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function [oo_, options_mom_, M_] = run(bayestopt_, options_, oo_, estim_params_, M_, options_mom_)
% function [oo_, options_mom_, M_] = run(bayestopt_, options_, oo_, estim_params_, M_, options_mom_)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% This function performs a method of moments estimation with the following steps:
% o Checking if required structures and options exist
% o Preparing local options_mom_ structure
% o Checking the options and the compatibility of the settings
% o Initializations of variables, orderings and state space representation
% o Checks and transformations for matched moments structure
% o Checks and transformations for estimated parameters, priors, and bounds
% o Checks and transformations for data
% o Checks for objective function at initial parameters
% o GMM/SMM: iterated method of moments estimation
% o GMM/SMM: J-Test and fit of moments%
% o Display of results
% o Clean up
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% This function is inspired by replication codes accompanied to the following papers:
% o Andreasen, Fernández-Villaverde, Rubio-Ramírez (2018): "The Pruned State-Space System for Non-Linear DSGE Models: Theory and Empirical Applications", Review of Economic Studies, 85(1):1-49.
% o Born, Pfeifer (2014): "Risk Matters: Comment", American Economic Review, 104(12):4231-4239.
% o Mutschler (2018): "Higher-order statistics for DSGE models", Econometrics and Statistics, 6:44-56.
% =========================================================================
% o bayestopt_: [structure] information about priors
% o options_: [structure] information about global options
% o oo_: [structure] storage for results
% o estim_params_: [structure] information about estimated parameters
% o M_: [structure] information about model with
% o matched_moments: [cell] information about selected moments to match in GMM/SMM estimation
% vars: matched_moments{:,1});
% lead/lags: matched_moments{:,2};
% powers: matched_moments{:,3};
% o options_mom_: [structure] information about settings specified by the user
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% o oo_: [structure] storage for results (oo_)
% o options_mom_: [structure] information about all (user-specified and updated) settings used in estimation (options_mom_)
% o M_: [structure] updated information about model
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% This function is called by
% o driver.m
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% This function calls
% o cellofchararraymaxlength
% o check_for_calibrated_covariances
% o check_prior_bounds
% o check_prior_stderr_corr
% o check_steady_state_changes_parameters
% o check_varobs_are_endo_and_declared_once
% o display_estimation_results_table
% o do_parameter_initialization
% o dyn_latex_table
% o dynare_minimize_objective
% o dyntable
% o get_all_parameters
% o get_dynare_random_generator_state
% o get_matrix_entries_for_psd_check
% o M_.fname '_prior_restrictions'
% o makedataset
% o mom.check_plot
% o mom.default_option_mom_values
% o mom.get_data_moments
% o mom.matched_moments_block
% o mom.objective_function
% o mom.optimal_weighting_matrix
% o mom.print_info_on_estimation_settings
% o mom.set_correct_bounds_for_stderr_corr
% o mom.standard_errors
% o plot_priors
% o prior_bounds
% o priordens
% o print_info
% o set_all_parameters
% o set_dynare_random_generator_state
% o set_prior
% o set_state_space
% o skipline
% o test_for_deep_parameters_calibration
% o warning_config
% =========================================================================
% Copyright © 2020-2023 Dynare Team
% This file is part of Dynare.
% Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with Dynare. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Maintaining Author(s):
% o Willi Mutschler (willi@mutschler.eu)
% o Johannes Pfeifer (johannes.pfeifer@unibw.de)
% =========================================================================
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% - document all options in manual
% - document analytic_jacobian better
% - make endogenous_prior_restrictions work
% - dirname option to save output to different directory not yet implemented
% - create test for prior restrictions file
% - add mode_file option
% - implement penalty objective
% - test optimizers
% - speed up pruned_state_space_system (by using doubling with old initial values, hardcoding zeros, other "tricks" used in e.g. nlma)
% - add option to use autocorrelations (we have useautocorr in identification toolbox already)
% - SMM with extended path
% - deal with measurement errors (once @wmutschl has implemented this in identification toolbox)
% - display scaled moments
% - enable first moments despite prefilter
% - do "true" Bayesian GMM and SMM not only penalized
fprintf('\n==== Method of Moments Estimation (%s) ====\n\n',options_mom_.mom.mom_method)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% checks if required structures exist
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if isempty(estim_params_) % structure storing the info about estimated parameters in the estimated_params block
if ~(isfield(estim_params_,'nvx') && (size(estim_params_.var_exo,1)+size(estim_params_.var_endo,1)+size(estim_params_.corrx,1)+size(estim_params_.corrn,1)+size(estim_params_.param_vals,1))==0)
error('method_of_moments: You need to provide an ''estimated_params'' block!')
