
152 lines
4.2 KiB

function C = colon(varargin) % --*-- Unitary tests --*--
% Overloads the colon operator (:). This method can be used to create ranges of dates.
% o A dates object with one element.
% o d integer scalar, number of periods between each date (default value, if nargin==2, is one)
% o B dates object with one element.
% o C dates object with length(B-A) elements (if d==1).
% B must be greater than A if d>0.
% Copyright (C) 2013 Dynare Team
% This file is part of Dynare.
% Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with Dynare. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
if isequal(nargin,2)
A = varargin{1};
B = varargin{2};
d = 1;
if ~(isa(A,'dates') && isa(B,'dates') && isequal(length(A),1) && isequal(length(B),1))
error('dates::colon: In an expression like A:B, A and B must be dates objects!')
elseif isequal(nargin,3)
A = varargin{1};
B = varargin{3};
d = varargin{2};
if ~(isa(A,'dates') && isa(B,'dates') && isequal(length(A),1) && isequal(length(B),1))
error('dates::colon: In an expression like A:d:B, A and B must be dates objects and d a scalar integer (number of periods)!')
if ~(isscalar(d) && isint(d))
error('dates::colon: In an expression like A:d:B, A and B must be dates objects and d a scalar integer (number of periods)!')
if isequal(d,0)
error('dates::colon: In an expression like A:d:B, d (the incremental number of periods) must nonzero!')
error('dates::colon: Wrong calling sequence! See the manual for the colon (:) operator and dates objects.')
if ~isequal(A.freq,B.freq)
error(['dates::colon: Input arguments ' inputname(1) 'and ' inputname(2) ' must have common frequency!'])
if A>B && d>0
error(['dates::colon: ' inputname(1) ' must precede ' inputname(2) '!' ])
if B>A && d<0
error(['dates::colon: ' inputname(2) ' must precede ' inputname(1) '!' ])
C = dates();
n = (B-A)+1;
C.freq = A.freq;
C.ndat = n;
C.time = NaN(n,2);
C.time(1,:) = A.time;
current_date = A;
linee = 1;
while current_date<B
linee = linee+1;
C.time(linee,:) = add_periods_to_array_of_dates(C.time(linee-1,:), C.freq, d);
current_date = current_date + d;
C.time = C.time(1:linee,:);
C.ndat = rows(C.time);
%$ % Define two dates
%$ date_1 = '1950Q2';
%$ date_2 = '1951Q4';
%$ % Define expected results.
%$ e.freq = 4;
%$ e.time = [1950 2; 1950 3; 1950 4; 1951 1; 1951 2; 1951 3; 1951 4];
%$ % Call the tested routine.
%$ d1 = dates(date_1);
%$ d2 = dates(date_2);
%$ d3 = d1:d2;
%$ % Check the results.
%$ t(1) = dyn_assert(d3.time,e.time);
%$ t(2) = dyn_assert(d3.freq,e.freq);
%$ T = all(t);
%$ % Define expected results.
%$ e.freq = 4;
%$ e.time = [1950 2; 1950 3; 1950 4; 1951 1; 1951 2; 1951 3; 1951 4];
%$ % Call the tested routine.
%$ d = dates('1950Q2'):dates('1951Q4');
%$ % Check the results.
%$ t(1) = dyn_assert(d.time,e.time);
%$ t(2) = dyn_assert(d.freq,e.freq);
%$ T = all(t);
%$ % Define expected results.
%$ e.freq = 4;
%$ e.time = [1950 2; 1950 4; 1951 2; 1951 4];
%$ % Call the tested routine.
%$ d = dates('1950Q2'):2:dates('1951Q4');
%$ % Check the results.
%$ t(1) = dyn_assert(d.time,e.time);
%$ t(2) = dyn_assert(d.freq,e.freq);
%$ T = all(t);
%$ @test:3
%$ % Create an empty dates object for quaterly data
%$ qq = dates('Q');
%$ % Define expected results.
%$ e.freq = 4;
%$ e.time = [1950 2; 1950 3; 1950 4; 1951 1; 1951 2; 1951 3; 1951 4];
%$ % Call the tested routine.
%$ d = qq(1950,2):qq(1951,4);
%$ % Check the results.
%$ t(1) = dyn_assert(d.time,e.time);
%$ t(2) = dyn_assert(d.freq,e.freq);
%$ T = all(t);
%$ @eof:3