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# - Add tests that are individually listed in {M,O}_TRS_FILES of tests/Makefile.am
# - Build documentation
# - Install files in right location
# - move to fortran_std=f2018; this requires changes in libkordersim, and also replacing isnan() by ieee_is_nan() in various MEX (or use -fall-intrinsics)
# - with -Dprefer_static=true, under Octave/Windows, we are now linking the compiler libs (libgcc, libstdc++, libgfortran, libquadmath, libssp, libgomp) statically (contrary to what we were doing with autotools). In theory this is better, because the compiler used for creating the Octave binary may be different from the one used for creating our MEX. Check that this is ok
# - configuration option to disable documentation
# - configuration option to disable preprocessor build
# - add -Wold-style-cast C++ flag except when building flex-generated files
# - determine minimal meson version required, and declare it in the project() function (here and the preprocessor); if possible at low cost, diminish the requirement. NB: Ubuntu “jammy” 22.04 has 0.61, Debian “bullseye” 11 has 0.56 (but bullseye-backports has 1.0), Ubuntu ”focal” 20.04 has 0.53
# - add the possibility to customize the integration test names (with a new optional 'name' keyword in the dictionaries)
# - Add an option to skip the removal of the temporary test directories, for debugging purposes
# - See what to do with xvfb-run (see #1892). Maybe try to detect it from meson.build, and pass it optionally to the test driver script
# - Include the k-order unit tests in some suite(s)
# - See whether the tests can be automatically disabled if the MATLAB/Octave executable is not found (using the disabler option of find_program?)
# - Add priorities to have some tests run before the others (e.g. obs_trend_and_prefilter stuff)
# - Decide whether we want to keep MALLOC_PERTURB_ for the testsuite; it can have a significant performance impact; see the doc of test() for how to do so
'cpp', 'fortran', 'c',
version : '6-unstable',
default_options : [ 'cpp_std=gnu++20', 'fortran_std=none', 'c_std=gnu17', 'warning_level=2' ])
add_global_arguments('-Wimplicit-interface', '-Wno-compare-reals', language : 'fortran')
add_global_arguments('-DPACKAGE_VERSION="' + meson.project_version() + '"', language : 'cpp')
cpp_compiler = meson.get_compiler('cpp')
fortran_compiler = meson.get_compiler('fortran')
c_compiler = meson.get_compiler('c')
### Preprocessor
### Generated M-file
sed_exe = find_program('sed')
custom_target(output : 'dynare_version.m', input : 'matlab/dynare_version.m.in',
command : [ sed_exe, 's/@PACKAGE_VERSION@/' + meson.project_version() + '/', '@INPUT@' ],
capture : true,
build_by_default : true) # FIXME: This option can be removed when “install” is set to true
### MEX files
mex_incdir = include_directories('mex/sources')
## Various dependencies
if host_machine.system() != 'windows'
dl_dep = dependency('dl')
# Under Windows, we dont use dlopen but rely on LoadLibrary
dl_dep = []
openmp_dep = dependency('openmp')
gsl_dep = dependency('gsl')
if get_option('build_for') == 'octave'
matio_dep = dependency('matio')
# We dont use MatIO under MATLAB
matio_dep = []
pthread_t_sizeof = c_compiler.sizeof('pthread_t', prefix : '#include <pthread.h>')
# TODO: when requiring meson ⩾ 1.2, incorporate pthread.F08 into the dependency object with “extra_files” option
# (and thus remove the pthread_fortran_iface variable)
pthread_fortran_dep = declare_dependency(compile_args : '-DSIZEOF_PTHREAD_T=' + pthread_t_sizeof.to_string())
## Determine MEX compilation options
if get_option('build_for') == 'matlab'
matlab_path = get_option('matlab_path')
if matlab_path == ''
error('The “matlab_path” option must be provided when doing a MATLAB build')
matlab_version = run_command('scripts/get-matlab-version', matlab_path, check : true).stdout().strip()
matlab_minimal_version = [ '8.3', 'R2014a' ]
if matlab_version.version_compare('<' + matlab_minimal_version[0])
error('MATLAB is too old (version ' + matlab_version + '), please upgrade to version ' + matlab_minimal_version[0] + ' (' + matlab_minimal_version[1] + ') at least.')
matlab_version_hex = run_command('scripts/get-matlab-version', '--hex', matlab_path, check : true).stdout().strip()
matlab_exe = find_program(matlab_path / 'bin' / 'matlab', required : not meson.is_cross_build())
if host_machine.system() == 'linux' and host_machine.cpu_family() == 'x86_64'
mexext = 'mexa64'
matlab_arch = 'glnxa64'
export_file = matlab_path / 'extern/lib/glnxa64/mexFunction.map'
export_link_arg = '-Wl,--version-script,' + export_file
elif host_machine.system() == 'windows' and host_machine.cpu_family() == 'x86_64'
mexext = 'mexw64'
matlab_arch = 'win64'
export_file = meson.current_source_dir() / 'mex/build/matlab/mex.def'
export_link_arg = export_file
if get_option('build_for') == 'matlab'
arch_fortran_args = [ '-fno-underscoring' ]
elif host_machine.system() == 'darwin'
if host_machine.cpu_family() == 'x86_64'
mexext = 'mexmaci64'
matlab_arch = 'maci64'
elif host_machine.cpu_family() == 'aarch64'
mexext = 'mexmaca64'
matlab_arch = 'maca64'
error('Unsupported platform')
export_file = meson.current_source_dir() / 'mex/build/matlab/mexFunction-MacOSX.map'
export_link_arg = '-Wl,-exported_symbols_list,' + export_file
error('Unsupported platform')
matlab_defs = [ '-DMATLAB_MEX_FILE', '-DMATLAB_VERSION=' + matlab_version_hex, '-DMEXEXT=".' + mexext + '"' ]
matlab_incdir = include_directories(matlab_path / 'extern/include')
mex_kwargs = { 'name_prefix' : '',
'name_suffix' : mexext,
'include_directories' : [ mex_incdir, matlab_incdir ],
'cpp_args' : matlab_defs,
'fortran_args' : matlab_defs + [ '-fexceptions' ] + get_variable('arch_fortran_args', []),
'c_args' : matlab_defs + [ '-fexceptions' ],
'link_args' : [ export_link_arg, '-L' + (matlab_path / 'bin' / matlab_arch), '-lmx', '-lmex', '-lmat' ],
'link_depends' : export_file }
# For unit tests
exe_rpath = matlab_path / 'bin' / matlab_arch
exe_link_args = [ '-L' + exe_rpath, '-lmx', '-lmex', '-lmat' ]
# No need to use find_library() for the following libraries, since they are always shipped with MATLAB
blas_dep = declare_dependency(link_args : '-lmwblas')
lapack_dep = declare_dependency(link_args : '-lmwlapack', dependencies : blas_dep)
umfpack_dep = declare_dependency(link_args : '-lmwumfpack', dependencies : blas_dep)
ut_dep = declare_dependency(link_args : '-lut')
slicot_dep = declare_dependency(dependencies : [ fortran_compiler.find_library('slicot64_pic'), blas_dep, lapack_dep ])
else # Octave build
octave_exe = find_program('octave', required : not meson.is_cross_build())
mkoctfile_exe = find_program('mkoctfile')
octave_minimal_version = '6.2.0'
octave_version = run_command(mkoctfile_exe, '-v', check : true).stdout().replace('mkoctfile, version ', '')
if octave_version.version_compare('<' + octave_minimal_version)
error('Octave is too old (version ' + octave_version + '), please upgrade to version ' + octave_minimal_version + ' at least.')