error('method_of_moments: The ''estimated_params'' block must not be empty!')
if strcmp(options_mom_.mom.mom_method,'GMM') || strcmp(options_mom_.mom.mom_method,'SMM')
if ~isfield(M_,'matched_moments') || isempty(M_.matched_moments) % structure storing the moments used for GMM and SMM estimation
error('method_of_moments: You need to provide a ''matched_moments'' block for ''mom_method=%s''!',options_mom_.mom.mom_method)
if (~isempty(estim_params_.var_endo) || ~isempty(estim_params_.corrn)) && strcmp(options_mom_.mom.mom_method, 'GMM')
error('method_of_moments: GMM estimation does not support measurement error(s) yet. Please specify them as a structural shock!')
doBayesianEstimation = [estim_params_.var_exo(:,5); estim_params_.var_endo(:,5); estim_params_.corrx(:,6); estim_params_.corrn(:,6); estim_params_.param_vals(:,5)];
if all(doBayesianEstimation~=0)
doBayesianEstimation = true;
elseif all(doBayesianEstimation==0)
doBayesianEstimation = false;
error('method_of_moments: Estimation must be either fully Frequentist or fully Bayesian. Maybe you forgot to specify a prior distribution!')
if ~isfield(options_,'varobs')
error('method_of_moments: VAROBS statement is missing!')
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% options_mom_ structure
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% options_mom_ is local and contains default and user-specified values for
% all settings needed for the method of moments estimation. Some options,
% though, are set by the preprocessor into options_ and we copy these over.
% The idea is to be independent of options_ and have full control of the
% estimation instead of possibly having to deal with options chosen somewhere
% else in the mod file.
options_mom_ = mom.default_option_mom_values(options_mom_, options_, M_.dname, doBayesianEstimation);
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% workarounds
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% The TeX option crashes MATLAB R2014a run with "-nodisplay" option
% (as is done from the testsuite).
% Since we cant directly test whether "-nodisplay" has been passed,
% we test for the "source_root" environment variable, which is set
% by the testsuite.
% Note that it was not tested whether the crash happens with more
% recent MATLAB versions, so when OLD_MATLAB_VERSION is increased,
% one should make a test before removing this workaround.
if options_.TeX && ~isoctave && matlab_ver_less_than('8.4') && ~isempty(getenv('source_root'))
warning('Disabling TeX option due to a bug in MATLAB R2014a with -nodisplay')
options_.TeX = false;
if isfield(options_mom_, 'TeX') && options_mom_.TeX && ~isoctave && matlab_ver_less_than('8.4') && ~isempty(getenv('source_root'))
warning('Disabling TeX option due to a bug in MATLAB R2014a with -nodisplay')
options_mom_.TeX = false;
if strcmp(options_mom_.mom.mom_method,'GMM') || strcmp(options_mom_.mom.mom_method,'SMM')
% temporary workaround for https://git.dynare.org/Dynare/dseries/-/issues/51
if options_mom_.xls_sheet~=1
if ~isempty(options_mom_.xls_range)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% checks on settings
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if strcmp(options_mom_.mom.mom_method,'GMM') || strcmp(options_mom_.mom.mom_method,'SMM')
if numel(options_mom_.nobs) > 1
error('method_of_moments: Recursive estimation and forecast for samples is not supported. Please set an integer as ''nobs''!');
if numel(options_mom_.first_obs) > 1
error('method_of_moments: Recursive estimation and forecast for samples is not supported. Please set an integer as ''first_obs''!');
if options_mom_.order < 1
error('method_of_moments: The order of the Taylor approximation cannot be 0!')
