
544 lines
19 KiB

// Copyright 2005, Ondra Kamenik
// Higher order at stochastic steady
/* This file defines a number of classes of which |KOrderStoch| is the
main purpose. Basically, |KOrderStoch| calculates first and higher
order Taylor expansion of a policy rule at $\sigma>0$ with explicit
forward $g^{**}$. More formally, we have to solve a policy rule $g$
As an introduction in {\tt approximation.hweb} argues, $g^{**}$ at
tine $t+1$ must be given from outside. Let the explicit
$E_t(g^{**}(y^*,u_{t+1},\sigma)$ be equal to $h(y^*,\sigma)$. Then we
have to solve
which is much easier than fully implicit system for $\sigma=0$.
Besides the class |KOrderStoch|, we declare here also classes for the
new containers corresponding to
$f(h(g^*(y^*,u,\sigma),\sigma),g(y,u,\sigma),y,u)$. Further, we
declare |IntegDerivs| and |StochForwardDerivs| classes which basically
calculate $h$ as an extrapolation based on an approximation to $g$ at
lower $\sigma$. */
#include <memory>
#include "korder.hh"
#include "faa_di_bruno.hh"
#include "journal.hh"
#include "pascal_triangle.hh"
/* This class is a container, which has a specialized constructor
integrating the policy rule at given $\sigma$. */
template <Storage t>
class IntegDerivs : public ctraits<t>::Tgss
IntegDerivs(int r, const IntSequence &nvs, const typename ctraits<t>::Tgss &g,
const typename ctraits<t>::Tm &mom, double at_sigma);
/* This constructor integrates a rule (namely its $g^{**}$ part) with
respect to $u=\tilde\sigma\eta$, and stores to the object the
derivatives of this integral $h$ at $(y^*,u,\sigma)=(\tilde
y^*,0,\tilde\sigma)$. The original container of $g^{**}$, the moments of
the stochastic shocks |mom| and the $\tilde\sigma$ are input.
The code follows the following derivation
\setbox0=\hbox{$\scriptstyle n+k=p$}\hbox to\wd0{\hss$\scriptstyle m=0$\hss}\box0}}
&=\tilde y+\sum_{d=1}{1\over d!}\sum_{i+j+k=d}\pmatrix{d\cr i,j,k}\left[g_{y^iu^j\sigma^k}\right]
(y^*-\tilde y^*)^i\sigma^j\Sigma^j(\sigma-\tilde\sigma)^k\cr
&=\tilde y+\sum_{d=1}{1\over d!}\sum_{i+m+n+k=d}\pmatrix{d\cr i,m+n,k}
\hat y^{*i}\Sigma^{m+n}\pmatrix{m+n\cr m,n}{\tilde\sigma}^m\hat\sigma^{k+n}\cr
&=\tilde y+\sum_{d=1}{1\over d!}\sum_{i+m+n+k=d}\pmatrix{d\cr i,m,n,k}
\Sigma^{m+n}{\tilde\sigma}^m\hat y^{*i}\hat\sigma^{k+n}\cr
&=\tilde y+\sum_{d=1}{1\over d!}\sum_{i+p=d}\sum_{\lims}\pmatrix{d\cr i,m,n,k}
\Sigma^{m+n}{\tilde\sigma}^m\hat y^{*i}\hat\sigma^{k+n}\cr
&=\tilde y+\sum_{d=1}{1\over d!}\sum_{i+p=d}\pmatrix{d\cr i,p}
\left[\sum_{\lims}\pmatrix{p\cr n,k}{1\over m!}
\Sigma^{m+n}{\tilde\sigma}^m\right]\hat y^{*i}\hat\sigma^{k+n},
where $\pmatrix{a\cr b_1,\ldots, b_n}$ is a generalized combination
number, $p=k+n$, $\hat\sigma=\sigma-\tilde\sigma$, $\hat
y^*=y^*-\tilde y$, and we dropped writing the multidimensional indexes
in Einstein summation.
