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* Copyright © 2004 Ondra Kamenik
* Copyright © 2019 Dynare Team
* This file is part of Dynare.
* Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Dynare. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "gs_tensor.hh"
#include "sparse_tensor.hh"
#include "tl_exception.hh"
#include "kron_prod.hh"
#include "pascal_triangle.hh"
/* Constructor used for slicing fully symmetric tensor. It constructs the
dimensions from the partitioning of variables of fully symmetric tensor. Let
the partitioning be, for instance, (a,b,c,d), where (n_a,n_b,n_c,n_d)
are lengths of the partitions. Let one want to get a slice only of the part
of the fully symmetric tensor corresponding to indices of the form b²d³.
This corresponds to the symmetry a⁰b²c⁰d³. So, the dimension of the
slice would be also (n_a,n_b,n_c,n_d) for number of variables and
(0,2,0,3) for the symmetry. So we provide the constructor which takes
sizes of partitions (n_a,n_b,n_c,n_d) as IntSequence, and indices of
picked partitions, in our case (1,1,3,3,3), as IntSequence. */
TensorDimens::TensorDimens(const IntSequence &ss, const IntSequence &coor)
: nvs(ss),
nvmax(coor.size(), 0)
"Coordinates not sorted in TensorDimens slicing constructor");
TL_RAISE_IF(coor[0] < 0 || coor[coor.size()-1] >= ss.size(),
"A coordinate out of stack range in TensorDimens slicing constructor");
for (int i = 0; i < coor.size(); i++)
nvmax[i] = ss[coor[i]];
/* Number of unfold offsets is a product of all members of nvmax. */
TensorDimens::calcUnfoldMaxOffset() const
return nvmax.mult();
/* Number of folded offsets is a product of all unfold offsets within
each equivalence class of the symmetry. */
TensorDimens::calcFoldMaxOffset() const
int res = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < nvs.size(); i++)
if (nvs[i] == 0 && sym[i] > 0)
return 0;
if (sym[i] > 0)
res *= PascalTriangle::noverk(nvs[i]+sym[i]-1, sym[i]);
return res;
/* Here we implement offset calculation for folded general symmetry
tensor. The offset of a given sequence is calculated by breaking the
sequence to subsequences according to the symmetry. The offset is
orthogonal with respect to the blocks, this means that indexing within
the blocks is independent. If there are two blocks, for instance, then
the offset will be an offset within the outer block (the first)
multiplied with all offsets of the inner block (last) plus an offset
within the second block.
Generally, the resulting offset will be
ₛ ₛ
r = ∑ rᵢ· ∏ nⱼ
ⁱ⁼¹ ʲ⁼ⁱ⁺¹
where s is the number of blocks (getSym().num()), rᵢ is the offset
within the i-th block, and nⱼ is the number of all offsets in the j-th
In the code, we go from the innermost to the outermost, maintaining the
product in pow. */
TensorDimens::calcFoldOffset(const IntSequence &v) const
TL_RAISE_IF(v.size() != dimen(),
"Wrong input vector size in TensorDimens::getFoldOffset");
int res = 0;
int pow = 1;
int blstart = v.size();
for (int ibl = getSym().num()-1; ibl >= 0; ibl--)
int bldim = getSym()[ibl];
if (bldim > 0)
blstart -= bldim;
int blnvar = getNVX(blstart);
IntSequence subv(v, blstart, blstart+bldim);
res += FTensor::getOffset(subv, blnvar)*pow;
pow *= FFSTensor::calcMaxOffset(blnvar, bldim);
TL_RAISE_IF(blstart != 0,
"Error in tracing symmetry in TensorDimens::getFoldOffset");
return res;
/* In order to find the predecessor of index within folded generally
symmetric tensor, note, that a decrease action in i-th partition of
symmetric indices can happen only if all indices in all subsequent
partitions are zero. Then the decrease action of whole the index
consists of decrease action of the first nonzero partition from the
right, and setting these trailing zero partitions to their maximum
So we set iblock to the number of last partitions. During the
execution, block_first, and block_last will point to the first
element of iblock and, first element of following block.
