
275 lines
11 KiB

function nls(eqname, params, data, range, optimizer, varargin)
% Estimates the parameters of a PAC equation by Nonlinear Least Squares.
% - eqname [string] Name of the pac equation.
% - params [struct] Describes the parameters to be estimated.
% - data [dseries] Database for the estimation
% - range [dates] Range of dates for the estimation.
% - optimizer [string] Set the optimization algorithm. Possible values
% are 'fmincon', 'fminunc', 'csminwel',
% 'fminsearch', 'simplex' and
% 'annealing'. Default is 'csminwel'.
% - varargin List of key/value pairs, each key must be a
% string and values can be strings or real numbers.
% - none
% [1] The estimation results are printed in the command line window, and the
% parameters are updated accordingly in M_.params.
% [2] The second input is a structure. Each fieldname corresponds to the
% name of an estimated parameter, the value of the field is the initial
% guess used for the estimation (by NLS).
% [3] The third input is a dseries object which must at least contain all
% the variables appearing in the estimated equation. The residual of the
% equation must have NaN values in the object.
% [4] It is assumed that the residual is additive.
% [5] If the used optimization routines handles inequalities over the
% estimated parameters, we impose the positivity of the error correction parameter.
% pac.estimate.nls('zpac', eparams, dbase, dates('2003Q1'):dates('2016Q3'),'fminunc', 'MaxIter', 50);
% where zpac is the name of the PAC equation, eparams is a structure
% containing the guess values for the estimated parameters (in each field),
% dbase is a dseries object containing the data,
% dates('2003Q1'):dates('2016Q3') is the range of the sample used for
% estimation, 'fminunc' is the name of the optimization algorithm (this one
% is available only if the matylab optimization toolbox is installed), the
% remaining inputs are the options (key/value) passed to the optimizers.
% Copyright © 2018-2022 Dynare Team
% This file is part of Dynare.
% Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with Dynare. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
global M_ oo_ options_
is_gauss_newton = false;
is_lsqnonlin = false;
if nargin>4 && (isequal(optimizer, 'GaussNewton') || isequal(optimizer, 'lsqnonlin'))
switch optimizer
case 'GaussNewton'
is_gauss_newton = true;
case 'lsqnonlin'
is_lsqnonlin = true;
[pacmodl, lhs, rhs, pnames, enames, xnames, ~, pid, eid, xid, ~, ipnames_, params, data, islaggedvariables] = ...
pac.estimate.init(M_, oo_, eqname, params, data, range);
dLHS = M_.aux_vars(strmatch(lhs,M_.endo_names, 'exact')==[M_.aux_vars(:).endo_index]).orig_expr;
% Check that the error correction term is correct.
if M_.pac.(pacmodl).ec.istarget(2)
error(['\nThe error correction term in PAC equation (%s) is not correct.\nThe ' ...
'error correction term should be the difference between a trend\n' ...
'and the level of the endogenous variable.'], pacmodl);
% Rewrite and print the equation.
[rhs, lhs] = rewrite_equation_with_tables(rhs, lhs, islaggedvariables, pnames, enames, xnames, pid, eid, xid, data);
% Create a routine for evaluating the residuals of the nonlinear model
write_residuals_routine(lhs, rhs, eqname, ipnames_, M_, pacmodl);
% Create a routine for evaluating the sum of squared residuals of the nonlinear model
write_ssr_routine(lhs, rhs, eqname, ipnames_, M_, pacmodl);
% Workaround for Octave bug https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?46282
% Octave will randomly fail to read the ssr_* file generated in the +folder
if isoctave
% Copy (sub)sample data in a matrix.
DATA = data([range(1)-1, range]).data;
% Create a function handle returning the sum of square residuals for a given vector of parameters.
ssrfun = @(p) feval([M_.fname '.ssr_' eqname], p, DATA, M_, oo_);
% Create a function handle returning the sum of square residuals for a given vector of parameters.
resfun = @(p) feval([M_.fname '.r_' eqname], p, DATA, M_, oo_);
% Set initial condition.
params0 = cell2mat(struct2cell(params));
% Set defaults for optimizers
bounds = [];
parameter_names = [];
% Set optimizer routine.
if nargin<5 || isempty(optimizer)
% Use csminwel by default.
minalgo = 4;
switch optimizer
case 'GaussNewton'
% Nothing to do here.
