
485 lines
19 KiB

! Fortran 2018 interface for a subset of MEX functions
! For some functions, exposing the C interface directly is not convenient (e.g.
! when they use C strings, since those need to be null-terminated, or when they
! return pointers to arrays of doubles/chars/integers…). A more Fortran-ish
! interface is provided for those, using a small glue code.
! Things to be aware of when adding new interfaces this file:
! — The tricky part is to deal with API versioning.
! • API_VER is for functions which were not versioned before 9.4 (R2018a)
! • API_VER2 is for functions which were versioned _730 before 9.4 (R2018a)
! when not using the MX_COMPAT_32 mode
! For each function, the information can be retrieved from either matrix.h or
! mex.h from R2014a
! — C passes arguments by value, so the “value” keyword is often needed
! — Strings passed to C must be null terminated (hence a wrapper is needed to
! append c_null_char)
! — We follow the Fortran convention that indices start at one. Hence, when
! interfacing a function with a mwIndex argument, it is necessary to write
! a glue code that substracts one to the index
! — When writing glue code, using the pure C interface as a starting point:
! • remove the “use” declarations
! • remove the “value” keywords
! • convert input character arrays to character(kind=c_char, len=*)
! • Fortran array pointers returned by the glue code must be marked
! “contiguous” (which is always the case for C arrays). This will help the
! Fortran compiler better optimize the code (in some cases, this will avoid
! array copies)
! Copyright © 2019-2023 Dynare Team
! This file is part of Dynare.
! Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
! (at your option) any later version.
! Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
! GNU General Public License for more details.
! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
! along with Dynare. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# if MATLAB_VERSION >= 0x0904
# define API_VER "_800"
# define API_VER2 "_800"
# else
# define API_VER ""
# define API_VER2 "_730"
# endif
! Octave
# define API_VER ""
# define API_VER2 ""
#include "defines.F08"
!!! C Matrix API
!!! Listed in same order as https://fr.mathworks.com/help/matlab/cc-mx-matrix-library.html
module matlab_mat
use iso_fortran_env
use iso_c_binding
implicit none (type, external)
!! C Data Types
integer, parameter :: mwSize = c_size_t
integer, parameter :: mwIndex = c_size_t
integer, parameter :: mwSignedIndex = c_intptr_t
integer, parameter :: mxLogical = c_bool
integer, parameter :: mxComplexity = c_int
integer(mxComplexity), parameter :: mxREAL = 0
integer(mxComplexity), parameter :: mxCOMPLEX = 1
!! mxArray attributes
logical(c_bool) function mxIsNumeric(pm) bind(c, name="mxIsNumeric"//API_VER)
use iso_c_binding
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: pm
end function mxIsNumeric
logical(c_bool) function mxIsComplex(pm) bind(c, name="mxIsComplex"//API_VER)
use iso_c_binding
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: pm
end function mxIsComplex
integer(c_size_t) function mxGetNumberOfElements(pm) bind(c, name="mxGetNumberOfElements"//API_VER)
use iso_c_binding
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: pm
end function mxGetNumberOfElements
integer(c_size_t) function mxGetM(pm) bind(c, name="mxGetM"//API_VER)
use iso_c_binding
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: pm
end function mxGetM
integer(c_size_t) function mxGetN(pm) bind(c, name="mxGetN"//API_VER)
use iso_c_binding
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: pm
end function mxGetN
logical(c_bool) function mxIsEmpty(pm) bind(c, name="mxIsEmpty"//API_VER)
use iso_c_binding
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: pm
end function mxIsEmpty
!! Create, Query, and Access Data Types
! Numeric types
type(c_ptr) function mxCreateDoubleMatrix(m, n, ComplexFlag) bind(c, name="mxCreateDoubleMatrix"//API_VER2)
use iso_c_binding
import :: mwSize, mxComplexity
integer(mwSize), intent(in), value :: m, n
integer(mxComplexity), intent(in), value :: ComplexFlag
end function mxCreateDoubleMatrix
type(c_ptr) function mxCreateDoubleScalar(value) bind(c, name="mxCreateDoubleScalar"//API_VER)
use iso_c_binding
real(c_double), intent(in), value :: value
end function mxCreateDoubleScalar
! Noncomplex Float
logical(c_bool) function mxIsScalar(array_ptr) bind(c, name="mxIsScalar"//API_VER)
use iso_c_binding
