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\title{Dynare Time Series \& Reporting}
\author[Houtan Bastani]{Houtan Bastani\newline\href{mailto:houtan@dynare.org}{houtan@dynare.org}}
\date{11 June 2015}
\section{Time Series}
\myitem Provide support for time series (\texttt{dseries})
\myitem Based on an implementation for handling dates (\texttt{dates})
\myitem Beta version in Dynare 4.4. Mature version ready in Dynare 4.5
\myitem Currently only used for reporting, though use will increase with time
(\textit{e.g.,} to be included in new estimation code)
\myitem Compatible with all setups that are supported by Dynare
\myitem Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
\myitem Matlab 7.5 (R2007b) or later, Octave
\myitem Must run \texttt{dynare} or \texttt{dynare\_config} at least once in the current Matlab/Octave session before use
\myitem More complete information is included in the Dynare manual
\subsection{A Programming Note}
\frametitle{A Programming Note (1/3)}
\myitem Time series and dates (and reporting) are implemented as Matlab/Octave classes
\myitem Inplace modification of instantiated objects not supported. Let me explain \dots
\myitem A class is a template for defining objects, defining their member
variables and methods.
\myitem \textit{e.g.,} The \texttt{dates} class defines 3 member
variables--\texttt{ndat}, \texttt{freq}, and \texttt{time}--and many
methods (analogous to functions)
\myitem An object is an instance of a specific class. For exemplary
purposes, imagine an object \texttt{X}, which is an instantiation of the
class ``Integer''. The object has value \texttt{1}:
>> X
X =
\myitem You can call any method defined for the integer class on integer
object \texttt{X}. Imagine such a method is called
\myitem In most object-oriented
languages, writing \texttt{X.multiplyByTwo();} will change the value
contained in \texttt{X} to \texttt{2}
\frametitle{A Programming Note (2/3)}
\item[] \begin{itemize}
\myitem But! For Matlab/Octave's implementation of classes this is not the
case as it does not support inplace modification
>> X.multiplyByTwo()
ans =
>> X
X =
\frametitle{A Programming Note (3/3)}
\item[] \begin{itemize}
\myitem To get the desired change, you must overwrite \texttt{X}
>> X = X.multiplyByTwo()
X =
\myitem Keep this in mind when using Dynare dates, time series, and reporting
\myitem Two components of a time series:
\myitem A time component. In Dynare: \texttt{dates}
\myitem A data component mapped to time. In Dynare: \texttt{dseries}
\subsubsection{\texttt{dates} Syntax}
\frametitle{\texttt{dates} Syntax}
\myitem The \texttt{dates} command creates an object that represents zero or more dates at a given frequency
\myitem A \texttt{dates} object contains 3 members (fields):
\myitem{\textbf{\texttt{freq}}}: 1, `y' (Annual); 4, `q' (Quarterly); 12, `m' (Monthly); 52, `w' (Weekly)
\myitem{\textbf{\texttt{ndat}}}: The number of dates
\myitem{\textbf{\texttt{time}}}: An \texttt{ndat$\times$2} matrix; the 1\textsuperscript{st} col is the year and the 2\textsuperscript{nd} col is the period
\myitem \texttt{dates} members cannot be modified. Thus, this is not allowed
>> dd.freq = 12;
\frametitle{Creating a new \texttt{dates} object in Matlab/Octave}
\myitem{A single date}
>> t = dates(`1999y');
\myitem{Multiple dates}
>> t = dates(`1999q1', `2020q2', `-190q3');
Notice that noncontiguous and negative dates are possible
\myitem Can also create \texttt{dates} programatically
>> t = dates(4, [1990; 1990; 1978], [1; 2; 3])
t = <dates: 1990Q1, 1990Q2, 1978Q3>
\myitem Can specify an empty \texttt{dates}\dots
>> qq = dates(`Q');
>> qq = dates(4);
\myitem \dots and use it to instantiate new \texttt{dates}
>> t = qq(1990, 1);
t = <dates: 1990Q1>
>> t = qq([1990; 1990; 1978], [1; 2; 3])
t = <dates: 1990Q1, 1990Q2, 1978Q3>
\frametitle{Creating a new \texttt{dates} object in a \texttt{.mod} file}
\myitem The preprocessor allows for syntax simplification when
\texttt{dates} are in \texttt{.mod} files
\myitem{A single date} \texttt{t = 1999y;}
\(\Rightarrow\) t = dates(`1999y');
\myitem{Multiple dates} \texttt{t = [1999q1 2020q2 1960q3];}
\(\Rightarrow\) t = [dates(`1999q1') dates(`2020q2') dates(`1960q3')];
\myitem NB: This can cause problems when dates are included in strings. \textit{e.g.,}
disp(`In 1999q1, ...')
