
83 lines
2.2 KiB

#include "SymbolTableTypes.hh"
#include "SymbolTable.hh"
#include "CodeInterpreter.hh"
typedef struct Edge
Edge *next;
int Vertex_Index;
typedef struct Equation_vertex
Edge *First_Edge;
Edge *Next_Edge;
int matched,index;
typedef struct Equation_set
Equation_vertex *Number;
int size;
int edges;
typedef struct simple
int index, block;
bool available;
typedef std::string (*t_getNameByID)(Type type, int id);
class Normalization
typedef struct Variable_vertex
int matched;
typedef struct Variable_set
Variable_vertex *Number;
int size;
typedef struct t_Heap
int u; /* vertex */
int i_parent; /* index in t_Heap of parent vertex in tree of u */
int v; /* current matched of u */
Normalization(const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg);
bool Normalize(int n, int prologue, int epilogue, bool* IM, simple* Index_Var_IM, Equation_set* Equation,bool mixing, bool* IM_s);
void Gr_to_IM_basic(int n0, int prologue, int epilogue, bool* IM, Equation_set *Equation,bool transpose);
t_getNameByID getnamebyID;
const SymbolTable &symbol_table;
void Set_fp_verbose(bool ok);
void IM_to_Gr(int n0, int prologue, int epilogue, bool* IM, Equation_set *Equation, Variable_set *Variable );
void Inits(Equation_set *Equation);
void UpdatePath(Equation_set *Equation, Variable_set *Variable, int i1, int i2);
void FindAugmentingPaths(Equation_set *Equation, Variable_set *Variable);
void CheapMatching(Equation_set *Equation, Variable_set *Variable);
void MaximumMatching(Equation_set *Equation, Variable_set *Variable);
int MeasureMatching(Equation_set *Equation);
void OutputMatching(Equation_set* Equation);
void Gr_to_IM(int n0, int prologue, int epilogue, bool* IM, simple* Index_Var_IM, Equation_set *Equation,bool mixing, bool* IM_s);
void Free_Equation(int n, Equation_set* Equation);
void Free_Other(Variable_set* Variable);
void Free_All(int n, Equation_set* Equation, Variable_set* Variable);
void ErrorHandling(int n, bool* IM, simple* Index_Equ_IM);
int eq, eex;
int IndexUnmatched;
bool fp_verbose;
bool* visited;
t_Heap* Local_Heap;