Remove C and C++ preprocessor output types

This code is broken since the temporary terms array changes. It is probably not
worth maintaining it.
Sébastien Villemot 2018-07-17 16:52:11 +02:00
parent b8a5dfdc39
commit 946d105c04
10 changed files with 4 additions and 895 deletions

View File

@ -5750,587 +5750,6 @@ DynamicModel::isChecksumMatching(const string &basename) const
return true; return true;
} }
DynamicModel::writeCOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename, bool block_decomposition, bool byte_code, bool use_dll, int order, bool estimation_present) const
int lag_presence[3];
// Loop on endogenous variables
vector<int> zeta_back, zeta_mixed, zeta_fwrd, zeta_static;
for (int endoID = 0; endoID < symbol_table.endo_nbr(); endoID++)
// Loop on periods
for (int lag = 0; lag <= 2; lag++)
lag_presence[lag] = 1;
getDerivID(symbol_table.getID(eEndogenous, endoID), lag-1);
catch (UnknownDerivIDException &e)
lag_presence[lag] = 0;
if (lag_presence[0] == 1)
if (lag_presence[2] == 1)
else if (lag_presence[2] == 1)
output << "size_t nstatic = " << zeta_static.size() << ";" << endl
<< "size_t nfwrd = " << zeta_fwrd.size() << ";" << endl
<< "size_t nback = " << zeta_back.size() << ";" << endl
<< "size_t nmixed = " << zeta_mixed.size() << ";" << endl;
output << "size_t zeta_static[" << zeta_static.size() << "] = {";
for (auto i = zeta_static.begin(); i != zeta_static.end(); ++i)
if (i != zeta_static.begin())
output << ",";
output << *i;
output << "};" << endl;
output << "size_t zeta_back[" << zeta_back.size() << "] = {";
for (auto i = zeta_back.begin(); i != zeta_back.end(); ++i)
if (i != zeta_back.begin())
output << ",";
output << *i;
output << "};" << endl;
output << "size_t zeta_fwrd[" << zeta_fwrd.size() << "] = {";
for (auto i = zeta_fwrd.begin(); i != zeta_fwrd.end(); ++i)
if (i != zeta_fwrd.begin())
output << ",";
output << *i;
output << "};" << endl;
output << "size_t zeta_mixed[" << zeta_mixed.size() << "] = {";
for (auto i = zeta_mixed.begin(); i != zeta_mixed.end(); ++i)
if (i != zeta_mixed.begin())
output << ",";
output << *i;
output << "};" << endl;
// Write number of non-zero derivatives
// Use -1 if the derivatives have not been computed
output << "int *NNZDerivatives[3] = {";
switch (order)
case 0:
output << NNZDerivatives[0] << ",-1,-1};" << endl;
case 1:
output << NNZDerivatives[0] << "," << NNZDerivatives[1] << ",-1};" << endl;
case 2:
output << NNZDerivatives[0] << "," << NNZDerivatives[1] << "," << NNZDerivatives[2] << "};" << endl;
cerr << "Order larger than 3 not implemented" << endl;
DynamicModel::writeResidualsC(const string &basename, bool cuda) const
string filename = basename + "_residuals.c";
ofstream mDynamicModelFile, mDynamicMexFile;, ios::out | ios::binary);
if (!mDynamicModelFile.is_open())
cerr << "Error: Can't open file " << filename << " for writing" << endl;
mDynamicModelFile << "/*" << endl
<< " * " << filename << " : Computes residuals of the model for Dynare" << endl
<< " *" << endl
<< " * Warning : this file is generated automatically by Dynare" << endl
<< " * from model " << basename << "(.mod)" << endl
<< " */" << endl
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN32__) || defined(__MINGW32__)
<< "#ifdef _MSC_VER" << endl
<< "#define _USE_MATH_DEFINES" << endl
<< "#endif" << endl
<< "#include <math.h>" << endl;
mDynamicModelFile << "#include <stdlib.h>" << endl;
mDynamicModelFile << "#define max(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))" << endl
<< "#define min(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (b) : (a))" << endl;
// Write function definition if oPowerDeriv is used
// even for residuals if doing Ramsey
mDynamicModelFile << "void Residuals(const double *y, double *x, int nb_row_x, double *params, double *steady_state, int it_, double *residual)" << endl
<< "{" << endl;
ostringstream model_output; // Used for storing model equations
writeModelEquations(model_output, oCDynamic2Model);
mDynamicModelFile << " double lhs, rhs;" << endl
<< endl
<< " /* Residual equations */" << endl
<< model_output.str()
<< "}" << endl;
DynamicModel::writeFirstDerivativesC(const string &basename, bool cuda) const
string filename = basename + "_first_derivatives.c";
ofstream mDynamicModelFile, mDynamicMexFile;, ios::out | ios::binary);
if (!mDynamicModelFile.is_open())
cerr << "Error: Can't open file " << filename << " for writing" << endl;
mDynamicModelFile << "/*" << endl
<< " * " << filename << " : Computes first order derivatives of the model for Dynare" << endl
<< " *" << endl
<< " * Warning : this file is generated automatically by Dynare" << endl
<< " * from model " << basename << "(.mod)" << endl
<< " */" << endl
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN32__) || defined(__MINGW32__)
<< "#ifdef _MSC_VER" << endl
<< "#define _USE_MATH_DEFINES" << endl
<< "#endif" << endl
<< "#include <math.h>" << endl;
mDynamicModelFile << "#include <stdlib.h>" << endl;
mDynamicModelFile << "#define max(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))" << endl
<< "#define min(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (b) : (a))" << endl;
// Write function definition if oPowerDeriv is used
mDynamicModelFile << "void FirstDerivatives(const double *y, double *x, int nb_row_x, double *params, double *steady_state, int it_, double *residual, double *g1, double *v2, double *v3)" << endl
<< "{" << endl;
// Writing Jacobian
for (const auto & first_derivative : first_derivatives)
int eq = first_derivative.first.first;
int var = first_derivative.first.second;
expr_t d1 = first_derivative.second;
jacobianHelper(mDynamicModelFile, eq, getDynJacobianCol(var), oCDynamicModel);
mDynamicModelFile << "=";
// oCStaticModel makes reference to the static variables
// oCDynamicModel makes reference to the dynamic variables