octave_incflags = run_command(mkoctfile_exe, '-p', 'INCFLAGS', check : true).stdout().split()
octlibdir = run_command(mkoctfile_exe, '-p', 'OCTLIBDIR', check : true).stdout().strip()
# Determine whether to link MEX files against the Octave libraries. mkoctfile
# no longer does this by default but in practice it is needed for Windows and
# macOS.
octave_libs = run_command(mkoctfile_exe, '-p', 'OCTAVE_LIBS', check : true).stdout().split()
if host_machine.system() == 'windows' or host_machine.system() == 'darwin'
# Under Windows, --enable-link-all-dependencies is hardcoded in src/mkoctfile.cc.in.
# Under macOS, the Homebrew formula passes --enable-link-all-dependencies
# to the configure script.
octave_link_args = [ '-L' + octlibdir ] + octave_libs
octave_link_args = []
# For unit tests
exe_rpath = octlibdir
exe_link_args = [ '-L' + octlibdir ] + octave_libs
octave_defs = [ '-DOCTAVE_MEX_FILE', '-DMEXEXT="mex"' ]
mex_kwargs = { 'name_prefix' : '',
'name_suffix' : 'mex',
'include_directories' : [ mex_incdir ],
'cpp_args' : octave_incflags + octave_defs,
'fortran_args' : octave_incflags + octave_defs,
'c_args' : octave_incflags + octave_defs,
'link_args' : octave_link_args}
# The -L argument is useful when cross-compiling.
blas_dep = declare_dependency(link_args : [ '-L' + (octlibdir / '../..') ] + run_command(mkoctfile_exe, '-p', 'BLAS_LIBS', check : true).stdout().split())
lapack_dep = declare_dependency(link_args : run_command(mkoctfile_exe, '-p', 'LAPACK_LIBS', check : true).stdout().split(),
dependencies : blas_dep)
# Create a dependency object for UMFPACK.
# The dependency returned by find_library('umfpack') is not enough, because we also want the define
# that indicates the location of umfpack.h, so we construct a new dependency object.
if cpp_compiler.has_header('suitesparse/umfpack.h', args : octave_incflags)
elif cpp_compiler.has_header('umfpack.h', args : octave_incflags)
umfpack_def = '-DHAVE_UMFPACK_H'
error('Cant find umfpack.h')
# Do not enforce static linking even if prefer_static is true, since that library is shipped
# with Octave.
# The “dirs” argument is useful when cross-compiling.
umfpack_dep_tmp = cpp_compiler.find_library('umfpack', dirs : octlibdir / '../..', static : false)
umfpack_dep = declare_dependency(compile_args : umfpack_def, dependencies : [ umfpack_dep_tmp, blas_dep ])
# This library does not exist under Octave
ut_dep = []
# First look for libslicot, then if needed fallback on libslicot_pic
slicot_dep_tmp = fortran_compiler.find_library('slicot', required : false)
if not slicot_dep_tmp.found()
slicot_dep_tmp = fortran_compiler.find_library('slicot_pic')
slicot_dep = declare_dependency(dependencies : [ slicot_dep_tmp, blas_dep, lapack_dep ])
# When static linking is preferred, try to statically link the compiler libraries
if get_option('prefer_static')
static_flags_pre = [ '-static-libgcc', '-static-libstdc++' ]
static_flags_post = []
if host_machine.system() == 'windows'
# Under Debian 12, libgfortran.a and libquadmath.a are not compiled with -fPIC, so cant be linked in a MEX.
# Under macOS, -static-libgcc implies -static-libgfortran (see gfortran -dumpspecs), and for libquadmath
# we use a hack with a local copy of libquadmath.a.
# -static-libquadmath was introduced in GCC 13. Until we require the latter, use a hack.
static_flags_pre += [ '-static-libgfortran', '-Wl,-Bstatic,--whole-archive', '-lquadmath', '-Wl,-Bdynamic,--no-whole-archive' ]
# Hack to avoid dynamically linking against libwinpthread DLL (which is
# pulled in by libstdc++, even without using threads, since we are using
# the POSIX threads version of MinGW).
static_flags_pre += [ '-Wl,-Bstatic,--whole-archive', '-lwinpthread', '-Wl,-Bdynamic,--no-whole-archive' ]
# Hack for libssp, which is pulled in by -fstack-protector (curiously only
# on some MEX files), see windows/build.sh. Note that the link against
# libssp should not happen with compilers from MSYS2, see:
# https://www.msys2.org/news/#2022-10-10-libssp-is-no-longer-required
# But it happens with Debians cross compilers (as of Debian “bookworm”
# 12). Also note that the -lssp must come by the end of the link command
# (otherwise it will have to be enclosed within --whole-archive).
static_flags_post = [ '-Wl,-Bstatic', '-lssp', '-Wl,-Bdynamic' ]
mex_kwargs += { 'link_args' : static_flags_pre + mex_kwargs.get('link_args', []) + static_flags_post }
# NB: constructing a dependency object with link_args : ['-Wl,-Bstatic', '-lgomp', '-Wl,-Bdynamic'] does not work,
# because it reorders the three arguments and puts -lgomp at the end
openmp_dep_tmp = cpp_compiler.find_library('gomp', static : true)
openmp_dep = declare_dependency(dependencies : [ openmp_dep, openmp_dep_tmp ])
# For use when creating intermediate static libraries to be incorporated in MEX files
static_library_kwargs = mex_kwargs + { 'name_prefix' : [], 'name_suffix' : [], 'link_args' : [], 'pic' : true }
mex_blas_fortran_iface = [ 'mex/sources/matlab_mex.F08', 'mex/sources/blas_lapack.F08' ]
pthread_fortran_iface = [ 'mex/sources/pthread.F08' ]
## Various core MEX
shared_module('mjdgges', [ 'mex/sources/mjdgges/mjdgges.F08' ] + mex_blas_fortran_iface, kwargs : mex_kwargs, dependencies : lapack_dep)
shared_module('num_procs', 'mex/sources/num_procs/num_procs.cc', kwargs : mex_kwargs)
perfect_foresight_problem_src = [ 'mex/sources/perfect_foresight_problem/perfect_foresight_problem.cc',
'mex/sources/perfect_foresight_problem/DynamicModelCaller.cc' ]
shared_module('perfect_foresight_problem', perfect_foresight_problem_src, kwargs : mex_kwargs, dependencies : [ openmp_dep, dl_dep ])
block_trust_region_src = [ 'mex/sources/block_trust_region/dulmage_mendelsohn.f08',
'mex/sources/block_trust_region/mexFunction.f08' ] + mex_blas_fortran_iface
shared_module('block_trust_region', block_trust_region_src, kwargs : mex_kwargs, dependencies : lapack_dep)
bytecode_src = [ 'mex/sources/bytecode/bytecode.cc',
'mex/sources/bytecode/BasicSymbolTable.cc' ]
preprocessor_headers_dep = declare_dependency(include_directories : include_directories('preprocessor/src'))
shared_module('bytecode', bytecode_src, kwargs : mex_kwargs, dependencies : [ umfpack_dep, ut_dep, preprocessor_headers_dep ])
shared_module('sparse_hessian_times_B_kronecker_C', 'mex/sources/kronecker/sparse_hessian_times_B_kronecker_C.cc',
kwargs : mex_kwargs, dependencies : openmp_dep)
# TODO: A_times_B_kronecker_C does not depend on LAPACK, but since the
# interfaces to both BLAS and LAPACK are in the same source file, the
# dependency must be added. Think about splitting into two files.
# NB: The problem does not appear with libkordersim because since it is a library,
# the LAPACK stuff is never pulled in.
shared_module('A_times_B_kronecker_C', [ 'mex/sources/kronecker/A_times_B_kronecker_C.f08' ] + mex_blas_fortran_iface,
kwargs : mex_kwargs, dependencies : [ blas_dep, lapack_dep ])
shared_module('cycle_reduction', [ 'mex/sources/cycle_reduction/mexFunction.f08' ] + mex_blas_fortran_iface,
kwargs : mex_kwargs, dependencies : [ blas_dep, lapack_dep ])
shared_module('logarithmic_reduction', [ 'mex/sources/logarithmic_reduction/mexFunction.f08' ] + mex_blas_fortran_iface,
kwargs : mex_kwargs, dependencies : [ blas_dep, lapack_dep ])
shared_module('disclyap_fast', [ 'mex/sources/disclyap_fast/disclyap_fast.f08' ] + mex_blas_fortran_iface,
kwargs : mex_kwargs, dependencies : [ blas_dep, lapack_dep ])
# TODO: Same remark as A_times_B_kronecker_C
shared_module('riccati_update', [ 'mex/sources/riccati_update/mexFunction.f08' ] + mex_blas_fortran_iface,
kwargs : mex_kwargs, dependencies : [ blas_dep, lapack_dep ])
qmc_sequence_src = [ 'mex/sources/sobol/qmc_sequence.cc',
'mex/sources/sobol/sobol.f08' ]