This implies that
$$h_{y^i\sigma^p}=\sum_{\lims}\pmatrix{p\cr n,k}{1\over m!}
and this is exactly what the code does. */
template <Storage t>
IntegDerivs<t>::IntegDerivs(int r, const IntSequence &nvs, const typename ctraits<t>::Tgss &g,
const typename ctraits<t>::Tm &mom, double at_sigma)
: ctraits<t>::Tgss(4)
int maxd = g.getMaxDim();
for (int d = 1; d <= maxd; d++)
for (int i = 0; i <= d; i++)
int p = d-i;
Symmetry sym{i, 0, 0, p};
auto ten = std::make_unique<typename ctraits<t>::Ttensor>(r, TensorDimens(sym, nvs));
// calculate derivative $h_{y^i\sigma^p}$
/* This code calculates
$$h_{y^i\sigma^p}=\sum_{\lims}\pmatrix{p\cr n,k}{1\over m!}
and stores it in |ten|. */
for (int n = 0; n <= p; n++)
int k = p-n;
int povern = PascalTriangle::noverk(p, n);
int mfac = 1;
for (int m = 0; i+m+n+k <= maxd; m++, mfac *= m)
double mult = (pow(at_sigma, m)*povern)/mfac;
Symmetry sym_mn{i, m+n, 0, k};
if (m+n == 0 && g.check(sym_mn))
ten->add(mult, g.get(sym_mn));
if (m+n > 0 && KOrder::is_even(m+n) && g.check(sym_mn))
typename ctraits<t>::Ttensor gtmp(g.get(sym_mn));
gtmp.contractAndAdd(1, *ten, mom.get(Symmetry{m+n}));
/* This class calculates an extrapolation of expectation of forward
derivatives. It is a container, all calculations are done in a
The class calculates derivatives of $E[g(y*,u,\sigma)]$ at $(\bar
y^*,\bar\sigma)$. The derivatives are extrapolated based on
derivatives at $(\tilde y^*,\tilde\sigma)$. */
template <Storage t>
class StochForwardDerivs : public ctraits<t>::Tgss
StochForwardDerivs(const PartitionY &ypart, int nu,
const typename ctraits<t>::Tgss &g, const typename ctraits<t>::Tm &m,
const Vector &ydelta, double sdelta,
double at_sigma);
/* This is the constructor which performs the integration and the
extrapolation. Its parameters are: |g| is the container of derivatives
at $(\tilde y,\tilde\sigma)$; |m| are the moments of stochastic
shocks; |ydelta| is a difference of the steady states $\bar y-\tilde
y$; |sdelta| is a difference between new sigma and old sigma
$\bar\sigma-\tilde\sigma$, and |at_sigma| is $\tilde\sigma$. There is
no need of inputing the $\tilde y$.
We do the operation in four steps:
\li Integrate $g^{**}$, the derivatives are at $(\tilde y,\tilde\sigma)$
\li Form the (full symmetric) polynomial from the derivatives stacking
\li Centralize this polynomial about $(\bar y,\bar\sigma)$
\li Recover general symmetry tensors from the (full symmetric) polynomial
\endorderedlist */
template <Storage t>
StochForwardDerivs<t>::StochForwardDerivs(const PartitionY &ypart, int nu,
const typename ctraits<t>::Tgss &g,
const typename ctraits<t>::Tm &m,
const Vector &ydelta, double sdelta,
double at_sigma)
: ctraits<t>::Tgss(4)
int maxd = g.getMaxDim();
int r = ypart.nyss();
// make |g_int| be integral of $g^{**}$ at $(\tilde y,\tilde\sigma)$
/* This simply constructs |IntegDerivs| class. Note that the |nvs| of
the tensors has zero dimensions for shocks, this is because we need to
make easily stacks of the form $\left[\matrix{y^*\cr\sigma}\right]$ in
the next step. */
