
163 lines
5.2 KiB

/* $Header: /var/lib/cvs/dynare_cpp/sylv/cc/SylvParams.h,v 2004/06/04 13:00:54 kamenik Exp $ */
/* Tag $Name: $ */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef MATLAB
#include "mex.h"
typedef enum {def, changed, undef} status;
template <class _Type>
struct ParamItem {
typedef ParamItem<_Type> _Self;
status s;
_Type value;
{s = undef;}
ParamItem(_Type val)
{value = val; s = def;}
ParamItem(const _Self& item)
{value = item.value; s = item.s;}
const _Self& operator=(const _Self& item)
{value = item.value; s = item.s; return *this;}
const _Self& operator=(const _Type& val)
{value = val; s = changed; return *this;}
_Type operator*() const
{return value;}
status getStatus() const
{return s;}
void print(FILE* f, const char* prefix, const char* str, const char* fmt) const
if (s == undef)
char out[1000];
strcpy(out, prefix);
strcat(out, str);
strcat(out, "= ");
strcat(out, fmt);
if (s == def)
strcat(out, " <default>");
fprintf(f, out, value);
class SylvParams {
typedef enum {iter, recurse} solve_method;
class DoubleParamItem : public ParamItem<double> {
DoubleParamItem() : ParamItem<double>() {}
DoubleParamItem(double val) : ParamItem<double>(val) {}
DoubleParamItem(const DoubleParamItem& item) : ParamItem<double>(item) {}
const DoubleParamItem& operator=(const double& val)
{ParamItem<double>::operator=(val); return *this;}
#ifdef MATLAB
mxArray* createMatlabArray() const;
class IntParamItem : public ParamItem<int> {
IntParamItem() : ParamItem<int>() {}
IntParamItem(int val) : ParamItem<int>(val) {}
IntParamItem(const IntParamItem& item) : ParamItem<int>(item) {}
const IntParamItem& operator=(const int& val)
{ParamItem<int>::operator=(val); return *this;}
#ifdef MATLAB
mxArray* createMatlabArray() const;
class BoolParamItem : public ParamItem<bool> {
BoolParamItem() : ParamItem<bool>() {}
BoolParamItem(bool val) : ParamItem<bool>(val) {}
BoolParamItem(const BoolParamItem& item) : ParamItem<bool>(item) {}
const BoolParamItem& operator=(const bool& val)
{ParamItem<bool>::operator=(val); return *this;}
#ifdef MATLAB
mxArray* createMatlabArray() const;
class MethodParamItem : public ParamItem<solve_method> {
MethodParamItem() : ParamItem<solve_method>() {}
MethodParamItem(solve_method val) : ParamItem<solve_method>(val) {}
MethodParamItem(const MethodParamItem& item) : ParamItem<solve_method>(item) {}
const MethodParamItem operator=(const solve_method& val)
{ParamItem<solve_method>::operator=(val); return *this;}
#ifdef MATLAB
mxArray* createMatlabArray() const;
// input parameters
MethodParamItem method; // method of solution: iter/recurse
DoubleParamItem convergence_tol; // norm for what we consider converged
IntParamItem max_num_iter; // max number of iterations
DoubleParamItem bs_norm; // Bavely Stewart log10 of norm for diagonalization
BoolParamItem want_check; // true => allocate extra space for checks
// output parameters
BoolParamItem converged; // true if converged
DoubleParamItem iter_last_norm; // norm of the last iteration
IntParamItem num_iter; // number of iterations
DoubleParamItem f_err1; // norm 1 of diagonalization abs. error C-V*F*inv(V)
DoubleParamItem f_errI; // norm Inf of diagonalization abs. error C-V*F*inv(V)
DoubleParamItem viv_err1; // norm 1 of error I-V*inv(V)
DoubleParamItem viv_errI; // norm Inf of error I-V*inv(V)
DoubleParamItem ivv_err1; // norm 1 of error I-inv(V)*V
DoubleParamItem ivv_errI; // norm Inf of error I-inv(V)*V
IntParamItem f_blocks; // number of diagonal blocks of F
IntParamItem f_largest; // size of largest diagonal block in F
IntParamItem f_zeros; // number of off diagonal zeros in F
IntParamItem f_offdiag; // number of all off diagonal elements in F
DoubleParamItem rcondA1; // reciprocal cond 1 number of A
DoubleParamItem rcondAI; // reciprocal cond Inf number of A
DoubleParamItem eig_min; // minimum eigenvalue of the solved system
DoubleParamItem mat_err1; // rel. matrix 1 norm of A*X-B*X*kron(C,..,C)-D
DoubleParamItem mat_errI; // rel. matrix Inf norm of A*X-B*X*kron(C,..,C)-D
DoubleParamItem mat_errF; // rel. matrix Frob. norm of A*X-B*X*kron(C,..,C)-D
DoubleParamItem vec_err1; // rel. vector 1 norm of A*X-B*X*kron(C,..,C)-D
DoubleParamItem vec_errI; // rel. vector Inf norm of A*X-B*X*kron(C,..,C)-D
DoubleParamItem cpu_time; // time of the job in CPU seconds
// note: remember to change copy() if adding/removing member
SylvParams(bool wc = false)
: method(recurse), convergence_tol(1.e-30), max_num_iter(15),
bs_norm(1.3), want_check(wc) {}
SylvParams(const SylvParams& p)
const SylvParams& operator=(const SylvParams& p)
{copy(p); return *this;}
~SylvParams() {}
void print(const char* prefix) const;
void print(FILE* fdesc, const char* prefix) const;
void setArrayNames(int& num, const char** names) const;
#ifdef MATLAB
mxArray* createStructArray() const;
void copy(const SylvParams& p);
#endif /* SYLV_PARAMS_H */
// Local Variables:
// mode:C++
// End: