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Time Series
Dynare provides a MATLAB/Octave class for handling time series data,
which is based on a class for handling dates. Dynare also provides a
new type for dates, so that the basic user does not have to worry
about class and methods for dates. Below, you will first find the
class and methods used for creating and dealing with dates and then
the class used for using time series.
.. highlight:: matlab
Dates in a mod file
Dynare understands dates in a mod file. Users can declare annual,
quarterly, monthly or weekly dates using the following syntax::
Behind the scene, Dynares preprocessor translates these expressions
into instantiations of the MATLAB/Octaves class ``dates`` described
below. Basic operations can be performed on dates:
**plus binary operator (+)**
An integer scalar, interpreted as a number of periods, can be
added to a date. For instance, if ``a = 1950Q1`` then ``b =
1951Q2`` and ``b = a + 5`` are identical.
**plus unary operator (+)**
Increments a date by one period. ``+1950Q1`` is identical to
``1950Q2``, ``++++1950Q1`` is identical to ``1951Q1``.
**minus binary operator (-)**
Has two functions: difference and subtraction. If the second
argument is a date, calculates the difference between the first
date and the secmond date (e.g. ``1951Q2-1950Q1`` is equal to
``5``). If the second argument is an integer ``X``, subtracts
``X`` periods from the date (e.g. ``1951Q2-2`` is equal to
**minus unary operator (-)**
Subtracts one period to a date. ``-1950Q1`` is identical to
``1949Q4``. The unary minus operator is the reciprocal of the
unary plus operator, ``+-1950Q1`` is identical to ``1950Q1``.
**colon operator (:)**
Can be used to create a range of dates. For instance, ``r =
1950Q1:1951Q1`` creates a ``dates`` object with five elements:
``1950Q1, 1950Q2, 1950Q3, 1950Q4`` and ``1951Q1``. By default the
increment between each element is one period. This default can be
changed using, for instance, the following instruction:
``1950Q1:2:1951Q1`` which will instantiate a ``dates`` object with
three elements: ``1950Q1``, ``1950Q3`` and ``1951Q1``.
**horzcat operator ([,])**
Concatenates dates objects without removing repetitions. For
instance ``[1950Q1, 1950Q2]`` is a ``dates`` object with two
elements (``1950Q1`` and ``1950Q2``).
**vertcat operator ([;])**
Same as ``horzcat`` operator.
**eq operator (equal, ==)**
Tests if two ``dates`` objects are equal. ``+1950Q1==1950Q2``
returns ``true``, ``1950Q1==1950Q2`` returns ``false``. If the compared
objects have both ``n>1`` elements, the ``eq`` operator returns a
column vector, ``n`` by ``1``, of zeros and ones.
**ne operator (not equal, ~=)**
Tests if two ``dates`` objects are not equal. ``+1950Q1~=``
returns ``false`` while ``1950Q1~=1950Q2`` returns ``true``. If the
compared objects both have ``n>1`` elements, the ``ne`` operator
returns an ``n`` by ``1`` column vector of zeros and ones.
**lt operator (less than, <)**
Tests if a ``dates`` object preceeds another ``dates`` object. For
instance, ``1950Q1<1950Q3`` returns ``true``. If the compared objects
have both ``n>1`` elements, the ``lt`` operator returns a column
vector, ``n`` by ``1``, of zeros and ones.
**gt operator (greater than, >)**
Tests if a ``dates`` object follows another ``dates`` object. For
instance, ``1950Q1>1950Q3`` returns ``false``. If the compared objects
have both ``n>1`` elements, the ``gt`` operator returns a column
vector, ``n`` by ``1``, of zeros and ones.
**le operator (less or equal, <=)**
Tests if a ``dates`` object preceeds another ``dates`` object or
is equal to this object. For instance, ``1950Q1<=1950Q3`` returns
``true``. If the compared objects have both ``n>1`` elements, the
``le`` operator returns a column vector, ``n`` by ``1``, of zeros
and ones.
**ge operator (greater or equal, >=)**
Tests if a ``dates`` object follows another ``dates`` object or is
equal to this object. For instance, ``1950Q1>=1950Q3`` returns
``false``. If the compared objects have both ``n>1`` elements, the
``ge`` operator returns a column vector, ``n`` by ``1``, of zeros
and ones.
One can select an element, or some elements, in a ``dates`` object as
he would extract some elements from a vector in MATLAB/Octave. Let ``a
= 1950Q1:1951Q1`` be a ``dates`` object, then ``a(1)==1950Q1`` returns
``true``, ``a(end)==1951Q1`` returns ``true`` and ``a(end-1:end)`` selects
the two last elements of ``a`` (by instantiating the ``dates`` object
``[1950Q4, 1951Q1]``).
Remark: Dynare substitutes any occurrence of dates in the ``.mod`` file
into an instantiation of the ``dates`` class regardless of the
context. For instance, ``d = 1950Q1`` will be translated as ``d =
dates('1950Q1');``. This automatic substitution can lead to a crash if
a date is defined in a string. Typically, if the user wants to display
a date::
disp('Initial period is 1950Q1');
Dynare will translate this as::
disp('Initial period is dates('1950Q1')');
which will lead to a crash because this expression is illegal in
MATLAB. For this situation, Dynare provides the ``$`` escape
parameter. The following expression::
disp('Initial period is $1950Q1');
will be translated as::
disp('Initial period is 1950Q1');
in the generated MATLAB script.
.. _dates-members:
The dates class
.. class:: dates
:arg int freq: equal to 1, 4, 12 or 52 (resp. for annual,
quarterly, monthly or weekly dates).
:arg int ndat: the number of declared dates in the object.
:arg int time: a ``ndat*2`` array, the years are stored in the
first column, the subperiods (1 for annual dates,
1-4 for quarterly dates, 1-12 for monthly dates and
1-52 for weekly dates) are stored in the second
Each member is private, one can display the content of a member
but cannot change its value directly. Note that it is not possible
to mix frequencies in a ``dates`` object: all the elements must
have common frequency.
The ``dates`` class has the following constructors:
.. construct:: dates()
|br| Returns an empty ``dates`` object with a given frequency
(if the constructor is called with one input
argument). ``FREQ`` is a character equal to Y or A for
annual dates, Q for quarterly dates, M for monthly dates
or W for weekly dates. Note that ``FREQ`` is not case
sensitive, so that, for instance, q is also allowed for
quarterly dates. The frequency can also be set with an integer
scalar equal to 1 (annual), 4 (quarterly), 12 (monthly) or 52
(weekly). The instantiation of empty objects can be used to
rename the ``dates`` class. For instance, if one only works
with quarterly dates, object ``qq`` can be created as::
qq = dates('Q')
and a ``dates`` object holding the date ``2009Q2``::
d0 = qq(2009,2);
which is much simpler if ``dates`` objects have to be defined
.. construct:: dates(STRING)
dates(STRING, STRING, ...)
|br| Returns a ``dates`` object that represents a date as
given by the string ``STRING``. This string has to be
interpretable as a date (only strings of the following forms
are admitted: ``'1990Y'``, ``'1990A'``, ``'1990Q1'``,
``'1990M2'``, ``'1990W5'``), the routine ``isdate`` can be
used to test if a string is interpretable as a date. If more
than one argument is provided, they should all be dates
represented as strings, the resulting ``dates`` object
contains as many elements as arguments to the constructor.
.. construct:: dates(DATES)
dates(DATES, DATES, ...)
|br| Returns a copy of the ``dates`` object ``DATES`` passed
as input arguments. If more than one argument is provided,
they should all be ``dates`` objects. The number of elements
in the instantiated ``dates`` object is equal to the sum of
the elements in the ``dates`` passed as arguments to the
.. construct:: dates (FREQ, YEAR, SUBPERIOD)
|br| where ``FREQ`` is a single character (Y, A, Q, M,
W) or integer (1, 4, 12 or 52) specifying the frequency,
``YEAR`` and ``SUBPERIOD`` are ``n*1`` vectors of
integers. Returns a ``dates`` object with ``n`` elements. If
``FREQ`` is equal to ``'Y'``, ``'A'`` or ``1``, the third
argument is not needed (because ``SUBPERIOD`` is necessarily a
vector of ones in this case).
do1 = dates('1950Q1');
do2 = dates('1950Q2','1950Q3');
do3 = dates(do1,do2);
do4 = dates('Q',1950, 1);
A list of the available methods, by alphabetical order, is given
below. Note that the MATLAB/Octave classes do not allow in place
modifications: when a method is applied to an object a new object
is instantiated. For instance, to apply the method
``multiplybytwo`` to an object ``X`` we write::
Y = X.multiplybytwo()
or equivalently::
Y = multiplybytwo(X)
the object ``X`` is left unchanged, and the object ``Y`` is a
modified copy of ``X``.