Then we check for all trailing zero partitions, set them to their
maximums and return iblock to point to the first non-zero partition
(or the first partition). Then for this partition, we decrease the
index (fully symmetric within that partition). */
TensorDimens::decrement(IntSequence &v) const
TL_RAISE_IF(getNVX().size() != v.size(),
"Wrong size of input/output sequence in TensorDimens::decrement");
int iblock = getSym().num()-1;
int block_last = v.size();
int block_first = block_last-getSym()[iblock];
// check for zero trailing blocks
while (iblock > 0 && v[block_last-1] == 0)
for (int i = block_first; i < block_last; i++)
v[i] = getNVX(i); // equivalent to nvs[iblock]
block_last = block_first;
block_first -= getSym()[iblock];
// decrease the non-zero block
IntSequence vtmp(v, block_first, block_last);
FTensor::decrement(vtmp, getNVX(block_first));
// FGSTensor conversion from UGSTensor
/* Here we go through columns of folded, calculate column of unfolded,
and copy data. */
FGSTensor::FGSTensor(const UGSTensor &ut)
: FTensor(indor::along_col, ut.tdims.getNVX(), ut.nrows(),
ut.tdims.calcFoldMaxOffset(), ut.dimen()),
for (index ti = begin(); ti != end(); ++ti)
index ui(ut, ti.getCoor());
copyColumn(ut, *ui, *ti);
// FGSTensor slicing constructor from FSSparseTensor
/* Here is the code of slicing constructor from the sparse tensor. We
first calculate coordinates of first and last index of the slice
within the sparse tensor (these are lb and ub), and then we
iterate through all items between them (in lexicographical ordering of
sparse tensor), and check whether an item is between the lb and ub
in Cartesian ordering (this corresponds to belonging to the
slices). If it belongs, then we subtract the lower bound lb to
obtain coordinates in the this tensor and we copy the item. */
FGSTensor::FGSTensor(const FSSparseTensor &t, const IntSequence &ss,
const IntSequence &coor, TensorDimens td)
: FTensor(indor::along_col, td.getNVX(), t.nrows(),
td.calcFoldMaxOffset(), td.dimen()),
// set lb and ub to lower and upper bounds of indices
/* Here we first set s_offsets to offsets of partitions whose lengths
are given by ss. So s_offsets is a cumulative sum of ss.
Then we create lb to be coordinates of the possibly first index from
the slice, and ub to be coordinates of possibly last index of the
slice. */
IntSequence s_offsets(ss.size(), 0);
for (int i = 1; i < ss.size(); i++)
s_offsets[i] = s_offsets[i-1] + ss[i-1];
IntSequence lb(coor.size());
IntSequence ub(coor.size());
for (int i = 0; i < coor.size(); i++)
lb[i] = s_offsets[coor[i]];
ub[i] = s_offsets[coor[i]] + ss[coor[i]] - 1;
auto lbi = t.getMap().lower_bound(lb);
auto ubi = t.getMap().upper_bound(ub);
for (auto run = lbi; run != ubi; ++run)
if (lb.lessEq(run->first) && run->first.lessEq(ub))
IntSequence c(run->first);
c.add(-1, lb);
Tensor::index ind(*this, c);
TL_RAISE_IF(*ind < 0 || *ind >= ncols(),
"Internal error in slicing constructor of FGSTensor");
get(run->second.first, *ind) = run->second.second;
// FGSTensor slicing from FFSTensor
/* The code is similar to FGSTensor slicing from FSSparseTensor. */
FGSTensor::FGSTensor(const FFSTensor &t, const IntSequence &ss,
const IntSequence &coor, TensorDimens td)
: FTensor(indor::along_col, td.getNVX(), t.nrows(),
td.calcFoldMaxOffset(), td.dimen()),
if (ncols() == 0)
// set lb and ub to lower and upper bounds of indices
/* Same code as in the previous converting constructor */