if options_mom_.order > 2
fprintf('Dynare will use ''k_order_solver'' as the order>2\n');
options_mom_.k_order_solver = true;
if strcmp(options_mom_.mom.mom_method,'SMM')
if options_mom_.mom.simulation_multiple < 1
fprintf('The simulation horizon is shorter than the data. Dynare resets the simulation_multiple to 7.\n')
options_mom_.mom.simulation_multiple = 7;
if strcmp(options_mom_.mom.mom_method,'GMM')
% require pruning with GMM at higher order
if options_mom_.order > 1 && ~options_mom_.pruning
fprintf('GMM at higher order only works with pruning, so we set pruning option to 1.\n');
options_mom_.pruning = true;
if options_mom_.order > 3
error('method_of_moments: Perturbation orders higher than 3 are not implemented for GMM estimation, try using SMM!');
if options_mom_.mom.analytic_jacobian && ~strcmp(options_mom_.mom.mom_method,'GMM')
options_mom_.mom.analytic_jacobian = false;
fprintf('\n''analytic_jacobian'' option will be dismissed as it only works with GMM.\n');
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% initializations
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% create output directories to store results
% initialize options that might change
options_mom_.mom.compute_derivs = false; % flag to compute derivs in objective function (might change for GMM with either analytic_standard_errors or analytic_jacobian (dependent on optimizer))
options_mom_.mom.vector_output = false; % specifies whether the objective function returns a vector
% decision rule
oo_.dr = set_state_space(oo_.dr,M_,options_mom_); % get state-space representation
oo_.mom.obs_var = []; % create index of observed variables in DR order
for i = 1:options_mom_.obs_nbr
oo_.mom.obs_var = [oo_.mom.obs_var; find(strcmp(options_mom_.varobs{i}, M_.endo_names(oo_.dr.order_var)))];
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% matched_moments: checks and transformations
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if strcmp(options_mom_.mom.mom_method,'GMM') || strcmp(options_mom_.mom.mom_method,'SMM')
M_.matched_moments = mom.matched_moments_block(M_.matched_moments, options_mom_.mom.mom_method);
% Check if both prefilter and first moments were specified
first_moment_indicator = find(cellfun(@(x) sum(abs(x))==1,M_.matched_moments(:,3)))';
if options_mom_.prefilter && ~isempty(first_moment_indicator)
fprintf('Centered moments requested (prefilter option is set); therefore, ignore declared first moments in ''matched_moments'' block.\n');
M_.matched_moments(first_moment_indicator,:)=[]; %remove first moments entries
options_mom_.mom.mom_nbr = size(M_.matched_moments,1);
% Get maximum lag number for autocovariances/autocorrelations
options_mom_.ar = max(cellfun(@max,M_.matched_moments(:,2))) - min(cellfun(@min,M_.matched_moments(:,2)));
% Check that only observed variables are involved in moments
if ~isempty(not_observed_variables)
error('method_of_moments: You specified moments involving %s, but it is not a varobs!',M_.endo_names{oo_.dr.order_var(not_observed_variables)})
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% estimated parameters: checks and transformations on values, priors, bounds
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% set priors and bounds over the estimated parameters
[xparam0, estim_params_, bayestopt_, lb, ub, M_] = set_prior(estim_params_, M_, options_mom_);
number_of_estimated_parameters = length(xparam0);
hessian_xparam0 = []; % initialize hessian
% check if enough moments for estimation
if strcmp(options_mom_.mom.mom_method, 'GMM') || strcmp(options_mom_.mom.mom_method, 'SMM')
if options_mom_.mom.mom_nbr < length(xparam0)
error('method_of_moments: There must be at least as many moments as parameters for a %s estimation!',options_mom_.mom.mom_method);
% check if a _prior_restrictions.m file exists
if exist([M_.fname '_prior_restrictions.m'],'file')
options_mom_.prior_restrictions.status = 1;
options_mom_.prior_restrictions.routine = str2func([M_.fname '_prior_restrictions']);
% check on specified priors and penalized estimation (which uses Laplace approximated priors)
if strcmp(options_mom_.mom.mom_method,'GMM') || strcmp(options_mom_.mom.mom_method,'SMM')
bayestopt_orig = bayestopt_;
if any(bayestopt_.pshape > 0) % prior specified