.. datesmethod:: C = append (A, B)
|br| Appends ``dates`` object ``B``, or a string that can be
interpreted as a date, to the ``dates`` object ``A``. If ``B``
is a ``dates`` object it is assumed that it has no more than
one element.
>> D = dates('1950Q1','1950Q2');
>> d = dates('1950Q3');
>> E = D.append(d);
>> F = D.append('1950Q3')
>> isequal(E,F)
ans =
>> F
F = <dates: 1950Q1, 1950Q2, 1950Q3>
.. datesmethod:: C = colon (A, B)
C = colon (A, i, B)
|br| Overloads the MATLAB/Octave colon (``:``) operator. A and B
are ``dates`` objects. The optional increment ``i`` is a
scalar integer (default value is ``i=1``). This method returns
a ``dates`` object and can be used to create ranges of dates.
>> A = dates('1950Q1');
>> B = dates('1951Q2');
>> C = A:B
C = <dates: 1950Q1, 1950Q2, 1950Q3, 1950Q4, 1951Q1>
>> D = A:2:B
D = <dates: 1950Q1, 1950Q3, 1951Q1>
.. datesmethod:: B = double (A)
|br| Overloads the MATLAB/Octave ``double`` function. ``A`` is
a ``dates`` object. The method returns a floating point
representation of a ``dates`` object, the integer and
fractional parts respectively corresponding to the year and
the subperiod. The fractional part is the subperiod number
minus one divided by the frequency (``1``, ``4``, ``12`` or
>> a = dates('1950Q1'):dates('1950Q4');
>> a.double()
ans =
.. datesmethod:: C = eq (A, B)
|br| Overloads the MATLAB/Octave ``eq`` (equal, ``==``)
operator. ``dates`` objects ``A`` and ``B`` must have the same
number of elements (say, ``n``). The returned argument is a
``n`` by ``1`` vector of zeros and ones. The i-th element of
``C`` is equal to ``1`` if and only if the dates ``A(i)`` and
``B(i)`` are the same.
>> A = dates('1950Q1','1951Q2');
>> B = dates('1950Q1','1950Q2');
>> A==B
ans =
.. datesmethod:: C = ge (A, B)
|br| Overloads the MATLAB/Octave ``ge`` (greater or equal,
``>=``) operator. ``dates`` objects ``A`` and ``B`` must have
the same number of elements (say, ``n``). The returned
argument is a ``n`` by ``1`` vector of zeros and ones. The
i-th element of ``C`` is equal to ``1`` if and only if the
date ``A(i)`` is posterior or equal to the date ``B(i)``.
>> A = dates('1950Q1','1951Q2');
>> B = dates('1950Q1','1950Q2');
>> A>=B
ans =
.. datesmethod:: C = gt (A, B)
|br| Overloads the MATLAB/Octave ``gt`` (greater than, ``>``)
operator. ``dates`` objects ``A`` and ``B`` must have the same
number of elements (say, ``n``). The returned argument is a
``n`` by ``1`` vector of zeros and ones. The i-th element of
``C`` is equal to ``1`` if and only if the date ``A(i)`` is
posterior to the date ``B(i)``.
>> A = dates('1950Q1','1951Q2');
>> B = dates('1950Q1','1950Q2');
>> A>B
ans =
.. datesmethod:: D = horzcat (A, B, C, ...)
|br| Overloads the MATLAB/Octave ``horzcat`` operator. All the
input arguments must be ``dates`` objects. The returned
argument is a ``dates`` object gathering all the dates given
in the input arguments (repetitions are not removed).
>> A = dates('1950Q1');
>> B = dates('1950Q2');
>> C = [A, B];
>> C
C = <dates: 1950Q1, 1950Q2>
.. datesmethod:: C = intersect (A, B)
|br| Overloads the MATLAB/Octave ``intersect`` function. All
the input arguments must be ``dates`` objects. The returned
argument is a ``dates`` object gathering all the common dates
given in the input arguments. If ``A`` and ``B`` are disjoint
``dates`` objects, the function returns an empty ``dates``
object. Returned dates in ``dates`` object ``C`` are sorted by
increasing order.
>> A = dates('1950Q1'):dates('1951Q4');
>> B = dates('1951Q1'):dates('1951Q4');
>> C = intersect(A, B);
>> C
C = <dates: 1951Q1, 1951Q2, 1951Q3, 1951Q4>
.. datesmethod:: C = setdiff (A, B)
|br| Overloads the MATLAB/Octave ``setdiff`` function. All the
input arguments must be ``dates`` objects. The returned
argument is a ``dates`` object all dates present in ``A`` but
not in ``B``. If ``A`` and ``B`` are disjoint ``dates``
objects, the function returns ``A``. Returned dates in
``dates`` object ``C`` are sorted by increasing order.
>> A = dates('1950Q1'):dates('1969Q4') ;
>> B = dates('1960Q1'):dates('1969Q4') ;
>> C = dates('1970Q1'):dates('1979Q4') ;
>> d1 = setdiff(d1,d2);
>> d2 = setdiff(d1,d3);
d1 = <dates: 1950Q1, 1950Q2, ..., 1959Q3, 1959Q4>
d2 = <dates: 1950Q1, 1950Q2, ..., 1969Q3, 1969Q4>
.. datesmethod:: B = isempty (A)
|br| Overloads the MATLAB/Octave ``isempty`` function for ``dates``
>> A = dates('1950Q1'):dates('1951Q4');
>> A.isempty()
ans =
.. datesmethod:: C = isequal (A, B)
|br| Overloads the MATLAB/Octave ``isequal`` function for
``dates`` objects.
>> A = dates('1950Q1'):dates('1951Q4');
>> isequal(A,A)
ans =
.. datesmethod:: C = le (A, B)
|br| Overloads the MATLAB/Octave ``le`` (less or equal,
``<=``) operator. ``dates`` objects ``A`` and ``B`` must have
the same number of elements (say, ``n``). The returned
argument is a ``n`` by ``1`` vector of zeros and ones. The
i-th element of ``C`` is equal to ``1`` if and only if the
date ``A(i)`` is not posterior to the date ``B(i)``.
>> A = dates('1950Q1','1951Q2');
>> B = dates('1950Q1','1950Q2');
>> A<=B
ans =
.. datesmethod:: B = length (A)
|br| Overloads the MATLAB/Octave ``length`` function. Returns the
number of dates in ``dates`` object ``A`` (``B`` is a scalar
>> A = dates('1950Q1','1951Q2');
>> A.length()
ans =
.. datesmethod:: C = lt (A, B)
|br| Overloads the MATLAB/Octave ``lt`` (less than, ``<``)
operator. ``dates`` objects ``A`` and ``B`` must have the same
number of elements (say, ``n``). The returned argument is a
``n`` by ``1`` vector of zeros and ones. The i-th element of
``C`` is equal to ``1`` if and only if the date ``A(i)``
preceeds the date ``B(i)``.
>> A = dates('1950Q1','1951Q2');
>> B = dates('1950Q1','1950Q2');
>> A<B
ans =
.. datesmethod:: D = max (A, B, C, ...)
|br| Overloads the MATLAB/Octave ``max`` function. All input
arguments must be ``dates`` objects. The function returns a
single element ``dates`` object containing the greatest date.
>> A = {dates('1950Q2'), dates('1953Q4','1876Q2'), dates('1794Q3')};
>> max(A{:})
ans = <dates: 1953Q4>
.. datesmethod:: D = min (A, B, C, ...)
|br| Overloads the MATLAB/Octave ``min`` function. All input
arguments must be ``dates`` objects. The function returns a
single element ``dates`` object containing the smallest date.