would be transformed into
disp(`In dates(`1999q1'), ...')
\myitem To fix this, simply prefix any date that you don't want transformed by the preprocessor with a `\texttt{\$}': \texttt{disp(`In \$1999q1, ...')}
\(\Rightarrow\) disp(`In 1999q1, ...')
\frametitle{Collections and Ranges of \texttt{dates} in a \texttt{.mod} file}
\myitem A collection of \texttt{dates}
a = 1990Q1; b = 1957Q1; c = -52Q1;
d = [a b c];
\(\Rightarrow\) d = <dates: 1990Q1, 1957Q1, -52Q1>
\myitem A Range of \texttt{dates}
a = 1990Q3:1991Q2
\(\Rightarrow\) a = <dates: 1990Q3, 1990Q4, 1991Q1, 1991Q2>
\myitem A set of regularly-spaced \texttt{dates}
a = 1990Q3:2:1991Q2
\(\Rightarrow\) a = <dates: 1990Q3, 1991Q1, 1991Q3>
\frametitle{Comparing \texttt{dates}}
\myitem The following comparison operators are supported: $==$, $\backsim=$, $<$, $\leq$, $>$, and $\geq$
\myitem Compared objects must have the same frequency
\myitem Compared objects must have the same number of elements (except for singletons)
\myitem Returns the result of an element-wise comparison
\myitem Let \texttt{a=[1999W1 2020W3]}, \texttt{b=1999W1}, and \texttt{c=[1888w1 2020w3]}. Then
>> a == b >> a > b >> c < a
ans = ans = ans =
1 0 1
0 1 0
\frametitle{Arithmetic Operations on \texttt{dates}}
\myitem The unary \texttt{+} and \texttt{-} operators
>> a = dates(`1999q4');
>> +a \(\Rightarrow\) ans = 2000q1
>> -a \(\Rightarrow\) ans = 1999q3
>> ++-+a \(\Rightarrow\) ans = 2000q2
\myitem The binary \texttt{+} and \texttt{-} operators
\myitem Objects must have the same frequency
\myitem Objects must have the same number of elements (except for singletons)
\myitem \texttt{1999q4 + 2} $\Rightarrow$ \texttt{ans = 2000q2}
\myitem \texttt{1999w4 + 2} $\Rightarrow$ \texttt{ans = 1999w6}
\myitem \texttt{1999m4 - 2} $\Rightarrow$ \texttt{ans = 1999m2}
\myitem \texttt{1999m4 - 1999m2} $\Rightarrow$ \texttt{ans = 2}
\myitem \texttt{1999m4 + 1999m2} $\Rightarrow$ \texttt{ans = <dates: 1999M4, 1999M2>}
\myitem The binary \texttt{*} operator
>> a*3
ans = <dates: 1999Q4, 1999Q4, 1999Q4>
\frametitle{Set Operations on \texttt{dates}}
\myitem Let \texttt{a = [1990Q1:1991Q1 1990Q1]; b = [1990Q3:1991Q3];}
\myitem \texttt{intersect}: returns the intersection of the arguments
>> intersect(a, b)
ans = <dates: 1990Q3, 1990Q4, 1991Q1>
\myitem \texttt{setdiff}: returns dates present in first arg but not in second
>> setdiff(a, b)
ans = <dates: 1990Q1, 1990Q2>
\myitem \texttt{union}: returns the union of two sets (repititions removed)
