MinimumFeedbackSet: make most functions (de facto) private

Sébastien Villemot 2020-03-17 16:48:55 +01:00
parent ca7024802e
commit ec57ee96c3
No known key found for this signature in database
2 changed files with 6 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright © 2009-2019 Dynare Team
* Copyright © 2009-2020 Dynare Team
* This file is part of Dynare.
@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ using namespace boost;
namespace MFS
using color_t = map<boost::graph_traits<AdjacencyList_t>::vertex_descriptor, boost::default_color_type>;
using vector_vertex_descriptor_t = vector<AdjacencyList_t::vertex_descriptor>;
Suppress(AdjacencyList_t::vertex_descriptor vertex_to_eliminate, AdjacencyList_t &G)

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright © 2009-2019 Dynare Team
* Copyright © 2009-2020 Dynare Team
* This file is part of Dynare.
@ -38,28 +38,7 @@ namespace MFS
boost::property<boost::vertex_in_degree_t, int,
boost::property<boost::vertex_out_degree_t, int >>>>>;
using AdjacencyList_t = boost::adjacency_list<boost::listS, boost::listS, boost::bidirectionalS, VertexProperty_t>;
using color_t = map<boost::graph_traits<AdjacencyList_t>::vertex_descriptor, boost::default_color_type>;
using vector_vertex_descriptor_t = vector<AdjacencyList_t::vertex_descriptor>;
//! Eliminate a vertex i
/*! For a vertex i replace all edges e_k_i and e_i_j by a shorcut e_k_j and then Suppress the vertex i*/
void Eliminate(AdjacencyList_t::vertex_descriptor vertex_to_eliminate, AdjacencyList_t &G);
//! Collect all doublets (edges e_i_k such that there is an edge e_k_i with k!=i in the graph)
/*! Returns the vector of doublets */
vector_vertex_descriptor_t Collect_Doublet(AdjacencyList_t::vertex_descriptor vertex, AdjacencyList_t &G);
//! Detect all the clique (all vertex in a clique are related to each other) in the graph
bool Vertex_Belong_to_a_Clique(AdjacencyList_t::vertex_descriptor vertex, AdjacencyList_t &G);
//! Graph reduction: eliminating purely intermediate variables or variables outside of any circuit
bool Elimination_of_Vertex_With_One_or_Less_Indegree_or_Outdegree_Step(AdjacencyList_t &G);
//! Graph reduction: elimination of a vertex inside a clique
bool Elimination_of_Vertex_belonging_to_a_clique_Step(AdjacencyList_t &G);
//! A vertex belong to the feedback vertex set if the vertex loops on itself.
/*! We have to suppress this vertex and store it into the feedback set.*/
bool Suppression_of_Vertex_X_if_it_loops_store_in_set_of_feedback_vertex_Step(set<int> &feed_back_vertices, AdjacencyList_t &G1);
//! Print the Graph
void Print(AdjacencyList_t &G);
//! Create an adjacency graph from a Adjacency Matrix (an incidence Matrix without the diagonal terms)
AdjacencyList_t AM_2_AdjacencyList(bool *AMp, unsigned int n);
//! Extracts a subgraph
\param[in] G1 The original graph
@ -71,14 +50,8 @@ namespace MFS
to the subgraph.
AdjacencyList_t extract_subgraph(AdjacencyList_t &G1, set<int> select_index);
//! Check if the graph contains any cycle (true if the model contains at least one cycle, false otherwise)
bool has_cycle(vector<int> &circuit_stack, AdjacencyList_t &g);
bool has_cycle_dfs(AdjacencyList_t &g, AdjacencyList_t::vertex_descriptor u, color_t &color, vector<int> &circuit_stack);
//! Return the feedback set
AdjacencyList_t Minimal_set_of_feedback_vertex(set<int> &feed_back_vertices, const AdjacencyList_t &G);
//! Clear all in and out edges of vertex_to_eliminate and remove vertex_to_eliminate from the graph
void Suppress(AdjacencyList_t::vertex_descriptor vertex_to_eliminate, AdjacencyList_t &G);
void Suppress(int vertex_num, AdjacencyList_t &G);
//! Reorder the recursive variables
/*! They appear first in a quasi triangular form and they are followed by the feedback variables */
void Reorder_the_recursive_variables(const AdjacencyList_t &G1, set<int> &feedback_vertices, vector<int> &Reordered_Vertices);