>> A = {dates('1950Q2'), dates('1953Q4','1876Q2'), dates('1794Q3')};
>> min(A{:})
ans = <dates: 1794Q3>
.. datesmethod:: C = minus (A, B)
|br| Overloads the MATLAB/Octave ``minus`` operator
(``-``). If both input arguments are ``dates`` objects, then
number of periods between ``A`` and ``B`` is returned (so that
``A+C=B``). If ``B`` is a vector of integers, the minus
operator shifts the ``dates`` object by ``B`` periods
>> d1 = dates('1950Q1','1950Q2','1960Q1');
>> d2 = dates('1950Q3','1950Q4','1960Q1');
>> ee = d2-d1
ee =
>> d1-(-ee)
ans = <dates: 1950Q3, 1950Q4, 1960Q1>
.. datesmethod:: C = ne (A, B)
|br| Overloads the MATLAB/Octave ``ne`` (not equal, ``~=``)
operator. ``dates`` objects ``A`` and ``B`` must have the same
number of elements (say, ``n``) or one of the inputs must be a
single element ``dates`` object. The returned argument is a
``n`` by ``1`` vector of zeros and ones. The i-th element of
``C`` is equal to ``1`` if and only if the dates ``A(i)`` and
``B(i)`` are different.
>> A = dates('1950Q1','1951Q2');
>> B = dates('1950Q1','1950Q2');
>> A~=B
ans =
.. datesmethod:: C = plus (A, B)
|br| Overloads the MATLAB/Octave ``plus`` operator (``+``). If
both input arguments are ``dates`` objects, then the method
combines ``A`` and ``B`` without removing repetitions. If
``B`` is a vector of integers, the ``plus`` operator shifts
the ``dates`` object by ``B`` periods forward.
>> d1 = dates('1950Q1','1950Q2')+dates('1960Q1');
>> d2 = (dates('1950Q1','1950Q2')+2)+dates('1960Q1');
>> ee = d2-d1;
ee =
>> d1+ee
ans = <dates: 1950Q3, 1950Q4, 1960Q1>
.. datesmethod:: C = pop (A)
C = pop (A,B)
|br| Pop method for ``dates`` class. If only one input is
provided, the method removes the last element of a ``dates``
object. If a second input argument is provided, a scalar
integer between ``1`` and ``A.length()``, the method removes
element number ``B`` from ``dates`` object ``A``.
>> d1 = dates('1950Q1','1950Q2');
>> d1.pop()
ans = <dates: 1950Q1>
>> d1.pop(1)
ans = <dates: 1950Q2>
.. datesmethod:: B = sort (A)
|br| Sort method for ``dates`` objects. Returns a ``dates`` object
with elements sorted by increasing order.
>> dd = dates('1945Q3','1938Q4','1789Q3');
>> dd.sort()
ans = <dates: 1789Q3, 1938Q4, 1945Q3>
.. datesmethod:: B = uminus (A)
|br| Overloads the MATLAB/Octave unary minus operator. Returns
a ``dates`` object with elements shifted one period backward.
>> dd = dates('1945Q3','1938Q4','1973Q1');
>> -dd
ans = <dates: 1945Q2, 1938Q3, 1972Q4>
.. datesmethod:: D = union (A, B, C, ...)
|br| Overloads the MATLAB/Octave ``union`` function. Returns a
``dates`` object with elements sorted by increasing order
(repetitions are removed, to keep the repetitions use the
``horzcat`` or ``plus`` operators).
>> d1 = dates('1945Q3','1973Q1','1938Q4');
>> d2 = dates('1973Q1','1976Q1');
>> union(d1,d2)
ans = <dates: 1938Q4, 1945Q3, 1973Q1, 1976Q1>
.. datesmethod:: B = unique (A)
|br| Overloads the MATLAB/Octave ``unique`` function. Returns
a ``dates`` object with repetitions removed (only the last
occurence of a date is kept).
>> d1 = dates('1945Q3','1973Q1','1945Q3');
>> d1.unique()
ans = <dates: 1973Q1, 1945Q3>
.. datesmethod:: B = uplus (A)
|br| Overloads the MATLAB/Octave unary plus operator. Returns
a ``dates`` object with elements shifted one period ahead.
>> dd = dates('1945Q3','1938Q4','1973Q1');
>> +dd
ans = <dates: 1945Q4, 1939Q1, 1973Q2>
.. _dseries-members:
The dseries class
.. class:: dseries
|br| The MATLAB/Octave ``dseries`` class handles time series
data. As any MATLAB/Octave statements, this class can be used in a
Dynares mod file. A ``dseries`` object has six members:
:arg name: A ``nobs*1`` cell of strings or a ``nobs*p`` character
array, the names of the variables.
:arg tex: A ``nobs*1`` cell of strings or a ``nobs*p`` character
array, the tex names of the variables.
:arg dates dates: An object with ``nobs`` elements, the dates of the sample.
:arg double data: A ``nobs`` by ``vobs`` array, the data.
:arg ops: The history of operations on the variables.
:arg tags: The user-defined tags on the variables.
``data``, ``name``, ``tex`` are private members. The following
constructors are available:
.. construct:: dseries ()
dseries (INITIAL_DATE)
|br| Instantiates an empty ``dseries`` object with, if
defined, an initial date given by the single element ``dates``
object *INITIAL_DATE.*
.. construct:: dseries (FILENAME[, INITIAL_DATE])
|br| Instantiates and populates a ``dseries`` object with a
data file specified by *FILENAME*, a string passed as
input. Valid file types are ``.m``, ``.mat``, ``.csv`` and
``.xls/.xlsx`` (Octave only supports ``.xlsx`` files and the
`io <https://octave.sourceforge.io/io/>`__ package from
Octave-Forge must be installed). A typical ``.m`` file will
have the following form::
INIT__ = '1994Q3';
NAMES__ = {'azert';'yuiop'};
TEX__ = {'azert';'yuiop'};
azert = randn(100,1);
yuiop = randn(100,1);
If a ``.mat`` file is used instead, it should provide the same
informations. Note that the ``INIT__`` variable can be either
a ``dates`` object or a string which could be used to
instantiate the same ``dates`` object. If ``INIT__`` is not
provided in the ``.mat`` or ``.m`` file, the initial is by
default set equal to ``dates('1Y')``. If a second input
argument is passed to the constructor, ``dates`` object
*INITIAL_DATE*, the initial date defined in *FILENAME* is
reset to *INITIAL_DATE*. This is typically usefull if
``INIT__`` is not provided in the data file.
|br| If the data is not read from a file, it can be provided
via a :math:`T \times N` matrix as the first argument to
``dseries`` constructor, with :math:`T` representing the
number of observations on :math:`N` variables. The optional
second argument, *INITIAL_DATE*, can be either a ``dates``
object representing the period of the first observation or a
string which would be used to instantiate a ``dates``
object. Its default value is ``dates('1Y')``. The optional
third argument, *LIST_OF_NAMES*, is a :math:`N \times 1` cell
of strings with one entry for each variable name. The default
name associated with column ``i`` of *DATA_MATRIX* is
``Variable_i``. The final argument, *TEX_NAMES*, is a :math:`N
\times 1` cell of strings composed of the LaTeX names
associated with the variables. The default LaTeX name
associated with column ``i`` of *DATA_MATRIX* is
``Variable\_i``. If the optional second input argument is a
range of dates, ``dates`` object *RANGE_OF_DATES*, the number
of rows in the first argument must match the number of
elements *RANGE_OF_DATES* or be equal to one (in which case
the single observation is replicated).
.. construct:: dseries (TABLE)
Creates a ``dseries`` object given the MATLAB Table provided as the sole
argument. It is assumed that the first column of the table contains the
dates of the ``dseries`` and the first row contains the names. NB: This
feature is not available under Octave or MATLAB R2013a or earlier.