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: array_ptr
end function mxIsScalar
real(c_double) function mxGetScalar(pm) bind(c, name="mxGetScalar"//API_VER)
use iso_c_binding
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: pm
end function mxGetScalar
logical(c_bool) function mxIsDouble(pm) bind(c, name="mxIsDouble"//API_VER)
use iso_c_binding
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: pm
end function mxIsDouble
type(c_ptr) function mxGetDoubles_internal(pm) bind(c, name="mxGetDoubles"//API_VER)
use iso_c_binding
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: pm
end function mxGetDoubles_internal
type(c_ptr) function mxGetPr_internal(pm) bind(c, name="mxGetPr"//API_VER)
use iso_c_binding
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: pm
end function mxGetPr_internal
! Noncomplex integer
type(c_ptr) function mxGetInt32s_internal(pa) bind(c, name="mxGetInt32s"//API_VER)
use iso_c_binding
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: pa
end function mxGetInt32s_internal
! Complex Float
type(c_ptr) function mxGetComplexDoubles_internal(pa) bind(c, name="mxGetComplexDoubles"//API_VER)
use iso_c_binding
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: pa
end function mxGetComplexDoubles_internal
type(c_ptr) function mxGetPi_internal(pm) bind(c, name="mxGetPi"//API_VER)
use iso_c_binding
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: pm
end function mxGetPi_internal
! Sparse
type(c_ptr) function mxCreateSparse(m, n, nzmax, ComplexFlag) bind(c, name="mxCreateSparse"//API_VER2)
use iso_c_binding
import :: mwSize, mxComplexity
integer(mwSize), intent(in), value :: m, n, nzmax
integer(mxComplexity), intent(in), value :: ComplexFlag
end function mxCreateSparse
logical(c_bool) function mxIsSparse(pm) bind(c, name="mxIsSparse"//API_VER)
use iso_c_binding
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: pm
end function mxIsSparse
type(c_ptr) function mxGetIr(pm) bind(c, name="mxGetIr"//API_VER2)
use iso_c_binding
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: pm
end function mxGetIr
type(c_ptr) function mxGetJc(pm) bind(c, name="mxGetJc"//API_VER2)
use iso_c_binding
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: pm
end function mxGetJc
! Nonnumeric types
type(c_ptr) function mxGetData(pm) bind(c, name="mxGetData"//API_VER)
use iso_c_binding
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: pm
end function mxGetData
! Character
logical(c_bool) function mxIsChar(pm) bind(c, name="mxIsChar"//API_VER)
use iso_c_binding
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: pm
end function mxIsChar
! Logical
logical(c_bool) function mxIsLogical(pm) bind(c, name="mxIsLogical"//API_VER)
use iso_c_binding
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: pm
end function mxIsLogical
logical(c_bool) function mxIsLogicalScalar(array_ptr) bind(c, name="mxIsLogicalScalar"//API_VER)
use iso_c_binding
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: array_ptr
end function mxIsLogicalScalar
type(c_ptr) function mxCreateLogicalScalar(value) bind(c, name="mxCreateLogicalScalar"//API_VER)
use iso_c_binding
import :: mxLogical
logical(mxLogical), intent(in), value :: value
end function mxCreateLogicalScalar
type(c_ptr) function mxGetLogicals_internal(array_ptr) bind(c, name="mxGetLogicals"//API_VER)
use iso_c_binding
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: array_ptr
end function mxGetLogicals_internal
! Object
logical(c_bool) function mxIsClass_internal(pm, classname) bind(c, name="mxIsClass"//API_VER)
use iso_c_binding
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: pm
character(c_char), dimension(*), intent(in) :: classname
end function mxIsClass_internal
! Structure
type(c_ptr) function mxCreateStructMatrix_internal(m, n, nfields, fieldnames) bind(c, name="mxCreateStructMatrix"//API_VER2)
use iso_c_binding
import :: mwSize
integer(mwSize), intent(in), value :: m, n
integer(c_int), intent(in), value :: nfields
type(c_ptr), dimension(*), intent(in) :: fieldnames
end function mxCreateStructMatrix_internal
logical(c_bool) function mxIsStruct(pm) bind(c, name="mxIsStruct"//API_VER)
use iso_c_binding
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: pm
end function mxIsStruct
type(c_ptr) function mxGetField_internal(pm, index, fieldname) bind(c, name="mxGetField"//API_VER2)
use iso_c_binding
import :: mwIndex
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: pm
integer(mwIndex), intent(in), value :: index
