
1578 lines
53 KiB

/*! \file
\version 1.0
\date 04/09/2004
\par This file implements the ModelTree class methodes.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <stack>
#include <numeric>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <map>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
#include "VariableTable.h"
#include "DynareBison.h"
#include "NumericalConstants.h"
#include "ModelTree.h"
ostringstream ModelTree::output;
computeJacobian = false;
computeJacobianExo = false;
computeHessian = false;
// Empty
void ModelTree::OpenMFiles(string iModelFileName1, string iModelFileName2)
if (iModelFileName1.size())
iModelFileName1 += ".m";
if (!mStaticModelFile.is_open())
cout << "ModelTree::Open : Error : Can't open file " << iModelFileName1
<< " for writing\n";
//Writing comments and function definition command
mStaticModelFile << "function [residual, g1] = " << iModelFileName1 << "( y, x )\n";
mStaticModelFile << "%\n% Status : Computes static model for Dynare\n%\n";
mStaticModelFile << "% Warning : this file is generated automatically by Dynare\n";
mStaticModelFile << "% from model file (.mod)\n\n";
if (iModelFileName2.size() && (computeJacobian||computeJacobianExo||computeHessian))
iModelFileName2 += ".m";
if (!mDynamicModelFile.is_open())
cout << "ModelTree::Open : Error : Can't open file " << iModelFileName2
<< " for writing\n";
mDynamicModelFile << "function [residual, g1, g2] = " << iModelFileName2 << "(y, x)\n";
mDynamicModelFile << "%\n% Status : Computes dynamic model for Dynare\n%\n";
mDynamicModelFile << "%Warning : this file is generated automatically by Dynare\n";
mDynamicModelFile << "% from model file (.mod)\n\n";
cout << "ModelTree::Open : Error : Missing file name\n";
void ModelTree::OpenCFiles(string iModelFileName1, string iModelFileName2)
if (iModelFileName1.size())
iModelFileName1 += ".c";
if (!mStaticModelFile.is_open())
cout << "ModelTree::Open : Error : Can't open file " << iModelFileName1
<< " for writing\n";
mStaticModelFile << "/*\n";
mStaticModelFile << " *" << iModelFileName1 << ".c : Computes static model for Dynare\n";
mStaticModelFile << " * Warning : this file is generated automatically by Dynare\n";
mStaticModelFile << " * from model file (.mod)\n\n";
mStaticModelFile << " */\n";
mStaticModelFile << "#include <math.h>\n";
mStaticModelFile << "#include \"mex.h\"\n";
// A flobal variable for model parameters
mStaticModelFile << "double *params;\n";
if (iModelFileName2.size() && (computeJacobian||computeJacobianExo||computeHessian))
iModelFileName2 += ".c";
if (!mDynamicModelFile.is_open())
cout << "ModelTree::Open : Error : Can't open file " << iModelFileName2
<< " for writing\n";
mDynamicModelFile << "/*\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " *" << iModelFileName2 << ".c : Computes dynamic model for Dynare\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " *\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " * Warning : this file is generated automatically by Dynare\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " * from model file (.mod)\n\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " */\n";
mDynamicModelFile << "#include <math.h>\n";
mDynamicModelFile << "#include \"mex.h\"\n";
// A flobal variable for model parameters
mDynamicModelFile << "double *params;\n";
// A global variable for it_
mDynamicModelFile << "int it_;\n";
mDynamicModelFile << "int nb_row_x;\n";
cout << "ModelTree::Open : Error : Missing file name\n";
void ModelTree::SaveMFiles()
if (mStaticModelFile.is_open())
mStaticModelFile << StaticOutput.str();
if (mDynamicModelFile.is_open() && (computeJacobian||computeJacobianExo||computeHessian))
mDynamicModelFile << DynamicOutput.str();
void ModelTree::SaveCFiles()
if (mStaticModelFile.is_open())
// Writing the function Static
mStaticModelFile << StaticOutput.str();
// Writing the gateway routine
mStaticModelFile << "/* The gateway routine */\n";
mStaticModelFile << "void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])\n";
mStaticModelFile << "{\n";
mStaticModelFile << " double *y, *x;\n";
mStaticModelFile << " double *residual, *g1;\n";
mStaticModelFile << " mxArray *M_;\n";
mStaticModelFile << "\n";
mStaticModelFile << " /* Create a pointer to the input matrix y. */\n";
mStaticModelFile << " y = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);\n";
mStaticModelFile << "\n";
mStaticModelFile << " /* Create a pointer to the input matrix x. */\n";
mStaticModelFile << " x = mxGetPr(prhs[1]);\n";
mStaticModelFile << "\n";
mStaticModelFile << " residual = NULL;\n";
mStaticModelFile << " if (nlhs >= 1)\n";
mStaticModelFile << " {\n";
mStaticModelFile << " /* Set the output pointer to the output matrix residual. */\n";
mStaticModelFile << " plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << ModelParameters::eq_nbr << ",1, mxREAL);\n";
mStaticModelFile << " /* Create a C pointer to a copy of the output matrix residual. */\n";
mStaticModelFile << " residual = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);\n";
mStaticModelFile << " }\n\n";
mStaticModelFile << " g1 = NULL;\n";
mStaticModelFile << " if (nlhs >= 2)\n";
mStaticModelFile << " {\n";
mStaticModelFile << " /* Set the output pointer to the output matrix g1. */\n";
mStaticModelFile << " plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << ModelParameters::eq_nbr << ", " << ModelParameters::endo_nbr << ", mxREAL);\n";
