Factorize code for writing JSON output

Sébastien Villemot 2022-07-12 17:47:02 +02:00
parent 6da24fc763
commit 89debf429a
No known key found for this signature in database
6 changed files with 375 additions and 573 deletions

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@ -5386,333 +5386,33 @@ DynamicModel::writeJsonDynamicModelInfo(ostream &output) const
DynamicModel::writeJsonComputingPassOutput(ostream &output, bool writeDetails) const
ostringstream model_local_vars_output; // Used for storing model local vars
vector<ostringstream> d_output(derivatives.size()); // Derivatives output (at all orders, including 0=residual)
deriv_node_temp_terms_t tef_terms;
temporary_terms_t temp_term_union;
writeJsonModelLocalVariables(model_local_vars_output, true, tef_terms);
writeJsonTemporaryTerms(temporary_terms_derivatives[0], temp_term_union, d_output[0], tef_terms, "");
d_output[0] << ", ";
writeJsonModelEquations(d_output[0], true);
int ncols{getJacobianColsNbr()};
for (size_t i = 1; i < derivatives.size(); i++)
string matrix_name = i == 1 ? "jacobian" : i == 2 ? "hessian" : i == 3 ? "third_derivative" : to_string(i) + "th_derivative";
writeJsonTemporaryTerms(temporary_terms_derivatives[i], temp_term_union, d_output[i], tef_terms, matrix_name);
temp_term_union.insert(temporary_terms_derivatives[i].begin(), temporary_terms_derivatives[i].end());
d_output[i] << R"(, ")" << matrix_name << R"(": {)"
<< R"( "nrows": )" << equations.size()
<< R"(, "ncols": )" << ncols
<< R"(, "entries": [)";
for (bool printed_something{false};
const auto &[vidx, d] : derivatives[i])
if (exchange(printed_something, true))
d_output[i] << ", ";
int eq = vidx[0];
int col_idx = 0;
for (size_t j = 1; j < vidx.size(); j++)
col_idx *= getJacobianColsNbr();
col_idx += getJacobianCol(vidx[j]);
if (writeDetails)
d_output[i] << R"({"eq": )" << eq + 1;
d_output[i] << R"({"row": )" << eq + 1;
d_output[i] << R"(, "col": )" << (i > 1 ? "[" : "") << col_idx + 1;
if (i == 2 && vidx[1] != vidx[2]) // Symmetric elements in hessian
int col_idx_sym = getJacobianCol(vidx[2]) * getJacobianColsNbr() + getJacobianCol(vidx[1]);
d_output[i] << ", " << col_idx_sym + 1;
if (i > 1)
d_output[i] << "]";
if (writeDetails)
for (size_t j = 1; j < vidx.size(); j++)
d_output[i] << R"(, "var)" << (i > 1 ? to_string(j) : "") << R"(": ")" << getNameByDerivID(vidx[j]) << R"(")"
<< R"(, "shift)" << (i > 1 ? to_string(j) : "") << R"(": )" << getLagByDerivID(vidx[j]);
d_output[i] << R"(, "val": ")";
d->writeJsonOutput(d_output[i], temp_term_union, tef_terms);
d_output[i] << R"("})" << endl;
d_output[i] << "]}";
ncols *= getJacobianColsNbr();
auto [mlv_output, d_output] { writeJsonComputingPassOutputHelper<true>(writeDetails) };
if (writeDetails)
output << R"("dynamic_model": {)";
output << R"("dynamic_model_simple": {)";
output << model_local_vars_output.str();
output << mlv_output.str();
for (const auto &it : d_output)
output << ", " << it.str();
output << "}";
DynamicModel::writeJsonParamsDerivativesFile(ostream &output, bool writeDetails) const
DynamicModel::writeJsonParamsDerivatives(ostream &output, bool writeDetails) const
if (!params_derivatives.size())
ostringstream model_local_vars_output; // Used for storing model local vars
ostringstream model_output; // Used for storing model temp vars and equations
ostringstream rp_output; // 1st deriv. of residuals w.r.t. parameters
ostringstream gp_output; // 1st deriv. of Jacobian w.r.t. parameters
ostringstream rpp_output; // 2nd deriv of residuals w.r.t. parameters
ostringstream gpp_output; // 2nd deriv of Jacobian w.r.t. parameters
ostringstream hp_output; // 1st deriv. of Hessian w.r.t. parameters
ostringstream g3p_output; // 1st deriv. of 3rd deriv. matrix w.r.t. parameters
deriv_node_temp_terms_t tef_terms;
writeJsonModelLocalVariables(model_local_vars_output, true, tef_terms);
temporary_terms_t temp_term_union;
for (const auto &it : params_derivs_temporary_terms)
writeJsonTemporaryTerms(it.second, temp_term_union, model_output, tef_terms, "all");
rp_output << R"("deriv_wrt_params": {)"
<< R"( "neqs": )" << equations.size()
<< R"(, "nparamcols": )" << symbol_table.param_nbr()
<< R"(, "entries": [)";
for (bool printed_something{false};
const auto &[vidx, d] : params_derivatives.find({ 0, 1 })->second)
if (exchange(printed_something, true))
rp_output << ", ";
auto [eq, param] = vectorToTuple<2>(vidx);
