
401 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright 2004, Ondra Kamenik
#include "ps_tensor.hh"
#include "fs_tensor.hh"
#include "tl_exception.hh"
#include "tl_static.hh"
#include "stack_container.hh"
#include <iostream>
/* Here we decide, what method for filling a slice in slicing
constructor to use. A few experiments suggest, that if the tensor is
more than 8\% filled, the first method (|fillFromSparseOne|) is
better. For fill factors less than 1\%, the second can be 3 times
quicker. */
UPSTensor::decideFillMethod(const FSSparseTensor &t)
if (t.getFillFactor() > 0.08)
return fill_method::first;
return fill_method::second;
/* Here we make a slice. We decide what fill method to use and set it. */
UPSTensor::UPSTensor(const FSSparseTensor &t, const IntSequence &ss,
const IntSequence &coor, PerTensorDimens ptd)
: UTensor(indor::along_col, ptd.getNVX(),
t.nrows(), ptd.calcUnfoldMaxOffset(), ptd.dimen()),
TL_RAISE_IF(coor.size() != t.dimen(),
"Wrong coordinates length of stacks for UPSTensor slicing constructor");
TL_RAISE_IF(ss.sum() != t.nvar(),
"Wrong length of stacks for UPSTensor slicing constructor");
if (decideFillMethod(t) == fill_method::first)
fillFromSparseOne(t, ss, coor);
fillFromSparseTwo(t, ss, coor);
UPSTensor::increment(IntSequence &v) const
TL_RAISE_IF(v.size() != dimen(),
"Wrong input/output vector size in UPSTensor::increment");
UTensor::increment(v, tdims.getNVX());
UPSTensor::decrement(IntSequence &v) const
TL_RAISE_IF(v.size() != dimen(),
"Wrong input/output vector size in UPSTensor::decrement");
UTensor::decrement(v, tdims.getNVX());
UPSTensor::fold() const
TL_RAISE("Never should come to this place in UPSTensor::fold");
UPSTensor::getOffset(const IntSequence &v) const
TL_RAISE_IF(v.size() != dimen(),
"Wrong input vector size in UPSTensor::getOffset");
return UTensor::getOffset(v, tdims.getNVX());
UPSTensor::addTo(FGSTensor &out) const
TL_RAISE_IF(out.getDims() != tdims,
"Tensors have incompatible dimens in UPSTensor::addTo");
for (index in = out.begin(); in != out.end(); ++in)
IntSequence vtmp(dimen());
tdims.getPer().apply(in.getCoor(), vtmp);
index tin(*this, vtmp);
out.addColumn(*this, *tin, *in);
/* In here, we have to add this permuted symmetry unfolded tensor to an
unfolded not permuted tensor. One easy way would be to go through the
target tensor, permute each index, and add the column.
However, it may happen, that the permutation has some non-empty
identity tail. In this case, we can add not only individual columns,
but much bigger data chunks, which is usually more
efficient. Therefore, the code is quite dirty, because we have not an
iterator, which iterates over tensor at some higher levels. So we
simulate it by the following code.
First we set |cols| to the length of the data chunk and |off| to its
dimension. Then we need a front part of |nvmax| of |out|, which is
|nvmax_part|. Our iterator here is an integer sequence |outrun| with
full length, and |outrun_part| its front part. The |outrun| is
initialized to zeros. In each step we need to increment |outrun|
|cols|-times, this is done by incrementing its prefix |outrun_part|.
