
532 lines
24 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2010 Dynare Team
* This file is part of Dynare.
* Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Dynare. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include "Vector.hh"
#include "Matrix.hh"
#include "LogPosteriorDensity.hh"
#include "RandomWalkMetropolisHastings.hh"
#include "mex.h"
#include "mat.h"
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN32__) || defined(WINDOWS)
fillEstParamsInfo(const mxArray *estim_params_info, EstimatedParameter::pType type,
std::vector<EstimatedParameter> &estParamsInfo)
// execute once only
static const mxArray *bayestopt_ = mexGetVariablePtr("global", "bayestopt_");
static const mxArray *bayestopt_ubp = mxGetField(bayestopt_, 0, "ub"); // upper bound
static const mxArray *bayestopt_lbp = mxGetField(bayestopt_, 0, "lb"); // lower bound
static const mxArray *bayestopt_p1p = mxGetField(bayestopt_, 0, "p1"); // prior mean
static const mxArray *bayestopt_p2p = mxGetField(bayestopt_, 0, "p2"); // prior standard deviation
static const mxArray *bayestopt_p3p = mxGetField(bayestopt_, 0, "p3"); // lower bound
static const mxArray *bayestopt_p4p = mxGetField(bayestopt_, 0, "p4"); // upper bound
static const mxArray *bayestopt_p6p = mxGetField(bayestopt_, 0, "p6"); // first hyper-parameter (\alpha for the BETA and GAMMA distributions, s for the INVERSE GAMMAs, expectation for the GAUSSIAN distribution, lower bound for the UNIFORM distribution).
static const mxArray *bayestopt_p7p = mxGetField(bayestopt_, 0, "p7"); // second hyper-parameter (\beta for the BETA and GAMMA distributions, \nu for the INVERSE GAMMAs, standard deviation for the GAUSSIAN distribution, upper bound for the UNIFORM distribution).
static const mxArray *bayestopt_jscalep = mxGetField(bayestopt_, 0, "jscale"); // MCMC jump scale
static const size_t bayestopt_size = mxGetM(bayestopt_);
static const VectorConstView bayestopt_ub(mxGetPr(bayestopt_ubp), bayestopt_size, 1);
static const VectorConstView bayestopt_lb(mxGetPr(bayestopt_lbp), bayestopt_size, 1);
static const VectorConstView bayestopt_p1(mxGetPr(bayestopt_p1p), bayestopt_size, 1); //=mxGetField(bayestopt_, 0, "p1");
static const VectorConstView bayestopt_p2(mxGetPr(bayestopt_p2p), bayestopt_size, 1); //=mxGetField(bayestopt_, 0, "p2");
static const VectorConstView bayestopt_p3(mxGetPr(bayestopt_p3p), bayestopt_size, 1); //=mxGetField(bayestopt_, 0, "p3");
static const VectorConstView bayestopt_p4(mxGetPr(bayestopt_p4p), bayestopt_size, 1); //=mxGetField(bayestopt_, 0, "p4");
static const VectorConstView bayestopt_p6(mxGetPr(bayestopt_p6p), bayestopt_size, 1); //=mxGetField(bayestopt_, 0, "p6");
static const VectorConstView bayestopt_p7(mxGetPr(bayestopt_p7p), bayestopt_size, 1); //=mxGetField(bayestopt_, 0, "p7");
static const VectorConstView bayestopt_jscale(mxGetPr(bayestopt_jscalep), bayestopt_size, 1); //=mxGetField(bayestopt_, 0, "jscale");
// loop processsing
size_t m = mxGetM(estim_params_info), n = mxGetN(estim_params_info);
MatrixConstView epi(mxGetPr(estim_params_info), m, n, m);
size_t bayestopt_count = estParamsInfo.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < m; i++)
size_t col = 0;
size_t id1 = (size_t) epi(i, col++) - 1;
size_t id2 = 0;