# Hack for statically linking libgfortran
# Since qmc_sequence is a mix of C++ and Fortran, the linker invoked is the C++ one.
# Meson then rightly adds -lgfortran, but the -static-libgfortran flag does not work.
qmc_sequence_mex_kwargs = mex_kwargs
if get_option('prefer_static') and host_machine.system() == 'windows'
qmc_sequence_mex_kwargs += { 'link_args' : qmc_sequence_mex_kwargs.get('link_args') + [ '-Wl,-Bstatic', '-lgfortran', '-Wl,-Bdynamic' ] }
shared_module('qmc_sequence', qmc_sequence_src, kwargs : qmc_sequence_mex_kwargs, dependencies : [ blas_dep, openmp_dep ])
shared_module('kalman_steady_state', 'mex/sources/kalman_steady_state/kalman_steady_state.cc', kwargs : mex_kwargs, dependencies : slicot_dep)
## k-order simulation stuff
kordersim_src = [ 'mex/sources/libkordersim/pascal.f08',
'mex/sources/libkordersim/struct.f08' ] + mex_blas_fortran_iface + pthread_fortran_iface
kordersim_lib = static_library('kordersim', kordersim_src, kwargs : static_library_kwargs, dependencies : [ blas_dep, pthread_fortran_dep ])
shared_module('folded_to_unfolded_dr', 'mex/sources/folded_to_unfolded_dr/mexFunction.f08', kwargs : mex_kwargs, link_with : kordersim_lib)
shared_module('k_order_mean', 'mex/sources/k_order_mean/mexFunction.f08', kwargs : mex_kwargs, link_with : kordersim_lib)
shared_module('k_order_simul', 'mex/sources/k_order_simul/mexFunction.f08', kwargs : mex_kwargs, link_with : kordersim_lib)
shared_module('local_state_space_iteration_2', 'mex/sources/local_state_space_iterations/local_state_space_iteration_2.cc', kwargs : mex_kwargs, dependencies : openmp_dep)
shared_module('local_state_space_iteration_3', 'mex/sources/local_state_space_iterations/local_state_space_iteration_3.f08', kwargs : mex_kwargs, link_with : kordersim_lib)
shared_module('local_state_space_iteration_k', 'mex/sources/local_state_space_iterations/local_state_space_iteration_k.f08', kwargs : mex_kwargs, link_with : kordersim_lib)
## k-order resolution stuff
korder_src = [ 'mex/sources/libkorder/kord/approximation.cc',
'mex/sources/libkorder/dynamic_m.cc' ]
korder_incdir = include_directories('mex/sources/libkorder', 'mex/sources/libkorder/tl', 'mex/sources/libkorder/sylv',
'mex/sources/libkorder/kord', 'mex/sources/libkorder/utils')
korder_lib = static_library('korder', korder_src,
kwargs : static_library_kwargs + { 'include_directories' : static_library_kwargs.get('include_directories') + korder_incdir},
dependencies : [ blas_dep, lapack_dep, dl_dep ])
korder_mex_kwargs = mex_kwargs + { 'include_directories' : mex_kwargs.get('include_directories') + korder_incdir}
shared_module('gensylv', 'mex/sources/gensylv/gensylv.cc', kwargs : korder_mex_kwargs, link_with : korder_lib)
shared_module('k_order_perturbation', 'mex/sources/k_order_perturbation/k_order_perturbation.cc', kwargs : korder_mex_kwargs, link_with : korder_lib)
k_order_welfare_src = [ 'mex/sources/k_order_welfare/k_order_welfare.cc',
'mex/sources/k_order_welfare/objective_m.cc' ]
shared_module('k_order_welfare', k_order_welfare_src, kwargs : korder_mex_kwargs, link_with : korder_lib)
# Unit tests
korder_test_kwargs = { 'include_directories' : [ mex_incdir, korder_incdir ],
'link_args' : exe_link_args,
'build_rpath' : exe_rpath,
'link_with' : korder_lib }
korder_sylv_test_exe = executable('korder_sylv_test', [ 'mex/sources/libkorder/sylv/tests/MMMatrix.cc',
kwargs : korder_test_kwargs)
test('korder_sylv', korder_sylv_test_exe, workdir : meson.current_source_dir() / 'mex/sources/libkorder/sylv/tests', timeout : 0)
korder_tl_test_exe = executable('korder_tl_test', [ 'mex/sources/libkorder/tl/tests/factory.cc',
kwargs : korder_test_kwargs)
test('korder_tl', korder_tl_test_exe, timeout : 0)
korder_kord_test_exe = executable('korder_kord_test', 'mex/sources/libkorder/kord/tests/tests.cc', kwargs : korder_test_kwargs)
test('korder_kord', korder_kord_test_exe, timeout : 0)
## MS-SBVAR stuff
ms_sbvar_src = [ 'contrib/ms-sbvar/utilities_dw/arrays/dw_array.c',
'mex/sources/ms-sbvar/modify_for_mex.cc' ]
ms_sbvar_defs = [ '-DSTRUCTURED_COLUMN_MAJOR' ]
ms_sbvar_incdir = include_directories('contrib/ms-sbvar/utilities_dw/include', 'contrib/ms-sbvar/switch_dw/switching', 'mex/sources/ms-sbvar')
ms_sbvar_lib = static_library('ms_sbvar', ms_sbvar_src,
kwargs : static_library_kwargs + { 'c_args' : static_library_kwargs.get('c_args') + ms_sbvar_defs,
'cpp_args' : static_library_kwargs.get('cpp_args') + ms_sbvar_defs,
'include_directories' : static_library_kwargs.get('include_directories') + ms_sbvar_incdir },
dependencies : [ blas_dep, lapack_dep, gsl_dep, matio_dep, ut_dep ])
# NB: in the following, mex_top_level.cc is put as extra source and not in ms_sbvar_lib,
# to ensure that mexFunction() is present in the MEX
mex_ms_sbvar_kwargs = mex_kwargs + { 'c_args' : mex_kwargs.get('c_args') + ms_sbvar_defs,
'cpp_args' : mex_kwargs.get('cpp_args') + ms_sbvar_defs,
'include_directories' : mex_kwargs.get('include_directories') + ms_sbvar_incdir,
'link_with' : ms_sbvar_lib,
'sources' : 'mex/sources/ms-sbvar/mex_top_level.cc' }
ms_sbvar_create_init_file_src = [ 'contrib/ms-sbvar/switch_dw/state_space/sbvar/create_init_file.c',
'contrib/ms-sbvar/switch_dw/state_space/sbvar/VARio_matlab.c' ]
shared_module('ms_sbvar_create_init_file', ms_sbvar_create_init_file_src, kwargs : mex_ms_sbvar_kwargs, dependencies : matio_dep)
ms_sbvar_command_line_src = [ 'contrib/ms-sbvar/switch_dw/switching/dw_switch_opt.c',
'contrib/ms-sbvar/switch_dw/state_space/sbvar/dw_csminwel.c' ]
shared_module('ms_sbvar_command_line', ms_sbvar_command_line_src, kwargs : mex_ms_sbvar_kwargs, dependencies : [ gsl_dep, matio_dep ])
### Tests implemented as .mod or .m (both integration and unit tests)
mod_and_m_tests = [
{ 'test' : [ 'first_order/walsh.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'first_order/+matlab/+namespace/y_k.m'] },
{ 'test' : [ 'occbin/model_irrcap_twoconstraints/dynrbc.mod',
'occbin/model_irrcap_twoconstraints/dynrbc_0_std_shocks.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'occbin/model_irrcap_twoconstraints/dynrbc_common.inc' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'occbin/model_borrcon/borrcon.mod',
'occbin/model_borrcon/borrcon_0_std_shocks.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'occbin/model_borrcon/borrcon_common.inc' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'occbin/filter/NKM.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'occbin/filter/dataobsfile.mat',
'occbin/filter/NKM_mh_mode_saved.mat' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'occbin/filter/NKM_calib_smoother.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'occbin/filter/dataobsfile.mat' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'occbin/filter/NKM_0_std_shocks.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'occbin/filter/dataobsfile.mat',
'occbin/filter/NKM_mh_mode_saved.mat' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'moments/example1_hp_test.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'moments/fs2000_post_moments.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'moments/example1_order2_pruning.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'lmmcp/rbcii.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'lmmcp/purely_backward.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'lmmcp/purely_forward.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'lmmcp/MCP_ramsey.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'lmmcp/SMOPEC.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'ep/rbc_mc.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/TaRB/fs2000_tarb.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'observation_trends_and_prefiltering/MCMC/Trend_loglinear_no_prefilter_MC.mod',
'observation_trends_and_prefiltering/MCMC/Trend_loglin_no_prefilt_first_obs_MC.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'observation_trends_and_prefiltering/Trend_exp_model_no_prefilter_common.inc',
'observation_trends_and_prefiltering/generate_trend_stationary_AR1.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'dates/dseries_interact.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'dates/data_uav.xlsx' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'dates/fs2000.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'dates/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimizers/fs2000_1.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'optimizers/fs2000.common.inc',
'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimizers/fs2000_2.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'optimizers/fs2000.common.inc',
'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimizers/fs2000_3.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'optimizers/fs2000.common.inc',
'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimizers/fs2000_4.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'optimizers/fs2000.common.inc',
'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimizers/fs2000_4_with_optim.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'optimizers/fs2000.common.inc',
'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimizers/fs2000_5.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'optimizers/fs2000.common.inc',
'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimizers/fs2000_6.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'optimizers/fs2000.common.inc',
'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimizers/fs2000_7.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'optimizers/fs2000.common.inc',
'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimizers/fs2000_8.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'optimizers/fs2000.common.inc',
'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimizers/fs2000_8_with_optim.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'optimizers/fs2000.common.inc',
'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimizers/fs2000_9.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'optimizers/fs2000.common.inc',
'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimizers/fs2000_10.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'optimizers/fs2000.common.inc',
'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimizers/fs2000_101.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'optimizers/fs2000.common.inc',
'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/fs2000.mod',
'optimizers/fs2000_102.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'optimizers/fs2000.common.inc',
'estimation/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimizers/fs2000_w.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'optimizers/fs2000.common.inc',
'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/slice/fs2000_slice.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'analytic_derivatives/fs2000_analytic_derivation.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'analytic_derivatives/BrockMirman_PertParamsDerivs.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'analytic_derivatives/nBrockMirmanSYM.mat' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'analytic_derivatives/burnside_3_order_PertParamsDerivs.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pruning/AnSchorfheide_pruned_state_space.mod',
'pruning/AS_pruned_state_space_red_shock.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'pruning/Andreasen_et_al_2018_Dynare44Pruning_v2.mat'] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pruning/fs2000_pruning.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'measurement_errors/fs2000_corr_me_ml_mcmc/fs2000_corr_ME.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'measurement_errors/fs2000_corr_me_ml_mcmc/fsdat_simul.m'] },
{ 'test' : [ 'TeX/fs2000_corr_ME.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m'] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/MH_recover/fs2000_recover.mod',
'estimation/MH_recover/fs2000_recover_tarb.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/MH_recover/fs2000.common.inc',
'estimation/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/MH_recover/fs2000_recover_2.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/MH_recover/fs2000.common.inc',
'estimation/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/MH_recover/fs2000_recover_3.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/MH_recover/fs2000.common.inc',