Various ways to create a ``dseries`` object::
do1 = dseries(1999Q3);
do2 = dseries('filename.csv');
do3 = dseries([1; 2; 3], 1999Q3, {'var123'}, {'var_{123}'});
>> do1 = dseries(dates('1999Q3'));
>> do2 = dseries('filename.csv');
>> do3 = dseries([1; 2; 3], dates('1999Q3'), {'var123'}, {'var_{123}'});
One can easily create subsamples from a ``dseries`` object using
the overloaded parenthesis operator. If ``ds`` is a ``dseries``
object with :math:`T` observations and ``d`` is a ``dates`` object
with :math:`S<T` elements, such that :math:`\min(d)` is not
smaller than the date associated to the first observation in
``ds`` and :math:`\max(d)` is not greater than the date associated
to the last observation, then ``ds(d)`` instantiates a new
``dseries`` object containing the subsample defined by ``d``.
A list of the available methods, by alphabetical order, is given below.
.. dseriesmethod:: A = abs(B)
|br| Overloads the ``abs()`` function for ``dseries``
objects. Returns the absolute value of the variables in
dseries ``object`` ``B``.
>> ts0 = dseries(randn(3,2),'1973Q1',{'A1'; 'A2'},{'A_1'; 'A_2'});
>> ts1 = ts0.abs();
>> ts0
ts0 is a dseries object:
| A1 | A2
1973Q1 | -0.67284 | 1.4367
1973Q2 | -0.51222 | -0.4948
1973Q3 | 0.99791 | 0.22677
>> ts1
ts1 is a dseries object:
| abs(A1) | abs(A2)
1973Q1 | 0.67284 | 1.4367
1973Q2 | 0.51222 | 0.4948
1973Q3 | 0.99791 | 0.22677
.. dseriesmethod:: [A, B] = align(A, B)
If ``dseries`` objects ``A`` and ``B`` are defined on
different time ranges, this function extends ``A`` and/or
``B`` with NaNs so that they are defined on the same time
range. Note that both ``dseries`` objects must have the same
>> ts0 = dseries(rand(5,1),dates('2000Q1')); % 2000Q1 -> 2001Q1
>> ts1 = dseries(rand(3,1),dates('2000Q4')); % 2000Q4 -> 2001Q2
>> [ts0, ts1] = align(ts0, ts1); % 2000Q1 -> 2001Q2
>> ts0
ts0 is a dseries object:
| Variable_1
2000Q1 | 0.81472
2000Q2 | 0.90579
2000Q3 | 0.12699
2000Q4 | 0.91338
2001Q1 | 0.63236
2001Q2 | NaN
>> ts1
ts1 is a dseries object:
| Variable_1
2000Q1 | NaN
2000Q2 | NaN
2000Q3 | NaN
2000Q4 | 0.66653
2001Q1 | 0.17813
2001Q2 | 0.12801
.. dseriesmethod:: B = baxter_king_filter(A, hf, lf, K)
|br| Implementation of the *Baxter and King* (1999) band pass
filter for ``dseries`` objects. This filter isolates business
cycle fluctuations with a period of length ranging between
``hf`` (high frequency) to ``lf`` (low frequency) using a
symmetric moving average smoother with :math:`2K+1` points, so
that :math:`K` observations at the beginning and at the end of
the sample are lost in the computation of the filter. The
default value for ``hf`` is ``6``, for ``lf`` is ``32``, and
for ``K`` is ``12``.
% Simulate a component model (stochastic trend, deterministic
% trend, and a stationary autoregressive process).
e = 0.2*randn(200,1);
u = randn(200,1);
stochastic_trend = cumsum(e);
deterministic_trend = .1*transpose(1:200);
x = zeros(200,1);
for i=2:200
x(i) = .75*x(i-1) + u(i);
y = x + stochastic_trend + deterministic_trend;
% Instantiates time series objects.
ts0 = dseries(y,'1950Q1');
ts1 = dseries(x,'1950Q1'); % stationary component.
% Apply the Baxter-King filter.
ts2 = ts0.baxter_king_filter();
% Plot the filtered time series.
plot(ts1(ts2.dates).data,'-k'); % Plot of the stationary component.
hold on
plot(ts2.data,'--r'); % Plot of the filtered y.
hold off
axis tight
id = get(gca,'XTick');
.. dseriesmethod:: C = chain(A, B)
|br| Merge two ``dseries`` objects along the time
dimension. The two objects must have the same number of
observed variables, and the initial date in ``B`` must not be
posterior to the last date in ``A``. The returned ``dseries``
object, ``C``, is built by extending ``A`` with the cumulated
growth factors of ``B``.
>> ts = dseries([1; 2; 3; 4],dates(`1950Q1'))
ts is a dseries object:
| Variable_1
1950Q1 | 1
1950Q2 | 2
1950Q3 | 3
1950Q4 | 4
>> us = dseries([3; 4; 5; 6],dates(`1950Q3'))
us is a dseries object:
| Variable_1
1950Q3 | 3
1950Q4 | 4
1951Q1 | 5
1951Q2 | 6
>> chain(ts, us)
ans is a dseries object:
| Variable_1
1950Q1 | 1
1950Q2 | 2
1950Q3 | 3
1950Q4 | 4
1951Q1 | 5
1951Q2 | 6
.. dseriesmethod:: [error_flag, message ] = check(A)
|br| Sanity check of ``dseries`` object ``A``. Returns ``1``
if there is an error, ``0`` otherwise. The second output
argument is a string giving brief informations about the
.. dseriesmethod:: B = cumprod(A[, d[, v]])
|br| Overloads the MATLAB/Octave ``cumprod`` function for
``dseries`` objects. The cumulated product cannot be computed
if the variables in ``dseries`` object ``A`` have NaNs. If a
``dates`` object ``d`` is provided as a second argument, then
the method computes the cumulated product with the additional
constraint that the variables in the ``dseries`` object ``B``
are equal to one in period ``d``. If a single-observation
``dseries`` object ``v`` is provided as a third argument, the
cumulated product in ``B`` is normalized such that ``B(d)``
matches ``v`` (``dseries`` objects ``A`` and ``v`` must have
the same number of variables).
>> ts1 = dseries(2*ones(7,1));
>> ts2 = ts1.cumprod();
>> ts2
ts2 is a dseries object:
| cumprod(Variable_1)
1Y | 2
2Y | 4
3Y | 8
4Y | 16
5Y | 32
6Y | 64
7Y | 128
>> ts3 = ts1.cumprod(dates('3Y'));
>> ts3
ts3 is a dseries object:
| cumprod(Variable_1)
1Y | 0.25
2Y | 0.5
3Y | 1
4Y | 2
5Y | 4
6Y | 8
7Y | 16
>> ts4 = ts1.cumprod(dates('3Y'),dseries(pi));
>> ts4
ts4 is a dseries object:
| cumprod(Variable_1)
1Y | 0.7854
2Y | 1.5708
3Y | 3.1416
4Y | 6.2832
5Y | 12.5664
6Y | 25.1327
7Y | 50.2655
.. dseriesmethod:: B = cumsum(A[, d[, v]])
|br| Overloads the MATLAB/Octave ``cumsum`` function for
``dseries`` objects. The cumulated sum cannot be computed if
the variables in ``dseries`` object ``A`` have NaNs. If a
``dates`` object ``d`` is provided as a second argument, then
the method computes the cumulated sum with the additional
constraint that the variables in the ``dseries`` object ``B``
are zero in period ``d``. If a single observation ``dseries``
object ``v`` is provided as a third argument, the cumulated
sum in ``B`` is such that ``B(d)`` matches ``v`` (``dseries``
objects ``A`` and ``v`` must have the same number of
>> ts1 = dseries(ones(10,1));
>> ts2 = ts1.cumsum();
>> ts2
ts2 is a dseries object:
| cumsum(Variable_1)
1Y | 1
2Y | 2
3Y | 3
4Y | 4
5Y | 5
6Y | 6
7Y | 7
8Y | 8
9Y | 9
10Y | 10
>> ts3 = ts1.cumsum(dates('3Y'));
>> ts3
ts3 is a dseries object:
| cumsum(Variable_1)
1Y | -2
2Y | -1
3Y | 0
4Y | 1
5Y | 2
6Y | 3
7Y | 4
8Y | 5
9Y | 6
10Y | 7
>> ts4 = ts1.cumsum(dates('3Y'),dseries(pi));
>> ts4
ts4 is a dseries object:
| cumsum(Variable_1)
1Y | 1.1416
2Y | 2.1416
3Y | 3.1416
4Y | 4.1416
5Y | 5.1416
6Y | 6.1416
7Y | 7.1416
8Y | 8.1416
9Y | 9.1416
10Y | 10.1416
.. dseriesmethod:: C = eq(A, B)
|br| Overloads the MATLAB/Octave ``eq`` (equal, ``==``)
operator. ``dseries`` objects ``A`` and ``B`` must have the
same number of observations (say, :math:`T`) and variables
(:math:`N`). The returned argument is a :math:`T \times N`
matrix of zeros and ones. Element :math:`(i,j)` of ``C`` is
equal to ``1`` if and only if observation :math:`i` for
variable :math:`j` in ``A`` and ``B`` are the same.
>> ts0 = dseries(2*ones(3,1));
>> ts1 = dseries([2; 0; 2]);
>> ts0==ts1
ans =
.. dseriesmethod:: B = exp(A)
|br| Overloads the MATLAB/Octave ``exp`` function for
``dseries`` objects.
>> ts0 = dseries(rand(10,1));
>> ts1 = ts0.exp();
.. dseriesmethod:: l = exist(A, varname)
|br| Tests if variable exists in ``dseries`` object ``A``. Returns
``1`` (true) iff variable exists in ``A``.
>> ts = dseries(randn(100,1));
>> ts.exist('Variable_1')
ans =
>> ts.exist('Variable_2')
ans =
.. dseriesmethod:: C = extract(A, B[, ...])
|br| Extracts some variables from a ``dseries`` object ``A``
and returns a ``dseries`` object ``C``. The input arguments
following ``A`` are strings representing the variables to be
selected in the new ``dseries`` object ``C``. To simplify the
creation of sub-objects, the ``dseries`` class overloads the
curly braces (``D = extract (A, B, C)`` is equivalent to ``D =
A{B,C}``) and allows implicit loops (defined between a pair of
``@`` symbol, see examples below) or MATLAB/Octaves regular
expressions (introduced by square brackets).
The following selections are equivalent::
>> ts0 = dseries(ones(100,10));
>> ts1 = ts0{'Variable_1','Variable_2','Variable_3'};
>> ts2 = ts0{'Variable_@1,2,3@'}
>> ts3 = ts0{'Variable_[1-3]$'}
>> isequal(ts1,ts2) && isequal(ts1,ts3)
ans =
It is possible to use up to two implicit loops to select variables::
names = {'GDP_1';'GDP_2';'GDP_3'; 'GDP_4'; 'GDP_5'; 'GDP_6'; 'GDP_7'; 'GDP_8'; ...
'GDP_9'; 'GDP_10'; 'GDP_11'; 'GDP_12'; ...
'HICP_1';'HICP_2';'HICP_3'; 'HICP_4'; 'HICP_5'; 'HICP_6'; 'HICP_7'; 'HICP_8'; ...
'HICP_9'; 'HICP_10'; 'HICP_11'; 'HICP_12'};
ts0 = dseries(randn(4,24),dates('1973Q1'),names);
ans is a dseries object:
| GDP_1 | GDP_3 | GDP_5 | HICP_1 | HICP_3 | HICP_5
1973Q1 | 1.7906 | -1.6606 | -0.57716 | 0.60963 | -0.52335 | 0.26172
1973Q2 | 2.1624 | 3.0125 | 0.52563 | 0.70912 | -1.7158 | 1.7792
1973Q3 | -0.81928 | 1.5008 | 1.152 | 0.2798 | 0.88568 | 1.8927
1973Q4 | -0.03705 | -0.35899 | 0.85838 | -1.4675 | -2.1666 | -0.62032
.. dseriesmethod:: f = freq(B)
|br| Returns the frequency of the variables in ``dseries`` object ``B``.
>> ts = dseries(randn(3,2),'1973Q1');
>> ts.freq
ans =
.. dseriesmethod:: D = horzcat(A, B[, ...])
|br| Overloads the ``horzcat`` MATLAB/Octaves method for
``dseries`` objects. Returns a ``dseries`` object ``D``
containing the variables in ``dseries`` objects passed as
inputs: ``A, B, ...`` If the inputs are not defined on the
same time ranges, the method adds NaNs to the variables so
that the variables are redefined on the smallest common time
range. Note that the names in the ``dseries`` objects passed
as inputs must be different and these objects must have common
>> ts0 = dseries(rand(5,2),'1950Q1',{'nifnif';'noufnouf'});
>> ts1 = dseries(rand(7,1),'1950Q3',{'nafnaf'});
>> ts2 = [ts0, ts1];
>> ts2
ts2 is a dseries object:
| nifnif | noufnouf | nafnaf
1950Q1 | 0.17404 | 0.71431 | NaN
1950Q2 | 0.62741 | 0.90704 | NaN
1950Q3 | 0.84189 | 0.21854 | 0.83666
1950Q4 | 0.51008 | 0.87096 | 0.8593
1951Q1 | 0.16576 | 0.21184 | 0.52338
1951Q2 | NaN | NaN | 0.47736
1951Q3 | NaN | NaN | 0.88988
1951Q4 | NaN | NaN | 0.065076
1952Q1 | NaN | NaN | 0.50946
.. dseriesmethod:: B = hpcycle(A[, lambda])
|br| Extracts the cycle component from a ``dseries`` ``A``
object using the *Hodrick and Prescott (1997)* filter and
returns a ``dseries`` object, ``B``. The default value for
``lambda``, the smoothing parameter, is ``1600``.
% Simulate a component model (stochastic trend, deterministic
% trend, and a stationary autoregressive process).
e = 0.2*randn(200,1);
u = randn(200,1);
stochastic_trend = cumsum(e);
deterministic_trend = .1*transpose(1:200);
x = zeros(200,1);
for i=2:200
x(i) = .75*x(i-1) + u(i);
y = x + stochastic_trend + deterministic_trend;
% Instantiates time series objects.
ts0 = dseries(y,'1950Q1');
ts1 = dseries(x,'1950Q1'); % stationary component.
% Apply the HP filter.
ts2 = ts0.hpcycle();
% Plot the filtered time series.
plot(ts1(ts2.dates).data,'-k'); % Plot of the stationary component.
hold on
plot(ts2.data,'--r'); % Plot of the filtered y.
hold off
axis tight
id = get(gca,'XTick');
.. dseriesmethod:: B = hptrend(A[, lambda])
|br| Extracts the trend component from a ``dseries`` A object
using the *Hodrick and Prescott (1997)* filter and returns a
``dseries`` object, ``B``. Default value for ``lambda``, the
smoothing parameter, is ``1600``.
% Using the same generating data process
% as in the previous example:
ts1 = dseries(stochastic_trend + deterministic_trend,'1950Q1');
% Apply the HP filter.
ts2 = ts0.hptrend();
% Plot the filtered time series.
plot(ts1.data,'-k'); % Plot of the nonstationary components.
hold on
plot(ts2.data,'--r'); % Plot of the estimated trend.
hold off
axis tight
id = get(gca,'XTick');
.. dseriesmethod:: f = init(B)
|br| Returns the initial date in ``dseries`` object ``B``.
>> ts = dseries(randn(3,2),'1973Q1');
>> ts.init
ans = <dates: 1973Q1>
.. dseriesmethod:: C = insert(A, B, I)
|br| Inserts variables contained in ``dseries`` object ``B``
in ``dseries`` object ``A`` at positions specified by integer
scalars in vector ``I``, returns augmented ``dseries`` object
``C``. The integer scalars in ``I`` must take values between
`` and ``A.length()+1`` and refers to ``A`` s column
numbers. The ``dseries`` objects ``A`` and ``B`` need not be
defined over the same time ranges, but it is assumed that they
have common frequency.
