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<h2><a name="_name"></a>PURPOSE <a href="#_top"><img alt="^" border="0" src="../up.png"></a></h2>
<div class="box"><strong>Copyright (C) 2001 Michel Juillard</strong></div>
<h2><a name="_synopsis"></a>SYNOPSIS <a href="#_top"><img alt="^" border="0" src="../up.png"></a></h2>
<div class="box"><strong>function rplot(s1) </strong></div>
<h2><a name="_description"></a>DESCRIPTION <a href="#_top"><img alt="^" border="0" src="../up.png"></a></h2>
<div class="fragment"><pre class="comment"> Copyright (C) 2001 Michel Juillard
RPLOT : RPLOT ( ['var1'; 'var2'; ...] )
This optionnal command creates the plot of the variable
trajectory. By default, the entire simulation period is
ploted. The instruction DSAMPLE permits to reduce the
number of periods in the plot.</pre></div>
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<h2><a name="_cross"></a>CROSS-REFERENCE INFORMATION <a href="#_top"><img alt="^" border="0" src="../up.png"></a></h2>
This function calls:
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This function is called by:
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<h2><a name="_source"></a>SOURCE CODE <a href="#_top"><img alt="^" border="0" src="../up.png"></a></h2>
<div class="fragment"><pre>0001 <span class="comment">% Copyright (C) 2001 Michel Juillard</span>
0002 <span class="comment">%</span>
0003 <a name="_sub0" href="#_subfunctions" class="code">function rplot(s1)</a>
0004 <span class="comment">% RPLOT : RPLOT ( ['var1'; 'var2'; ...] )</span>
0005 <span class="comment">% This optionnal command creates the plot of the variable</span>
0006 <span class="comment">% trajectory. By default, the entire simulation period is</span>
0007 <span class="comment">% ploted. The instruction DSAMPLE permits to reduce the</span>
0008 <span class="comment">% number of periods in the plot.</span>
0010 <span class="keyword">global</span> M_ oo_ options_
0012 rplottype = options_.rplottype;
0014 col = [<span class="string">'y'</span>,<span class="string">'c'</span>,<span class="string">'r'</span>,<span class="string">'g'</span>,<span class="string">'b'</span>,<span class="string">'w'</span>,<span class="string">'m'</span>] ;
0015 ix = [1 - M_.maximum_lag:size(oo_.y_simul,2)-M_.maximum_lag]' ;
0017 y = [];
0018 <span class="keyword">for</span> k=1:size(s1,1)
0019 <span class="keyword">if</span> isempty(strmatch(s1(k,:),M_.endo_names,<span class="string">'exact'</span>))
0020 error ([<span class="string">'One of the variable specified does not exist'</span>]) ;
0021 <span class="keyword">end</span>
0023 y = [y; oo_.y_simul(strmatch(s1(k,:),M_.endo_names,<span class="string">'exact'</span>),:)] ;
0024 <span class="keyword">end</span>
0026 <span class="keyword">if</span> options_.smpl == 0
0027 i = [M_.maximum_lag:size(oo_.y_simul,2)]' ;
0028 <span class="keyword">else</span>
0029 i = [options_.smpl(1)+M_.maximum_lag:options_.smpl(2)+M_.maximum_lag]' ;
0030 <span class="keyword">end</span>
0032 t = [<span class="string">'Plot of '</span>] ;
0033 <span class="keyword">if</span> rplottype == 0
0034 <span class="keyword">for</span> j = 1:size(y,1)
0035 t = [t s1(j,:) <span class="string">' '</span>] ;
0036 <span class="keyword">end</span>
0037 figure ;
0038 plot(ix(i),y(:,i)) ;
0039 title (t,<span class="string">'Interpreter'</span>,<span class="string">'none'</span>) ;
0040 xlabel(<span class="string">'Periods'</span>) ;
0041 <span class="keyword">if</span> size(s1,1) &gt; 1
0042 legend(s1,0);
0043 <span class="keyword">end</span>
0044 <span class="keyword">elseif</span> rplottype == 1
0045 <span class="keyword">for</span> j = 1:size(y,1)
0046 figure ;
0047 plot(ix(i),y(j,i)) ;
0048 title([<span class="string">'Plot of '</span> s1(:,j)]) ;
0049 xlabel(<span class="string">'Periods'</span>) ;
0050 <span class="keyword">end</span>
0051 <span class="keyword">elseif</span> rplottype == 2
0052 figure ;
0053 nl = max(1,fix(size(y,1)/4)) ;
0054 nc = ceil(size(y,1)/nl) ;
0055 <span class="keyword">for</span> j = 1:size(y,1)
0056 subplot(nl,nc,j) ;
0057 plot(ix(i),y(j,i)) ;
0058 hold on ;
0059 plot(ix(i),oo_.steady_state(j)*ones(1,size(i,1)),<span class="string">'w:'</span>) ;
0060 xlabel(<span class="string">'Periods'</span>) ;
0061 ylabel([s1(:,j)]) ;
0062 title([<span class="string">'Plot of '</span> s1(:,j)]) ;
0063 <span class="keyword">end</span>
0064 <span class="keyword">end</span>
0066 <span class="comment">% 02/28/01 MJ replaced bseastr by MATLAB's strmatch</span>
0067 <span class="comment">% 06/19/01 MJ added 'exact' to strmatch calls</span>
0068 <span class="comment">% 06/25/03 MJ correction when options_.smpl ~= 0</span>
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