'estimation/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/fs2000.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'gsa/ls2003a.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'gsa/data_ca1.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'gsa/ls2003.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'gsa/data_ca1.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'gsa/cod_ML_morris/cod_ML_morris.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'gsa/morris/nk_est.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'gsa/morris/nk_est_data.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/fs2000_MCMC_jumping_covariance.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'ms-sbvar/test_ms_variances_repeated_runs.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'ms-sbvar/msdata.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'fs2000/fs2000.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'ls2003/ls2003_hessian_zero.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'ep/rbc.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'exogenous-observed-variables/preprocessor.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/fs2000_with_weibull_prior.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/fs2000.mod',
'estimation/fs2000_model_comparison.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/fs2000_estimated_params_init.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/fs2000_estimated_params_remove.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/fs2000_fast.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/fs2000.mod',
'estimation/fs2000_init_from_previous.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/ls2003_endog_prior_restrict_estimation.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'gsa/data_ca1.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/independent_mh/fs2000_independent_mh.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/heteroskedastic_shocks/fs2000_het.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/heteroskedastic_shocks/fs2000_het_model.inc',
'estimation/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/heteroskedastic_shocks/fs2000_het_corr.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/heteroskedastic_shocks/fs2000_het_model.inc',
'estimation/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/heteroskedastic_shocks/fs2000_het_sample_restriction.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/heteroskedastic_shocks/fs2000_het_model.inc',
'estimation/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/t_proposal/fs2000_student.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/tune_mh_jscale/fs2000.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/tune_mh_jscale/fs2000.inc',
'estimation/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/method_of_moments/AnScho/AnScho_matched_moments.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/method_of_moments/AnScho/AnScho_MoM_common.inc',
'estimation/method_of_moments/AnScho/AnScho_MoM_data_2.mat' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/method_of_moments/AnScho/AnScho_GMM_estimParams0.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/method_of_moments/AnScho/AnScho_MoM_common.inc',
'estimation/method_of_moments/AnScho/AnScho_MoM_data_2.mat' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/method_of_moments/AnScho/AnScho_GMM_estimParams1.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/method_of_moments/AnScho/AnScho_MoM_common.inc',
'estimation/method_of_moments/AnScho/AnScho_MoM_data_2.mat' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/method_of_moments/AnScho/AnScho_GMM_estimParams2.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/method_of_moments/AnScho/AnScho_MoM_common.inc',
'estimation/method_of_moments/AnScho/AnScho_MoM_data_2.mat' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/method_of_moments/AnScho/AnScho_SMM_estimParams0.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/method_of_moments/AnScho/AnScho_MoM_common.inc',
'estimation/method_of_moments/AnScho/AnScho_MoM_data_2.mat' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/method_of_moments/AnScho/AnScho_SMM_estimParams1.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/method_of_moments/AnScho/AnScho_MoM_common.inc',
'estimation/method_of_moments/AnScho/AnScho_MoM_data_2.mat' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/method_of_moments/AnScho/AnScho_SMM_estimParams2.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/method_of_moments/AnScho/AnScho_MoM_common.inc',
'estimation/method_of_moments/AnScho/AnScho_MoM_data_2.mat' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/method_of_moments/RBC/RBC_MoM_Andreasen.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/method_of_moments/RBC/RBC_MoM_common.inc',
'estimation/method_of_moments/RBC/RBC_MoM_steady_helper.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/method_of_moments/RBC/RBC_MoM_SMM_ME.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/method_of_moments/RBC/RBC_MoM_common.inc',
'estimation/method_of_moments/RBC/RBC_MoM_steady_helper.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/method_of_moments/RBC/RBC_MoM_prefilter.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/method_of_moments/RBC/RBC_MoM_common.inc',
'estimation/method_of_moments/RBC/RBC_MoM_steady_helper.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/method_of_moments/RBC/RBC_MoM_optimizer.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/method_of_moments/RBC/RBC_MoM_common.inc',
'estimation/method_of_moments/RBC/RBC_MoM_steady_helper.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/method_of_moments/RBC/RBC_MoM_GMM_gradient_optim.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/method_of_moments/RBC/RBC_MoM_common.inc',
'estimation/method_of_moments/RBC/RBC_MoM_steady_helper.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/method_of_moments/AFVRR/AFVRR_M0.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/method_of_moments/AFVRR/AFVRR_common.inc',
'estimation/method_of_moments/AFVRR/AFVRR_steady_helper.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/method_of_moments/AFVRR/AFVRR_MFB.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/method_of_moments/AFVRR/AFVRR_common.inc',
'estimation/method_of_moments/AFVRR/AFVRR_steady_helper.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/method_of_moments/AFVRR/AFVRR_MFB_RRA.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/method_of_moments/AFVRR/AFVRR_common.inc',
'estimation/method_of_moments/AFVRR/AFVRR_steady_helper.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/conditional-likelihood/1/fs2000_estimation_exact.mod',
'estimation/conditional-likelihood/1/fs2000_estimation_conditional.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/system_prior_restriction/Gali_2015.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/system_prior_restriction/Gali_2015_PC_slope.m',
'estimation/system_prior_restriction/Gali_2015_prior_restrictions.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/no_init_estimation_check_first_obs/fs2000_init_check.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/no_init_estimation_check_first_obs/fsdat_mat.m',
'estimation/no_init_estimation_check_first_obs/fsdat_simul.m'] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/univariate/nls/staticmodel.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/univariate/nls/dynamicmodel1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/univariate/nls/dynamicmodel2.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'model_info/NKM_3_back.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'model_info/NKM_3_forward.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'moments/example1_var_decomp.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'moments/example1_bp_test.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'moments/test_AR1_spectral_density.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'moments/example1_one_sided_hp_test.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'on-the-fly/ex1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'on-the-fly/ex2.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'on-the-fly/ex3.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'on-the-fly/ex4.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'on-the-fly/ex5.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'on-the-fly/ex6.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'equation_tags/example1_with_tags.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'equation_tags/ramst_static_tag.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'equation_tags/ramst_static_tag_block.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'stochastic_simulations/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'stochastic_simulations/example1_irf_shocks.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'stochastic_simulations/example1long.mod',
'stochastic_simulations/example2long_use_dll.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'stochastic_simulations/example2_simul_replic.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'stochastic_simulations/histval_sto.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'stochastic_simulations/histval_predetermined.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'macro_processor/test_ifndef.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'macro_processor/example1_macro.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'irfs/example1_unit_std.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimal_policy/OSR/osr_example.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimal_policy/OSR/osr_example_objective_correctness.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimal_policy/OSR/osr_objective_correctness_anal_deriv.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimal_policy/OSR/osr_example_obj_corr_non_stat_vars.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimal_policy/OSR/osr_example_param_bounds.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimal_policy/OSR/osr_obj_corr_algo_1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimal_policy/OSR/osr_obj_corr_algo_3.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimal_policy/OSR/osr_obj_corr_algo_4.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimal_policy/OSR/osr_obj_corr_algo_7.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimal_policy/OSR/osr_obj_corr_algo_8.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimal_policy/OSR/osr_obj_corr_algo_9.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimal_policy/ramsey_.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimal_policy/nk_ramsey.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimal_policy/nk_ramsey_model.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimal_policy/nk_ramsey_det.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimal_policy/nk_ramsey_expectation.mod',
'optimal_policy/nk_ramsey_expectation_a.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimal_policy/mult_elimination_test.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimal_policy/neo_growth.mod',
'optimal_policy/neo_growth_ramsey.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'optimal_policy/neo_growth_common.inc',
'optimal_policy/neo_growth_ramsey_common.inc' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimal_policy/neo_growth_k_order.mod',
'optimal_policy/neo_growth_ramsey_k_order.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'optimal_policy/neo_growth_common.inc',
'optimal_policy/neo_growth_ramsey_common.inc' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimal_policy/Ramsey/ramsey_ex_initval.mod',
'optimal_policy/Ramsey/ramsey_ex.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'optimal_policy/Ramsey/find_c.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimal_policy/Ramsey/ramsey_ex_initval_AR2.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimal_policy/Ramsey/ramsey_ex_aux.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'optimal_policy/Ramsey/find_c.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimal_policy/Ramsey/ramsey_histval.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'optimal_policy/Ramsey/find_c.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimal_policy/Ramsey/Gali_commitment.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimal_policy/RamseyConstraints/test1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimal_policy/Ramsey/Ramsey_Example_estimation.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'discretionary_policy/dennis_1.mod',