int param_col { getTypeSpecificIDByDerivID(param) + 1 };
if (writeDetails)
rp_output << R"({"eq": )" << eq + 1;
rp_output << R"({"row": )" << eq + 1;
rp_output << R"(, "param_col": )" << param_col;
if (writeDetails)
rp_output << R"(, "param": ")" << getNameByDerivID(param) << R"(")";
rp_output << R"(, "val": ")";
d->writeJsonOutput(rp_output, temp_term_union, tef_terms);
rp_output << R"("})" << endl;
rp_output << "]}";
gp_output << R"("deriv_jacobian_wrt_params": {)"
<< R"( "neqs": )" << equations.size()
<< R"(, "nvarcols": )" << getJacobianColsNbr()
<< R"(, "nparamcols": )" << symbol_table.param_nbr()
<< R"(, "entries": [)";
for (bool printed_something{false};
const auto &[vidx, d] : params_derivatives.find({ 1, 1 })->second)
if (exchange(printed_something, true))
gp_output << ", ";
auto [eq, var, param] = vectorToTuple<3>(vidx);
int var_col = getJacobianCol(var) + 1;
int param_col { getTypeSpecificIDByDerivID(param) + 1 };
if (writeDetails)
gp_output << R"({"eq": )" << eq + 1;
gp_output << R"({"row": )" << eq + 1;
gp_output << R"(, "var_col": )" << var_col
<< R"(, "param_col": )" << param_col;
if (writeDetails)
gp_output << R"(, "var": ")" << getNameByDerivID(var) << R"(")"
<< R"(, "lag": )" << getLagByDerivID(var)
<< R"(, "param": ")" << getNameByDerivID(param) << R"(")";
gp_output << R"(, "val": ")";
d->writeJsonOutput(gp_output, temp_term_union, tef_terms);
gp_output << R"("})" << endl;
gp_output << "]}";
rpp_output << R"("second_deriv_residuals_wrt_params": {)"
<< R"( "nrows": )" << equations.size()
<< R"(, "nparam1cols": )" << symbol_table.param_nbr()
<< R"(, "nparam2cols": )" << symbol_table.param_nbr()
<< R"(, "entries": [)";
for (bool printed_something{false};
const auto &[vidx, d] : params_derivatives.find({ 0, 2 })->second)
if (exchange(printed_something, true))
rpp_output << ", ";
auto [eq, param1, param2] = vectorToTuple<3>(vidx);
int param1_col { getTypeSpecificIDByDerivID(param1) + 1 };
int param2_col { getTypeSpecificIDByDerivID(param2) + 1 };
if (writeDetails)
rpp_output << R"({"eq": )" << eq + 1;
rpp_output << R"({"row": )" << eq + 1;
rpp_output << R"(, "param1_col": )" << param1_col
<< R"(, "param2_col": )" << param2_col;
if (writeDetails)
rpp_output << R"(, "param1": ")" << getNameByDerivID(param1) << R"(")"
<< R"(, "param2": ")" << getNameByDerivID(param2) << R"(")";
rpp_output << R"(, "val": ")";
d->writeJsonOutput(rpp_output, temp_term_union, tef_terms);
rpp_output << R"("})" << endl;
rpp_output << "]}";
gpp_output << R"("second_deriv_jacobian_wrt_params": {)"
<< R"( "neqs": )" << equations.size()
<< R"(, "nvarcols": )" << getJacobianColsNbr()
<< R"(, "nparam1cols": )" << symbol_table.param_nbr()
<< R"(, "nparam2cols": )" << symbol_table.param_nbr()
<< R"(, "entries": [)";
for (bool printed_something{false};
const auto &[vidx, d] : params_derivatives.find({ 1, 2 })->second)
if (exchange(printed_something, true))
gpp_output << ", ";
auto [eq, var, param1, param2] = vectorToTuple<4>(vidx);
int var_col = getJacobianCol(var) + 1;
int param1_col { getTypeSpecificIDByDerivID(param1) + 1 };
int param2_col { getTypeSpecificIDByDerivID(param2) + 1 };
if (writeDetails)
gpp_output << R"({"eq": )" << eq + 1;
gpp_output << R"({"row": )" << eq + 1;
gpp_output << R"(, "var_col": )" << var_col
<< R"(, "param1_col": )" << param1_col
<< R"(, "param2_col": )" << param2_col;
if (writeDetails)
gpp_output << R"(, "var": ")" << getNameByDerivID(var) << R"(")"
<< R"(, "lag": )" << getLagByDerivID(var)
<< R"(, "param1": ")" << getNameByDerivID(param1) << R"(")"
<< R"(, "param2": ")" << getNameByDerivID(param2) << R"(")";
gpp_output << R"(, "val": ")";
d->writeJsonOutput(gpp_output, temp_term_union, tef_terms);
gpp_output << R"("})" << endl;
gpp_output << "]}" << endl;
hp_output << R"("derivative_hessian_wrt_params": {)"
<< R"( "neqs": )" << equations.size()
<< R"(, "nvar1cols": )" << getJacobianColsNbr()
<< R"(, "nvar2cols": )" << getJacobianColsNbr()
<< R"(, "nparamcols": )" << symbol_table.param_nbr()
<< R"(, "entries": [)";
for (bool printed_something{false};
const auto &[vidx, d] : params_derivatives.find({ 2, 1 })->second)
if (exchange(printed_something, true))
hp_output << ", ";
auto [eq, var1, var2, param] = vectorToTuple<4>(vidx);
int var1_col = getJacobianCol(var1) + 1;
int var2_col = getJacobianCol(var2) + 1;
int param_col { getTypeSpecificIDByDerivID(param) + 1 };