mStaticModelFile << " /* Create a C pointer to a copy of the output matrix g1. */\n";
mStaticModelFile << " g1 = mxGetPr(plhs[1]);\n";
mStaticModelFile << " }\n\n";
mStaticModelFile << " /* Gets model parameters from global workspace of Matlab */\n";
mStaticModelFile << " M_ = mexGetVariable(\"global\",\"M_\");\n";
mStaticModelFile << " if (M_ == NULL ){\n";
mStaticModelFile << " mexPrintf(\"Global variable not found : \");\n";
mStaticModelFile << " mexErrMsgTxt(\"M_ \\n\");\n";
mStaticModelFile << " }\n";
mStaticModelFile << " params = mxGetPr(mxGetFieldByNumber(M_, 0, mxGetFieldNumber(M_,\"params\")));\n";
mStaticModelFile << " /* Call the C Static. */\n";
mStaticModelFile << " Static(y, x, residual, g1);\n";
mStaticModelFile << "}\n";
if (mDynamicModelFile.is_open() && (computeJacobian||computeJacobianExo||computeHessian))
// Writing the function body
mDynamicModelFile << DynamicOutput.str();
// Writing the gateway routine
mDynamicModelFile << "/* The gateway routine */\n";
mDynamicModelFile << "void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])\n";
mDynamicModelFile << "{\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " double *y, *x;\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " double *residual, *g1, *g2;\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " mxArray *M_;\n";
mDynamicModelFile << "\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " /* Create a pointer to the input matrix y. */\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " y = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);\n";
mDynamicModelFile << "\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " /* Create a pointer to the input matrix x. */\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " x = mxGetPr(prhs[1]);\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " /* Gets number of rows of matrix x. */\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " nb_row_x = mxGetM(prhs[1]);\n";
mDynamicModelFile << "\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " residual = NULL;\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " if (nlhs >= 1)\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " {\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " /* Set the output pointer to the output matrix residual. */\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << ModelParameters::eq_nbr << ",1, mxREAL);\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " /* Create a C pointer to a copy of the output matrix residual. */\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " residual = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " }\n\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " g1 = NULL;\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " if (nlhs >= 2)\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " {\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " /* Set the output pointer to the output matrix g1. */\n";
if (computeJacobianExo)
mDynamicModelFile << " plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << ModelParameters::eq_nbr << ", " << VariableTable::size() << ", mxREAL);\n";
else if (computeJacobian)
mDynamicModelFile << " plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << ModelParameters::eq_nbr << ", " << ModelParameters::var_endo_nbr << ", mxREAL);\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " /* Create a C pointer to a copy of the output matrix g1. */\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " g1 = mxGetPr(plhs[1]);\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " }\n\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " g2 = NULL;\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " if (nlhs >= 3)\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " {\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " /* Set the output pointer to the output matrix g2. */\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " plhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << ModelParameters::eq_nbr << ", " << VariableTable::size()*VariableTable::size() << ", mxREAL);\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " /* Create a C pointer to a copy of the output matrix g1. */\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " g2 = mxGetPr(plhs[2]);\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " }\n\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " /* Gets model parameters from global workspace of Matlab */\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " M_ = mexGetVariable(\"global\",\"M_\");\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " if (M_ == NULL )\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " {\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " mexPrintf(\"Global variable not found : \");\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " mexErrMsgTxt(\"M_ \\n\");\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " }\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " params = mxGetPr(mxGetFieldByNumber(M_, 0, mxGetFieldNumber(M_,\"params\")));\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " /* Gets it_ from global workspace of Matlab */\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " it_ = (int) floor(mxGetScalar(mexGetVariable(\"global\", \"it_\")))-1;\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " /* Call the C subroutines. */\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " Dynamic(y, x, residual, g1, g2);\n";