'discretionary_policy/dennis_1_estim.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'discretionary_policy/Gali_discretion.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'discretionary_policy/Gali_2015_chapter_3.mod',
'discretionary_policy/Gali_2015_chapter_3_nonlinear.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'histval_initval_file/ramst_data_generate.mod',
'histval_initval_file/ramst_initval_file.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'histval_initval_file/ramst_data.xlsx' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'histval_initval_file/ramst_initval_file_with_dseries.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'histval_initval_file/ramst_initval_file_data.m',
'histval_initval_file/ramst_datafile.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'histval_initval_file/sim_exo_lead_lag.mod',
'histval_initval_file/sim_exo_lead_lag_initvalf.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'stat_functions/ramst_normcdf_and_friends_mfile.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'stat_functions/ramst_normcdf_and_friends.inc' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'stat_functions/ramst_normcdf_and_friends_use_dll.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'stat_functions/ramst_normcdf_and_friends.inc' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'stat_functions/ramst_normcdf_and_friends_bytecode.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'stat_functions/ramst_normcdf_and_friends.inc' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'stat_functions/example1_abs_sign.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'preprocessor_checks/comments.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'preprocessor_checks/example1_mlv.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/ramst.mod',
'preprocessor_checks/ramst_model_edit.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'auxiliary_variables/test1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'expectations/expectation.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'expectations/expectation_ss.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'expectations/expectation_ss_old.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'expectations/expectation_ss_old_steadystate.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'expectations/expectation_nested.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'steady_state/walsh1_initval.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'steady_state/walsh1_old_ss.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'steady_state/walsh1_old_ss_steadystate.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'steady_state/walsh1_ssm.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'steady_state/walsh1_ssm_block.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'steady_state/multi_leads.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'steady_state/example1_trust_region.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'steady_state/example1_block_trust_region.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'steady_state/Gali_2015_chapter_6_4.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'steady_state/ramst_solve_algo_0.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'steady_state/fs2000_ssfile.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'steady_state/fs2000_ssfile_aux.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'steady_state_operator/standard.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'steady_state_operator/use_dll.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'steady_state_operator/block.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'steady_state_operator/bytecode_test.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'block_bytecode/ireland.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'block_bytecode/lola_solve_one_boundary.mod',
'block_bytecode/lola_solve_one_boundary_mfs3.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'block_bytecode/lola_common.inc',
'block_bytecode/lola_data.mat' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'k_order_perturbation/fs2000k2a.mod',
'k_order_perturbation/fs2000k3_m.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'k_order_perturbation/fs2000k3_p.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'k_order_perturbation/burnside_k_order.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'k_order_perturbation/fs2000_k_order_simul.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'partial_information/PItest3aHc0PCLsimModPiYrVarobsAll.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'partial_information/PItest3aHc0PCLsimModPiYrVarobsCNR.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'arima/mod1.mod',
'arima/mod1c.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'arima/mod2.mod',
'arima/mod2c.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'data/mod1a.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'data/test.xlsx' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'fs2000/fs2000a.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'fs2000/fs2000c.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'fs2000/fs2000_calib.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'fs2000/fs2000_calib_dseries.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'fs2000/fs2000_missing_data.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'fs2000/fsdat_simul_missing_obs.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'fs2000/fs2000_sd.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'fs2000/fs2000_dseries_a.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'fs2000/fsdat_simul_dseries.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'fs2000/fs2000_dseries_b.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'fs2000/fsdat_simul_dseries.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'steady_state/homotopy/homotopy1_test.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'steady_state/homotopy/common.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'steady_state/homotopy/homotopy2_test.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'steady_state/homotopy/common.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'steady_state/homotopy/homotopy3_test.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'steady_state/homotopy/common.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'bvar_a_la_sims/bvar_standalone.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'bvar_a_la_sims/bvar_sample.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'bvar_a_la_sims/bvar_and_dsge.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'bvar_a_la_sims/bvar_sample.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'AIM/fs2000x10L9_L.mod',
'AIM/fs2000x10L9_L_AIM.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'AIM/fs2000x10_L9_L.mod',
'AIM/fs2000x10_L9_L_AIM.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'AIM/fs2000_b1L1L.mod',
'AIM/fs2000_b1L1L_AIM.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'AIM/ls2003_2L0L.mod',
'AIM/ls2003_2L0L_AIM.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'AIM/ls2003_2L2L.mod',
'AIM/ls2003_2L2L_AIM.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'conditional_variance_decomposition/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'conditional_variance_decomposition/example3.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'conditional_variance_decomposition/example3_steady_state_helper.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'dsge-var/simul_hybrid.mod',
'dsge-var/dsgevar_forward_estimated_lambda.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'external_function/benchmark.mod',
'external_function/extfun_in_mlv.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'external_function/extFunDeriv.m',
'external_function/+matlab/+namespace/extFunWithFirstAndSecondDerivsNamespace.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'minimal_state_space_system/as2007_minimal.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'minimal_state_space_system/sw_minimal.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'identification/kim/kim2.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'identification/as2007/as2007.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'identification/as2007/as2007_kronflags.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'identification/as2007/as2007_QT.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'identification/as2007/G_QT.mat' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'identification/as2007/as2007_QT_equal_autocorr.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'identification/as2007/as2007_order_1_2_3.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'identification/as2007/as2007_order3_no_stoch_simul.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'identification/BrockMirman/BrockMirman.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'identification/cgg/cgg_criteria_differ.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'identification/ident_unit_root/ident_unit_root.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'identification/rbc_ident/rbc_ident_std_as_structural_par.mod',
'identification/rbc_ident/rbc_ident_varexo_only.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'identification/correlated_errors/fs2000_corr.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'identification/forward_looking/forward_looking_empty_ghx.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'identification/forward_looking/forward_looking_common.inc' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'identification/forward_looking/forward_looking_varobs_x.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'identification/forward_looking/forward_looking_common.inc' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'model_diagnostics/example2_block_model_diag.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'perfect_foresight/initval_endval_blocks/initval_endval_test.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'perfect_foresight/initval_endval_blocks/histval_initval_test.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'conditional_forecasts/1/fs2000_cal.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'conditional_forecasts/2/fs2000_est.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'conditional_forecasts/2/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'conditional_forecasts/3/fs2000_conditional_forecast_initval.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'conditional_forecasts/4/fs2000_conditional_forecast_histval.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'conditional_forecasts/5/fs2000_cal.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'conditional_forecasts/6/fs2000_cal.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'recursive/ls2003.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'recursive/data_ca1.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'recursive/ls2003_bayesian.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'recursive/data_ca1.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'recursive/ls2003_bayesian_xls.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'recursive/data_ca1_xls.xlsx' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'recursive/ls2003_bayesian_csv.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'recursive/data_ca1_csv.csv' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'ms-sbvar/test_exclusions.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'ms-sbvar/msdata.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'ms-sbvar/test_exclusions_nc.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'ms-sbvar/msdata.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'ms-sbvar/test_lower_cholesky.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'ms-sbvar/msdata.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'ms-sbvar/test_lower_cholesky_a.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'ms-sbvar/msdata.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'ms-sbvar/test_lower_cholesky_nc.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'ms-sbvar/msdata.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'ms-sbvar/test_upper_cholesky.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'ms-sbvar/msdata.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'ms-sbvar/test_upper_cholesky_nc.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'ms-sbvar/msdata.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'ms-sbvar/test_ms_variances.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'ms-sbvar/msdata.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'ms-dsge/test_ms_dsge.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'kalman/lyapunov/fs2000_lyap.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'kalman/lik_init/fs2000_ns_lik_init_2.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'kalman/lik_init/fs2000_ns_common.inc',