if (writeDetails)
hp_output << R"({"eq": )" << eq + 1;
hp_output << R"({"row": )" << eq + 1;
hp_output << R"(, "var1_col": )" << var1_col
<< R"(, "var2_col": )" << var2_col
<< R"(, "param_col": )" << param_col;
if (writeDetails)
hp_output << R"(, "var1": ")" << getNameByDerivID(var1) << R"(")"
<< R"(, "lag1": )" << getLagByDerivID(var1)
<< R"(, "var2": ")" << getNameByDerivID(var2) << R"(")"
<< R"(, "lag2": )" << getLagByDerivID(var2)
<< R"(, "param": ")" << getNameByDerivID(param) << R"(")";
hp_output << R"(, "val": ")";
d->writeJsonOutput(hp_output, temp_term_union, tef_terms);
hp_output << R"("})" << endl;
hp_output << "]}" << endl;
g3p_output << R"("derivative_g3_wrt_params": {)"
<< R"( "neqs": )" << equations.size()
<< R"(, "nvar1cols": )" << getJacobianColsNbr()
<< R"(, "nvar2cols": )" << getJacobianColsNbr()
<< R"(, "nvar3cols": )" << getJacobianColsNbr()
<< R"(, "nparamcols": )" << symbol_table.param_nbr()
<< R"(, "entries": [)";
for (bool printed_something{false};
const auto &[vidx, d] : params_derivatives.find({ 3, 1 })->second)
if (exchange(printed_something, true))
g3p_output << ", ";
auto [eq, var1, var2, var3, param] = vectorToTuple<5>(vidx);
int var1_col = getJacobianCol(var1) + 1;
int var2_col = getJacobianCol(var2) + 1;
int var3_col = getJacobianCol(var3) + 1;
int param_col { getTypeSpecificIDByDerivID(param) + 1 };
if (writeDetails)
g3p_output << R"({"eq": )" << eq + 1;
g3p_output << R"({"row": )" << eq + 1;
g3p_output << R"(, "var1_col": )" << var1_col
<< R"(, "var2_col": )" << var2_col
<< R"(, "var3_col": )" << var3_col
<< R"(, "param_col": )" << param_col;
if (writeDetails)
g3p_output << R"(, "var1": ")" << getNameByDerivID(var1) << R"(")"
<< R"(, "lag1": )" << getLagByDerivID(var1)
<< R"(, "var2": ")" << getNameByDerivID(var2) << R"(")"
<< R"(, "lag2": )" << getLagByDerivID(var2)
<< R"(, "var3": ")" << getNameByDerivID(var3) << R"(")"
<< R"(, "lag3": )" << getLagByDerivID(var3)
<< R"(, "param": ")" << getNameByDerivID(param) << R"(")";
g3p_output << R"(, "val": ")";
d->writeJsonOutput(g3p_output, temp_term_union, tef_terms);
g3p_output << R"("})" << endl;
g3p_output << "]}" << endl;
auto [mlv_output, tt_output, rp_output, gp_output, rpp_output, gpp_output, hp_output, g3p_output]
{ writeJsonParamsDerivativesHelper<true>(writeDetails) };
if (writeDetails)
output << R"("dynamic_model_params_derivative": {)";
output << R"("dynamic_model_params_derivatives_simple": {)";
output << model_local_vars_output.str()
<< ", " << model_output.str()
output << mlv_output.str()
<< ", " << tt_output.str()
<< ", " << rp_output.str()
<< ", " << gp_output.str()
<< ", " << rpp_output.str()

View File

@ -342,8 +342,8 @@ public:
//! Write JSON Output representation of dynamic model after computing pass
void writeJsonComputingPassOutput(ostream &output, bool writeDetails) const;
//! Write JSON prams derivatives file
void writeJsonParamsDerivativesFile(ostream &output, bool writeDetails) const;
//! Write JSON params derivatives
void writeJsonParamsDerivatives(ostream &output, bool writeDetails) const;
//! Write cross reference output if the xref maps have been filed
void writeJsonXrefs(ostream &output) const;

View File

@ -1351,12 +1351,12 @@ ModFile::writeJsonComputingPassOutput(const string &basename, JsonFileOutputType
dynamic_model.writeJsonComputingPassOutput(dynamic_output, !jsonderivsimple);
dynamic_output << "}";
static_model.writeJsonParamsDerivativesFile(tmp_out, !jsonderivsimple);
static_model.writeJsonParamsDerivatives(tmp_out, !jsonderivsimple);
if (!tmp_out.str().empty())
static_paramsd_output << "{" << tmp_out.str() << "}" << endl;
dynamic_model.writeJsonParamsDerivativesFile(tmp_out, !jsonderivsimple);
dynamic_model.writeJsonParamsDerivatives(tmp_out, !jsonderivsimple);
if (!tmp_out.str().empty())
dynamic_paramsd_output << "{" << tmp_out.str() << "}" << endl;

View File

@ -269,6 +269,18 @@ protected:
tuple<ostringstream, ostringstream, ostringstream, ostringstream,
ostringstream, ostringstream, ostringstream> writeParamsDerivativesFileHelper() const;
/* Helper for writing JSON output for residuals and derivatives.
Returns mlv and derivatives output at each derivation order. */
template<bool dynamic>
pair<ostringstream, vector<ostringstream>> writeJsonComputingPassOutputHelper(bool writeDetails) const;
/* Helper for writing JSON derivatives w.r.t. parameters.