union(a, b)
ans = <dates: 1990Q1, 1990Q2, ..., 1991Q2, 1991Q3>
\myitem \texttt{unique()}: removes repititions from set (keeps last unique value)
>> a.unique()
ans = <dates: 1990Q2, 1990Q3, 1990Q4, 1991Q1, 1990Q1>
\frametitle{Misc \texttt{dates} operations}
\myitem Can index a \texttt{dates} object
>> a = dates(`2000y'):dates(`2009y');
>> a(1)
ans = <dates: 2000Y>
>> a(1:3)
ans = <dates: 2000Y, 2001Y, 2002Y>
>> a([1,4,5])
ans = <dates: 2000Y, 2003Y, 2004Y>
\myitem{\textbf{\texttt{pop()}}}: Remove last element
>> a.pop()
ans = <dates: 2000Y, 2001Y, ..., 2007Y, 2008Y>
\myitem{\textbf{\texttt{char()}}}: Return string representation
>> a(1).char()
ans = 2000Y
\myitem More in the Dynare manual
\subsubsection{\texttt{dseries} Syntax}
\frametitle{\texttt{dseries} Syntax}
\myitem A \texttt{dseries} is composed of zero or more individual time series
\myitem All time series in a \texttt{dseries} must have the same frequency
\myitem A \texttt{dseries} runs from the earliest date to the latest date,
with \texttt{NaN}'s inserted to pad the shorter series
\myitem A \texttt{dseries} object contains 4 members:
\myitem{\textbf{\texttt{data}}}: The data points
\myitem{\textbf{\texttt{dates}}}: The \texttt{dates} of the sample
\myitem{\textbf{\texttt{name}}}: Names of the variables
\myitem{\textbf{\texttt{tex}}}: \LaTeX\ names of the variables
\myitem \texttt{dseries} members cannot be modified
\frametitle{Creating a new \texttt{dseries} object (1/2)}
Load data directly
\myitem Syntax:
\myitem \textit{e.g.,} 2 variables, `MyVar1' and `MyVar2', with
3 annual observations starting in 1999:
>> ts = dseries([1 2;3 4;5 6], `1999y', ...
\{`MyVar1', `MyVar2'\}, \{`MyVar\_1', 'MyVar\_2'\});
ts is a dseries object:
| MyVar1 | MyVar2
1999Y | 1 | 2
2000Y | 3 | 4
2001Y | 5 | 6
\frametitle{Creating a new \texttt{dseries} object (2/2)}
Load series from CSV/spreadsheet (\texttt{.csv, .xls}) or Matlab file (\texttt{.m, .mat})
\myitem Syntax:
>> ts = dseries(FILENAME);
\myitem File format (\texttt{.csv, .xls}): dates (optional) in first column (using the
standard format: 199Q1 for quarterly data, 1990Y for annual data, \dots) and variable
names (optional) in the first row
\myitem File format (\texttt{.m, .mat}): must define the variables \texttt{INIT\_\_},
\texttt{NAMES\_\_}, and, optionally, \texttt{TEX\_\_}. More info in the
manual. Data are vectors.
INIT__ = `1999q1';
NAMES__ = \{`cons'\};
cons = randn(100,1);
Create an empty time series. Useful for renaming dseries.