IntSequence s_offsets(ss.size(), 0);
for (int i = 1; i < ss.size(); i++)
s_offsets[i] = s_offsets[i-1] + ss[i-1];
IntSequence lb(coor.size());
IntSequence ub(coor.size());
for (int i = 0; i < coor.size(); i++)
lb[i] = s_offsets[coor[i]];
ub[i] = s_offsets[coor[i]] + ss[coor[i]] - 1;
Tensor::index lbi(t, lb);
Tensor::index ubi(t, ub);
for (Tensor::index run = lbi; run != ubi; ++run)
if (lb.lessEq(run.getCoor()) && run.getCoor().lessEq(ub))
IntSequence c(run.getCoor());
c.add(-1, lb);
Tensor::index ind(*this, c);
TL_RAISE_IF(*ind < 0 || *ind >= ncols(),
"Internal error in slicing constructor of FGSTensor");
copyColumn(t, *run, *ind);
// FGSTensor conversion from GSSparseTensor
FGSTensor::FGSTensor(const GSSparseTensor &t)
: FTensor(indor::along_col, t.getDims().getNVX(), t.nrows(),
t.getDims().calcFoldMaxOffset(), t.dimen()), tdims(t.getDims())
for (const auto &it : t.getMap())
index ind(*this, it.first);
get(it.second.first, *ind) = it.second.second;
/* First we increment as unfolded, then we must monotonize within
partitions defined by the symmetry. This is done by
IntSequence::pmonotone(). */
FGSTensor::increment(IntSequence &v) const
TL_RAISE_IF(v.size() != dimen(),
"Wrong input/output vector size in FGSTensor::increment");
UTensor::increment(v, tdims.getNVX());
/* Return unfolded version of the tensor. */
FGSTensor::unfold() const
return std::make_unique<UGSTensor>(*this);
/* Here we implement the contraction
[r_xⁱzᵏ]_α₁…αγ₁…γₖ = [t_xⁱyʲzᵏ]_α₁…αᵢβ₁…βⱼγ₁…γₖ·[c]^β₁…βⱼ
More generally, xⁱ and zᵏ can represent also general symmetries.
The operation can be rewritten as a matrix product
where l is a number of columns in tensor with symmetry on the left
(i.e. xⁱ), and r is a number of columns in tensor with a symmetry
on the right (i.e. zᵏ). The code proceeds accordingly. We first
form two symmetries sym_left and sym_right, then calculate the
number of columns dleft=l and dright=r, form the Kronecker
product and multiply and add.
The input parameter i is the order of a variable being contracted
starting from 0. */
FGSTensor::contractAndAdd(int i, FGSTensor &out,
const FRSingleTensor &col) const
TL_RAISE_IF(i < 0 || i >= getSym().num(),
"Wrong index for FGSTensor::contractAndAdd");
TL_RAISE_IF(getSym()[i] != col.dimen() || tdims.getNVS()[i] != col.nvar(),
"Wrong dimensions for FGSTensor::contractAndAdd");
// set sym_left and sym_right to symmetries around i
/* Here we have a symmetry of this tensor and we have to set
sym_left to the subsymmetry left from the i-th variable and
sym_right to the subsymmetry right from the i-th variable. So we
copy first all the symmetry and then put zeros to the left for
sym_right and to the right for sym_left. */
Symmetry sym_left(getSym());
Symmetry sym_right(getSym());
for (int j = 0; j < getSym().num(); j++)
if (j <= i)
sym_right[j] = 0;
if (j >= i)
sym_left[j] = 0;
int dleft = TensorDimens(sym_left, tdims.getNVS()).calcFoldMaxOffset();
int dright = TensorDimens(sym_right, tdims.getNVS()).calcFoldMaxOffset();
KronProdAll kp(3);
kp.setUnit(0, dleft);
kp.setMat(1, col);
kp.setUnit(2, dright);
FGSTensor tmp(out.nrows(), out.getDims());
kp.mult(*this, tmp);
out.add(1.0, tmp);
/* Here we go through folded tensor, and each index we convert to index
of the unfolded tensor and copy the data to the unfolded. Then we
unfold data within the unfolded tensor. */
UGSTensor::UGSTensor(const FGSTensor &ft)
: UTensor(indor::along_col, ft.tdims.getNVX(), ft.nrows(),