Returns { mlv, tt, rp, gp, rpp, gpp, hp, g3p }.
g3p is empty if requesting a static output type. */
template<bool dynamic>
tuple<ostringstream, ostringstream, ostringstream, ostringstream, ostringstream,
ostringstream, ostringstream, ostringstream> writeJsonParamsDerivativesHelper(bool writeDetails) const;
//! Writes JSON model equations
//! if residuals = true, we are writing the dynamic/static model.
//! Otherwise, just the model equations (with line numbers, no tmp terms)
@ -992,4 +1004,341 @@ ModelTree::writeParamsDerivativesFileHelper() const
move(rpp_output), move(gpp_output), move(hp_output), move(g3p_output) };
template<bool dynamic>
pair<ostringstream, vector<ostringstream>>
ModelTree::writeJsonComputingPassOutputHelper(bool writeDetails) const
ostringstream mlv_output; // Used for storing model local vars
vector<ostringstream> d_output(derivatives.size()); // Derivatives output (at all orders, including 0=residual)
deriv_node_temp_terms_t tef_terms;
temporary_terms_t temp_term_union;
writeJsonModelLocalVariables(mlv_output, true, tef_terms);
writeJsonTemporaryTerms(temporary_terms_derivatives[0], temp_term_union, d_output[0], tef_terms, "");
d_output[0] << ", ";
writeJsonModelEquations(d_output[0], true);
int ncols { getJacobianColsNbr() };
for (size_t i {1}; i < derivatives.size(); i++)
string matrix_name { i == 1 ? "jacobian" : i == 2 ? "hessian" : i == 3 ? "third_derivative" : to_string(i) + "th_derivative"};
writeJsonTemporaryTerms(temporary_terms_derivatives[i], temp_term_union, d_output[i], tef_terms, matrix_name);
temp_term_union.insert(temporary_terms_derivatives[i].begin(), temporary_terms_derivatives[i].end());
d_output[i] << R"(, ")" << matrix_name << R"(": {)"
<< R"( "nrows": )" << equations.size()
<< R"(, "ncols": )" << ncols
<< R"(, "entries": [)";
for (bool printed_something {false};
const auto &[vidx, d] : derivatives[i])
if (exchange(printed_something, true))
d_output[i] << ", ";
int eq { vidx[0] };
int col_idx {0};
for (size_t j {1}; j < vidx.size(); j++)
col_idx *= getJacobianColsNbr();
col_idx += getJacobianCol(vidx[j]);
if (writeDetails)
d_output[i] << R"({"eq": )" << eq + 1;
d_output[i] << R"({"row": )" << eq + 1;
d_output[i] << R"(, "col": )" << (i > 1 ? "[" : "") << col_idx + 1;
if (i == 2 && vidx[1] != vidx[2]) // Symmetric elements in hessian
int col_idx_sym { getJacobianCol(vidx[2]) * getJacobianColsNbr() + getJacobianCol(vidx[1])};
d_output[i] << ", " << col_idx_sym + 1;
if (i > 1)
d_output[i] << "]";
if (writeDetails)
for (size_t j = 1; j < vidx.size(); j++)
d_output[i] << R"(, "var)" << (i > 1 ? to_string(j) : "") << R"(": ")" << getNameByDerivID(vidx[j]) << R"(")";
if constexpr(dynamic)
d_output[i] << R"(, "shift)" << (i > 1 ? to_string(j) : "") << R"(": )" << getLagByDerivID(vidx[j]);
d_output[i] << R"(, "val": ")";
d->writeJsonOutput(d_output[i], temp_term_union, tef_terms);
d_output[i] << R"("})" << endl;
d_output[i] << "]}";
ncols *= getJacobianColsNbr();
return { move(mlv_output), move(d_output) };
template<bool dynamic>
tuple<ostringstream, ostringstream, ostringstream, ostringstream,
ostringstream, ostringstream, ostringstream, ostringstream>
ModelTree::writeJsonParamsDerivativesHelper(bool writeDetails) const
ostringstream mlv_output; // Used for storing model local vars
ostringstream tt_output; // Used for storing model temp vars and equations
ostringstream rp_output; // 1st deriv. of residuals w.r.t. parameters
ostringstream gp_output; // 1st deriv. of Jacobian w.r.t. parameters
ostringstream rpp_output; // 2nd deriv of residuals w.r.t. parameters
ostringstream gpp_output; // 2nd deriv of Jacobian w.r.t. parameters
ostringstream hp_output; // 1st deriv. of Hessian w.r.t. parameters
ostringstream g3p_output; // 1st deriv. of 3rd deriv. matrix w.r.t. parameters
deriv_node_temp_terms_t tef_terms;
writeJsonModelLocalVariables(mlv_output, true, tef_terms);
temporary_terms_t temp_term_union;
for (const auto &[order, tts] : params_derivs_temporary_terms)
writeJsonTemporaryTerms(tts, temp_term_union, tt_output, tef_terms, "all");
rp_output << R"("deriv_wrt_params": {)"
<< R"( "neqs": )" << equations.size()
<< R"(, "nparamcols": )" << symbol_table.param_nbr()
<< R"(, "entries": [)";
for (bool printed_something {false};
const auto &[vidx, d] : params_derivatives.find({ 0, 1 })->second)
if (exchange(printed_something, true))
