/* * Copyright © 2020-2023 Dynare Team * * This file is part of Dynare. * * Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Dynare. If not, see . */ #include "EquationTags.hh" #include #include #include set EquationTags::getEqnsByKey(const string& key) const { set retval; for (const auto& [eqn, tags] : eqn_tags) if (tags.contains(key)) retval.insert(eqn); return retval; } set EquationTags::getEqnsByTag(const string& key, const string& value) const { set retval; for (const auto& [eqn, tags] : eqn_tags) if (auto tmp = tags.find(key); tmp != tags.end() && tmp->second == value) retval.insert(eqn); return retval; } optional EquationTags::getEqnByTag(const string& key, const string& value) const { for (const auto& [eqn, tags] : eqn_tags) if (auto tmp = tags.find(key); tmp != tags.end() && tmp->second == value) return eqn; return nullopt; } set EquationTags::getEqnsByTags(const map& tags_selected) const { set retval; for (const auto& [eqn, tags] : eqn_tags) { for (const auto& [key, value] : tags_selected) if (auto tmp = tags.find(key); tmp == tags.end() || tmp->second != value) goto next_eq; retval.insert(eqn); next_eq:; } return retval; } void EquationTags::erase(const set& eqns, const map& old_eqn_num_2_new) { for (int eqn : eqns) eqn_tags.erase(eqn); for (const auto& [oldeqn, neweqn] : old_eqn_num_2_new) for (auto& [eqn, tags] : eqn_tags) if (eqn == oldeqn) { auto tmp = eqn_tags.extract(eqn); tmp.key() = neweqn; eqn_tags.insert(move(tmp)); } } void EquationTags::writeCheckSumInfo(ostream& output) const { for (const auto& [eqn, tags] : eqn_tags) for (const auto& [key, value] : tags) output << " " << eqn + 1 << key << " " << value << endl; } void EquationTags::writeOutput(ostream& output) const { output << "M_.equations_tags = {" << endl; for (const auto& [eqn, tags] : eqn_tags) for (const auto& [key, value] : tags) output << " " << eqn + 1 << " , '" << key << "' , '" << value << "' ;" << endl; output << "};" << endl; } void EquationTags::writeLatexOutput(ostream& output, int eqn) const { if (!eqn_tags.contains(eqn)) return; auto escape_special_latex_symbols = [](string str) { const regex special_latex_chars(R"([&%$#_{}])"); const regex backslash(R"(\\)"); const regex tilde(R"(~)"); const regex carrot(R"(\^)"); const regex textbackslash(R"(\\textbackslash)"); str = regex_replace(str, backslash, R"(\textbackslash)"); str = regex_replace(str, special_latex_chars, R"(\$&)"); str = regex_replace(str, carrot, R"(\^{})"); str = regex_replace(str, tilde, R"(\textasciitilde{})"); return regex_replace(str, textbackslash, R"(\textbackslash{})"); }; output << R"(\noindent[)"; for (bool wrote_eq_tag {false}; const auto& [key, value] : eqn_tags.at(eqn)) { if (exchange(wrote_eq_tag, true)) output << ", "; output << escape_special_latex_symbols(key); if (!value.empty()) output << "= `" << escape_special_latex_symbols(value) << "'"; } output << "]" << endl; } void EquationTags::writeJsonAST(ostream& output, int eqn) const { if (!eqn_tags.contains(eqn)) return; output << R"(, "tags": {)"; for (bool wroteFirst {false}; const auto& [key, value] : eqn_tags.at(eqn)) { if (exchange(wroteFirst, true)) output << ", "; output << R"(")" << key << R"(": ")" << value << R"(")"; } output << "}"; }