if (type == EstimatedParameter::shock_Corr
|| type == EstimatedParameter::measureErr_Corr)
id2 = (size_t) epi(i, col++) - 1;
col++; // Skip init_val #2 or #3
double par_low_bound = bayestopt_lb(bayestopt_count); col++; //#3 epi(i, col++);
double par_up_bound = bayestopt_ub(bayestopt_count); col++; //#4 epi(i, col++);
Prior::pShape shape = (Prior::pShape) epi(i, col++);
double mean = epi(i, col++);
double std = epi(i, col++);
double low_bound = bayestopt_p3(bayestopt_count);
double up_bound = bayestopt_p4(bayestopt_count);
double fhp = bayestopt_p6(bayestopt_count); // double p3 = epi(i, col++);
double shp = bayestopt_p7(bayestopt_count); // double p4 = epi(i, col++);
Prior *p = Prior::constructPrior(shape, mean, std, low_bound, up_bound, fhp, shp); //1.0,INFINITY);//p3, p4);
// Only one subsample
std::vector<size_t> subSampleIDs;
estParamsInfo.push_back(EstimatedParameter(type, id1, id2, subSampleIDs,
par_low_bound, par_up_bound, p));
sampleMHMC(LogPosteriorDensity &lpd, RandomWalkMetropolisHastings &rwmh,
Matrix &steadyState, Vector &estParams, Vector &deepParams, const MatrixConstView &data, Matrix &Q, Matrix &H,
const size_t presampleStart, int &info, const VectorConstView &nruns, const size_t fblock, const size_t nBlocks,
const Matrix &Jscale, Prior &drawDistribution, EstimatedParametersDescription &epd,
const std::string &resultsFileStem, size_t console_mode, size_t load_mh_file)
enum {iMin, iMax};
std::vector<size_t> OpenOldFile(nBlocks, 0);
size_t jloop = 0, irun, j; // counters
double dsum, dmax, dmin, sux = 0, jsux = 0;
std::string mhFName;
std::stringstream ssFName;
MATFile *drawmat; // MCMC draws output file pointer
FILE *fidlog; // log file
int matfStatus;
size_t npar = estParams.getSize();
Matrix MinMax(npar, 2);
const mxArray *myinputs = mexGetVariablePtr("caller", "myinputs");
const mxArray *InitSizeArrayPtr = mxGetField(myinputs, 0, "InitSizeArray");
const VectorConstView InitSizeArrayVw(mxGetPr(InitSizeArrayPtr), nBlocks, 1);
Vector InitSizeArray(InitSizeArrayVw.getSize());
InitSizeArray = InitSizeArrayVw;
const mxArray *flinePtr = mxGetField(myinputs, 0, "fline");
VectorView fline(mxGetPr(flinePtr), nBlocks, 1);
const mxArray *NewFileArrayPtr = mxGetField(myinputs, 0, "NewFile");
VectorView NewFileVw(mxGetPr(NewFileArrayPtr), nBlocks, 1);
Vector NewFile(NewFileVw.getSize());
NewFile = NewFileVw;
const mxArray *MAX_nrunsPtr = mxGetField(myinputs, 0, "MAX_nruns");
const size_t MAX_nruns = (size_t) mxGetScalar(MAX_nrunsPtr);
const mxArray *blockStartParamsPtr = mxGetField(myinputs, 0, "ix2");
MatrixView blockStartParamsMxVw(mxGetPr(blockStartParamsPtr), nBlocks, npar, nBlocks);
Vector startParams(npar);
mxArray *mxFirstLogLikPtr = mxGetField(myinputs, 0, "ilogpo2");
VectorView FirstLogLiK(mxGetPr(mxFirstLogLikPtr), nBlocks, 1);
const mxArray *record = mxGetField(myinputs, 0, "record");
const mxArray *AcceptationRatesPtr = mxGetField(record, 0, "AcceptationRates");
VectorView AcceptationRates(mxGetPr(AcceptationRatesPtr), nBlocks, 1);
mxArray *mxLastParametersPtr = mxGetField(record, 0, "LastParameters");
MatrixView LastParameters(mxGetPr(mxLastParametersPtr), nBlocks, npar, nBlocks);
LastParameters = blockStartParamsMxVw;
mxArray *mxLastLogLikPtr = mxGetField(record, 0, "LastLogLiK");
