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function rnd = beta_rnd (n, a, b)
% PURPOSE: random draws from the beta(a,b) distribution
% USAGE: rnd = beta_rnd(n,a,b)
% where: n = size of the vector of draws
% a = beta distribution parameter, a = scalar
% b = beta distribution parameter b = scalar
% NOTE: mean = a/(a+b), variance = ab/((a+b)*(a+b)*(a+b+1))
% RETURNS: n-vector of random draws from the beta(a,b) distribution
% SEE ALSO: beta_d, beta_pdf, beta_inv, beta_rnd
% written by:
% James P. LeSage, Dept of Economics
% University of Toledo
% 2801 W. Bancroft St,
% Toledo, OH 43606
% jlesage@spatial-econometrics.com
if (nargin ~= 3)
error('Wrong # of arguments to beta_rnd');
if any(any((a<=0)|(b<=0)))
error('Parameter a or b is nonpositive')
a1n = gamm_rnd(n,a,1);
a1d = gamm_rnd(n,b,1);
rnd = a1n./(a1n+a1d);