d1->writeOutput(mDynamicModelFile, oCDynamicModel, temporary_terms, {}, {});
mDynamicModelFile << ";" << endl;
mDynamicModelFile << "}" << endl;
// using compressed sparse row format (CSR)
DynamicModel::writeFirstDerivativesC_csr(const string &basename, bool cuda) const
string filename = basename + "_first_derivatives.c";
ofstream mDynamicModelFile, mDynamicMexFile;, ios::out | ios::binary);
if (!mDynamicModelFile.is_open())
cerr << "Error: Can't open file " << filename << " for writing" << endl;
mDynamicModelFile << "/*" << endl
<< " * " << filename << " : Computes first order derivatives of the model for Dynare" << endl
<< " *" << endl
<< " * Warning : this file is generated automatically by Dynare" << endl
<< " * from model " << basename << "(.mod)" << endl
<< " */" << endl
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN32__) || defined(__MINGW32__)
<< "#ifdef _MSC_VER" << endl
<< "#define _USE_MATH_DEFINES" << endl
<< "#endif" << endl
<< "#include <math.h>" << endl;
mDynamicModelFile << "#include <stdlib.h>" << endl;
mDynamicModelFile << "#define max(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))" << endl
<< "#define min(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (b) : (a))" << endl;
// Write function definition if oPowerDeriv is used
mDynamicModelFile << "void FirstDerivatives(const double *y, double *x, int nb_row_x, double *params, double *steady_state, int it_, double *residual, int *row_ptr, int *col_ptr, double *value)" << endl
<< "{" << endl;
int cols_nbr = 3*symbol_table.endo_nbr() + symbol_table.exo_nbr() + symbol_table.exo_det_nbr();
// Indexing derivatives in column order
vector<derivative> D;
for (const auto & first_derivative : first_derivatives)
int eq = first_derivative.first.first;
int dynvar = first_derivative.first.second;
int lag = getLagByDerivID(dynvar);
int symb_id = getSymbIDByDerivID(dynvar);
SymbolType type = getTypeByDerivID(dynvar);
int tsid = symbol_table.getTypeSpecificID(symb_id);
int col_id;
switch (type)
case eEndogenous:
col_id = tsid+(lag+1)*symbol_table.endo_nbr();
case eExogenous:
col_id = tsid+3*symbol_table.endo_nbr();
case eExogenousDet:
col_id = tsid+3*symbol_table.endo_nbr()+symbol_table.exo_nbr();
std::cerr << "This case shouldn't happen" << std::endl;
derivative deriv(col_id + eq *cols_nbr, col_id, eq, first_derivative.second);
sort(D.begin(), D.end(), derivative_less_than());
// writing sparse Jacobian
vector<int> row_ptr(equations.size());
fill(row_ptr.begin(), row_ptr.end(), 0.0);
int k = 0;
for (vector<derivative>::const_iterator it = D.begin(); it != D.end(); ++it)
mDynamicModelFile << "col_ptr[" << k << "] "
<< "=" << it->col_nbr << ";" << endl;
mDynamicModelFile << "value[" << k << "] = ";
// oCstaticModel makes reference to the static variables
it->value->writeOutput(mDynamicModelFile, oCDynamic2Model, temporary_terms, {}, {});
mDynamicModelFile << ";" << endl;
// row_ptr must point to the relative address of the first element of the row
int cumsum = 0;
mDynamicModelFile << "int row_ptr_data[" << row_ptr.size() + 1 << "] = { 0";
for (int & it : row_ptr)
cumsum += it;
mDynamicModelFile << ", " << cumsum;
mDynamicModelFile << "};" << endl
<< "int i;" << endl
<< "for (i=0; i < " << row_ptr.size() + 1 << "; i++) row_ptr[i] = row_ptr_data[i];" << endl;
mDynamicModelFile << "}" << endl;
DynamicModel::writeSecondDerivativesC_csr(const string &basename, bool cuda) const
string filename = basename + "_second_derivatives.c";
ofstream mDynamicModelFile, mDynamicMexFile;, ios::out | ios::binary);
if (!mDynamicModelFile.is_open())
cerr << "Error: Can't open file " << filename << " for writing" << endl;
mDynamicModelFile << "/*" << endl
<< " * " << filename << " : Computes second order derivatives of the model for Dynare" << endl
<< " *" << endl
<< " * Warning : this file is generated automatically by Dynare" << endl
<< " * from model " << basename << "(.mod)" << endl
<< " */" << endl
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN32__) || defined(__MINGW32__)
<< "#ifdef _MSC_VER" << endl
<< "#define _USE_MATH_DEFINES" << endl
<< "#endif" << endl
<< "#include <math.h>" << endl;
mDynamicModelFile << "#include <stdlib.h>" << endl;
mDynamicModelFile << "#define max(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))" << endl
<< "#define min(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (b) : (a))" << endl;
// write function definition if oPowerDeriv is used
mDynamicModelFile << "void SecondDerivatives(const double *y, double *x, int nb_row_x, double *params, double *steady_state, int it_, double *residual, int *row_ptr, int *col_ptr, double *value)" << endl
<< "{" << endl;
// Indexing derivatives in column order
vector<derivative> D;
int hessianColsNbr = dynJacobianColsNbr*dynJacobianColsNbr;
for (const auto & second_derivative : second_derivatives)
int eq, var1, var2;
tie(eq, var1, var2) = second_derivative.first;
int id1 = getDynJacobianCol(var1);
int id2 = getDynJacobianCol(var2);
int col_nb = id1 * dynJacobianColsNbr + id2;
derivative deriv(col_nb + eq *hessianColsNbr, col_nb, eq, second_derivative.second);
if (id1 != id2)
col_nb = id2 * dynJacobianColsNbr + id1;
derivative deriv(col_nb + eq *hessianColsNbr, col_nb, eq, second_derivative.second);
sort(D.begin(), D.end(), derivative_less_than());
// Writing Hessian
vector<int> row_ptr(equations.size());
fill(row_ptr.begin(), row_ptr.end(), 0.0);
int k = 0;
for (vector<derivative>::const_iterator it = D.begin(); it != D.end(); ++it)
mDynamicModelFile << "col_ptr[" << k << "] "
<< "=" << it->col_nbr << ";" << endl;
mDynamicModelFile << "value[" << k << "] = ";
// oCstaticModel makes reference to the static variables
it->value->writeOutput(mDynamicModelFile, oCStaticModel, temporary_terms, {}, {});
mDynamicModelFile << ";" << endl;
