
159 lines
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function out = identification_numerical_objective(params, outputflag, estim_params, M, oo, options, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, indvar, useautocorr, nlags, grid_nbr)
%function out = identification_numerical_objective(params, outputflag, estim_params, M, oo, options, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, indvar, useautocorr, nlags, grid_nbr)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Objective function to compute numerically the Jacobians used for identification analysis
% Previously this function was called thet2tau.m
% =========================================================================
% params: [vector] parameter values at which to evaluate objective function
% stderr parameters come first, corr parameters second, model parameters third
% outputflag: [integer] flag which objective to compute (see below)
% estim_params: [structure] storing the estimation information
% M: [structure] storing the model information
% oo: [structure] storing the reduced form solution results
% options: [structure] storing the options
% indpmodel: [vector] Index of model parameters
% indpstderr: [vector] Index of stderr parameters
% indpcorr: [matrix] Index of corr parameters
% indvar: [vector] Index of selected or observed variables
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% out: dependent on outputflag
% * 0: out = [Yss; vec(A); vec(B); dyn_vech(Sig_e)]; of indvar variables only, in DR order. This is needed to compute dTAU and Komunjer and Ng's D.
% Note that Jacobian of Om is computed in get_identification_Jacobians.m (previously getJJ.m) or get_first_order_solution_params_deriv.m (previously getH.m) from Jacobian of B and Sigma_e, because this is more efficient due to some testing with analytical derivatives from An and Schorfheide model
% * 1: out = [vech(cov(Y_t,Y_t)); vec(cov(Y_t,Y_{t-1}); ...; vec(cov(Y_t,Y_{t-nlags})] of indvar variables, in DR order. This is needed to compute Iskrev's J.
% * 2: out = vec(spectral density) with dimension [var_nbr^2*grid_nbr,1] Spectral density of indvar variables evaluated at (grid_nbr/2+1) discretized points in the interval [0;pi]. This is needed for Qu and Tkachenko's G.
% * -1: out = g1(:); of all variables, in DR order. This is needed to compute dLRE.
% * -2: out = [Yss; vec(A); dyn_vech(B*Sigma_e*B')]; of indvar variables only, in DR order. This is used to compute numerically second derivatives d2A, d2Om d2Yss in get_first_order_solution_params_deriv.m (previously getH.m) for kronflag=1
% where Yss is steady in DR order, A and B solution matrices of Kalman
% transition equation, Sig_e the covariance of exogenous shocks, g1 the
% Jacobian of the dynamic model equations, and Y_t selected variables
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% This function is called by
% * get_first_order_solution_params_deriv.m (previously getH.m)
% * get_identification_jacobians.m (previously getJJ.m)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% This function calls
% * [M.fname,'.dynamic']
% * dynare_resolve
% * dyn_vech
% * lyapunov_symm
% * vec
% =========================================================================
% Copyright (C) 2011-2019 Dynare Team
% This file is part of Dynare.
% Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with Dynare. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
% =========================================================================
if nargin < 11 || isempty(useautocorr)
useautocorr = 0;
if nargin < 12 || isempty(nlags)
nlags = 3;
if nargin < 13 || isempty(grid_nbr)
grid_nbr = 0;
%% Update stderr, corr and model parameters
%note that if no estimated_params_block is given, then all stderr and model parameters are selected but no corr parameters
if length(params) > length(indpmodel)
if isempty(indpstderr)==0 && isempty(estim_params.var_exo) %if there are stderr parameters but no estimated_params_block
%provide temporary necessary information for stderr parameters
estim_params.nvx = length(indpstderr);
estim_params.var_exo = indpstderr';
if isempty(indpmodel)==0 && isempty(estim_params.param_vals) %if there are model parameters but no estimated_params_block
%provide temporary necessary information for model parameters
estim_params.np = length(indpmodel);
estim_params.param_vals = indpmodel';
M = set_all_parameters(params,estim_params,M); %this function can only be used if there is some information in estim_params
%if there are only model parameters, we don't need to use set_all_parameters
M.params(indpmodel) = params;
%% compute Kalman transition matrices and steady state with updated parameters
[A, B, ~, ~, M, options, oo] = dynare_resolve(M, options, oo);
ys = oo.dr.ys; %steady state of model variables in declaration order
y0 = ys(oo.dr.order_var); %steady state of model variables in DR order
%% out = [Yss; vec(A); vec(B); dyn_vech(Sig_e)]; of indvar variables only, in DR order
if outputflag == 0
out = [y0(indvar); vec(A(indvar,indvar)); vec(B(indvar,:)); dyn_vech(M.Sigma_e)];
%% out = [Yss; vec(A); dyn_vech(Om)]; of indvar variables only, in DR order
if outputflag == -2
Om = B*M.Sigma_e*transpose(B);
out = [y0(indvar); vec(A(indvar,indvar)); dyn_vech(Om(indvar,indvar))];
%% out = [vech(cov(Y_t,Y_t)); vec(cov(Y_t,Y_{t-1}); ...; vec(cov(Y_t,Y_{t-nlags})] of indvar variables, in DR order. This is Iskrev (2010)'s J matrix.
if outputflag == 1
% Denote Ezz0 = E_t(z_t * z_t'), then the following Lyapunov equation defines the autocovariagrom: Ezz0 -A*Ezz*A' = B*Sig_e*B'
Ezz0 = lyapunov_symm(A,B*M.Sigma_e*B',options.lyapunov_fixed_point_tol,options.qz_criterium,options.lyapunov_complex_threshold,[],options.debug);
indzeros = find(abs(Ezz0) < 1e-12); %set small values to zero
Ezz0(indzeros) = 0;
if useautocorr
sy = sqrt(diag(Ezz0));
sy = sy*sy';
sy0 = sy-diag(diag(sy))+eye(length(sy));
Ezz0corr = Ezz0./sy0;
out = dyn_vech(Ezz0corr(indvar,indvar)); %focus only on unique terms
out = dyn_vech(Ezz0(indvar,indvar)); %focus only on unique terms
% compute autocovariances/autocorrelations of lagged observed variables
for ii = 1:nlags
Ezzii = A^(ii)*Ezz0;
if useautocorr
Ezzii = Ezzii./sy;
out = [out;vec(Ezzii(indvar,indvar))];
%% out = vec(g_omega). This is needed for Qu and Tkachenko (2012)'s G matrix.
if outputflag == 2
% This computes the spectral density g_omega where the interval [-pi;\pi] is discretized by grid_nbr points
freqs = (0 : pi/(grid_nbr/2):pi);% we focus only on positive values including the 0 frequency
tpos = exp( sqrt(-1)*freqs); %Fourier frequencies
C = A(indvar,:);
D = B(indvar,:);
IA = eye(size(A,1));
var_nbr = length(indvar);
out = zeros(var_nbr^2*length(freqs),1);
kk = 0;
for ig = 1:length(freqs)
Transferfct = D + C*((tpos(ig)*IA-A)\B);
g_omega = (1/(2*pi))*(Transferfct*M.Sigma_e*Transferfct'); % note that ' is the conjugate transpose
kk = kk+1;
out(1 + (kk-1)*var_nbr^2 : kk*var_nbr^2) = g_omega(:);
%% out = [Yss; vec(g1)]; of all endogenous variables, in DR order
if outputflag == -1
[I,~] = find(M.lead_lag_incidence'); %I is used to evaluate dynamic model files
yy0 = oo.dr.ys(I); %steady state of dynamic model variables in DR order
ex0 = oo.exo_steady_state';
[~, g1] = feval([M.fname,'.dynamic'], yy0, ex0, M.params, ys, 1);
out = [y0; g1(:)];