VectorView LastLogLiK(mxGetPr(mxLastLogLikPtr), nBlocks, 1);
mxArray *mxMhLogPostDensPtr = 0;
mxArray *mxMhParamDrawsPtr = 0;
size_t currInitSizeArray = 0;
// Waitbar
mxArray *waitBarRhs[3], *waitBarLhs[1];
waitBarRhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, 1, mxREAL);
std::string barTitle;
std::stringstream ssbarTitle;
ssbarTitle << "Please wait... Metropolis-Hastings " << fblock << "/" << nBlocks << " ...";
barTitle = ssbarTitle.str();
waitBarRhs[1] = mxCreateString(barTitle.c_str());
//strcpy( *mxGetPr(waitBarRhs[1]), mhFName.c_str());
*mxGetPr(waitBarRhs[0]) = (double) 0.0;
mexCallMATLAB(1, waitBarLhs, 2, waitBarRhs, "waitbar");
if (waitBarRhs[1])
// *mxGetPr(waitBarRhs[1])=*mxGetPr(waitBarLhs[0]);
waitBarRhs[1] = waitBarLhs[0];
for (size_t b = fblock; b <= nBlocks; ++b)
jloop = jloop+1;
if ((load_mh_file != 0) && (fline(b) > 1) && OpenOldFile[b])
// load(['./' MhDirectoryName '/' ModelName '_mh' int2str(NewFile(b)) '_blck' int2str(b) '.mat'])
ssFName << resultsFileStem << DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR << "metropolis" << DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR << resultsFileStem << "_mh" << (size_t) NewFile(b-1) << "_blck" << b << ".mat";
mhFName = ssFName.str();
drawmat = matOpen(mhFName.c_str(), "r");
mexPrintf("MH: Open mhFName.c_str %s \n", mhFName.c_str());
if (drawmat == 0)
fline(b) = 1;
mexPrintf("Error in MH: Can not open old draws Mat file for reading: %s \n \
Starting a new file instead! \n", mhFName.c_str());
currInitSizeArray = (size_t) InitSizeArray(b-1);
mxMhParamDrawsPtr = matGetVariable(drawmat, "x2");
mxMhLogPostDensPtr = matGetVariable(drawmat, "logpo2");
OpenOldFile[b] = 1;
} // end if
ssbarTitle << "Please wait... Metropolis-Hastings " << b << "/" << nBlocks << " ...";
barTitle = ssbarTitle.str();
waitBarRhs[2] = mxCreateString(barTitle.c_str());
//strcpy( *mxGetPr(waitBarRhs[1]), mhFName.c_str());
*mxGetPr(waitBarRhs[0]) = (double) 0.0;
mexCallMATLAB(0, NULL, 3, waitBarRhs, "waitbar");
VectorView LastParametersRow = mat::get_row(LastParameters, b-1);
sux = 0.0;
jsux = 0;
irun = (size_t) fline(b-1);
j = 0; //1;
while (j < nruns(b-1))
if ((currInitSizeArray != (size_t) InitSizeArray(b-1)) && OpenOldFile[b] != 1)
mexPrintf(" Init 2 Arrays\n");
// new or different size result arrays/matrices
currInitSizeArray = (size_t) InitSizeArray(b-1);
if (mxMhLogPostDensPtr)
mxDestroyArray(mxMhLogPostDensPtr); // log post density array
mxMhLogPostDensPtr = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(currInitSizeArray, 1, mxREAL);
if (mxMhParamDrawsPtr)
mxDestroyArray(mxMhParamDrawsPtr); // accepted MCMC MH draws
mxMhParamDrawsPtr = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(currInitSizeArray, npar, mxREAL);
startParams = LastParametersRow;
VectorView mhLogPostDens(mxGetPr(mxMhLogPostDensPtr), currInitSizeArray, (size_t) 1);
MatrixView mhParamDraws(mxGetPr(mxMhParamDrawsPtr), currInitSizeArray, npar, currInitSizeArray);
jsux = rwmh.compute(mhLogPostDens, mhParamDraws, steadyState, startParams, deepParams, data, Q, H,
presampleStart, info, irun, currInitSizeArray, Jscale, lpd, drawDistribution, epd);
irun = currInitSizeArray;
sux += jsux*currInitSizeArray;
j += currInitSizeArray; //j=j+1;
// if exist('OCTAVE_VERSION') ||