\myitem \texttt{tseries = dseries();}
\myitem \texttt{ts = tseries(randn(3,2));}
\frametitle{Creating subsamples from a \texttt{dseries}}
\myitem Let \texttt{ts} be a \texttt{dseries} with $3$ variables and 5
observations from \texttt{2000Y} to \texttt{2004Y}
ts=dseries(randn(5,3), '2000y')
\myitem To obtain a subsample from \texttt{2001Y} to \texttt{2003Y}
\myitem Can also use integer indices (in a roundabout way)
start = find(ts.dates==2001Y);
\frametitle{Extracting variables from a \texttt{dseries}}
\myitem Let
>> ts = dseries(randn(5,6), `2000q1', ...
\{`GDP_US', `GDP_FR', `GDP_JA', ...
`CPI_US', `CPI_FR', `CPI_JA'\});
\myitem We can extract one variable using syntax like
>> ts.GDP_US
\myitem To get all the \texttt{GDP} variables
>> ts\{`GDP_US', `GDP_FR', `GDP_JA'\}
\myitem A shorter way to do the same thing
>> ts\{`GDP_@US,FR,JA@'\}
\myitem To get \texttt{GDP} \& \texttt{CPI} (NB: max 2 implicit loops)
>> ts\{`@GDP,CPI@_@US,FR,JA@'\}
\frametitle{Applying methods to \texttt{dseries}}
\myitem Suppose \texttt{ts} is as above. Then, to apply a method
(\textit{e.g.,} \texttt{log()}) to \texttt{GDP}:
\myitem To apply a method to a subsample of all the variables:
ts(2000Q2:2000Q4) = ts(2000Q2:2000Q4).log()
\myitem To apply a method to a subsample of some of the variables:
ts(2000Q2:2000Q4)\{`GDP_@US,FR,JA@'\} = ...
\frametitle{Merging \texttt{dseries}}
\myitem Suppose that \verb+ts+ and \verb+ds+ are two \texttt{dseries} objects
with the same variables observed on different time ranges. These
\texttt{dseries} objects can be merged using the following syntax:
vs = [ts; ds];
\myitem Suppose that \verb+ts+ and \verb+ds+ are two \texttt{dseries} objects
with different variables observed on the same or different time ranges. These
\texttt{dseries} objects can be merged using the following syntax:
vs = [ts, ds];
If \verb+ts+ and \verb+ds+ are not defined over the same time range,
the time range of \verb+vs+ will be the union of \verb+ts.dates+ and
\verb+ds.dates+, \verb+NaN+s will be added for the missing observations.
\frametitle{Arithmetic Operations on \texttt{dseries}}
\myitem The binary operators \texttt{+}, \texttt{-}, \texttt{*},
\texttt{/}, and \texttt{\string^} perform element-wise arithmetic operations on
\myitem They can be used with two \texttt{dseries} or one \texttt{dseries}
and a real number
\myitem Two \texttt{dseries} can have different date ranges. Non overlapping dates will be filled with \texttt{NaNs}
\myitem Take addition for example
\myitem Let
>> ts0 = dseries(ones(2,2)*2, `2000W1', \{`MyVar1', `MyVar2'\});
>> ts1 = dseries(ones(3,2)*3, `2000W2', \{`YrVar1', `YrVar2'\});
>> ds = ts0.MyVar1;
\myitem \texttt{ts0+3} will add \texttt{3} to every element in \texttt{ts0}
\myitem \texttt{ts0+[3 4]} will add \texttt{3} to every element in \texttt{ts0.MyVar1} and \texttt{4} to every element in \texttt{ts0.MyVar2}
\myitem \texttt{ts0+ts1} will add \texttt{ts0.MyVar1} to \texttt{ts1.YrVar1} and \texttt{ts0.MyVar2} to \texttt{ts1.YrVar2}. Only \texttt{2000W2} will contain the value \texttt{5} for both variables. All other points will contain \texttt{NaN}
\myitem \texttt{ts0+ds} will add \texttt{ds} to \texttt{ts0.MyVar1} and \texttt{ts0.MyVar2}. All values will contain \texttt{4}
\frametitle{Leads and Lags with \texttt{dseries} (1/2)}
\myitem Let
>> ts = dseries([1:4]');
\myitem Then
>> ts.lead() >> ts.lag()
ans is a dseries object: ans is a dseries object:
| lead(Variable_1,1) | lag(Variable_1,1)
1Y | 2 1Y | NaN
2Y | 3 2Y | 1
3Y | 4 3Y | 2
4Y | NaN 4Y | 3
\frametitle{Leads and Lags with \texttt{dseries} (2/2)}
\myitem You can lead/lag a \texttt{dseries} by more than one period
\myitem \texttt{ts.lead(k)} where $k\in\mathbb{Z}$
\myitem \texttt{ts.lag(k)} where $k\in\mathbb{Z}$
\myitem A shorthand syntax is available as well
\myitem Lead: \texttt{ts(k)} where $k\in\mathbb{Z}$