'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'kalman/lik_init/fs2000_ns_lik_init_3.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'kalman/lik_init/fs2000_ns_common.inc',
'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'kalman/lik_init/fs2000_ns_lik_init_5.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'kalman/lik_init/fs2000_ns_common.inc',
'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'kalman/lik_init/fs2000_lik_init_1.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'kalman/lik_init/fs2000_common.inc',
'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'kalman/lik_init/fs2000_lik_init_2.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'kalman/lik_init/fs2000_common.inc',
'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'kalman/lik_init/fs2000_lik_init_3.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'kalman/lik_init/fs2000_common.inc',
'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'kalman/lik_init/fs2000_lik_init_4.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'kalman/lik_init/fs2000_common.inc',
'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'kalman/lik_init/fs2000_lik_init_5.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'kalman/lik_init/fs2000_common.inc',
'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'kalman/block/fs2000.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'kalman/block/fs2000_missing_data.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'fs2000/fsdat_simul_missing_obs.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'kalman_initial_state/fs2000_smoother_only_initial_state.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'kalman_initial_state/fs2000_common.inc',
'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'kalman_initial_state/fs2000_ns_smoother_only_initial_state.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'kalman_initial_state/fs2000_kalman_initial.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'kalman_initial_state/fs2000_common.inc',
'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'kalman_initial_state/fs2000_kalman_initial_2_lag.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'kalman_filter_smoother/gen_data.mod',
'kalman_filter_smoother/fs2000a.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'kalman_filter_smoother/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'kalman_filter_smoother/fs2000_smoother_only.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'kalman_filter_smoother/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'kalman_filter_smoother/fs2000_smoother_only_ns.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'kalman_filter_smoother/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'kalman_filter_smoother/fs2000_smoother_redux.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'kalman_filter_smoother/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'kalman_filter_smoother/test_compute_Pinf_Pstar_data.mod',
'kalman_filter_smoother/test_compute_Pinf_Pstar.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'kalman_filter_smoother/SOE.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'kalman_filter_smoother/SOE_data_file.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'kalman_filter_smoother/check_variable_dimensions/fs2000.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'kalman_filter_smoother/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'kalman_filter_smoother/check_variable_dimensions/fs2000_ML.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'kalman_filter_smoother/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'kalman/likelihood_from_dynare/fs2000_uncorr_ME.mod',
'kalman/likelihood_from_dynare/fs2000_uncorr_ME_missing.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'kalman/likelihood_from_dynare/fs2000_model.inc',
'kalman/likelihood_from_dynare/fs2000_estimation_check.inc' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'kalman/likelihood_from_dynare/fs2000ns_uncorr_ME.mod',
'kalman/likelihood_from_dynare/fs2000ns_uncorr_ME_missing.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'kalman/likelihood_from_dynare/fs2000ns_model.inc',
'kalman/likelihood_from_dynare/fs2000ns_estimation_check.inc' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'second_order/burnside_1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'kalman_filter_smoother/compare_results_simulation/fs2000_ML.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'kalman_filter_smoother/compare_results_simulation/fsdat_simul_logged.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'kalman_filter_smoother/compare_results_simulation/fs2000_ML_loglinear.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'kalman_filter_smoother/fsdat_simul.m',
'kalman_filter_smoother/compare_results_simulation/fsdat_simul_logged.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'kalman_filter_smoother/compare_results_simulation/fs2000.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'kalman_filter_smoother/compare_results_simulation/fsdat_simul_logged.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'kalman_filter_smoother/compare_results_simulation/fs2000_loglinear.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'kalman_filter_smoother/fsdat_simul.m',
'kalman_filter_smoother/compare_results_simulation/fsdat_simul_logged.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'second_order/burnside_1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'second_order/ds1.mod',
'second_order/ds2.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'ep/rbc2.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'ep/mean_preserving_spread.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'ep/rbcii.mod',
'ep/rbcii_MCP.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'ep/rbcii-calibration.inc',
'ep/rbcii_steadystate.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'ep/linearmodel0.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'ep/linearmodel1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'ep/rbc_bytecode.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'stochastic_simulations/example1_noprint.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'stochastic_simulations/example_seeds.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'stochastic-backward-models/solow_cd.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'stochastic-backward-models/solow_ces.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'stochastic-backward-models/solow_cd_with_steadystate.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/ramst.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/ramst_a.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/ramst_mshocks.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/ramst_mshocks_vec.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/predetermined_variables.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/histval_det.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/ramst_vec.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/Solow_no_varexo.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/simul_ZLB_purely_forward.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/simul_ZLB_purely_forward_no_solution.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/Irreversible_investment.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/linear_state_space_arma.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/purely_forward/ar1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/purely_forward/nk.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/purely_backward/ar1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/purely_static/toto.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/rbc_det1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/rbc_det2.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/rbc_det3.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/rbc_det4.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/rbc_det5.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/rbc_det6.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/homotopy.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/homotopy_histval.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/homotopy_endval_steady_linearization.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/homotopy_marginal_linearization.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/rbc_det_exo_lag_2a.mod',
'deterministic_simulations/rbc_det_exo_lag_2c.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/multiple_lead_lags/sim_base.mod',
'deterministic_simulations/multiple_lead_lags/sim_lead_lag.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/ramst_block_mfs1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/linear_approximation/sw.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/multiple_lead_lags/AR2.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/multiple_lead_lags/AR2_forward.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/ramst.mod',
'deterministic_simulations/multiple_lead_lags/ramst_augmented_histval.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/rbc_det.mod',
'deterministic_simulations/rbc_det_stack_solve_algo_7_exo_lead.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/pfwee.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/pfwee.csv' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/pfwee_constant_sim_length.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/pfwee.csv' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/pfwee_learnt_in.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/pfwee_multiple_shocks.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/pfwee_homotopy.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'lmmcp/rbc.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'lmmcp/sw_lmmcp.mod',
'lmmcp/sw_newton.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'lmmcp/sw-common-header.inc',
'lmmcp/sw-common-footer.inc' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'trend_var/fs2000_nonstationary.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'trend_var/fs2000_log_nonstationary.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'decision_rules/third_order/FV2011.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'decision_rules/third_order/comparison_policy_functions_dynare_mathematica.m',
'decision_rules/third_order/FV_2011_policyfunctions.mat' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'decision_rules/example1.mod',
'decision_rules/example1_use_dll.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'decision_rules/example1_results_dyn_432.mat' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'decision_rules/ar_qz_test.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'shock_decomposition/example1_calib_shock_decomp.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'shock_decomposition/example1_calib_shock_decomp_data.mat' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'shock_decomposition/fs2000_est.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'shock_decomposition/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'shock_decomposition/fs2000_est_varlist.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'shock_decomposition/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'shock_decomposition/fs2000_cal_groups.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'shock_decomposition/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'shock_decomposition/ls2003_plot.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'ls2003/data_ca1.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'shock_decomposition/shock_decomp_backward.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'stochastic_purely_forward/stochastic_purely_forward.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'stochastic_purely_forward/stochastic_purely_forward_with_static.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'forecast/example1_varexo_det.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'forecast/Hansen_exo_det_forecast.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'forecast/linear_exo_det_forecast.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'forecast/ls2003_rolling_window_forecast.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'recursive/data_ca1.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'gradient/fs2000_numgrad_13.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'gradient/fs2000_numgrad_15.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'gradient/fs2000_numgrad_2.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'gradient/fs2000_numgrad_3.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'gradient/fs2000_numgrad_5.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'filter_step_ahead/fs2000_filter_step_ahead_bayesian.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'filter_step_ahead/fs2000_filter_step_ahead_ML.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'filter_step_ahead/trend_cycle_decomposition.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'filter_step_ahead/trend_cycle_decomposition_data.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'loglinear/example4_exp.mod',
