
288 lines
9.8 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2003-2009 Dynare Team
* This file is part of Dynare.
* Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Dynare. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef _DATATREE_HH
#define _DATATREE_HH
using namespace std;
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <list>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include "SymbolTable.hh"
#include "NumericalConstants.hh"
#include "ExprNode.hh"
class DataTree
friend class ExprNode;
friend class NumConstNode;
friend class VariableNode;
friend class UnaryOpNode;
friend class BinaryOpNode;
friend class TrinaryOpNode;
friend class UnknownFunctionNode;
//! A reference to the symbol table
SymbolTable &symbol_table;
//! Reference to numerical constants table
NumericalConstants &num_constants;
typedef map<int, NumConstNode *> num_const_node_map_type;
num_const_node_map_type num_const_node_map;
//! Pair (symbol_id, lag) used as key
typedef map<pair<int, int>, VariableNode *> variable_node_map_type;
variable_node_map_type variable_node_map;
typedef map<pair<NodeID, int>, UnaryOpNode *> unary_op_node_map_type;
unary_op_node_map_type unary_op_node_map;
typedef map<pair<pair<NodeID, NodeID>, int>, BinaryOpNode *> binary_op_node_map_type;
binary_op_node_map_type binary_op_node_map;
typedef map<pair<pair<pair<NodeID, NodeID>,NodeID>, int>, TrinaryOpNode *> trinary_op_node_map_type;
trinary_op_node_map_type trinary_op_node_map;
//! Stores local variables value (maps symbol ID to corresponding node)
map<int, NodeID> local_variables_table;
//! true when oSteadyState is encountered in a dynamic model
bool steady_state_found;
//! Internal implementation of AddVariable(), without the check on the lag
VariableNode *AddVariableInternal(int symb_id, int lag);
typedef list<NodeID> node_list_type;
//! The list of nodes
node_list_type node_list;
//! A counter for filling ExprNode's idx field
int node_counter;
inline NodeID AddPossiblyNegativeConstant(double val);
inline NodeID AddUnaryOp(UnaryOpcode op_code, NodeID arg);
inline NodeID AddBinaryOp(NodeID arg1, BinaryOpcode op_code, NodeID arg2);
inline NodeID AddTrinaryOp(NodeID arg1, TrinaryOpcode op_code, NodeID arg2, NodeID arg3);
DataTree(SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg, NumericalConstants &num_constants_arg);
virtual ~DataTree();
//! Some predefined constants
NodeID Zero, One, Two, MinusOne, NaN, Infinity, MinusInfinity, Pi;
//! Raised when a local parameter is declared twice
class LocalVariableException
string name;
LocalVariableException(const string &name_arg) : name(name_arg) {}
//! Adds a numerical constant
NodeID AddNumConstant(const string &value);
//! Adds a variable
/*! The default implementation of the method refuses any lag != 0 */
virtual VariableNode *AddVariable(int symb_id, int lag = 0);
//! Adds a variable, using its symbol name
VariableNode *AddVariable(const string &name, int lag = 0);
//! Adds "arg1+arg2" to model tree
NodeID AddPlus(NodeID iArg1, NodeID iArg2);
//! Adds "arg1-arg2" to model tree
NodeID AddMinus(NodeID iArg1, NodeID iArg2);
//! Adds "-arg" to model tree
NodeID AddUMinus(NodeID iArg1);
//! Adds "arg1*arg2" to model tree
NodeID AddTimes(NodeID iArg1, NodeID iArg2);
//! Adds "arg1/arg2" to model tree
NodeID AddDivide(NodeID iArg1, NodeID iArg2);
//! Adds "arg1<arg2" to model tree
NodeID AddLess(NodeID iArg1, NodeID iArg2);
//! Adds "arg1>arg2" to model tree
NodeID AddGreater(NodeID iArg1, NodeID iArg2);
//! Adds "arg1<=arg2" to model tree
NodeID AddLessEqual(NodeID iArg1, NodeID iArg2);
//! Adds "arg1>=arg2" to model tree
NodeID AddGreaterEqual(NodeID iArg1, NodeID iArg2);
//! Adds "arg1==arg2" to model tree
NodeID AddEqualEqual(NodeID iArg1, NodeID iArg2);
//! Adds "arg1!=arg2" to model tree
NodeID AddDifferent(NodeID iArg1, NodeID iArg2);
//! Adds "arg1^arg2" to model tree
NodeID AddPower(NodeID iArg1, NodeID iArg2);
//! Adds "E(arg1)(arg2)" to model tree
NodeID AddExpectation(int iArg1, NodeID iArg2);
//! Adds "exp(arg)" to model tree
NodeID AddExp(NodeID iArg1);
//! Adds "log(arg)" to model tree
NodeID AddLog(NodeID iArg1);
//! Adds "log10(arg)" to model tree
NodeID AddLog10(NodeID iArg1);
//! Adds "cos(arg)" to model tree
NodeID AddCos(NodeID iArg1);
//! Adds "sin(arg)" to model tree
NodeID AddSin(NodeID iArg1);
//! Adds "tan(arg)" to model tree
NodeID AddTan(NodeID iArg1);
//! Adds "acos(arg)" to model tree