if ~options_mom_.mom.penalized_estimator
fprintf('\nPriors were specified, but the penalized_estimator-option was not set.');
fprintf('\nDynare sets penalized_estimator to 1. Conducting %s with penalty.\n',options_mom_.mom.mom_method);
options_mom_.mom.penalized_estimator = 1;
bayestopt_ = mom.transform_prior_to_laplace_prior(bayestopt_);
% check for calibrated covariances before updating parameters
estim_params_ = check_for_calibrated_covariances(xparam0,estim_params_,M_);
% checks on parameter calibration and initialization
xparam_calib = get_all_parameters(estim_params_,M_); % get calibrated parameters
if ~any(isnan(xparam_calib)) % all estimated parameters are calibrated
estim_params_.full_calibration_detected = true;
estim_params_.full_calibration_detected = false;
if options_mom_.use_calibration_initialization % set calibration as starting values
if ~isempty(bayestopt_) && ~doBayesianEstimation && any(all(isnan([xparam_calib xparam0]),2))
error('method_of_moments: When using the use_calibration option with %s without prior, the parameters must be explicitly initialized!',options_mom_.mom.mom_method);
[xparam0,estim_params_] = do_parameter_initialization(estim_params_,xparam_calib,xparam0); % get explicitly initialized parameters that have precedence over calibrated values
% check initialization
if ~isempty(bayestopt_) && ~doBayesianEstimation && any(isnan(xparam0))
error('method_of_moments: Frequentist %s requires all estimated parameters to be initialized, either in an estimated_params or estimated_params_init-block!',options_mom_.mom.mom_method);
% set and check parameter bounds
if ~isempty(bayestopt_) && doBayesianEstimation
% plot prior densities
if ~options_mom_.nograph && options_mom_.plot_priors
if strcmp(options_mom_.mom.mom_method,'GMM') || strcmp(options_mom_.mom.mom_method,'SMM')
plot_priors(bayestopt_orig,M_,estim_params_,options_mom_,'Original priors'); % only for visual inspection (not saved to disk, because overwritten in next call to plot_priors)
plot_priors(bayestopt_,M_,estim_params_,options_mom_,'Laplace approximated priors');
clear('bayestopt_orig'); % make sure stale structure cannot be used
% set prior bounds
Bounds = prior_bounds(bayestopt_, options_mom_.prior_trunc);
Bounds.lb = max(Bounds.lb,lb);
Bounds.ub = min(Bounds.ub,ub);
% no priors are declared so Dynare will estimate the parameters with
% Frequentist methods using inequality constraints for the parameters
Bounds.lb = lb;
Bounds.ub = ub;
if options_mom_.mom.penalized_estimator
fprintf('Penalized estimation turned off as you did not declare priors\n')
options_mom_.mom.penalized_estimator = 0;
% set correct bounds for standard deviations and correlations
Bounds = mom.set_correct_bounds_for_stderr_corr(estim_params_,Bounds);
% test if initial values of the estimated parameters are all between the prior lower and upper bounds
if options_mom_.use_calibration_initialization
catch last_error
fprintf('Cannot use parameter values from calibration as they violate the prior bounds.')
% check for positive definiteness
estim_params_ = get_matrix_entries_for_psd_check(M_,estim_params_);
% set sigma_e_is_diagonal flag (needed if the shocks block is not declared in the mod file)
M_.sigma_e_is_diagonal = true;
if estim_params_.ncx || any(nnz(tril(M_.Correlation_matrix,-1))) || isfield(estim_params_,'calibrated_covariances')
M_.sigma_e_is_diagonal = false;
% storing prior parameters in results
oo_.mom.prior.mean = bayestopt_.p1;
oo_.mom.prior.mode = bayestopt_.p5;
oo_.mom.prior.variance = diag(bayestopt_.p2.^2);
oo_.mom.prior.hyperparameters.first = bayestopt_.p6;
oo_.mom.prior.hyperparameters.second = bayestopt_.p7;
% set all parameters
M_ = set_all_parameters(xparam0,estim_params_,M_);
% provide warning if there is NaN in parameters
if doBayesianEstimation
% warning if prior allows that stderr parameters are negative or corr parameters are outside the unit circle
% check value of prior density
[~,~,~,info]= priordens(xparam0,bayestopt_.pshape,bayestopt_.p6,bayestopt_.p7,bayestopt_.p3,bayestopt_.p4);
if any(info)
fprintf('The prior density evaluated at the initial values is Inf for the following parameters: %s\n',bayestopt_.name{info,1})
error('The initial value of the prior is -Inf!')