// row_ptr must point to the relative address of the first element of the row
int cumsum = 0;
mDynamicModelFile << "row_ptr = [ 0";
for (int & it : row_ptr)
cumsum += it;
mDynamicModelFile << ", " << cumsum;
mDynamicModelFile << "];" << endl;
mDynamicModelFile << "}" << endl;
DynamicModel::writeThirdDerivativesC_csr(const string &basename, bool cuda) const
string filename = basename + "_third_derivatives.c";
ofstream mDynamicModelFile, mDynamicMexFile;, ios::out | ios::binary);
if (!mDynamicModelFile.is_open())
cerr << "Error: Can't open file " << filename << " for writing" << endl;
mDynamicModelFile << "/*" << endl
<< " * " << filename << " : Computes third order derivatives of the model for Dynare" << endl
<< " *" << endl
<< " * Warning : this file is generated automatically by Dynare" << endl
<< " * from model " << basename << "(.mod)" << endl
<< " */" << endl
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN32__) || defined(__MINGW32__)
<< "#ifdef _MSC_VER" << endl
<< "#define _USE_MATH_DEFINES" << endl
<< "#endif" << endl
<< "#include <math.h>" << endl;
mDynamicModelFile << "#include <stdlib.h>" << endl;
mDynamicModelFile << "#define max(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))" << endl
<< "#define min(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (b) : (a))" << endl;
// Write function definition if oPowerDeriv is used
mDynamicModelFile << "void ThirdDerivatives(const double *y, double *x, int nb_row_x, double *params, double *steady_state, int it_, double *residual, double *g1, double *v2, double *v3)" << endl
<< "{" << endl;
vector<derivative> D;
int hessianColsNbr = dynJacobianColsNbr*dynJacobianColsNbr;
int thirdDerivativesColsNbr = hessianColsNbr*dynJacobianColsNbr;
for (const auto & third_derivative : third_derivatives)
int eq, var1, var2, var3;
tie(eq, var1, var2, var3) = third_derivative.first;
int id1 = getDynJacobianCol(var1);
int id2 = getDynJacobianCol(var2);
int id3 = getDynJacobianCol(var3);
// Reference column number for the g3 matrix (with symmetrical derivatives)
vector<long unsigned int> cols;
long unsigned int col_nb = id1 * hessianColsNbr + id2 * dynJacobianColsNbr + id3;
int thirdDColsNbr = hessianColsNbr*dynJacobianColsNbr;
derivative deriv(col_nb + eq *thirdDColsNbr, col_nb, eq, third_derivative.second);
col_nb = id1 * hessianColsNbr + id3 * dynJacobianColsNbr + id2;
if (find(cols.begin(), cols.end(), col_nb) == cols.end())
derivative deriv(col_nb + eq *thirdDerivativesColsNbr, col_nb, eq, third_derivative.second);
col_nb = id2 * hessianColsNbr + id1 * dynJacobianColsNbr + id3;
if (find(cols.begin(), cols.end(), col_nb) == cols.end())
derivative deriv(col_nb + eq *thirdDerivativesColsNbr, col_nb, eq, third_derivative.second);
col_nb = id2 * hessianColsNbr + id3 * dynJacobianColsNbr + id1;
if (find(cols.begin(), cols.end(), col_nb) == cols.end())
derivative deriv(col_nb + eq *thirdDerivativesColsNbr, col_nb, eq, third_derivative.second);
col_nb = id3 * hessianColsNbr + id1 * dynJacobianColsNbr + id2;
if (find(cols.begin(), cols.end(), col_nb) == cols.end())
derivative deriv(col_nb + eq *thirdDerivativesColsNbr, col_nb, eq, third_derivative.second);
col_nb = id3 * hessianColsNbr + id2 * dynJacobianColsNbr + id1;
if (find(cols.begin(), cols.end(), col_nb) == cols.end())
derivative deriv(col_nb + eq *thirdDerivativesColsNbr, col_nb, eq, third_derivative.second);
sort(D.begin(), D.end(), derivative_less_than());
vector<int> row_ptr(equations.size());
fill(row_ptr.begin(), row_ptr.end(), 0.0);
int k = 0;
for (vector<derivative>::const_iterator it = D.begin(); it != D.end(); ++it)
mDynamicModelFile << "col_ptr[" << k << "] "
<< "=" << it->col_nbr << ";" << endl;
mDynamicModelFile << "value[" << k << "] = ";
// oCstaticModel makes reference to the static variables
it->value->writeOutput(mDynamicModelFile, oCStaticModel, temporary_terms, {}, {});
mDynamicModelFile << ";" << endl;
// row_ptr must point to the relative address of the first element of the row
int cumsum = 0;
mDynamicModelFile << "row_ptr = [ 0";
for (int & it : row_ptr)
cumsum += it;
mDynamicModelFile << ", " << cumsum;
mDynamicModelFile << "];" << endl;
mDynamicModelFile << "}" << endl;
DynamicModel::writeCCOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename, bool block_decomposition, bool byte_code, bool use_dll, int order, bool estimation_present) const
int lag_presence[3];
// Loop on endogenous variables
for (int endoID = 0; endoID < symbol_table.endo_nbr(); endoID++)
// Loop on periods
for (int lag = 0; lag <= 2; lag++)
lag_presence[lag] = 1;
getDerivID(symbol_table.getID(eEndogenous, endoID), lag-1);
catch (UnknownDerivIDException &e)
lag_presence[lag] = 0;
if (lag_presence[0] == 1)
if (lag_presence[2] == 1)
output << "zeta_mixed.push_back(" << endoID << ");" << endl;
output << "zeta_back.push_back(" << endoID << ");" << endl;
else if (lag_presence[2] == 1)
output << "zeta_fwrd.push_back(" << endoID << ");" << endl;
output << "zeta_static.push_back(" << endoID << ");" << endl;
output << "nstatic = zeta_static.size();" << endl
<< "nfwrd = zeta_fwrd.size();" << endl
<< "nback = zeta_back.size();" << endl
<< "nmixed = zeta_mixed.size();" << endl;
// Write number of non-zero derivatives
// Use -1 if the derivatives have not been computed
output << endl
<< "NNZDerivatives.push_back(" << NNZDerivatives[0] << ");" << endl;
if (order > 1)
output << "NNZDerivatives.push_back(" << NNZDerivatives[1] << ");" << endl;
if (order > 2)
output << "NNZDerivatives.push_back(" << NNZDerivatives[2] << ");" << endl;
output << "NNZDerivatives.push_back(-1);" << endl;
output << "NNZDerivatives.push_back(-1);" << endl
<< "NNZDerivatives.push_back(-1);" << endl;
void void
DynamicModel::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const DynamicModel::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const
{ {

