
61 lines
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function print_info(info)
% function print_info(info)
% Prints error messages
% info=1: the model doesn't determine the current variables '...' uniquely
% info=2: MJDGGES returns the following error code'
% info=3: Blanchard Kahn conditions are not satisfied: no stable '...' equilibrium
% info=4: Blanchard Kahn conditions are not satisfied:'...' indeterminacy
% info=5: Blanchard Kahn conditions are not satisfied:'...' indeterminacy due to rank failure
% info=20: Impossible to find the steady state. Either the model' ...' doesn't have
% a unique steady state of the guess values' ...' are too far from the solution
% info=30: Variance can't be computed
% none
% none
% part of DYNARE, copyright Dynare Team (2005-2007)
% Gnu Public License.
global options_
options_ = set_default_option(options_,'noprint',0);
if ~options_.noprint
if info(1) > 10 & info(1) < 20
disp('Failure in dr_algo=2')
info(1) = info(1) - 10;
switch info(1)
case 1
error(['The model doesn''t determine the current variables' ...
' uniquely'])
case 2
error(['MJDGGES returns the following error code' ...
case 3
error(['Blanchard Kahn conditions are not satisfied: no stable' ...
' equilibrium'])
case 4
error(['Blanchard Kahn conditions are not satisfied:' ...
' indeterminacy'])
case 5
error(['Blanchard Kahn conditions are not satisfied:' ...
' indeterminacy due to rank failure'])
case 20
error(['Impossible to find the steady state. Either the model' ...
' doesn''t have a unique steady state of the guess values' ...
' are too far from the solution'])
case 30
error('Variance can''t be computed')
error('This case shouldn''t happen. Contact the authors of Dynare')