NodeID AddAcos(NodeID iArg1);
//! Adds "asin(arg)" to model tree
NodeID AddAsin(NodeID iArg1);
//! Adds "atan(arg)" to model tree
NodeID AddAtan(NodeID iArg1);
//! Adds "cosh(arg)" to model tree
NodeID AddCosh(NodeID iArg1);
//! Adds "sinh(arg)" to model tree
NodeID AddSinh(NodeID iArg1);
//! Adds "tanh(arg)" to model tree
NodeID AddTanh(NodeID iArg1);
//! Adds "acosh(arg)" to model tree
NodeID AddAcosh(NodeID iArg1);
//! Adds "asinh(arg)" to model tree
NodeID AddAsinh(NodeID iArg1);
//! Adds "atanh(args)" to model tree
NodeID AddAtanh(NodeID iArg1);
//! Adds "sqrt(arg)" to model tree
NodeID AddSqrt(NodeID iArg1);
//! Adds "max(arg1,arg2)" to model tree
NodeID AddMax(NodeID iArg1, NodeID iArg2);
//! Adds "min(arg1,arg2)" to model tree
NodeID AddMin(NodeID iArg1, NodeID iArg2);
//! Adds "normcdf(arg1,arg2,arg3)" to model tree
NodeID AddNormcdf(NodeID iArg1, NodeID iArg2, NodeID iArg3);
//! Adds "steadyState(arg)" to model tree
NodeID AddSteadyState(NodeID iArg1);
//! Adds "arg1=arg2" to model tree
NodeID AddEqual(NodeID iArg1, NodeID iArg2);
//! Adds a model local variable with its value
void AddLocalVariable(const string &name, NodeID value) throw (LocalVariableException);
//! Adds an unknown function node
/*! \todo Use a map to share identical nodes */
NodeID AddUnknownFunction(const string &function_name, const vector<NodeID> &arguments);
//! Checks if a given symbol is used somewhere in the data tree
bool isSymbolUsed(int symb_id) const;
//! Thrown when trying to access an unknown variable by deriv_id
bool containsSteadyStateOperator() const { return steady_state_found; };
//! Thrown when trying to access an unknown variable by deriv_id
class UnknownDerivIDException
//! Returns the derivation ID, or throws an exception if the derivation ID does not exist
virtual int getDerivID(int symb_id, int lag) const throw (UnknownDerivIDException);
//! Returns the column of the dynamic Jacobian associated to a derivation ID
virtual int getDynJacobianCol(int deriv_id) const throw (UnknownDerivIDException);
//! Returns bool indicating whether DataTree represents a Dynamic Model (returns true in DynamicModel.hh)
virtual bool isDynamic() const { return false; };
inline NodeID
DataTree::AddPossiblyNegativeConstant(double v)
bool neg = false;
if (v < 0)
v = -v;
neg = true;
ostringstream ost;
ost << setprecision(CONSTANTS_PRECISION) << v;
NodeID cnode = AddNumConstant(ost.str());
if (neg)
return AddUMinus(cnode);
return cnode;
inline NodeID
DataTree::AddUnaryOp(UnaryOpcode op_code, NodeID arg)
// If the node already exists in tree, share it
unary_op_node_map_type::iterator it = unary_op_node_map.find(make_pair(arg, op_code));
if (it != unary_op_node_map.end())
return it->second;
// Try to reduce to a constant
// Case where arg is a constant and op_code == oUminus (i.e. we're adding a negative constant) is skipped
NumConstNode *carg = dynamic_cast<NumConstNode *>(arg);
if (op_code != oUminus || carg == NULL)
double argval = arg->eval(eval_context_type());
double val = UnaryOpNode::eval_opcode(op_code, argval);
return AddPossiblyNegativeConstant(val);
catch(ExprNode::EvalException &e)
return new UnaryOpNode(*this, op_code, arg);
inline NodeID
DataTree::AddBinaryOp(NodeID arg1, BinaryOpcode op_code, NodeID arg2)
binary_op_node_map_type::iterator it = binary_op_node_map.find(make_pair(make_pair(arg1, arg2), op_code));
if (it != binary_op_node_map.end())
return it->second;
// Try to reduce to a constant
double argval1 = arg1->eval(eval_context_type());
double argval2 = arg2->eval(eval_context_type());
double val = BinaryOpNode::eval_opcode(argval1, op_code, argval2);
return AddPossiblyNegativeConstant(val);
catch(ExprNode::EvalException &e)
return new BinaryOpNode(*this, arg1, op_code, arg2);
inline NodeID
DataTree::AddTrinaryOp(NodeID arg1, TrinaryOpcode op_code, NodeID arg2, NodeID arg3)
trinary_op_node_map_type::iterator it = trinary_op_node_map.find(make_pair(make_pair(make_pair(arg1, arg2), arg3), op_code));
if (it != trinary_op_node_map.end())
return it->second;
// Try to reduce to a constant
double argval1 = arg1->eval(eval_context_type());
double argval2 = arg2->eval(eval_context_type());
double argval3 = arg3->eval(eval_context_type());
double val = TrinaryOpNode::eval_opcode(argval1, op_code, argval2, argval3);
return AddPossiblyNegativeConstant(val);
catch(ExprNode::EvalException &e)
return new TrinaryOpNode(*this, arg1, op_code, arg2, arg3);