View File

@ -627,21 +627,6 @@ public:
//! Returns true if a parameter was used in the model block with a lead or lag //! Returns true if a parameter was used in the model block with a lead or lag
bool ParamUsedWithLeadLag() const; bool ParamUsedWithLeadLag() const;
//! Writes model initialization and lead/lag incidence matrix to C output
void writeCOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename, bool block, bool byte_code, bool use_dll, int order, bool estimation_present) const;
//! Writes model initialization and lead/lag incidence matrix to Cpp output
void writeCCOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename, bool block, bool byte_code, bool use_dll, int order, bool estimation_present) const;
//! Writes C file containing residuals
void writeResidualsC(const string &basename, bool cuda) const;
//! Writes C file containing first order derivatives of model evaluated at steady state
void writeFirstDerivativesC(const string &basename, bool cuda) const;
//! Writes C file containing first order derivatives of model evaluated at steady state (conpressed sparse column)
void writeFirstDerivativesC_csr(const string &basename, bool cuda) const;
//! Writes C file containing second order derivatives of model evaluated at steady state (compressed sparse column)
void writeSecondDerivativesC_csr(const string &basename, bool cuda) const;
//! Writes C file containing third order derivatives of model evaluated at steady state (compressed sparse column)
void writeThirdDerivativesC_csr(const string &basename, bool cuda) const;
bool isChecksumMatching(const string &basename) const; bool isChecksumMatching(const string &basename) const;
}; };