character(c_char), dimension(*), intent(in) :: fieldname
end function mxGetField_internal
subroutine mxSetField_internal(pm, index, fieldname, pvalue) bind(c, name="mxSetField"//API_VER2)
use iso_c_binding
import :: mwIndex
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: pm
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: pvalue
integer(mwIndex), intent(in), value :: index
character(c_char), dimension(*), intent(in) :: fieldname
end subroutine mxSetField_internal
integer(c_int) function mxGetNumberOfFields(pm) bind(c, name="mxGetNumberOfFields"//API_VER)
use iso_c_binding
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: pm
end function mxGetNumberOfFields
! Cell
logical(c_bool) function mxIsCell(pm) bind(c, name="mxIsCell"//API_VER)
use iso_c_binding
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: pm
end function mxIsCell
type(c_ptr) function mxGetCell_internal(pm, index) bind(c, name="mxGetCell"//API_VER2)
use iso_c_binding
import :: mwIndex
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: pm
integer(mwIndex), intent(in), value :: index
end function mxGetCell_internal
!! Delete and Duplicate mxArray
subroutine mxDestroyArray(pm) bind(c, name="mxDestroyArray"//API_VER)
use iso_c_binding
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: pm
end subroutine mxDestroyArray
type(c_ptr) function mxDuplicateArray(in) bind(c, name="mxDuplicateArray"//API_VER)
use iso_c_binding
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: in
end function mxDuplicateArray
!! Convert mxArray
! Character
type(c_ptr) function mxArrayToString_internal(array_ptr) bind(c, name="mxArrayToString"//API_VER)
use iso_c_binding
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: array_ptr
end function mxArrayToString_internal
end interface
! Some helper functions to make the interface more Fortran-ish
function mxGetDoubles(pm)
type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: pm
real(real64), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: mxGetDoubles
call c_f_pointer(mxGetDoubles_internal(pm), mxGetDoubles, [ mxGetNumberOfElements(pm) ])
end function mxGetDoubles
function mxGetPr(pm)
type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: pm
real(real64), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: mxGetPr
call c_f_pointer(mxGetPr_internal(pm), mxGetPr, [ mxGetNumberOfElements(pm) ])
end function mxGetPr
function mxGetInt32s(pa)
type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: pa
integer(int32), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: mxGetInt32s
call c_f_pointer(mxGetInt32s_internal(pa), mxGetInt32s, [ mxGetNumberOfElements(pa) ])
end function mxGetInt32s
function mxGetComplexDoubles(pa)
type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: pa
complex(real64), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: mxGetComplexDoubles
call c_f_pointer(mxGetComplexDoubles_internal(pa), mxGetComplexDoubles, [ mxGetNumberOfElements(pa) ])
end function mxGetComplexDoubles
function mxGetPi(pm)
type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: pm
real(real64), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: mxGetPi
call c_f_pointer(mxGetPi_internal(pm), mxGetPi, [ mxGetNumberOfElements(pm) ])
end function mxGetPi
function mxGetLogicals(array_ptr)
type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: array_ptr
logical(mxLogical), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: mxGetLogicals
call c_f_pointer(mxGetLogicals_internal(array_ptr), mxGetLogicals, [ mxGetNumberOfElements(array_ptr) ])
end function mxGetLogicals
logical(c_bool) function mxIsClass(pm, classname)
type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: pm
character(kind=c_char, len=*), intent(in) :: classname
mxIsclass = mxIsclass_internal(pm, classname // c_null_char)
end function mxIsClass
type(c_ptr) function mxCreateStructMatrix(m, n, fieldnames)
integer(mwSize), intent(in) :: m, n
character(kind=c_char, len=*), dimension(:), intent(in) :: fieldnames
character(kind=c_char, len=len(fieldnames)+1), dimension(size(fieldnames)), target :: fieldnames_zero ! Stores zero-terminated strings
type(c_ptr), dimension(size(fieldnames)) :: fieldnames_ptr ! C arrays of strings
integer :: i
do i = 1,size(fieldnames)
fieldnames_zero(i) = trim(fieldnames(i)) // c_null_char
fieldnames_ptr(i) = c_loc(fieldnames_zero(i))
end do
mxCreateStructMatrix = mxCreateStructMatrix_internal(m, n, size(fieldnames), fieldnames_ptr)
end function mxCreateStructMatrix
type(c_ptr) function mxGetField(pm, index, fieldname)