So we loop over all |cols|wide partitions of |out|, permute |outrun|
to obtain |perrun| to obtain column of this matrix. (note that the
trailing part of |perrun| is the same as of |outrun|. Then we
construct submatrices, add them, and increment |outrun|. */
UPSTensor::addTo(UGSTensor &out) const
TL_RAISE_IF(out.getDims() != tdims,
"Tensors have incompatible dimens in UPSTensor::addTo");
int cols = tailIdentitySize();
int off = tdims.tailIdentity();
IntSequence outrun(out.dimen(), 0);
IntSequence outrun_part(outrun, 0, out.dimen()-off);
IntSequence nvmax_part(out.getDims().getNVX(), 0, out.dimen()-off);
for (int out_col = 0; out_col < out.ncols(); out_col += cols)
// permute |outrun|
IntSequence perrun(out.dimen());
tdims.getPer().apply(outrun, perrun);
index from(*this, perrun);
// construct submatrices
ConstTwoDMatrix subfrom(*this, *from, cols);
TwoDMatrix subout(out, out_col, cols);
// add
subout.add(1, subfrom);
// increment |outrun| by cols
UTensor::increment(outrun_part, nvmax_part);
/* This returns a product of all items in |nvmax| which make up the
trailing identity part. */
UPSTensor::tailIdentitySize() const
return tdims.getNVX().mult(dimen()-tdims.tailIdentity(), dimen());
/* This fill method is pretty dumb. We go through all columns in |this|
tensor, translate coordinates to sparse tensor, sort them and find an
item in the sparse tensor. There are many not successful lookups for
really sparse tensor, that is why the second method works better for
really sparse tensors. */
UPSTensor::fillFromSparseOne(const FSSparseTensor &t, const IntSequence &ss,
const IntSequence &coor)
IntSequence cumtmp(ss.size());
cumtmp[0] = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < ss.size(); i++)
cumtmp[i] = cumtmp[i-1] + ss[i-1];
IntSequence cum(coor.size());
for (int i = 0; i < coor.size(); i++)
cum[i] = cumtmp[coor[i]];
for (Tensor::index run = begin(); run != end(); ++run)
IntSequence c(run.getCoor());
c.add(1, cum);
auto sl = t.getMap().lower_bound(c);
if (sl != t.getMap().end())
auto su = t.getMap().upper_bound(c);
for (auto srun = sl; srun != su; ++srun)
get(srun->second.first, *run) = srun->second.second;
/* This is the second way of filling the slice. For instance, let the
slice correspond to partitions $abac$. In here we first calculate
lower and upper bounds for index of the sparse tensor for the
slice. These are |lb_srt| and |ub_srt| respectively. They corresponds
to ordering $aabc$. Then we go through that interval, and select items
which are really between the bounds. Then we take the index, subtract
the lower bound to get it to coordinates of the slice. We get
something like $(i_a,j_a,k_b,l_c)$. Then we apply the inverse
permutation as of the sorting form $abac\mapsto aabc$ to get index
$(i_a,k_b,j_a,l_c)$. Recall that the slice is unfolded, so we have to
apply all permutations preserving the stack coordinates $abac$. In our
case we get list of indices $(i_a,k_b,j_a,l_c)$ and
$(j_a,k_b,i_a,l_c)$. For all we copy the item of the sparse tensor to
the appropriate column. */
UPSTensor::fillFromSparseTwo(const FSSparseTensor &t, const IntSequence &ss,
const IntSequence &coor)
IntSequence coor_srt(coor);
IntSequence cum(ss.size());
cum[0] = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < ss.size(); i++)
cum[i] = cum[i-1] + ss[i-1];
IntSequence lb_srt(coor.size());
IntSequence ub_srt(coor.size());
for (int i = 0; i < coor.size(); i++)
lb_srt[i] = cum[coor_srt[i]];
ub_srt[i] = cum[coor_srt[i]] + ss[coor_srt[i]] - 1;
const PermutationSet &pset = TLStatic::getPerm(coor.size());
std::vector<Permutation> pp = pset.getPreserving(coor);
Permutation unsort(coor);
auto lbi = t.getMap().lower_bound(lb_srt);
auto ubi = t.getMap().upper_bound(ub_srt);
for (auto run = lbi; run != ubi; ++run)
if (lb_srt.lessEq(run->first) && run->first.lessEq(ub_srt))
IntSequence c(run->first);
c.add(-1, lb_srt);
for (auto &i : pp)
IntSequence cp(coor.size());
i.apply(c, cp);
Tensor::index ind(*this, cp);
TL_RAISE_IF(*ind < 0 || *ind >= ncols(),
"Internal error in slicing constructor of UPSTensor");
get(run->second.first, *ind) = run->second.second;
/* Here we calculate the maximum offsets in each folded dimension
(dimension sizes, hence |ds|). */
const IntSequence &nvs = getNVS();