case 'lsqnonlin'
bounds = ones(length(params0),1)*[-Inf,Inf];
bounds(strcmp(fieldnames(params), M_.param_names(M_.pac.(pacmodl).ec.params)),1) = 0.0;
bounds(strcmp(fieldnames(params), M_.param_names(M_.pac.(pacmodl).ec.params)),2) = 1.0;
case 'fmincon'
if isoctave && ~user_has_octave_forge_package('optim', '1.6')
error('Optimization algorithm ''fmincon'' requires the optim package, version 1.6 or higher')
elseif ~isoctave && ~user_has_matlab_license('optimization_toolbox')
error('Optimization algorithm ''fmincon'' requires the Optimization Toolbox')
minalgo = 1;
bounds = ones(length(params0),1)*[-Inf,Inf];
bounds(strcmp(fieldnames(params), M_.param_names(M_.pac.(pacmodl).ec.params)),1) = 0.0;
bounds(strcmp(fieldnames(params), M_.param_names(M_.pac.(pacmodl).ec.params)),2) = 1.0;
case 'fminunc'
if isoctave && ~user_has_octave_forge_package('optim')
error('Optimization algorithm ''fminunc'' requires the optim package')
elseif ~isoctave && ~user_has_matlab_license('optimization_toolbox')
error('Optimization algorithm ''fminunc'' requires the Optimization Toolbox')
minalgo = 3;
case 'csminwel'
minalgo = 4;
case 'fminsearch'
if isoctave && ~user_has_octave_forge_package('optim')
error('Optimization algorithm ''fminsearch'' requires the optim package')
elseif ~isoctave && ~user_has_matlab_license('optimization_toolbox')
error('Optimization algorithm ''fminsearch'' requires the Optimization Toolbox')
minalgo = 7;
case 'simplex'
minalgo = 8;
case 'annealing'
minalgo = 2;
bounds = ones(length(params0),1)*[-Inf,Inf];
bounds(strcmp(fieldnames(params), M_.param_names(M_.pac.(pacmodl).ec.params)),1) = 0.0;
bounds(strcmp(fieldnames(params), M_.param_names(M_.pac.(pacmodl).ec.params)),2) = 1.0;
parameter_names = fieldnames(params);
case 'particleswarm'
if isoctave
error('Optimization ''particleswarm'' is not available under Octave')
elseif ~user_has_matlab_license('global_optimization_toolbox')
error('Optimization ''particleswarm'' requires the Global Optimization Toolbox')
minalgo = 12;
bounds = ones(length(params0),1)*[-Inf,Inf];
bounds(strcmp(fieldnames(params), M_.param_names(M_.pac.(pacmodl).ec.params)),1) = 0.0;
bounds(strcmp(fieldnames(params), M_.param_names(M_.pac.(pacmodl).ec.params)),1) = 1.0;
parameter_names = fieldnames(params);
msg = sprintf('%s is not an implemented optimization routine.\n', optimizer);
msg = sprintf('%sAvailable algorithms are:\n', msg);
msg = sprintf('%s - %s\n', msg, 'fmincon');
msg = sprintf('%s - %s\n', msg, 'fminunc');
msg = sprintf('%s - %s\n', msg, 'csminwel');
msg = sprintf('%s - %s\n', msg, 'fminsearch');
msg = sprintf('%s - %s\n', msg, 'simplex');
msg = sprintf('%s - %s\n', msg, 'annealing');
msg = sprintf('%s - %s\n', msg, 'lsqnonlin');
msg = sprintf('%s - %s\n', msg, 'GaussNewton');
% Set options if provided as input arguments to nls routine.
oldopt = options_.optim_opt;
[noprint, opt] = opt4nls(varargin);
options_.optim_opt = opt;
% Check that we are able to evaluate the Sum of Squared Residuals on the initial guess
ssr0 = ssrfun(params0);
if isnan(ssr0) || isinf(ssr0) || ~isreal(ssr0)
error('Cannot evaluate the Sum of Squared Residuals on the initial guess.')
if is_gauss_newton
[params1, SSR, exitflag] = gauss_newton(resfun, params0);
elseif is_lsqnonlin
if ismember('levenberg-marquardt', varargin)
% Levenberg Marquardt does not handle boundary constraints.
[params1, SSR, ~, exitflag] = lsqnonlin(resfun, params0, [], [], optimset(varargin{:}));
[params1, SSR, ~, exitflag] = lsqnonlin(resfun, params0, bounds(:,1), bounds(:,2), optimset(varargin{:}));
% Estimate the parameters by minimizing the sum of squared residuals.
[params1, SSR, exitflag] = dynare_minimize_objective(ssrfun, params0, ...
minalgo, ...
options_, ...
bounds, ...
parameter_names, ...
[], ...
% Revert local modifications to the options.
options_.optim_opt = oldopt;
% Compute an estimator of the covariance matrix (see White and
% Domovitz [Econometrica, 1984], theorem 3.2).
[r, J] = jacobian(resfun, params1, 1e-6);
T = length(r);
A = 2.0*(J'*J)/T;
J = bsxfun(@times, J, r);
B = J'*J;
l = round(T^.25);
for tau=1:l
B = B + (1-tau/(l+1))*(J(tau+1:end,:)'*J(1:end-tau,:)+J(1:end-tau,:)'*J(tau+1:end,:));
B = (4.0/T)*B;
C = inv(A)*B*inv(A); % C is the asymptotic covariance of sqrt(T) times the vector of estimated parameters.
C = C/T;
% Save results
lhs = eval(strrep(lhs, 'data', 'data(range(1)-1:range(end)).data'));
oo_.pac.(pacmodl).lhs = dseries(lhs, range(1), 'lhs');
oo_.pac.(pacmodl).fit = dseries(lhs-r, range(1), 'fit');
oo_.pac.(pacmodl).residual = dseries(r, range(1), 'residual');
oo_.pac.(pacmodl).ssr = SSR;
oo_.pac.(pacmodl).s2 = SSR/T;
oo_.pac.(pacmodl).R2 = 1-var(r)/var(lhs);
oo_.pac.(pacmodl).parnames = fieldnames(params);
oo_.pac.(pacmodl).estimator = params1;
oo_.pac.(pacmodl).covariance = C;
oo_.pac.(pacmodl).student = params1./(sqrt(diag(C)));
% Also save estimated parameters in M_
M_.params(ipnames_) = params1;
M_ = pac.update.parameters(pacmodl, M_, oo_, false);
if ~noprint
title = ['NLS Estimation of equation ''' eqname ''''];
preamble = {['Dependent Variable: ' dLHS], ...
sprintf('Observations: %d from %s to %s\n', (range(end)-range(1))+1, range(1).char, range(end).char)};
afterward = {sprintf('R^2: %f', oo_.pac.(pacmodl).R2), ...
sprintf('s^2: %f', oo_.pac.(pacmodl).s2)}; ...
dyn_table(title, preamble, afterward, oo_.pac.(pacmodl).parnames, ...
{'Estimates','t-statistic','Std. Error'}, 4, ...
[oo_.pac.(pacmodl).estimator oo_.pac.(pacmodl).student sqrt(diag(C))]);