mDynamicModelFile << "}\n";
void ModelTree::derive(int iOrder)
NodeID lToken; // To store current working token
NodeID lD1, lD2; // To store derivative arguments of
// current argument
NodeID lArg1, lArg2; // To store current arguments
Type lType1; // Type of first argument
NodeID t1,t11,t12,t13,
t14, t15; // To store temoporary result arguments
TreeIterator BeginIT; // Iterator of the 1st token to derive
TreeIterator EndIT; // Iterator of the last token to derive
TreeIterator currentIT; // Iterator (counter) for model tree loop
vector<NodeID> EqualTokenIDs; // IDs of "equal token" in model Tree
// Capturing equation IDs
for (currentIT = BeginModel; currentIT != mModelTree.end(); currentIT++)
if ((*currentIT)->op_code == EQUAL)
// Equation is forced to be in Model Tree as refferenced
// This is usfull to remove symetric elements
// Uncomment this to print model tree data
//cout << "ModelTree==================================\n";
for (currentIT = mModelTree.begin(); currentIT != mModelTree.end(); currentIT++)
lToken = *currentIT;
int ID = lToken->idx;
cout << ID << ":" << lToken << "->" << lToken->id1 << " " << lToken->type1 << " " <<
lToken->id2 << " " << lToken->op_code << "\n";
EndIT = mModelTree.begin();
cout << "Processing derivation ...\n";
// loop on order of derivation
for(int Order = 1; Order <= iOrder; Order++)
cout << "\tProcessing Order " << Order << "... ";
current_order = Order;
BeginIT = EndIT;
EndIT = mModelTree.end();
// Adding a reference counter for current order to tokens in mModelTree
// and updating them
for (TreeIterator it = mModelTree.begin(); it != mModelTree.end(); it++)
int s = (*it)->reference_count.size();
for (int i = s; i <= current_order; i++)
int rc = (*it)->reference_count[i-1];
// Loop on variables of derivation
for (int var = 0; var < VariableTable::size(); var++)
// Loop on tokens
for (currentIT = BeginIT;; currentIT++)
//cout << "Token " << (*currentIT)->idx << endl;
if (accumulate((*currentIT)->reference_count.begin(), (*currentIT)->reference_count.end(),0) > 0)
lToken = *currentIT;//mModelTree[TokenCount];
lArg1 = lToken->id1;
lArg2 = lToken->id2;
lType1 = lToken->type1;
lD1 = DeriveArgument(lArg1, lType1, var);
if (lArg2 != NullID)
lD2 = DeriveArgument(lArg2, eTempResult, var);
// Case where token is a final argument
if (lToken->op_code == NoOpCode)
setDerivativeAdress(*currentIT, lD1, var);
switch (lToken->op_code)
case UMINUS:
t1 = AddUMinus(lD1);
setDerivativeAdress(*currentIT, t1, var);
case PLUS:
t1 = AddPlus(lD1, lD2);
setDerivativeAdress(*currentIT, t1, var);
case MINUS:
t1 = AddMinus(lD1, lD2);
setDerivativeAdress(*currentIT, t1, var);
case TIMES:
t11 = AddTimes(lD1, lArg2);
t12 = AddTimes(lD2, lArg1);
t1 = AddPlus(t11, t12);
setDerivativeAdress(*currentIT, t1, var);
case DIVIDE:
t11 = AddTimes(lD1, lArg2);
t12 = AddTimes(lD2, lArg1);
t13 = AddMinus(t11, t12);
t14 = AddTimes(lArg2, lArg2);
t1 = AddDivide(t13, t14);
setDerivativeAdress(*currentIT, t1, var);
case SQRT:
t11 = AddPlus(*currentIT, *currentIT);
t1 = AddDivide(lD1, t11);
setDerivativeAdress(*currentIT, t1,var);
case POWER:
if (lD2 == Zero)
if (lD1 == Zero)
t1 = Zero;
t11 = AddMinus(lArg2, One);
t12 = AddPower(lArg1, t11);
t13 = AddTimes(lArg2, t12);
t1 = AddTimes(lD1, t13);
t11 = AddLog(lArg1);
t12 = AddTimes(lD2, t11);
t13 = AddTimes(lD1, lArg2);
t14 = AddDivide(t13, lArg1);
t15 = AddPlus(t12, t14);
t1 = AddTimes(t15, *currentIT);
setDerivativeAdress(*currentIT, t1, var);
case EXP:
t1 = AddTimes(lD1, *currentIT);
setDerivativeAdress(*currentIT, t1, var);
case LOG:
t1 = AddDivide(lD1, lArg1);
setDerivativeAdress(*currentIT, t1, var);
case LOG10:
t11 = AddExp(One);
t12 = AddLog10(t11);
t13 = AddDivide(lD1, lArg1);
t1 = AddTimes(t12, t13);
setDerivativeAdress(*currentIT, t1, var);
case COS:
t11 = AddSin(lArg1);
t12 = AddUMinus(t11);
t1 = AddTimes( lD1, t12);
setDerivativeAdress(*currentIT, t1, var);
case SIN:
t11 = AddCos(lArg1);
t1 = AddTimes(lD1,t11);
setDerivativeAdress(*currentIT, t1, var);
case TAN:
t11 = AddTimes(*currentIT, *currentIT);
t12 = AddPlus(t11, One);
t1 = AddTimes(lD1, t12);
setDerivativeAdress(*currentIT, t1, var);
case ACOS:
t11 = AddSin(*currentIT);
t12 = AddDivide(lD1, t11);
t1 = AddUMinus(t12);
setDerivativeAdress(*currentIT, t1, var);
case ASIN:
t11 = AddCos(*currentIT);
t1 = AddDivide(lD1, t11);
setDerivativeAdress(*currentIT, t1, var);
case ATAN:
t11 = AddTimes(lArg1, lArg1);
t12 = AddPlus(One, t11);
t1 = AddDivide(lD1, t12);
setDerivativeAdress(*currentIT, t1,var);
case COSH:
t11 = AddSinH(lArg1);
t1 = AddTimes( lD1,t11);
setDerivativeAdress(*currentIT, t1, var);
case SINH:
t11 = AddCosH(lArg1);
t1 = AddTimes( lD1, t11);
setDerivativeAdress(*currentIT, t1, var);
case TANH:
t11 = AddTimes(*currentIT, *currentIT);
t12 = AddMinus(One, t11);
t1 = AddTimes(lD1, t12);
setDerivativeAdress(*currentIT, t1,var);
case ACOSH:
t11 = AddSinH(*currentIT);
t1 = AddDivide(lD1, t11);
setDerivativeAdress(*currentIT, t1,var);
case ASINH:
t11 = AddCosH(*currentIT);
t1 = AddDivide(lD1, t11);
setDerivativeAdress(*currentIT, t1,var);
case ATANH:
t11 = AddTimes(lArg1, lArg1);
t12 = AddMinus(One, t11);
t1 = AddTimes(lD1, t12);
setDerivativeAdress(*currentIT, t1,var);
if (currentIT == EndIT) break;
// Treating equal tokens
// Skeeping symetric elements
//vector<MetaToken>::iterator tree_it2 = mModelTree.begin();
//int id = 0;
int starti = var*Order*(Order-1)*ModelParameters::eq_nbr/2;