for (int i = 0; i < numSyms(); i++)
TensorDimens td(syms[i], nvs);
ds[i] = td.calcFoldMaxOffset();
/* If there are two folded dimensions, the offset in such a dimension
is offset of the second plus offset of the first times the maximum
offset of the second. If there are $n+1$ dimensions, the offset is a
sum of offsets of the last dimension plus the offset in the first $n$
dimensions multiplied by the maximum offset of the last
dimension. This is exactly what the following code does. */
PerTensorDimens2::calcOffset(const IntSequence &coor) const
TL_RAISE_IF(coor.size() != dimen(),
"Wrong length of coordinates in PerTensorDimens2::calcOffset");
IntSequence cc(coor);
int ret = 0;
int off = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numSyms(); i++)
TensorDimens td(syms[i], getNVS());
IntSequence c(cc, off, off+syms[i].dimen());
int a = td.calcFoldOffset(c);
ret = ret*ds[i] + a;
off += syms[i].dimen();
return ret;
PerTensorDimens2::print() const
std::cout << "nvmax: ";
std::cout << "per: ";
std::cout << "syms: ";
std::cout << "dims: ";
/* Here we increment the given integer sequence. It corresponds to
|UTensor::increment| of the whole sequence, and then partial
monotonizing of the subsequences with respect to the
symmetries of each dimension. */
FPSTensor::increment(IntSequence &v) const
TL_RAISE_IF(v.size() != dimen(),
"Wrong length of coordinates in FPSTensor::increment");
UTensor::increment(v, tdims.getNVX());
int off = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < tdims.numSyms(); i++)
IntSequence c(v, off, off+tdims.getSym(i).dimen());
off += tdims.getSym(i).dimen();
FPSTensor::decrement(IntSequence &v) const
TL_RAISE("FPSTensor::decrement not implemented");
FPSTensor::unfold() const
TL_RAISE("Unfolding of FPSTensor not implemented");
/* We only call |calcOffset| of the |PerTensorDimens2|. */
FPSTensor::getOffset(const IntSequence &v) const
return tdims.calcOffset(v);
/* Here we add the tensor to |out|. We go through all columns of the
|out|, apply the permutation to get index in the tensor, and add the
column. Note that if the permutation is identity, then the dimensions
of the tensors might not be the same (since this tensor is partially
folded). */
FPSTensor::addTo(FGSTensor &out) const
for (index tar = out.begin(); tar != out.end(); ++tar)
IntSequence coor(dimen());
tdims.getPer().apply(tar.getCoor(), coor);
index src(*this, coor);
out.addColumn(*this, *src, *tar);
/* Here is the constructor which multiplies the Kronecker product with
the general symmetry sparse tensor |GSSparseTensor|. The main idea is
to go through items in the sparse tensor (each item selects rows in
the matrices form the Kornecker product), then to Kronecker multiply
the rows and multiply with the item, and to add the resulting row to
the appropriate row of the resulting |FPSTensor|.
The realization of this idea is a bit more complicated since we have
to go through all items, and each item must be added as many times as
it has its symmetric elements. Moreover, the permutations shuffle
order of rows in their Kronecker product.
So, we through all unfolded indices in a tensor with the same
dimensions as the |GSSparseTensor| (sparse slice). For each such index
we calculate its folded version (corresponds to ordering of
subsequences within symmetries), we test if there is an item in the
sparse slice with such coordinates, and if there is, we construct the
Kronecker product of the rows, and go through all of items with the
coordinates, and add to appropriate rows of |this| tensor. */
FPSTensor::FPSTensor(const TensorDimens &td, const Equivalence &e, const Permutation &p,
const GSSparseTensor &a, const KronProdAll &kp)
: FTensor(indor::along_col, PerTensorDimens(td, Permutation(e, p)).getNVX(),
a.nrows(), kp.ncols(), td.dimen()),
tdims(td, e, p)
UGSTensor dummy(0, a.getDims());
for (Tensor::index run = dummy.begin(); run != dummy.end(); ++run)
Tensor::index fold_ind = dummy.getFirstIndexOf(run);
const IntSequence &c = fold_ind.getCoor();
auto sl = a.getMap().lower_bound(c);
if (sl != a.getMap().end())
auto row_prod = kp.multRows(run.getCoor());
auto su = a.getMap().upper_bound(c);
for (auto srun = sl; srun != su; ++srun)
Vector out_row{getRow(srun->second.first)};
out_row.add(srun->second.second, *row_prod);