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* Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Dynare Team
* This file is part of Dynare.
* Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Dynare. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef _MATRIX_HH
#define _MATRIX_HH
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include "Vector.hh"
This header defines three matrix classes, which implement a "matrix concept"
(much like the concepts of the Standard Template Library or of Boost
Library). The first class is a matrix owning the data space for its
elements, and the other two are matrix "views" of another matrix, i.e. a
contiguous submatrix. This design philosophy is close to the design of the
GNU Scientific Library, but here using the syntactic power of C++ class and
templates, while achieving very high efficiency.
These classes can be used with various templated functions, including
wrappers around the BLAS primitives.
The expressions required to be valid for a class M implementing the "matrix concept" are:
- M.getRows(): return number of rows
- M.getCols(): return number of columns
- M.getLd(): return the leading dimension (here the offset between two columns in the data space, since we are in column-major order)
- M.getData(): return the pointer to the data space
- M(i,j): get an element of the matrix
The expressions required to be valid for a class M implementing the "mutable matrix concept" are (in addition to those of "matrix concept"):
- M = X: assignment operator
- M(i,j) = d: assign an element of the matrix
- M.setAll(d): set all the elements of the matrix
//! A full matrix, implements the "mutable matrix concept"
/*! Owns the data space for the elements */
class Matrix
//! Stored in column-major order, as in Fortran and MATLAB
double *data;
const size_t rows, cols;
Matrix(size_t rows_arg, size_t cols_arg);
Matrix(size_t size_arg);
Matrix(const Matrix &arg);
virtual ~Matrix();
inline size_t getRows() const { return rows; }
inline size_t getCols() const { return cols; }
inline size_t getLd() const { return rows; }
inline double *getData() { return data; }
inline const double *getData() const { return data; }
inline void setAll(double val) { std::fill_n(data, rows*cols, val); }
inline double &operator() (size_t i, size_t j) { return data[i+j*rows]; }
inline const double &operator() (size_t i, size_t j) const { return data[i+j*rows]; }
//! Assignment operator, only works for matrices of same dimension
template<class Mat>
Matrix &
operator= (const Mat &arg)
assert(rows == arg.getRows() && cols == arg.getCols());
for (size_t j = 0; j < cols; j++)
memcpy(data + j*rows, arg.getData() + j*arg.getLd(), rows*sizeof(double));
return *this;
//! The copy assignment operator, which is not generated by the template assignment operator
/*! See C++ standard, §12.8.9, in the footnote */
Matrix &operator=(const Matrix &arg);
//! A contiguous submatrix of another matrix, implements the "mutable matrix concept"
/*! Does not own the data space for the elements, so depends on another matrix */
class MatrixView
double *const data;
const size_t rows, cols, ld;
MatrixView(double *data_arg, size_t rows_arg, size_t cols_arg, size_t ld_arg);
template<class Mat>
MatrixView(Mat &arg, size_t row_offset, size_t col_offset,
size_t rows_arg, size_t cols_arg) :
data(arg.getData() + row_offset + col_offset*arg.getLd()), rows(rows_arg), cols(cols_arg), ld(arg.getLd())
assert(row_offset < arg.getRows()
&& row_offset + rows_arg <= arg.getRows()
&& col_offset < arg.getCols()
&& col_offset + cols_arg <= arg.getCols());
virtual ~MatrixView(){};