for (unsigned int i = starti; i < EqualTokenIDs.size() ; i++ )
lToken = EqualTokenIDs[i];
lArg1 = lToken->id1;
lArg2 = lToken->id2;
lType1 = lToken->type1;
lD1 = DeriveArgument(lArg1, lType1, var);
lD2 = DeriveArgument(lArg2, eTempResult, var);
// If one hand sid is null, take the other
if (lD1 == Zero && lD2 != Zero)
t11 = AddUMinus(lD2);
t1 = AddEqual(t11, Zero);
else if (lD1 != Zero && lD2 == Zero)
t1 = AddEqual(lD1, Zero);
t11 = AddMinus(lD1, lD2);
t1 = AddEqual(t11, Zero);
// The derivative is forced to be in Model Tree as refferenced
// This is usfull to remove symetric elements
setDerivativeAdress(EqualTokenIDs[i], t1, var);
if (Order == 1)
mDerivativeIndex[0].push_back(DerivativeIndex(t1, i-starti, var));
else if (Order == 2)
int var1 = VariableTable::getSortID(i/ModelParameters::eq_nbr);
int var2 = VariableTable::getSortID(var);
// Uncomment to debug : prints unreferenced tokens
cout << "Order : " << Order << "\n";
for (TokenCount = BeginModel; TokenCount < mModelTree.size() ; TokenCount++ )
if (accumulate(mModelTree[TokenCount].reference_count.begin(),mModelTree[TokenCount].reference_count.end(),0) == 0)
cout << "\tNot referenced : token ID :" << TokenCount << endl;
// Uncomment this to debug : mDerivative(1and2)Index data
// before removing unreferenced tokens
cout << "Contenence of mDerivative1Index\n";
for (int i=0; i< mDerivativeIndex[0].size();i++)
//if (mDerivativeIndex[0][i].token_id != 3)
cout << "\t" << mDerivativeIndex[0][i].token_id << endl;
cout << "Contenence of mDerivative2Index\n";
for (int i=0; i< mDerivativeIndex[1].size();i++)
//if (mDerivativeIndex[1][i].token_id != 3)
cout << "\t" << mDerivativeIndex[1][i].token_id << endl;
//cout << "Removing unreferenced tokens range ids :" << CurrentID << " - " << mModelTree.size()-1 << endl;
// Removing unreferenced tokens in last derivative
// RemoveUnref(CurrentID, mModelTree.size()-1, Order);
// Decrementing reference couter of unreferenced tokens in last derivative
//DecrementUnref(CurrentID, mModelTree.size()-1, Order);
cout << "Order : " << Order << "\n";
for (TokenCount = BeginModel; TokenCount < mModelTree.size() ; TokenCount++ )
if (accumulate(mModelTree[TokenCount].reference_count.begin(),mModelTree[TokenCount].reference_count.end(),0) == 0)
cout << "\tNot referenced : token ID :" << TokenCount << endl;
// Updating EqualTokenIDs
for (unsigned int i=0; i< mDerivativeIndex[Order-1].size();i++)
// Uncomment this to debug : mDerivative(1and2)Index data
// after removing unreferenced tokens
cout << "Contenence of mDerivative1Index after removing\n";
for (int i=0; i< mDerivativeIndex[0].size();i++)
if (mDerivativeIndex[0][i].token_id != 3)
cout << "\t" << mDerivativeIndex[0][i].token_id << endl;
cout << "Contenence of mDerivative2Index after removing\n";
for (int i=0; i< mDerivativeIndex[1].size();i++)
//if (mDerivativeIndex[1][i].token_id != 3)
cout << "\t" << mDerivativeIndex[1][i].token_id << endl;
cout << "done \n";
inline bool ModelTree::writeAsTemp(NodeID id)
int ref_count = id->reference_count[current_order];
if (( ref_count > 1) && (ref_count*(id->cost) > min_cost))
return true;
return false;
inline NodeID ModelTree::DeriveArgument(NodeID iArg, Type iType, int iVarID)
NodeID d;
case eTempResult :
d = iArg->d1[iVarID];
return d;
case eExogenous :
case eExogenousDet :
case eEndogenous :
case eRecursiveVariable :
if ((int) iArg == iVarID)
//if ((VariableTable::getSymbolID(iArg) == VariableTable::getSymbolID(iVarID)) &&
// (VariableTable::getType(iArg) == VariableTable::getType(iVarID)))
cout << SymbolTable::getNameByID(iType,
VariableTable::getSymbolID(iArg)) << endl;
cout << SymbolTable::getNameByID(iType,
VariableTable::getSymbolID(iVarID)) << endl;
return One;
return Zero;
case eNumericalConstant :
case eParameter :
return Zero;
case eUNDEF :
return NullID;
case eLoopIndex :
case eUnkownFunction :
return Zero;
default :
cout << "ModelTree::DeriveArgument : Error :Unkown Type \n";
inline void ModelTree::setDerivativeAdress(NodeID iTokenID, NodeID iDerivative,int iVarID)
//Derivative lDerivative;
//lDerivative.variable_id = iVarID;
//lDerivative.derivative_address = iDerivative;
iTokenID->d1[iVarID] = iDerivative;
//mModelTree[iDerivative].p1[iVarID] = iTokenID;
string ModelTree::setStaticModel(void)
TreeIterator tree_it;
int lEquationNBR = 0;
ostringstream model_output; // Used for storing model equations
ostringstream model_tmp_output; // Used for storing tmp expressions for model equations
ostringstream jacobian_output; // Used for storing jacobian equations
ostringstream jacobian_tmp_output; // Used for storing tmp expressions for jacobian equations
int d = current_order; // Minimum number of times a temparary expression apears in equations
int EquationNBR; // Number of model equations
EquationNBR = ModelParameters::eq_nbr;
// Reference count of token "0=0" is set to 0
// Not to be printed as a temp expression
// Writing model Equations
current_order = 1;
tree_it = BeginModel;
for (; tree_it != mModelTree.end(); tree_it++)
if ((*tree_it)->op_code == EQUAL)
if (lEquationNBR < ModelParameters::eq_nbr)
model_output << "lhs =";
model_output << getExpression(((*tree_it)->id1), eStaticEquations, lEquationNBR) << ";" << endl;
model_output << "rhs =";
model_output << getExpression(((*tree_it)->id2), eStaticEquations, lEquationNBR) << ";" << endl;
model_output << "residual" << lpar << lEquationNBR+1 << rpar << "= lhs-rhs;" << endl;
else break;
else if ((*tree_it)->op_code != NoOpCode)
if (optimize(*tree_it))
model_output << "T" << (*tree_it)->idx << "=" << getExpression(*tree_it, eStaticEquations, lEquationNBR) << ";" << endl;
(*tree_it)->tmp_status = 1;
(*tree_it)->tmp_status = 0;
// Writing Jacobian for endogenous variables without lag
for(; tree_it != mModelTree.end(); tree_it++)
if ((*tree_it)->op_code != NoOpCode && (*tree_it)->op_code != EQUAL)
if (optimize(*tree_it) == 1)
jacobian_output << "T" << (*tree_it)->idx << "=" << getExpression(*tree_it, eStaticEquations, lEquationNBR) << ";" << endl;
(*tree_it)->tmp_status = 1;
(*tree_it)->tmp_status = 0;
lEquationNBR = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mDerivativeIndex[0].size(); i++)
if (VariableTable::getType(mDerivativeIndex[0][i].derivators) == eEndogenous)
NodeID startJacobian = mDerivativeIndex[0][i].token_id;
if (startJacobian != ZeroEqZero)
string exp = getExpression(startJacobian->id1, eStaticDerivatives);
ostringstream g1;
g1 << " g1" << lpar << mDerivativeIndex[0][i].equation_id+1 << ", " <<
VariableTable::getSymbolID(mDerivativeIndex[0][i].derivators)+1 << rpar;
jacobian_output << g1.str() << "=" << g1.str() << "+" << exp << ";\n";
// Writing ouputs
if (offset == 1)
StaticOutput << "global M_ \n";
StaticOutput << "params = M_.params;\n";
StaticOutput << " residual = zeros( " << ModelParameters::eq_nbr << ", 1);\n";
StaticOutput << "\n\t%\n\t% Model equations\n\t%\n\n";
StaticOutput << model_output.str();
StaticOutput << "if ~isreal(residual)\n";
StaticOutput << " residual = real(residual)+imag(residual).^2;\n";
StaticOutput << "end\n";
StaticOutput << "if nargout >= 2,\n";
StaticOutput << " g1 = " <<
"zeros(" << ModelParameters::eq_nbr << ", " <<
ModelParameters::endo_nbr << ");\n" ;
StaticOutput << "\n\t%\n\t% Jacobian matrix\n\t%\n\n";
StaticOutput << jacobian_output.str();
StaticOutput << " if ~isreal(g1)\n";
StaticOutput << " g1 = real(g1)+2*imag(g1);\n";
StaticOutput << " end\n";
StaticOutput << "end\n";
StaticOutput << "void Static(double *y, double *x, double *residual, double *g1)\n";
StaticOutput << "{\n";
StaticOutput << " double lhs, rhs;\n\n";
// Writing residual equations
StaticOutput << " /* Residual equations */\n";
StaticOutput << " if (residual == NULL) return;\n";
StaticOutput << " {\n";
StaticOutput << model_output.str();
// Writing Jacobian
StaticOutput << " /* Jacobian for endogenous variables without lag */\n";
StaticOutput << " if (g1 == NULL) return;\n";
StaticOutput << " {\n";
StaticOutput << jacobian_output.str();
StaticOutput << " }\n";
StaticOutput << " }\n";
StaticOutput << "}\n\n";
current_order = d;
return StaticOutput.str();
string ModelTree::setDynamicModel(void)
TreeIterator tree_it;
int lEquationNBR = 0;
ostringstream lsymetric; // Used when writing symetric elements
ostringstream model_output; // Used for storing model equations
ostringstream model_tmp_output; // Used for storing tmp expressions for model equations
ostringstream jacobian_output; // Used for storing jacobian equations
ostringstream jacobian_tmp_output; // Used for storing tmp expressions for jacobian equations
ostringstream hessian_output; // Used for storing Hessian equations
ostringstream hessian_tmp_output; // Used for storing tmp expressions for Hessian equations
int d = current_order;
// Reference count of token "0=0" is set to 0
// Not to be printed as a temp expression
// Clearing output string
// Getting equations from model tree
// Starting from the end of equation
// Searching for the next '=' operator,
current_order = 1;
lEquationNBR = 0;
cout << "\tequations .. ";
tree_it = BeginModel;
for (; tree_it != mModelTree.end(); tree_it++)
if ((*tree_it)->op_code == EQUAL)
if (lEquationNBR < ModelParameters::eq_nbr)
model_output << "lhs =";
model_output << getExpression(((*tree_it)->id1), eDynamicEquations, lEquationNBR) << ";" << endl;
model_output << "rhs =";
model_output << getExpression(((*tree_it)->id2), eDynamicEquations, lEquationNBR) << ";" << endl;
model_output << "residual" << lpar << lEquationNBR+1 << rpar << "= lhs-rhs;" << endl;
else break;
else if ((*tree_it)->op_code != NoOpCode)
if (optimize(*tree_it))
model_output << "T" << (*tree_it)->idx << "=" << getExpression(*tree_it, eDynamicEquations, lEquationNBR) << ";" << endl;
(*tree_it)->tmp_status = 1;
(*tree_it)->tmp_status = 0;
for(; tree_it != mModelTree.end(); tree_it++)
if ((*tree_it)->op_code != NoOpCode && (*tree_it)->op_code != EQUAL)
if (optimize(*tree_it) == 1)
jacobian_output << "T" << (*tree_it)->idx << "=" << getExpression(*tree_it, eDynamicEquations, lEquationNBR) << ";" << endl;
(*tree_it)->tmp_status = 1;
(*tree_it)->tmp_status = 0;
cout << "done \n";
// Getting Jacobian from model tree
if (computeJacobian || computeJacobianExo)
cout << "\tJacobian .. ";
for(; tree_it != mModelTree.end(); tree_it++)
if ((*tree_it)->op_code != NoOpCode && (*tree_it)->op_code != EQUAL)
if (optimize(*tree_it) == 1)
jacobian_output << "T" << (*tree_it)->idx << "=" << getExpression(*tree_it, eDynamicEquations, lEquationNBR) << ";" << endl;
(*tree_it)->tmp_status = 1;
(*tree_it)->tmp_status = 0;
lEquationNBR = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mDerivativeIndex[0].size(); i++)
if (computeJacobianExo || VariableTable::getType(mDerivativeIndex[0][i].derivators) == eEndogenous)
NodeID startJacobian = mDerivativeIndex[0][i].token_id;
if (startJacobian != ZeroEqZero)
string exp = getExpression(startJacobian->id1, eDynamicDerivatives);
