnAndKey(eq, "name") << ", the pac_expectation operator references an unknown pac_model" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } }