
166 lines
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// Copyright 2004, Ondra Kamenik
// Sparse tensor.
/* Here we declare a sparse full and general symmetry tensors with the
multidimensional index along columns. We implement them as a |multimap|
associating to each sequence of coordinates |IntSequence| a set of
pairs (row, number). This is very convenient but not optimal in terms
of memory consumption. So the implementation can be changed.
The current |multimap| implementation allows insertions. Another
advantage of this approach is that we do not need to calculate column
numbers from the |IntSequence|, since the column is accessed directly
via the key which is |IntSequence|.
The only operation we need to do with the full symmetry sparse tensor
is a left multiplication of a row oriented single column tensor. The
result of such operation is a column of the same size as the sparse
tensor. Other important operations are slicing operations. We need to
do sparse and dense slices of full symmetry sparse tensors. In fact,
the only constructor of general symmetry sparse tensor is slicing from
the full symmetry sparse. */
#include "symmetry.hh"
#include "tensor.hh"
#include "gs_tensor.hh"
#include "Vector.hh"
#include <map>
// |ltseq| predicate
struct ltseq
operator()(const IntSequence &s1, const IntSequence &s2) const
return s1 < s2;
/* This is a super class of both full symmetry and general symmetry
sparse tensors. It contains a |multimap| and implements insertions. It
tracks maximum and minimum row, for which there is an item. */
class SparseTensor
using Map = std::multimap<IntSequence, std::pair<int, double>, ltseq>;
Map m;
int dim;
int nr;
int nc;
int first_nz_row;
int last_nz_row;
SparseTensor(int d, int nnr, int nnc)
: dim(d), nr(nnr), nc(nnc), first_nz_row(nr), last_nz_row(-1)
void insert(IntSequence s, int r, double c);
const Map &
getMap() const
return m;
dimen() const
return dim;
nrows() const
return nr;
ncols() const
return nc;
getFillFactor() const
return static_cast<double>(m.size())/nrows()/ncols();
double getFoldIndexFillFactor() const;
double getUnfoldIndexFillFactor() const;
getNumNonZero() const
return m.size();
getFirstNonZeroRow() const
return first_nz_row;
getLastNonZeroRow() const
return last_nz_row;
virtual const Symmetry &getSym() const = 0;
void print() const;
bool isFinite() const;
/* This is a full symmetry sparse tensor. It implements
|multColumnAndAdd| and in addition to |sparseTensor|, it has |nv|
(number of variables), and symmetry (basically it is a dimension). */
class FSSparseTensor : public SparseTensor
int nv;
Symmetry sym;
FSSparseTensor(int d, int nvar, int r);
void insert(IntSequence s, int r, double c);
void multColumnAndAdd(const Tensor &t, Vector &v) const;
const Symmetry &
getSym() const override
return sym;
nvar() const
return nv;
void print() const;
/* This is a general symmetry sparse tensor. It has |TensorDimens| and
can be constructed as a slice of the full symmetry sparse tensor. The
slicing constructor takes the same form as the slicing |FGSTensor|
constructor from full symmetry sparse tensor. */
class GSSparseTensor : public SparseTensor
TensorDimens tdims;
GSSparseTensor(const FSSparseTensor &t, const IntSequence &ss,
const IntSequence &coor, TensorDimens td);
void insert(IntSequence s, int r, double c);
const Symmetry &
getSym() const override
return tdims.getSym();
const TensorDimens &
getDims() const
return tdims;
void print() const;