rp_output << ", ";
auto [eq, param] { vectorToTuple<2>(vidx) };
int param_col { getTypeSpecificIDByDerivID(param) + 1 };
if (writeDetails)
rp_output << R"({"eq": )" << eq + 1;
rp_output << R"({"row": )" << eq + 1;
rp_output << R"(, "param_col": )" << param_col;
if (writeDetails)
rp_output << R"(, "param": ")" << getNameByDerivID(param) << R"(")";
rp_output << R"(, "val": ")";
d->writeJsonOutput(rp_output, temp_term_union, tef_terms);
rp_output << R"("})" << endl;
rp_output << "]}";
gp_output << R"("deriv_jacobian_wrt_params": {)"
<< R"( "neqs": )" << equations.size()
<< R"(, "nvarcols": )" << getJacobianColsNbr()
<< R"(, "nparamcols": )" << symbol_table.param_nbr()
<< R"(, "entries": [)";
for (bool printed_something {false};
const auto &[vidx, d] : params_derivatives.find({ 1, 1 })->second)
if (exchange(printed_something, true))
gp_output << ", ";
auto [eq, var, param] { vectorToTuple<3>(vidx) };
int var_col { getJacobianCol(var) + 1 };
int param_col { getTypeSpecificIDByDerivID(param) + 1 };
if (writeDetails)
gp_output << R"({"eq": )" << eq + 1;
gp_output << R"({"row": )" << eq + 1;
gp_output << R"(, "var_col": )" << var_col
<< R"(, "param_col": )" << param_col;
if (writeDetails)
gp_output << R"(, "var": ")" << getNameByDerivID(var) << R"(")";
if constexpr(dynamic)
gp_output << R"(, "lag": )" << getLagByDerivID(var);
gp_output << R"(, "param": ")" << getNameByDerivID(param) << R"(")";
gp_output << R"(, "val": ")";
d->writeJsonOutput(gp_output, temp_term_union, tef_terms);
gp_output << R"("})" << endl;
gp_output << "]}";
rpp_output << R"("second_deriv_residuals_wrt_params": {)"
<< R"( "nrows": )" << equations.size()
<< R"(, "nparam1cols": )" << symbol_table.param_nbr()
<< R"(, "nparam2cols": )" << symbol_table.param_nbr()
<< R"(, "entries": [)";
for (bool printed_something {false};
const auto &[vidx, d] : params_derivatives.find({ 0, 2 })->second)
if (exchange(printed_something, true))
rpp_output << ", ";
auto [eq, param1, param2] { vectorToTuple<3>(vidx) };
int param1_col { getTypeSpecificIDByDerivID(param1) + 1 };
int param2_col { getTypeSpecificIDByDerivID(param2) + 1 };
if (writeDetails)
rpp_output << R"({"eq": )" << eq + 1;
rpp_output << R"({"row": )" << eq + 1;
rpp_output << R"(, "param1_col": )" << param1_col
<< R"(, "param2_col": )" << param2_col;
if (writeDetails)
rpp_output << R"(, "param1": ")" << getNameByDerivID(param1) << R"(")"
<< R"(, "param2": ")" << getNameByDerivID(param2) << R"(")";
rpp_output << R"(, "val": ")";
d->writeJsonOutput(rpp_output, temp_term_union, tef_terms);
rpp_output << R"("})" << endl;
rpp_output << "]}";
gpp_output << R"("second_deriv_jacobian_wrt_params": {)"
<< R"( "neqs": )" << equations.size()
<< R"(, "nvarcols": )" << getJacobianColsNbr()
<< R"(, "nparam1cols": )" << symbol_table.param_nbr()
<< R"(, "nparam2cols": )" << symbol_table.param_nbr()
<< R"(, "entries": [)";
for (bool printed_something {false};
const auto &[vidx, d] : params_derivatives.find({ 1, 2 })->second)
if (exchange(printed_something, true))
gpp_output << ", ";
auto [eq, var, param1, param2] { vectorToTuple<4>(vidx) };
int var_col { getJacobianCol(var) + 1 };
int param1_col { getTypeSpecificIDByDerivID(param1) + 1 };
int param2_col { getTypeSpecificIDByDerivID(param2) + 1 };
if (writeDetails)
gpp_output << R"({"eq": )" << eq + 1;
gpp_output << R"({"row": )" << eq + 1;
gpp_output << R"(, "var_col": )" << var_col
<< R"(, "param1_col": )" << param1_col
<< R"(, "param2_col": )" << param2_col;
if (writeDetails)
gpp_output << R"(, "var": ")" << getNameByDerivID(var) << R"(")";
if constexpr(dynamic)
gpp_output << R"(, "lag": )" << getLagByDerivID(var);
gpp_output << R"(, "param1": ")" << getNameByDerivID(param1) << R"(")"
<< R"(, "param2": ")" << getNameByDerivID(param2) << R"(")";
gpp_output << R"(, "val": ")";
d->writeJsonOutput(gpp_output, temp_term_union, tef_terms);
gpp_output << R"("})" << endl;
gpp_output << "]}" << endl;
hp_output << R"("derivative_hessian_wrt_params": {)"
<< R"( "neqs": )" << equations.size()
<< R"(, "nvar1cols": )" << getJacobianColsNbr()
<< R"(, "nvar2cols": )" << getJacobianColsNbr()
<< R"(, "nparamcols": )" << symbol_table.param_nbr()
<< R"(, "entries": [)";
for (bool printed_something {false};
const auto &[vidx, d] : params_derivatives.find({ 2, 1 })->second)
if (exchange(printed_something, true))
hp_output << ", ";
