
111 lines
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// Copyright 2005, Ondra Kamenik
// Product quadrature.
/* This file defines a product multidimensional quadrature. If $Q_k$
denotes the one dimensional quadrature, then the product quadrature
$Q$ of $k$ level and dimension $d$ takes the form
$$Qf=\sum_{i_1=1}^{n_k}\ldots\sum_{i_d=1}^{n^k}w_{i_1}\cdot\ldots\cdot w_{i_d}
which can be written in terms of the one dimensional quadrature $Q_k$ as
$$Qf=(Q_k\otimes\ldots\otimes Q_k)f$$
Here we define the product quadrature iterator |prodpit| and plug it
into |QuadratureImpl| to obtains |ProductQuadrature|. */
#ifndef PRODUCT_H
#define PRODUCT_H
#include "int_sequence.hh"
#include "vector_function.hh"
#include "quadrature.hh"
/* This defines a product point iterator. We have to maintain the
following: a pointer to product quadrature in order to know the
dimension and the underlying one dimensional quadrature, then level,
number of points in the level, integer sequence of indices, signal,
the coordinates of the point and the weight.
The point indices, signal, and point coordinates are implmented as
pointers in order to allow for empty constructor.
The constructor |prodpit(const ProductQuadrature& q, int j0, int l)|
constructs an iterator pointing to $(j0,0,\ldots,0)$, which is used by
|begin| dictated by |QuadratureImpl|. */
class ProductQuadrature;
class prodpit
const ProductQuadrature &prodq;
int level{0};
int npoints{0};
IntSequence jseq;
bool end_flag{true};
ParameterSignal sig;
Vector p;
double w;
prodpit() = default;
prodpit(const ProductQuadrature &q, int j0, int l);
prodpit(const prodpit &ppit) = default;
~prodpit() = default;
bool operator==(const prodpit &ppit) const;
operator!=(const prodpit &ppit) const
return !operator==(ppit);
prodpit &operator=(const prodpit &spit) = delete;
prodpit &operator++();
const ParameterSignal &
signal() const
return sig;
const Vector &
point() const
return p;
weight() const
return w;
void print() const;
void setPointAndWeight();
/* The product quadrature is just |QuadratureImpl| with the product
iterator plugged in. The object is constructed by just giving the
underlying one dimensional quadrature, and the dimension. The only
extra method is |designLevelForEvals| which for the given maximum
number of evaluations (and dimension and underlying quadrature from
the object) returns a maximum level yeilding number of evaluations
less than the given number. */
class ProductQuadrature : public QuadratureImpl<prodpit>
friend class prodpit;
const OneDQuadrature &uquad;
ProductQuadrature(int d, const OneDQuadrature &uq);
~ProductQuadrature() override = default;
numEvals(int l) const override
int res = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < dimen(); i++)
res *= uquad.numPoints(l);
return res;
void designLevelForEvals(int max_eval, int &lev, int &evals) const;
prodpit begin(int ti, int tn, int level) const override;