>> ts0 = dseries(ones(2,4),'1950Q1',{'Sly'; 'Gobbo'; 'Sneaky'; 'Stealthy'});
>> ts1 = dseries(pi*ones(2,1),'1950Q1',{'Noddy'});
>> ts2 = ts0.insert(ts1,3)
ts2 is a dseries object:
| Sly | Gobbo | Noddy | Sneaky | Stealthy
1950Q1 | 1 | 1 | 3.1416 | 1 | 1
1950Q2 | 1 | 1 | 3.1416 | 1 | 1
>> ts3 = dseries([pi*ones(2,1) sqrt(pi)*ones(2,1)],'1950Q1',{'Noddy';'Tessie Bear'});
>> ts4 = ts0.insert(ts1,[3, 4])
ts4 is a dseries object:
| Sly | Gobbo | Noddy | Sneaky | Tessie Bear | Stealthy
1950Q1 | 1 | 1 | 3.1416 | 1 | 1.7725 | 1
1950Q2 | 1 | 1 | 3.1416 | 1 | 1.7725 | 1
.. dseriesmethod:: B = isempty(A)
|br| Overloads the MATLAB/octaves ``isempty`` function. Returns
``1`` if ``dseries`` object ``A`` is empty, ``0`` otherwise.
.. dseriesmethod:: C = isequal(A,B)
|br| Overloads the MATLAB/octaves ``isequal`` function. Returns
``1`` if ``dseries`` objects ``A`` and ``B`` are identical, ``0``
.. dseriesmethod:: B = lag(A[, p])
Returns lagged time series. Default value of ``p``, the number
of lags, is ``1``.
>> ts0 = dseries(transpose(1:4),'1950Q1')
ts0 is a dseries object:
| Variable_1
1950Q1 | 1
1950Q2 | 2
1950Q3 | 3
1950Q4 | 4
>> ts1 = ts0.lag()
ts1 is a dseries object:
| lag(Variable_1,1)
1950Q1 | NaN
1950Q2 | 1
1950Q3 | 2
1950Q4 | 3
>> ts2 = ts0.lag(2)
ts2 is a dseries object:
| lag(Variable_1,2)
1950Q1 | NaN
1950Q2 | NaN
1950Q3 | 1
1950Q4 | 2
% dseries class overloads the parenthesis
% so that ts.lag(p) can be written more
% compactly as ts(-p). For instance:
>> ts0.lag(1)
ans is a dseries object:
| lag(Variable_1,1)
1950Q1 | NaN
1950Q2 | 1
1950Q3 | 2
1950Q4 | 3
or alternatively::
>> ts0(-1)
ans is a dseries object:
| lag(Variable_1,1)
1950Q1 | NaN
1950Q2 | 1
1950Q3 | 2
1950Q4 | 3
.. dseriesmethod:: l = last(B)
|br| Returns the last date in ``dseries`` object ``B``.
>> ts = dseries(randn(3,2),'1973Q1');
>> ts.last
ans = <dates: 1973Q3>
.. dseriesmethod:: B = lead(A[, p])
|br| Returns lead time series. Default value of ``p``, the
number of leads, is ``1``. As in the ``lag`` method, the
``dseries`` class overloads the parenthesis so that
``ts.lead(p)`` is equivalent to ``ts(p)``.
>> ts0 = dseries(transpose(1:4),'1950Q1');
>> ts1 = ts0.lead()
ts1 is a dseries object:
| lead(Variable_1,1)
1950Q1 | 2
1950Q2 | 3
1950Q3 | 4
1950Q4 | NaN
>> ts2 = ts0(2)
ts2 is a dseries object:
| lead(Variable_1,2)
1950Q1 | 3
1950Q2 | 4
1950Q3 | NaN
1950Q4 | NaN
The overloading of the parenthesis for ``dseries`` objects,
allows to easily create new ``dseries`` objects by
copying/pasting equations declared in the ``model`` block. For
instance, if an Euler equation is defined in the ``model``
1/C - beta/C(1)*(exp(A(1))*K^(alpha-1)+1-delta) ;
and if variables ``, ``A`` and ``K`` are defined as
``dseries`` objects, then by writing::
Residuals = 1/C - beta/C(1)*(exp(A(1))*K^(alpha-1)+1-delta) ;
outside of the ``model`` block, we create a new ``dseries``
object, called ``Residuals``, for the residuals of the Euler
equation (the conditional expectation of the equation defined
in the ``model`` block is zero, but the residuals are non
.. dseriesmethod:: B = log(A)
|br| Overloads the MATLAB/Octave ``log`` function for
``dseries`` objects.
>> ts0 = dseries(rand(10,1));
>> ts1 = ts0.log();
.. dseriesmethod:: C = merge(A, B)
|br| Merges two ``dseries`` objects ``A`` and ``B`` in
``dseries`` object ``C``. Objects ``A`` and ``B`` need to have
common frequency but can be defined on different time
ranges. If a variable, say ``x``, is defined both in
``dseries`` objects ``A`` and ``B``, then the ``merge`` will
select the variable ``x`` as defined in the second input
argument, ``B``, except for the NaN elements in ``B`` if
corresponding elements in ``A`` (ie same periods) are well
defined numbers.
>> ts0 = dseries(rand(3,2),'1950Q1',{'A1';'A2'})
ts0 is a dseries object:
| A1 | A2
1950Q1 | 0.42448 | 0.92477
1950Q2 | 0.60726 | 0.64208
1950Q3 | 0.070764 | 0.1045
>> ts1 = dseries(rand(3,1),'1950Q2',{'A1'})
ts1 is a dseries object:
| A1
1950Q2 | 0.70023
1950Q3 | 0.3958
1950Q4 | 0.084905
>> merge(ts0,ts1)
ans is a dseries object:
| A1 | A2
1950Q1 | NaN | 0.92477
1950Q2 | 0.70023 | 0.64208
1950Q3 | 0.3958 | 0.1045
1950Q4 | 0.084905 | NaN
>> merge(ts1,ts0)
ans is a dseries object:
| A1 | A2
1950Q1 | 0.42448 | 0.92477
1950Q2 | 0.60726 | 0.64208
1950Q3 | 0.070764 | 0.1045
1950Q4 | NaN | NaN
.. dseriesmethod:: C = minus(A, B)
|br| Overloads the ``minus`` (``-``) operator for ``dseries``
objects, element by element subtraction. If both ``A`` and
``B`` are ``dseries`` objects, they do not need to be defined
over the same time ranges. If ``A`` and ``B`` are ``dseries``
objects with :math:`T_A` and :math:`T_B` observations and
:math:`N_A` and :math:`N_B` variables, then :math:`N_A` must
be equal to :math:`N_B` or :math:`1` and :math:`N_B` must be
equal to :math:`N_A` or :math:`1`. If :math:`T_A=T_B`,
``isequal(A.init,B.init)`` returns ``1`` and :math:`N_A=N_B`,
then the ``minus`` operator will compute for each couple
:math:`(t,n)`, with :math:`1\le t\le T_A` and :math:`1\le n\le
N_A`, ``C.data(t,n)=A.data(t,n)-B.data(t,n)``. If :math:`N_B`
is equal to :math:`1` and :math:`N_A>1`, the smaller
``dseries`` object (``B``) is “broadcast” across the larger
``dseries`` (``A``) so that they have compatible shapes, the
``minus`` operator will subtract the variable defined in ``B``
from each variable in ``A``. If ``B`` is a double scalar, then
the method ``minus`` will subtract ``B`` from all the
observations/variables in ``A``. If ``B`` is a row vector of
length :math:`N_A`, then the ``minus`` method will subtract
``B(i)`` from all the observations of variable ``i``, for
:math:`i=1,...,N_A`. If ``B`` is a column vector of length
:math:`T_A`, then the ``minus`` method will subtract ``B``
from all the variables.