auto [eq, var1, var2, param] { vectorToTuple<4>(vidx) };
int var1_col { getJacobianCol(var1) + 1 };
int var2_col { getJacobianCol(var2) + 1 };
int param_col { getTypeSpecificIDByDerivID(param) + 1 };
if (writeDetails)
hp_output << R"({"eq": )" << eq + 1;
hp_output << R"({"row": )" << eq + 1;
hp_output << R"(, "var1_col": )" << var1_col
<< R"(, "var2_col": )" << var2_col
<< R"(, "param_col": )" << param_col;
if (writeDetails)
hp_output << R"(, "var1": ")" << getNameByDerivID(var1) << R"(")";
if constexpr(dynamic)
hp_output << R"(, "lag1": )" << getLagByDerivID(var1);
hp_output << R"(, "var2": ")" << getNameByDerivID(var2) << R"(")";
if constexpr(dynamic)
hp_output << R"(, "lag2": )" << getLagByDerivID(var2);
hp_output << R"(, "param": ")" << getNameByDerivID(param) << R"(")";
hp_output << R"(, "val": ")";
d->writeJsonOutput(hp_output, temp_term_union, tef_terms);
hp_output << R"("})" << endl;
hp_output << "]}" << endl;
if constexpr(dynamic)
g3p_output << R"("derivative_g3_wrt_params": {)"
<< R"( "neqs": )" << equations.size()
<< R"(, "nvar1cols": )" << getJacobianColsNbr()
<< R"(, "nvar2cols": )" << getJacobianColsNbr()
<< R"(, "nvar3cols": )" << getJacobianColsNbr()
<< R"(, "nparamcols": )" << symbol_table.param_nbr()
<< R"(, "entries": [)";
for (bool printed_something {false};
const auto &[vidx, d] : params_derivatives.find({ 3, 1 })->second)
if (exchange(printed_something, true))
g3p_output << ", ";
auto [eq, var1, var2, var3, param] { vectorToTuple<5>(vidx) };
int var1_col { getJacobianCol(var1) + 1 };
int var2_col { getJacobianCol(var2) + 1 };
int var3_col { getJacobianCol(var3) + 1 };
int param_col { getTypeSpecificIDByDerivID(param) + 1 };
if (writeDetails)
g3p_output << R"({"eq": )" << eq + 1;
g3p_output << R"({"row": )" << eq + 1;
g3p_output << R"(, "var1_col": )" << var1_col + 1
<< R"(, "var2_col": )" << var2_col + 1
<< R"(, "var3_col": )" << var3_col + 1
<< R"(, "param_col": )" << param_col + 1;
if (writeDetails)
g3p_output << R"(, "var1": ")" << getNameByDerivID(var1) << R"(")"
<< R"(, "lag1": )" << getLagByDerivID(var1)
<< R"(, "var2": ")" << getNameByDerivID(var2) << R"(")"
<< R"(, "lag2": )" << getLagByDerivID(var2)
<< R"(, "var3": ")" << getNameByDerivID(var3) << R"(")"
<< R"(, "lag3": )" << getLagByDerivID(var3)
<< R"(, "param": ")" << getNameByDerivID(param) << R"(")";
g3p_output << R"(, "val": ")";
d->writeJsonOutput(g3p_output, temp_term_union, tef_terms);
g3p_output << R"("})" << endl;
g3p_output << "]}" << endl;
return { move(mlv_output), move(tt_output), move(rp_output), move(gp_output),
move(rpp_output), move(gpp_output), move(hp_output), move(g3p_output) };

View File

@ -1849,285 +1849,38 @@ StaticModel::writeJsonOutput(ostream &output) const
StaticModel::writeJsonComputingPassOutput(ostream &output, bool writeDetails) const
ostringstream model_local_vars_output; // Used for storing model local vars
vector<ostringstream> d_output(derivatives.size()); // Derivatives output (at all orders, including 0=residual)
deriv_node_temp_terms_t tef_terms;
temporary_terms_t temp_term_union;
writeJsonModelLocalVariables(model_local_vars_output, true, tef_terms);
writeJsonTemporaryTerms(temporary_terms_derivatives[0], temp_term_union, d_output[0], tef_terms, "");
d_output[0] << ", ";
writeJsonModelEquations(d_output[0], true);
int ncols = symbol_table.endo_nbr();
for (size_t i = 1; i < derivatives.size(); i++)
string matrix_name = i == 1 ? "jacobian" : i == 2 ? "hessian" : i == 3 ? "third_derivative" : to_string(i) + "th_derivative";
writeJsonTemporaryTerms(temporary_terms_derivatives[i], temp_term_union, d_output[i], tef_terms, matrix_name);
temp_term_union.insert(temporary_terms_derivatives[i].begin(), temporary_terms_derivatives[i].end());
d_output[i] << R"(, ")" << matrix_name << R"(": {)"
<< R"( "nrows": )" << equations.size()
<< R"(, "ncols": )" << ncols
<< R"(, "entries": [)";
for (bool printed_something{false};
const auto &[vidx, d] : derivatives[i])
if (exchange(printed_something, true))
d_output[i] << ", ";
int eq = vidx[0];
int col_idx = 0;
for (size_t j = 1; j < vidx.size(); j++)
col_idx *= symbol_table.endo_nbr();
col_idx += getJacobianCol(vidx[j]);
if (writeDetails)
d_output[i] << R"({"eq": )" << eq + 1;
d_output[i] << R"({"row": )" << eq + 1;
d_output[i] << R"(, "col": )" << (i > 1 ? "[" : "") << col_idx + 1;
if (i == 2 && vidx[1] != vidx[2]) // Symmetric elements in hessian
int col_idx_sym = getJacobianCol(vidx[2]) * symbol_table.endo_nbr() + getJacobianCol(vidx[1]);
d_output[i] << ", " << col_idx_sym + 1;
if (i > 1)
d_output[i] << "]";
if (writeDetails)
for (size_t j = 1; j < vidx.size(); j++)
d_output[i] << R"(, "var)" << (i > 1 ? to_string(j) : "") << R"(": ")" << getNameByDerivID(vidx[j]) << R"(")";
d_output[i] << R"(, "val": ")";
d->writeJsonOutput(d_output[i], temp_term_union, tef_terms);
d_output[i] << R"("})" << endl;
d_output[i] << "]}";
ncols *= symbol_table.endo_nbr();
auto [mlv_output, d_output] { writeJsonComputingPassOutputHelper<false>(writeDetails) };
if (writeDetails)
output << R"("static_model": {)";
output << R"("static_model_simple": {)";
output << model_local_vars_output.str();
output << mlv_output.str();
for (const auto &it : d_output)
output << ", " << it.str();
output << "}";
StaticModel::writeJsonParamsDerivativesFile(ostream &output, bool writeDetails) const
StaticModel::writeJsonParamsDerivatives(ostream &output, bool writeDetails) const
if (!params_derivatives.size())
ostringstream model_local_vars_output; // Used for storing model local vars
ostringstream model_output; // Used for storing model temp vars and equations
ostringstream jacobian_output; // Used for storing jacobian equations
ostringstream hessian_output; // Used for storing Hessian equations
ostringstream hessian1_output; // Used for storing Hessian equations
ostringstream third_derivs_output; // Used for storing third order derivatives equations
ostringstream third_derivs1_output; // Used for storing third order derivatives equations
deriv_node_temp_terms_t tef_terms;
writeJsonModelLocalVariables(model_local_vars_output, true, tef_terms);
temporary_terms_t temp_term_union;
for (const auto &it : params_derivs_temporary_terms)
writeJsonTemporaryTerms(it.second, temp_term_union, model_output, tef_terms, "all");
jacobian_output << R"("deriv_wrt_params": {)"
<< R"( "neqs": )" << equations.size()
<< R"(, "nparamcols": )" << symbol_table.param_nbr()
<< R"(, "entries": [)";
for (bool printed_something{false};
const auto &[vidx, d] : params_derivatives.find({ 0, 1 })->second)
if (exchange(printed_something, true))
jacobian_output << ", ";
auto [eq, param] = vectorToTuple<2>(vidx);
int param_col { getTypeSpecificIDByDerivID(param) + 1 };
if (writeDetails)
jacobian_output << R"({"eq": )" << eq + 1;
jacobian_output << R"({"row": )" << eq + 1;
if (writeDetails)
jacobian_output << R"(, "param_col": )" << param_col;
jacobian_output << R"(, "param": ")" << getNameByDerivID(param) << R"(")";
jacobian_output << R"(, "val": ")";
d->writeJsonOutput(jacobian_output, temp_term_union, tef_terms);
jacobian_output << R"("})" << endl;
jacobian_output << "]}";
hessian_output << R"("deriv_jacobian_wrt_params": {)"
<< R"( "neqs": )" << equations.size()
<< R"(, "nvarcols": )" << symbol_table.endo_nbr()
<< R"(, "nparamcols": )" << symbol_table.param_nbr()
<< R"(, "entries": [)";
for (bool printed_something{false};
const auto &[vidx, d] : params_derivatives.find({ 1, 1 })->second)
if (exchange(printed_something, true))
hessian_output << ", ";
auto [eq, var, param] = vectorToTuple<3>(vidx);
int var_col { getTypeSpecificIDByDerivID(var) + 1 };
int param_col { getTypeSpecificIDByDerivID(param) + 1 };
if (writeDetails)
hessian_output << R"({"eq": )" << eq + 1;
hessian_output << R"({"row": )" << eq + 1;
if (writeDetails)
hessian_output << R"(, "var": ")" << getNameByDerivID(var) << R"(")"
<< R"(, "param": ")" << getNameByDerivID(param) << R"(")";
hessian_output << R"(, "var_col": )" << var_col
<< R"(, "param_col": )" << param_col
<< R"(, "val": ")";
d->writeJsonOutput(hessian_output, temp_term_union, tef_terms);
hessian_output << R"("})" << endl;
hessian_output << "]}";
hessian1_output << R"("second_deriv_residuals_wrt_params": {)"
<< R"( "nrows": )" << equations.size()
<< R"(, "nparam1cols": )" << symbol_table.param_nbr()
<< R"(, "nparam2cols": )" << symbol_table.param_nbr()
<< R"(, "entries": [)";
for (bool printed_something{false};
const auto &[vidx, d] : params_derivatives.find({ 0, 2 })->second)
if (exchange(printed_something, true))
hessian1_output << ", ";
auto [eq, param1, param2] = vectorToTuple<3>(vidx);
int param1_col { getTypeSpecificIDByDerivID(param1) + 1 };
int param2_col { getTypeSpecificIDByDerivID(param2) + 1 };
if (writeDetails)
hessian1_output << R"({"eq": )" << eq + 1;
hessian1_output << R"({"row": )" << eq + 1;
hessian1_output << R"(, "param1_col": )" << param1_col
<< R"(, "param2_col": )" << param2_col;
if (writeDetails)
hessian1_output << R"(, "param1": ")" << getNameByDerivID(param1) << R"(")"
<< R"(, "param2": ")" << getNameByDerivID(param2) << R"(")";
hessian1_output << R"(, "val": ")";
d->writeJsonOutput(hessian1_output, temp_term_union, tef_terms);
hessian1_output << R"("})" << endl;
hessian1_output << "]}";
third_derivs_output << R"("second_deriv_jacobian_wrt_params": {)"
<< R"( "neqs": )" << equations.size()
<< R"(, "nvarcols": )" << symbol_table.endo_nbr()
<< R"(, "nparam1cols": )" << symbol_table.param_nbr()
<< R"(, "nparam2cols": )" << symbol_table.param_nbr()
<< R"(, "entries": [)";
for (bool printed_something{false};
const auto &[vidx, d] : params_derivatives.find({ 1, 2 })->second)
if (exchange(printed_something, true))
third_derivs_output << ", ";
auto [eq, var, param1, param2] = vectorToTuple<4>(vidx);
int var_col { getTypeSpecificIDByDerivID(var) + 1 };
int param1_col { getTypeSpecificIDByDerivID(param1) + 1 };
int param2_col { getTypeSpecificIDByDerivID(param2) + 1 };
if (writeDetails)
third_derivs_output << R"({"eq": )" << eq + 1;
third_derivs_output << R"({"row": )" << eq + 1;
third_derivs_output << R"(, "var_col": )" << var_col
<< R"(, "param1_col": )" << param1_col
<< R"(, "param2_col": )" << param2_col;
if (writeDetails)
third_derivs_output << R"(, "var": ")" << getNameByDerivID(var) << R"(")"
<< R"(, "param1": ")" << getNameByDerivID(param1) << R"(")"
<< R"(, "param2": ")" << getNameByDerivID(param2) << R"(")";
third_derivs_output << R"(, "val": ")";
d->writeJsonOutput(third_derivs_output, temp_term_union, tef_terms);
third_derivs_output << R"("})" << endl;
third_derivs_output << "]}" << endl;
third_derivs1_output << R"("derivative_hessian_wrt_params": {)"
<< R"( "neqs": )" << equations.size()
<< R"(, "nvar1cols": )" << symbol_table.endo_nbr()
<< R"(, "nvar2cols": )" << symbol_table.endo_nbr()
<< R"(, "nparamcols": )" << symbol_table.param_nbr()
<< R"(, "entries": [)";
for (bool printed_something{false};
const auto &[vidx, d] : params_derivatives.find({ 2, 1 })->second)
if (exchange(printed_something, true))
third_derivs1_output << ", ";
auto [eq, var1, var2, param] = vectorToTuple<4>(vidx);
int var1_col { getTypeSpecificIDByDerivID(var1) + 1 };
int var2_col { getTypeSpecificIDByDerivID(var2) + 1 };
int param_col { getTypeSpecificIDByDerivID(param) + 1 };
if (writeDetails)
third_derivs1_output << R"({"eq": )" << eq + 1;
third_derivs1_output << R"({"row": )" << eq + 1;
third_derivs1_output << R"(, "var1_col": )" << var1_col
<< R"(, "var2_col": )" << var2_col
<< R"(, "param_col": )" << param_col;
if (writeDetails)
third_derivs1_output << R"(, "var1": ")" << getNameByDerivID(var1) << R"(")"
<< R"(, "var2": ")" << getNameByDerivID(var2) << R"(")"
<< R"(, "param1": ")" << getNameByDerivID(param) << R"(")";
third_derivs1_output << R"(, "val": ")";
d->writeJsonOutput(third_derivs1_output, temp_term_union, tef_terms);
third_derivs1_output << R"("})" << endl;
third_derivs1_output << "]}" << endl;
auto [mlv_output, tt_output, rp_output, gp_output, rpp_output, gpp_output, hp_output, g3p_output]
{ writeJsonParamsDerivativesHelper<false>(writeDetails) };
// g3p_output is ignored
if (writeDetails)
output << R"("static_model_params_derivative": {)";
output << R"("static_model_params_derivatives_simple": {)";
output << model_local_vars_output.str()
<< ", " << model_output.str()
<< ", " << jacobian_output.str()
<< ", " << hessian_output.str()
<< ", " << hessian1_output.str()
<< ", " << third_derivs_output.str()
<< ", " << third_derivs1_output.str()
output << mlv_output.str()
<< ", " << tt_output.str()
<< ", " << rp_output.str()
<< ", " << gp_output.str()
<< ", " << rpp_output.str()
<< ", " << gpp_output.str()
<< ", " << hp_output.str()
<< "}";

View File

@ -145,8 +145,8 @@ public:
//! Write JSON representation of static model
void writeJsonComputingPassOutput(ostream &output, bool writeDetails) const;
//! Writes file containing static parameters derivatives
void writeJsonParamsDerivativesFile(ostream &output, bool writeDetails) const;
//! Write JSON params derivatives
void writeJsonParamsDerivatives(ostream &output, bool writeDetails) const;
//! Writes file containing static parameters derivatives
template<bool julia>