'loglinear/example4_loglinear.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'loglinear/example4_loglinear_lagged_exogenous.mod',
'loglinear/example4_loglinear_lagged_exogenous_a.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'loglinear/example4_exp_histval.mod',
'loglinear/example4_loglinear_histval.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'smoother2histval/fs2000_smooth.mod',
'smoother2histval/fs2000_simul.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'smoother2histval/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'smoother2histval/fs2000_smooth_stoch_simul.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'smoother2histval/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'smoother2histval/fs2000_smooth_ML.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'smoother2histval/fsdat_simul.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'epilogue/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'differentiate_forward_vars/RBC_differentiate_forward.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'partitioning/partitions.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'prior_posterior_function/fs2000_prior_posterior_function.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m',
'prior_posterior_function/posterior_function_demo.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'observation_trends_and_prefiltering/ML/Trend_loglinear_no_prefilter.mod',
'observation_trends_and_prefiltering/ML/Trend_loglinear_no_prefilter_first_obs.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'observation_trends_and_prefiltering/Trend_exp_model_no_prefilter_common.inc',
'observation_trends_and_prefiltering/generate_trend_stationary_AR1.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'observation_trends_and_prefiltering/ML/Trend_loglinear_prefilter.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'observation_trends_and_prefiltering/Trend_exp_model_prefilter_common.inc',
'observation_trends_and_prefiltering/generate_trend_stationary_AR1.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'observation_trends_and_prefiltering/ML/Trend_loglinear_prefilter_first_obs.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'observation_trends_and_prefiltering/Trend_exp_model_prefilter_common.inc',
'observation_trends_and_prefiltering/generate_trend_stationary_AR1.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'observation_trends_and_prefiltering/ML/Trend_no_prefilter.mod',
'observation_trends_and_prefiltering/ML/Trend_no_prefilter_first_obs.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'observation_trends_and_prefiltering/Trend_model_no_prefilter_common.inc',
'observation_trends_and_prefiltering/generate_trend_stationary_AR1.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'observation_trends_and_prefiltering/ML/Trend_prefilter.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'observation_trends_and_prefiltering/Trend_model_prefilter_common.inc',
'observation_trends_and_prefiltering/generate_trend_stationary_AR1.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'observation_trends_and_prefiltering/ML/Trend_prefilter_first_obs.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'observation_trends_and_prefiltering/Trend_model_prefilter_common.inc',
'observation_trends_and_prefiltering/generate_trend_stationary_AR1.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'observation_trends_and_prefiltering/ML/Trend_no_prefilter_selected_var.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'observation_trends_and_prefiltering/generate_trend_stationary_AR1.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'observation_trends_and_prefiltering/calib_smoother/Tr_no_prefilter_calib_smoother.mod',
'observation_trends_and_prefiltering/calib_smoother/Tr_prefilt_first_obs_cal_smooth.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'observation_trends_and_prefiltering/Trend_exp_model_calib_no_prefilter_common.inc',
'observation_trends_and_prefiltering/generate_trend_stationary_AR1.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'bgp/solow-1/solow.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'bgp/nk-1/nk.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'bgp/ramsey-1/ramsey.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'model-inversion/bk-1/solow_ces.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'model-inversion/bk-2/solow_ces.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'model-inversion/bk-3a/varmodel.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'model-inversion/bk-3a-nlsolve/varmodel.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'model-inversion/bk-3b/varmodel.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'model-inversion/bk-3b-nlsolve/varmodel.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'model-inversion/bk-4/varmodel.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'model-inversion/bk-4-nlsolve/varmodel.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'model-inversion/bk-5/varmodel.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'model-inversion/bk-5-nlsolve/varmodel.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'model-inversion/bk-6/varmodel.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'model-inversion/bk-7/varmodel.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'model-inversion/bk-8/varmodel.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'model-inversion/bk-9/msm1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'model-inversion/bk-9/msm2.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'model-inversion/bk-diff-1/varmodel.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'model-inversion/bk-diff-2/varmodel.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'model-inversion/bk-diff-3/varmodel.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'model-inversion/bk-diff-4/varmodel.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'model-inversion/bk-diff-5/varmodel.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'model-inversion/nk-1/simulate.mod',
'model-inversion/nk-1/invert.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'model-inversion/nk-2/simulate.mod',
'model-inversion/nk-2/z_check_inversion.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'dynare-command-options/ramst.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'log_transform/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/ramst.mod',
'log_transform/ramst.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'log_transform/fs2000_nonstationary.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'log_transform/nk_ramsey.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'solve_algo_12_14/simul_backward_reference.mod',
'solve_algo_12_14/simul_backward_14.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'solve_algo_12_14/simul_backward_common.inc',
'solve_algo_12_14/backward_model.inc' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'solve_algo_12_14/purely_backward_reference.mod',
'solve_algo_12_14/purely_backward_14.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'solve_algo_12_14/purely_backward_common.inc',
'solve_algo_12_14/backward_model.inc' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'solve_algo_12_14/purely_static_reference.mod',
'solve_algo_12_14/purely_static_14.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'solve_algo_12_14/purely_static_common.inc' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'solve_algo_12_14/purely_forward_reference.mod',
'solve_algo_12_14/purely_forward_14.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'solve_algo_12_14/purely_forward_common.inc' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimal_policy/Ramsey/ramsey_ex_initval.mod',
'deprecated/ramsey_ex.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'deterministic_simulations/ramst.mod',
'deprecated/ramst.mod' ] },
# ECB modfiles
{ 'test' : [ 'var-expectations/1/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'var-expectations/1-with-time-shift-a/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'var-expectations/2/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'var-expectations/2-with-time-shift/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'var-expectations/3/example1.mod',
'var-expectations/4/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'var-expectations/3-with-time-shift/example1.mod',
'var-expectations/4-with-time-shift/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'var-expectations/5/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'var-expectations/5-with-time-shift/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'var-expectations/6/example1.mod',
'var-expectations/6/substitution.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'var-expectations/6-with-time-shift/example1.mod',
'var-expectations/6-with-time-shift/substitution.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'var-expectations/7/example1.mod',
'var-expectations/7/substitution.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'var-expectations/8/example1.mod',
'var-expectations/8/substitution.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'var-expectations/9/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'var-expectations/10/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'var-expectations/11/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'var-expectations/12/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'trend-component-and-var-models/vm1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'trend-component-and-var-models/vm2.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'trend-component-and-var-models/vm3.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'trend-component-and-var-models/vm4.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'trend-component-and-var-models/vm5.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'trend-component-and-var-models/tcm1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'trend-component-and-var-models/tcm2.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'trend-component-and-var-models/tcm3.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'trend-component-and-var-models/tcm4.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'trend-component-and-var-models/tcm5.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'trend-component-and-var-models/tcm6.mod',
'trend-component-and-var-models/tcm8.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'trend-component-and-var-models/tcm9.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'trend-component-and-var-models/tcm10.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'trend-component-and-var-models/tcm11.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'trend-component-and-var-models/tcm12.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'trend-component-and-var-models/legacy/vm1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'trend-component-and-var-models/legacy/vm2.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'trend-component-and-var-models/legacy/vm3.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'trend-component-and-var-models/legacy/tcm1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'trend-component-and-var-models/legacy/tcm2.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'trend-component-and-var-models/legacy/tcm3.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'trend-component-and-var-models/legacy/tcm4.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'trend-component-and-var-models/legacy/tcm5.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/var-1/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/var-2/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/var-3/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/var-4/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/var-5/example1.mod',
