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* Copyright © 2006 Ondra Kamenik
* Copyright © 2019 Dynare Team
* This file is part of Dynare.
* Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Dynare. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "static_atoms.hh"
#include "fine_atoms.hh"
namespace ogp
/** This class represents static atoms distinguishing between
* parameters, endogenous and exogenous variables. The class
* maintains also ordering of all three categories (referenced as
* outer or inner, since there is only one ordering). It can be
* constructed either from scratch, or from fine dynamic atoms. In
* the latter case, one can decide if the ordering of this static
* atoms should be internal or external ordering of the original
* dynamic fine atoms. */
class StaticFineAtoms : public StaticAtoms
using Tintintmap = map<int, int>;
using Tvarintmap = map<string, int>;
/** The vector of parameter names, gives the parameter
* ordering. */
vector<string> params;
/** A map mappping a parameter name to an index in the ordering. */
Tvarintmap param_outer_map;
/** The vector of endogenous variables. This defines the order
* like parameters. */
vector<string> endovars;
/** A map mapping a name of an endogenous variable to an index
* in the ordering. */
Tvarintmap endo_outer_map;
/** The vector of exogenous variables. Also defines the order
* like parameters and endovars. */
vector<string> exovars;
/** A map mapping a name of an exogenous variable to an index
* in the outer ordering. */
Tvarintmap exo_outer_map;
/** This vector defines a set of atoms as tree indices used
* for differentiation. The order of the atoms in is the
* concatenation of the outer ordering of endogenous and
* exogenous. This vector is setup by parsing_finished() and
* is returned by variables(). */
vector<int> der_atoms;
/** This is a mapping from endogenous atoms to all atoms in
* der_atoms member. The mapping maps index in endogenous atom
* ordering to index (not value) in der_atoms. It is useful if
* one wants to evaluate derivatives wrt only endogenous
* variables. It is set by parsing_finished(). By definition,
* it is monotone. */
vector<int> endo_atoms_map;
/** This is a mapping from exogenous atoms to all atoms in
* der_atoms member. It is the same as endo_atoms_map for
* atoms of exogenous variables. */
vector<int> exo_atoms_map;
StaticFineAtoms() = default;
/** Conversion from dynamic FineAtoms taking its outer
* ordering as ordering of parameters, endogenous and
* exogenous. A biproduct is an integer to integer map mapping
* tree indices of the dynamic atoms to tree indices of the
* static atoms. */
StaticFineAtoms(const FineAtoms &fa, OperationTree &otree, Tintintmap &tmap)
StaticFineAtoms::import_atoms(fa, otree, tmap);
/** Conversion from dynamic FineAtoms taking its internal
* ordering as ordering of parameters, endogenous and
* exogenous. A biproduct is an integer to integer map mapping
* tree indices of the dynamic atoms to tree indices of the
* static atoms. */
StaticFineAtoms(const FineAtoms &fa, OperationTree &otree, Tintintmap &tmap,
const char *dummy)
StaticFineAtoms::import_atoms(fa, otree, tmap, dummy);
~StaticFineAtoms() override = default;
/** This adds atoms from dynamic atoms inserting new tree
* indices to the given tree and tracing the mapping from old
* atoms to new atoms in tmap. The ordering of the static
* atoms is the same as outer ordering of dynamic atoms. */
void import_atoms(const FineAtoms &fa, OperationTree &otree, Tintintmap &tmap);
/** This adds atoms from dynamic atoms inserting new tree
* indices to the given tree and tracing the mapping from old
* atoms to new atoms in tmap. The ordering of the static
* atoms is the same as internal ordering of dynamic atoms. */
void import_atoms(const FineAtoms &fa, OperationTree &otree, Tintintmap &tmap,
const char *dummy);
/** Overrides StaticAtoms::check_variable so that the error
* would be raised if the variable name is not declared. A
* variable is declared by inserting it to
* StaticAtoms::varnames, which is done with registering
* methods. This a responsibility of a subclass. */
int check_variable(const string &name) const override;
/** Return an (external) ordering of parameters. */
const vector<string> &
get_params() const
return params;
/** Return an external ordering of endogenous variables. */
const vector<string> &
get_endovars() const
return endovars;
/** Return an external ordering of exogenous variables. */
const vector<string> &
get_exovars() const
return exovars;
/** This constructs der_atoms, and the endo_endoms_map and
* exo_atoms_map, which can be created only after the parsing
* is finished. */
void parsing_finished();
/** Return the atoms with respect to which we are going to
* differentiate. */
variables() const override
return der_atoms;
/** Return the endo_atoms_map. */
const vector<int> &
get_endo_atoms_map() const
return endo_atoms_map;
/** Return the exo_atoms_map. */
const vector<int> &
get_exo_atoms_map() const
return endo_atoms_map;
/** Return an index in the outer ordering of a given
* parameter. An exception is thrown if the name is not a
* parameter. */
int name2outer_param(const string &name) const;
/** Return an index in the outer ordering of a given
* endogenous variable. An exception is thrown if the name is not a
* and endogenous variable. */
int name2outer_endo(const string &name) const;
/** Return an index in the outer ordering of a given
* exogenous variable. An exception is thrown if the name is not a
* and exogenous variable. */
int name2outer_exo(const string &name) const;
/** Return the number of endogenous variables. */
ny() const
return endovars.size();
/** Return the number of exogenous variables. */
nexo() const
return static_cast<int>(exovars.size());
/** Return the number of parameters. */
np() const
return static_cast<int>(params.size());
/** Register unique endogenous variable name. The order of
* calls defines the endo outer ordering. The method is
* virtual, since a superclass may want to do some additional
* action. */
virtual void register_uniq_endo(string name);
/** Register unique exogenous variable name. The order of
* calls defines the exo outer ordering. The method is
* virtual, since a superclass may want to do somem additional
* action. */
virtual void register_uniq_exo(string name);
/** Register unique parameter name. The order of calls defines
* the param outer ordering. The method is
* virtual, since a superclass may want to do somem additional
* action. */
virtual void register_uniq_param(string name);
/** Debug print. */
void print() const override;
/** Add endogenous variable name, which is already in the name
* storage. */
void register_endo(string name);
/** Add exogenous variable name, which is already in the name
* storage. */
void register_exo(string name);
/** Add parameter name, which is already in the name
* storage. */
void register_param(string name);