ostringstream g1;
g1 << " g1" << lpar << mDerivativeIndex[0][i].equation_id+1 << ", " <<
VariableTable::getSortID(mDerivativeIndex[0][i].derivators)+1 << rpar;
jacobian_output << g1.str() << "=" << g1.str() << "+" << exp << ";\n";
cout << "done \n";
if (computeHessian)
// Getting Hessian from model tree
// Starting from the end of equation
// Searching for the next '=' operator,
lEquationNBR = 0;
cout << "\tHessian .. ";
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mDerivativeIndex[1].size(); i++)
NodeID startHessian = mDerivativeIndex[1][i].token_id;
//cout << "ID = " << startHessian << " exp = " << exp << "\n";
if (startHessian != ZeroEqZero)
string exp = getExpression(startHessian->id1, eDynamicDerivatives);
int varID1 = mDerivativeIndex[1][i].derivators/VariableTable::size();
int varID2 = mDerivativeIndex[1][i].derivators-varID1*VariableTable::size();
hessian_output << " g2" << lpar << mDerivativeIndex[1][i].equation_id+1 << ", " <<
mDerivativeIndex[1][i].derivators+1 << rpar << " = " << exp << ";\n";
// Treating symetric elements
if (varID1 != varID2)
lsymetric << " g2" << lpar << mDerivativeIndex[1][i].equation_id+1 << ", " <<
varID2*VariableTable::size()+varID1+1 << rpar << " = " <<
"g2" << lpar << mDerivativeIndex[1][i].equation_id+1 << ", " <<
mDerivativeIndex[1][i].derivators+1 << rpar << ";\n";
cout << "done \n";
int nrows = ModelParameters::eq_nbr;
if (offset == 1)
DynamicOutput << "global M_ it_\n";
DynamicOutput << "params = M_.params;\n";
DynamicOutput << "\n\t%\n\t% Model equations\n\t%\n\n";
DynamicOutput << "residual = zeros(" << nrows << ", 1);\n";
DynamicOutput << model_output.str();
if (computeJacobian || computeJacobianExo)
DynamicOutput << "if nargout >= 2,\n";
// Writing initialization instruction for matrix g1
DynamicOutput << " g1 = " <<
"zeros(" << nrows << ", " << VariableTable::size() << ");\n" ;
DynamicOutput << "\n\t%\n\t% Jacobian matrix\n\t%\n\n";
DynamicOutput << jacobian_output.str();
DynamicOutput << "end\n";
if (computeHessian)
DynamicOutput << "if nargout >= 3,\n";
// Writing initialization instruction for matrix g2
int ncols = VariableTable::size()*VariableTable::size();
DynamicOutput << " g2 = " <<
"sparse([],[],[]," << nrows << ", " << ncols << ", " <<
5*ncols << ");\n";
DynamicOutput << "\n\t%\n\t% Hessian matrix\n\t%\n\n";
DynamicOutput << hessian_output.str() << lsymetric.str();
DynamicOutput << "end;\n";
DynamicOutput << "void Dynamic(double *y, double *x, double *residual, double *g1, double *g2)\n";
DynamicOutput << "{\n";
DynamicOutput << " double lhs, rhs;\n\n";
DynamicOutput << " /* Residual equations */\n";
DynamicOutput << model_output.str();
if (computeJacobian || computeJacobianExo)
DynamicOutput << " /* Jacobian */\n";
DynamicOutput << " if (g1 == NULL) return;\n";
DynamicOutput << " {\n";
DynamicOutput << jacobian_output.str();
DynamicOutput << " }\n";
if (computeHessian)
DynamicOutput << " /* Hessian for endogenous and exogenous variables */\n";
DynamicOutput << " if (g2 == NULL) return;\n";
DynamicOutput << " {\n";
DynamicOutput << hessian_output.str() << lsymetric.str();
DynamicOutput << " }\n";
DynamicOutput << "}\n\n";
current_order = d;
return DynamicOutput.str();
inline string ModelTree::getExpression(NodeID StartID, EquationType iEquationType, int iEquationID)
// Stack of tokens
stack <int, vector<NodeID> > stack_token;
ostringstream exp;
NodeID current_token_ID;
int precedence_last_op = operator_table.precedence(StartID->op_code);
int last_op_code = 0;
while (stack_token.size() > 0)
current_token_ID = stack_token.top();
// defining short hand for current op code
int current_op_code = current_token_ID->op_code;
if ( current_token_ID->tmp_status == 1)
exp << "T" << current_token_ID->idx;
// set precedence of terminal token to highest value
precedence_last_op = 100;
// else if current token is final
else if ( current_op_code == NoOpCode)
exp << getArgument(current_token_ID->id1, current_token_ID->type1, iEquationType);
// set precedence of terminal token to highest value
precedence_last_op = 100;
int precedence_current_op = operator_table.precedence(current_op_code);
// deal with left argument first
if (current_token_ID->left_done == 0)
// if current operator is not a temporary variable and
// of lesser precedence than previous one, insert '('
if ( precedence_current_op < precedence_last_op ||
(last_op_code == MINUS &
precedence_current_op == precedence_last_op) ||
current_op_code == UMINUS)
exp << "(";
// set flag: left argument has been explored
current_token_ID->left_done = 1;
precedence_last_op = precedence_current_op;
last_op_code = current_op_code;
if ( offset == 0 && current_op_code == POWER)
exp << "pow(";
precedence_last_op = 0;
else if ( current_op_code == UMINUS)
exp << "-";
else if ( operator_table.isfunction(current_op_code) == true)
exp << current_token_ID->op_name << "(";
precedence_last_op = 0;
// deal with right argument when left branch is entirely explored
else if ( current_token_ID->right_done == 0 )
current_token_ID->right_done = 1;
if ( offset == 0 && current_op_code == POWER)
exp << ",";
else if ( operator_table.isfunction(current_op_code) == true ||
precedence_current_op > precedence_last_op )
exp << ")";
if ( current_token_ID->id2 != NullID )
exp << current_token_ID->op_name;
precedence_last_op = precedence_current_op;
if ( (offset == 0 && current_op_code == POWER) ||
( precedence_current_op > precedence_last_op &&
