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% [loglik,per,d,alpha,eta,V] = kalman_smoother(Z,H,T,R,Q,Y,a,P)
% [loglik,per,d,alpha,eta,V] = kalman_smoother(Z,H,T,R,Q,Y,a,P,flag)
% [loglik,per,d,alpha,eta,V] = kalman_smoother(Z,H,T,R,Q,Y,a,Pstar,Pinf)
% [loglik,per,d,alpha,eta,V] = kalman_smoother(Z,H,T,R,Q,Y,a,Pstar,Pinf,flag)
% The first two commands run a Kalman filter and smoother for non-diffuse initial
% conditions, the other two for diffuse initial conditions.
% Input:
% Z,H,T,R,Q gives a state space form
% Y observed data (columns correspond to periods)
% a mean of initial state
% P covariance of initial non-diffuse state
% Pstar finite part of covariance of initial diffuse state
% Pinf infinite part of covariance of initial diffuse state
% flag string starting with 'u', or 'U' runs a univariate
% form of the filter; if omitted, a multivariate version
% is run by default
% Output:
% loglik data log likelihood
% per number of succesfully filtered periods; if no error
% then per equals to the number of columns of Y
% d number of initial periods for which the state is
% still diffuse (d is always 0 for non-diffuse case)
% alpha matrix of smoothed states; columns are periods
% eta matrix of smoothed shocks; columns are periods
% V 3D array of smoothed state variances; V(:,:,t) is
% smoothed state variance-covariance at time t
% Copyright 2005, Ondra Kamenik
function [loglik,per,d,alpha,eta,V] = kalman_smoother(varargin)
[loglik,per,d,alpha,eta,V] = kalman_smoother_(varargin{:});