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! Solves a system of nonlinear equation with the trust region method
! Implementation heavily inspired from the hybrj function from MINPACK
! Copyright © 2019-2021 Dynare Team
! This file is part of Dynare.
! Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
! (at your option) any later version.
! Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
! GNU General Public License for more details.
! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
! along with Dynare. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
module trust_region
use iso_fortran_env
use lapack
implicit none
public :: trust_region_solve
subroutine trust_region_solve(x, f, info, tolx, tolf, maxiter, factor)
real(real64), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: x ! On entry: guess value; on exit: solution
subroutine f(x1, fvec, fjac)
use iso_fortran_env
real(real64), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x1
real(real64), dimension(size(x)), intent(out) :: fvec
real(real64), dimension(size(x),size(x)), intent(out), optional :: fjac
end subroutine f
end interface
! Exit code:
! -1 = initial guess is a solution of the nonlinear system of equations
! 0 = nonlinear system of equations ill-behaved at the initial guess
! 1 = success (relative error between two consecutive iterates is at most tolx)
! 2 = maximum number of iterations reached
! 3 = spurious convergence (trust region radius is too small)
! 4 = iteration is not making good progress, as measured by the improvement from the last maxslowiter iterations
! 5 = tolx is too small, no further improvement of the approximate solution x is possible
integer, intent(out) :: info
real(real64), intent(in), optional :: tolx, tolf ! Tolerances in x and f
integer, intent(in), optional :: maxiter ! Maximum number of iterations
real(real64), intent(in), optional :: factor ! Used in determining the initial step bound.
real(real64) :: tolx_actual, tolf_actual
integer :: maxiter_actual
real(real64) :: factor_actual
integer, parameter :: maxslowiter = 15 ! Maximum number of consecutive iterations with slow progress
real(real64), parameter :: macheps = epsilon(x)
real(real64) :: delta ! Radius of the trust region
real(real64), dimension(size(x)) :: fvec ! Current function value
real(real64) :: fn ! Norm of the current function value
real(real64), dimension(size(x)) :: jcn, dg ! Jacobian column-norms and rescaling factors
real(real64), dimension(size(x), size(x)) :: fjac ! Jacobian matrix
real(real64), dimension(size(x)) :: gn ! Gauss-Newton direction
logical :: recompute_gn ! Whether to recompute Gauss-Newton direction at next dogleg
integer :: niter ! Current iteration
integer :: ncsucc ! Number of consecutive successful iterations
integer :: ncslow ! Number of consecutive iterations with slow progress
! Initialize variables associated to optional arguments
if (present(tolx)) then
tolx_actual = tolx
tolx_actual = 1e-6_real64
end if
if (present(tolf)) then
tolf_actual = tolf
tolf_actual = 1e-6_real64
end if
if (present(maxiter)) then
maxiter_actual = maxiter
maxiter_actual = 50
end if
if (present(factor)) then
factor_actual = factor
factor_actual = 100.0_real64
end if
niter = 1
ncsucc = 0
ncslow = 0
info = 0
! Initial function evaluation
call f_and_update_norms
! Test if the nonlinear system of equations is well behaved at the initial guess.
if (any(isnan(fvec))) return
if (any(isnan(fjac))) return
! Do not iterate if the initial guess is a solution of the nonlinear system of equations.
if (norm2(fvec)<tolf_actual) then
info = -1
end if
! Exit loop if info is nonzero
if (info /= 0) exit
! Compute scaling factors
if (niter == 1) then
where (jcn /= 0)
dg = jcn
dg = 1
end where
! Rescale adaptatively
! MINPACK uses dg=max(dg, jcn), but this means that scale factors
! will never decrease, which can be bad if the Jacobian at initial
! guess has large columns that later decrease
dg = max(0.1_real64 * dg, jcn)
end if
! Declare variables that are not kept across iterations
real(real64) :: xnorm ! Norm of rescaled x
real(real64), dimension(size(x)) :: p ! Candidate increment computed by dogleg
real(real64) :: pnorm ! Norm of rescaled p
real(real64), dimension(size(x)) :: x2 ! Candidate x for next iteration
real(real64), dimension(size(x)) :: fvec2 ! Candidate function values
real(real64) :: fn2 ! Norm of the candidate function values
real(real64), dimension(size(x)) :: w ! Candidate in the approximated linear model
real(real64) :: actred, prered, ratio ! Actual and predicted reduction, and their ratio
xnorm = norm2(dg * x)
if (niter == 1) then
if (xnorm > 0) then
delta = xnorm
delta = 1
end if
delta = delta*factor
end if
! Get trust-region model (dogleg) minimizer
call dogleg(fjac, fvec, dg, delta, p, gn, recompute_gn)
recompute_gn = .false.