inline size_t getRows() const { return rows; }
inline size_t getCols() const { return cols; }
inline size_t getLd() const { return ld; }
inline double *getData() { return data; }
inline const double *getData() const { return data; }
inline void setAll(double val)
for (double *p = data; p < data + cols*ld; p += ld)
std::fill_n(p, rows, val);
inline double &operator() (size_t i, size_t j) { return data[i+j*ld]; }
inline const double &operator() (size_t i, size_t j) const { return data[i+j*ld]; }
//! Assignment operator, only works for matrices of same dimension
template<class Mat>
MatrixView &
operator= (const Mat &arg)
assert(rows == arg.getRows() && cols == arg.getCols());
for (size_t j = 0; j < cols; j++)
memcpy(data + j*ld, arg.getData() + j*arg.getLd(), rows*sizeof(double));
return *this;
//! The copy assignment operator, which is not generated by the template assignment operator
/*! See C++ standard, §12.8.9, in the footnote */
MatrixView &operator=(const MatrixView &arg);
//! Like MatrixView, but cannot be modified (implements the "matrix concept")
class MatrixConstView
const double *const data;
const size_t rows, cols, ld;
MatrixConstView(const double *data_arg, size_t rows_arg, size_t cols_arg, size_t ld_arg);
template<class Mat>
MatrixConstView(const Mat &arg, size_t row_offset, size_t col_offset,
size_t rows_arg, size_t cols_arg) :
data(arg.getData() + row_offset + col_offset*arg.getLd()), rows(rows_arg), cols(cols_arg), ld(arg.getLd())
assert(row_offset < arg.getRows()
&& row_offset + rows_arg <= arg.getRows()
&& col_offset < arg.getCols()
&& col_offset + cols_arg <= arg.getCols());
virtual ~MatrixConstView(){};
inline size_t getRows() const { return rows; }
inline size_t getCols() const { return cols; }
inline size_t getLd() const { return ld; }
inline const double *getData() const { return data; }
inline const double &operator() (size_t i, size_t j) const { return data[i+j*ld]; }
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Matrix &M);
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const MatrixView &M);
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const MatrixConstView &M);
namespace mat
//define nullVec (const vector<int>(0)) for assign and order by vector
// It is used as a proxy for the ":" matlab operator:
// i.e. zero sized int vector, nullVec, is interpreted as if one supplied ":"
const std::vector<size_t> nullVec(0);
template<class Mat>
print(std::ostream &out, const Mat &M)
for (size_t i = 0; i < M.getRows(); i++)
for (size_t j = 0; j < M.getCols(); j++)
out << std::setw(13) << std::right << M(i, j) << " ";
out << std::endl;
template<class Mat>
inline VectorView
get_col(Mat &M, size_t j)
return VectorView(M.getData()+j*M.getLd(), M.getRows(), 1);
template<class Mat>
inline VectorView
get_row(Mat &M, size_t i)
return VectorView(M.getData()+i, M.getCols(), M.getLd());
template<class Mat>
inline VectorConstView
get_col(const Mat &M, size_t j)
return VectorConstView(M.getData()+j*M.getLd(), M.getRows(), 1);
template<class Mat>
inline VectorConstView
get_row(const Mat &M, size_t i)
return VectorConstView(M.getData()+i, M.getCols(), M.getLd());
template<class Mat1, class Mat2>
inline void
col_copy(const Mat1 &src, size_t col_src, Mat2 &dest, size_t col_dest)
assert(src.getRows() == dest.getRows()
&& col_src < src.getCols() && col_dest < dest.getCols());
memcpy(dest.getData() + col_dest*dest.getLd(),
const_cast<double *>(src.getData()) + col_src*src.getLd(),
template<class Mat1, class Mat2>
inline void
col_copy(const Mat1 &src, size_t col_src, size_t row_offset_src, size_t row_nb,
Mat2 &dest, size_t col_dest, size_t row_offset_dest)