\myitem Lag: \texttt{ts(-k)} where $k\in\mathbb{Z}$
\myitem Beta version in Dynare 4.4. Mature version ready in Dynare 4.5
\myitem Introduce reporting functionality to Dynare
\myitem Input: \texttt{dseries}
\myitem Output: \LaTeX\ report \& compiled \texttt{.pdf}
\myitem Graphs and Tables are modular
\item[$\Rightarrow$] Can easily be included in another document
\myitem Graphs are produced in Ti$k$Z/PGFPlots (standard in a \TeX\ distribution)
\myitem Scales well
\myitem Formating follows that of enclosing document
\myitem Dynare provides a subset of the many Ti$k$Z options
\myitem You can easily modify the Ti$k$Z graph if the option you want is not in Dynare
\myitem Works with Matlab \& Octave
\myitem Works much faster than similar softawre
\myitem NB: Must install a \LaTeX\ distribution to compile reports
\myitem On Windows use MiKTeX: \url{http://miktex.org}
\myitem On Mac OS X use MacTeX: \url{http://tug.org/mactex}
\myitem On Linux use \TeX\ Live: available from your package manager
\frametitle{How Reporting Works}
\myitem Reports are created command by command
\myitem Hence the order of commands matters
\myitem All reporting commands act on the previously added object until an object of greater or equal hierarchy is added (see next slide)
\myitem \textit{e.g.,} Once you add a \texttt{Page} to your report with the \texttt{addPage()} command, every \texttt{Section} you add via the \texttt{addSection()} command will be placed on this page. Only when you add another \texttt{Page} will items go on a new page.
\myitem This will become more clear with an example
\myitem Options to reporting commands are passed in option name/value pairs
\myitem \textit{e.g.,} \texttt{addPage(`title', \{`Page Title', `Page Subtitle'\})}
\tikzstyle{abstract}=[rectangle, draw=black, rounded corners, fill=blue!10, drop shadow,
text centered, anchor=north, text=black, text width=2.6cm]
\tikzstyle{comment}=[rectangle, draw=black, rounded corners, fill=green!10, drop shadow,
text centered, anchor=north, text=black, text width=2.6cm]
\tikzstyle{line}=[-, thick]
\frametitle{Reporting Class Hierarchy}
\myitem Class names on the top half of the box, constructor names on the bottom
\myitem Arrows represent what the new object can be added to; objects in green are treated a bit differently (explained below)
node distance = .25cm,
line/.style={->, >=stealth'},
\node (Report) [abstract, rectangle split, rectangle split parts=2]
\node (Page) [abstract, rectangle split, rectangle split parts=2, below=of Report]
\node (Section) [abstract, rectangle split, rectangle split parts=2, below=of Page]
\node (Spacer) [rectangle split, rectangle split parts=2, opacity=0, below=of Section]
\node (Graph) [abstract, rectangle split, rectangle split parts=2, left=of Spacer, xshift=.25cm]
\node (Table) [abstract, rectangle split, rectangle split parts=2, right=of Spacer, xshift=-.25cm, text height=]
\node (Vspace) [comment, rectangle split, rectangle split parts=2, left=of Graph]
\node (Paragraph) [comment, rectangle split, rectangle split parts=2, right=of Table]
\node (Series) [abstract, rectangle split, rectangle split parts=2, below=of Spacer]
\draw [line] (Series) to node { } (Table);
\draw [line] (Series) to node { } (Graph);
\draw [line] (Table) to node { } (Section);
\draw [line] (Graph) to node { } (Section);
\draw [line] (Paragraph.north) to node { } (Section.east);
\draw [line] (Vspace.north) to node { } (Section.west);
\draw [line] (Section) to node { } (Page);
\draw [line] (Page) to node { } (Report);
\frametitle{Reporting Syntax (1/3)}
\myitem \texttt{report(\ldots)}: Create a report
\myitem \textbf{Options}: \texttt{compiler}, \texttt{showDate}, \texttt{fileName}, \texttt{margin}, \texttt{marginUnit}, \ldots
>> rep = report(`title', `Dynare Summer School 2014', ...