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ usage()
{ {
cerr << "Dynare usage: dynare mod_file [debug] [noclearall] [onlyclearglobals] [savemacro[=macro_file]] [onlymacro] [nolinemacro] [noemptylinemacro] [notmpterms] [nolog] [warn_uninit]" cerr << "Dynare usage: dynare mod_file [debug] [noclearall] [onlyclearglobals] [savemacro[=macro_file]] [onlymacro] [nolinemacro] [noemptylinemacro] [notmpterms] [nolog] [warn_uninit]"
<< " [console] [nograph] [nointeractive] [parallel[=cluster_name]] [conffile=parallel_config_path_and_filename] [parallel_slave_open_mode] [parallel_test]" << " [console] [nograph] [nointeractive] [parallel[=cluster_name]] [conffile=parallel_config_path_and_filename] [parallel_slave_open_mode] [parallel_test]"
<< " [-D<variable>[=<value>]] [-I/path] [nostrict] [stochastic] [fast] [minimal_workspace] [compute_xrefs] [output=dynamic|first|second|third] [language=C|C++|julia]" << " [-D<variable>[=<value>]] [-I/path] [nostrict] [stochastic] [fast] [minimal_workspace] [compute_xrefs] [output=dynamic|first|second|third] [language=julia]"
<< " [params_derivs_order=0|1|2] [transform_unary_ops]" << " [params_derivs_order=0|1|2] [transform_unary_ops]"
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN32__) || defined(__MINGW32__) #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN32__) || defined(__MINGW32__)
<< " [cygwin] [msvc] [mingw]" << " [cygwin] [msvc] [mingw]"
@ -292,11 +292,7 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
{ {
// we don't want temp terms in external functions (except Julia) // we don't want temp terms in external functions (except Julia)
no_tmp_terms = true; no_tmp_terms = true;
if (strlen(argv[arg]) == 10 && !strncmp(argv[arg] + 9, "C", 1)) if (strlen(argv[arg]) == 13 && !strncmp(argv[arg] + 9, "cuda", 4))
language = c;
else if (strlen(argv[arg]) == 12 && !strncmp(argv[arg] + 9, "C++", 3))
language = cpp;
else if (strlen(argv[arg]) == 13 && !strncmp(argv[arg] + 9, "cuda", 4))
language = cuda; language = cuda;
else if (strlen(argv[arg]) == 15 && !strncmp(argv[arg] + 9, "python", 6)) else if (strlen(argv[arg]) == 15 && !strncmp(argv[arg] + 9, "python", 6))
language = python; language = python;

View File

@ -864,10 +864,6 @@ VariableNode::writeOutput(ostream &output, ExprNodeOutputType output_type,
i = datatree.getDynJacobianCol(datatree.getDerivID(symb_id, lag)) + ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT_OFFSET(output_type); i = datatree.getDynJacobianCol(datatree.getDerivID(symb_id, lag)) + ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT_OFFSET(output_type);
output << "y" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type); output << "y" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type);
break; break;
case oCDynamic2Model:
i = tsid + (lag+1)*datatree.symbol_table.endo_nbr() + ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT_OFFSET(output_type);
output << "y" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type);
case oCStaticModel: case oCStaticModel:
case oJuliaStaticModel: case oJuliaStaticModel:
case oMatlabStaticModel: case oMatlabStaticModel:
@ -899,9 +895,6 @@ VariableNode::writeOutput(ostream &output, ExprNodeOutputType output_type,
case oSteadyStateFile: case oSteadyStateFile:
output << "ys_" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << tsid + 1 << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type); output << "ys_" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << tsid + 1 << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type);
break; break;
case oCSteadyStateFile:
output << "ys_[" << tsid << "]";
case oMatlabDseries: case oMatlabDseries:
output << "ds." << datatree.symbol_table.getName(symb_id); output << "ds." << datatree.symbol_table.getName(symb_id);
if (lag != 0) if (lag != 0)
@ -931,7 +924,6 @@ VariableNode::writeOutput(ostream &output, ExprNodeOutputType output_type,
<< RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type); << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type);
break; break;
case oCDynamicModel: case oCDynamicModel:
case oCDynamic2Model:
if (lag == 0) if (lag == 0)
output << "x[it_+" << i << "*nb_row_x]"; output << "x[it_+" << i << "*nb_row_x]";
else if (lag > 0) else if (lag > 0)
@ -956,9 +948,6 @@ VariableNode::writeOutput(ostream &output, ExprNodeOutputType output_type,
case oSteadyStateFile: case oSteadyStateFile:
output << "exo_" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type); output << "exo_" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type);
break; break;
case oCSteadyStateFile:
output << "exo_[" << i - 1 << "]";
case oMatlabDseries: case oMatlabDseries:
output << "ds." << datatree.symbol_table.getName(symb_id); output << "ds." << datatree.symbol_table.getName(symb_id);
if (lag != 0) if (lag != 0)
@ -988,7 +977,6 @@ VariableNode::writeOutput(ostream &output, ExprNodeOutputType output_type,
<< RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type); << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type);
break; break;
case oCDynamicModel: case oCDynamicModel:
case oCDynamic2Model:
if (lag == 0) if (lag == 0)
output << "x[it_+" << i << "*nb_row_x]"; output << "x[it_+" << i << "*nb_row_x]";
else if (lag > 0) else if (lag > 0)
@ -1013,9 +1001,6 @@ VariableNode::writeOutput(ostream &output, ExprNodeOutputType output_type,
case oSteadyStateFile: case oSteadyStateFile:
output << "exo_" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type); output << "exo_" << LEFT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type) << i << RIGHT_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT(output_type);
break; break;
case oCSteadyStateFile:
output << "exo_[" << i - 1 << "]";
case oMatlabDseries: case oMatlabDseries:
output << "ds." << datatree.symbol_table.getName(symb_id); output << "ds." << datatree.symbol_table.getName(symb_id);
if (lag != 0) if (lag != 0)
@ -6686,7 +6671,7 @@ ExternalFunctionNode::writeOutput(ostream &output, ExprNodeOutputType output_typ
const deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const const deriv_node_temp_terms_t &tef_terms) const
{ {
if (output_type == oMatlabOutsideModel || output_type == oSteadyStateFile if (output_type == oMatlabOutsideModel || output_type == oSteadyStateFile
|| output_type == oCSteadyStateFile || output_type == oJuliaSteadyStateFile || output_type == oJuliaSteadyStateFile
|| IS_LATEX(output_type)) || IS_LATEX(output_type))
{ {
string name = IS_LATEX(output_type) ? datatree.symbol_table.getTeXName(symb_id) string name = IS_LATEX(output_type) ? datatree.symbol_table.getTeXName(symb_id)