assert(col_src < src.getCols() && col_dest < dest.getCols()
&& row_offset_src < src.getRows() && row_offset_src+row_nb <= src.getRows()
&& row_offset_dest < dest.getRows() && row_offset_dest+row_nb <= dest.getRows());
memcpy(dest.getData() + row_offset_dest + col_dest*dest.getLd(),
src.getData() + row_offset_src + col_src*src.getLd(),
template<class Mat1, class Mat2>
inline void
row_copy(const Mat1 &src, size_t row_src, Mat2 &dest, size_t row_dest)
assert(src.getCols() == dest.getCols()
&& row_src < src.getRows() && row_dest < dest.getRows());
const double *p1 = src.getData() + row_src;
double *p2 = dest.getData() + row_dest;
while (p1 < src.getData() + src.getCols() * src.getLd())
*p2 = *p1;
p1 += src.getLd();
p2 += dest.getLd();
template<class Mat>
inline void
col_set(Mat &M, size_t col, size_t row_offset, size_t row_nb, double val)
assert(col < M.getCols());
assert(row_offset < M.getRows() && row_offset + row_nb <= M.getRows());
std::fill_n(M.getData() + M.getLd()*col + row_offset, row_nb, val);
//! Copy under the diagonal the elements above the diagonal
template<class Mat>
inline void
copy_upper_to_lower(Mat &M)
size_t d = std::min(M.getCols(), M.getRows());
for (size_t i = 0; i < d; i++)
for (size_t j = 0; j < i; j++)
M(i, j) = M(j, i);
//! Copy above the diagonal the elements under the diagonal
template<class Mat>
inline void
copy_lower_to_upper(Mat &M)
size_t d = std::min(M.getCols(), M.getRows());
for (size_t i = 0; i < d; i++)
for (size_t j = 0; j < i; j++)
M(j, i) = M(i, j);
//! Fill the matrix with the identity matrix
template<class Mat>
inline void
set_identity(Mat &M)
size_t d = std::min(M.getCols(), M.getRows());
for (size_t i = 0; i < d; i++)
M(i, i) = 1.0;
//! In-place transpose of a square matrix
template<class Mat>
inline void
transpose(Mat &M)
assert(M.getRows() == M.getCols());
for (size_t i = 0; i < M.getRows(); i++)
for (size_t j = 0; j < i; j++)
std::swap(M(i, j), M(j, i));
//! Computes M1 = M2' (even for rectangular matrices)
template<class Mat1, class Mat2>
inline void
transpose(Mat1 &M1, const Mat2 &M2)
assert(M1.getRows() == M2.getCols() && M1.getCols() == M2.getRows());
for (size_t i = 0; i < M1.getRows(); i++)
for (size_t j = 0; j < M1.getCols(); j++)
M1(i, j) = M2(j, i);
//! Computes m1 = m1 + m2
template<class Mat1, class Mat2>
add(Mat1 &m1, const Mat2 &m2)
assert(m1.getRows() == m2.getRows() && m1.getCols() == m2.getCols());
double *p1 = m1.getData();
const double *p2 = m2.getData();
while (p1 < m1.getData() + m1.getCols() * m1.getLd())
double *pp1 = p1;
const double *pp2 = p2;
while (pp1 < p1 + m1.getRows())
*pp1++ += *pp2++;
p1 += m1.getLd();
p2 += m2.getLd();
//! Computes m1 = m1 + number
template<class Mat1>
add(Mat1 &m1, double d)
double *p1 = m1.getData();
while (p1 < m1.getData() + m1.getCols() * m1.getLd())
double *pp1 = p1;
while (pp1 < p1 + m1.getRows())
*pp1++ += d;
p1 += m1.getLd();
//! Computes m1 = m1 - m2
template<class Mat1, class Mat2>
sub(Mat1 &m1, const Mat2 &m2)
assert(m1.getRows() == m2.getRows() && m1.getCols() == m2.getCols());
double *p1 = m1.getData();
const double *p2 = m2.getData();
while (p1 < m1.getData() + m1.getCols() * m1.getLd())
double *pp1 = p1;
const double *pp2 = p2;
while (pp1 < p1 + m1.getRows())
*pp1++ -= *pp2++;
p1 += m1.getLd();
p2 += m2.getLd();
//! Computes m1 = m1 - number
template<class Mat1>
sub(Mat1 &m1, double d)
add(m1, -1.0*d);
//! Does m = -m
template<class Mat>
negate(Mat &m)
double *p = m.getData();
while (p < m.getData() + m.getCols() * m.getLd())
double *pp = p;
while (pp < p + m.getRows())
*pp = -*pp;
p += m.getLd();
// Computes the infinite norm of a matrix
