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* Copyright © 2004 Ondra Kamenik
* Copyright © 2019-2023 Dynare Team
* This file is part of Dynare.
* Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
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// Tensor polynomial evaluation.
/* We need to evaluate a tensor polynomial of the form:
[g_x]_α₁ [x]^α₁ + [g_x²]_αα₂ [x]^α₁ [x]^α₂ + … + [g_xⁿ]_α₁…αₙ ∏ [x]^αᵢ
where x is a column vector.
We have basically two options. The first is to use the formula above,
the second is to use a Horner-like formula:
⎡ ⎡ ⎤ ⎤
⎢ ⎢⎡ ⎤ ⎥ ⎥
⎢…⎢⎢[g_xⁿ⁻¹] + [g_xⁿ]_α₁…αₙ₋₁αₙ [x]^αₙ⎥ [x]^αₙ₋₁⎥…⎥ [x]^α₁
⎢ ⎢⎣ ⎦α₁…αₙ₋₁ ⎥ ⎥
⎣ ⎣ ⎦ ⎦α₁
Alternatively, we can put the the polynomial into a more compact form
ₙ ⎡1⎤α
[G]_α₁…αₙ ∏ ⎢ ⎥
Then the polynomial evaluation becomes just a matrix multiplication of the
vector power.
Here we define the tensor polynomial as a container of full symmetry
tensors and add an evaluation methods. We have two sorts of
containers, folded and unfolded. For each type we declare two methods
implementing the above formulas. We define classes for the
compactification of the polynomial. The class derives from the tensor
and has a eval method. */
#include "t_container.hh"
#include "fs_tensor.hh"
#include "rfs_tensor.hh"
#include "tl_static.hh"
#include "pascal_triangle.hh"
#include <memory>
/* Just to make the code nicer, we implement a Kronecker power of a
vector encapsulated in the following class. It has getNext() method
which returns either folded or unfolded row-oriented single column
Kronecker power of the vector according to the type of a dummy
argument. This allows us to use the type dependent code in templates
The implementation of the Kronecker power is that we maintain the last
unfolded power. If unfolded getNext() is called, we Kronecker multiply
the last power with a vector and return it. If folded getNext() is
called, we do the same plus we fold it.
getNext() returns the vector for the first call (first power), the
second power is returned on the second call, and so on. */
class PowerProvider
Vector origv;
std::unique_ptr<URSingleTensor> ut;
std::unique_ptr<FRSingleTensor> ft;
int nv;
PowerProvider(const ConstVector &v)
: origv(v), nv(v.length())
We need to select getNext() implementation at compile type depending on a
type parameter.
Unfortunately full specialization is not possible at class scope. This may
be a bug in GCC 6. See:
Apply the workaround suggested in:
template<typename T>
struct dummy { using type = T; };
template<class T>
const T &
return getNext(dummy<T>());
const URSingleTensor &getNext(dummy<URSingleTensor>);
const FRSingleTensor &getNext(dummy<FRSingleTensor>);
/* The tensor polynomial is basically a tensor container which is more
strict on insertions. It maintains number of rows and number of
variables and allows insertions only of those tensors, which yield
these properties. The maximum dimension is maintained by insert()
So we re-implement insert() method and implement evalTrad()
(traditional polynomial evaluation) and horner-like evaluation
In addition, we implement derivatives of the polynomial and its evaluation.
The evaluation of a derivative is different from the evaluation of the whole
polynomial, simply because the evaluation of the derivatives is a tensor,
and the evaluation of the polynomial is a vector (zero dimensional tensor).
See documentation to TensorPolynomial::derivative() and
TensorPolynomial::evalPartially() for details. */
template<class _Ttype, class _TGStype, class _Stype>
class TensorPolynomial : public TensorContainer<_Ttype>
int nr;
int nv;
int maxdim;
using _Tparent = TensorContainer<_Ttype>;
TensorPolynomial(int rows, int vars)
: TensorContainer<_Ttype>(1),
nr(rows), nv(vars), maxdim(0)
TensorPolynomial(const TensorPolynomial<_Ttype, _TGStype, _Stype> &tp, int k)
: TensorContainer<_Ttype>(tp),
nr(tp.nr), nv(tp.nv), maxdim(0)
TensorPolynomial(int first_row, int num, TensorPolynomial<_Ttype, _TGStype, _Stype> &tp)
: TensorContainer<_Ttype>(first_row, num, tp),
nr(num), nv(tp.nv), maxdim(tp.maxdim)
// TensorPolynomial contract constructor
/* This constructor takes a tensor polynomial
ₘ ⎡x⎤α₁…α
P(x,y)= ∑ [g_(xy)ᵏ]_α₁…αₖ ⎢ ⎥
ᵏ⁼⁰ ⎣y⎦
and for a given x it makes a polynomial
The algorithm for each full symmetry (xy)ᵏ works with subtensors (slices)
of symmetry xⁱyʲ (with i+j=k), and contracts these subtensors with respect
to xⁱ to obtain a tensor of full symmetry yʲ. Since the column xⁱ is
calculated by PowerProvider we cycle for i=1,…,m. Then we have to add
everything for i=0.