View File

@ -74,7 +74,6 @@ enum ExprNodeOutputType
oMatlabStaticModelSparse, //!< Matlab code, static block decomposed model oMatlabStaticModelSparse, //!< Matlab code, static block decomposed model
oMatlabDynamicModelSparse, //!< Matlab code, dynamic block decomposed model oMatlabDynamicModelSparse, //!< Matlab code, dynamic block decomposed model
oCDynamicModel, //!< C code, dynamic model oCDynamicModel, //!< C code, dynamic model
oCDynamic2Model, //!< C code, dynamic model, alternative numbering of endogenous variables
oCStaticModel, //!< C code, static model oCStaticModel, //!< C code, static model
oJuliaStaticModel, //!< Julia code, static model oJuliaStaticModel, //!< Julia code, static model
oJuliaDynamicModel, //!< Julia code, dynamic model oJuliaDynamicModel, //!< Julia code, dynamic model
@ -87,7 +86,6 @@ enum ExprNodeOutputType
oCDynamicSteadyStateOperator, //!< C code, dynamic model, inside a steady state operator oCDynamicSteadyStateOperator, //!< C code, dynamic model, inside a steady state operator
oJuliaDynamicSteadyStateOperator, //!< Julia code, dynamic model, inside a steady state operator oJuliaDynamicSteadyStateOperator, //!< Julia code, dynamic model, inside a steady state operator
oSteadyStateFile, //!< Matlab code, in the generated steady state file oSteadyStateFile, //!< Matlab code, in the generated steady state file
oCSteadyStateFile, //!< C code, in the generated steady state file
oJuliaSteadyStateFile, //!< Julia code, in the generated steady state file oJuliaSteadyStateFile, //!< Julia code, in the generated steady state file
oMatlabDseries //!< Matlab code for dseries oMatlabDseries //!< Matlab code for dseries
}; };
@ -108,10 +106,8 @@ enum ExprNodeOutputType
|| (output_type) == oJuliaSteadyStateFile) || (output_type) == oJuliaSteadyStateFile)
#define IS_C(output_type) ((output_type) == oCDynamicModel \ #define IS_C(output_type) ((output_type) == oCDynamicModel \
|| (output_type) == oCDynamic2Model \
|| (output_type) == oCStaticModel \ || (output_type) == oCStaticModel \
|| (output_type) == oCDynamicSteadyStateOperator \ || (output_type) == oCDynamicSteadyStateOperator)
|| (output_type) == oCSteadyStateFile)
#define IS_LATEX(output_type) ((output_type) == oLatexStaticModel \ #define IS_LATEX(output_type) ((output_type) == oLatexStaticModel \
|| (output_type) == oLatexDynamicModel \ || (output_type) == oLatexDynamicModel \

View File

@ -32,8 +32,6 @@ enum FileOutputType
enum LanguageOutputType enum LanguageOutputType
{ {
matlab, // outputs files for Matlab/Octave processing matlab, // outputs files for Matlab/Octave processing
c, // outputs files for C
cpp, // outputs files for C++
cuda, // outputs files for CUDA (not yet implemented) cuda, // outputs files for CUDA (not yet implemented)
julia, // outputs files for Julia julia, // outputs files for Julia
python, // outputs files for Python (not yet implemented) (not yet implemented) python, // outputs files for Python (not yet implemented) (not yet implemented)