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% datafile: checks and transformations
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Build dataset
if strcmp(options_mom_.mom.mom_method,'GMM') || strcmp(options_mom_.mom.mom_method,'SMM')
% Check if datafile has same name as mod file
[~,name,~] = fileparts(options_mom_.datafile);
if strcmp(name,M_.fname)
error('method_of_moments: ''datafile'' and mod file are not allowed to have the same name; change the name of the ''datafile''!')
dataset_ = makedataset(options_mom_);
% set options for old interface from the ones for new interface
if ~isempty(dataset_)
options_mom_.nobs = dataset_.nobs;
% Check length of data for estimation of second moments
if options_mom_.ar > options_mom_.nobs+1
error('method_of_moments: Dataset is too short to compute higher than first moments!');
% Provide info on data moments handling
fprintf('Computing data moments. Note that NaN values in the moments (due to leads and lags or missing data) are replaced by the mean of the corresponding moment.\n');
% Get data moments for the method of moments
[oo_.mom.data_moments, oo_.mom.m_data] = mom.get_data_moments(dataset_.data, oo_.mom.obs_var, oo_.dr.inv_order_var, M_.matched_moments, options_mom_);
if ~isreal(dataset_.data)
error('method_of_moments: The data moments contain complex values!')
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% SMM: Get shock series fand set variance correction factor
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if strcmp(options_mom_.mom.mom_method,'SMM')
options_mom_.mom.long = round(options_mom_.mom.simulation_multiple*options_mom_.nobs);
options_mom_.mom.variance_correction_factor = (1+1/options_mom_.mom.simulation_multiple);
% draw shocks for SMM
if ~isoctave
smmstream = RandStream('mt19937ar','Seed',options_mom_.mom.seed);
temp_shocks = randn(smmstream,options_mom_.mom.long+options_mom_.mom.burnin,M_.exo_nbr);
temp_shocks_ME = randn(smmstream,options_mom_.mom.long,length(M_.H));
[state_u,state_n] = get_dynare_random_generator_state; %get state for later resetting
temp_shocks = randn(options_mom_.mom.long+options_mom_.mom.burnin,M_.exo_nbr);
temp_shocks_ME = randn(options_mom_.mom.long,length(M_.H));
set_dynare_random_generator_state(state_u,state_n); %reset state for later resetting
if options_mom_.mom.bounded_shock_support == 1
temp_shocks(temp_shocks>2) = 2;
temp_shocks(temp_shocks<-2) = -2;
temp_shocks_ME(temp_shocks_ME<-2) = -2;
temp_shocks_ME(temp_shocks_ME<-2) = -2;
options_mom_.mom.shock_series = temp_shocks;
options_mom_.mom.ME_shock_series = temp_shocks_ME;
if options_mom_.k_order_solver && ~options_mom_.pruning % dynare++ routines will be called in simult_.m, store some additional stuff
options_mom_.DynareRandomStreams.seed = options_mom_.mom.seed;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% checks for steady state at initial parameters
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% check if steady state solves static model and if steady-state changes estimated parameters
if options_mom_.steadystate.nocheck
steadystate_check_flag_vec = [0 1];
steadystate_check_flag_vec = [1 1];
[oo_.steady_state, info, steady_state_changes_parameters] = check_steady_state_changes_parameters(M_, estim_params_, oo_, options_mom_, steadystate_check_flag_vec);
if info(1)
fprintf('\nThe steady state at the initial parameters cannot be computed.\n')
print_info(info, 0, options_mom_);
if steady_state_changes_parameters && strcmp(options_mom_.mom.mom_method,'GMM') && options_mom_.mom.analytic_standard_errors
fprintf('For analytical standard errors, the parameter-Jacobians of the dynamic model and of the steady-state will be computed numerically,\n');
fprintf('because the steady-state changes estimated parameters. Option ''analytic_derivation_mode'' reset to -2.');
options_mom_.analytic_derivation_mode = -2;
% display warning if some parameters are still NaN
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% checks for objective function at initial parameters
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
objective_function = str2func('mom.objective_function');
% Check for NaN or complex values of moment-distance-funtion evaluated at initial parameters
if strcmp(options_mom_.mom.mom_method,'SMM') || strcmp(options_mom_.mom.mom_method,'GMM')
oo_.mom.Sw = eye(options_mom_.mom.mom_nbr); % initialize with identity weighting matrix
tic_id = tic;
[fval, info, ~, ~, ~, oo_, M_] = feval(objective_function, xparam0, Bounds, oo_, estim_params_, M_, options_mom_);
elapsed_time = toc(tic_id);
if isnan(fval)
error('method_of_moments: The initial value of the objective function with identity weighting matrix is NaN!')