template<class Mat>
nrminf(const Mat &m)
double nrm = 0;
const double *p = m.getData();
while (p < m.getData() + m.getCols() * m.getLd())
const double *pp = p;
while (pp < p + m.getRows())
if (fabs(*pp) > nrm)
nrm = fabs(*pp);
p += m.getLd();
return nrm;
// emulates Matlab command A(:,b)=B(:,d) where b,d are size_t vectors or nullVec as a proxy for ":")
// i.e. zero sized vector (or mat::nullVec) is interpreted as if one supplied ":" in matlab
template<class Mat1, class Mat2>
reorderColumnsByVectors(Mat1 &a, const std::vector<size_t> &vToCols,
const Mat2 &b, const std::vector<size_t> &vcols)
size_t ncols = 0, toncols = 0;
const std::vector<size_t> *vpToCols = 0, *vpCols = 0;
std::vector<size_t> tmpvpToCols(0), tmpvpCols(0);
assert(b.getRows() == a.getRows());
if (vToCols.size() == 0 && vcols.size() == 0)
a = b;
if (vToCols.size() == 0)
toncols = a.getCols();
for (size_t i = 0; i < toncols; ++i)
tmpvpToCols[i] = i;
vpToCols = (const std::vector<size_t> *)&tmpvpToCols;
for (size_t i = 0; i < vToCols.size(); ++i)
assert(vToCols[i] < a.getCols()); //Negative or too large indices
assert(toncols <= a.getCols()); // check wrong dimensions for assignment by vector
vpToCols = &vToCols;
if (vcols.size() == 0)
ncols = b.getCols();
for (size_t i = 0; i < ncols; ++i)
tmpvpCols[i] = i;
vpCols = (const std::vector<size_t> *)&tmpvpCols;
for (size_t i = 0; i < vcols.size(); ++i)
assert(vcols[i] < b.getCols()); //Negative or too large indices
assert(ncols <= b.getCols()); // check wrong dimensions for assignment by vector
vpCols = &vcols;
assert(toncols == ncols && ncols > 0);
for (size_t j = 0; j < ncols; ++j)
col_copy(b, (*vpCols)[j], a, (*vpToCols)[j]);
// emulates Matlab command A(a,:)=B(c,:) where a,c are size_t vectors or nullVec as a proxy for ":")
// i.e. zero sized vector (or mat::nullVec) is interpreted as if one supplied ":" in matlab
template<class Mat1, class Mat2>
reorderRowsByVectors(Mat1 &a, const std::vector<size_t> &vToRows,
const Mat2 &b, const std::vector<size_t> &vrows)
size_t nrows = 0, tonrows = 0;
const std::vector<size_t> *vpToRows = 0, *vpRows = 0;
std::vector<size_t> tmpvpToRows(0), tmpvpRows(0);
//assert(b.getRows() >= a.getRows() && b.getCols() == a.getCols());
assert(b.getCols() == a.getCols());
if (vToRows.size() == 0 && vrows.size() == 0)
a = b;
if (vToRows.size() == 0)
tonrows = a.getRows();
for (size_t i = 0; i < tonrows; ++i)
tmpvpToRows[i] = i;
vpToRows = (const std::vector<size_t> *)&tmpvpToRows;
for (size_t i = 0; i < vToRows.size(); ++i)
assert(vToRows[i] < a.getRows()); //Negative or too large indices
assert(tonrows <= a.getRows()); // check wrong dimensions for assignment by vector
vpToRows = &vToRows;
if (vrows.size() == 0)
nrows = b.getRows();
for (size_t i = 0; i < nrows; ++i)
tmpvpRows[i] = i;
vpRows = (const std::vector<size_t> *)&tmpvpRows;
for (size_t i = 0; i < vrows.size(); ++i)
assert(vrows[i] < b.getRows()); //Negative or too large indices
assert(nrows <= b.getRows()); // check wrong dimensions for assignment by vector
vpRows = &vrows;
assert(tonrows == nrows && nrows > 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < nrows; ++i)
row_copy(b, (*vpRows)[i], a, (*vpToRows)[i]);
// emulates Matlab command A(a,b)=B(c,d) where a,b,c,d are size_t vectors or nullVec as a proxy for ":")
// i.e. zero sized vector (or mat::nullVec) is interpreted as if one supplied ":" in matlab
template<class Mat1, class Mat2>
assignByVectors(Mat1 &a, const std::vector<size_t> &vToRows, const std::vector<size_t> &vToCols,
const Mat2 &b, const std::vector<size_t> &vrows, const std::vector<size_t> &vcols)
size_t nrows = 0, ncols = 0, tonrows = 0, toncols = 0;
