
64 lines
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@q $Id: quadrature.cweb 431 2005-08-16 15:41:01Z kamenik $ @>
@q Copyright 2005, Ondra Kamenik @>
@ This is {\tt quadrature.cpp} file.
#include "quadrature.h"
#include "precalc_quadrature.dat"
#include <cmath>
@<|OneDPrecalcQuadrature::calcOffsets| code@>;
@<|GaussHermite| constructor code@>;
@<|GaussLegendre| constructor code@>;
@<|NormalICDF| get code@>;
@<|OneDPrecalcQuadrature::calcOffsets| code@>=
void OneDPrecalcQuadrature::calcOffsets()
offsets[0] = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < num_levels; i++)
offsets[i] = offsets[i-1] + num_points[i-1];
@<|GaussHermite| constructor code@>=
: OneDPrecalcQuadrature(gh_num_levels, gh_num_points, gh_weights, gh_points)@+ {}
@<|GaussLegendre| constructor code@>=
: OneDPrecalcQuadrature(gl_num_levels, gl_num_points, gl_weights, gl_points)@+ {}
@ Here we transform a draw from univariate $\langle 0,1\rangle$ to the
draw from Gaussina $N(0,1)$. This is done by a table lookup, the table
is given by |normal_icdf_step|, |normal_icfd_data|, |normal_icdf_num|,
and a number |normal_icdf_end|. In order to avoid wrong tails for lookups close
to zero or one, we rescale input |x| by $(1-2*(1-end))=2*end-1$.
@<|NormalICDF| get code@>=
double NormalICDF::get(double x)
double xx = (2*normal_icdf_end-1)*std::abs(x-0.5);
int i = (int)floor(xx/normal_icdf_step);
double xx1 = normal_icdf_step*i;
double yy1 = normal_icdf_data[i];
double y;
if (i < normal_icdf_num-1) {
double yy2 = normal_icdf_data[i+1];
y = yy1 + (yy2-yy1)*(xx-xx1)/normal_icdf_step;
} else { // this should never happen
y = yy1;
if (x > 0.5)
return y;
return -y;
@ End of {\tt quadrature.cpp} file