View File

@ -1061,12 +1061,6 @@ ModFile::writeExternalFiles(const string &basename, FileOutputType output, Langu
{ {
switch (language) switch (language)
{ {
case c:
writeExternalFilesC(basename, output);
case cpp:
writeExternalFilesCC(basename, output);
case julia: case julia:
writeExternalFilesJulia(basename, output, nopreprocessoroutput); writeExternalFilesJulia(basename, output, nopreprocessoroutput);
break; break;
@ -1076,213 +1070,6 @@ ModFile::writeExternalFiles(const string &basename, FileOutputType output, Langu
} }
} }
ModFile::writeExternalFilesC(const string &basename, FileOutputType output) const
steady_state_model.writeSteadyStateFileC(basename, mod_file_struct.ramsey_model_present);
dynamic_model.writeDynamicFile(basename, block, byte_code, use_dll, mod_file_struct.order_option, false);
if (!no_static)
static_model.writeStaticFile(basename, false, false, true, false);
// static_model.writeStaticCFile(basename, block, byte_code, use_dll);
// static_model.writeParamsDerivativesFileC(basename, cuda);
// static_model.writeAuxVarInitvalC(mOutputFile, oMatlabOutsideModel, cuda);
dynamic_model.writeResidualsC(basename, cuda);
// dynamic_model.writeParamsDerivativesFileC(basename, cuda);
dynamic_model.writeFirstDerivativesC(basename, cuda);
if (output == second)
dynamic_model.writeSecondDerivativesC_csr(basename, cuda);
else if (output == third)
dynamic_model.writeSecondDerivativesC_csr(basename, cuda);
dynamic_model.writeThirdDerivativesC_csr(basename, cuda);
ModFile::writeModelC(const string &basename) const
string filename = basename + ".c";
ofstream mDriverCFile;, ios::out | ios::binary);
if (!mDriverCFile.is_open())
cerr << "Error: Can't open file " << filename << " for writing" << endl;
mDriverCFile << "/*" << endl
<< " * " << filename << " : Driver file for Dynare C code" << endl
<< " *" << endl
<< " * Warning : this file is generated automatically by Dynare" << endl
<< " * from model file (.mod)" << endl
<< " */" << endl
<< endl
<< "#include \"dynare_driver.h\"" << endl
<< endl
<< "struct" << endl
<< "{" << endl;
// Write basic info
mDriverCFile << endl << "params.resize(param_nbr);" << endl;
if (dynamic_model.equation_number() > 0)
dynamic_model.writeCOutput(mDriverCFile, basename, block, byte_code, use_dll, mod_file_struct.order_option, mod_file_struct.estimation_present);
// if (!no_static)
// static_model.writeCOutput(mOutputFile, block);
// Print statements
for (auto statement : statements)
statement->writeCOutput(mDriverCFile, basename);
mDriverCFile << "} DynareInfo;" << endl;
// Write informational m file
ofstream mOutputFile;
if (basename.size())
string fname(basename);
fname += ".m";, ios::out | ios::binary);
if (!mOutputFile.is_open())
cerr << "ERROR: Can't open file " << fname
<< " for writing" << endl;
cerr << "ERROR: Missing file name" << endl;
mOutputFile << "%" << endl
<< "% Status : informational m file" << endl
<< "%" << endl
<< "% Warning : this file is generated automatically by Dynare" << endl
<< "% from model file (.mod)" << endl << endl
<< "disp('The following C file was successfully created:');" << endl
<< "ls preprocessorOutput.c" << endl << endl;
ModFile::writeExternalFilesCC(const string &basename, FileOutputType output) const
steady_state_model.writeSteadyStateFileC(basename, mod_file_struct.ramsey_model_present);
dynamic_model.writeDynamicFile(basename, block, byte_code, use_dll, mod_file_struct.order_option, false);
if (!no_static)
static_model.writeStaticFile(basename, false, false, true, false);
// static_model.writeStaticCFile(basename, block, byte_code, use_dll);
// static_model.writeParamsDerivativesFileC(basename, cuda);
// static_model.writeAuxVarInitvalC(mOutputFile, oMatlabOutsideModel, cuda);
// dynamic_model.writeResidualsC(basename, cuda);
// dynamic_model.writeParamsDerivativesFileC(basename, cuda);
dynamic_model.writeResidualsC(basename, cuda);
dynamic_model.writeFirstDerivativesC_csr(basename, cuda);
if (output == second)
dynamic_model.writeSecondDerivativesC_csr(basename, cuda);
else if (output == third)
dynamic_model.writeSecondDerivativesC_csr(basename, cuda);
dynamic_model.writeThirdDerivativesC_csr(basename, cuda);
ModFile::writeModelCC(const string &basename) const
string filename = basename + ".cc";
ofstream mDriverCFile;, ios::out | ios::binary);
if (!mDriverCFile.is_open())
cerr << "Error: Can't open file " << filename << " for writing" << endl;
mDriverCFile << "/*" << endl
<< " * " << filename << " : Driver file for Dynare C++ code" << endl
<< " *" << endl
<< " * Warning : this file is generated automatically by Dynare" << endl
<< " * from model file (.mod)" << endl
<< " */" << endl
<< endl
<< "#include \"dynare_cpp_driver.hh\"" << endl
<< endl
<< "DynareInfo::DynareInfo(void)" << endl
<< "{" << endl;
// Write basic info
mDriverCFile << endl << "params.resize(param_nbr);" << endl;
if (dynamic_model.equation_number() > 0)
dynamic_model.writeCCOutput(mDriverCFile, basename, block, byte_code, use_dll, mod_file_struct.order_option, mod_file_struct.estimation_present);
// if (!no_static)
// static_model.writeCOutput(mOutputFile, block);
// Print statements
for (auto statement : statements)
statement->writeCOutput(mDriverCFile, basename);
mDriverCFile << "};" << endl;
// Write informational m file
ofstream mOutputFile;
if (basename.size())
string fname(basename);
fname += ".m";, ios::out | ios::binary);
if (!mOutputFile.is_open())
cerr << "ERROR: Can't open file " << fname
<< " for writing" << endl;
cerr << "ERROR: Missing file name" << endl;
mOutputFile << "%" << endl
<< "% Status : informational m file" << endl
<< "%" << endl
<< "% Warning : this file is generated automatically by Dynare" << endl
<< "% from model file (.mod)" << endl << endl
<< "disp('The following C++ file was successfully created:');" << endl
<< "ls" << endl << endl;
void void
ModFile::writeExternalFilesJulia(const string &basename, FileOutputType output, const bool nopreprocessoroutput) const ModFile::writeExternalFilesJulia(const string &basename, FileOutputType output, const bool nopreprocessoroutput) const
{ {