operator_table.isfunction(current_op_code) == false) ||
(current_op_code == MINUS &&
precedence_current_op == precedence_last_op) ||
current_op_code == UMINUS)
exp << ")";
precedence_last_op = precedence_current_op;
last_op_code = current_op_code;
return exp.str();
void ModelTree::RemoveUnref(int iBeginID, int iEndID, int iOrder)
int id = iEndID;
while (id >= iBeginID)
//cout << id;
if (accumulate(mModelTree[id].reference_count.begin(),mModelTree[id].reference_count.end(),0) == 0)
//cout << " Removed" << endl;
//Decreasing reference count of arguments model tree
// First argument is a temporary result,
if (mModelTree[id].type1 == eTempResult)
//Decreasing reference count of argument 1 in model tree
int arg = mModelTree[id].id1;
// Second argument has id >=0 (temporary result),
if (mModelTree[id].id2 >= 0)
//Decreasing reference count of argument 2 in model tree
int arg = mModelTree[id].id2;
//Updating equals ids in mDerivativeIndex
for (int d=0; d<mDerivativeIndex[iOrder-1].size();d++)
if (mDerivativeIndex[iOrder-1][d].token_id>id)
//cout << "ModelTree size : " << mModelTree.size() << endl;
//Updatting upper token ids in model tree and map
mIndexOfTokens.erase(Key((MToken) mModelTree[id]));
for (int id2 = id+1; id2 <= iEndID; id2++)
//cout << " - " << mIndexOfTokens[Key((MToken) mModelTree[id2])];
mIndexOfTokens.erase(Key((MToken) mModelTree[id2]));
//cout << endl;
for (int id2 = id+1; id2 <= iEndID; id2++)
// Updating derivative ids
map<int, int, less<int> >::iterator it;
for (it = mModelTree[id2].p1.begin(); it != mModelTree[id2].p1.end(); it++)
int p1 = (*it).second;
int var = (*it).first;
//cout << "===========" << mModelTree[p1].d1[var] << "/";
mModelTree[p1].d1[var] = id2-1;
//cout << mModelTree[p1].d1[var] << endl;
// Updating ModelTree map
if (mModelTree[id2].type1 == eTempResult)
if (mModelTree[id2].id1>id)
if (mModelTree[id2].id2>id)
for (int id2 = id; id2 < iEndID; id2++)
mIndexOfTokens[Key((MToken) mModelTree[id2])] = id2;
//cout << " - " << mIndexOfTokens[Key((MToken) mModelTree[id2])];
//Removing token from model tree
//cout << "ModelTree size : " << mModelTree.size() << endl;
//cout << endl;
void ModelTree::DecrementUnref(int iBeginID, int iEndID, int iOrder)
int id = iEndID;
while (id >= iBeginID)
//cout << id;
if (accumulate(mModelTree[id].reference_count.begin(),mModelTree[id].reference_count.end(),0) == 0)
//Decreasing reference count of arguments model tree
// First argument is a temporary result,
if (mModelTree[id].type1 == eTempResult)
//Decreasing reference count of argument 1 in model tree
int arg = mModelTree[id].id1;
// Second argument has id >=0 (temporary result),
if (mModelTree[id].id2 >= 0)
//Decreasing reference count of argument 2 in model tree
int arg = mModelTree[id].id2;
//cout << endl;
inline string ModelTree::getArgument(NodeID id, Type type, EquationType iEquationType)
stringstream argument;
if (type == eParameter)
argument << param_name << lpar << (int)id+offset << rpar;
else if (type == eNumericalConstant)
argument << NumericalConstants::get((int) id);
else if (type == eEndogenous || type == eExogenous || type == eExogenousDet)
if (iEquationType == eStaticEquations || iEquationType == eStaticDerivatives)
int idx = VariableTable::getSymbolID((int) id)+offset;
if (type == eEndogenous)
argument << "y" << lpar << idx << rpar;
else if (type == eExogenous)
argument << "x" << lpar << idx << rpar;
else if (type == eExogenousDet)
argument << "exedet_" << lpar << idx << rpar;
if (type == eEndogenous)
int idx = VariableTable::getPrintIndex((int) id)+offset;
argument << "y" << lpar << idx << rpar;
else if (type == eExogenous)
int idx = VariableTable::getSymbolID((int) id)+offset;
int lag = VariableTable::getLag((int) id);
if (offset == 1)
if ( lag != 0)
argument << "x" << lpar << "it_ + " << lag
<< ", " << idx << rpar;
argument << "x" << lpar << "it_, " << idx << rpar;
if ( lag != 0)
argument << "x" << lpar << "it_+" << lag
<< "+" << idx << "*nb_row_x" << rpar;
argument << "x" << lpar << "it_+" << idx << "*nb_row_x" << rpar;
else if (type == eExogenousDet)
int idx = VariableTable::getSymbolID((int) id)+offset;
int lag = VariableTable::getLag((int) id);
if (offset == 1)
if (lag != 0)
argument << "exdet_" << lpar << "it_ + " << lag
<< ", " << idx << rpar;
argument << "exdet_" << lpar << "it_, " << idx << rpar;
if (lag != 0)
argument << "exdet_" << lpar << "it_ + " << lag
<< "+" << idx << "*nb_row_xd" << rpar;
argument << "exdet_" << lpar << "it_+" << idx << "*nb_row_xd" << rpar;
return argument.str();
void ModelTree::ModelInitialization(void)
// Exit if there is no equation in model file*/
if (ModelParameters::eq_nbr == 0)
(* error) ("no equations found in model file");
cout << ModelParameters::eq_nbr << " equation(s) found \n";
// Sorting variable table
// Setting number of equations in ModelParameters class
// Here no derivative are computed
min_cost = 40*operator_table.cost(PLUS,offset);
// Setting format of parentheses
if (offset == 1)
lpar = '(';
rpar = ')';
param_name = "params";
lpar = '[';
rpar = ']';
param_name = "params";
/* Writing initialisation for M_.lead_lag_incidence matrix
M_.lead_lag_incidence is a matrix with as many columns as there are
endogenous variables and as many rows as there are periods in the
models (nbr of rows = M_.max_lag+M_.max_lead+1)
The matrix elements are equal to zero if a variable isn't present in the
model at a given period.