if (console_mode)
mexPrintf(" MH: Computing Metropolis-Hastings (chain %d/%d): %3.f \b%% done, acceptance rate: %3.f \b%%\r", b, nBlocks, 100 * j/nruns(b-1), 100 * sux / j);
// Waitbar
ssbarTitle << "Metropolis-Hastings : " << b << "/" << nBlocks << " Acceptance: " << 100 * sux/j << "%";
barTitle = ssbarTitle.str();
waitBarRhs[2] = mxCreateString(barTitle.c_str());
*mxGetPr(waitBarRhs[0]) = j / nruns(b-1);
mexCallMATLAB(0, NULL, 3, waitBarRhs, "waitbar");
// % Now I save the simulations
// save draw 2 mat file ([MhDirectoryName '/' ModelName '_mh' int2str(NewFile(b)) '_blck' int2str(b) '.mat'],'x2','logpo2');
ssFName << resultsFileStem << DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR << "metropolis" << DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR << resultsFileStem << "_mh" << (size_t) NewFile(b-1) << "_blck" << b << ".mat";
mhFName = ssFName.str();
drawmat = matOpen(mhFName.c_str(), "w");
if (drawmat == 0)
mexPrintf("Error in MH: Can not open draws Mat file for writing: %s \n", mhFName.c_str());
matfStatus = matPutVariable(drawmat, "x2", mxMhParamDrawsPtr);
if (matfStatus)
mexPrintf("Error in MH: Can not use draws Mat file for writing: %s \n", mhFName.c_str());
matfStatus = matPutVariable(drawmat, "logpo2", mxMhLogPostDensPtr);
if (matfStatus)
mexPrintf("Error in MH: Can not usee draws Mat file for writing: %s \n", mhFName.c_str());
// save log to fidlog = fopen([MhDirectoryName '/metropolis.log'],'a');
ssFName << resultsFileStem << DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR << "metropolis" << DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR << "metropolis.log";
mhFName = ssFName.str();
fidlog = fopen(mhFName.c_str(), "a");
fprintf(fidlog, "\n");
fprintf(fidlog, "%% Mh%dBlck%d ( %s %s )\n", (int) NewFile(b-1), b, __DATE__, __TIME__);
fprintf(fidlog, " \n");
fprintf(fidlog, " Number of simulations.: %d \n", currInitSizeArray); // (length(logpo2)) ');
fprintf(fidlog, " Acceptation rate......: %f \n", jsux);
fprintf(fidlog, " Posterior mean........:\n");
for (size_t i = 0; i < npar; ++i)
VectorView mhpdColVw = mat::get_col(mhParamDraws, i);
fprintf(fidlog, " params: %d : %f \n", i+1, vec::meanSumMinMax(dsum, dmin, dmax, mhpdColVw));
MinMax(i, iMin) = dmin;
MinMax(i, iMax) = dmax;
} // end
fprintf(fidlog, " log2po: %f \n", vec::meanSumMinMax(dsum, dmin, dmax, mhLogPostDens));
fprintf(fidlog, " Minimum value.........:\n");;
for (size_t i = 0; i < npar; ++i)
fprintf(fidlog, " params: %d : %f \n", i+1, MinMax(i, iMin));
fprintf(fidlog, " log2po: %f \n", dmin);
fprintf(fidlog, " Maximum value.........:\n");
for (size_t i = 0; i < npar; ++i)
fprintf(fidlog, " params: %d : %f \n", i+1, MinMax(i, iMax));
fprintf(fidlog, " log2po: %f \n", dmax);
fprintf(fidlog, " \n");
jsux = 0;
LastParametersRow = mat::get_row(mhParamDraws, currInitSizeArray-1); //x2(end,:);
LastLogLiK(b-1) = mhLogPostDens(currInitSizeArray-1); //logpo2(end);
InitSizeArray(b-1) = std::min((size_t) nruns(b-1)-j, MAX_nruns);
// initialization of next file if necessary
if (InitSizeArray(b-1))
NewFile(b-1) = NewFile(b-1) + 1;
irun = 0;
} // end
} // end while % End of the simulations for one mh-block.
AcceptationRates(b-1) = sux/j;
OpenOldFile[b] = 0;
} // end % End of the loop over the mh-blocks.