View File

@ -157,15 +157,7 @@ public:
, const bool nopreprocessoroutput , const bool nopreprocessoroutput
) const; ) const;
void writeExternalFiles(const string &basename, FileOutputType output, LanguageOutputType language, const bool nopreprocessoroutput) const; void writeExternalFiles(const string &basename, FileOutputType output, LanguageOutputType language, const bool nopreprocessoroutput) const;
void writeExternalFilesC(const string &basename, FileOutputType output) const;
void writeExternalFilesCC(const string &basename, FileOutputType output) const;
void writeExternalFilesJulia(const string &basename, FileOutputType output, const bool nopreprocessoroutput) const; void writeExternalFilesJulia(const string &basename, FileOutputType output, const bool nopreprocessoroutput) const;
//! Writes C output files only => No further Matlab processing
void writeCOutputFiles(const string &basename) const;
void writeModelC(const string &basename) const;
//! Writes Cpp output files only => No further Matlab processing
void writeCCOutputFiles(const string &basename) const;
void writeModelCC(const string &basename) const;
void computeChecksum(); void computeChecksum();
//! Write JSON representation of ModFile object //! Write JSON representation of ModFile object

View File

@ -220,54 +220,6 @@ SteadyStateModel::writeSteadyStateFile(const string &basename, bool ramsey_model
output << "end" << endl; output << "end" << endl;
} }
SteadyStateModel::writeSteadyStateFileC(const string &basename, bool ramsey_model) const
string filename = basename + "_steadystate.c";
ofstream output;, ios::out | ios::binary);
if (!output.is_open())
cerr << "ERROR: Can't open file " << filename << " for writing" << endl;
output << "#include <math.h>" << endl;
output << "void steadystate("
<< "const double *exo_, const double *params, double *ys_, int *info)" << endl
<< "// Steady state file generated by Dynare preprocessor" << endl
<< "{" << endl
<< " *info = 0;" << endl;
if (def_table.size() == 0)
output << " return;" << endl
<< "}" << endl;
for (const auto & i : def_table)
const vector<int> &symb_ids = i.first;
output << " ";
if (symb_ids.size() > 1)
std::cout << "Error: in C, multiple returns are not permitted in steady_state_model" << std::endl;
auto it = variable_node_map.find({ symb_ids[0], 0 });
assert(it != variable_node_map.end());
if (it->second->get_type() == eModFileLocalVariable)
output << "double ";
dynamic_cast<ExprNode *>(it->second)->writeOutput(output, oCSteadyStateFile);
output << "=";
i.second->writeOutput(output, oCSteadyStateFile);
output << ";" << endl;
output << " // Auxiliary equations" << endl;
static_model.writeAuxVarInitval(output, oCSteadyStateFile);
output << "}" << endl;
void void
SteadyStateModel::writeJsonSteadyStateFile(ostream &output, bool transformComputingPass) const SteadyStateModel::writeJsonSteadyStateFile(ostream &output, bool transformComputingPass) const
{ {

View File

@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ public:
\param[in] ramsey_model Is there a Ramsey model in the MOD file? If yes, then use the "ys" in argument of the steady state file as initial values \param[in] ramsey_model Is there a Ramsey model in the MOD file? If yes, then use the "ys" in argument of the steady state file as initial values
*/ */
void writeSteadyStateFile(const string &basename, bool ramsey_model, bool julia) const; void writeSteadyStateFile(const string &basename, bool ramsey_model, bool julia) const;
void writeSteadyStateFileC(const string &basename, bool ramsey_model) const;
//! Writes LaTeX file with the equations of the dynamic model (for the steady state model) //! Writes LaTeX file with the equations of the dynamic model (for the steady state model)
void writeLatexSteadyStateFile(const string &basename) const; void writeLatexSteadyStateFile(const string &basename) const;
//! Writes JSON output //! Writes JSON output