`fileName', `myDynareReport.tex');
\myitem \texttt{addPage(\ldots)}: Add a page to the \texttt{Report}
\myitem \textbf{Options}: \texttt{footnote}, \texttt{orientation}, \texttt{paper}, \texttt{title}, \texttt{titleFormat}
>> rep = rep.addPage(`title', \{`Page Title', `Page Subtitle'\}, ...
`titleFormat', \{`\textbackslash{}large\textbackslash{}bfseries', `\textbackslash{}large'\});
\myitem \texttt{addSection(\ldots)}: Add a section to the current \texttt{Page}
\myitem You can think of a section as a matrix. As graphs and/or tables are added to a section, it fills up from left to right. Once you have added \texttt{cols} objects, a new row is started.
\myitem \textbf{Options}: \texttt{cols}, \texttt{height}
>> rep = rep.addSection(`cols', 3);
\frametitle{Reporting Syntax (2/3)}
\myitem \texttt{addVspace(\ldots)}: Add a vertical space to the current \texttt{Section}.
\myitem If the row has been completely filled in, this adds space between this row and the next row. If not, this adds space at the end of the \texttt{Section} and closes it; in other words, in this situation if you want to add more graphs, you'd have to create a new \texttt{Section} first.
\myitem \textbf{Options}: \texttt{hline}, \texttt{number}
>> rep = rep.addVspace(`hline', 2, `number', 3);
\myitem \texttt{addParagraph(\ldots)}: Add text to the current \texttt{Section}
\myitem To add anything other than a paragraph (or multiple paragraphs) to a \texttt{Section}, you must add a new \texttt{Section} to the page
\myitem \textbf{Options}: \texttt{balancedCols}, \texttt{cols}, \texttt{heading}, \texttt{index}, \texttt{text}
>> rep = rep.addParagraph(`text', `Lorem ipsum\textbackslash{}ldots\textbackslash{}newline');
\frametitle{Reporting Syntax (3/3)}
\myitem \texttt{addGraph(\ldots)}: Add a graph to the current \texttt{Section}
\myitem \textbf{Options}: \texttt{data}, \texttt{graphDirName}, \texttt{graphName}, \texttt{graphSize}, \texttt{height}, \ldots
>> rep = rep.addGraph(`title', `Headline Inflation (y/y)', ...
`xrange', dates(`2007q1'):dates(`2013q4'), ...
`shade', dates(`2010q1'):dates(`2013q4'), ...
`showZeroline', true);
\myitem \texttt{addTable(\ldots)}: Add a table to the current \texttt{Section}
\myitem \textbf{Options}: \texttt{data}, \texttt{showHlines}, \texttt{precision}, \texttt{range}, \texttt{seriesToUse}, \ldots
>> rep = rep.addTable(`title', \{`Real GDP Growth',`subtitle 1'\}, ...
`range', dates(`2007y'):dates(`2014y'), ...