mexPrintf(" put Var record.AcceptationRates \n");
if (mexPutVariable("caller", "record.AcceptationRates", AcceptationRatesPtr))
mexPrintf("MH Warning: due to error record.AcceptationRates is NOT set !! \n");
//else mexPrintf(" record.AcceptationRates is now set !! \n");
if (mexPutVariable("caller", "record.LastParameters", mxLastParametersPtr))
mexPrintf("MH Warning: due to error record.MhParamDraw is NOT set !! \n");
if (mexPutVariable("caller", "record.LastLogLiK", mxLastLogLikPtr))
mexPrintf("MH Warning: due to error record.LastLogLiK is NOT set !! \n");
if (mexPutVariable("caller", "record.LastLogLiK2", mxLastLogLikPtr))
mexPrintf("MH Warning: due to error record.LastLogLiK is NOT set !! \n");
if (mexPutVariable("caller", "LastLogLiK3", mxLastLogLikPtr))
mexPrintf("MH Warning: due to error record.LastLogLiK is NOT set !! \n");
NewFileVw = NewFile;
if (mexPutVariable("caller", "NewFile", NewFileArrayPtr))
mexPrintf("MH Warning: due to error NewFile is NOT set !! \n");
// Cleanup
if (mxMhLogPostDensPtr)
mxDestroyArray(mxMhLogPostDensPtr); // delete log post density array
if (mxMhParamDrawsPtr)
mxDestroyArray(mxMhParamDrawsPtr); // delete accepted MCMC MH draws
// Close Bar
mexCallMATLAB(0, NULL, 1, waitBarLhs, "close");
// return last line run in the last MH block sub-array
return irun;
logMCMCposterior(const VectorConstView &estParams, const MatrixConstView &data, const std::string &mexext,
const size_t fblock, const size_t nBlocks, const VectorConstView &nMHruns, const MatrixConstView &D)
// Retrieve pointers to global variables
const mxArray *M_ = mexGetVariablePtr("global", "M_");
const mxArray *oo_ = mexGetVariablePtr("global", "oo_");
const mxArray *options_ = mexGetVariablePtr("global", "options_");
const mxArray *estim_params_ = mexGetVariablePtr("global", "estim_params_");
// Construct arguments of constructor of LogLikelihoodMain
char *fName = mxArrayToString(mxGetField(M_, 0, "fname"));
std::string resultsFileStem(fName);
std::string dynamicDllFile(fName);
dynamicDllFile += "_dynamic." + mexext;
size_t n_endo = (size_t) *mxGetPr(mxGetField(M_, 0, "endo_nbr"));
size_t n_exo = (size_t) *mxGetPr(mxGetField(M_, 0, "exo_nbr"));
size_t n_param = (size_t) *mxGetPr(mxGetField(M_, 0, "param_nbr"));
size_t n_estParams = estParams.getSize();
std::vector<size_t> zeta_fwrd, zeta_back, zeta_mixed, zeta_static;
const mxArray *lli_mx = mxGetField(M_, 0, "lead_lag_incidence");
MatrixConstView lli(mxGetPr(lli_mx), mxGetM(lli_mx), mxGetN(lli_mx), mxGetM(lli_mx));
if (lli.getRows() != 3 || lli.getCols() != n_endo)
mexErrMsgTxt("Incorrect lead/lag incidence matrix");
for (size_t i = 0; i < n_endo; i++)
if (lli(0, i) == 0 && lli(2, i) == 0)
else if (lli(0, i) != 0 && lli(2, i) == 0)
else if (lli(0, i) == 0 && lli(2, i) != 0)
double qz_criterium = *mxGetPr(mxGetField(options_, 0, "qz_criterium"));
double lyapunov_tol = *mxGetPr(mxGetField(options_, 0, "lyapunov_complex_threshold"));
double riccati_tol = *mxGetPr(mxGetField(options_, 0, "riccati_tol"));
size_t presample = (size_t) *mxGetPr(mxGetField(options_, 0, "presample"));
size_t console_mode = (size_t) *mxGetPr(mxGetField(options_, 0, "console_mode"));
size_t load_mh_file = (size_t) *mxGetPr(mxGetField(options_, 0, "load_mh_file"));
std::vector<size_t> varobs;
const mxArray *varobs_mx = mxGetField(options_, 0, "varobs_id");
if (mxGetM(varobs_mx) != 1)
mexErrMsgTxt("options_.varobs_id must be a row vector");
size_t n_varobs = mxGetN(varobs_mx);
std::transform(mxGetPr(varobs_mx), mxGetPr(varobs_mx) + n_varobs, back_inserter(varobs),
std::bind2nd(std::minus<size_t>(), 1));
if (data.getRows() != n_varobs)
mexErrMsgTxt("Data has not as many rows as there are observed variables");
std::vector<EstimationSubsample> estSubsamples;
estSubsamples.push_back(EstimationSubsample(0, data.getCols() - 1));
std::vector<EstimatedParameter> estParamsInfo;