type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: pm
integer(mwIndex), intent(in) :: index
character(kind=c_char, len=*), intent(in) :: fieldname
mxGetField = mxGetField_internal(pm, index-1, fieldname // c_null_char)
end function mxGetField
subroutine mxSetField(pm, index, fieldname, pvalue)
type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: pm
type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: pvalue
integer(mwIndex), intent(in) :: index
character(kind=c_char, len=*), intent(in) :: fieldname
call mxSetField_internal(pm, index-1, fieldname // c_null_char, pvalue)
end subroutine mxSetField
type(c_ptr) function mxGetCell(pm, index)
type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: pm
integer(mwIndex), intent(in) :: index
mxGetCell = mxGetCell_internal(pm, index-1)
end function mxGetCell
function mxArrayToString(pm)
type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: pm
character(kind=c_char, len=:), allocatable :: mxArrayToString
character(kind=c_char), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: chararray
integer :: i
call c_f_pointer(mxArrayToString_internal(pm), chararray, [ mxGetNumberOfElements(pm) ])
! Convert the character array into a character scalar (of length > 1)
allocate(character(kind=c_char, len=size(chararray)) :: mxArrayToString)
do i=1,size(chararray)
mxArrayToString(i:i) = chararray(i)
end do
end function mxArrayToString
end module matlab_mat
!!! Listed in same order as https://fr.mathworks.com/help/matlab/call-mex-files-1.html
module matlab_mex
use matlab_mat
implicit none (type, external)
integer(c_int) function mexCallMATLAB_internal(nlhs, plhs, nrhs, prhs, functionName) bind(c, name="mexCallMATLAB"//API_VER)
use iso_c_binding
integer(c_int), intent(in), value :: nlhs, nrhs
type(c_ptr), dimension(*), intent(in) :: plhs, prhs
character(c_char), dimension(*), intent(in) :: functionName
end function mexCallMATLAB_internal
type(c_ptr) function mexCallMATLABWithTrap_internal(nlhs, plhs, nrhs, prhs, functionName) &
bind(c, name="mexCallMATLABWithTrap"//API_VER)
use iso_c_binding
integer(c_int), intent(in), value :: nlhs, nrhs
type(c_ptr), dimension(*), intent(in) :: plhs, prhs
character(c_char), dimension(*), intent(in) :: functionName
end function mexCallMATLABWithTrap_internal
subroutine mexErrMsgTxt_internal(msg) bind(c, name="mexErrMsgTxt"//API_VER)
use iso_c_binding
character(c_char), dimension(*), intent(in) :: msg
end subroutine mexErrMsgTxt_internal
subroutine mexErrMsgIdAndTxt_internal(id, msg) bind(c, name="mexErrMsgIdAndTxt"//API_VER)
use iso_c_binding
character(c_char), dimension(*), intent(in) :: id, msg
end subroutine mexErrMsgIdAndTxt_internal
subroutine mexPrintf_internal(message) bind(c, name="mexPrintf"//API_VER)
use iso_c_binding
character(c_char), dimension(*), intent(in) :: message
end subroutine mexPrintf_internal
end interface
! Some helper functions to make the interface more Fortran-ish
integer(c_int) function mexCallMATLAB(nlhs, plhs, nrhs, prhs, functionName)
integer(c_int), intent(in) :: nlhs, nrhs
type(c_ptr), dimension(*), intent(in) :: plhs, prhs
character(kind=c_char, len=*), intent(in) :: functionName
mexCallMATLAB = mexCallMATLAB_internal(nlhs, plhs, nrhs, prhs, functionName // c_null_char)
end function mexCallMATLAB
type(c_ptr) function mexCallMATLABWithTrap(nlhs, plhs, nrhs, prhs, functionName)
integer(c_int), intent(in) :: nlhs, nrhs
type(c_ptr), dimension(*), intent(in) :: plhs, prhs
character(kind=c_char, len=*), intent(in) :: functionName
mexCallMATLABWithTrap = mexCallMATLABWithTrap_internal(nlhs, plhs, nrhs, prhs, functionName // c_null_char)
end function mexCallMATLABWithTrap
subroutine mexErrMsgTxt(msg)
character(kind=c_char, len=*), intent(in) :: msg
call mexErrMsgTxt_internal(msg // c_null_char)
end subroutine mexErrMsgTxt
subroutine mexErrMsgIdAndTxt(id, msg)
character(kind=c_char, len=*), intent(in) :: id, msg
call mexErrMsgIdAndTxt_internal(id // c_null_char, msg // c_null_char)
end subroutine mexErrMsgIdAndTxt
subroutine mexPrintf(message)
character(kind=c_char, len=*), intent(in) :: message
call mexPrintf_internal(message // c_null_char)
end subroutine mexPrintf
! Same as mexPrintf(), but trims trailing whitespace, and adds a new line
subroutine mexPrintf_trim_newline(message)
character(kind=c_char, len=*), intent(in) :: message
call mexPrintf_internal(trim(message) // new_line(message) // c_null_char)
end subroutine mexPrintf_trim_newline
end module matlab_mex