`vlineAfter', dates(`2011y'));
\myitem \texttt{addSeries(\ldots)}: Add a series to the current \texttt{Graph} or \texttt{Table}
\myitem \textbf{Options}: \texttt{data}, \texttt{graphHline}, \texttt{graphLegendName}, \texttt{graphLineColor}, \ldots
>> rep = rep.addSeries(`data', db\_q.LRPOIL\_WORLD, ...
`graphLineColor', `blue', ...
`graphLineWidth', 1.5, ...
`graphMarker', `triangle*');
To create a report:
\myitem \texttt{write()}: Writes the report to a \LaTeX\ file
\myitem \texttt{compile(\ldots)}: Compiles the report, creating a \texttt{.pdf} file
\myitem \textbf{Options}: \texttt{compiler}
Report Output
\myitem Unless you pass the \texttt{fileName} option to \texttt{report(\ldots)}, the report will be located in your working directory with the name \texttt{report.tex}. The compiled version will be called \texttt{report.pdf}.
\myitem Unless you pass the \texttt{graphDirName} or \texttt{graphName} options to \texttt{addGraph(\ldots)}, your graphs will be in a subdirectory of your working directory called \texttt{tmpRepDir}. The default name will take the form \texttt{graph\_pg9\_sec1\_row1\_col5.tex}
\myitem The same holds for the tables (substituting `table' for `graph' above).
\myitem Thus you can easily modify these files and include them in another report.
\section{Putting it All Together}
\frametitle{Create Report of IRFs from \texttt{example1.mod} (1/3)}
\myitem \texttt{example1.mod} is located in the Dynare \texttt{examples} directory
\myitem The lines below can be added at the end of that file.
\begin{block}{Create \texttt{dseries} from IRFs}
shocke = dseries();
shocku = dseries();
@#define endovars=["y", "c", "k", "a", "h", "b"]
@#for var in endovars
shocke = [shocke dseries(@{var}_e, 2014q3, `@{var}')];
shocku = [shocku dseries(@{var}_u, 2014q3, `@{var}')];
\frametitle{Create Report of IRFs from \texttt{example1.mod} (2/3)}
\begin{block}{Populate Report}
r = report();
@#for shock in ["e", "u"]
r = r.addPage(`title',{`Dseries/Report Example',`Shock @{shock}'},...
`titleFormat', {`\Large\bfseries', `\large\bfseries'});
r = r.addSection(`cols', 2);
@# for var in endovars
r = r.addGraph(`data', shock@{shock}.@{var}, `title', `@{var}', ...
`showGrid', false, `yTickLabelPrecision', 2, ...
`yTickLabelZeroFill', false, ...
`showZeroLine', true, `zeroLineColor', 'red');
@# endfor
r = r.addVspace(`number', 2);
r = r.addSection(`cols', 1);
r = r.addTable(`range', 2022q1:2024q1, `precision', 5);
@# for var in endovars
r = r.addSeries(`data', shock@{shock}.@{var});
@# endfor
\frametitle{Create Report of IRFs from \texttt{example1.mod} (3/3)}
\begin{block}{Compile Report}
\begin{block}{Output Files}
>> ls report.*
report.aux report.log report.pdf report.synctex.gz report.tex
>> ls tmpRepDir/
graph_pg1_sec1_row1_col1.tex graph_pg2_sec1_row1_col1.tex
graph_pg1_sec1_row1_col2.tex graph_pg2_sec1_row1_col2.tex
graph_pg1_sec1_row2_col1.tex graph_pg2_sec1_row2_col1.tex
graph_pg1_sec1_row2_col2.tex graph_pg2_sec1_row2_col2.tex
graph_pg1_sec1_row3_col1.tex graph_pg2_sec1_row3_col1.tex
graph_pg1_sec1_row3_col2.tex graph_pg2_sec1_row3_col2.tex
table_pg1_sec2_row1_col1.tex table_pg2_sec2_row1_col1.tex