'pac/var-5/substitution.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/var-6/example1.mod',
'pac/var-6/substitution.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/var-7/example1.mod',
'pac/var-7/substitution.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/var-8/example1.mod',
'pac/var-8/substitution.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/var-8e/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/var-9/example1.mod',
'pac/var-9/substitution.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/var-9e/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/var-10e/example1.mod',
'pac/var-10e/example2.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/var-11e/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/var-12/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/var-12/example2.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/var-12/example3.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/var-12/example4.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/var-12/example5.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/var-12/example11.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/var-12/example12.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-1/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-2/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-3/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-4/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-5/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-6/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-7/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-9/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-10/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-11/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-12/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-13a/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-13b/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-14/example1.mod',
'pac/trend-component-14/substitution.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-15/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-16/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-17/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-18/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-19/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-19/example2.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-19/example3.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-19-growth-lin-comb/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-1-mce/example_det.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-1-mce/example_sto.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-2-mce/example_det.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-2-mce/example_sto.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-20-1/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-20-2/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-20-3/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-20-4/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-21/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-22/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-23/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-24/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-25/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-26/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-27/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-28/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-28/example2.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-28/example3.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-28/example4.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-28/example5.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-28/example6.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-29/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-29/example2.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'pac/trend-component-30/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'write/example1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'ecb/backward-models/irf/solow_1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'ecb/backward-models/irf/solow_2.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'ecb/cherrypick/test1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'ecb/cherrypick/test2.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'ecb/contribution-plots/contrib1.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'ecb/contribution-plots/contrib2.mod' ] },
# OLS modfiles
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/univariate/bayesian.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/univariate/data.csv' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/univariate/bayesian_param_names.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/univariate/data.csv' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'ecb/SURGibbs/fulton_fish.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'ecb/SURGibbs/fishdata.csv' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/univariate/ols/ols_wc_1.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/univariate/ols/mc-ols.inc' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/univariate/ols/ols_wc_2.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/univariate/ols/mc-ols.inc' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/univariate/ols/ols_wc_3.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/univariate/ols/mc-ols.inc' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/univariate/ols/ols_date_range.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/univariate/ols/mc-ols.inc' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/univariate/ols/ols_param_names.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/univariate/ols/mc-ols.inc' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/univariate/ols/ols_base.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/univariate/ols/mc-ols.inc' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'ecb/SUR/sur_noniterative.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'ecb/SUR/sur_params_noniterative.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'ecb/SUR/panel_var_diff_NB_simulation_test.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'ecb/SUR/panel_var_diff_NB_simulation_zero_eq.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'ecb/pooled_ols/panel_var_diff_NB_simulation_test.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'ecb/pooled_ols/test_param_names.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'ecb/pooled_fgls/panel_var_diff_NB_simulation_test.mod' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'ecb/pooled_fgls/test_param_names.mod' ] },
# Particle files
{ 'test' : [ 'particle/dsge_base2.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'particle/risky.m',
'particle/benchmark.m' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'particle/first_spec.mod',
'particle/local_state_space_iteration_3_test.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'particle/first_spec_common.inc' ] },
{ 'test' : [ 'particle/first_spec_MCMC.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'particle/first_spec_common.inc' ] },
# Expected failures
{ 'test' : [ 'preprocessor_checks/ramst_all_values_required_xfail.mod' ],
'should_fail' : true },
{ 'test' : [ 'preprocessor_checks/example1_undeclared_vars_xfail.mod' ],
'should_fail' : true },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/estim_param_in_shock_value_xfail.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/fsdat_simul.m' ],
'should_fail' : true },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimal_policy/Ramsey/ramsey_ex_wrong_ss_file_xfail.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'optimal_policy/Ramsey/find_c.m' ],
'should_fail' : true },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/fs2000_mixed_ML_xfail.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/fsdat_simul.m' ],
'should_fail' : true },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/fs2000_stochastic_singularity_xfail.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/fsdat_simul.m' ],
'should_fail' : true },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/heteroskedastic_shocks/fs2000_het_XFAIL.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/heteroskedastic_shocks/fs2000_het_model.inc',
'estimation/fsdat_simul.m' ],
'should_fail' : true },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/heteroskedastic_shocks/fs2000_het_XFAIL2.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/heteroskedastic_shocks/fs2000_het_model.inc',
'estimation/fsdat_simul.m' ],
'should_fail' : true },
{ 'test' : [ 'identification/ident_unit_root/ident_unit_root_xfail.mod' ],
'should_fail' : true },
{ 'test' : [ 'identification/LindeTrabandt/LindeTrabandt2019_xfail.mod' ],
'should_fail' : true },
{ 'test' : [ 'steady_state/Linear_steady_state_xfail.mod' ],
'should_fail' : true },
{ 'test' : [ 'optimal_policy/Ramsey/ramsey_histval_xfail.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'optimal_policy/Ramsey/find_c.m' ],
'should_fail' : true },
{ 'test' : [ 'occbin/model_irrcap_twoconstraints/dynrbc_token_xfail.mod' ],
'should_fail' : true },
{ 'test' : [ 'particle/first_spec_xfail_0.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'particle/first_spec_common.inc' ],
'should_fail' : true },
{ 'test' : [ 'particle/first_spec_xfail_1.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'particle/first_spec_common.inc' ],
'should_fail' : true },
{ 'test' : [ 'kalman_initial_state/fs2000_kalman_initial_xfail.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'kalman_initial_state/fs2000_common.inc',
'fs2000/fsdat_simul.m' ],
'should_fail' : true },
{ 'test' : [ 'preprocessor_checks/example1_extra_exo_xfail.mod' ],
'should_fail' : true },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/tune_mh_jscale/fs2000_1_xfail.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/tune_mh_jscale/fs2000.inc',
'estimation/fsdat_simul.m' ],
'should_fail' : true },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/tune_mh_jscale/fs2000_2_xfail.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/tune_mh_jscale/fs2000.inc',
'estimation/fsdat_simul.m' ],
'should_fail' : true },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/no_init_estimation_check_first_obs/fs2000_init_check_XFAIL.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/no_init_estimation_check_first_obs/fsdat_mat.m',
'estimation/no_init_estimation_check_first_obs/fsdat_simul.m' ],
'should_fail' : true },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/no_init_estimation_check_first_obs/fs2000_init_check_XFAIL2.mod' ],
'extra' : [ 'estimation/no_init_estimation_check_first_obs/fsdat_mat_XFAIL.m',
'estimation/no_init_estimation_check_first_obs/fsdat_simul.m' ],
'should_fail' : true },
{ 'test' : [ 'var-expectations/1-with-time-shift-b/example1.mod' ],
'should_fail' : true },
{ 'test' : [ 'estimation/univariate/nls/staticmodelx.mod' ],
'should_fail' : true }
base_test_driver_args = [ get_option('build_for') ]
if get_option('build_for') == 'matlab'
base_test_driver_args += [ matlab_exe.full_path(), matlab_version, matlab_arch ]
base_test_driver_args += [ octave_exe.full_path(), octave_version, '' ]
base_test_driver_args += [ meson.current_source_dir(), meson.current_build_dir() ]
test_driver_exe = files('scripts/test-driver')
foreach t : mod_and_m_tests
test_driver_args = base_test_driver_args + t['test']
if t.has_key('extra')
test_driver_args += [ '--' ] + t['extra']
test_name = t['test'][-1] # Use the last test file as the test name
should_fail = t.get('should_fail', false)
test(test_name, test_driver_exe, args : test_driver_args, should_fail : should_fail, timeout : 0)