>> ts0 = dseries(rand(3,2));
>> ts1 = ts0{'Variable_2'};
>> ts0-ts1
ans is a dseries object:
| minus(Variable_1,Variable_2) | minus(Variable_2,Variable_2)
1Y | -0.48853 | 0
2Y | -0.50535 | 0
3Y | -0.32063 | 0
>> ts1
ts1 is a dseries object:
| Variable_2
1Y | 0.703
2Y | 0.75415
3Y | 0.54729
>> ts1-ts1.data(1)
ans is a dseries object:
| minus(Variable_2,0.703)
1Y | 0
2Y | 0.051148
3Y | -0.15572
>> ts1.data(1)-ts1
ans is a dseries object:
| minus(0.703,Variable_2)
1Y | 0
2Y | -0.051148
3Y | 0.15572
.. dseriesmethod:: C = mpower(A, B)
|br| Overloads the ``mpower`` (``^``) operator for ``dseries``
objects and computes element-by-element power. ``A`` is a
``dseries`` object with ``N`` variables and ``T``
observations. If ``B`` is a real scalar, then ``mpower(A,B)``
returns a ``dseries`` object ``C`` with
``C.data(t,n)=A.data(t,n)^C``. If ``B`` is a ``dseries``
object with ``N`` variables and ``T`` observations then
``mpower(A,B)`` returns a ``dseries`` object ``C`` with
>> ts0 = dseries(transpose(1:3));
>> ts1 = ts0^2
ts1 is a dseries object:
| power(Variable_1,2)
1Y | 1
2Y | 4
3Y | 9
>> ts2 = ts0^ts0
ts2 is a dseries object:
| power(Variable_1,Variable_1)
1Y | 1
2Y | 4
3Y | 27
.. dseriesmethod:: C = mrdivide(A, B)
|br| Overloads the ``mrdivide`` (``/``) operator for
``dseries`` objects, element by element division (like the
``./`` MATLAB/Octave operator). If both ``A`` and ``B`` are
``dseries`` objects, they do not need to be defined over the
same time ranges. If ``A`` and ``B`` are ``dseries`` objects
with :math:`T_A` and :math:`T_B` observations and :math:`N_A`
and :math:`N_B` variables, then :math:`N_A` must be equal to
:math:`N_B` or :math:`1` and :math:`N_B` must be equal to
:math:`N_A` or :math:`1`. If :math:`T_A=T_B`,
``isequal(A.init,B.init)`` returns ``1`` and :math:`N_A=N_B`,
then the ``mrdivide`` operator will compute for each couple
:math:`(t,n)`, with :math:`1\le t\le T_A` and :math:`1\le n\le
N_A`, ``C.data(t,n)=A.data(t,n)/B.data(t,n)``. If :math:`N_B`
is equal to :math:`1` and :math:`N_A>1`, the smaller
``dseries`` object (``B``) is “broadcast” across the larger
``dseries`` (``A``) so that they have compatible shapes. In
this case the ``mrdivide`` operator will divide each variable
defined in A by the variable in B, observation per
observation. If B is a double scalar, then ``mrdivide`` will
divide all the observations/variables in ``A`` by ``B``. If
``B`` is a row vector of length :math:`N_A`, then ``mrdivide``
will divide all the observations of variable ``i`` by
``B(i)``, for :math:`i=1,...,N_A`. If ``B`` is a column vector
of length :math:`T_A`, then ``mrdivide`` will perform a
division of all the variables by ``B``, element by element.
>> ts0 = dseries(rand(3,2))
ts0 is a dseries object:
| Variable_1 | Variable_2
1Y | 0.72918 | 0.90307
2Y | 0.93756 | 0.21819
3Y | 0.51725 | 0.87322
>> ts1 = ts0{'Variable_2'};
>> ts0/ts1
ans is a dseries object:
| divide(Variable_1,Variable_2) | divide(Variable_2,Variable_2)
1Y | 0.80745 | 1
2Y | 4.2969 | 1
3Y | 0.59235 | 1
.. dseriesmethod:: C = mtimes(A, B)
|br| Overloads the ``mtimes`` (``*``) operator for ``dseries``
objects and the Hadammard product (the .* MATLAB/Octave
operator). If both ``A`` and ``B`` are ``dseries`` objects,
they do not need to be defined over the same time ranges. If
``A`` and ``B`` are ``dseries`` objects with :math:`T_A` and
:math:`_B` observations and :math:`N_A` and :math:`N_B`
variables, then :math:`N_A` must be equal to :math:`N_B` or
:math:`1` and :math:`N_B` must be equal to :math:`N_A` or
:math:`1`. If :math:`T_A=T_B`, ``isequal(A.init,B.init)``
returns ``1`` and :math:`N_A=N_B`, then the ``mtimes``
operator will compute for each couple :math:`(t,n)`, with
:math:`1\le t\le T_A` and :math:`1\le n\le N_A`,
``C.data(t,n)=A.data(t,n)*B.data(t,n)``. If :math:`N_B` is
equal to :math:`1` and :math:`N_A>1`, the smaller ``dseries``
object (``B``) is “broadcast” across the larger ``dseries``
(``A``) so that they have compatible shapes, ``mtimes``
operator will multiply each variable defined in ``A`` by the
variable in ``B``, observation per observation. If ``B`` is a
double scalar, then the method ``mtimes`` will multiply all
the observations/variables in ``A`` by ``B``. If ``B`` is a
row vector of length :math:`N_A`, then the ``mtimes`` method
will multiply all the observations of variable ``i`` by
``B(i)``, for :math:`i=1,...,N_A`. If ``B`` is a column vector
of length :math:`T_A`, then the ``mtimes`` method will perform
a multiplication of all the variables by ``B``, element by
.. dseriesmethod:: C = ne(A, B)
|br| Overloads the MATLAB/Octave ``ne`` (not equal, ``~=``)
operator. ``dseries`` objects ``A`` and ``B`` must have the
same number of observations (say, :math:`T`) and variables
(:math:`N`). The returned argument is a :math:`T` by :math:`N`
matrix of zeros and ones. Element :math:`(i,j)` of ``C`` is
equal to ``1`` if and only if observation :math:`i` for
variable :math:`j` in ``A`` and ``B`` are not equal.
>> ts0 = dseries(2*ones(3,1));
>> ts1 = dseries([2; 0; 2]);
>> ts0~=ts1
ans =
.. dseriesmethod:: B = nobs(A)
|br| Returns the number of observations in ``dseries`` object
>> ts0 = dseries(randn(10));
>> ts0.nobs
ans =
.. dseriesmethod:: h = plot(A)
h = plot(A, B)
h = plot(A[, ...])
h = plot(A, B[, ...])
|br| Overloads MATLAB/Octaves ``plot`` function for
``dseries`` objects. Returns a MATLAB/Octave plot handle, that
can be used to modify the properties of the plotted time
series. If only one ``dseries`` object, ``A``, is passed as
argument, then the plot function will put the associated dates
on the x-abscissa. If this ``dseries`` object contains only
one variable, additional arguments can be passed to modify the
properties of the plot (as one would do with the
MATLAB/Octaves version of the plot function). If ``dseries``
object ``A`` contains more than one variable, it is not
possible to pass these additional arguments and the properties
of the plotted time series must be modified using the returned
plot handle and the MATLAB/Octave ``set`` function (see
example below). If two ``dseries`` objects, ``A`` and ``B``,
are passed as input arguments, the plot function will plot the
variables in ``A`` against the variables in ``B`` (the number
of variables in each object must be the same otherwise an
error is issued). Again, if each object contains only one
variable, additional arguments can be passed to modify the
properties of the plotted time series, otherwise the
MATLAB/Octave ``set`` command has to be used.
Define a ``dseries`` object with two variables (named by
default ``Variable_1`` and ``Variable_2``)::
>> ts = dseries(randn(100,2),'1950Q1');
The following command will plot the first variable in ``ts``::
>> plot(ts{'Variable_1'},'-k','linewidth',2);
The next command will draw all the variables in ``ts`` on
the same figure::
>> h = plot(ts);
If one wants to modify the properties of the plotted time
series (line style, colours, ...), the set function can be
used (see MATLABs documentation)::
>> set(h(1),'-k','linewidth',2);
>> set(h(2),'--r');
The following command will plot ``Variable_1`` against
>> plot(ts{'Variable_1'},ts{'Variable_1'}.exp(),'ok');
Again, the properties can also be modified using the
returned plot handle and the ``set`` function::
>> h = plot(ts, ts.exp());
>> set(h(1),'ok');
>> set(h(2),'+r');
.. dseriesmethod:: C = plus(A, B)
|br| Overloads the ``plus`` (``+``) operator for ``dseries``
objects, element by element addition. If both ``A`` and ``B``
are ``dseries`` objects, they do not need to be defined over
the same time ranges. If ``A`` and ``B`` are ``dseries``
objects with :math:`T_A` and :math:`T_B` observations and
:math:`N_A` and :math:`N_B` variables, then :math:`N_A` must
be equal to :math:`N_B` or :math:`1` and :math:`N_B` must be
equal to :math:`N_A` or :math:`1`. If :math:`T_A=T_B`,
``isequal(A.init,B.init)`` returns ``1`` and :math:`N_A=N_B`,
then the ``plus`` operator will compute for each couple
:math:`(t,n)`, with :math:`1\le t\le T_A` and :math:`1\le n\le
N_A`, ``C.data(t,n)=A.data(t,n)+B.data(t,n)``. If :math:`N_B`
is equal to :math:`1` and :math:`N_A>1`, the smaller
``dseries`` object (``B``) is “broadcast” across the larger
``dseries`` (``A``) so that they have compatible shapes, the
plus operator will add the variable defined in ``B`` to each
variable in ``A``. If ``B`` is a double scalar, then the
method ``plus`` will add ``B`` to all the
observations/variables in ``A``. If ``B`` is a row vector of
length :math:`N_A`, then the ``plus`` method will add ``B(i)``
to all the observations of variable ``i``, for
:math:`i=1,...,N_A`. If ``B`` is a column vector of length
:math:`T_A`, then the ``plus`` method will add ``B`` to all
the variables.