IntSequence nvs{ypart.nys(), 0, 0, 1};
IntegDerivs<t> g_int(r, nvs, g, m, at_sigma);
// make |g_int_sym| be full symmetric polynomial from |g_int|
/* Here we just form a polynomial whose unique variable corresponds to
$\left[\matrix{y^*\cr\sigma}\right]$ stack. */
typename ctraits<t>::Tpol g_int_sym(r, ypart.nys()+1);
for (int d = 1; d <= maxd; d++)
auto ten = std::make_unique<typename ctraits<t>::Ttensym>(r, ypart.nys()+1, d);
for (int i = 0; i <= d; i++)
int k = d-i;
if (g_int.check(Symmetry{i, 0, 0, k}))
ten->addSubTensor(g_int.get(Symmetry{i, 0, 0, k}));
// make |g_int_cent| the centralized polynomial about $(\bar y,\bar\sigma)$
/* Here we centralize the polynomial to $(\bar y,\bar\sigma)$ knowing
that the polynomial was centralized about $(\tilde
y,\tilde\sigma)$. This is done by derivating and evaluating the
derivated polynomial at $(\bar y-\tilde
y,\bar\sigma-\tilde\sigma)$. The stack of this vector is |delta| in
the code. */
Vector delta(ypart.nys()+1);
Vector dy(delta, 0, ypart.nys());
ConstVector dy_in(ydelta, ypart.nstat, ypart.nys());
dy = dy_in;
delta[ypart.nys()] = sdelta;
typename ctraits<t>::Tpol g_int_cent(r, ypart.nys()+1);
for (int d = 1; d <= maxd; d++)
auto der = g_int_sym.evalPartially(d, delta);
// pull out general symmetry tensors from |g_int_cent|
/* Here we only recover the general symmetry derivatives from the full
symmetric polynomial. Note that the derivative get the true |nvs|. */
IntSequence ss{ypart.nys(), 0, 0, 1};
IntSequence pp{0, 1, 2, 3};
IntSequence true_nvs(nvs);
true_nvs[1] = nu;
true_nvs[2] = nu;
for (int d = 1; d <= maxd; d++)
if (g_int_cent.check(Symmetry{d}))
for (int i = 0; i <= d; i++)
Symmetry sym{i, 0, 0, d-i};
IntSequence coor(pp.unfold(sym));
auto ten = std::make_unique<typename ctraits<t>::Ttensor>(g_int_cent.get(Symmetry{d}),
ss, coor,
TensorDimens(sym, true_nvs));
/* This container corresponds to $h(g^*(y,u,\sigma),\sigma)$. Note that
in our application, the $\sigma$ as a second argument to $h$ will be
its fourth variable in symmetry, so we have to do four member stack
having the second and third stack dummy. */
template <class _Ttype>
class GXContainer : public GContainer<_Ttype>
using _Stype = StackContainerInterface<_Ttype>;
using _Ctype = typename StackContainer<_Ttype>::_Ctype;
using itype = typename StackContainer<_Ttype>::itype;
GXContainer(const _Ctype *gs, int ngs, int nu)
: GContainer<_Ttype>(gs, ngs, nu)
itype getType(int i, const Symmetry &s) const override;
/* This routine corresponds to this stack:
$$\left[\matrix{g^*(y,u,\sigma)\cr dummy\cr dummy\cr\sigma}\right]$$ */
template <class _Ttype>
typename GXContainer<_Ttype>::itype
GXContainer<_Ttype>::getType(int i, const Symmetry &s) const
if (i == 0)
if (s[2] > 0)
return itype::zero;
return itype::matrix;
if (i == 1)
return itype::zero;
if (i == 2)
return itype::zero;
if (i == 3)
if (s == Symmetry{0, 0, 0, 1})
return itype::unit;
return itype::zero;
KORD_RAISE("Wrong stack index in GXContainer::getType");
/* This container corresponds to $f(H(y,u,\sigma),g(y,u,sigma),y,u)$,
