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function invp = norm_inv(x, m, sd)
% PURPOSE: computes the quantile (inverse of the CDF)
% for each component of x with mean m, standard deviation sd
% USAGE: invp = norm_inv(x,m,v)
% where: x = variable vector (nx1)
% m = mean vector (default=0)
% sd = standard deviation vector (default=1)
% RETURNS: invp (nx1) vector
% SEE ALSO: norm_d, norm_rnd, norm_inv, norm_cdf
% Written by KH (Kurt.Hornik@ci.tuwien.ac.at) on Oct 26, 1994
% Copyright Dept of Probability Theory and Statistics TU Wien
% Converted to MATLAB by JP LeSage, jpl@jpl.econ.utoledo.edu
if nargin > 3
error ('Wrong # of arguments to norm_inv');
[r, c] = size (x);
s = r * c;
if (nargin == 1)
m = zeros(1,s);
sd = ones(1,s);
if length(m)==1,
m = repmat(m,1,s);
if length(sd)==1,
sd = repmat(sd,1,s);
x = reshape(x,1,s);
m = reshape(m,1,s);
sd = reshape(sd,1,s);
invp = zeros (1,s);
invp = m + sd .* (sqrt(2) * erfinv(2 * x - 1));
invp = reshape (invp, r, c);