p = -p
pnorm = norm2(dg * p)
! Compute candidate point x2 and function value there
x2 = x + p
call f(x2, fvec2)
fn2 = norm2(fvec2)
! Test for convergence
if (fn2 .lt. tolf_actual) then
x = x2
info = 1
end if
! Actual reduction
if (fn2 < fn) then
actred = 1 - (fn2/fn)**2
actred = -1
end if
! Predicted reduction
! Could be replaced by t => norm2(fvec + matmul(fjac, p))
! First, compute w = fvec + fjac·p
associate (n => int(size(x), blint))
w = fvec
call dgemv("N", n, n, 1._real64, fjac, n, p, 1_blint, 1._real64, w, 1_blint)
end associate
associate (t => norm2(w))
if (t < fn) then
prered = 1 - (t/fn)**2
prered = 0
end if
end associate
! Ratio
if (prered > 0) then
ratio = actred / prered
ratio = 0
end if
! Update delta
if (niter == 1) delta = min(delta, pnorm) ! On 1st iteration, adjust radius
if (ratio < 0.1_real64) then ! Failed iteration
delta = delta / 2
ncsucc = 0
else ! Successful iteration
ncsucc = ncsucc + 1
if (abs(1-ratio) <= 0.1_real64) then
delta = 2*pnorm
else if (ratio >= 0.5_real64 .or. ncsucc > 1) then
delta = max(delta, 2*pnorm)
end if
end if
! If successful iteration, move x and update various variables
if (ratio >= 1e-4_real64) then
x = x2
call f_and_update_norms
xnorm = norm2(dg * x)
end if
! Determine progress of the iteration
ncslow = ncslow + 1
if (actred >= 0.001_real64) ncslow = 0
! Increment iteration counter and exit if maximum reached
niter = niter + 1
if (niter == maxiter_actual) then
info = 2
end if
if (delta <= tolx_actual*xnorm) then
info = 3
end if
! Tests for termination and stringent tolerances
if (max(0.1_real64*delta, pnorm) <= 10*epsilon(xnorm)*xnorm) then
info = 5
end if
if (ncslow == maxslowiter) info = 4
end block
end do
! Given x, updates fvec, fjac, fn and jcn
subroutine f_and_update_norms
integer :: i
call f(x, fvec, fjac)
recompute_gn = .true.
fn = norm2(fvec)
do i = 1, size(jcn)
jcn(i) = norm2(fjac(:, i))
end do
end subroutine f_and_update_norms
end subroutine trust_region_solve
! Solve the double dogleg trust-region least-squares problem:
! Minimize ‖r·xb‖₂ subject to the constraint ‖d.*x‖ ≤ delta (where “.*”
! designates element-by-element multiplication),
! x is a convex combination of the Gauss-Newton and scaled gradient
subroutine dogleg(r, b, d, delta, x, gn, recompute_gn)
! The arrays used in BLAS/LAPACK calls are required to be contiguous, to
! avoid temporary copies before calling BLAS/LAPACK.
real(real64), dimension(:), contiguous, intent(in) :: b
real(real64), dimension(:), intent(in) :: d
real(real64), dimension(:,:), contiguous, intent(in) :: r
real(real64), intent(in) :: delta ! Radius of the trust region
real(real64), dimension(:), intent(out) :: x ! Solution of the problem
real(real64), dimension(:), contiguous, intent(inout) :: gn ! Gauss-Newton direction
logical, intent(in) :: recompute_gn ! Whether to re-compute Gauss-Newton direction
integer(blint) :: n
n = size(x)
if (size(b) /= n .or. size(d) /= n .or. size(r, 1) /= n .or. size(r, 2) /= n) &
error stop "Inconsistent dimensions"
! Compute Gauss-Newton direction: gn = r⁻¹·b
if (recompute_gn) then
real(real64), dimension(size(x), size(x)) :: r_plu
integer(blint), dimension(size(x)) :: ipiv
integer(blint) :: info
gn = b
r_plu = r
call dgesv(n, 1_blint, r_plu, n, ipiv, gn, n, info)
! TODO: use same trick as NLSolve.jl in case of singularity
if (info /= 0) error stop "LAPACK dgesv error"
end block
end if
associate (xn => norm2(d*gn))
if (xn <= delta) then
x = gn
! Gauss-Newton direction is too big, get scaled gradient
real(real64), dimension(size(x)) :: s, t
real(real64) :: snm, alpha
! s = rᵀ·b ./ d
! Alternatively, could use: s = matmul(transpose(r), b) / d
call dgemv("T", n, n, 1._real64, r, n, b, 1_blint, 0._real64, s, 1_blint)
s = s / d
associate (sn => norm2(s))
if (sn > 0) then
! Normalize and rescale
s = s / sn / d
! Get the line minimizer in s direction
! t = r·s
! Alternatively, could use tn => norm2(matmul(r, s))
call dgemv("N", n, n, 1._real64, r, n, s, 1_blint, 0._real64, t, 1_blint)
associate (tn => norm2(t))
snm = sn / tn**2
if (snm < delta) then
! Get the dogleg path minimizer
associate (bn => norm2(b), dxn => delta/xn, snmd => snm/delta)
associate (tmp => (bn/sn) * (bn/xn) * snmd)
alpha = dxn*(1-snmd**2) / (tmp - dxn*snmd**2 + &
sqrt((tmp-dxn)**2 + (1-dxn**2)*(1-snmd**2)))
end associate
end associate
alpha = 0
end if
end associate
alpha = delta / xn
snm = 0
end if
end associate
x = alpha * gn + ((1-alpha) * min(snm, delta)) * s
end block
end if
end associate
end subroutine dogleg
end module trust_region