
64 lines
2.1 KiB

program trust_region_test
use trust_region
use iso_fortran_env
implicit none
real(real64), dimension(2), parameter :: rosenbrock_guess = [ -10**4, 1 ]
real(real64), dimension(2), parameter :: rosenbrock_solution = [ 1, 1 ]
real(real64), dimension(2) :: rosenbrock_x
real(real64), dimension(4), parameter :: powell1_guess = [ 3, -1, 0, 1 ]
real(real64), dimension(4), parameter :: powell1_solution = 0
real(real64), dimension(4) :: powell1_x
integer :: info
rosenbrock_x = rosenbrock_guess
call trust_region_solve(rosenbrock_x, rosenbrock, info)
if (info /= 1 .or. maxval(abs(rosenbrock_x - rosenbrock_solution)) > 1e-11_real64) &
error stop "Failed to solve rosenbrock"
powell1_x = powell1_guess
call trust_region_solve(powell1_x, powell1, info, tolf = 1e-8_real64)
if (info /= 1 .or. maxval(abs(rosenbrock_x - rosenbrock_solution)) > 4e-5_real64) &
error stop "Failed to solve powell1"
subroutine rosenbrock(x, fvec, fjac)
real(real64), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x
real(real64), dimension(size(x)), intent(out) :: fvec
real(real64), dimension(size(x),size(x)), intent(out), optional :: fjac
fvec(1) = 1 - x(1)
fvec(2) = 10*(x(2)-x(1)**2)
if (present(fjac)) then
fjac(1,1) = -1
fjac(1,2) = 0
fjac(2,1) = -20*x(1)
fjac(2,2) = 10
end if
end subroutine rosenbrock
subroutine powell1(x, fvec, fjac)
real(real64), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x
real(real64), dimension(size(x)), intent(out) :: fvec
real(real64), dimension(size(x),size(x)), intent(out), optional :: fjac
fvec(1) = x(1)+10*x(2)
fvec(2) = sqrt(5._real64)*(x(3)-x(4))
fvec(3) = (x(2)-2*x(3))**2
fvec(4) = sqrt(10._real64)*(x(1)-x(4))**2
if (present(fjac)) then
fjac(1,1) = 1
fjac(1,2) = 10
fjac(2,3) = sqrt(5._real64)
fjac(2,4) = -fjac(2,3)
fjac(3,2) = 2*(x(2)-2*x(3))
fjac(3,3) = -2*fjac(3,2)
fjac(4,1) = 2*sqrt(10._real64)*(x(1)-x(4))
fjac(4,4) = -fjac(4,1)
end if
end subroutine powell1
end program trust_region_test