elseif imag(fval)
error('method_of_moments: The initial value of the objective function with identity weighting matrix is complex!')
if info(1) > 0
disp('method_of_moments: Error in computing the objective function for initial parameter values')
print_info(info, options_mom_.noprint, options_mom_)
fprintf('Initial value of the moment objective function');
if strcmp(options_mom_.mom.mom_method,'SMM') || strcmp(options_mom_.mom.mom_method,'GMM')
fprintf(' with %4.1f times identity weighting matrix', options_mom_.mom.weighting_matrix_scaling_factor);
fprintf(': %6.4f \n\n', fval);
fprintf('Time required to compute objective function once: %5.4f seconds \n', elapsed_time);
catch last_error % if check fails, provide info on using calibration if present
if estim_params_.full_calibration_detected %calibrated model present and no explicit starting values
fprintf('There was an error in computing the moments for initial parameter values.\n')
fprintf('If this is not a problem with the setting of options (check the error message below),\n')
fprintf('you should try using the calibrated version of the model as starting values. To do\n')
fprintf('this, add an empty estimated_params_init-block with use_calibration option immediately before the estimation\n')
fprintf('command (and after the estimated_params-block so that it does not get overwritten):\n');
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% print some info to console
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
mom.print_info_on_estimation_settings(options_mom_, number_of_estimated_parameters);
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% GMM/SMM: iterated estimation
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if strcmp(options_mom_.mom.mom_method,'GMM') || strcmp(options_mom_.mom.mom_method,'SMM')
% compute mode
[xparam1, oo_, Woptflag] = mom.mode_compute_gmm_smm(xparam0, objective_function, oo_, M_, options_mom_, estim_params_, bayestopt_, Bounds);
% compute standard errors at mode
options_mom_.mom.vector_output = false; % make sure flag is reset
M_ = set_all_parameters(xparam1,estim_params_,M_); % update M_ and DynareResults (in particular to get oo_.mom.model_moments)
if strcmp(options_mom_.mom.mom_method,'GMM') && options_mom_.mom.analytic_standard_errors
options_mom_.mom.compute_derivs = true; % for GMM we compute derivatives analytically in the objective function with this flag
[~, ~, ~,~,~, oo_] = feval(objective_function, xparam1, Bounds, oo_, estim_params_, M_, options_mom_); % compute model moments and oo_.mom.model_moments_params_derivs
options_mom_.mom.compute_derivs = false; % reset to not compute derivatives in objective function during optimization
[stdh,hessian_xparam1] = mom.standard_errors(xparam1, objective_function, Bounds, oo_, estim_params_, M_, options_mom_, Woptflag);
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% checks for mode and hessian at the mode
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if options_mom_.mode_check.status
mode_check(objective_function, xparam1, hessian_xparam1, options_mom_, M_, estim_params_, bayestopt_, Bounds, true,...
Bounds, oo_, estim_params_, M_, options_mom_);
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% display final estimation results
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if strcmp(options_mom_.mom.mom_method,'SMM') || strcmp(options_mom_.mom.mom_method,'GMM')
% Store results in output structure
oo_.mom = display_estimation_results_table(xparam1,stdh,M_,options_mom_,estim_params_,bayestopt_,oo_.mom,prior_dist_names,options_mom_.mom.mom_method,lower(options_mom_.mom.mom_method));
% J test
oo_ = mom.Jtest(xparam1, objective_function, Woptflag, oo_, options_mom_, bayestopt_, Bounds, estim_params_, M_, dataset_.nobs);
% display comparison of model moments and data moments
mom.display_comparison_moments(M_, options_mom_, oo_.mom.data_moments, oo_.mom.model_moments);
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% clean up
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
fprintf('\n==== Method of Moments Estimation (%s) Completed ====\n\n',options_mom_.mom.mom_method)
%reset warning state
if isoctave && isfield(options_mom_, 'prior_restrictions') && ...
isfield(options_mom_.prior_restrictions, 'routine')
% Octave crashes if it tries to save function handles (to the _results.mat file)
% See https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?43215
options_mom_.prior_restrictions.routine = [];