fillEstParamsInfo(mxGetField(estim_params_, 0, "var_exo"), EstimatedParameter::shock_SD,
fillEstParamsInfo(mxGetField(estim_params_, 0, "var_endo"), EstimatedParameter::measureErr_SD,
fillEstParamsInfo(mxGetField(estim_params_, 0, "corrx"), EstimatedParameter::shock_Corr,
fillEstParamsInfo(mxGetField(estim_params_, 0, "corrn"), EstimatedParameter::measureErr_Corr,
fillEstParamsInfo(mxGetField(estim_params_, 0, "param_vals"), EstimatedParameter::deepPar,
EstimatedParametersDescription epd(estSubsamples, estParamsInfo);
// Allocate LogPosteriorDensity object
int info;
LogPosteriorDensity lpd(dynamicDllFile, epd, n_endo, n_exo, zeta_fwrd, zeta_back, zeta_mixed, zeta_static,
qz_criterium, varobs, riccati_tol, lyapunov_tol, info);
// Construct arguments of compute() method
Matrix steadyState(n_endo, 1);
mat::get_col(steadyState, 0) = VectorConstView(mxGetPr(mxGetField(oo_, 0, "steady_state")), n_endo, 1);
Vector estParams2(n_estParams);
estParams2 = estParams;
Vector deepParams(n_param);
deepParams = VectorConstView(mxGetPr(mxGetField(M_, 0, "params")), n_param, 1);
Matrix Q(n_exo);
Q = MatrixConstView(mxGetPr(mxGetField(M_, 0, "Sigma_e")), n_exo, n_exo, n_exo);
Matrix H(n_varobs);
const mxArray *H_mx = mxGetField(M_, 0, "H");
if (mxGetM(H_mx) == 1 && mxGetN(H_mx) == 1 && *mxGetPr(H_mx) == 0)
H = MatrixConstView(mxGetPr(mxGetField(M_, 0, "H")), n_varobs, n_varobs, n_varobs);
// Construct MHMCMC Sampler
RandomWalkMetropolisHastings rwmh(estParams2.getSize());
// Construct GaussianPrior drawDistribution m=0, sd=1
GaussianPrior drawGaussDist01(0.0, 1.0, -INFINITY, INFINITY, 0.0, 1.0);
// get Jscale = diag(bayestopt_.jscale);
const mxArray *bayestopt_ = mexGetVariablePtr("global", "bayestopt_");
Matrix Jscale(n_estParams);
Matrix Dscale(n_estParams);
//Vector vJscale(n_estParams);
VectorConstView vJscale(mxGetPr(mxGetField(bayestopt_, 0, "jscale")), n_estParams, 1);
for (size_t i = 0; i < n_estParams; i++)
Jscale(i, i) = vJscale(i);
blas::gemm("N", "N", 1.0, D, Jscale, 0.0, Dscale);
//sample MHMCMC draws and get get last line run in the last MH block sub-array
size_t lastMHblockArrayLine = sampleMHMC(lpd, rwmh, steadyState, estParams2, deepParams, data, Q, H, presample, info,
nMHruns, fblock, nBlocks, Dscale, drawGaussDist01, epd, resultsFileStem, console_mode, load_mh_file);
// Cleanups
for (std::vector<EstimatedParameter>::iterator it = estParamsInfo.begin();
it != estParamsInfo.end(); it++)
delete it->prior;
return lastMHblockArrayLine;
mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
if (nrhs != 7)
mexErrMsgTxt("logposterior: exactly seven arguments are required.");
if (nlhs != 1)
mexErrMsgTxt("logposterior: exactly one return argument is required.");
plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, 1, mxREAL);
// Check and retrieve the arguments
if (!mxIsDouble(prhs[0]) || mxGetN(prhs[0]) != 1)
mexErrMsgTxt("logposterior: First argument must be a column vector of double-precision numbers");
VectorConstView estParams(mxGetPr(prhs[0]), mxGetM(prhs[0]), 1);
if (!mxIsDouble(prhs[1]))
mexErrMsgTxt("logposterior: Second argument must be a matrix of double-precision numbers");
MatrixConstView data(mxGetPr(prhs[1]), mxGetM(prhs[1]), mxGetN(prhs[1]), mxGetM(prhs[1]));
if (!mxIsChar(prhs[2]))
mexErrMsgTxt("logposterior: Third argument must be a character string");
char *mexext_mx = mxArrayToString(prhs[2]);
std::string mexext(mexext_mx);
size_t fblock = (size_t) mxGetScalar(prhs[3]);
size_t nBlocks = (size_t) mxGetScalar(prhs[4]);
VectorConstView nMHruns(mxGetPr(prhs[5]), mxGetM(prhs[5]), 1);
assert(nMHruns.getSize() == nBlocks);
MatrixConstView D(mxGetPr(prhs[6]), mxGetM(prhs[6]), mxGetN(prhs[6]), mxGetM(prhs[6]));
//calculate MHMCMC draws and get get last line run in the last MH block sub-array
size_t lastMHblockArrayLine = logMCMCposterior(estParams, data, mexext, fblock, nBlocks, nMHruns, D);
*mxGetPr(plhs[0]) = (double) lastMHblockArrayLine;