// Initializing matrix to zero
output << "M_.lead_lag_incidence = [";
zeros(" <<
ModelParameters::max_lag+ModelParameters::max_lead+1 << ", " <<
ModelParameters::endo_nbr << ");\n";
// Loop on endogenous variables
for (int endoID = 0; endoID < ModelParameters::endo_nbr; endoID++)
output << "\n\t";
// Loop on periods
for (int lag = -ModelParameters::max_lag; lag <= ModelParameters::max_lead; lag++)
// Getting name of symbol
string name = SymbolTable::getNameByID(eEndogenous, endoID);
// and its variableID if exists with current period
int varID = VariableTable::getID(name, lag);
//cout << name << " " << varID << " " << lag << " " << VariableTable::getPrintIndex(varID)+1 << " " << VariableTable::getSortID(varID)+1 << endl;
if (varID >=0)
output << " " << VariableTable::getPrintIndex(varID)+1;
output << " 0";
output << ";";
output << "]';\n";
// Writing initialization for some other variables
output << "M_.exo_names_orig_ord = [1:" << ModelParameters::exo_nbr << "];\n";
output << "M_.maximum_lag = " << ModelParameters::max_lag << ";\n";
output << "M_.maximum_lead = " << ModelParameters::max_lead<< ";\n";
if (ModelParameters::exo_nbr > 0)
if (ModelParameters::exo_nbr > 0)
if (ModelParameters::exo_nbr > 0)
output << "M_.maximum_exo_lag = " << ModelParameters::max_exo_lag << ";\n";
output << "M_.maximum_exo_lead = " << ModelParameters::max_exo_lead<< ";\n";
if (ModelParameters::endo_nbr)
output << "M_.maximum_endo_lag = " << ModelParameters::max_endo_lag << ";\n";
output << "M_.maximum_endo_lead = " << ModelParameters::max_endo_lead<< ";\n";
output << "oo_.steady_state = zeros(" << ModelParameters::endo_nbr << ", 1);\n";
if (ModelParameters::exo_nbr)
output << "M_.maximum_exo_lag = " << ModelParameters::max_exo_lag << ";\n";
output << "M_.maximum_exo_lead = " << ModelParameters::max_exo_lead<< ";\n";
output << "oo_.exo_steady_state = zeros(" << ModelParameters::exo_nbr << ", 1);\n";
if (ModelParameters::exo_det_nbr)
output << "M_.maximum_exo_det_lag = " << ModelParameters::max_exo_det_lag << ";\n";
output << "M_.maximum_exo_det_lead = " << ModelParameters::max_exo_det_lead<< ";\n";
output << "oo_.exo_det_steadystate = zeros(" << ModelParameters::exo_det_nbr << ", 1);\n";
if (ModelParameters::recur_nbr)
output << "M_.maximum_recur_lag = " << ModelParameters::max_recur_lag << ";\n";
output << "M_.maximum_recur_lead = " << ModelParameters::max_recur_lead<< ";\n";
output << "oo_.recur_steadystate = zeros(" << ModelParameters::recur_nbr << ", 1);\n";
if (ModelParameters::parameter_nbr)
output << "M_.params = zeros(" << ModelParameters::parameter_nbr << ", 1);\n";
string ModelTree::get()
return output.str();
inline int ModelTree::optimize(NodeID node)
int cost;
int tmp_status = 0;
if (node->op_code != NoOpCode)
cost = operator_table.cost(node->op_code,offset);
if (node->id1 != NullID && node->id1->op_code != NoOpCode)
cost += operator_table.cost(node->id1->op_code,offset);
if (node->id2 != NullID && node->id2->op_code != NoOpCode)
cost += operator_table.cost(node->id2->op_code,offset);
cost *= node->reference_count[current_order];
if (cost > min_cost)
tmp_status = 1;
node->cost = 0;
tmp_status = 0;
node->cost = cost;
node->tmp_status = 0;
return tmp_status;
int main(void)
SymbolTable st;
VariableTable vt;
NumericalConstants nc;
ModelTree model;
vector<int> t(20);
//Adding 2 different symbols with AddSymbolDeclar
t[0] = model.AddToken("aa");
t[1] = model.AddToken("x",-1);
t[2] = model.AddToken("k",0);
t[3] = model.AddToken(Argument(t[0], eTempResult),
Argument(t[1], eTempResult), TIMES);
t[4] = model.AddToken("alph");
t[5] = model.AddToken(Argument(t[2], eTempResult),
Argument(t[4], eTempResult), POWER);
t[6] = model.AddToken(Argument(t[3], eTempResult),
Argument(t[5], eTempResult), TIMES);
t[7] = model.AddToken("delt");
//t[8] = model.AddToken("1");
t[9] = model.AddToken(Argument(1, eTempResult),
Argument(t[7], eTempResult), MINUS);
t[10] = model.AddToken(Argument(t[9], eTempResult),
Argument(t[2], eTempResult), TIMES);
t[11] = model.AddToken(Argument(t[2], eTempResult),
t[12] = model.AddToken(Argument(t[11], eTempResult),
Argument(t[6], eTempResult), PLUS);
t[13] = model.AddToken(Argument(t[12], eTempResult),
Argument(t[10], eTempResult), PLUS);
t[14] = model.AddToken(Argument(t[13], eTempResult),
Argument(t[10], eTempResult), PLUS);
t[15] = model.AddToken("c",-1);
t[16] = model.AddToken(Argument(t[15], eTempResult),
Argument(t[14], eTempResult), EQUAL);
model.Open("static_model.m", "dynamic_model.m");
//cout << model.getStaticModel();
//catch(Error err)
// cout << "error---------------------\n";
// exit(-1);
//cout << model.getDynamicDeterministicModel() << endl;
//cout << model.getDynamicStochasticModel() << endl;