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* Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Dynare Team
* This file is part of Dynare.
* Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Dynare. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "Estimation.h"
#include "k_ord_dynare.h"
#include "kalman.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "disclyap_fast.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <cctype>
class DsgeLikelihood
double likelihood; // sum of vector of KF step log likelihoods
vector<double>* vll; // vector of KF step log likelihoods
Vector& a_init;//initial value of the state, usually set to 0.
GeneralMatrix& Q;// Kalman Matrices
GeneralMatrix& R;
GeneralMatrix& T;
GeneralMatrix& Z;
GeneralMatrix& Pstar;
GeneralMatrix& Pinf;
GeneralMatrix& H;
const GeneralMatrix& data;
GeneralMatrix& Y;
//GeneralMatrix& currentDataSubSample;
//int periodStart, periodEnd; // start and end of current sub sample
const int numPeriods;//=1; number of structural change periods
const int numVarobs; // number of observed variables in the observation vector at time t.
const int numTimeObs; // number of obsevations (vectors) in the time series
const int order;
const int endo_nbr;
const int exo_nbr;
const int nstatic;
const int npred;
const int nfwrd;
char *fName;
int presampleStart;
int kalman_algo; // type of kalman algorithm: multi- or uni-variate
int mode_compute;
int info;
double penalty;
int cost_flag;
const int number_of_observations;
const bool no_more_missing_observations;
const vector<int>& order_var;
const vector<int>& mfys;
const vector<int>& mf; // positions of observed variables in restricted state vector for likelihood computation.
Vector& xparam1; // all estimated parameters incl sderrs
const int num_dp; // number of deep parameters
Vector& deepParams; // estimated deep parameters subset of xparam1 only
const Vector& param_ub; // upper and lower bounds
const Vector& param_lb;
const vector<int>&pshape;
const Vector& p6;
const Vector& p7;
const Vector& p3;
const Vector& p4;
Vector& SteadyState;
Vector& constant;
GeneralParams& dynareParams;
//GeneralParams& parameterDescription;
GeneralParams& dr;
GeneralMatrix& aux; //= dynareParams.getMatrixField(string("restrict_aux"));
vector<int>&iv; //= dynareParams.getIntVectorField(string("restrict_var_list"));
vector<int>&ic; //= dynareParams.getIntVectorField(string("restrict_columns"));
GeneralMatrix& kstate;
GeneralMatrix& ghx;
GeneralMatrix& ghu;
DynamicModelDLL* dynamicDLLp;
Journal *journal;
KordpDynare* model;// to be initialised by high level calling function
Approximation* approx;
TwoDMatrix *llincidence;
TwoDMatrix *vCov;
//friend class BasicKalmanTask;
//BasicKalmanTask bkt;
//friend class KalmanUniTask;
//KalmanUniTask ukt;// univariate
// member functions
MexStructParam& SetDRModel(MexStructParam&params);
// void disclyap_fast(const GeneralMatrix &G, const GeneralMatrix & V, GeneralMatrix &X, double tol = 1e-16, int flag_ch=0);
GeneralMatrix& SolveDRkOrderPert();//calls k-order pert or whatever;
int dynareResolveDR(vector<int>&iv,vector<int>&ic,GeneralMatrix& aux); // returns int info, ys, and TT and RR Decision Rule
int SolveDRModel(const int endo_nbr, const int exo_nbr, const int nstatic, const int npred, int nfwrd);//int dr1(); // returns int info and updated dr
int updateQHparams();// updates Q and H matrices and deep parameters
int InitiateKalmanMatrices();
void DataPreparation(MexStructParam&params, const GeneralMatrix &data);
double KalmanFilter(double riccatiTol,bool uni);// calls Kalman
DsgeLikelihood( Vector& inA_init, GeneralMatrix& inQ, GeneralMatrix& inR,
GeneralMatrix& inT, GeneralMatrix& inZ, GeneralMatrix& inPstar, GeneralMatrix& inPinf,
GeneralMatrix& inH, const GeneralMatrix&inData, GeneralMatrix&inY,
const int INnumPeriods, // const int INnumVarobs, // const int INnumTimeObs,
const int INorder, const int INendo_nbr, const int INexo_nbr, const int INnstatic,
const int INnpred, const int INnfwrd, const int INnum_of_observations, const bool INno_more_missing_observations,
const vector<int>& INorder_var, const vector<int>& INmfys, const vector<int>& INmf,
Vector& INxparam1, const int INnum_dp, Vector& INdeepParams,
const Vector& INub, const Vector& INlb, const vector<int>&INpshape,
const Vector&INp6, const Vector&INp7, const Vector&INp3, const Vector&INp4,
Vector& INSteadyState, Vector& INconstant, GeneralParams& INdynareParams,
//GeneralParams& parameterDescription,
GeneralParams& INdr, GeneralMatrix& INkstate, GeneralMatrix& INghx, GeneralMatrix& INghu,
GeneralMatrix& aux, vector<int>&iv, vector<int>&ic
,const int jcols, const char *dfExt); //, KordpDynare& inModel, Approximation& INapprox );
DsgeLikelihood( const Vector&params,const GeneralMatrix&data, const vector<int>& data_index, const int gend,
const int number_of_observations, const bool no_more_missing_observations);//, KordpDynare& model ); // constructor, and
DsgeLikelihood( GeneralParams& options_,GeneralParams& M_,GeneralParams& bayestopt_, GeneralMatrix& inData,
KordpDynare& model); // constructor
~DsgeLikelihood();// destructor
double CalcLikelihood(Vector& xparams);// runs all routines needed to calculate likelihood
double getLik(){return likelihood;}
int getInfo(){return info;}
int getCostFlag(){return cost_flag;}
Vector& getSteadyState(){ return SteadyState;}
vector<double>& getLikVector() {return *vll;} // vector of log likelihoods for each Kalman step
//GeneralMatrix&lyapunov_symm(const GeneralMatrix &G, const GeneralMatrix & V);