const std::vector<size_t> *vpToCols = 0, *vpToRows = 0, *vpRows = 0, *vpCols = 0;
std::vector<size_t> tmpvpToCols(0), tmpvpToRows(0), tmpvpRows(0), tmpvpCols(0);
if (vToRows.size() == 0 && vToCols.size() == 0 && vrows.size() == 0 && vcols.size() == 0)
a = b;
else if (vToRows.size() == 0 && vrows.size() == 0) // just reorder columns
reorderColumnsByVectors(a, vToCols, b, vcols);
else if (vToCols.size() == 0 && vcols.size() == 0) // just reorder rows
reorderRowsByVectors(a, vToRows, b, vrows);
if (vToRows.size() == 0)
tonrows = a.getRows();
for (size_t i = 0; i < tonrows; ++i)
tmpvpToRows[i] = i;
vpToRows = (const std::vector<size_t> *)&tmpvpToRows;
for (size_t i = 0; i < vToRows.size(); ++i)
assert(vToRows[i] < a.getRows()); //Negative or too large indices
assert(tonrows <= a.getRows()); // check wrong dimensions for assignment by vector
vpToRows = &vToRows;
if (vToCols.size() == 0)
toncols = a.getCols();
for (size_t i = 0; i < toncols; ++i)
tmpvpToCols[i] = i;
vpToCols = (const std::vector<size_t> *)&tmpvpToCols;
for (size_t i = 0; i < vToCols.size(); ++i)
assert(vToCols[i] < a.getCols()); //Negative or too large indices
assert(toncols <= a.getCols()); // check wrong dimensions for assignment by vector
vpToCols = &vToCols;
if (vrows.size() == 0)
nrows = b.getRows();
for (size_t i = 0; i < nrows; ++i)
tmpvpRows[i] = i;
vpRows = (const std::vector<size_t> *)&tmpvpRows;
for (size_t i = 0; i < vrows.size(); ++i)
assert(vrows[i] < b.getRows()); //Negative or too large indices
assert(nrows <= b.getRows()); // check wrong dimensions for assignment by vector
vpRows = &vrows;
if (vcols.size() == 0)
ncols = b.getCols();
for (size_t i = 0; i < ncols; ++i)
tmpvpCols[i] = i;
vpCols = (const std::vector<size_t> *)&tmpvpCols;
for (size_t i = 0; i < vcols.size(); ++i)
assert(vcols[i] < b.getCols()); //Negative or too large indices
assert(ncols <= b.getCols()); // check wrong dimensions for assignment by vector
vpCols = &vcols;
assert(tonrows == nrows && toncols == ncols && nrows * ncols > 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < nrows; ++i)
for (size_t j = 0; j < ncols; ++j)
a((*vpToRows)[i], (*vpToCols)[j]) = b((*vpRows)[i], (*vpCols)[j]);
//emulates Matlab repmat: Mat2 = multv*multh tiled [Mat1]
template<class Mat1, class Mat2 >
repmat(Mat1 &a, size_t multv, size_t multh, Mat2 &repMat) // vertical and horisontal replicators
assert(repMat.getRows() == multv * a.getRows() && repMat.getCols() == multh * a.getCols());
for (size_t i = 0; i < multv; ++i)
for (size_t j = 0; j < multh; ++j)
for (size_t k = 0; k < a.getCols(); ++k)
col_copy(a, k, 0, a.getRows(), repMat, a.getCols() * j + k, a.getRows() * i);
template<class Mat1, class Mat2>
isDiff(const Mat1 &m1, const Mat2 &m2, const double tol = 0.0)
assert(m2.getRows() == m1.getRows() && m2.getCols() == m1.getCols());
const double *p1 = m1.getData();
const double *p2 = m2.getData();
while (p1 < m1.getData() + m1.getCols() * m1.getLd())
const double *pp1 = p1;
const double *pp2 = p2;
while (pp1 < p1 + m1.getRows())
if (fabs(*pp1++ - *pp2++) > tol)
return true;
p1 += m1.getLd();
p2 += m2.getLd();
return false;
//traverse the upper triangle only along diagonals where higher changes occur
template<class Mat1, class Mat2>
isDiffSym(const Mat1 &m1, const Mat2 &m2, const double tol = 0.0)
assert(m2.getRows() == m1.getRows() && m2.getCols() == m1.getCols()
&& m2.getRows() == m1.getCols() && m2.getCols() == m1.getRows());
for (size_t i = 0; i < m1.getCols(); i++)
for (size_t j = 0; i + j < m1.getCols(); j++)
if (fabs(m1(j, j + i) - m2(j, j + i)) > tol)
return true;
return false;
} // End of namespace