where the $H$ has the size (number of rows) as $g^{**}$. Since it is
very simmilar to |ZContainer|, we inherit form it and override only
|getType| method. */
template <class _Ttype>
class ZXContainer : public ZContainer<_Ttype>
using _Stype = StackContainerInterface<_Ttype>;
using _Ctype = typename StackContainer<_Ttype>::_Ctype;
using itype = typename StackContainer<_Ttype>::itype;
ZXContainer(const _Ctype *gss, int ngss, const _Ctype *g, int ng, int ny, int nu)
: ZContainer<_Ttype>(gss, ngss, g, ng, ny, nu)
itype getType(int i, const Symmetry &s) const override;
/* This |getType| method corresponds to this stack:
$$\left[\matrix{H(y,u,\sigma)\cr g(y,u,\sigma)\cr y\cr u}\right]$$ */
template <class _Ttype>
typename ZXContainer<_Ttype>::itype
ZXContainer<_Ttype>::getType(int i, const Symmetry &s) const
if (i == 0)
if (s[2] > 0)
return itype::zero;
return itype::matrix;
if (i == 1)
if (s[2] > 0)
return itype::zero;
return itype::matrix;
if (i == 2)
if (s == Symmetry{1, 0, 0, 0})
return itype::unit;
return itype::zero;
if (i == 3)
if (s == Symmetry{0, 1, 0, 0})
return itype::unit;
return itype::zero;
KORD_RAISE("Wrong stack index in ZXContainer::getType");
class UnfoldedGXContainer : public GXContainer<UGSTensor>, public UnfoldedStackContainer
using _Ctype = TensorContainer<UGSTensor>;
UnfoldedGXContainer(const _Ctype *gs, int ngs, int nu)
: GXContainer<UGSTensor>(gs, ngs, nu)
class FoldedGXContainer : public GXContainer<FGSTensor>, public FoldedStackContainer
using _Ctype = TensorContainer<FGSTensor>;
FoldedGXContainer(const _Ctype *gs, int ngs, int nu)
: GXContainer<FGSTensor>(gs, ngs, nu)
class UnfoldedZXContainer : public ZXContainer<UGSTensor>, public UnfoldedStackContainer
using _Ctype = TensorContainer<UGSTensor>;
UnfoldedZXContainer(const _Ctype *gss, int ngss, const _Ctype *g, int ng, int ny, int nu)
: ZXContainer<UGSTensor>(gss, ngss, g, ng, ny, nu)
class FoldedZXContainer : public ZXContainer<FGSTensor>, public FoldedStackContainer
using _Ctype = TensorContainer<FGSTensor>;
FoldedZXContainer(const _Ctype *gss, int ngss, const _Ctype *g, int ng, int ny, int nu)
: ZXContainer<FGSTensor>(gss, ngss, g, ng, ny, nu)
/* This matrix corresponds to
$$\left[f_{y}\right]+ \left[0
\left[f_{y^{**}_+}\right]\cdot\left[h^{**}_{y^*}\right] 0\right]$$
This is very the same as |MatrixA|, the only difference that the
|MatrixA| is constructed from whole $h_{y^*}$, not only from
$h^{**}_{y^*}$, hence the new abstraction. */
class MatrixAA : public PLUMatrix
MatrixAA(const FSSparseTensor &f, const IntSequence &ss,
const TwoDMatrix &gyss, const PartitionY &ypart);
/* This class calculates derivatives of $g$ given implicitly by
$f(h(g^*(y,u,\sigma),\sigma),g(y,u,\sigma),y,u)$, where $h(y,\sigma)$
is given from outside.
Structurally, the class is very similar to |KOrder|, but calculations
are much easier. The two constructors construct an object from sparse
derivatives of $f$, and derivatives of $h$. The caller must ensure
that the both derivatives are done at the same point.