.. dseriesmethod:: C = pop(A[, B])
|br| Removes variable ``B`` from ``dseries`` object ``A``. By
default, if the second argument is not provided, the last
variable is removed.
>> ts0 = dseries(ones(3,3));
>> ts1 = ts0.pop('Variable_2');
ts1 is a dseries object:
| Variable_1 | Variable_3
1Y | 1 | 1
2Y | 1 | 1
3Y | 1 | 1
.. dseriesmethod:: B = qdiff(A)
B = qgrowth(A)
|br| Computes quarterly differences or growth rates.
>> ts0 = dseries(transpose(1:4),'1950Q1');
>> ts1 = ts0.qdiff()
ts1 is a dseries object:
| qdiff(Variable_1)
1950Q1 | NaN
1950Q2 | 1
1950Q3 | 1
1950Q4 | 1
>> ts0 = dseries(transpose(1:6),'1950M1');
>> ts1 = ts0.qdiff()
ts1 is a dseries object:
| qdiff(Variable_1)
1950M1 | NaN
1950M2 | NaN
1950M3 | NaN
1950M4 | 3
1950M5 | 3
1950M6 | 3
.. dseriesmethod:: C = remove(A, B)
|br| Alias for the ``pop`` method with two arguments. Removes
variable ``B`` from ``dseries`` object ``A``.
>> ts0 = dseries(ones(3,3));
>> ts1 = ts0.remove('Variable_2');
ts1 is a dseries object:
| Variable_1 | Variable_3
1Y | 1 | 1
2Y | 1 | 1
3Y | 1 | 1
A shorter syntax is available: ``remove(ts,'Variable_2')``
is equivalent to ``ts{'Variable_2'} = []`` (``[]`` can be
replaced by any empty object). This alternative syntax is
useful if more than one variable has to be removed. For
ts{'Variable_@2,3,4@'} = [];
will remove ``Variable_2``, ``Variable_3`` and
``Variable_4`` from ``dseries`` object ``ts`` (if these
variables exist). Regular expressions cannot be used but
implicit loops can.
.. dseriesmethod:: B = rename(A,oldname,newname)
|br| Rename variable ``oldname`` to ``newname`` in ``dseries``
object ``A``. Returns a ``dseries`` object.``
>> ts0 = dseries(ones(2,2));
>> ts1 = ts0.rename('Variable_1','Stinkly')
ts1 is a dseries object:
| Stinkly | Variable_2
1Y | 1 | 1
2Y | 1 | 1
.. dseriesmethod:: C = rename(A,newname)
|br| Replace the names in ``A`` with those passed in the cell
string array ``newname``. ``newname`` must have the same
number of cells as ``A`` has ``dseries``. Returns a
``dseries`` object.
>> ts0 = dseries(ones(2,3));
>> ts1 = ts0.rename({'Tree','Worst','President'})
ts1 is a dseries object:
| Bush | Worst | President
1Y | 1 | 1 | 1
2Y | 1 | 1 | 1
.. dseriesmethod:: save(A, basename[, format])
|br| Overloads the MATLAB/Octave ``save`` function and saves
``dseries`` object ``A`` to disk. Possible formats are ``csv``
(this is the default), ``m`` (MATLAB/Octave script), and
``mat`` (MATLAB binary data file). The name of the file
without extension is specified by ``basename``.
>> ts0 = dseries(ones(2,2));
>> ts0.save('ts0');
The last command will create a file ts0.csv with the
following content::
1Y, 1, 1
2Y, 1, 1
To create a MATLAB/Octave script, the following command::
>> ts0.save('ts0','m');
will produce a file ts0.m with the following content::
% File created on 14-Nov-2013 12:08:52.
FREQ__ = 1;
INIT__ = ' 1Y';
NAMES__ = {'Variable_1'; 'Variable_2'};
TEX__ = {'Variable_{1}'; 'Variable_{2}'};
Variable_1 = [
Variable_2 = [
The generated (``csv``, ``m``, or ``mat``) files can be
loaded when instantiating a ``dseries`` object as
explained above.
.. dseriesmethod:: B = set_names(A, s1, s2, ...)
|br| Renames variables in ``dseries`` object ``A`` and returns
a ``dseries`` object ``B`` with new names ``s1``, ``s2``,
... The number of input arguments after the first one
(``dseries`` object ``A``) must be equal to ``A.vobs`` (the
number of variables in ``A``). ``s1`` will be the name of the
first variable in ``B``, ``s2`` the name of the second
variable in ``B``, and so on.
>> ts0 = dseries(ones(1,3));
>> ts1 = ts0.set_names('Barbibul',[],'Barbouille')
ts1 is a dseries object:
| Barbibul | Variable_2 | Barbouille
1Y | 1 | 1 | 1
.. dseriesmethod:: [T, N ] = size(A[, dim])
Overloads the MATLAB/Octaves ``size`` function. Returns the
number of observations in ``dseries`` object ``A``
(i.e. ``A.nobs``) and the number of variables
(i.e. ``A.vobs``). If a second input argument is passed, the
``size`` function returns the number of observations if
``dim=1`` or the number of variables if ``dim=2`` (for all
other values of ``dim`` an error is issued).
>> ts0 = dseries(ones(1,3));
>> ts0.size()
ans =
1 3
.. dseriesmethod:: B = tex_rename(A, name, newtexname)
B = tex_rename(A, newtexname)
|br| Redefines the tex name of variable ``name`` to
``newtexname`` in ``dseries`` object ``A``. Returns a
``dseries`` object.
With only two arguments ``A`` and ``newtexname``, it redefines
the tex names of the ``A`` to those contained in
``newtexname``. Here, ``newtexname`` is a cell string array
with the same number of entries as variables in ``A``.
.. dseriesmethod:: B = uminus(A)
|br| Overloads ``uminus`` (``-``, unary minus) for ``dseries``
>> ts0 = dseries(1)
ts0 is a dseries object:
| Variable_1
1Y | 1
>> ts1 = -ts0
ts1 is a dseries object:
| -Variable_1
1Y | -1
.. dseriesmethod:: D = vertcat (A, B[, ...])
|br| Overloads the ``vertcat`` MATLAB/Octave method for
``dseries`` objects. This method is used to append more
observations to a ``dseries`` object. Returns a ``dseries``
object ``D`` containing the variables in ``dseries`` objects
passed as inputs. All the input arguments must be ``dseries``
objects with the same variables defined on different time
>> ts0 = dseries(rand(2,2),'1950Q1',{'nifnif';'noufnouf'});
>> ts1 = dseries(rand(2,2),'1950Q3',{'nifnif';'noufnouf'});
>> ts2 = [ts0; ts1]
ts2 is a dseries object:
| nifnif | noufnouf
1950Q1 | 0.82558 | 0.31852
1950Q2 | 0.78996 | 0.53406
1950Q3 | 0.089951 | 0.13629
1950Q4 | 0.11171 | 0.67865
.. dseriesmethod:: B = vobs(A)
|br| Returns the number of variables in ``dseries`` object
>> ts0 = dseries(randn(10,2));
>> ts0.vobs
ans =
.. dseriesmethod:: B = ydiff(A)
B = ygrowth(A)
|br| Computes yearly differences or growth rates.