
154 lines
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%function []= msstart_setup(options_)
% Exordium I
format short g % format
%options_.ms.freq = 4; % quarters or months
%options_.ms.initial_year=1959; % beginning of the year
%options_.ms.initial_subperiod=1; % begining of the quarter or month
%options_.ms.final_year=2005; % final year
%options_.ms.final_subperiod=4; % final month or quarter
nData=(options_.ms.final_year-options_.ms.initial_year)*options_.ms.freq + (options_.ms.final_subperiod-options_.ms.initial_subperiod+1);
% total number of the available data -- this is all you have
%*** Load data and series
%load datainf_argen.prn % the default name for the variable is "options_.ms.data".
%load datacbogdpffr.prn
%options_.ms.data = datacbogdpffr;
%clear datacbogdpffr;
if nt~=nData
disp(' ')
warning(sprintf('nt=%d, Caution: not equal to the length in the data',nt));
%disp(sprintf('nt=%d, Caution: not equal to the length in the data',nt));
disp('Press ctrl-c to abort')
%1 CBO output gap -- log(x_t)-log(x_t potential)
%2 GDP deflator -- (P_t/P_{t-1})^4-1.0
%2 FFR/100.
options_.ms.vlist = [1:size(options_.varobs,1)]; % 1: U; 4: PCE inflation.
options_.ms.log_var = sort(varlist_indices(options_.ms.vlistlog,options_.varobs)); % subset of "options_.ms.vlist. Variables in log level so that differences are in **monthly** growth, unlike R and U which are in annual percent (divided by 100 already).
options_.ms.percent_var =setdiff(options_.ms.vlist,options_.ms.log_var);
%options_.ms.restriction_fname='ftd_upperchol3v'; %Only used by msstart2.m.
ylab = options_.ms.varlist;
xlab = options_.ms.varlist;
nvar = size(options_.varobs,1); % number of endogenous variables
nlogeno = length(options_.ms.log_var) % number of endogenous variables in options_.ms.log_var
npereno = length(options_.ms.percent_var) % number of endogenous variables in options_.ms.percent_var
if (nvar~=(nlogeno+npereno))
disp(' ')
warning('Check xlab, nlogeno or npereno to make sure of endogenous variables in options_.ms.vlist')
disp('Press ctrl-c to abort')
elseif (nvar==length(options_.ms.vlist))
nexo=1; % only constants as an exogenous variable. The default setting.
elseif (nvar<length(options_.ms.vlist))
disp(' ')
warning('Make sure there are only nvar endogenous variables in options_.ms.vlist')
disp('Press ctrl-c to abort')
%------- A specific sample is considered for estimation -------
%options_.forecast = 4; % number of years for forecasting
if options_.forecast<1
error('To be safe, the number of forecast years should be at least 1')
forelabel = [ ystr(3:4) ':' num2str(qmEnd) ' Forecast'];
nSample=(yrEnd-yrStart)*options_.ms.freq + (qmEnd-qmStart+1);
if qmEnd==options_.ms.freq
E1yrqm = [yrEnd+1 1]; % first year and quarter (month) after the sample
E1yrqm = [yrEnd qmEnd+1]; % first year and quarter (month) after the sample
E2yrqm = [yrEnd+options_.forecast qmEnd]; % end at the last month (quarter) of a calendar year after the sample
[fdates,nfqm]=fn_calyrqm(options_.ms.freq,E1yrqm,E2yrqm); % forecast dates and number of forecast dates
[sdates,nsqm] = fn_calyrqm(options_.ms.freq,[yrStart qmStart],[yrEnd qmEnd]);
% sdates: dates for the whole sample (including options_.ms.nlags)
if nSample~=nsqm
warning('Make sure that nSample is consistent with the size of sdates')
disp('Hit any key to continue, or ctrl-c to abort')
imstp = 4*options_.ms.freq; % <<>> impulse responses (4 years)
nayr = 4; %options_.forecast; % number of years before forecasting for plotting.
%------- Prior, etc. -------
%options_.ms.nlags = 4; % number of options_.ms.nlags
%options_.ms.cross_restrictions = 0; % 1: cross-A0-and-A+ restrictions; 0: options_.ms.restriction_fname is all we have
% Example for indxOres==1: restrictions of the form P(t) = P(t-1).
%options_.ms.contemp_reduced_form = 0; % 1: contemporaneous recursive reduced form; 0: restricted (non-recursive) form
%options_.ms.real_pseudo_forecast = 0; % 1: options_.ms.real_pseudo_forecast forecasts; 0: real time forecasts
%options_.ms.bayesian_prior = 1; % 1: Bayesian prior; 0: no prior
indxDummy = options_.ms.bayesian_prior; % 1: add dummy observations to the data; 0: no dummy added.
%options_.ms.dummy_obs = 0; % No dummy observations for xtx, phi, fss, xdatae, etc. Dummy observations are used as an explicit prior in fn_rnrprior_covres_dobs.m.
%if indxDummy
% options_.ms.dummy_obs=nvar+1; % number of dummy observations
% options_.ms.dummy_obs=0; % no dummy observations
%=== The following mu is effective only if options_.ms.bayesian_prior==1.
mu = zeros(6,1); % hyperparameters
mu(1) = 0.57;
mu(2) = 0.13;
mu(3) = 0.1;
mu(4) = 1.5; %1.4 or 1.5, faster decay, produces much better inflation forecast.
mu(5) = 5; %10;
mu(6) = 5; %10;
% mu(1): overall tightness and also for A0;
% mu(2): relative tightness for A+;
% mu(3): relative tightness for the constant term;
% mu(4): tightness on lag decay; (1)
% mu(5): weight on nvar sums of coeffs dummy observations (unit roots);
% mu(6): weight on single dummy initial observation including constant
% (cointegration, unit roots, and stationarity);
hpmsmd = [0.0; 0.0];
indxmsmdeqn = [0; 0; 0; 0]; %This option disenable using this in fn_rnrprior_covres_dobs.m
tdf = 3; % degrees of freedom for t-dist for initial draw of the MC loop
nbuffer = 1000; % a block or buffer of draws (buffer) that is saved to the disk (not memory)
ndraws1=1*nbuffer; % 1st part of Monte Carlo draws
ndraws2=10*ndraws1 % 2nd part of Monte Carlo draws
seednumber = 0; %7910; %472534; % if 0, random state at each clock time
% good one 420 for [29 45], [29 54]
if seednumber
% nstarts=1 % number of starting points
% imndraws = nstarts*ndraws2; % total draws for impulse responses or forecasts