The code works as follows: For slicing purposes we need stack sizes ss
corresponing to lengths of x and y, and then identity pp for unfolding a
symmetry of the slice to obtain stack coordinates of the slice. Then we do
the calculations for i=1,…,m and then for i=0. */
TensorPolynomial(const TensorPolynomial<_Ttype, _TGStype, _Stype> &tp, const Vector &xval)
: TensorContainer<_Ttype>(1),
nr(tp.nrows()), nv(tp.nvars() - xval.length()), maxdim(0)
TL_RAISE_IF(nvars() < 0,
"Length of xval too big in TensorPolynomial contract constructor");
IntSequence ss{xval.length(), nvars()};
IntSequence pp{0, 1};
// do contraction for all i>0
/* Here we setup the PowerProvider, and cycle through i=1,…,m. Within the
loop we cycle through j=0,…,m-i. If there is a tensor with symmetry
(xy)ⁱ⁺ʲ in the original polynomial, we make its slice with symmetry
xⁱyʲ, and contractAndAdd() it to the tensor ten in the this
polynomial with a symmetry yʲ.
Note three things: First, the tensor ten is either created and put
to this container or just got from the container, this is done in
“initialize ten of dimension j”. Second, the contribution to
the ten tensor must be multiplied by
⎝ j ⎠, since there are exactly that number of slices of
(xy)ⁱ⁺ʲ of the symmetry xⁱyʲ and all must be added. Third,
the tensor ten is fully symmetric and _TGStype::contractAndAdd()
works with general symmetry, that is why we have to in-place convert
fully syummetric ten to a general symmetry tensor. */
PowerProvider pwp(xval);
for (int i = 1; i <= tp.maxdim; i++)
const _Stype &xpow = pwp.getNext<_Stype>();
for (int j = 0; j <= tp.maxdim-i; j++)
if (tp.check(Symmetry{i+j}))
// initialize ten of dimension j
/* The pointer ten is either a new tensor or got from this container. */
_Ttype *ten;
if (_Tparent::check(Symmetry{j}))
ten = &_Tparent::get(Symmetry{j});
auto ten_smart = std::make_unique<_Ttype>(nrows(), nvars(), j);
ten = ten_smart.get();
Symmetry sym{i, j};
IntSequence coor(pp.unfold(sym));
_TGStype slice(tp.get(Symmetry{i+j}), ss, coor, TensorDimens(sym, ss));
slice.mult(PascalTriangle::noverk(i+j, j));
_TGStype tmp(*ten);
slice.contractAndAdd(0, tmp, xpow);
// do contraction for i=0
/* This is easy. The code is equivalent to “do contraction for all i>0” as
for i=0. The contraction here takes a form of a simple addition. */
for (int j = 0; j <= tp.maxdim; j++)
if (tp.check(Symmetry{j}))
// initialize ten of dimension j
/* Same code as above */
_Ttype *ten;
if (_Tparent::check(Symmetry{j}))
ten = &_Tparent::get(Symmetry{j});
auto ten_smart = std::make_unique<_Ttype>(nrows(), nvars(), j);
ten = ten_smart.get();
Symmetry sym{0, j};
IntSequence coor(pp.unfold(sym));
_TGStype slice(tp.get(Symmetry{j}), ss, coor, TensorDimens(sym, ss));
ten->add(1.0, slice);
TensorPolynomial(const TensorPolynomial &tp)
: TensorContainer<_Ttype>(tp), nr(tp.nr), nv(tp.nv), maxdim(tp.maxdim)
nrows() const
return nr;
nvars() const
return nv;
/* Here we cycle up to the maximum dimension, and if a tensor exists in
the container, then we multiply it with the Kronecker power of the
vector supplied by PowerProvider. */
evalTrad(Vector &out, const ConstVector &v) const
if (_Tparent::check(Symmetry{0}))
out = _Tparent::get(Symmetry{0}).getData();
PowerProvider pp(v);
for (int d = 1; d <= maxdim; d++)
const _Stype &p = pp.getNext<_Stype>();
Symmetry cs{d};
if (_Tparent::check(cs))
const _Ttype &t = _Tparent::get(cs);
t.multaVec(out, p.getData());
/* Here we construct by contraction maxdim-1 tensor first, and then
cycle. */
evalHorner(Vector &out, const ConstVector &v) const
if (_Tparent::check(Symmetry{0}))
out = _Tparent::get(Symmetry{0}).getData();
if (maxdim == 0)
std::unique_ptr<_Ttype> last;
if (maxdim == 1)
last = std::make_unique<_Ttype>(_Tparent::get(Symmetry{1}));
last = std::make_unique<_Ttype>(_Tparent::get(Symmetry{maxdim}), v);
for (int d = maxdim-1; d >= 1; d--)
if (Symmetry cs{d};
const _Ttype &nt = _Tparent::get(cs);
last->add(1.0, ConstTwoDMatrix(nt));
if (d > 1)
last = std::make_unique<_Ttype>(*last, v);
last->multaVec(out, v);
/* Before a tensor is inserted, we check for the number of rows, and
number of variables. Then we insert and update the maxdim. */
insert(std::unique_ptr<_Ttype> t) override
TL_RAISE_IF(t->nrows() != nr,
"Wrong number of rows in TensorPolynomial::insert");
TL_RAISE_IF(t->nvar() != nv,
"Wrong number of variables in TensorPolynomial::insert");
if (maxdim < t->dimen())
maxdim = t->dimen();
/* The polynomial takes the form
∑ 1/i! [g_yⁱ]_α₁…αᵢ [y]^α₁ … [y]^αᵢ
where [g_yⁱ] are i-order derivatives of the polynomial. We assume that
1/i! [g_yⁱ] are items in the tensor container. This method differentiates
the polynomial by one order to yield:
∑ 1/i! [i·g_yⁱ]_α₁…αᵢ [y]^α₁ … [y]^αᵢ₋₁
where [i·1/i!·g_yⁱ] are put in the container.
A polynomial can be derivative of some order, and the order cannot be
recognized from the object. That is why we need to input the order. */
derivative(int k)
for (int d = 1; d <= maxdim; d++)
if (_Tparent::check(Symmetry{d}))
_Ttype &ten = _Tparent::get(Symmetry{d});
ten.mult(static_cast<double>(std::max((d-k), 0)));
/* Now let us suppose that we have an s-order derivative of a
polynomial whose i-order derivatives are [g_yⁱ], so we have
ₙ ᵢ₋ₛ
∑ 1/i! [g_yⁱ]_α₁…αᵢ ∏ [y]^αₖ
ⁱ⁼ˢ ᵏ⁼¹
where 1/i! [g_yⁱ] are tensors in the container.
This methods performs this evaluation. The result is an s dimensional
tensor. Note that when combined with the method derivative(), they
evaluate a derivative of some order. For example a sequence of calls
g.derivative(0), g.derivative(1) and der=g.evalPartially(2, v)
calculates 2! multiple of the second derivative of g at v. */
evalPartially(int s, const ConstVector &v)
TL_RAISE_IF(v.length() != nvars(),
"Wrong length of vector for TensorPolynomial::evalPartially");
auto res = std::make_unique<_Ttype>(nrows(), nvars(), s);
if (_Tparent::check(Symmetry{s}))
res->add(1.0, _Tparent::get(Symmetry{s}));
for (int d = s+1; d <= maxdim; d++)
if (_Tparent::check(Symmetry{d}))
const _Ttype &ltmp = _Tparent::get(Symmetry{d});
auto last = std::make_unique<_Ttype>(ltmp);
for (int j = 0; j < d - s; j++)
auto newlast = std::make_unique<_Ttype>(*last, v);
last = std::move(newlast);
res->add(1.0, *last);
return res;
/* This just gives a name to unfolded tensor polynomial. */
class FTensorPolynomial;
class UTensorPolynomial : public TensorPolynomial<UFSTensor, UGSTensor, URSingleTensor>
UTensorPolynomial(int rows, int vars)
: TensorPolynomial<UFSTensor, UGSTensor, URSingleTensor>(rows, vars)
UTensorPolynomial(const UTensorPolynomial &up, int k)
: TensorPolynomial<UFSTensor, UGSTensor, URSingleTensor>(up, k)
UTensorPolynomial(const FTensorPolynomial &fp);
UTensorPolynomial(const UTensorPolynomial &tp, const Vector &xval)
: TensorPolynomial<UFSTensor, UGSTensor, URSingleTensor>(tp, xval)
UTensorPolynomial(int first_row, int num, UTensorPolynomial &tp)
: TensorPolynomial<UFSTensor, UGSTensor, URSingleTensor>(first_row, num, tp)
/* This just gives a name to folded tensor polynomial. */
class FTensorPolynomial : public TensorPolynomial<FFSTensor, FGSTensor, FRSingleTensor>
FTensorPolynomial(int rows, int vars)
: TensorPolynomial<FFSTensor, FGSTensor, FRSingleTensor>(rows, vars)
FTensorPolynomial(const FTensorPolynomial &fp, int k)
: TensorPolynomial<FFSTensor, FGSTensor, FRSingleTensor>(fp, k)
FTensorPolynomial(const UTensorPolynomial &up);
FTensorPolynomial(const FTensorPolynomial &tp, const Vector &xval)
: TensorPolynomial<FFSTensor, FGSTensor, FRSingleTensor>(tp, xval)
FTensorPolynomial(int first_row, int num, FTensorPolynomial &tp)
: TensorPolynomial<FFSTensor, FGSTensor, FRSingleTensor>(first_row, num, tp)
/* The compact form of TensorPolynomial is in fact a full symmetry
tensor, with the number of variables equal to the number of variables
of the polynomial plus 1 for 1. */
template<class _Ttype, class _TGStype, class _Stype>
class CompactPolynomial : public _Ttype
/* This constructor copies matrices from the given tensor polynomial to the
appropriate location in this matrix. It creates a dummy tensor dum with
two variables (one corresponds to 1, the other to x). The index goes
through this dummy tensor and the number of columns of the folded/unfolded
general symmetry tensor corresponding to the selections of 1 or x given
by the index. Length of 1 is one, and length of x is pol.nvars(). This
nvs information is stored in dumnvs. The symmetry of this general
symmetry dummy tensor dumgs is given by a number of ones and xs in the
index. We then copy the matrix, if it exists in the polynomial and
increase offset for the following cycle. */
CompactPolynomial(const TensorPolynomial<_Ttype, _TGStype, _Stype> &pol)
: _Ttype(pol.nrows(), pol.nvars()+1, pol.getMaxDim())
IntSequence dumnvs{1, pol.nvars()};
int offset = 0;
_Ttype dum(0, 2, _Ttype::dimen());
for (Tensor::index i = dum.begin(); i != dum.end(); ++i)
int d = i.getCoor().sum();
Symmetry symrun{_Ttype::dimen()-d, d};
_TGStype dumgs(0, TensorDimens(symrun, dumnvs));
if (pol.check(Symmetry{d}))
TwoDMatrix subt(*this, offset, dumgs.ncols());
subt.add(1.0, pol.get(Symmetry{d}));
offset += dumgs.ncols();
/* We create x1 to be a concatenation of 1 and x, and then create
PowerProvider to make a corresponding power xpow of x1, and finally
multiply this matrix with the power. */
eval(Vector &out, const ConstVector &v) const
TL_RAISE_IF(v.length()+1 != _Ttype::nvar(),
"Wrong input vector length in CompactPolynomial::eval");
TL_RAISE_IF(out.length() != _Ttype::nrows(),
"Wrong output vector length in CompactPolynomial::eval");
Vector x1(v.length()+1);
Vector x1p(x1, 1, v.length());
x1p = v;
x1[0] = 1.0;
if (_Ttype::dimen() == 0)
out = ConstVector(*this, 0);
PowerProvider pp(x1);
const _Stype &xpow = pp.getNext<_Stype>();
for (int i = 1; i < _Ttype::dimen(); i++)
xpow = pp.getNext<_Stype>();
multVec(0.0, out, 1.0, xpow);
/* Specialization of the CompactPolynomial for unfolded tensor. */
class UCompactPolynomial : public CompactPolynomial<UFSTensor, UGSTensor, URSingleTensor>
UCompactPolynomial(const UTensorPolynomial &upol)
: CompactPolynomial<UFSTensor, UGSTensor, URSingleTensor>(upol)
/* Specialization of the CompactPolynomial for folded tensor. */
class FCompactPolynomial : public CompactPolynomial<FFSTensor, FGSTensor, FRSingleTensor>
FCompactPolynomial(const FTensorPolynomial &fpol)
: CompactPolynomial<FFSTensor, FGSTensor, FRSingleTensor>(fpol)