ft.tdims.calcUnfoldMaxOffset(), ft.dimen()),
for (index fi = ft.begin(); fi != ft.end(); ++fi)
index ui(*this, fi.getCoor());
copyColumn(ft, *fi, *ui);
// UGSTensor slicing from FSSparseTensor
/* This makes a folded slice from the sparse tensor and unfolds it. */
UGSTensor::UGSTensor(const FSSparseTensor &t, const IntSequence &ss,
const IntSequence &coor, TensorDimens td)
: UTensor(indor::along_col, td.getNVX(), t.nrows(),
td.calcUnfoldMaxOffset(), td.dimen()),
if (ncols() == 0)
FGSTensor ft(t, ss, coor, td);
for (index fi = ft.begin(); fi != ft.end(); ++fi)
index ui(*this, fi.getCoor());
copyColumn(ft, *fi, *ui);
// UGSTensor slicing from UFSTensor
/* This makes a folded slice from dense and unfolds it. */
UGSTensor::UGSTensor(const UFSTensor &t, const IntSequence &ss,
const IntSequence &coor, TensorDimens td)
: UTensor(indor::along_col, td.getNVX(), t.nrows(),
td.calcUnfoldMaxOffset(), td.dimen()),
FFSTensor folded(t);
FGSTensor ft(folded, ss, coor, td);
for (index fi = ft.begin(); fi != ft.end(); ++fi)
index ui(*this, fi.getCoor());
copyColumn(ft, *fi, *ui);
// UGSTensor increment and decrement codes
/* Clear, just call UTensor static methods. */
UGSTensor::increment(IntSequence &v) const
TL_RAISE_IF(v.size() != dimen(),
"Wrong input/output vector size in UGSTensor::increment");
UTensor::increment(v, tdims.getNVX());
UGSTensor::decrement(IntSequence &v) const
TL_RAISE_IF(v.size() != dimen(),
"Wrong input/output vector size in UGSTensor::decrement");
UTensor::decrement(v, tdims.getNVX());
/* Return a new instance of folded version. */
UGSTensor::fold() const
return std::make_unique<FGSTensor>(*this);
/* Return an offset of a given index. */
UGSTensor::getOffset(const IntSequence &v) const
TL_RAISE_IF(v.size() != dimen(),
"Wrong input vector size in UGSTensor::getOffset");
return UTensor::getOffset(v, tdims.getNVX());
/* Unfold all data. We go through all the columns and for each we
obtain an index of the first equivalent, and copy the data. */
for (index in = begin(); in != end(); ++in)
copyColumn(*getFirstIndexOf(in), *in);
/* Here we return the first index which is equivalent in the symmetry
to the given index. It is a matter of sorting all the symmetry
partitions of the index. */
UGSTensor::getFirstIndexOf(const index &in) const
IntSequence v(in.getCoor());
int last = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < tdims.getSym().num(); i++)
IntSequence vtmp(v, last, last+tdims.getSym()[i]);
last += tdims.getSym()[i];
return index(*this, v);
/* Here is perfectly same code with the same semantics as in
FGSTensor::contractAndAdd(). */
UGSTensor::contractAndAdd(int i, UGSTensor &out,
const URSingleTensor &col) const
TL_RAISE_IF(i < 0 || i >= getSym().num(),
"Wrong index for UGSTensor::contractAndAdd");
TL_RAISE_IF(getSym()[i] != col.dimen() || tdims.getNVS()[i] != col.nvar(),
"Wrong dimensions for UGSTensor::contractAndAdd");
// set sym_left and sym_right to symmetries around i
/* Same code as in FGSTensor::contractAndAdd */
Symmetry sym_left(getSym());
Symmetry sym_right(getSym());
for (int j = 0; j < getSym().num(); j++)
if (j <= i)
sym_right[j] = 0;
if (j >= i)
sym_left[j] = 0;
int dleft = TensorDimens(sym_left, tdims.getNVS()).calcUnfoldMaxOffset();
int dright = TensorDimens(sym_right, tdims.getNVS()).calcUnfoldMaxOffset();
KronProdAll kp(3);
kp.setUnit(0, dleft);
kp.setMat(1, col);
kp.setUnit(2, dright);
UGSTensor tmp(out.nrows(), out.getDims());
kp.mult(*this, tmp);
out.add(1.0, tmp);