The calculation for order $k$ (including $k=1$) is done by a call
|performStep(k)|. The derivatives can be retrived by |getFoldDers()|
or |getUnfoldDers()|. */
class KOrderStoch
IntSequence nvs;
PartitionY ypart;
Journal &journal;
UGSContainer _ug;
FGSContainer _fg;
UGSContainer _ugs;
FGSContainer _fgs;
UGSContainer _uG;
FGSContainer _fG;
const UGSContainer *_uh;
const FGSContainer *_fh;
UnfoldedZXContainer _uZstack;
FoldedZXContainer _fZstack;
UnfoldedGXContainer _uGstack;
FoldedGXContainer _fGstack;
const TensorContainer<FSSparseTensor> &f;
MatrixAA matA;
KOrderStoch(const PartitionY &ypart, int nu, const TensorContainer<FSSparseTensor> &fcont,
const FGSContainer &hh, Journal &jr);
KOrderStoch(const PartitionY &ypart, int nu, const TensorContainer<FSSparseTensor> &fcont,
const UGSContainer &hh, Journal &jr);
template <Storage t>
void performStep(int order);
const FGSContainer &
getFoldDers() const
return _fg;
const UGSContainer &
getUnfoldDers() const
return _ug;
template <Storage t>
std::unique_ptr<typename ctraits<t>::Ttensor> faaDiBrunoZ(const Symmetry &sym) const;
template <Storage t>
std::unique_ptr<typename ctraits<t>::Ttensor> faaDiBrunoG(const Symmetry &sym) const;
// convenience access methods
template<Storage t>
typename ctraits<t>::Tg &g();
template<Storage t>
const typename ctraits<t>::Tg &g() const;
template<Storage t>
typename ctraits<t>::Tgs &gs();
template<Storage t>
const typename ctraits<t>::Tgs &gs() const;
template<Storage t>
const typename ctraits<t>::Tgss &h() const;
template<Storage t>
typename ctraits<t>::TG &G();
template<Storage t>
const typename ctraits<t>::TG &G() const;
template<Storage t>
typename ctraits<t>::TZXstack &Zstack();
template<Storage t>
const typename ctraits<t>::TZXstack &Zstack() const;
template<Storage t>
typename ctraits<t>::TGXstack &Gstack();
template<Storage t>
const typename ctraits<t>::TGXstack &Gstack() const;
/* This calculates a derivative of $f(G(y,u,\sigma),g(y,u,\sigma),y,u)$
of a given symmetry. */
template <Storage t>
std::unique_ptr<typename ctraits<t>::Ttensor>
KOrderStoch::faaDiBrunoZ(const Symmetry &sym) const
JournalRecordPair pa(journal);
pa << u8"Faà Di Bruno ZX container for " << sym << endrec;
auto res = std::make_unique<typename ctraits<t>::Ttensor>(ypart.ny(), TensorDimens(sym, nvs));
FaaDiBruno bruno(journal);
bruno.calculate(Zstack<t>(), f, *res);
return res;
/* This calculates a derivative of
$G(y,u,\sigma)=h(g^*(y,u,\sigma),\sigma)$ of a given symmetry. */
template <Storage t>
std::unique_ptr<typename ctraits<t>::Ttensor>
KOrderStoch::faaDiBrunoG(const Symmetry &sym) const
JournalRecordPair pa(journal);
pa << u8"Faà Di Bruno GX container for " << sym << endrec;
TensorDimens tdims(sym, nvs);
auto res = std::make_unique<typename ctraits<t>::Ttensor>(ypart.nyss(), tdims);
FaaDiBruno bruno(journal);
bruno.calculate(Gstack<t>(), h<t>(), *res);
return res;
/* This retrieves all $g$ derivatives of a given dimension from implicit
$f(h(g^*(y,u,\sigma),\sigma),g(y,u,\sigma),y,u)$. It suppose that all
derivatives of smaller dimensions have been retrieved.
So, we go through all symmetries $s$, calculate $G_s$ conditional on
$g_s=0$, insert the derivative to the $G$ container, then calculate
$F_s$ conditional on $g_s=0$. This is a righthand side. The left hand
side is $matA\cdot g_s$. The $g_s$ is retrieved as
$$g_s=-matA^{-1}\cdot RHS.$$ Finally we have to update $G_s$ by
calling |Gstack<t>().multAndAdd(1, h<t>(), *G_sym)|. */
template <Storage t>
KOrderStoch::performStep(int order)
int maxd = g<t>().getMaxDim();
KORD_RAISE_IF(order-1 != maxd && (order != 1 || maxd != -1),
"Wrong order for KOrderStoch::performStep");
for (auto &si : SymmetrySet(order, 4))
if (si[2] == 0)
JournalRecordPair pa(journal);
pa << "Recovering symmetry " << si << endrec;
auto G_sym = faaDiBrunoG<t>(si);
auto G_sym_ptr = G_sym.get();
auto g_sym = faaDiBrunoZ<t>(si);
auto g_sym_ptr = g_sym.get();
gs<t>().insert(std::make_unique<typename ctraits<t>::Ttensor>(ypart.nstat, ypart.nys(),
Gstack<t>().multAndAdd(1, h<t>(), *G_sym_ptr);